Factors Affecting University Students' Satisfaction On Online Learning System

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Factors affecting university students’ satisfaction on online learning system

Conference Paper · October 2016


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3 authors:

Sharon Tan Francis Chuah

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College Universiti Utara Malaysia


Hiram Ting
UCSI University


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TAR UC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 17-18, 2016

[Theme A – Virtual Learning Environment and Technology]

[Oral Presentations]

Title: Factors affecting university students’ satisfaction on online

learning system

Sharon Tan*1, Francis Chuah2 and Hiram Ting3

Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College,
(E-mail: tans@acd.tarc.edu.my)
School of Business and Management, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
(E-mail: francischuah@uum.edu.my)
Institute of Borneo Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia.
(E-mail: hiramparousia@yahoo.co.uk)

This paper examines several internal and external factors affecting university students’ level of
satisfaction towards online learning system. Field data collected from 282 students from one of the
local management university. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The outcome of
the analysis suggests that the proposed factors are vital predictors for students’ level of satisfaction in
using university’s online learning system.

Keywords: interaction, internet self-efficacy, online-learning, self-motivation, satisfaction

Introduction: This study focuses on the of students’ characteristics on their level of

examination of several internal and external satisfaction towards the online learning system.
factors that influence students’ level of
satisfaction towards online learning system. To Research Problem: Rapid acceleration in
date, there has been plenty of research discussing technology has revolutionized traditional learning
about satisfaction towards online learning. These methods into an entirely new educational platform
studies however, are limited only towards and industry. These new technologies have
examining the satisfaction of students in relation profoundly enhanced learning experiences for
to their experience of going through an online both students and instructors with an array of tools
class. to facilitate engagement and motivation.

There has been limited study looking into the Traditional face-to-face education is no longer to
students’ satisfaction toward the system that was be considered as the only way to transfer
used during their enrollment in a particular online knowledge (Hiltz & Turoff, 2005). Studies reveal
course. that there is a growing tendency towards enrolling
in internet classes because of its simplicity and
Build on prior literature, this study proposed a benefit (Eom, Wen & Ashill, 2006; Allen &
research model that examines both the effect of Seaman, 2010).
internal factors (internet self-efficacy & self-
motivation) as well as external factor (interaction)
The simplicity and convenience of online iii) To determine that self-motivation
learning, nevertheless, does not come without a influences the satisfaction towards the
price. Billions are spent on building the systems online learning system.
that facilitate online learning. Notwithstanding the
total amount of time plus money spent in Research Methodology: This study was
developing the system, it does not necessarily conducted using undergraduate students from one
justify success, thus causing vast quantity of of the local management university in Malaysia.
losses. Given such consideration, it seems that Judgmental sampling was used such as that
constructing a great online learning system is no students who are eligible to respond to the
more inescapable. questionnaire must be at least second year
students. The underlying reason for such method
To measure the effectiveness as well as the is that these students had been exposed to at least,
usefulness of online learning system that warrant a one-year experience in using the university’s
the success of online learning system online learning system. Hence, these students are
implementation, Alavi, Wheeler & Valacich deemed to be good enough to provide their
(1995), as well as Graham & Scarborough (2001) thoughts and perception on the use of the
articulate that it is crucial to evaluate the level of university’s online learning system.
its users’ satisfaction.
Online questionnaires were used to collect data
Amidst the existence of a plethora of evidence from the target respondents. Students that were
documenting students’ satisfaction towards online keen to participate in this survey were given the
learning, such investigations only recorded on URL link directing them to the online
limited study area such as the content of the online questionnaire website. Answers were made
learning courses (i.e. the perception towards the compulsory in such a way that without completing
content of the course and the perception towards the questions in a particular page, students were
the structure of the course and how it affects the not allowed to proceed with the rest of the survey.
students’ satisfaction). For this reason, this study Given in this way, missing data was not an issue.
will focus on a crucial issue such as student’s
level of satisfaction towards the online learning The instruments used for this study derived from
system based on both internal and external factors, past literatures. Interactions were measured using
which have not been explored yet. a three dimensional scale developed by Kuo et al.,
(2014) which consisted of learner-learner
Objectives of the Study: The objective of interactions (4 items), learner instructor
this study is to examine a regression model for interactions (5 items), learner-content interactions
students’ satisfaction towards online learning (3 items). All three dimensions achieved
system involving student characteristics satisfactory reliability score of 0.731, 0.786 and
(interactions, internet self-efficacy and self- 0.794 respectively. The summated score of all
motivation). The proposed research model for this three dimensions was used for subsequent
study, is founded upon two earlier studies on analysis.
online learning satisfaction by Kuo, Walker,
Schroder & Belland (2014) and Eom et al., In a similar vein, internet self-efficacy was
(2006). Both studies examined the level of measured using a 5 items measure developed by
satisfaction towards online learning. This study Kuo et al., (2014) while self-motivation was
however, will examine the level of students’ assessed using a 2 item measure developed by
satisfaction towards the online learning system. Eom et al., (2006). Both measurements achieved
good reliability scores of 0.839 and 0.732
Specifically, this study would like to achieve the respectively.
following objectives:
Online learning system satisfaction, on the other
i) To determine that interaction influences hand, was measured using a 4 item measures
the satisfaction towards online learning derived from prior literature (Kuo et al., 2014 &
system Eom et al., 2006). The reliability score of the
measure was 0.812
ii) To determine that internet self-efficacy
influences satisfaction towards the online SPSS was used to assess the aforementioned
learning system objectives. Specifically, Pearson correlation and
multiple regression analysis were conducted to self-internet efficacy may be unable to perceive
assess the proposed relationship. the usage of specific complex functions embedded
in utilizing the online learning system in the
Results /Discussions: Prior to assessing the system which subsequently, leads to
relationship between each of the construct, we discouragement.
conducted Harman’s one single factor test to
address the issue of common method variance On the other hand, it was found that the level of
(CMV). The Harman one single factor test yields satisfaction of students towards the online
a result of 29% of variance explained for the first learning system is associated with the level of
factor. This percentage is lower than the threshold interaction that a student encounter while
value of 50% indicating that common method engaging with the online learning system.
variance is not an issue in this study. Notably, interesting functions and content
available on the online learning system as well as
Pearson correlation analysis was then conducted proactive interaction between learners and
to assess the association between each respective instructors through optimizing use of the function
construct. Results from the analysis suggest that available in the online learning system would
each of the constructs are significant associated warrant student satisfaction. The access to audio
with one another. Internet-self efficacy is and visual support executed in the online learning
moderately associated with student satisfaction (r system will lead to excitement in utilizing the
= .461). In the same vein, both interaction (r = online learning system as an instrument to transfer
.64) and self-motivation (r = .523) are found to be knowledge. These virtual classrooms will allow
moderately associated with student satisfaction. students to experience real life classroom
Given that the association between respective situations along with their instructors with the aid
construct is not high, it can be assumed that of such tools. As such, this will invariably
multicollinearity is not an issue in this study. enhance students’ level of satisfaction towards
online learning system.
Results from multiple regression analysis suggest
that the three predictors namely interaction, Subsequently, we also found that students’ self-
internet, self-efficacy and self-motivation motivation does influence their level of
explained 45% of variances in student satisfaction towards the online learning system. A
satisfaction. Self-motivation (ß= .176, t = 3.303), traditional assumption of motivation is viewed as
internet-self efficacy (ß = .131, t = 2.425) and self-determined and the level of engagement a
interaction (ß = .463, t = 7.741) are found to be student has with a system depends solely on that.
significantly associated with student satisfaction On the other hand, the level of satisfaction a
indicating that all the three predictors are focal student has towards online learning system
constructs in determining student satisfaction depends on their motivation to be engaged.
towards an online learning system. Among the Therefore, it is in the best interest for
three predictors, interaction was found to have the academicians to have a role in ensuring that
largest effect over student satisfaction followed by students are exposed to the benefits of using
self-motivation and internet self-efficacy. online learning system in the most effective way.
Such exposure will in turn facilitate students’
motivation and interest towards using the system.
Contributions of the study: This study
contributes to the body of knowledge in several
Institutions who are in the midst of implementing
ways. First, this study provides an assessment on
a platform for online learning, the findings of this
the factors influencing students’ satisfaction
study provide valuable insights into the way
towards online learning system. The use of both
students’ behavior towards online learning system
internal and external factors in the context of this
is potentially influenced by their characteristics.
study provide insight to the system developers
The success of implementing an online learning
such that while it is important to develop a good
system in education institutions should be in
online learning system, the provider and
accordance with student’s perception towards
developer of the system should show discernment
using a platform based on several mitigating
especially towards student’s ability in utilizing it.
factors. The proposed system should match the
students level of internet self-efficacy. Hence, it is
Systems that are too advanced might be a major
advisable that when deciding to implement the
issue for students who have low self-internet
online learning system, it would be best to re-look
efficacy. To some certain extent, pupils with low
at what is the perception of the students about the Satisfaction in University Online
soon-to-be implemented online learning system. Education: An Empirical
Matching the level of complication of the system Investigation*. Decision Sciences
alongside with the level of internet-self efficacy of Journal of Innovative Education, 4(2),
the student as well as monitoring the motivation of 215-235.
the student towards the online learning system and 4. Graham, M., & Scarborough, H. (2001).
the expectation towards the type of interaction Enhancing the learning environment for
that are to happen when using the online learning distance education students. Distance
system would warrant the success and satisfaction Education, 22(2), 232-244.
towards the online learning system 5. Hiltz, S. R., & Turoff, M. (2005).
Education goes digital: The evolution of
Conclusions: This study proposes a model online learning and the revolution in
that looks into mitigating factors that warrant higher education. Communications of the
students’ satisfaction towards online learning ACM, 48(10), 59-64.
system. Overall, all the proposed relationships 6. Kuo, Y. C., Walker, A. E., Schroder, K.
were found to be significant, indicating the E., & Belland, B. R. (2014). Interaction,
importance of considering these factors. Since Internet self-efficacy, and self-regulated
students are to be considered as the utmost learning as predictors of student
important user of the system, it is important to satisfaction in online education
revisit the determinants of their satisfaction courses. The Internet and Higher
towards the online system. The ability to identify Education, 20, 35-50.
factors determining their level of satisfaction is
crucial as this will lead to the overall
implementation success of the online learning
system. The findings of this study will also
provide relevant information for institutions to
eliminate online learning systems that are deemed
to be ineffective and implement one that is of

Figures/Display Elements:

Figure 1. Research model of the study

1. Alavi, M., Wheeler, B. C., & Valacich, J.
S. (1995). Using IT to reengineer
business education: An exploratory
investigation of collaborative
telelearning. MIS quarterly, 293-312.
2. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2010). Class
Differences: Online Education in the
United States, 2010. Sloan Consortium
3. Eom, S. B., Wen, H. J., & Ashill, N.
(2006). The Determinants of Students'
Perceived Learning Outcomes and

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