Indian Political Thought Course Details Course Title: Indian Political Thought
Indian Political Thought Course Details Course Title: Indian Political Thought
Indian Political Thought Course Details Course Title: Indian Political Thought
Course Details
Course Title: Indian Political Thought
Course Code BALAW Credits 4
L+T+P 3+1+0 Course Duration One Semester
Semester IV Contact Hours 45 (L) + 15 (T) Hours
Methods of Lecture, Tutorials, Group discussion; Self-Study, Presentations by
Content Students, Class assignments.
Assessment and 30% - Continuous Internal Assessment (Formative in nature but
Evaluation also contributing to the final grades)
70% - End Term External Examination (University Examination)
Course Objectives
• To provide to the students the foundational knowledge about the Indian political
thinking and its various phases of evolution.
• To help the students understand concepts and ideological constructs of Indian thinkers.
• To help them understand socio-political ideas of prominent political thinkers of India.
• To help the students to correlate the debate with contemporary political-legal
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course the students should be able to:
Understand the socio-political background and its relationship with the evolution and
development of political thinking in India
Analyse the socio-political ideas of prominent Indian political thinkers and its
applicability in the political constitutional/legal field.
Understand the relevance of Indian political ideas in contemporary times
Compare and contrast some of the relevant concepts in Indian political thinking with the
Western political ideas.
Course Contents
UNIT I: Introduction to Indian Political Thought (15 % Weightage)
Meaning of Political Thought
Political Thought in India
Socio-political background to the evolution of political thought in India
UNIT III: Modern Indian Political Thought: Early Liberals (15 % Weightage)
Ram Mohun Roy
Gopal Krishan Gokhale
Syed Ahmed Khan
Lecture cum
(Each session of
1 Hour)
29-30 Jay Prakash Narayan
M.N. Roy
Jawaharlal Nehru
34-35 M.K. Gandhi
36-39 Rabindranath Tagore
B.R. Ambedkar
15 Hours Tutorials
Suggested References:
Singh, M. P and Roy, Himanshu. Eds. (2011). Indian Political Thought: Themes and
Thinkers. New Delhi: Pearson.
Chandra, Bipan. (2011). Essays on Indian nationalism. New Delhi: Har Anand
Padhy, K. S. (2011). Indian political thought. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Ltd.
Mehta, V.R., & Pantham, Thomas. (Ed.) (2006). Political ideas in modern India:
thematic explorations. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Verma, Vishwanath Prasad. (1971). Modern Indian political thought. Agra:
Lakshami Narayan Agarwal.
Singh, Akash, Mohapatra, Silka. (2010). Indian political thought: A reader. New
Delhi: Routledge.
Chakrabarty, Bidyut, & Pandey, Rajendra Kumar. (2009). Modern Indian political
thought: text and context. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Pantham, Thomas, & Deatsch, Kennath L. (Eds.). (1986). Political thought in
modern India. New Delhi: Sage Publication.
Appadorai, A. (1971). Indian political thinking in the twentieth century. London: