Bay Area Retired School Personnel: Greetings Bay and Midland County Retirees!
Bay Area Retired School Personnel: Greetings Bay and Midland County Retirees!
Bay Area Retired School Personnel: Greetings Bay and Midland County Retirees!
Dee Bishop; 989-450-2545; P.O. Box 1112, Bay City, MI 48706
Dee Bishop Ron Hildinger Nancy Yurgaites. October 2021– Kathy Bremer, Mary Moskal,
LouAnn Thompson
Cindy Bosco Bill Jones
November 2021– Lois Gottleber, Joan and Ron
Phil Bosco Marion Jones *Please note the Hildinger
increase to $12.00.
Kathy Bremer Carl Learman
If you prepaid you do
Kay Bridenbaugh Kathy McMillan not need to pay the
Charley Brown Ardith Reszke additional cost this
Shirley Clemens Charles Rochow
Diane Cooley Mary San Clemente
Carl Learman Please turn in all information for
Kathy Cull Florine Shutkowski
the OCTOBER issue of the
Sandra DeWaele Barbara Skowronski BARSP newsletter to
Mary Ida Doan Bob Sporman
Rika Smith
Mary Garcia Sylvia Sporman September 16
Marty Gilkey Gary Tusciuk
Lois Gottleber Vonnie Tusciuk
Positions for BARSP Program Chair—Ardith Reszke
Chapter Legislative Ambassador and Chairman— Past President—Barb Skowronski
Elaine Kirkpatrick
Newsletter Editors– Kathy Cull and Rika Smith
Chapter Health Insurance Chairman—Sue Post
Grants Chair– Grace Chevalier
Chapter Membership Chairman—Becky MacMillan
Cheer and Courtesy– Sandy DeWaele
Chapter Online Facilitator—Phil and Sandy Paulus
Recruitment and Nominations– Bill Jones
(email, Facebook)
Greeters– JoAnn VanOver
Chapter Secretary—Nancy Yurgaites
Chapter Treasurer—Connie Frank (at present)
Chapter Vice-President (President Elect)—
Chapter President—Dee (Helen) Bishop 2021-
Board Directors—Need 3
Mailing—Bill Jones and Charlie Brown
Historian—Need 2-3
Membership Committee—Need 4-6
Lunch Reservations—Carl Learman *Need 1 to
begin taking over
A. Called to order by President Elect at 12:15 p.m. First 5. MISCELLANEOUS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED
order of business was the official resignation of a. Out-reach person
Barbara Skowronski as President as of 7-13-21. Connie b. BARSP e-mail
Frank’s resignation will be official 9-1-2021. Upon res-
ignation of Barb, Dee Bishop is new acting President 6. MOTIONS MOVED, SECONDED AND PASSED TO
as of July 13, 2021 and Bill Jones will be contacting REFLECT DISCUSSIONS HELD AND DECISIONS MADE
members to fill treasurer and VP offices.
B. Next on the agenda were discussions on several a. It was moved by Barb that a committee be formed to
topics as follows: review and revise current By-Laws and that the number
1. MEMBERSHIP on Board of Directors be increased to seven which would
a. Recruiting new members as well as encourag- include our four officers, if approved by MARSP. Job de-
ing the attendance of present members, also past scriptions of new board members would be included in By-
retirees who held all types of support staff positions Laws. Seconded by Connie. Motion passed.
b. Presently looking for another venue to hold b. To set Calendar for the Year:
luncheon meetings that would be convenient for all 1. It was moved by Connie and seconded by Barb
Bay Area retirees to attend, such as Midland retir- that the BARSP Luncheon meetings on Mondays,
ees. Sept. 13th, October 11th, and November 8th, be held at
c. Recruiting new retirees – perk would be a paid the Marriott Hotel, 2 E. Main Street, Bay City, Michigan
lunch at meeting. As discussion continued, more at 11:00 a.m. Motion approved.
factors were included in this paid meal. 2. Dee moved we conduct meetings and hold lunch
at the Valley Plaza Resort located at 5221 Bay City
2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Road, Midland, Michigan in an effort to include our
a. Updating positions of Board of Directors - are all Midland School District retirees and make more con-
positions needed? venient for March 14th , April 11th and May 9th at 11:00
b. Membership Committee: A very huge job – a.m. All approved.
should have 4 people to handle the workload – 3. It was moved by Barbara and seconded by Con-
include updating directory. nie that a member bringing a recently retired school
employee as a guest, who is not a member and be-
3. BARSP FUNDS comes a member of BARSP that day, be treated to
a. Consider change in using different financial lunch that day. Motion passed.
institution for BARSP accounts. Sunrise Family Credit 4. It was moved by Dee that BARSP Checking and
Union. Savings be transferred from Team One Credit Union to
b. Short discussion was held on where our monies Sunrise Credit Union by September meeting. Sec-
would be distributed if our organization would be dis- onded by Barb. Motion passed.
C. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
P.O .Box 1112 Presorted
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Dee (Helen) Bishop has lived in Bay City since 1976 and retired from the Pinconning Area
School District in 2010. Her career in Pinconning began in January, 1977 when she was hired to
teach sixth grade at Central Elementary. Throughout the next 33 years she taught at Linwood
Elementary and Pinconning Middle School where she taught math and American history.
Dee was born and lived in upstate New York, mostly in Fredonia, until her second year of
high school when her father took a job in Caro, Michigan. During the next few years she had the
opportunity to live in Honolulu, Hawaii Seattle, Washington and Palm Springs, California. In 1976 she
returned to Western Michigan University and completed her student teaching in Bangor Township.
She took an educational leave of absence in 1981-1982 to attend George Washington University in
Washington, D.C. and earned a Master of Arts in Education and Human Development (Special
Education). While there one of her most memorable and rewarding experiences was orchestrating a
field trip of middle and high school students to the Air and Space Museum. The entourage arrived
with numerous wheelchairs, aides, attendants and one teacher!
Dee enjoys the theater, (especially musicals), kayaking, biking, reading, camping and
knitting Her involvement with OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) keeps her busy attending
classes and going on trips. Dee has one daughter, Meredith, who recently graduated from Wayne
State University with a master’s in Library Science and Information Systems. Merdith works in the
library at Delta College