Muz A Tae Nsa Chapter 12

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Inclusive Education – Implementing Universal Design for Learning

Ensa Johnson and Kenneth Kapalu Muzata

Over the last two decades, access to basic education for all learners - with or without special
educational needs – became an important aim for many countries in the world (Kiru, 2018).
This chapter will first provide a background on special and inclusive education based on a
Zambian perspective and will then address the move from special to inclusive education
based on a human rights and social perspective. It is suggested that the implementation of
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) be used in inclusive educational settings to
accommodate all learners with and without disabilities irrespective of their differences.
Practical suggestions of UDL for the classroom will be provided and thereafter, the
implications for UDL in education will be discussed. Finally, a framework for the
successful implementation of UDL in developing countries will be proposed.

Inclusive education, Universal Design for Learning, Special education.

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