Recreational and Elicit Drugs
Recreational and Elicit Drugs
Recreational and Elicit Drugs
TOLERANCE.- a form of physica! What are some of the recognizable signs of drug
dependence, occurs vvhen ~he budy becomes abuse?
accustomed to a drug as the drug is repeated ly t aken -sudden shift in '
in the same Ct:rta in dose. It now requires ever- a ttitudes anci demeanor
increasing larger doses tu achieve the desired effect. -mood swings ·
{ depressed and morose first, then
HABITUATION, a form of i:;sycholo~ical becoming highly elated and
dcp1.: ndencc, chJr<lctcri zcd by contin uou$ desire for eu phoric)
a dY•Jg even after physical depend ence is gone. To a -highly excitable and
person abusing drugs, he she believes the drug is displays first of raee and aggression
needed to function at work or home because drugs -unusual effort to conceal needle ;narks on
often produce an elated emotional state. arms
-wearing dark spectacles to hide constricted
or dilated pupil and bloodshot eyes fro m
ADDICTION, a form of pl,ysical dependence, is a puolic view even indoors and ~urin g night time
severe craving for the drug or substance even to the
-sudden regression from the usual and
normal capabilities such as from work, Sl-hool,
f Classification of Drugs that :\re
Commonly Abused
and social habits
-neglect of personal grooming, hygiene, and A. Depressants (alcohol & sedative-hypnotics)
appearance B. Narcotics (opioids & other derivatives)
-engaging in petty crimes.«!n.d-.other forms C. Stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, & other
of mischief lO support the illicit habit natl!!"al substances)
-association with known drug ab•1sers and D. Hallucinogens (psychedelics)
persor,s with shady charact::?r E. Inhalants (volatile hydrocarbons &
------------------------.. -- .. -- ----- -- " F. Other Psychoactive drugs
G. Some Prescription dr..ies
(JJefow are e:campfes of scenan·o or
Substance abuse compromises the
6eliavior. )ls a group, you are to aetennine wlii.:li
immune system and makes it harder for the
category tliat 6efiavior fits into -- <J?.!creationa{
body to suppress the virus and use the medicine
Vse, :Misuse/)l6use, or )laai"ction. 'I'a6ufate your
that you are taking to boost your immune
resu{t on tne space proviaea on tfie worli§freets at
tfre ena of tfiis cliapter.
1. Academic failure due to a series of absences Some street drugs interact with
becausP you were too hung-over to 111/0rK. - ~ ~ medicai.ion. The liver breaks down medicatior1s
2. Kids went to foster care because you were used to fight HIV. Protease inhibitors and non-
,, ut buying crack cocaine. - A nucleosidt:? reverse tran~criptase inhibitors in
3. Took a drink to stop arms from ~ha king. - Wt/A- .- particular are metabnlized by the liver. It a:so
4. Drank w ine at a family reunion. - P.. breaks down recreational drugs, includ:ng
5. Drinking rauses vou t 'J be late i:O work, alcohol. When drugs ar)d mPdicaticns are bot~.
school. other appointmencs. - w(A
"in line'' to use the liver, they mlght both be
6. Stopped by a friend's house and she ir.vites
processed much more slowly. This lead to a
you to smoke a joint. - ~ ~
7. Sold your mother's car to buy heroin. - A- serious overdose of the medic=:ition or of the
8. Spent o;iycheck on druP,c; - A recreationul drug.
9. Drank a few beers at a holiday par~y. _ fl_
10. Lost you:- keys Jfter taking ecstasy at a ba1. - ~
11. Smoke pot once a day to keep y0ur appetite
up. - • VVI/A
12. Take douule doses of pain killers to feel
better emoticnally. - -A
13. Blacked out the night before using~
of crank and alcohol - A
14. Drink 5 beers about 4 ti~es in a week. - WI/A
15. Got DWI. ,.... M/A
' ',)' .
kind of substances do you think of? Wri;e on a
piece of paper.
'Wliat are some of tlie reasons someone migfrt drink, or use drugs to cfran9e tfzeir feeCingsr ' are
some of tlie reason.,; you tliink,_peop(e a6use su6stances?
Methods 'lf Treatment ~nd Prevention C. '3roup :1nd Individual Ther1py - a forum
counsel[ng cc,::ne in hand with detoxicatr o ; - -