Recreational and Elicit Drugs

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Chapter 8


When does drug use become drug abuse?

DRUG ABUSE is the overuse or consumption of drugs other than for
medical reasons. It is characterized by taking more than the recommended dose of
prescription drugs or usine government-regulated substances or other illegal
substances. It can be compared to a new romance: If feels good - euphoric-you
look forw.ird to the next ti me; t t .ikcs up n lot of yoL1r .ittcntion nnd thoughts. But it
also takes focus away from important activities like work, family and taking care of
Many people can drink alcohol or use recreational drugs from t ime to time
w ithout any problems. These are recreational/social "users." Abuse of drugs and
other substances can lead to physical and psychological depend~nce.

DRUG DfPENDENCE poi nt of interfering with a person's ability to functior,

is characterized by a normdlly. It is when the drug "takes over the
compulsion to use a drug to experience person." It becomes t:verything: their lover, best
psychological or physical effects despite any friend, confidant, family. The drug, not the person, is
deter:or,:nior. !~~ h';<J.!!h~11o~~k,~ : sociai activities. in :::cmtrol. Addicts often "chase the high;" they want
a. P~ical deei l)~ .Q.~e)can be <ii.sJ;emible to feel as good as "the first time, but they can't.
.Q.DIY when dry~ iotak~ is d~rg~e.d...2.r...ltill2.e~9 and Instead of euphoria, they used to escape pain, arid
all i.D¥91Yota[Y iUo.~A called the wj thd_@'!·•_.gj_ feel "normal." (),uitting may seem 1mpo::;sihle.
SJ.!_!9r..2.,11J.~9~~- - ------------------------------------•
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tet's Talk:
b. ~ ychological depeodence is e15_bjtlli.,~ Suppose your parents ad1niltea to usina
w hen a ~ elt~} o,n_a,.,drug to ~-~.!lLex~ a fe ~~~-g 2,f drugs awing tfzt!ir young a.fu[t Eves. rnit.y afso
•~ -~-H:!'e_LD$. The ~ ; . T !l,~rm of this is the sfzarea some of tfze consequences of tfzeir drua use
~i;;~ L , _th~ , w 1 tne .Qn.ig. thus fQ£Ysing
witli you. 111ou{a tfzeir fioncsty increase or decrease
virtually all his interest and activity _
on outainJo_g and
_,,,_---.:, ~__,-.-
)'Our cfesire to e:t;periment with cfnigs? P..-rp[aiu your
usire it.
S<>veral Forms of Dr~g Dependence --------------------------------------•

TOLERANCE.- a form of physica! What are some of the recognizable signs of drug
dependence, occurs vvhen ~he budy becomes abuse?
accustomed to a drug as the drug is repeated ly t aken -sudden shift in '
in the same Ct:rta in dose. It now requires ever- a ttitudes anci demeanor
increasing larger doses tu achieve the desired effect. -mood swings ·
{ depressed and morose first, then
HABITUATION, a form of i:;sycholo~ical becoming highly elated and
dcp1.: ndencc, chJr<lctcri zcd by contin uou$ desire for eu phoric)
a dY•Jg even after physical depend ence is gone. To a -highly excitable and
person abusing drugs, he she believes the drug is displays first of raee and aggression
needed to function at work or home because drugs -unusual effort to conceal needle ;narks on
often produce an elated emotional state. arms
-wearing dark spectacles to hide constricted
or dilated pupil and bloodshot eyes fro m
ADDICTION, a form of pl,ysical dependence, is a puolic view even indoors and ~urin g night time
severe craving for the drug or substance even to the
-sudden regression from the usual and
normal capabilities such as from work, Sl-hool,
f Classification of Drugs that :\re
Commonly Abused
and social habits
-neglect of personal grooming, hygiene, and A. Depressants (alcohol & sedative-hypnotics)
appearance B. Narcotics (opioids & other derivatives)
-engaging in petty crimes.«!n.d-.other forms C. Stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, & other
of mischief lO support the illicit habit natl!!"al substances)
-association with known drug ab•1sers and D. Hallucinogens (psychedelics)
persor,s with shady charact::?r E. Inhalants (volatile hydrocarbons &
------------------------.. -- .. -- ----- -- " F. Other Psychoactive drugs
G. Some Prescription dr..ies
(JJefow are e:campfes of scenan·o or
Substance abuse compromises the
6eliavior. )ls a group, you are to aetennine wlii.:li
immune system and makes it harder for the
category tliat 6efiavior fits into -- <J?.!creationa{
body to suppress the virus and use the medicine
Vse, :Misuse/)l6use, or )laai"ction. 'I'a6ufate your
that you are taking to boost your immune
resu{t on tne space proviaea on tfie worli§freets at
tfre ena of tfiis cliapter.

1. Academic failure due to a series of absences Some street drugs interact with
becausP you were too hung-over to 111/0rK. - ~ ~ medicai.ion. The liver breaks down medicatior1s
2. Kids went to foster care because you were used to fight HIV. Protease inhibitors and non-
,, ut buying crack cocaine. - A nucleosidt:? reverse tran~criptase inhibitors in
3. Took a drink to stop arms from ~ha king. - Wt/A- .- particular are metabnlized by the liver. It a:so
4. Drank w ine at a family reunion. - P.. breaks down recreational drugs, includ:ng
5. Drinking rauses vou t 'J be late i:O work, alcohol. When drugs ar)d mPdicaticns are bot~.
school. other appointmencs. - w(A
"in line'' to use the liver, they mlght both be
6. Stopped by a friend's house and she ir.vites
processed much more slowly. This lead to a
you to smoke a joint. - ~ ~
7. Sold your mother's car to buy heroin. - A- serious overdose of the medic=:ition or of the
8. Spent o;iycheck on druP,c; - A recreationul drug.
9. Drank a few beers at a holiday par~y. _ fl_
10. Lost you:- keys Jfter taking ecstasy at a ba1. - ~
11. Smoke pot once a day to keep y0ur appetite
up. - • VVI/A
12. Take douule doses of pain killers to feel
better emoticnally. - -A
13. Blacked out the night before using~
of crank and alcohol - A
14. Drink 5 beers about 4 ti~es in a week. - WI/A
15. Got DWI. ,.... M/A

·--- ------ -- --. --- ·-. ·-·. -. . . . . ·- . . . .. " - ' '

When I say "substance abuse" what

- ~.
\ ,.) ~

' ',)' .

kind of substances do you think of? Wri;e on a
piece of paper.

-------- ---------- ----------------- ----.,

Table 8.1 Subst--::--~.~.-:-Abuse
Drug (Str ~et
Appearance Associated
Names) Mode of Us::
Equipment Effect of Use
Alcohol Possible Adverse Effects
Various None Swallowed Loss of
Hang-over, depression,
accidents, coma, death,
gastritis, pancreatitis, liver
failure, carJio -myopathy,
diabetes, strokes, cancer,
Amphetamine Powde , in e
Straws, Swallowed,
(Speed) Increased
various colors, needles & lethargy, fatigue,
snorted or energy,
off-white, syringes, depression, irritability,
injected. sleeplessness
pink, yellow. metal foil, panic, dry mouth, diarrhea,
Sometimes , loss of
Tablets & rolled up increased urination. Fatal
rrtixed with app~tite,
opsules, bank notes overdose is possible
cannabis or hyperactive,
various coiors, especially with
tobacco for very
sizes and inexperienced users.
smoking talkative,
shapes Increased in BP with
increased risk of stroke.
Weight loss, mood swings,
paranoia & psychosis.
Physical dependence is rare
but psycholoeical
dependence dc·, elop:J
regular users.
.'\naLolic Capsule & N~ec:iles & Intra-
Steroids tablet form in l., creas1::: in
syringes muscular :Jone growth Irregularities,
various colors
and as
I growth, and
body bulk.
high blood pressure & heart
disea~es, !iv~r & kidney
injectable dama5e, cancers, hepatitis,
liquid Greater
shrinking of the testicles,
stamina and
uncontrollable erections,
impotence, mood swings,
aggression & irritability,
damage to fetal
development, development
1Jf b, .?ast in m~les &
irreversible enlargemer,t of
the fema le clitoris
Benzodiaze- Tablets & Needles & Swallowed . Lighc
pines (Benzos capsules; Hang-over type effect. !n
syringes Ev:dencP cf
tranx, pills) intoxication high doses, the user may
various color:,,
rise in use bv drowsines:;, experience violent mood
sizes and
injection hea;:!ach<:. swings, aggression, bizarre
confusion, sexual behavior, deep
c1 taxia depression, lethargy.
Physical & psychological
dependence and liver
_,,,,.,, ......
Table 8.1 Suhstance Abuse (continued)
Rizla papers, Commonly light ~'Red cv~ lumsiness,
Cannabis- Herbal - dried
smoked but intoxication, Inability to concentrate,
herbal resin & plant material, home-made
pipes, cling can be ;:ut relaxation, may seem drunk. Potenti.:il
oil (hash, puff greenish for cancer, bronchial
film wraps into cooking silliness,
draw, herb brown pr~blems, short term
or made into giggles,
dope, blow) R.esin - dried
a drink munchies" (.e., memory loss.
and Demotivation. A physical
appetite), habitation is considered
bloch.s various
talkative rare, however reported
colors and
withdrawal effects can
include disturbed sleep
Oil- thick
pattern, anxiety, panic,
I ranging in
color from
dark green to
Straws, bank Usually Endgy rush, Lethar~y,~:,
Cocaine (coke, White
notes, shiny sniffeu, paste heightened paranoia, e ress1
Charlie, snow, crystalline
su rfa<:e (tin, form can be awarPness, irritability, wei~ht loss,
white Indy) powder,
mirror), smoked in confidence, dclu,;ions & vio lc n~
occasiona i,y in
paste form pipes, pipes, can be chatty, affable, behavior. Can lead to
needles and dissolved in agitated col1;1pse veins or skin
syringes water and ulcers at the injection site.
injec~ed Regular use by snorting
can damage nasal
Crack cocaine Crystals of Crack pipe, Smoked :ncreased Lethargy, fatigue,
(, ock stone, varying size perforated euphoria, depressiori, irritability,
crack nuggets} and colors, coke can, indifference to severe paranoia, anxiety,
I from metal foil fatigue psychosis accompanied by
I yellow or bizarre and often violent
I pinkish ye!low behavior. Increased risks
to waxy white of lung damage.
Ecstac:y Tablets & None Generally Increased Mood swings, nausea &
(MOMA) capsules of swa llowed, energy, loss cf vomiting. Overheating
(3,4,methylene- various colors, but can also appetite, lo,;s {hyperthermia), high BP,
dioxymeth- sizes & shapes. be snorted of inhibitions, dehydr atit:m, convulsions
amphetamine~ Powder ii1 an euphoric & sudden death
(E, XTC, Eries) off-white color feelings,
sweJt ing,
g rimacing,
,.__ gagging
GHB (gmma Colorless GHB bottles Swa llow ed Lo~::, of Muscular pain,
hydroxyl liquid, inhibitions, depression, fatigue, co ma,
butyrate) {GBH, sometimes in hallucination, death
Liquid X) capsule form muscular
tremors ,
gri g
----·- .
r.::--~-;;-;-- --i--::----:---_;..Ti..:a:-=b.:..:le:...:B=·:.:l:....:S:.:u::b:.::s:.:.:tance Abuse (co nti nuf' d)
Heroin (H, Brown/pink or Needles & Injected, Emotional Lowered breathing & heart
smock, skag, off-white syringes, smoked, can detachment, rate, severe constipation .
junk) powder metal foil be snortecl or pain relief, Problems associatd with IV
taken orally comfort, use. Dependence.
Intense Cr.:Jrnp s, fati gue, S l!VNC
T;"J lc ls, Straws, Snor ted ;m d
{Special K, capsules or as needles & injected hallucination, depression, irritability,
kitkat) soluble syringes euphoria, vomiting, heart failure,
· crystalline depersonal- violent reactions,
powder ization flashbacks similar to those
experienced with LSD
LSD (1 ysergic ½ cm squared Nore Swallowed or Hallucination: Accidents while
acid pieces of disso!ved on visual, hailucinating. Reoccurrence
diethylamide) paper usually the tongut? auditory of hallucination many
(trips, acid, painted with a weeks or months after
micros, dots) design . Very stopping using the drug,
sm .:J II l.J ble ls commonly referred lo as
Magic Several None Swallowed Euphoria, Dizziness, nausea,
mushrooms varieties, all high spirits possibility of long term
very d ifferent I and well- mental health problems.
appea ra nce, being, bouts Major danger in
identif:cation of laughter accident~lly ;:>icking wrong
can be difficult and giggling, typ::? of 1 ,1ushr oom whic.i, 1s
mista kes often "isual c1'1d poisonous
,r.ade auditor{
I ____._______________ _ _______ _ _llallucinati_o_n _ ,___ ___ ___ __ _ _ _____,
~hadone Small white Needles & Swallowed, Re!axation, Bouts of sweating,
{do/!, redrock, tJ blets, clear, syringes, injected bodiiy disruption cf the menstrual
juice, "scr:pt") inje..:ta ble medicine warmth, cycle, constipation, n;iusea,
ampoules & bottles SUE?.E!!L~~i.Gn itching & tiredness.
brown, orar,ge of!~ Dependence
or gree n withdrawal
linctu!. & eftects-oI ...
. -- -4.(- --
mixture heroin .
Methyl- Large clear Straws, Crystal - Eu pho ria, Increased blood pressure &
amphetamine crysta ls, needles and sm0ked great body temperature with
; (Cry!> tals - ice, vari ous size:;, syringes, Powde r/ stre ngth, increased risk of stroke and
/ gloss; Powder appe arance of metal foi! tablet - sustain high heart failure, dehydration,
tablet - meth) ic ~ or g lass swallowe d levels of dry mouth, diarrhea and
activity for increased urination, severe
long perioc:; disturbance of sleep
without rest patterns, violent mood
or food swings ;:i nd agitation, visual
& auditory hc1llucinations,
depression, panic, para noiil ,
- Table 8.1 Substance Abuse (continued)
Solvents (glue,
gas, can, CO':J)
directly into ·~~,.
~ten~e .

the mouth or loss of

inhaled from balance,
Danger of sudden death,
danger of accidents whilst
intoxication or
hallucinating. Loss of short
bag, hankie, .auditory and term memory and cognitive
rag visual skills, personality changes,
hallucination kidney damage, liver/bowel
disorders, acute brain
I I damage


'Wliat are some of tlie reasons someone migfrt drink, or use drugs to cfran9e tfzeir feeCingsr ' are
some of tlie reason.,; you tliink,_peop(e a6use su6stances?


Not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol is substance abusers.

S•1bstance use occurs on a contir.uum.

Methods 'lf Treatment ~nd Prevention C. '3roup :1nd Individual Ther1py - a forum

Dru2 abuse treatment is necessary to with former drug depenaents

successfully overcome drug addic~;on, without dru~
abuse treatment, :m ind;vidual rr.ay never abandon D. Outre:1ch Centers - focuses on the
drug •J:.e. A commonly accepted misconception of teaching of skills and alternative ways for creating
drug ahuse b that a person simply need: more productive time for former drug depP.ndents
w1llpcwer or is morally corrupt, however the fact is
that drug addiction is not easily cured and requires E. Social and Occupational
intensive drug abuse treatment. When a person who Rehabilitation
is abusing drugs attempts to stoi) using on their own,
without drug ab1.1se treatment, may adverse *')rug Rehabilitation Centers in the Philippines:
reactions can occur. These include but are not
limited to: aggression, physical withdrawal Please visit website
symptoms, depression, anxiety, anger . violence, and l DOH Acrredited
mood swings. Without professional drug abuse
Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers in the
treatment, these reactions often cau!-~ relapse of
drug abuse and the inrlividual will feel helpless, as if
th£:{ have failed at the!r att.:?mpt to recovery.

A. Deto,cication invnl·:es hospitalization and

medical!\' ::.upervised programs designed to graduc.1iiy
wean an individual from a drug over a prescribed
period. This methcd is orten prescribed for abusers
of amphetamines and much like the treatment of

B. Psychotherapy or the p~ycholo~

counsel[ng cc,::ne in hand with detoxicatr o ; - -

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