Connect Virtually Anywhere: Cambium PTP 600 Series
Connect Virtually Anywhere: Cambium PTP 600 Series
Connect Virtually Anywhere: Cambium PTP 600 Series
RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE All PTP 600 models are available in Integrated and
Our PTP 600 radios let you establish reliable, high- Connectorized versions. The Integrated systems have
throughput, secure communications in challenging multiple built-in antennas, while the Connectorized
environments. With our unique combination of technologies, systems can be fitted with separately-purchased, external
PTP 600 radios operate dependably in non-line-of-sight antennas. Over distances up to 124 miles (200 km) and in
(NLOS), long-distance line-of-sight (LOS), high interference, extremely adverse environments, including deep non-line-
water and desert environments as well as severe weather of-sight, Connectorized solutions let you connect previously
conditions. inaccessible locations with a higher level of reliability and
speed than comparable wireless solutions. In addition, PTP
The PTP 600 family of wireless broadband solutions 600 systems offer selectable channel sizes with varying
includes license-exempt systems operating in the 5.4, 5.8 data rates to provide even greater flexibility to match our
and 5.9 GHz radio frequency (RF) bands1 and defined-use capabilities to your requirements.
licensed systems operating in the 2.5, 4.5, 4.8 and 4.9 GHz
bands. Our 2.5 GHz systems are designed to support a PTP 600 CHANNEL SIZES
variety of Educational Broadband Service (EBS) applications,
Channel Widths2 Max. Ethernet Data Rate
while our 4.5 and 4.8 GHz systems are designed for U.S.
Federal, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and PTP 25600
public safety uses. The 4.9 GHz systems meet the stringent 5 MHz Channel 40 Mbps
connectivity requirements of public safety communications.
10 MHz Channel 84 Mbps
Within our family of PTP 600 solutions, we offer several 30 MHz Channel3 300 Mbps
models to meet your specific communication objectives,
PTP 48600, 49600
application requirements, budgets and path conditions.
5 MHz Channel 48 Mbps
10 MHz Channel 100 Mbps
Model RF Band Max. Ethernet Throughput
20 MHz Channel 200 Mbps
Defined-Use Licensed Bands:
PTP 45600, 54600, 58600, 59600 Full Regulatory conditions for RF
PTP 25600 2.5 GHz 300 Mbps
5 MHz Channel 40 Mbps bands should be confirmed prior
PTP 45600 4.5 GHz 300 Mbps to system purchase.
10 MHz Channel 84 Mbps
PTP 48600 4.8 GHz 200 Mbps Local regulations should be
PTP 58600 Lite 5.8 GHz 150 Mbps 15 MHz Channel Up to 63 Mbps The 20 MHz channel size is
Managing your base’s transformation from
circuit-switched voice technology to an Internet
protocol (IP) based, multi-media communications
system is an enormous undertaking. One portion
of this transformation requires ultra-reliable,
high-throughput connections to eliminate the
bottlenecks in your backhaul communications.
• Disaster Recovery: Our “save and restore” feature lets FLEXIBLE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT
you back up a radio’s operating configuration file. Then Easy to use and deploy, PTP 600 systems contain embedded
the file can be restored quickly and easily if a unit must web servers to manage a link either locally or remotely and
be reset or replaced. are designed to easily integrate with Web or SNMP-based
management systems as well as our Wireless Manager
• Vulnerability Management: Using commercially software, version 3.0 or higher. PTP 600 systems support
available tools, we regularly scan PTP 600 systems for both in-band and out-of-band5 management.
vulnerabilities and those that pose significant risk are
resolved. Out-of-band management is
PTP 600 solutions can support your high-bandwidth
enterprise applications in environments where wired
networks are too expensive or impossible to implement.
Whether migrating from an analog to a digital network,
linking networks between buildings or deploying video
surveillance, PTP 600 radios supply high-throughput and
reliability for a wide variety of business-critical applications
in enterprises such as retail, healthcare, education,
hospitality and general business.
With our PTP 600 connectivity and backhaul solutions, you
can communicate regardless of path conditions, weather
conditions and distances. So, you can remain connected to
the people, places and information you need to accomplish
your objectives.
For more information, refer to the Cambium PTP 600 Series Product Specification Sheet or
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CN PTP 600 10-00 BR 012412