Connect Virtually Anywhere: Cambium PTP 600 Series

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In today’s connected world, you don’t always have the option to

communicate in controlled, ideal conditions. Mobility, by definition,
means that you’re on the move. You might be in a congested city today
and a dusty desert or dense forest tomorrow. The weather might be
hot and humid or cold and dry. So, your communication network has to
work in all the places you do and at anytime you do. Cambium Point-
to-Point (PTP) 600 Wireless Ethernet Solutions give you that level of
communications agility.

RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE All PTP 600 models are available in Integrated and
Our PTP 600 radios let you establish reliable, high- Connectorized versions. The Integrated systems have
throughput, secure communications in challenging multiple built-in antennas, while the Connectorized
environments. With our unique combination of technologies, systems can be fitted with separately-purchased, external
PTP 600 radios operate dependably in non-line-of-sight antennas. Over distances up to 124 miles (200 km) and in
(NLOS), long-distance line-of-sight (LOS), high interference, extremely adverse environments, including deep non-line-
water and desert environments as well as severe weather of-sight, Connectorized solutions let you connect previously
conditions. inaccessible locations with a higher level of reliability and
speed than comparable wireless solutions. In addition, PTP
The PTP 600 family of wireless broadband solutions 600 systems offer selectable channel sizes with varying
includes license-exempt systems operating in the 5.4, 5.8 data rates to provide even greater flexibility to match our
and 5.9 GHz radio frequency (RF) bands1 and defined-use capabilities to your requirements.
licensed systems operating in the 2.5, 4.5, 4.8 and 4.9 GHz
bands. Our 2.5 GHz systems are designed to support a PTP 600 CHANNEL SIZES
variety of Educational Broadband Service (EBS) applications,
Channel Widths2 Max. Ethernet Data Rate
while our 4.5 and 4.8 GHz systems are designed for U.S.
Federal, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and PTP 25600
public safety uses. The 4.9 GHz systems meet the stringent 5 MHz Channel 40 Mbps
connectivity requirements of public safety communications.
10 MHz Channel 84 Mbps
Within our family of PTP 600 solutions, we offer several 30 MHz Channel3 300 Mbps
models to meet your specific communication objectives,
PTP 48600, 49600
application requirements, budgets and path conditions.
5 MHz Channel 48 Mbps
10 MHz Channel 100 Mbps
Model RF Band Max. Ethernet Throughput
20 MHz Channel 200 Mbps
Defined-Use Licensed Bands:
PTP 45600, 54600, 58600, 59600 Full Regulatory conditions for RF
PTP 25600 2.5 GHz 300 Mbps
5 MHz Channel 40 Mbps bands should be confirmed prior
PTP 45600 4.5 GHz 300 Mbps to system purchase.
10 MHz Channel 84 Mbps
PTP 48600 4.8 GHz 200 Mbps Local regulations should be

15 MHz Channel 126 Mbps confirmed prior to system

PTP 49600 4.9 GHz 200 Mbps
purchase, and an additional
20 MHz Channel4 168 Mbps
License-Exempt Bands: license key may be required for
certain channel widths.
PTP 54600 Full 5.4 GHz 300 Mbps 30 MHz Channel 300 Mbps
PTP 54600, 58600 Lite The 30 MHz channel size is not
PTP 54600 Lite 5.4 GHz 150 Mbps FCC-authorized for use in the
PTP 58600 Full 5.8 GHz 300 Mbps 10 MHz Channel Up to 42 Mbps U.S.

PTP 58600 Lite 5.8 GHz 150 Mbps 15 MHz Channel Up to 63 Mbps The 20 MHz channel size is

available on the PTP 45600

PTP 59600 5.9 GHz 300 Mbps 30 MHz Channel Up to 150 Mbps model only.

PTP 600 BROCHURE – from Release 10-00 – PAGE 2

PTP 600 Connectorized PTP 600 Integrated


• FIPS 140-2
PTP 600 solutions employ a unique combination of All this power is extremely beneficial, but only if you can
technologies that together enable the robustness and deploy it with your existing network. PTP 600 systems • MEF9
high performance of your links, even in very challenging are tested and MEF9 (Metro Ethernet Forum) certified as
environments. compliant with the MEF’s essential specifications. So, you
can be confident that your PTP 600 solution will operate
• Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO): Each radio with your existing network equipment.
radiates multiple beams from the antenna, the effect of
which significantly protects against fading and increases MORE RANGE TO ANYWHERE
the probability of making a successful connection. Class-leading sensitivity and power output enable the links
to go farther, regardless of conditions. Plus, we combine
• Intelligent Orthogonal Frequency Division MIMO, intelligent-OFDM and our advanced signal-
Multiplexing (i-OFDM): Intelligent OFDM sends processing algorithms to create four simultaneous channels
transmissions over multiple frequencies, or sub-carriers, between pairs of transceivers at each end of the link
enabling high spectral efficiency, high resistance to multi- without losing spectrum efficiency.
path interference and fading, and instant fade recovery.

• Advanced Spectrum Management with i-DFS: Dual transceivers in each

Intelligent Dynamic Frequency Selection (i-DFS) is at radio allow data to be sent
the heart of our exceptional spectrum management from A to B – or B to A –
on four channels, significantly
capabilities. During operation, our PTP 600 radios sample increasing the likelihood that
the band up to 1,200 times a second and automatically data will get through.
switch to the clearest channel. The time-stamped
database alerts you to any interference that exists and
provides statistics that help you pinpoint the channels BETTER SPECTRUM UTILIZATION
that offer the clearest data paths, creating virtually Built on our time-tested Orthogon technology, PTP 600
interference-free performance in the band. radios provide higher spectral efficiency than most
comparable systems. This means you can deliver high-
• Adaptive Modulation: Our PTP 600’s powerful throughput performance with minimal spectrum usage.
transmitters and receivers negotiate the highest mutually
sustainable data rate and dynamically “upshift” and In addition, PTP 600 bridges monitor all available channels
“downshift” the rate as path conditions change. So and dynamically select those over which they can sustain
you get the maximum performance possible within the the highest data rate and the most reliable availability. So,
current power limits. your radios are very likely to find a clear channel without
your intervention, even in a crowded space. Plus, you can
• Time Division Duplex (TDD) Synchronization: manually lock the frequency (in either direction) and restrict
TDD capability synchronizes transmit and receive signals each link to specified frequencies.
and enables efficient frequency reuse. This lets you
collocate multiple radios on a rooftop or tower with MORE WAYS TO USE THE BAND
greatly reduced interference. Our Cambium PTP-SYNC Our innovative architecture combines an abundance
synchronization unit is required for each link to provide of Ethernet and circuit-switched options. Whether
your PTP 600 radios with an accurate timing reference. your infrastructure is based on Ethernet over copper or
multimode fiber, 10/100/1000 Base T or 1000 Base SX, or
even T1/E1 ports that bundle circuit-switched connectivity
with IP service, you can connect with a PTP 600 solution.

PTP 600 BROCHURE – from Release 10-00 – PAGE 3


Managing your base’s transformation from
circuit-switched voice technology to an Internet
protocol (IP) based, multi-media communications
system is an enormous undertaking. One portion
of this transformation requires ultra-reliable,
high-throughput connections to eliminate the
bottlenecks in your backhaul communications.

You chose the Cambium PTP 600 broadband

solution listed on the Unified Capabilities –
Approved Products List (UC-APL) to backhaul
converged data, voice and video traffic. More than
200 tests were successfully performed on the
PTP 600 system. Now you are ready to flip the
switch and shut down your old leased-line service.
The new PTP 600 system has more than enough
capacity to meet today’s backhaul requirements
with room for future growth. Plus, the savings
on leased-line charges provides a significant
reduction in your annual operating costs. You
will sleep a lot better tonight knowing that this
portion of the transformation is complete.

PTP 600 BROCHURE – from Release 10-00 – PAGE 4

Information security technology and procedures are highly Our easy-to-use Cambium PTP LINKPlanner tool lets you
effective to secure your wireless communication network. accurately project performance characteristics prior to
To protect your over-the-air transmissions, PTP 600 solutions purchase based on your specific radio path conditions.
include: You can plan and optimize a single link or multiple links
simultaneously, apply “what if” scenarios, see the effects
• Encryption: In addition to our proprietary air interface, of your changes immediately and obtain configuration
PTP 600 radios can be configured with FIPS-197 details to speed deployment. LINKPlanner is available as a
compliant 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption. stand-alone tool and can be downloaded from our web site.
TM: C ertification Mark of NIST
(National Institute of
• FIPS 140-2: The systems also meet FIPS 140-2 Level 2 PERFORMANCE BOOSTING TOOLS Standards and Technology),
validation for cryptographic algorithms, key security and PTP 600 systems include industry-leading metrics to which does not imply
tamper evidence. Together AES and FIPS 140-2 offer help you attain the best possible performance from your product endorsement by
NIST, the U.S. or Canadian
robust security to help protect your highly sensitive wireless system. Those metrics include antenna alignment Governments.
information from malicious incidents. (AES and FIPS information, measurements of throughput, signal level and
140-2 are optional features.) signal quality, and troubleshooting diagnostics.

PTP 600 systems support additional security features,


• Management Interface Protection: HTTPS/TLS,

the secure version of HTTP, has been implemented on
PTP 600 systems to protect the system’s management
interface. PTP 600 radios also support installation of
user-provided X.509 digital certificates. Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) version 3 adds security
and remote configuration enhancements to SNMP. In
certain cases a license key is required to implement
these capabilities.

• Identity and Event Management: You can enable

identity-based user accounts with configurable password
rules to control user access to the radios. Remote UNCOMMON DURABILITY
Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) can be used With more than 2.2 billion field hours logged, our radios
to remotely authenticate your users and their levels of are proven to withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Radios
access based on your network policies. perform steadfastly in winds up to 202 mph (325 kph) and
temperatures from -40° to 140° F (-40° to 60° C). Our PTP
• Auditing and Event Management: Security and other 600 systems average 441 years MTBF (Mean Time Between
events are logged locally and optionally can be sent to a Failures) based on field component failure rates. In addition,
centralized logging server using syslog. Such messages the radios have protective aluminum enclosures that are
include: successful and failed log-in events and changes IP66 (Ingress Protection) Rated against dust and water
to security configuration. intrusion.

• Disaster Recovery: Our “save and restore” feature lets FLEXIBLE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT
you back up a radio’s operating configuration file. Then Easy to use and deploy, PTP 600 systems contain embedded
the file can be restored quickly and easily if a unit must web servers to manage a link either locally or remotely and
be reset or replaced. are designed to easily integrate with Web or SNMP-based
management systems as well as our Wireless Manager
• Vulnerability Management: Using commercially software, version 3.0 or higher. PTP 600 systems support
available tools, we regularly scan PTP 600 systems for both in-band and out-of-band5 management.
vulnerabilities and those that pose significant risk are
resolved. Out-of-band management is

available on PTP 45600, 54600

and 58600 models.

PTP 600 BROCHURE – from Release 10-00 – PAGE 5



With a growing residential and small-business subscriber
base, you are now targeting larger enterprises. As a
result, you need to add capacity to meet enterprise
requirements for Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and high-definition
video. You selected Cambium PTP 600 radios to deliver
dedicated access and service-on-demand for new and
existing enterprise customers. With the PTP 600’s proven
performance in obstructed paths, high-interference
areas and extreme weather conditions, you can support
enterprises in virtually any environment.

Your first links have been installed and tested, and

everything went very smoothly. As you walk into this
important meeting with a new customer, you are fully
confident that you can deliver top-notch service while
increasing your profitability.

PTP 600 BROCHURE – from Release 10-00 – PAGE 6

OUR PTP 600 WORKS FOR YOU remove network bottlenecks or reduce leased-line or fiber
Our PTP 600 solutions are our premier systems for high- costs, you can depend on PTP 600 radios to send and
speed, reliable NLOS and ultra-long-distance connectivity receive the crucial information you need to achieve your
and backhaul. These systems routinely perform in some of mission-critical objectives.
the most challenging environments on earth – environments
where comparable systems cannot even sustain a Because PTP 600 systems offer carrier-class reliability,
connection. support wayside T1/E1 links, and have low latency and
jitter, they are also an excellent addition to a Motorola
SERVICE PROVIDERS ASTRO® 25 or Dimetra™ network. PTP 600 radios can
With multi-level security, the ability to connect T1/E1 ports supply public safety agencies with cost-effective backhaul,
for bundled connectivity, and high-speed WiMAX and LTE connectivity between base sites, last-mile access and
backhaul capability, PTP 600 systems support sophisticated broadband access at tower sites.
convergent and multimedia applications. Our backhaul and
last-mile solutions can help you supply services to large, INDUSTRIAL COMMUNICATIONS
wide-spread customer bases. With our complete portfolio With PTP 600 solutions, organizations such as
of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint solutions, you transportation and logistics companies, public and private
can rely on Cambium’s wireless technology to help you utilities, and gas and oil companies can achieve efficient, ATEX AND HAZLOC
respond to ongoing market changes and capitalize on new reliable and high-performance communications in even CERTIFICATIONS
opportunities. the most challenging environments. The systems can ATEX
• Equipment Group II
provide connectivity and backhaul for building-to-building • Category 3 / Zone 2
FEDERAL AND MILITARY communications, video surveillance, VoIP, high-definition • Gas Group IIC
The 4 GHz licensed spectrum, in which our PTP 45600 and video, wire-line and fiber extensions or replacement, and a • Temperature Class T4
PTP 48600 operate, has been designated for use by the variety of other applications. In utility companies, you can
• Class 1 Location
U.S. Federal Government and NATO countries for fixed also supply connectivity and backhaul for telemetry and • Division 2
and mobile communications. Typical PTP 600 applications Smart Grid operations. • Gas Groups A, B, C, D
include base modernization, battlefield communications,
Land Mobile Radio (LMR) backhaul, public safety, video
surveillance, border security, training and simulation
networks, and building-to-building connectivity. Because
PTP 48600 frequencies encompass the 4.9 GHz band, you
can utilize the same radios for Federal operations, public
safety and collaboration with local and state agencies. The
PTP 600’s portable packaging makes it excellent for tactical
deployments, while the Connectorized models are superb
for longer, permanent fixed deployments.

PTP 600 solutions, release 10-00 and higher, are listed on

the Unified Capabilities Approved Products List (UC-APL),
indicating that the radios comply with requirements for
interoperability and information assurance. This compliance
allows DoD agencies to purchase and operate UC-certified
systems over all DoD network infrastructure. The listing can
be confirmed at
For oil and gas companies, PTP 600 radios comply with
GOVERNMENT, PUBLIC SAFETY AND ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosibles) and HAZLOC (Hazardous
ADMINISTRATION Locations) directives for equipment operations in hazardous
PTP 600 radios operate in the 4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 5.4 and 5.8 GHz locations. The systems can help you safely:
bands, giving you great flexibility to communicate in your • Supply communications for turnarounds
preferred radio frequency. The systems deliver exceptional • Backhaul traffic from surveillance cameras, VoIP and
reliability, spectral efficiency, security and reach to support process control systems
military operations, government administration, public • Increase capacity for bandwidth-intensive voice and
safety and public service departments. Whether you need video communications
to extend communications, backhaul voice and video traffic, • Provide network redundancy for critical operations.

PTP 600 BROCHURE – from Release 10-00 – PAGE 7


PTP 600 solutions can support your high-bandwidth
enterprise applications in environments where wired
networks are too expensive or impossible to implement.
Whether migrating from an analog to a digital network,
linking networks between buildings or deploying video
surveillance, PTP 600 radios supply high-throughput and
reliability for a wide variety of business-critical applications
in enterprises such as retail, healthcare, education,
hospitality and general business.

With our PTP 600 connectivity and backhaul solutions, you
can communicate regardless of path conditions, weather
conditions and distances. So, you can remain connected to
the people, places and information you need to accomplish
your objectives.

For more information, refer to the Cambium PTP 600 Series Product Specification Sheet or


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Cambium Networks, Ltd. All rights reserved.
CN PTP 600 10-00 BR 012412

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