The Contemporary World Syllabus

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Course Title : The Contemporary World
No. of Units : 3 Units
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. Using the various
discipline of social sciences, t examines the economy, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have created an increasing
awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides an overview of the various in
governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond, exposing the students to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of
global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.
This course includes mandatory topics on population education in the context of population and demography.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
A. Competencies
1. Distinguish different interpretation of and approaches to globalization
2. Describe the emergence of global, economic, political social, and cultural systems
3. Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization
4. Understand the issues confronting the nation-state
5. Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses
B. Skills
1. Analyze contemporary news events in the context of globalization
2. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines
3. Write a research paper with proper citations on a topic related to globalization
C. Values
1. Articulate personal positions on various global issues
2. Identify the ethical implications of global citizenship

Number of Hours: 3 Hours every Saturday for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester

Course Outline and Timeframe

Week Topics
1-2  Course Orientation: Grading System, Requirements
 Introduction to Globalization
Defining Globalization
3-5  The Structures of Globalization
o The Global Economy
o Market Integration
o The Global Interstate System
o Contemporary Global Governance
7-9  A World of Regions
o Global Divides: The North and the South
o Asian Regionalism
 A World of Ideas
o Global Media Cultures
9- 11
o The Globalization of Religion
12  Midterm
13-14  Global Population and Mobility
o Global City
o Global Demography
o Global Migration
15-16  Towards a Sustainable World
o Sustainable Development
o Global Food Security
17  Conclusion
o Global Citizenship
o Research Paper Writing
18  Finals


Topics Learning Outcome Methodology Resources Assessment
Week 1-2 Introduction

Course  Introduce self to Classroom sharing Course syllabus

Orientation: classmates and (Introduction)
Grading System, teachers Lecture/ Introduce textbook: The Contemporary World,
Requirements  To determine Discussion Prince Kennex Reguyal Aldama. 2018 The
Online Class students’ Personal concept of Contemporary World. Rex Bookstore
policies, etc. expectations of globalization map
the course Students will engage in a
 Create free association exercise of
educational ideas they associate with
alternatives globalization
anchored to the Based on the concept they
“New Normal” list; they will synthesize a
 Write a personal personal definition of the
definition of concept.
based on a
concept map

Introduction to  Differentiate the Lecture Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading

Globalization competing  Chapter 1 of Textbook, Defining Material
-Defining conceptions of News report critique: Globalization by Prince Kennex
Globalization globalization Students will find and read Reguyal Aldama Recitation
 Identify the three newspaper op-eds Pp 1-7
underlying (local or international)
philosophies of discussing globalization. Additional Readings
the varying Before class, they will right Approaches to the study of Globalization by
definitions of 50- words summaries of one Manfred B. Steger
globalization op-ed they’ve chosen
 Agree on a identifying what the
working underlying definitions of
definition of globalization the op-ed
globalization for writers use.
the course

Weeks 3-5 The Structures of Globalization

The Global  Define economic Group Report Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading
Economy globalization  Chapter 2 of Textbook Global Material
and global trade Debate: The students will Economy by Prince Kennex Reguyal
 Identify the debate the motion “That Aldama pp 23, 41-42 Recitation
actors that global free trade has done
facilitate more harm than good” Additional Reading Materials
economic  Chapter 9 of Textbook “The
globalization Globalization of Economic Relations
 Define the by Istvan Benczes
modern world
 Articulate stance
on global

Market Integration  Explain the role Lecture/ Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the
of international  Chapter 3 of Textbook. Market Reading
financial Integration by Prince Kennex Reguyal Material
institutions in Film Viewing Aldama pp 44-55
the creation of a Recitation
global economy Additional Reading Materials
 Narrate a short  Chapter 17 of textbook “The Rise of
history of global the Global Corporation by Deane
market Neubauer
integration in the
twentieth Film: “The Corporation” directed by Mark
century Schbar and Jennifer Abbottt
 Identify the
attributes of

The Global  Explain the Lecture/Discussion  Chapter 4 of Textbook the Global Quiz on the
Interstate Sysytem effects of Interstate System Kennex Reguyal Reading
globalization on Aldama pp 64-71 Materials
governments 
 Identify the Additional Reading Materials Recitation
institutions that
 Chapter 7 of textbook
“Governments and Citizens in a
relations Globally Interconnected World
 Differentiate States” by Hans Schattle
informationalis  Mazower, Mark, 2006 “An
m from Internationalism and the Crisis of
globalism the Md- Twentieth Century”
Internationalism Affairs 82(3):553-

Contemporary  Identify the roles Lecture/Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the

Global Governance and functions of  Chapter 4 of Textbook. The Global Reading
the United Interstate System by Kennex Reguyal Materials
Nations the Aldama pp 57-61
challenges of Recitation
global Additional Reading Materials
governance in  Chapter 29 of Textbook “The United
the twenty first Nations Meets the Twenty First
century Century the Challenges of Global
 Identify the Governance by Thomas G Weiss and
challenges of the Ramesh Thakur
global  The Future of the State Development
governance in and Change by Hobsbawn Eric J 1996
the twentieth pp 267-278)
first century
 Explain the
relevance of the
stat amid
Week 6 Prelims
Weeks 7-9: A World of Regions

Global Divides:  Define the term Lecture/ Discussion Quiz on the Reading
The North and the “Global South”  Chapter 2 The Global Economy by Materials
South (focus on  Differentiate the Graded Group Prince Kennex Reguyal Aldama pp 33-
Larin America) Global South Report/Presentation: 34
from the Third Students will form groups.
World Each group will assign a Additional Readings
 Analyze how a Latin American country to
 Chapter 12 of Textbook” “Locating the
new conception report and the Third World.
Global South” by Lisandro E Caludio
of global These group will deliver 10
 Connell, Raewyn. 2007 Dependency,
relations minutes presentation of the
and Culture. In Southern Theory: The
emerged from contemporary foreign and
Global Dynamics of Knowledge in
the experiences economic policies of their
Social in Social Science Cambridge,
of Latin respective countries
UK” Polity Press pp138-163

Asian Regionalism  Differentiate Lecture/ Discussion  Chapter 1 Defining Globalization Quiz on the Reading
between Kennex Reguyal Aldama pp12-14 Materials
regionalization Graded Group Report:
and Students will form groups. Additional Reading Materials Group Presentation
globalization Each will be assigned an  Chapter 13 of textbook: “Globalization
 Identify the Asian Country to research and the Asia Pacific and South Ssia” by
factors leading and report on. These groups Ehito Kimura
to a greater will deliver 10-minute  Shiraishi, Takashi 2006. “The Third
integration of presentation on the World: Southeast Asian and Middle-
the Asian region contemporary foreign and Class Formation in the Making of a
 Analyze how economic policies of their Region” In Beyond Japan: The
different Asian countries Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism,
States confront ed. Peter Katzenstein and Takashi
those challenges Shiraishi Ithacha, NY: Cornell
of globalization University Press pp237-271.
Week 9-11 A World of Ideas

Global Media  Analyze how Lecture/ Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading
Cultures various media  Chapter 1 Defining Globalization Materials
drive various Graded Group Report: Kennex Reguyal Aldama pp 9
forms of global Students will form groups Additional Readings Group Activity
integration will be asked to pick an  Chapter 22 of textboom “Globalization
 Explain the Asian musical act that and the Media Creating the Global
dynamic became internationally Village” by Jack Lule
between local famous. In their group report  Chapter 23 of textbook “Popular Music
and global they must answer the and Globalization” by Yara El-
production following questions: Ghadban
1. Where did the
musical act/ artist
2. In which countries
did the artist
become famous?
3. How did the artist
become famous?
4. Why do you think
the artist became

The Globalization  Explain how Lecture Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading
of Religion globalization  Chapter 1 Defining Globalization Materials
affects religious Group Report Kennex Reguyal Aldama pp 10-12
practices and Discussion on Film
beliefs Additional Readings Reflection paper about
 Analyze the  Chapter 10 of Textbook “Religion and the Film.
relationship Globalization by Victor Roudometof
between religion  Chapter 43 of textbook: Religion and
and global Global Conflict” by Mark
conflict and Juergensmeyer
global peace Fil: PBSFrontline: “The Rise of ISIS

Week 13-15
The Global City  Identify the Lecture/Discussion Readings Materials Quiz on the Reading
attributes of  Chapter 1 Defining Globalization by Materials
global city Group Report Prince Kennex Reguyal Aldama pp 34
 Analyze how Additional Readings
cities serve as  Chapter 26 of textbook “Mobility,
engines of Diversity and Community in the Global
globalization City” by Val Colc- Peisker
 Sassen, Saskia. 2005 The Global City;
Introducing a Concept” Brown Journal
World Affairs XI (2) 27-43

Mandated Topic:  Define Global Lecture/ Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading
Global Demography  Chapter 1 of Textbook Defining Materials
Demography  Explain the Group Report Globalization pp 18-19
theory of Additional Reading Materials Short Research paper
demographic  Lee, Ronald 2003 “The Demographic to discuss the topic
transition as it Transition: Three Centuries of Has the Philippines
affects global Fundamental Change “Journal of undergone the
population Economic Perspectives 17(4)”167-190 demographic
 Lesthaeghe, Ron. 2010. “The transition? Why or
Unfolding Story of the Second why not?
Demographic transition. “Population
and Development Review 36(2) 211-
 Livi-Bacci, Massiomo 2005. “What We
Can and cannot Learn from the History
of World Population. Population
Studies: A Journal Demography
69(S1): S21-S28

Global Migration  Analyze the Lecture/Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading
political,  Chapter 1 Defining Globalization by Materials
economic, Group Report Prince Kennex Reguyal Aldama pp 19
cultural, and Recitation
social factors OFW Interview: each Additional Materials
underlying the student will be asked to  Castles, Stephen 2000. “International
global interview a former or a Migration at the Beginning of the Group Activity
movements of current OFW (face to face or Twenty-First Century. Global Trends Presentation
people online) In class they will and Issues”
 Display share what they learned from International Social Science Journal 52
firsthand these interviews about the (165) 269-281
knowledge of transnationalism and the
the experiences factors that affect global
of OFWs migrations

Research Proposal  Write a research Mini- lecture on citation

Writing paper proposal methods for research papers
with proper
citation’ Proposal for final research
Research Proposal  Critique research paper
Critique proposals of
classmates Pair discussion: Students
will pair off and critique
each other’s research

Week 15-16

Sustainable  Differentiate Lecture/ Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading

Development stability from  Chapter 2 of Textbook the Global Materials
sustainability Group Report Economy by Prince Kennex Reguyal
 Articulate Aldama pp 26 Recitation
models of global
sustainable Additional Reading Materials
development Chapter 48 textbook; Sustainable Economic
System by Sebastian Piocinnik

Global Food  Define global Lecture Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading
Security food security  Chapter 2 of Textbook the Global Materials
 Critique existing Group Report Economy by Prince Kennex Reguyal
models of global Aldama pp 26-29 Recitation
food security Film Viewing Additional Readings
 Chapter 50 of textbook” Global Food Reflection Paper from
Security: The Challenge of Feeding the the Film
World by Monica Barthwal- Datta
 Mc Michael, Philip .2009, “A Food
Regime Analysis of the World Food
Crisis. Agriculture and human Values
Film The Price of Sugar directed by Bill Haney

Week 17- 18 Conclusion

Global Citizenship  Articulate a Lecture/Discussion Reading Materials Quiz on the Reading

personal  Chapter 4 of the textbook. The Global Materials
definition of Group Report Interstate System
global Recitation
citizenship Personal concept Map of Additional Readings
 Appreciate the Global Citizenship:  Carter, April.2001. “Global Civil
ethical Students will engage in free Society: Acting as Global Citizens” in
obligations of association exercise of ideas The Political Theory of Global
global they associate with “global Citizenship. London Routledge pp.147-
citizenship citizenship “Based on this, 176
they will synthesize a
personal definition of the
concept. Afterwards they
will list the obligations of a
global citizen

Research Paper  Write a Independent research and Individual Activity

Writing Research Paper writing
on a topic
related to
with proper


Course Requirements
1. Regular Quizzes and Drills
2. Submit product on time
3. Individual/Group Written Reports
4. Individual/Group Reporting
5. Research Paper
6. Attendance

Grading System:
Prelims/Midterm/Finals 30%
Class Participation (Attendance) 15%
Quizzes 25%
Group Reports and other Research Paper 20%
Individual Performance 15%
TOTAL 100%

(LPT, MaEd. Guidance and Counseling)
Instructor Submitted to:
College Dean

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