Eco - Ed. 428 Nepalese Economy
Eco - Ed. 428 Nepalese Economy
Eco - Ed. 428 Nepalese Economy
1. Course Description
This course is designed to acquaint the students with the nature, features, and performance of
Nepalese economy. The contents included in the course are characteristics of Nepalese economy,
issues of economic development, natural resources, human resources, sectoral status and
planning of Nepalese economy. The sectors of economy are comprised of agriculture, industry,
tourism, transport and communication, money and banking, foreign trade and government
finance. The course helps the students to appraise the Nepalese economy by bringing together
the existing resources and development practices to make perception for future economic
development of the country.
2. General Objective:
The general objectives of the course are as follow:
To make the students familiar with characteristics of Nepalese economy and issues of
economic development in Nepal.
To provide the students with the knowledge of natural resources.
To provide the students with the knowledge of human resources.
To make the students able to analyze the present state, problems and prospects of
To make the students able to analyze the present condition, role, problem and prospects
of industrial development in Nepal.
To make the students able to explain the role, problems, prospects of tourism
development in Nepal.
To make the students able to describe the present condition of means of transportation
and communication with its role, problems and prospects.
To make the students familiar with the present money and banking system.
To familiarize the students with the policies trends and problems of Nepal’s foreign trade.
To impart the concept to students of government finance.
To orient the students with the outcome of development planning and Nepal’s current
4. Instructional Techniques
4.1 General Instructional Techniques
Inquiry and question answer.
Writing articles
4.2 Specific Instructional Techniques
Unit I, II & III:
Library consultation
Review of materials by students
Unit IV, V & VI:
Peer and group work discussion
Unit III to VIII & X:
Practice to prepare the separate brief article on natural resources, human resources,
agriculture, industry, transportation and communication, tourism sector and foreign trade
in Nepal,
Unit XI & XII
Group discussion to analyse the government’s revenue, expenditure, foreign aid and
Review of past planning documents and presentation in class room.
5. Evaluation Scheme
Students will be evaluated on the basis of classroom tests, class participation, presentation of the
reports and other practical activities. The scores obtained will not be considered in the annual
examination. It will be used only for feedback purposes. The office of the Controller of
Examinations, Tribhuvan University will conduct annual examination at the end of year to
evaluate student’s performance. The types, number and marks of the subjective and objective
questions will be as follows.
Dahal, M.K et all. (1999). Development challenges for Nepal Kathmandu: NEFAS -
Embassy of Finland, Kathmandu.
Dahal, M.K. (2001). Future of Nepalese economy, Kathmandu: NEFAS-FES,
Rastogi, A.K. (2002). Rural development strategy, Jaipur: Wide Vision
Sharma N.K. (2069). Nepalko Arthasastra (4th ed.), Kathmandu: Pairabi Prakasan.
Bista R.B. (2016), Economics of Nepal (3rd ed.). Kathmandu: New Hira Books.
National Planning Commission first to current plan, Kathmandu: National Planning
Ministry of Finance (2015 and 2016), Economic Survey and budget speech, Kathmandu:
Ministry of Finance
Nepal Rastra Bank (2015 and 2016), Various Publications, Kathmandu
World Bank (Various Years). World Development Report. Washington DC: World Bank.