FSP-851, FSP-851T and FAPT-851 Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Sensors
FSP-851, FSP-851T and FAPT-851 Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Sensors
FSP-851, FSP-851T and FAPT-851 Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Sensors
FSP-851, FSP-851T and FAPT-851 12 Clintonville Road
Northford, CT 06472-1653
Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Sensors Phone: 203.484.7161
Operating Voltage Range: 15 to 32 VDC
Standby Current: 300µA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled)
Maximum Alarm Current (LED on): 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC
Operating Humidity Range: 10% to 93% Relative Humidity, Non-condensing
Operating Temperature Range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C), FSP-851
Air Velocity: 0 to 4000 ft/min (FSP-851 & FAPT-851 only); 32°F to 100°F (0°C to 38°C), FSP-851T and FAPT-851
Height: 2.0˝ (51 mm) installed in B210LP Base
Diameter: 6.1˝ (155 mm) installed in B210LP Base; 4.1˝ (104 mm) installed in B501 Base
Weight: 5.2 oz. (147 g)
This sensor must be installed in compliance with the control panel system Remove power from the communication line before installing sensors.
installation manual. The installation must meet the requirements of the Au- 1. Wire the sensor base (supplied separately) per the wiring diagram, Figure 1.
thority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Sensors offer maximum performance when
2. Set the desired address on the sensor address switches, see Figure 2.
installed in compliance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA);
see NFPA 72. 3. Install the sensor into the sensor base. Push the sensor into the base
while turning it clockwise to secure it in place.
Models FSP-851, FSP-851T and FAPT-851 are plug-in type smoke sensors that 4. After all sensors have been installed, apply power to the control unit and
combine a photoelectronic sensing chamber with addressable-analog commu- activate the communication line.
nications. The sensors transmit an analog representation of smoke density 5. Test the sensor(s) as described in the TESTING section of this manual.
over a communication line to a control panel. Rotary decade switches are CAUTION
provided for setting the sensor’s address.
Dust covers provide limited protection against airborne dust particles during ship-
Two LEDs on the sensor are controlled by the panel to indicate sensor status. ping. Dust covers must be removed before the sensors can sense smoke. Remove
An output is provided for connection to an optional remote LED annunciator sensors prior to heavy remodeling or construction.
(P/N RA400Z/RA100Z). Models FAPT-851 and FSP-851T combines a photoelec-
tronic sensing chamber and 135°F (57.2°C) fixed temperature heat detector. The Figure 1. Wiring Diagram:
FAPT-851 also transmits an alarm signal due to heat (135°F fixed) per UL 521. REMOTE CAUTION: DO NOT LOOP WIRE
Notifier panels offer different features sets across different models. As a result, + - BREAK WIRE RUN TO PROVIDE
certain features of the FSP-851, FSP-851T and FAPT-851 may be available on
some control panels, but not on others. The possible features available in the
NO-400-006 2 I56-3524-006R
©2013 Notifier