S1.1 Program 2021 INSET For JHS Teachers
S1.1 Program 2021 INSET For JHS Teachers
S1.1 Program 2021 INSET For JHS Teachers
Theme: Teaching and Assessing the K-12 Standards Across the Different Learning Modalities
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the seminar-workshop, the participants are able to:
1. Prepare curriculum maps that are standards-based, streamlined, unpacked and aligned
2. Design sample learning plans based on curriculum maps and in accordance with the writing style of particular modalities
3. Prepare varied assessments of student learning of the K-12 standards and competencies across the different modalities
4. Evaluate the adequacy of their curriculum maps, learning plans and assessments in line with their school’s modality and using
the standards in the JHS CAI and evaluation form
8:30-9:00 AM Preliminaries and Orientation
1 9:00-10:00 AM -Overview of the 2021 Training -Overview of the 2021 Training -Overview of the 2021 Training
Program and Process for Additional Program and Process for Regular Program and Process for Advanced
Track Subjects Track Subjects Track Subjects
-The Mandate and Goals of the K-12 -The Mandate and Goals of the K-12 -The Mandate and Goals of the K-12
Standards-based Curriculum and its Standards-based Curriculum and its Standards-based Curriculum and its
Delivery in Different Teaching- Delivery in Different Teaching- Delivery in Different Teaching-
Learning Modalities Learning Modalities Learning Modalities
-School Quality Assurance through -School Quality Assurance through -School Quality Assurance through
Recertification using the PEAC Recertification using the PEAC Recertification using the PEAC
Certification Assessment Instrument Certification Assessment Instrument Certification Assessment Instrument
-Teacher as Designer, Assessor and -Teacher as Designer, Assessor and -Teacher as Designer, Assessor and
Facilitator in the K-12 Program Facilitator in the K-12 Program Facilitator in the K-12 Program
-Levels of Engagement in the -Levels of Engagement in the -Levels of Engagement in the
Different Modalities Different Modalities Different Modalities
-The Preparation of a Standards- -The Preparation of a Standards- -The Preparation of a Standards-
based Curriculum Map: From based Curriculum Map: From based Curriculum Map: From
Streamlining to Unpacking and Streamlining to Unpacking and Streamlining to Unpacking and
Alignment Alignment Alignment
-Formulating Unit Learning Targets
10:00-10:30 AM BREAK
2 10:30-12:00 NN -Workshop on Preparation of a -Workshop on Preparation of a -Workshop on Preparation of a
Standards-based Curriculum Map: Standards-based Curriculum Map: Standards-based Curriculum Map:
From Streamlining to Unpacking and From Streamlining to Unpacking and From Streamlining to Unpacking and
Alignment Alignment Alignment and Formulating Unit
Learning Targets
12:00-1:00 PM LUNCH
3 1:00-3:00 PM -A Framework for Standards-based -A Framework for Standards-based -A Framework for Standards-based
Assessment and Types of Knowledge Assessment and Types of Knowledge Assessment and Types of
-The Preparation of a Table of -The Preparation of a Table of Knowledge
Specification Specification -The Preparation of a Table of
- Protocol for Designing Teaching - Protocol for Designing Teaching Specification
and Assessment of Students’ and Assessment of Students’ - Protocol for Designing Teaching
Transfer of Unit Standards and Transfer of Unit Standards and and Assessment of Students’
Learning Competencies Across the Learning Competencies Across the Transfer of Unit Standards and
Learning Modalities through Learning Modalities through Learning Competencies Across the
Scaffolded and Differentiated Scaffolded and Differentiated Learning Modalities through
Scaffolded and Integrated
Performance Tasks and Rubric Performance Tasks and Rubric Performance Tasks and Rubric
Writing Writing Writing
-Expanding the Core GRASPS Design
of a Performance Task with
• Authentic Real World
• Integration of 21st Century
• Modality-based
• Inter-Subject Integration
3:00-3:30 PM BREAK
4 3:30-5:00 PM -Characteristics of Quality Rubric -Characteristics of Quality Rubric -Characteristics of Quality Rubric
-Writing a Rubric for a Performance -Writing a Rubric for a Performance -Writing a Rubric for a Performance
Task and Self-Assessment of Task and Self-Assessment of Task and Self-Assessment of
Students’ Transfer Skills Students’ Transfer Skills Students’ Transfer Skills
5 8:00-9:30 AM -Protocol for Designing Teaching and -Protocol for Designing Teaching and -Protocol for Designing Teaching
Assessment of Students’ Acquisition Assessment of Students’ Acquisition and Assessment of Students’
of Unit Standards and Learning of Unit Standards and Learning Acquisition of Unit Standards and
Competencies Across the Learning Competencies Across the Learning Learning Competencies Across the
Modalities Modalities Learning Modalities
-Online Student Participation -Online Student Participation -Integrating Research-based
Techniques and Apps Techniques and Apps Strategies in Classroom Instruction
-Writing Selected Response -Writing Selected Response -Online Student Participation
Assessment Items Assessment Items Techniques and Apps
-Writing Selected Response
Assessment Items
9:30-10:00 AM BREAK
6 10:00-12:00 NN -Protocol for Designing Teaching and -Protocol for Designing Teaching and -Protocol for Designing Teaching
Assessment of Students’ Meaning Assessment of Students’ Meaning and Assessment of Students’
Making of Unit Standards and Making of Unit Standards and Meaning Making of Unit Standards
Learning Competencies Across the Learning Competencies Across the and Learning Competencies Across
Learning Modalities Learning Modalities the Learning Modalities
-Shallow vs. Deep Processing of Text -Shallow vs. Deep Processing of Text -Shallow vs. Deep Processing of Text
-Preparing the Guided -Preparing the Guided -Close Reading
Generalization Generalization -Preparing the Guided
-Writing Constructed Response -Writing Constructed Response Generalization
Assessment Items Assessment Items -Writing Constructed Response
Assessment Items
12:00-1:00 NN LUNCH
7 1:00-3:00 PM -Continuation of Writing -Continuation of Writing -Continuation of Writing
Constructed Response Assessment Constructed Response Assessment Constructed Response Assessment
Items Items Items
3:00-3:30 PM BREAK
8 3:30-5:00 PM - Standards of Compliance for - Standards of Compliance for - Standards of Compliance for
Learning Plans in the PEAC JHS CAI Learning Plans in the PEAC JHS CAI Learning Plans in the PEAC JHS CAI
Area of Curriculum, Assessment and Area of Curriculum, Assessment and Area of Curriculum, Assessment and
Instruction Instruction Instruction
-Putting Together a Unit Learning -Putting Together a Unit Learning -Putting Together a Unit Learning
Plan from Explore to Transfer Plan from Explore to Transfer Plan from Explore to Transfer
following the Design Protocol following the Design Protocol following the Design Protocol
-Writing Style for Self-Instruction -Writing Style for Self-Instruction -Writing Style for Self-Instruction
Materials Materials Materials
-Writing Style for Online Learning -Writing Style for Online Learning -Writing Style for Online Learning
Materials Materials Materials
-Evaluating Learning Plans with the -Evaluating Learning Plans with the -Evaluating Learning Plans with the
PEAC CAI on Curriculum, PEAC CAI on Curriculum, Assessment PEAC CAI on Curriculum,
Assessment and Instruction and Instruction Assessment and Instruction
-PEAC Classroom Observation Form -PEAC Classroom Observation Form -PEAC Classroom Observation Form
9 8:00-10:00 AM Group Workshop for Curriculum Group Workshop for Curriculum Group Workshop for Curriculum
Map, Learning Plan Output and Map, Learning Plan Output and Map, Learning Plan Output and
Assessments Assessments Assessments
10:00-10:30 AM BREAK
10 10:30-12:00 NN Continuation of Group Workshop for Continuation of Group Workshop for Continuation of Group Workshop
Curriculum Map, Learning Plan Curriculum Map, Learning Plan for Curriculum Map, Learning Plan
Output and Assessments Output and Assessments Output, Learning Calendar and
12:00-1:00 PM LUNCH
11 1:00-4:00 PM -Presentation and Critiquing of -Presentation and Critiquing of -Presentation and Critiquing of
Workshop Outputs Workshop Outputs Workshop Outputs
-Synthesis and Closing -Synthesis and Closing -Synthesis and Closing
-Program Evaluation -Program Evaluation -Program Evaluation