Determination of Total Carbohydrates by Anthrone Method
Determination of Total Carbohydrates by Anthrone Method
Determination of Total Carbohydrates by Anthrone Method
Carbohydrates are the important components of storage and structural materials in the plants.
They exist as free sugars and polysaccharides. The basic units of carbohydrates are the
monosaccharides which cannot be split by hydrolysis into more simpler sugars. The
carbohydrate content can be measured by hydrolyzing the polysaccharides into simples sugars by
acid hydrolysis and estimating the resultant monosaccharides.
Carbohydrates are first hydrolysed into simple sugars using dilute hydrochloric acid. In hot
acidic medium glucose is dehydrated to hydroxymethyl furfural. This compound forms with
anthrone a gree colored product with an absorption maximum at 630nm.
⇒ 2.5 N-HCl
Anthrone Reagent: Dissolve 200mg anthrone in 100mL of ice cold 95% H2SO4. Prepare
fresh before use.
Standard Glucose: Stock – Dissolve 100mg in 100mL water. Working standard – 10mL
of stock diluted to 100mL with distilled water. Store refrigerated after adding a few drops of
Amount of carbohydrate present in 100mg of the sample =(mg of glucose ÷ Volume of test
sample) X 100
Cool the contents of all the tubes on ice before adding ice-cold anthrone reagent.