Internship Handbook 28 Jan 2021
Internship Handbook 28 Jan 2021
Internship Handbook 28 Jan 2021
Prepared by
(Revised 1 July 2020)
Internship Handbook
Table of Contents
Main Sub Title Page
Chapter Chapter
1.0 Purpose of this Handbook 3
2.0 Introduction to the Internship 3
3.0 Objectives of the Internship 4
4.0 How does it work and administer 5-6
5.0 What the student needs to know 6
6.0 How internship is being assessed and evaluated 7
7.0 Appeals / Grievances 8
7.1 Disengagement / Termination by Company 8
7.2 Disengagement / Termination by Intern 8
8.0 Equal Opportunities 9
Administration, Management and Quality Assurance (MQA)
9.0 9 - 10
10.0 Internal Quality Audit and Moderations 11
11.0 Internship Curriculum 12 - 15
12.0 Internship Process Flow 16
13.0 Internship Schedule 16
14.0 Internship Administration and Operation Guidelines 16
14.1 Workshop and Internship Briefing 16
14.2 Application, Interview and Selection 17
14.3 Confirmation, Approval and Placement 17
14.4 Supervision and Reporting 18 - 19
14.5 Submission of Report, Presentation, Assessment and Grading 19
15.0 Support and Contact Information 20
16.0 Internship Related Documents 20
1.0 What is the purpose of this Handbook?
The Handbook was written for use and reference by students, supervisors, lecturers, coordinators,
administrators and industry partners. It provides:
● Information about the Internship;
● Curriculum requirements and specifications of Internship;
● Advice and guidelines to the students, internship company, supervisors, and lecturers;
● Information on providing guidance and support to students;
● Guidelines for quality assurance and assessment;
● Administrative procedures for Internship
On this handbook, we will use "Internship" as a general term for getting hands-on experiences at a work
site. The handbook contains all information needed on the administration and implementation of the
The internship, industrial training, industry attachment, apprenticeship, supervised work experience,
work-site placement, on-job-training, practicum, practical training, training programme, employability
training, work site/place training and hands-on-training refers to the same notion and it shares the same
objective, whereby a candidate would be required to undertake work experiences with other industry
professional to acquire professional knowledge and skills in the workplace through a variety of structured
activities (practical/interpersonal activities) or opportunities within the workplace environment for the
enhancement of the candidate's continuing professional development.
Each faculty and school may differ from their specific Internship programme specifications and
requirements such as on curriculum requirements, course pre-requisites, duration, scope-of-work, work-
site-experiences, site-visitation, work portfolio logging and learning diaries, reporting, and evaluation and
grading. The Internship course structure is available and could be obtained from the respective Faculties
and Schools.
3.0 Objectives of the Internship
The general aim of Internship is to gain industry or corporate work experience relevant to the discipline
of the student, specifically to achieve the following objectives:
1. To have exposure to real-life working environment;
2. To have the opportunity to integrate the skills and knowledge learned in real-life project and work
3. To gain first-hand knowledge on the job demands and market trends;
4. To apply time management and discipline;
5. To be able to set own goals and objectives;
6. To gain work or placement experiences and understanding of the work environment culture;
7. To be able to carry out a self-audit to assess and gauge their preparation for work employment;
8. To be able to do own reflection, review progress on an on-going basis through learning logs and
9. To reflect and learn from experiences;
10. To work, interact and communicate with peers and industry professionals;
11. To gain confidence, skills and competencies needed for greater employability.
4.0 How does it work and administer?
In most courses or programmes, Internship is a mandatory module and a curriculum requirement for any
academic award. The Internship specification and requirement may vary from one academic programme
to another, details of what is required such as on the required credits, internship duration, student
evaluation, reporting and grading is clearly spelled out in a given Course Structure or Curriculum which
is available in the Faculty / School.
It is required for the pre-internship students to attend all the three Career Preparation Workshops:
Career Preparation Workshop 1 Professional Looking Profile
Career Preparation Workshop 2 Executive Presence
Career Preparation Workshop 3 Mock Job Interview and Interview Skills
Pre-internship students can attend these workshops during the semester before their internship starts as
they will be conducted every semester.
In a nutshell, students registered on Internship are known as "Interns" and they will be able to experience
the following scenarios:
● AFTER: Reflection, Reporting, Archiving and Presentation
o Produce an internship logbook, report by clearly describing their outcomes supported with
photos and other evidential records for assessment;
o Evaluation of personal and professional development;
o Describe and assess the degree of professional development achieved and identifying
professional achievements and the implications of the experience for further development in
the logbook;
o Recommend and suggest solutions for any other areas that requires improvement;
o Presentation of internship experience to Faculty/School (subject to programme requirements).
The Career Services (CS) is a central office that was set-up to administer and provide support to our
students and lecturers on non-academic operation of internship. The Faculty / School and the CS works in
tandem in meeting the Internship objectives and making our students employable in the future.
It is on the onus of the student and intern to be familiar and understand clearly all the requirements,
procedures and guidelines on Internship. The earlier the candidate gets familiar with the Internship
requirements the better they could prepare and reap the benefits of Internship.
The company that qualifies for being an Internship Host must have at least a physical office, a website /
online presence, with at least a sufficient number of full-time staff. CS is regularly posting internship
vacancies from industry partners via its online platform for students to apply for internship. Student can
also search through online job portal and other online sources as recommended by CS.
Internship duration and working hour requirement vary from one company to another and from one
programme to another and it is normally measured in total hours spent on company / industry work
placement. As a general guide, Interns would be required to complete the Internship based on the number
of week as per programme requirements.
All students are normally covered by Personal Accident Insurance during their period of internship and
student could obtain a copy of the insurance cover letter from Office of Admission and Records (OAR) if
required by the company.
Upon completion of internship, they would be assessed and evaluated based on their work performance,
experienced gained supported by the submission of the required evidential records such as logbook,
attendance record, written report and oral presentation (inclusive of the soft copies of those) as an
evidence of their work achievement and evidence of skills and knowledge gained.
The evidence submitted is assessed and evaluated by both, Company Supervisor and INTI Supervisor.
Overall standards in marking, examination and grading are monitored and maintained by the Faculty and
School. Kindly refer to the course structure for details on assessment mark for internship.
In general, all complaints, grievances, and appeals that may arise from the Internship affecting the student
(interns) to be communicated in writing to INTI Supervisor and keep CS in the loop, as soon as possible
from the date of the occurrence of the disputed issue.
If the Intern appeals against the result of assessment, the supervisor and the Head of Programme (HOP)
should resolve the problem in the first instance. Likewise, if the Intern appeals against the corporate /
industry related to work matters, the Intern, the Company Supervisor and the Company’s Human
Resource personnel to resolve the problem. CS will not enter into direct correspondence with the
individual Interns concerning the results of their assessments and other appeals / grievances and will
follow the outcome stipulated by the faculty / school.
Likewise, the company can disengage / terminate the services of the intern within first 2 weeks of the
internship period by giving sufficient reasons and writing officially to the University on the cancellation
or disengagement.
The intern can disengage / terminate their services with the company within the first 2 weeks if the job
assigned to intern do not meet the objectives of internship and different from what was written in the
Company Internship Offer Form. Any withdrawal / disengagement / termination by the Intern must be
approved by the Head of Programme (HOP) and communicated to CS. Nevertheless, faculty and CS will
communicate with both parties to resolve the dispute for the student to continue the internship.
Internship is open to all registered students at INTI, irrespective of their gender, race, nationality, age or
special needs. Faculty / School and CS will ensure that no student is subject to unfair discrimination on
any of these grounds in relation to access to Internship and its assessment. Faculty / School and CS will
ensure that all guidelines, procedures and policies are adhered to as long as they are eligible for
As a quality conscious organization, INTI has put in place an effective and efficient management and
quality assurance systems to ensure optimum delivery, management and assessment of internships,
bringing in quality corporate / industry partners, and equipping our students and graduates with all the
employability attributes.
CS will work together with faculty to coordinate, ensure and give the necessary provisions for the
effective and efficient management by instituting necessary provisions for the maintenance of quality
assurance for on campus-wide Internship programme. CS promotes industry linkages and collaboration
between the corporate / industry players and Faculties / Schools and they are the coordinator and service
custodians for industry linkages and organiser of various activities in achieving employability advantage
for students.
To ensure effective implementations of the management and quality assurance (MQA), the CS in
collaboration with various Faculties / Schools who will ensure that provisions set and agreed upon are
implemented in their own respective faculties and schools. Internal co-ordination between the faculty and
CS plays a key role in ensuring that the Internship and the compulsory employability activities are
implemented with success.
● Discuss and ensure the implementation of any action agreed with the Faculty / School, Academic
Board and Management;
● Ensure that all guidelines and quality documentation related to CS is available when required;
● Administer and manage the workshops and assist with the internship placement, if required;
● To support and assists the Faculty / School in internship matters;
● To provide necessary assistance and support for effective auditing and moderation on CS related
supports by Quality Auditors and Moderators;
● Provide feedback mechanisms for industry partners to suggests and make recommendations for
continuous improvement of the processes and implementation of the programme.
Apart from the INTI supervisor, CS will work in tandem with the Faculty / School in supporting the
10.0 Internal Quality Audit and Moderations
The internal quality audit and moderation is necessary to ensure that the provision for quality delivery
and management of the Internship and Faculty / School / CS activities comply with the framework of
quality and best practices. In general, the work should provide a sampled check of all aspects of quality
delivery in different stages of internship:
Faculty / School
● All candidates’ quality records
● Internship guidelines and procedures
● Interns learning log (logbook) and written report
● INTI Supervisors feedback
● All other assessed work
● Company Internship Offer Form
● Company Offer Letter
● Company Supervisors feedback
In addition, confidence in the quality provisions set by the CS and Faculty / School on Internship
programme must be established by these internal audit and moderations. They must ensure that the work
assessed is satisfactory and ensure that validity, reliability, sufficiency and authenticity of the work is:
● the Intern's own work
● sufficient in meeting the internship requirements
● free from any biases
In order to ensure quality assurance and maintenance of compliance to standards, it is important that
Internship evidence is monitored and reviewed by both, internal and external quality auditors /
moderators. Internal quality auditors and moderators will audit the CS and Faculty / School at any
opportune time they deemed necessary and agreed by both parties.
The main duties of the auditors/moderators are to monitor, evaluate, report and make recommendations
on the implementation of published provisions, guidelines and assessments on Internship, auditing and
moderations are arranged on a mutually convenient date to ensure:
● all interns who have met the required criteria are correctly and consistently assessed and recorded
as successful.
It is our general aim to have a standard provision for the administration and management of Internship,
but could not have one generic Internship curriculum that could fit all the academic requirements of each
and every Faculty / School. The Internship Curriculum (Course Structure) contains the detail
requirements and specifications of the internship and it is available in every Faculty / School:
Faculty of Information Technology (FIT)
BCEGI EGR4888A 6 12 weeks External supervisor Pass – 50 -100
Industrial (employer assigned): Ethics Fail – 0 - 49
Training = 25%
External supervisor
(employer assigned):
Function effectively
= 25%
Report = 25%
Presentation = 25%
Log Book = 20%
Individual Report = 40%
Component Resume = 10% A- (75-79),
B+ (70-74),
B (65-69),
B- (60-64),
C+ (55-59),
C (50-54),
C- (45-49),
D (40-44),
F (0-39).
Resit Pass, RP (50-100),
Resit Fail, RF (0-49)
14.0 Internship Administration and Operation Guidelines
CS and Faculty / School will provide briefing to students 1 semester ahead of Internship. The students
will be given information pertaining to the administration, application procedure, internship schedules,
support, policies, and guidelines of Internship.
Students will be informed to attend all the three Career Preparation Workshops 1 semester ahead of
internship session:
● Career Preparation Workshop 1 – Professional Looking Profile
● Career Preparation Workshop 2 – Executive Presence
● Career Preparation Workshop 3 – Mock Job Interview and Interview Skills
Students are expected to attend job interview sessions during the application period for screening and
selection by employers.
Application for internship placement are divided into two parts, the first part was the Self-Internship
Placement (SIP) where students apply and source for their own employers. It is an important provision on
internship that will allow students to experience all the stages of searching and applying for jobs. If the
student is unable to secure the internship, students must produce the necessary evidence that they have
tried and attempted for three different employers and rejected. Sample of evidence can be an e-mail
replies or other written documents. With sufficient evidence presented by the student on the difficulties of
getting placement, the students could go for the second part by seeking assistances from CS for the
Campus Internship Placement (CIP) in which CS will assist student for application with industry
partners. Students who opted for CIP have no choice on the type of employer and location as CS will
finalise the placement.
Once the application for Internship is successful, the following actions must be carried out by students,
CS, Faculty / School and company:
Each Intern will have two supervisors, one supervisor from the company and another one from INTI.
Both supervisors will guide and assess the students' performance, its learning log (logbook) and
internship report during the period of Internship. INTI Supervisor may visit the interns during the
Internship period. If there is a need for a worksite visitation for the Intern, the Faculty will coordinate
the said visitation with the Company. The Company will ensure that a company supervisor is
assigned to the Intern and proper briefing / orientation on the duties, expectation, rules and
regulations are given to the Intern.
Learning log (logbook) refers to all forms of documentations and note takings of all the personal
experiences, attendance report and reflections that the Interns had during the internship period. It is an
important evidence of the achievement gained at the worksite. Interns must record clearly jobs
assigned, skill and knowledge gained, challenges encountered and job accomplished during the
internship. Interns are expected to be organised in their work and be diligent in keeping their learning
log complete and verified by Company Supervisor. Signed log book should be submitted altogether
with the final Internship Report in hard copy and a softcopy (adobe PDF file format) to INTI
Supervisor for marking / grading on time.
General Guidelines for Interns, Company Supervisor and INTI Supervisors are as follows:
A. Interns
1. To abide by the company’s Rules and Regulations;
2. Adhere to requirements of Company Supervisor and INTI Supervisor;
3. To wear proper attire at work place
4. Complete the Log Book and other report and submit to your company supervisors for
5. Keep close contact with INTI Supervisor and CS.
6. Should the company terminate intern service or intern wish to resign from the company, CS
will only act according to Faculty / School advice for follow up.
B. Company Supervisor
1. To give advice to intern and monitor the progress of the intern.
2. To encourage interns to venture into new ideas, refine skills and knowledge
3. To review intern’s logbook and reports in timely manner
4. To inform the student, INTI supervisor, HOP and Career Services in writing if the company
wishes to terminate the intern
5. To complete and revert the Company Internship Evaluation Form to INTI Supervisor within 1
week after completion of internship.
6. To complete and revert the Company Supervisor Feedback Form to CS within 1 week after
completion of internship.
C. INTI Supervisor
1. To contact interns and Company Supervisors at the beginning of internships
2. To monitor the progress of the intern and provide necessary advice
3. To encourage interns to venture into new ideas, refine skills and knowledge
4. To mark the intern’s log book and reports, presentation and grading for internship
▪ Submission of Report
Once the required number of work-hour for internship are met or the Internship appointment and
placement is completed, the Intern is now on the last stage of his Internship by completing and
submitting the needed internship written report (including the logbook / report) to INTI academic
supervisor. Internship report must be submitted within the stipulated date and time. Late
submission of any report is not allowed except for reasonable reason as approved by the INTI
academic supervisor / HOP.
▪ Presentation
Intern is required to do an oral presentation of internship experiences to Faculty / School (If
stipulated in the course structure). This presentation is a summary of what you have learned from
the Internship, knowledge and skills acquired during the internship.
Career Service
a) Mr. Rahula Weladavi –, Tel: 06-7982000 ext 2035
b) Mr. Or Seng Yeang –, Tel: 06-7982000 ext 2166
Please follow Career Services Facebook Page at for
latest posting on internship / job vacancies from industry partners.
Faculty / School
The Head of Programme (HOP) / Programme Officer (PO) will send the list of INTI Supervisor to
students at the beginning of the internship semester. If any matter arises, please communicate in
to your INTI Supervisor and cc Career Services Department.
● Internship Handbook
● Internship Schedule
● Internship CS Forms
● Resume Template
● Slides for Career Preparation Workshop