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Dsvs User Manual

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User Manual of DSVS

User Manual of

Version v1.1
User Manual of DSVS

Thank you for using our DSVS, if you have any problems or doubts when

using the products and software, please contact:1860 233 3999

About this user manual

This User Manual is for DSVS software, it is used as a guide. The photos,

graphics, charts and illustrations provided in this user manual are only

used to explain and illustrate the purpose, they may be different from

the specific product, please refer to the actual object.

In this User Manual it is possible that we have some incorrect, or some

features and operations that are not compatible with the App, or other

printing mistakes. We will update the content of this User Manual

according to the features upgrading or verifying, and we will improve

and upgrade the description of the products.

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 PC requirement ............................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Function module.............................................................................................................. 2

1.4 Default configuration ...................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Updated instructions ....................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 Getting Start ............................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Log in and Log out ........................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Login ......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Switch user ............................................................................................................... 5

2.1.3 Log out ...................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Control panel ................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 3 Device management ................................................................................................. 8

3.1 Add devices...................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Delete devices ............................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 4 Main view ............................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Preview .......................................................................................................................... 11

4.2 Preview control ............................................................................................................. 11

4.3 View ............................................................................................................................... 13

4.4 PTZ ................................................................................................................................. 13

4.5 Other functions.............................................................................................................. 14

4.5.1 Channel Operation Functions ................................................................................. 14

Chapter 5 Playback .................................................................................................................. 16

5.1 Record Search & Playback ............................................................................................. 16

5.2 Playback Control ............................................................................................................ 17

5.3 Download Records......................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 6 E-Map...................................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 7 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 22

User Manual of DSVS

7.1 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 22

7.2 Remote configuration.................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 8 Alarm and Logs ....................................................................................................... 24

8.1 Alarm Management....................................................................................................... 24

8.2 Alarms and Events ......................................................................................................... 25

8.3 Logs ................................................................................................................................ 26

Chapter 9 User management .................................................................................................. 28

Chapter 10 Record management ............................................................................................ 29

Chapter 11 Monitor Project .................................................................................................... 31

11.1 Mission ..................................................................................................................... 31

11.2 Project ...................................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 12 Others ................................................................................................................... 33

12.1 Multi-screen Display .................................................................................................... 33

12.2 Auxiliary Monitor ......................................................................................................... 34

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Overview

DSVS is a lite platform software programmed by Dlink Technology Co., Ltd which enable user to
manage the surveillance devices. It supports all Dlink DVR, NVR, IPC and other products; offers
versatile functions including device management, live preview, remote playback, remote
configuration, record plan, E-Map, etc.

1.2 PC requirement

OS:Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
CPU: Intel Pentium IV 3.0 GHz or higher
RAM: 1GB or higher
Resolution:1024*768 or higher

1.3 Function module

The operation interface of DSVS is shown as below:

Details of menu bar you can find in the table below:

Lock Lock software. No function can be done.
System Switch user Fill in username and password to switch user.
Export config Export config file to USB flash.
Import config Import config file to use the same configuration.

User Manual of DSVS
View AUX monitor Auxiliary output. Max 4 monitors.

Details of function module is as shown below:

Main View: Viewing live video, controlling PTZ and setting image parameters. When you

view the video, you can change the channel’s position by click and drag the channel to another
channel where you want to set.

Playback: Searching the record files and playback.

E-Map: Adding, modifying, deleting, and basic operations of E-map.

Log Search: Searching, viewing and backing up local logs.

Account Manager: Adding, deleting users and assigning the permissions.

Device Manager: Adding, editing and deleting the devices.

Configuration: Configuring general parameters.

Record Manager: Configuring the record storage schedule and general parameters.

Alarm Manager: Configuring the alarm, exception parameters and the linkage actions for
the devices.

Remote Config: Configuring the network, storage, system and general parameters for the

Monitor project: Configuring the monitor project.

1.4 Default configuration

The default path of the videos is: C:\Working Path\DSVS \Record.

The default path of the pictures is C:\Working Path\DSVS \Picture.
The default path of the alarm pictures is C:\Working Path\ DSVS \AlarmPicture.

User Manual of DSVS

1.5 Updated instructions

This version of DSVS is based on v7.2.0.17 and is based on device R005.

The differences between Windows and MAC system version is shown as below:

Function Module Function WIN MAC

Zoom (by mouse) √(By mouse) ×
Image parameters setting √ ×
Multicast √ ×
Switch users √ ×
Lock √ ×
Import/export config √ ×
The top right corner of the DSVS interface displays the
√ ×
login user.
Record download (DAV and AVI) √ ×(AVI)
Remote playback
Video encoding format display. √ ×
Local timing videos can be searched. √ ×
Local record
Display time when playback √ ×
Split screen preview TAB pages can be dragged and dragged out. √ ×
E-map Supports small window preview. √ ×
Manual adding device √ ×
List field name sort. √ ×
The device color is added. √ ×
Device manager
IPv6 √ ×
Search by ONVIF √ ×
Internet search editor (ipv4) √ ×
Config Automatic full screen at startup. √ ×
General record √ ×
Motion detect √ ×
Record manager
Smart alarm √ ×
External alarm √ ×
Alarm manager Linkage actions when smart alarm triggered √ ×
Others Drag the mouse to adjust the DSVS window. √ ×

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 2 Getting Start

2.1 Log in and Log out

Here is the description of Log in, Log out and switch user.

2.1.1 Login

After installation, double click . The login interface shows as Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Login

User name: Default is “admin”

Password: Default is empty

Save: Save username and password.
Auto Login: Automatically login next time.
Language: Support English, Chinese, Czech, Italian, Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish and

2.1.2 Switch user

After login, you can switch user on control panel, click “System” on the left of the status bar,
then choose “Switch user” to get a login page. You should add one user by “Account manager”
before switch user, shown as Figure 2-2.

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 2-2 Switch user

2.1.3 Log out

Click button . Input current user’s password to exit DSVS.

 For security, please modify your password after login.
 Do not enable save password or Auto Login in public PC.

2.2 Control panel

All the functions can be found in this page, shown as Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Control Panel

User Manual of DSVS
Items Description
Live view, Screen divisions, PTZ controlling, Local record/ snapshot,
Main view Update Channel Name, Reboot, UTC Control, Coaxial Control,
Listening, Digital Zoom, Color settings, Talk, Sync time.
Remote and local records/pictures search, view, playback and
Playback download. Enable cut or snapshot and record locking during
Edit/View Maps, Add/Delete spots, Edit/View alarm channel and
E-Map ports.
Manage local operation logs and alarm logs.
Log Search
Manage groups/users, and assigned permissions.
Account Manager
Search, add, modify and delete devices.
Device Manager
Record/Snapshot save path, record packet time, and other settings.
Record schedule, record specified channels to local without DSVS
Record Manager running.
Links action setting while the device triggers alarms.
Alarm Manager
View and modify settings of remote devices.
Remote Config
Manage tour task and projects.
Monitor Project

Table 2-1 Control Panel description

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 3 Device management

At least one device need to be added firstly before previewing. Click button in control
panel to enter device management interface, then you can add, or modify, or delete devices,
shown as Figure 3-1.

Searched devices in network

Added devices are marked in green
Sorted by IP address

Devices already added

Figure 3-1 Device Manager

3.1 Add devices

There are two ways to add devices, auto search and manual add.
 Auto: Search all the devices in your network, and then add the devices based on your need.
You can also edit the IP address by double click the IP address on the list. See as figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Device edit

User Manual of DSVS

 Manual: Click button and input device information to add a device.

Shown as Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Add devices

Items Function Description

Device Name Alias in device list.

Connect Mode IP address /Domain Name or cloud ID.
Cloud ID Unique identify for each device, enabled when the connect mode is
Cloud ID.
IP address Only enable when the connect mode is IP address.
IPV6 address Enable when the connect mode is IPV6 address.
IPV6Enable Used to enable IPV6 address connect mode.
Port Number Default 34567, the same as device media port.
Username and Default username is admin and password is empty.
Protocol Type Support TCP and Multicast
Device Fac Support D-Link and Onvif
Table 3-1 Device parameters

 Auto method only can add IP address type devices, if you want to add cloud ID, you
must add it manually.
 Auto search can search devices in the different network.
 Searched devices can be sorted by IP Address, Port Num, Mac and IPv6 address.
 Devices that have been added are marked in green
 Manual Add support add devices by Onvif protocol.
 Manual Add support add devices by multicast.

User Manual of DSVS

3.2 Delete devices

Select the devices that you want to delete, and click the delete button to delete it. You can also
delete multi devices at once. You must close the device connection before delete the devices.

Figure 3-4 Delete devices

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 4 Main view

4.1 Preview

After adding the devices, click to enter preview interface, shown as Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Main View

No. Items Function Description

Show all the devices that have added. You can
1 Device list connect/disconnect, choose stream, start talk, reboot
device and other functions.
View list management. It can open the preview windows
2 View
that saved previously.
PTZ direct control, Zoom in/out, Focus +/-, Iris+/-, Preset,
Auto tour and other PTZ functions.
Monitor Project Start/Stop monitor project and task.
4 Page up/ Page down Page up/ Page down when the channels cannot display in
Save view one page.
Support 1/4/5/6/8/9/13/16/20/25/36/64/128 windows
5 Windows division
division, and full screen view.
Table 4-1Preview Function description

4.2 Preview control

The devices management window is shown as node tree, as shown in Figure 4-2

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 4-2
Before starting preview, you need to connect the device first. Double click on a device, shown as

means connect successfully. Double click again, shown as means disconnect.

When the device conncet successfully, right click shows control menu as Figure 4-3

Figure 4-3 Right menu

Items Function Description
View and modify the device’s configuration. For details information please
refer to the chapter 7.2.
Update channel name When the channel name changed, use this function to update its name.
Enable this function, when you double click a channel, it will auto select
Open All Channel by Auto
the stream depend on the current bandwidth condition.
Open All MainStream Open all channels with mainstream.
Open All SubStream Open all channels with sub stream.
Open All Mobile Stream Open all channels with the triple stream.
Start Talk Start talk with device.
Sync Time Sync the device time with PC.

Close All Channels Close All Channels already opened.

Reboot Restart the device.

Table 4-2 Right menu description

 Double click on a channel will enter 1 division, only view the channel selected.
 When view in multi divisions, some of the channel may not be displayed due to the PC
performance and stream encode setting.

User Manual of DSVS
 Streamtype will auto select according the screendiv number.

4.3 View

View List Management function is to save the preview split with a name, so that user can open
their previously saved channels only by clicking the saved item in the list. When user want to save

preferred view, click the icon and set the name of View, it would be saved in the View list.
AS shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6

4.4 PTZ

The DSVS support multi PTZ function such as direction, Zoom in/out, preset and so on.The detail
functions as below.

Figure 4-4 PTZ control

Items Function Description

 It support eight directions move.
Direction control
 Start/Stop Auto Scan.

User Manual of DSVS

Zoom in/out Press / to Zoom in/out the image.

Focus +/- Press / to change the image focus setting.

Iris +/- Press / to change the image iris setting.

Speed The PTZ move speed, support 1~8.

Lighting Open/Close the light, need the PTZ support.

 Add/Delete preset: Select Preset, click button, input the preset

Preset description and click to save, to delete. Click to return.

 Move to preset: Select Preset number, click to point to the preset


 Add tour: Select auto tour, click button, add preset to tour and
Auto Tour save.

 Start tour: Select Tour number, click to Start/Stop tour.

Auto Pan Rotate in horizontal level.

Auto Scan Press / to set left/right boarder. And press to Start/Stop Auto

Pattern Press to start/save pattern configuration. And press to Start/Stop

Aux Support custom auxiliary command.
Table 4-4 PTZ control description

4.5 Other functions

4.5.1 Channel Operation Functions

When start previewing, move the cursor to channel, it will auto show a toolbar in top of image,
you can record or capture the image and other functions. Right click the mouse will open another
control menu. The detail functions as Figure 4-5.

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 4-5 Preview right menu

Items Function Description

/ Start/Stop local recording. means recording. The same function with

Stop or start record “Local Record”.

Capture the image, will auto open after capture. The same function with
Snapshot “Snapshot”.

/ Start/Stop listening, means listening. The same function with

Mute/Unmute “Audio”.

Start/Stop intercom, means intercom. The same function with


Digital zoom, click and select area on image, the selected area will
Zoom in. The same function with “Enable Zoom”. You can also achieve
zoom in or out by mouse wheel.

Close window Close current channel.

Close All Windows Close All channels that opened.

Color Control Change the image settings: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Hue.
Control the Analog Camera via UTC function. It just appear while connect
Coaxial Control
Choose this function ,the channel video will full screen display, you can
Full Screen
exit the full screen via right click.
Table 4-5 Preview right menu function description

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 5 Playback
Playback as an important function in CCTV system, it can help us to check history record in
anytime. The DSVS of Dlink has already integrated it into the customer management system, and
it can support record search base on channels, device record and local record playback,
download record into the local host hard-disk and others playback control operation. It’s simple
and easy to use.

5.1 Record Search & Playback

Figure 5.1 Record Search

Operation Step:
1) Running DSVS and click the “Playback” button to open the main playback page.
2) Select “Device” record which is recorded in device storage memory or “Local” record which
is recorded in local host storage memory.
3) Select channels which you want to playback.
4) Select record type “Record” or “Picture”, subtype “Normal Play” or “Event Play”.
5) Select time period which you want to playback.
6) Click “Search”, then you can get search result as below.
7) Double click record which you want to playback.
8) You can “download” record in the search result list.

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 5.2 Record Search Result

Figure 5.3 Device Record Playback

 All record channels will play when start to playback. If the channel number is less than 4, the
default playback mode is synchronous. Otherwise the default playback mode is
asynchronous. Synchronous cannot support more than 4 channels.
 DSVS maximum supports 9 channels playback at the same time. Playback performance is
also related to the local host computer performance.

5.2 Playback Control

That is the playback control panel in the red circle of figure 5.3, the detail information for each
button as below in the table 5-1.

User Manual of DSVS
Table 5-1 Playback Control Guide
Items Function Description
Play the record, when it turns blue means the current channel is
Play playing.
Pause the record, when it turns blue means the current channel
Pause is pausing.

Stop playing.
Play frame one by one, once click the button, the image change
Next frame to pause status and move to next frame.

Play the record in slow mode, it support 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x speed.
Slow playing

Play the record in fast mode, it support 2x, 4x, 8x speed.

Fast playing
Open video files in local host computer, it can support video
Open file format of “.dav” & ”.avi”.
Play the records asynchronously when several channels are
Asynchronous playing at the same time.
Play the records synchronously when less than 4 channels are
Synchronization playing at the same time.

Close all the playing record.

Close All
Clip record and save it to local host computer. Click to start
Video Clip recording, click again to end.

Snapshot the image to local host computer.


View all channels in full screen mode.

Full screen

Change the volume sound settings.


Click , the timeline will be adjusted to 24 hours, 2

hours, 1 hour, 30 minutes.

If the channel that has record is more than 4, press next and previous

button to change pages.

User Manual of DSVS

5.3 Download Records

Operation Step:
 Select one or more record files in the record search page.
 Select download video format “.dav” or “.avi”.
 Click “Download” button to start download.
 You can find your download file via the path you set in the configuration page.
 The same channel cannot download and playback at the same time.
 The downloading procedure will be abort when exit file list..

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 6 E-Map
DSVS supply a E-Map function, that you can organize and view channel status on a map.If there is

no map or enter E-Map first time, you need to add a map firstly. Click add button to add a
map, input Name, Description and Path to finish add. Shown as Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Add/Modify map

You can preview the map after added. And you can add sub map by click “Add Area” button. Drag
the cam from the device list to map can add spots; You can also edit or delete the area and spot.
All the cams added on the map shown in thumbnail right bottom; you can open a small window
preview by clicking on the small camera icon.

Figure 6-2 Preview map

User Manual of DSVS
Items Function Description
Direction control, only available when the map is larger than the
View the map in full-fill the window.

Zoom in/out the map.

Table 6-1 Map control

 It only supports .jpg or .bmp format pictures.
 When the alarm is triggered, the corresponding icon on the map turns to red to show

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 7 Configuration

7.1 Configuration

Click icon to enter configuration interface, in this interface you can modify the file save
path and other configurations of DSVS. Shown as Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1Configuration

 RecordPath: Set the path of local record and download.

 RecordRule: Save file name rules, cannot be changed.
 PicturePath: Set the path of local snapshot and download.
 PictureRule: Save file name rules, cannot be changed.
 AlarmPicPath: Set the path of auto snapshot when alarm triggered.
 PacketType: Local record time setting.
 DisplayScale: Corridor pattern setting.
 Automatic Overwrite: if this function enabled, when the storage disk is full, the record
will overwrite the earliest record file, if this function disabled, the record will stop when
disk is full.
 Start with the last state: The DSVS will remember the current state when exit, it will
recover when next time launched.
 AutoRun when PC boot: Auto launch when PC start.
 Auto Login: Auto login when DSVS launched, used with “save password”.
 Dynamic Tracking: Tracking motion, need device support.

User Manual of DSVS

7.2 Remote configuration

Click icon to enter remote configuration interface, you can modify the configurations of
device, double click on device to open configuration pages. Shown as Figure 7-2.For more detail
information please refer to NVR operation manual.

Figure 7-2 Remote configuration

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 8 Alarm and Logs

8.1 Alarm Management

Click to open Alarm Manager, modify the alarm setting.

Figure 8-1 Alarm link

 Alarm Type: Support Outer Alarm, Motion Detect, Video Lost, Video Shelter, Disk Full,
Disk Error, Network Disconnection, Line Crossing, Area Intrusion, Region Entrance,
Region Exiting, Fast moving, Unattended Object, Object Missing, Face Detection,
Loitering Detection, People Gathering, Parking Detection.
 Alarm Enable: Enable/Disable alarm message.
 Alarm Prompt Sound: Play alarm sound when alarm triggered.
 Sound path: Custom sound, only support .wav files.
 Auto Watch Warning: Auto open the channels linked when alarm triggered, Shown as
Figure 8-2.

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 8-2 Alarm link setting

Add video channels to alarm port, when the port alarm triggered, the corresponding channels
will be opened automatically. For example: Figure 8-2, it means, when channel1 of “”
trigger alarm, channel1 will be opened automatically like Fugure 8-3. The linked channel can also
be opened by double click the alarm log in Alarm Event.

Figure 8-3 Auto Watch Warning

8.2 Alarms and Events

There always is an alarm window in the bottom of any interface; it includes device alarm and
local operation information. Shown as Figure 8-1

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 8-4Alarm and Event

Items Function Description

Show/Hide alarm window.

Clear all the alarm or events.

Enable/disable alarm triggered pop-out image

Auto hide alarm window.

Maximize alarm window.

/ Show/Hide alarm window.

Table 8-4 Alarm and Event function

8.3 Logs

Click to open Log Search interface, you can view all the alarm and operation logs here.
Select log type and start/end time, all the log searched shown in below. You can also clear all

User Manual of DSVS

Figure 8-4 Operation logs

 Clear log only delete logs write in DSVS, the logs in device is not deleted.

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 9 User management

Click to enter user management interface, there is a default group named “administrator”
and a default username named “admin”. You can add a new group by clicking add button in group.
Shown as Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1 Add group

Input group name and its description, select the rights and device can be management, then click
OK to create a new group. Then you can add users to this group by clicking add button in
username. Input username and password to finish adding. Shown as Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2 Add user

After adding, double click on the username or group can modify their settings, you can change
the username’s password, group, and stop/start to use it. For group you can change its rights,
devices, and users.
 Default user “admin” cannot be stop, deleted or change its group.
 Default group “administrator” cannot be deleted or change its rights.

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 10 Record management

Record Manager can record the camera’s video by schedule without previewing. You can
set different record schedule for every channel.

1.Record packet setting

2.Storage setting

4.Schedule setting


5.Function button

Figure 10-1 Record Manager

No Items Description
Set the normal record packet time, alarm record packet time when
1 Record packet setting
triggered and the record file format (DAV or AVI).
Set the record storage partition, and the default partition is
2 Storage setting
3 Device list All the devices have added.
4 Schedule setting Set record schedule for every channel.
5 Function button Schedule function, including copy, delete, save and start.
Table 10-1 Record Manager

How to set schedule:

1) Click set button and set the period you want to record.

Figure 10-2 Time Periods setting

User Manual of DSVS

2) Set alarm link channels, add channels to port, if the alarm in port is triggered, all the
channels added start to record (you can add any device’s channel to port). For example:
Figure 10-3 means, when alarm in port1 of ‘’ is triggered, channel1, channel2,
channel3 and channel4 will be recorded automatically.

Figure 10-3Alarm link setting

3) Set motion link channels is familiar with alarm link, when Motion detected, all the
channels linked start to record.
 You need to restart the schedule to take it effect.
 Some device may not support alarm in ports.

How to watch the schedule recordings:

1) If the recording file format is AVI, you can find recordings in X:\Schedule, and open it by
media players on PC.
2) If the recording file format is DAV, you can find recordings in X:\Schedule, and open it by

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 11 Monitor Project

In Monitor Project, you can manage the tour task and project, press button in main
view interface to start/stop the task.

11.1 Mission

How to create and start task:

1) Click new button to create a task, input Task name, select window number (the number
of windows open when tour, maximum support 36), and Main/Sub Stream. For example:
Figure 10-4 means, channel1 and channel2 will tour in window1.
2) Change stay time for every channel.
3) Click OK to finish.
4) You can modify the settings after added.

5) In main view interface, press button and select corresponding task to start.
Select again to stop.

Figure 11-1 Add task

 Need to connect the device firstly before adding channels to task.
 Task name cannot be modified.

11.2 Project

Multi task can be added to one project, the task will be affected on its start time.

User Manual of DSVS
How to create and start Project:
1) Click new button to create a project, input name, select task and start time.
2) Double click on the task can modify it.
3) Click OK to finish.

4) In main view interface, press button and select corresponding project to start.
Select again to stop.

Figure 11-2 Add project

 If the start time is earlier than current time, when the project starts, the task will be
activated immediately.
 Project name cannot be modified.

User Manual of DSVS

Chapter 12 Others

12.1 Multi-screen Display

The DSVS can separate functional modules to display independently and achieve multiple
screen display.
You can drag label page to the other monitor. For example, you can drag ‘E-Map’ to Monitor
2, and watch preview on the Monitor 1.

Figure 12-1 Drag Label Page

Figure 12-2 Multi-screen Display

User Manual of DSVS

12.2 Auxiliary Monitor

You can click ’View – Aux monitor’ to use the auxiliary monitor.

Figure 12-3 Aux monitor

After clicking it, there will be an extra window of preview (you can create three extra windows at
most). And then you can drag the extra window to other monitor like the multi-screen display.

Figure 12-4 Aux Monitor

Figure 12-5 Aux Monitor


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