Z-Grade For Steel

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Properties of quality
class steel
David Brown of the SCI discusses the specification of steel with improved through
thickness properties. It should be noted that steel with through thickness properties
(so-called “Z grade”) is only needed in high risk situations.
Steel with improved through thickness properties is often referred option 4 can only be specified for sub-grades J2 and K2.
to as “Z grade”, although the formal description is ‘Quality class’. If through thickness testing to EN 10164 is specified, this
The “Z” is simply because the dimensions in-plane are “x” and “y” automatically includes ultrasonic testing to EN 10160 (for plate)
and out-of-plane, through the thickness of the material, is the or EN 10306 (for sections) as applicable, so there is no need to
“z” direction. The word “improved” is important, as steels to the separately specify option 6 or 7.
EN 10025 Standards will generally have resistance to stress in
the z direction. The common arrangement used to demonstrate Through thickness testing
the potential need for improved through thickness properties is Through thickness testing to EN 10164 requires samples cut
shown in Figure 1 – tensile stress is applied through the ‘incoming’ from the plate (or section) to be subject to a tensile force in the
plates, leading to possible lamellar tearing in the ‘through’ plate. z direction until the sample fractures. The test is examining the
Lamellar tearing is when the steel in the ‘through’ plate separates capacity of the steel to ‘neck’ before fracture, which is a measure
internally. of material ductility in the z-axis. The samples are machined to
Internal tearing may be occur due to areas of inclusions or have a circular cross section, typically of 6 mm or 10 mm diameter,
impurity which can be detected by ultrasonic testing, or when with a “headed” portion of the form shown in Figure 2, so that it
through thickness loading causes tearing to propagate between can be gripped in a testing machine. EN 10164 specifies where the
micro imperfections. Micro imperfections cannot readily be samples are to be taken – typically at 1/3 of the web depth and
detected by ultrasonic testing, but would be revealed by through 1/3 of the flange outstand (measured from the tip).
thickness testing to EN 10164. The obvious question relates to the testing of thin material –
how can this be prepared in such a way to be gripped in a testing
Material specification machine? For thin material, extension pieces are welded to the
Steel may be examined for the two types of imperfections sample. Because welding will change the material properties
mentioned above by specifying certain options at the time of locally, the original sample must be at least 15 mm thick. To
order. Within EN 10025, which covers the steel sections and plate minimise the effect of the welding, EN 10164 suggests that
normally used in construction, options 6 and 7 apply to plate and extension pieces be friction welded to ensure the heat affected
sections with parallel flanges respectively, and require the steel to zone is minimised. Fracture in the weld or heat affected zone
be examined for internal defects by ultrasonic testing. If through invalidates the results. Extension pieces are mandatory for
thickness properties are required, this must be selected by samples up to 20 mm thick, optional for samples between 20 and
specifying option 4, which is testing in accordance with EN 10164. 80 mm thick, and cannot be used for samples thicker than 80 mm.
For rolled sections to EN 10025-2, clause 7.3.3 indicates that Three samples are tested and in each case the reduction 24

Figure 1 – Cruciform joint Figure 2 – Testing sample profile

22 February 19

of area when the sample fractures is given by: • Larger welds increase the possibility of tearing,
• Thoughtful weld detailing can reduce the risk, for example by
So – Su
× 100 avoiding fusion faces which are parallel to the surface of the
where So is the original cross sectional area, • The sulphur content in the steel is important – lower levels
Su is the minimum cross sectional area after fracture. improve the through thickness properties of the steel.
Both the average and individual results are needed to define the The procedure in BS EN 1993-1-10 is essentially a scoring system
quality class in accordance with Table 1. based on a number of contributing factors. Criteria that increase
the risk are awarded a higher score, those that reduce the risk
Quality class Reduction of area in % given a lower or negative score. The required Z quality class (Table
Minimum average value of three tests Minimum individual value 1) must be greater than the summation of the individual scores.
Z15 15 10 Some examples illustrate the features of the system:
A fillet weld throat 5 mm scores zero, a throat of 14 mm scores 6.
Z25 25 15
The table includes fillet welds up to a 35 mm throat with a score of
Z35 35 25 15, but would be unusual, one hopes!
Table 1: Z Quality class Welds where the fusion faces are not parallel to the surface
(Figure 3a) score -25 (indicating that these are not a problem).
Eurocode requirements Welds made to the surface of the steel (Figure 3b) score 5, or 8,
A procedure to determine if improved through thickness depending on the detail.
properties are required is given in Section 3 of BS EN 1993-1-10. Thicker material, which provides more restraint, scores between
Readers should note that there is little enthusiasm in the UK for 2 for 10 mm material and 15 for 70 mm material.
this procedure, and alternative guidance is given in PD 6695-1-10. Perhaps surprisingly, the degree of restraint offered by other
Despite the UK position, the guidance in BS EN 1993-1-10 portions of the assembly is not so significant – a score of zero for
establishes important principles, reinforced by the PD. The low restraint to (a mere) 5 for high restraint. The most significant
Eurocode notes that: contributions are therefore the weld size, the thickness of the
• The strain through the thickness of the material arises as welds material and the joint type.
to the surface (see Figure 1) cool and shrink. If that shrinkage is
restrained by other stiff parts of the assembly, it is clear that the Guidance in PD 6695-1-10
possibility of lamellar tearing increases, The UK guidance is that through thickness testing is expensive,

Figure 3: Joint types

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often unnecessary, and should only be specified in ‘high-risk’ influence on through thickness properties may be verified by
situations. High-risk situations, illustrated in Figure 4, are identified looking at the mill certificates. The PD also lists a series of practical
as: measures to reduce the risk of lamellar tearing. These measures are
• Tee joints with butt welds where the thickness of the ‘incoming’ primarily for the steelwork contractor and reflect the contributions
material is greater than 35 mm, or if fillet welded the throat is to the overall risk score noted above. Practice to reduce the risk
greater than 35 mm (again, a notable fillet weld!) includes:
• Cruciform joints with butt welds where the thickness of the • Avoiding weld details where the fusion face is on the surface of
‘incoming’ material is greater than 25 mm, or if fillet welded the the material.
throat is greater than 25 mm (still notable!) • Managing the assembly of fabricated items to reduce restraint
In these high risk situations, the specification of quality class on subsequent welds.
Z35 is recommended. If Z35 material cannot be readily obtained, • Minimising shrinkage of the welds by process control.
then the sulphur content should be limited to 0.005%. This is • Ordering steel with lower maximum sulphur levels, or
significantly lower than the maximum specified in BS EN 10025-2, purchasing steel from suppliers known to produce ‘cleaner’ steel.
which is typically 0.03%.
In addition, weld volume should be minimised by avoiding Conclusions
over-specification – which is sensible advice in all situations. Both In Western and other developed countries, steel is likely to be
the designer and steelwork contractor can contribute here: the ‘clean’ (low sulphur), the steelwork contractors undertaking
designer by not specifying conservative forces for the connection complex welding of large assemblies are likely to be highly
design and the steelwork contractor by making a careful choice of experienced and the welding operations will be managed by
joint preparation. a Responsible Welding Coordinator (an essential individual for
PD 6695-1-10 notes that steel with low sulphur levels is likely to the production of CE Marked steelwork). In these circumstances
have improved through thickness properties (Z25 or even Z35) as improved through thickness properties need only be specified for
a matter of course. The sulphur levels which have such a significant the high risk situations noted above.

Figure 4: ‘High risk’


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