The Philosophy of Jesus - Peter Kreeft
The Philosophy of Jesus - Peter Kreeft
The Philosophy of Jesus - Peter Kreeft
Religious Jews before Jesus had already (“Adopted son was the generic legal
learned from their own prophets most title for adopted females as well as
of these startling truths about God males in the ancient world, since the
(though they did not know that God had {7} right of inheritance passed through
an eternal Son), and thus about males. So “son” was the necessary
Ultimate Reality, and thus about word to designate the fact that women
metaphysics. All Jesus did was to show as well as men had the right of full
what they already knew, to show it “up spiritual inheritance of all God’s riches
close and personal,” to put God’s face through Christ. The really
“in their face.” He did not show them a “inclusive” point could only be
new God or teach a expressed through the
apparently “exclusive” word.)
And Jesus went even further. His The Metaphysics of
word was “Abba”—not just “Father” Love
but “Daddy,” the intimate term used
by a child, or even a baby. (Even a “So that you may have fellowship with
baby can bubble “Abba” or “Dada.”) us, and our fellowship is with the
The infinitely transcendent One was Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”
now and for the rest of time and (I John
eternity also the infinitely intimate 1:3) The “bottom line” or practical
One. The Father is now in Baby’s payoff of the theological paradox of
playpen playing with Baby in baby- the Incarnation is the religious
talk. The inaccessible Deity became opportunity of fellowship, or
so accessible that He could be intimacy, with Ultimate Reality.
murdered. He made accessible not just This is the most radical solution to
His spirit but His blood. His saving the fundamental problem of
words of power were not, like a metaphysics: how to know Being.
philosopher’s, “This is my mind” but Being (“AM”) turned out to be also
“This is My Body.” (Matthew 26:26) Person (“I”), and knowing turned out to
be marrying! The object of meta-
St. John the apostle is still stunned physics proposes to the
and astounded in his old age as he metaphysician. It is as utterly
ponders this paradox when penning his unexpected as if when Newton
first epistle. The first sentence of his discovered gravity he had heard a
Gospel said: “In the beginning was the voice coming from all the gravity in
Word, and the Word was with God and the universe: “Will you marry me?” It
the Word was God . . . and the is as if the square of the hypotenuse
Word was made flesh and dwelt had confessed it was in love with
among us, and we saw His Pythagoras.
glory.” The first sentence of his
epistle said: “That- which-was-from- Only love could motivate such
the-beginning [became] that-which-we- madness. Christ’s outstretched arms on
have- looked- upon-and-touched-with- the Cross are God’s answer to our
our-hands.” The unmanifest Source of childlike question: “How much do you
all manifestations became manifested. love me?” “This much!” How big is
The “Tao” beyond and behind “the ten that stretch? It is the distance between
thousand things under heaven” became Heaven and earth that was bridged
one of those things. by the Incarnation, and it was the
distance between Heaven and Hell that
was bridged by our salvation.
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly (If so, you defy Rome. If not, you
I say to you, before Abraham was, I defy Moses.) “Let him who is
AM.” without sin cast the first stone.”
(John 8:7)
So they took up stones to throw
at him. (John 8:57-58) (2) “Should we pay taxes to
Caesar or not?”
One of the most striking pieces of 1: ies, when they try to put Him on the
evidence about who Jesus is—I AM, 5) spot and pin Him down to their walls,
the Subject, not the object—is how He W when they try to make Him the object
always manifests this identity in His he of their control and of their
interactions with His creatures. In all n comprehension, He not only escapes,
His encounters, He becomes in time H but He reverses the relationship so
what He is eternally. He is the First, and e that He becomes the questioner and
so He cannot be the second. He is the is they become the questioned ones.
Subject, and so He cannot be the object. q (Jesus perfectly understands the
ue archetypal Jewish joke: Tell me, why
He cannot be the object of human st does a rabbi always answer a
manipulation and control unless He io question with another question?
consents to be. This consent culminates, ne Answer: Why shouldn’t a
of course, in His crucifixion. But d
remember that He had said, “I lay b
down My own life. No man takes it y
from Me.” (John 10:18) Nor can He be H
the object of human understanding and is
comprehension. For “the light shines in en
the darkness and the darkness was not e
able to comprehend it.” (John m
( soon shout, ‘We have no king but
Is Caesar!’)
ae “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s
sa and to God what is God’s” (instead of
r vice versa, which is what they were
y doing). (Luke 20:25)
ur (3) “By whose authority do you
ki do these miracles?” “By whose
n authority did John the Baptist
or preach to you
ot repentance?” “We
T cannot tell.”
se “Then I will not tell you by whose
w authority I do these miracles.”
er (Matthew
e 21:27)
e (4) “You shall love the Lord your
ve God with your whole heart, and your
ry neighbor as yourself, but who is my
m neighbor?”
{13} en
w And, after telling the parable of the
h Good Samaritan, “Go and do likewise.”
o (Answer the question about who is the
w neighbor by being the neighbor—as I
o am doing.) (Luke 10:37)
d (5) “Lord, are many saved?”
“Strive to enter in.” (Luke 13:24) pecially clear in John’s Gospel. It
T begins early, with the very first words
What is common to all these hi John records as coming from His lips:
examples is that the judge and the s “What do you seek?” (John 1:38) The
judged change places. Christ the Tiger p question may seem casual and
bursts the bars of the cage men try h common, but it is profound.
to put around Him, and captures e
His would-be captors inside. He is the n It is profound because it is a probe
Fisherman, the Fisher-King, and we are o that goes into the depths of our heart. It
the fish, not vice versa. This Fisherman m means, “What do you love the most?”
cannot be caught like a fish. He fits into e And this means, “Who are you?”
no net and swallows no bait, not n For we are what we love. We become
even the Devil’s temptations in the o what we love. We “identify with”
wilderness. There is no place in His n what we love. We find our identity in
mouth for a hook to hold, for His is what we love. St. Augustine knew
mouth is fire. es that well; that’s why he wrote: Amor
meus, pondus meum -“my love is my (Matthew 7:7) In other words, what you
gravity,” my weight, my destiny. We love, you will get. So be careful
become what we love the most, what what you love.
we send out hearts out to. Our
heredity makes us what we are, but our So this is a very dangerous thing,
hearts make us who we are. this lovingthing. It changes you. It
changes your life. It’s as objectively
Jesus says the same thing: “Ask, real as a large, hot rock thrown in your
and it shall be given to you. Seek, and face. It’s not just a thought or a feeling
you shall find. Knock, and the door will inside you; it really happens. We
be opened to you. For all who ask, unite with what we love. We become
will receive, all who seek, will find, all what we love. The more you love
who knock, will have the door chocolate, the more chocolate you
opened.” become. The more you love
cannibalism, the more cannibalistic
you become. The more you love
Christ, the more Christlike you become.
Nothing is more scary than that.
Look how scared the world was of
Christ: they had to crucify Him.
All the encounters between Christ Now imagine this Muslim reading
and us in the four Gospels are the Gospels for the first time. He would
structured by the fact that God is the be impressed by the fact that Jesus, like
great I AM; the subject, not the Muhammad, is totally obedient to
object; the questioner, not the the Father. (“I came into the world not
answerer; the judge, not the judged; the to do my own will but the will of my
initiator, not the responder. That is one Father.”
of the clues, one of the fingerprints, so ... “My teaching is not my own, but my
to speak, of the true God; and when Father’s.”) This fact would reinforce
pious Jews or Muslims read the the Muslim’s belief that Jesus is a great
Gospels, it is possible for them to find prophet. But then comes a puzzle:
this clue based on their own scriptures. unlike Muhammad, Jesus is always the
Christ speaks of this possibility when judge, never the one judged. The
He says, “Everyone who has heard Qur’an itself labels Muhammad a
and learned from the Father comes to sinner, whom Allah commands to
Me.” (John 6:45) and “If you believed repent of his sins. But Jesus says,
Moses, you would believe Me.” (John “Which of you can convict me of
5:46) sin?” And what would this Muslim
make of the fact that after railing
This possibility, or clue—the clue to against the blasphemously “unfitting”
Christ’s divinity to be found in the fact Christian notion that Allah should
that He is always the initiator, not the have a son, Muhammad suddenly
responder—is exactly what we and surprisingly declares, “But know
should expect if only two premises that if Allah did have a Son, I would be
are true. The first is the essence of the first to worship him”?
Christianity: that Christ is the Son
of God. The second is that the Is there the faintest note of
principle “like father, like son” is true uncertainty there, like David’s in
not only literally and biologically but Psalm
also analogically and theologically, 139:19-24?
since biological reality is derived from
theological reality as the creature is The divine fingerprint that the
derived from the Creator. What Muslim might detect in Jesus’ words in
follows is that to truly know either the Gospels is not merely the fact
one, Father or Son, is to know the that
He claims divinity. Madmen have done of God Himself, ‘I AM.’” God sneaks
that too, and Muslims claim that the into the conference debate and presents
madmen here were the Christians who Himself as evidence. It is like a
wrote the Gospels, not Christ. teenager’s “Hel—loooo!” to her parents
The divine fingerprint I speak of is the when they’re talking about her in
style of His claims. Whenever He is her presence as if she were not there.
asked a question, He turns the This is the humor Jesus Himself used
situation around so that the questioner in John
is questioned. Whenever He is asked an 8:58. The response He got was rocks
abstract, impersonal question, He thrown at Him. It is also the same
gives a concrete, personal answer. humor Socrates used in the Apology
When He is asked who He claims to be, when, on trial for atheism, he brought
He gives them not an objectifiable into court as his character witness the
name, like “Zeus,” but the holy, word of a god, from the Delphic oracle.
unique Name of His Father that The response Socrates got was
declares His real presence: “I AM!” hemlock. People don’t like to be subtly
Imagine the greatest philosophers in the and gently laughed at by their own
world holding a conference on the innocent victims.
existence of God: atheists versus
theists. After all the arguments for This situation endures to the end of
atheism, the case for theism is time, since Jesus endures to the end of
presented by a visitor: God Himself, time, and He is “the same yesterday,
Who shows up at the conference not today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
as a philosopher defending a theory but The Incarnation had a beginning but not
as data, creeping up behind the an ending. It forever divided time in
philosophers and saying, “BOO!” two, cutting the Gordian knot of
history. Abraham looked forward to the
That is the high and holy joke beginning of this event, while we look
of Aquinas in the most famous of all backward to it, but God looks
his articles, the one on the existence of neither forward nor backward, since He
God in the Summa. (Aquinas has the is not merely a character in His own
same kind of sense of humor Jesus has: play but the Playwright. For God it is a
it is at the opposite extreme from jokes: timeless truth that human flesh and
it is an irony that resides deep in the blood, body and soul, is joined to
very substance of what he is talking His Son, the Divine Word of God,
about.) In each article in the Summa, in hypostatic union. As the
Aquinas, after listing objections to his Athanasian Creed says, the Incarnation
thesis, defends it in two steps: first, in happened not by the lowering of
the section that begins with the formula divinity into humanity, as if divinity
“on the contrary,” with an authoritative could suffer change, but by the raising
quotation, and then, in the section that of humanity into divinity. We suffer
begins with the formula “I answer change, we are potentially this or that,
that,” with an original argument. So but God is purely actual. We are
what authoritative quotation about potentially divinizeable, but God is not
God’s existence does Aquinas use? Not potentially humanizeable. God is purely
any quote about God but a quote from actual. (That is the first meaning of
God: “On the contrary, it is said in the “act.”) Therefore He acts (that is the
person second meaning of “act”), while we are
also acted upon. The divine
cannot be acted upon. It cannot be concrete and personal and standing
changed. It is not passive or potential. before him, condemned. Pilate’s
Only when He assumes human nature skepticism implicitly complains: “How
can He be acted upon by us. And then am I supposed to know that great
He is acted upon even to the point philosophical will-o-the-wisp, ‘truth’?
of our scorns, our thorns, and our nails. Can I see it? Can I touch it?” And Jesus
answers: “Yes. In fact, you can crucify
In the Incarnation, “I AM” became it.”
“HE WAS conceived of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.”Then, on But when man crucifies truth, truth
Calvary, the Iwho became a he crucifies man. In the very act whereby
became an it: the God who became Pilate condemns truth incarnate, truth
a man became a corpse. unincarnate condemns Pilate.
But then there was (or rather is) “the Jesus does not answer Pilate in
rest of the story”: the Resurrection. The words because truth incarnate is like
startling point for metaphysics is that light, not like a lit object. Jesus is not
this whole story is the story of on trial, Pilate is. When we juxtapose
Jesus with this second great
Jesus’ Epistemology philosophical question, the
epistemological question, we see the
THE FIRST GREAT PHILOSOPHICAL same pattern repeated as we saw with
question is: What is? The second, the first question: just as Jesus is not a
which naturally follows, is: How do we metaphysician but something more
know what is? The first question is metaphysical than a metaphysician—He
about being, the second is about truth. is the very being that all metaphysics
seeks—so he is not just an
Truth is relative to being, for “truth” epistemologist but the truth that all
means “the truth about being.” “An epistemology seeks. For Jesus is not a
orange is round” is true only because an philosopher, a lover of wisdom, only
orange is round. because He is wisdom. He is the
Beloved that “the love of wisdom” is
Jesus’ answer to the first in love with. The title of this book is
question, the question of being, was appropriate because Jesus is more
Himself. It was not to point but to be, to philosophical than any philosopher, not
be “I AM.” So His answer to the less.
second question, the question of truth,
is also not to point to anything else as He is the answer to Job’s great,
the truth but simply to be Himself the perennial quest:
truth: “I AM the truth.” (John 14:6)
{18} Surely there is a mine for silver
Thus the supreme irony of Pilate
cynically addressing the philosophers’ And a place for gold which they
great question “What is truth?” to refine.
the eternal, perfect, absolute, divine,
eternal truth Himself, made Iron is taken out of the earth
incarnate and And copper is smelted from the
Men put an end to darkness And search And concealed from the birds of the air
out to the farthest bound the ore in ...
deep darkness.
God understands the way to it And
The open shafts in a valley away he knows its place. ( Job 28)
from where men live;
What place is that? Jesus. Jesus
They are forgotten by travelers, is the place of wisdom. Jesus alone
reveals both God and man to man,
They hang afar from men, they swing because He alone is perfect God and
to and fro . . . Man puts his hand to the He alone is perfect man. As Pascal
flinty rock And overturns mountains by says,
the roots.
Not only do we only know God
He cuts out channels in the rocks through Jesus Christ, but we only know
And his eye sees every precious ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only
thing. know life and death through Jesus
Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we
He binds up streams so that they do cannot know the meaning of our life or
not trickle, And the thing that is hid he our death, of God or of ourselves.
brings forth to light. (Pensées 417)
But where shall wisdom be found? What must we know? Only two
things: who we are and who God is. For
And where is the place these are the only two persons we will
of understanding? never be able to escape from, to all
eternity. And knowing who we are
Man does not know the way to it involves knowing what the meaning of
our life is, and that involves
And it is not found in the land of knowing the meaning of death, for
the living. death defines life as a frame
defines a picture. Pascal’s claim
The deep says: “It is not in me.” (which is the claim of Jesus Himself,
and of all His disciples who wrote the
And the sea says: “It is not with New Testament) is that He is the
me.” answer, the true and final and ultimate
and only adequate answer, to all four
It cannot be gotten for gold of Pascal’s questions: God, self, life,
and death.
And silver cannot be weighed as
its price. Of these four questions, the first is
{19} God. God is the first question because
Whence then comes God is the first in every way. We must
begin with the Beginning. The most
wisdom? And where is the necessary thing to know is the most
Necessary Being.
place of
understanding? But this is impossible, for “He dwells in
inaccessible light.” (third canon of the
It is hid from the eyes of all the Mass)
How can the Eternal Subject, I AM, become some man-made abstraction, some idea or
the object of human knowledge? How can rule or number. In that case, all the activity
mere mortal man, how can this finite, fallen, comes from you. For an abstract idea can do
fallible fool, know God? Far easier for a nothing of itself. Its whole life comes from
mentally retarded amoeba to know man. yours.
Christ’s answer comes in two parts: first Next, suppose you want to know
the bad news, then the good news. something that is inferior to yourself that is
independently real but not alive, like a rock.
The bad news (which we knew already if It has a reality independent of your mind, but
we were as wise as Job) is that we can’t. “No all the activity (except its very act existing
man has seen God at any time.” (John 1:18) and its nature) comes from you. You must go
Then, immediately, He gives us the good to it and study it. It does nothing but sit there
news: “The only-begotten Son, who is in the passively and let itself be studied.
bosom of the Father, He has made Him
known.” (John 1:18) Man’s universal search Next, suppose you want to know
for God is a universal failure, like the Tower something alive, a plant. It has some
of Babel. Philosophy is ultimately the classic activity of its own. It can change from seed
Vermont farmer joke: “Ya can’t get there to tree, from living to dead, from healthy to
from here.” But God’s search for man is a diseased. So it is a little harder to know,
success, and the name of that success is Jesus. especially to predict. It is alive, and we speak
of “the mystery of life.” We do not speak of
We can’t know God, ultimate Truth, by “the mystery of rocks.” But it is still fairly
climbing any human tower, whether it is built easy to know, and mainly passive.
of the babble of words or of bricks. We can
know God only if God climbs down, if He Next, suppose you want to know an
lets down Jacob’s ladder from Heaven. Jesus animal. This is harder still because the animal
is Jacob’s ladder (He Himself says so: has a much richer, higher level of reality. It is
compare John 1:51 with Genesis 28:12), and active. It can run away from you and hide
the way we see this ladder is upside down: it from you, unlike a plant. You have to win its
really rests on Heaven, not on earth like the confidence. There is a mental life shared
Tower of Babel. Its foundations cannot between you. But still, you are the initiator.
collapse like Babel’s because they are not We do not see guinea pigs doing laboratory
human thought and words (logoi) but the experiments on men.
divine thought and Word (the Logos:
John Now when you move up one more step,
1:1). when the being you want to know is another
human being, an equal, the activity is divided
It is utterly reasonable that human reason equally, or almost equally. (You do most
cannot find God. To prove this, we need of the activity in dialoging with babies, while
a basic principle of epistemology, which the older, wiser person does most of the
we will discover by looking at the various activity in dialoging with you.
levels of human knowledge. For the levels of
knowledge correspond to levels of reality, {20} That is why most of our prayer time should
since knowledge corresponds to reality. (In be spent in listening.)
fact “knowledge” means “correspondence
to Next, suppose you want to know an
reality.” angel. If the angel does not reveal
himself, you will know very little, almost
Let us begin by supposing that you want nothing.
to know something very inferior to yourself:
Finally, suppose you want to know God. Him. If He does not take the initiative, we
Here all the activity must originate from simply cannot know Him.
heard it, they went away, one by one,
This is why there must be divine beginning with the eldest, and Jesus was left
revelation if there is to be knowledge of God. alone with the woman standing before him.
Jesus looked up and said to her,
But there is divine revelation, God And he said, “Neither do I condemn you; go,
did reveal Himself, and in many ways: first and do not sin again.” (John 8:3-11)
of all, by creating the universe, but last and
most of all by Christ, the final, definitive The scribes and Pharisees demand an
revelation of God. There will be no more answer from Jesus to a question they are
definitive revelation, until the end of time. certain must trap Him: what does He say
“For in him all the fullness of God was should be done to this woman who has been
pleased to dwell.” (Colossians 1:19) This caught in the act of adultery? The Law of
verse tells us that Christ is all of God that Moses, i.e. the law of God, commanded them
we can ever know because He is all of God to stone her. (Note that the law did not merely
that there is. There is no more in God than in allow or recommend this punishment but
Christ. The Father holds nothing back in the commanded it.) But Roman law forbade the
Son. Christ is the ultimate epistemological Jews to exercise the right of capital
revelation of ultimate metaphysical reality. punishment for any crime at all. (Note that
Christ is the key to epistemology. this law did not merely discourage but
forbade this punishment to be meted out by
Watch how this unfolds in the Gospels. the Jews rather than by the Romans.) So if
Watch how He works, how He does much Jesus says, “No, do not stone her,” he
more than simply know the truth and teach it. disobeys Moses, and is a heretic. If he says,
Watch how He is the truth, not just as 2 plus “Yes, stone her,” he disobeys Rome, and is a
2 are 4 in an equation but as bees do be in a traitor. And if he says neither, he disobeys
beehive. (Bee-ing is what bees do. Existing is the law of honesty and is a coward.
an act.) Watch how epistemology comes alive
because truth is alive and active and therefore No human wisdom could have
able to free us. Watch how “the truth shall escaped this perfect trap. Only three answers
make you free”: are logically possible (yes, no, and nothing),
and all three leave Jesus condemned: by
The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman Mosaic law if he says no, by Roman law if
who had been caught in adultery, and placing he says yes, and by the natural law if he says
her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, neither.
this woman has been caught in the act of
adultery. Now in the law Moses commanded Ah, but remember who He is. He is I
us to stone such. What do you say about AM. He is the one who spoke to Moses from
her?” This they said to test him, that they the burning bush when Moses tried to pin
might have some charge to bring against him. Him down by demanding His name. Then, it
Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on {21} was He who pinned Moses down by giving
the ground. And as they continued to ask him as His name the name no pious Jew
him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him would henceforth ever dare to pronounce. For
who is without sin be the first to throw a to pronounce “I AM” is to claim to bear that
stone at her.” And once more he bent down name, to be that “I.” “I” can only be said in
and wrote with his finger on the ground. But the first person. Any other name can be
when they said in the second person, the person
(“you”) or in the third person, the person expressed or referred to (“him” or “her”).
or Churchill would do, then how could a few
Now, 1500 years later, Jesus enacts the
Jewish fishermen 2000 years ago write such
same role reversal He enacted at the burning
incredibly original, unprecedented creative
bush, by making His answer a question.
fiction based on nothing? This character could
(He’s a rabbi, remember. “Why does a rabbi
not possibly have been invented because He
always answer a question with another
still cannot be invented. He can only be real.
question?”) He says, in effect, “My answer to
your question is this: I tell the one among you
The way Jesus effects the role reversal
who is without sin to cast the first stone.”
between the questioner and the answerer
And suddenly they all realize, as Job did, that
cannot be put into a formula, because all
they had all along only seemed to be the
formulae are universal and therefore
questioners, the teachers, the judges, the
repeatable, but Christ is the unique Son
testers, the controllers, the active ones, the
of God. It also cannot be put into a formula
knowing ones, like scientists examining some
because all formulae are objective and
new species of animal. In reality they
impersonal, but Christ is the personal Subject,
were and had always been the questioned
the divine I AM. He pulls off His “trick”
ones, the students, the judged, the tested, the
repeatedly simply by being Himself, simply
controlled, the ones who were acted upon,
because it is His nature, as the sun pulls off its
the known ones, not the knowing ones. They
“trick” of shining simply because it is its
had always been this because they are
nature to shine. Sunlight naturally
creatures. God had always been testing
illumines all things, things of all sizes,
them, not vice versa, every moment of their
shapes, and colors, without effort. That’s
lives. What Christ did here was simply to
what light does because that’s what light is.
snatch back the curtain of human ignorance
And this role reversal is what Christ keeps
for a moment so that all could see clearly for
doing because I AM is what He is.
the first time what had always been
happening throughout all of time.
We see this role reversal happening again
and again in the Gospels. We learn by
No technique can accomplish this most
repetition. The wise need fewer examples
radical epistemological breakthrough. Only
because they are quick to see the universal
His real presence can. That is why His
truth in the particular example. The wiser we
methods can never be successfully
are, the fewer examples we need. If we were
imitated by any man. That is why no one
really wise, if we had spiritual x-ray vision,
can ever successfully imagine Him as a
we would discover that Jesus is divine from
fictional character. No convincing fiction
this one passage in John’s Gospel alone. (In
has ever been written about the most famous
fact, this is exactly what happened to Arthur
man in history. But much convincing fiction
Katz, according to his autobiography, Ben
has been written about most of the other
famous men in history, and much more will.
Here is a strong argument for the truth of the
Gospels, for Christianity: Christ could not After Jesus frees Himself from the
possibly be fictional, for if no one in the condemnations of the scribes and Pharisees,
world even now, after 2000 years of knowing He then frees the accused woman: “I do not
Him, can write convincing fiction about Him, condemn you.” He does not send along the
if no one can imagine “what would Jesus
{22} condemnation of the scribes and Pharisees to
do” in a convincing way, as they can her but blocks it, and sends to her instead His
imagine what Alexander or Buddha or liberation. They wanted to imprison Him as
Augustine or Lincoln well as her in their logical trap. Instead, He
frees her as well as Himself. Their work is to
imprison, His is to free. For He is the
and “the Truth shall make you free.” (John S od exists, nothing happens by chance. And
8:32) in since nothing happens by chance, God
ce did not let this passage be put into John’s
G Gospel by chance. It is not just about this
woman but about all of us. We have all payoff of this theological mystery. And so do
committed adultery against God. And as we we. Christ is not passively imprisoned by
read this passage, it is we who are being truth, as we are; Christ actively liberates by
tested—not just by God’s law against truth, as God does. Christ is not a scientist
adultery, both physical and spiritual, but also but an artist.
by the story itself. The story tests us by
asking us whose work we are doing, Christ’s Just connect these three verses and
or the Pharisees? We may hope to remain you will see: (1) “I am the Truth.” (John
spectators judging the spectacle from outside 14:6) (2) “The truth shall make you free.”
as we read this passage, but we cannot. We (John 8:32) (3) “So if the Son makes you
are drawn into the situation; we are not free, you are free indeed.” (John 8:36)
judging it but we are being judged. In fact we
are always being judged, not just by the Law
But the story is only half over, and
but by Christ. He is always the judging,
we like to forget the second half. Christ says
knowing Subject, and we are always the
not only “I forgive you” but also “Sin no
judged, known objects. Our truth is our
more.” Both are equally necessary parts of
conformity to His knowledge.
His work of liberation, like faith and works
(the works of love) in salvation.
For God does not discover truth, as Remember, the prophecy did not say that
we do. He decrees it, He creates it. We do “His name shall be called ‘Jesus’ [‘Savior,’
this too, partially, in the creative arts. There, or ‘God saves’] because he will save his
we make truth; elsewhere, we discover it. people from the punishment due to their sins,”
It is true that elves are small and impish but “His name shall be called ‘Jesus’
in the world of A Midsummer Night’s because he shall save his people from their
Dream because Shakespeare made them sins.” Saying “I forgive you” but not “Sin no
that way, and it is true that elves are tall more” would have been just as much a work
and awesome in The Lord of the Rings of imprisonment rather than liberation as the
because Tolkien made them that way. The opposite, saying “Sin no more” but not “I
creation (the universe) is God’s art and forgive you,” as the scribes and Pharisees did.
man’s science. What is objective to us (e.g. For sin imprisons us just as certainly as
tigers) is subjective to God. First He unforgivingness does. “Whoever commits sin
invents tigers, then we discover them, as is the slave of sin.” ( John 8:34) “For the
first Tolkien invents hobbits, then we wages of sin is death, but the free gift of
discover them. When we discover truth about God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
the creation, we are reading the thoughts of (Romans 6: 23)
the Creator.
Sin is like a drug.To be freed from
What does this theological truth have addiction to any drug, two things are
to do with John 8? It is the basis for Christ’s necessary: someone has to love you tenderly
liberation of the woman caught in adultery. enough to free you, and someone has to love
For Christ is not a creature but the Creator. In you toughly enough to demand that you stay
the words of the Nicene Creed, He is free. This is the Savior’s double work.
“begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Sometimes theologians call it “justification”
Father.” The woman received the practical {23} and “sanctification.” The two cannot be
separated. To separate the tender warp and
the tough woof of this seamless garment is to
unravel and destroy the whole of it. To
oppose a “liberal” tenderness to a
“conservative” toughness, or vice versa, is
nothing but a new imprisonment, a
dilemma like the one the Pharisees posed to But Jesus escapes our dilemma too, as He
Jesus. escapes the Pharisees’ dilemma. He
escapes all our nets, for He is not a fish but
the Fisherman, the “fisher of men,” and we about nature and much pain and suffering by
are His fish. To be caught in His net is “the conquest of nature.” But we can
to be freed, because His net is truth. only postpone, not conquer, nature’s trump
card, death.
Thus, in the same chapter, after He frees
the woman, He interprets what He has just The truths of science do increase our
done in telling us that “the truth will freedom. For instance, we are free to escape
make you free” (vs. 32). But did the truth earth’s gravity and travel through air or space
free her? Wasn’t the truth that she had only because of the propositional truths of
committed adultery? How could that truth physics and mathematics. But we cannot be
free her? free of gravity altogether, for it is in our very
essence as material creatures. What goes up
We have difficulty seeing how that truth must come down eventually. No
can free her because we think of “truth” as knowledge of abstract propositional truth
abstract and impersonal, as either a general can free us from that.
principle (like “adultery is sin”) or a
particular fact (like “she has committed But Jesus can. He makes it possible
adultery”). Both general principles and to escape earth’s gravity forever, to go up to
particular facts are expressed in propositions, Heaven and not down to Hell. He lifts
sentences, statements. This is “propositional our bodies from our graves and our souls
truth.” from our sins.
I will not here play the popular card of This is epistemology incarnated, and
trashing propositional truth. For propositional therefore empowered. He is “the word of
truth is precious, and is the servant, not the power” because He is “the Word of God.” He
enemy, of Christ. That is why even has the power to liberate the woman because
propositional truth, even abstract truth, even He has the power to create the universe. He
philosophical truth, can be freeing. is the Word the Father spoke to create the
universe. (Genesis 1:2) He is not just
For instance, the philosophy of Socrates “the word about power” but “the word of
frees us from much ignorance, especially power.” (Luke 4:32; Hebrews 1:3) He does
from our ignorance about our own ignorance. not merely copy what-is when He speaks; He
But it does not free us from all ignorance. It creates what-is. When He says, “let there be
tells us much about ourselves, but very little life” at Lazarus’s tomb, even death obeys
about God. Him.
And the propositions of good psychology He is “the Word of God” in the singular
can free us from much self-deception. But because He is absolutely singular. He is not
not all. In fact, to think that it does is the “the word about God,” not even the last word
greatest of self- deceptions. about God, but “the Word of God.” He is not
about anything else; everything else is about
And the propositions of science, Him. Everything in the universe and
philosophy’s child, and of technology, its everything in the Bible is a finger pointing to
grandchild, can free us from much Him. He is the end of epistemology.
How do we know God? One indispensable co ously or unconsciously, known or unknown.
way is to pray. And all prayer, if it is to reach ns So Jesus is the way to know God here too.
the Father, must go through the Son, ci
Knowing persons requires words. How despite the fact that more than half of all the
could Juliet ever know Romeo if no books on all the sciences that are sold in
words ever passed between them? And how bookstores today are written about some
could you know God if He never spoke to aspect of psychology, there is no science with
you, through His inspired written Word and less agreement, less certainty, and less
above all through the Word confidence that we now know what we used
to not-know. We seem to know ourselves less
Incarnate, and if you never spoke to Him, by well as a result of all this modern self-scrutiny
prayer? Love needs words as well as music than we did before. The more we look,
because love sings. the less we see. It is just the opposite with the
external world. We can now understand the
So prayer is necessary to know God (as mysteries of the origin of the universe, 15
distinct from knowing about God). But this is billion years ago, or the forces that keep the
not the “necessity” of an obligation, one galaxies spinning trillions of light-years away,
among many, like fitting a square into a quilt. better than we can understand ourselves.
This is God we’re dealing with: the burning, “Know thyself,” said Socrates, at the dawn of
blazing, bursting fire at the heart of all philosophy. But “know thyself” seems to be
goodness and beauty and life. To pray is more an unsolvable puzzle, a koan. We cannot
like plunging yourself into a volcano than like know ourselves, yet we must know ourselves.
fitting the missing piece into a jigsaw puzzle.
Prayer is a matter of justice, but much more What does this have to do with Jesus, or
than that, it is a matter of love. To pray is not Jesus with this? In the oft-repeated words of
merely to give God His due, to perform your John Paul II, “Jesus alone shows man to
moral obligation, to fit something in; it is to himself.” Since He is both perfect God and
touch the body of the God whose love spills perfect Man, He perfectly reveals both God
out of five wounds as human blood. and man. Jesus is the solution to the koan.
I do not believe in this Buddhist goal, for Down through the ages, our most brilliant
as a Christian I believe in God and in philosophers have been drawn to one or the
Creation, and therefore in the reality of the other of those two classic errors in
subject-object dualism that Buddhism anthropology: either materialistic
seeks to overcome. The whole universe is naturalism or spiritualist pantheism, either
objective to God. The subject-object dualism, confusing Man with things or with God.
or the I-it {26} Incredible!— our greatest philosophers, our
greatest knowers, do not know
themselves well enough to avoid confusing
their very essence with what they are not!
But to do this, to make us pregnant with But like Nicodemus, many of us still just
His new life, God must be as really present to don’t get it. We miss the very center and
us as a man is to a woman to make her essence of this whole religion business. We
pregnant. There are no pregnancies by email. think it’s about thinking differently, believing
You can’t get pregnant simply by thinking differently, evaluating differently, acting
about it, or by a “transformation of differently, and forget that the root of all of
consciousness,” however profound it may be. these things is being differently. Christ
Your body can get pregnant with human life came to give us not just new thoughts and
only by the real presence of a man inside values but new being.
your body, and your soul can get pregnant
with divine life only by the real presence of
Just as many of us, like Nicodemus, just
God inside your soul.
don’t get the heart of the religion business,
many of us don’t get the heart of the sex
And Jesus is that real presence of God to business. Just as the main point and
man. He was visibly present in His individual purpose of religion is creation (the creation of
human body for thirty-three years in first- new, divine being), the main point and
century Israel, but He is just as really present, purpose of sex is procreation. But we’ve
though invisibly, in His universal Body of the turned pregnancy into an “accident”! That’s
Church, the “mystical Body of Christ,” for like accepting religion, faith, creed, church,
the rest of history throughout the world. The sacraments, the whole package, and then
Church is “the extension of the calling your entrance into Heaven an
accident! Or like eating healthy food and
calling your body’s health an accident. We’re
not just stupid; we’re twisted!
And that is the point of religion that Conscience is universal. It exists in all
Nicodemus did not know. He knew men. In some it is horribly weak, and in some
everything except the one thing most worth it seems almost dead, but it never is. A man
knowing, the reason for everything else that totally without a conscience is not a man, just
has ever happened. And that reason is sitting as a man without a mind at all is not a
right in front of him. man. (A man with an I.Q.of 45 is a man;
a man with an I.Q.of 0 is not.)
And of us.
Jesus’ moral appeals, therefore, were
Jesus’ Ethics appeals to a moral conscience that was
already there. The ground had already been
Of ALL THE GREAT questions of philosophy fertilized. And other sowers had sown moral
that all men by nature ask in all times, places, seeds in that field, and many of them had
and cultures, the ethical, or moral, question sown very deep and lively seeds, though no
is the
one had ever sowed so many deep seeds in is ly any moral saying of Jesus in the
so few words as Jesus. If you look at ha Gospels whose equivalent cannot be found
Jesus’Jewish tradition you will find that there rd somewhere in the scriptures or in the
sayings of the rabbis. Much of it, even some Christs. “Truly, truly I say to you, whatever
of the most startling points about humility you do to one of these least of my brethren,
and selfsacrifice and the power of weakness, you do to me.” (Matthew 25:40)
can also be found outside Judaism: in Lao
Tzu, in Buddha, in Confucius, or in Socrates. You see, instead of telling us the answer,
So what’s new? What new moral doors does Christ shows us the answer, for He is the
the Golden Key open? answer. He shows us Himself.
There are really three moral questions, That's what’s new, this New Man. We all
three basic parts to morality: how should we knew the other answers. We have never lived
relate to each other, to ourselves, and to God? morality very well, but we have always
How should my ship cooperate with the other known it quite well, quite adequately.
ships in the fleet, how should it stay Contrast how well we know morality with
shipshape itself, and what is the fleet’s how well we know metaphysics, or
mission? These three questions are the ques- epistemology, or anthropology—or, certainly,
tion of social morality, the question of theology. God has left us to make many
individual morality, and the question of the mistakes in those other areas, but God has not
meaning of life. The last one is the most left Himself without clear witness in the area
important because the answer to it makes a of morality. He has given every one of us two
difference to the answer to all the others. It is heavenly prophets of morality who speak
the question of the ultimate end of everything powerfully to each of us if only we listen.
else. Everything else is ultimately a means to Each of us has a conscience, and each of us
this final end. And though “the end does not has an angel. Each of us has two prophets
justify the means”—that is, a good end does from God, an inner prophet and an outer
not justify an evil means—yet a good prophet.
end does justify a good means, for the means
are relative to the end. That’s what a
With all this help, the map of moral
means means: a “means” to an end.
principles is so clear that even an idiot
can read it. (Applying those principles to
So what is Jesus’ answer to the complex and changing situations, of course,
question of the meaning of life, the ultimate is a complex, changing, and not-so-simple
end, the greatest good? task.) We do not have too few principles
in our many moral philosophies; we have too
The answer is Christ Himself. Christ is many. We need to see the oneness of all
the greatest good. of them. And we see that when we see Jesus.
We see that there is “only one thing
How then should we live? What sort of needful” (Luke
people should we be? Christs. We should be 10:42), and that is Him. We do not need
little Christs. We must “grow into the full “Jesus and” but “Jesus only” (Matthew 17:8).
measure of the stature of Christ.” In Him are all goods, all gifts, absolutely
(Ephesians everything we need. (Philippians 4:19). For
3:14) when we know Him, we learn that we do not
really need many of the little good things we
And how should we treat each other? As {34} think we need, the many Martha-things, like
making sure the supper is always on the table
on time. And when we know Him, we learn
that we do need one thing that we thought we
did not need: the Mary-thing, simply sitting at
His feet and listening and loving. He is really
all we need. Literally. Besides Him, the
other thing we need to know is that besides S ul teaches this scandalously simple idea of
Him there is no other thing we need to know. t. the good life as simply Christ. His formula
Pa for the good life could not possibly be
simpler: “For me to live is Christ.” life.” (John 14:6)
(Philippians 1:21). And therefore he goes
on to say next that “to die is gain,” for if life This is so shocking that it looks like what
is Christ, then death is only more Christ. analytic philosophers of language would
call “a category confusion,” as if Plato had
About half of the words Jesus spoke said that the eternal Essence of Beauty Itself
in the Gospels are about ethics. Yet Jesus’ was in his kitchen preparing dinner, or that
most world-changing work in ethics is not Justice was six feet tall.
his words, which are many, but Himself,
which is one. He is not called “the words of The point is hard to see because it is so
God” but “the Word of God.” simple, so single. Since our minds and hearts
are not simple, it will be easier for us to
He is the world’s greatest moral teacher, see the point if we make it more complex. So
but He is more than that. He is the world’s let’s split it into four parts, or four points, or
most perfect moral example, but He is more four dimensions: first, the “personalism” of
than that. He is the world’s greatest prophet, following Him instead of a set of impersonal
but He is more than that. He is more than one principles; second, the overcoming of
who taught goodness and lived goodness and legalism by this simplicity; third, the
demanded goodness. He is goodness. refutation of moral relativism, which is the
apparent opposite of legalism; and fourth, the
on one occasion someone addressed Him secret of moral success.
as “good master,” and He asked him, “Why
do you call me good? No one is truly good Jesus’ Personalism: Seeing “Jesus Only”
except God.” (Matthew 19:17) He was not
denying that He was God but affirming it, and
And after six days Jesus took with him
thus affirming that He was more than a good
Peter and James and John his brother, and led
man, even more than a “good master.” He is
them up a high mountain apart. And he was
not just a good man, He is the whole of
transfigured before them, and his face shone
goodness, goodness incarnate, the universal
like the sun, and his garments became
good, not just a partial or particular good. He
white as light. And behold, there appeared to
is not just the best teacher of the meaning of
them Moses and Elijah, talking with him.
life; He is the meaning of life. Buddha says,
And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is well
“Look not to me, look to my teaching”; Jesus
that we are here; if you wish, I will make
says, “Come unto Me.” (Matthew 11:28) He
three booths here, one for you and one for
is not just one who perfectly exemplifies the
Moses and one for Elijah.” He was still
meaning of life, He is the meaning of life. He
speaking when lo, a bright cloud over-
is not an example of anything. Examples
shadowed them, and a voice from the cloud
point beyond themselves, but He does not just
said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I
point out the good way, He is the good way.
am well pleased; listen to him.” When the
He does not just speak the truth about
disciples heard this, they fell on their faces
goodness, He is the truth about goodness. He
and were filled with awe. But Jesus came
does not just live the good life, He is the good
and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no
life. ”I AM the way, and the truth, and the
fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes,
{35} they saw no one but Jesus only. (Matthew
Jesus sums up the moral life in two It was not I that found, O Savior
words: “Follow Me.” (John 1:43) All other
great moral teachers—Moses, Buddha, true; No, I was found by Thee.
Confucius, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Muhammad—
said: “Follow my teaching.” But Christ said: Christ is the single touchstone of morality. It
“Follow me.” They said, “I teach the is not possible to find an innocent act that
way,” but Christ said “I am the way.” Buddha does not welcome the name of Christ, or a
said, “Look not to me, look to my dharma sinful act that does. But He is more than the
(doctrine).” Christ said, “Come unto me.” touchstone, He is also the goal, the good we
(Matthew 11:28) Buddha said, “Be lamps seek, the “meaning of life,” the summum
unto yourselves.” Christ said, “I am the light bonum, the end, the “one thing necessary.”
of the world.” (John 8:12) our hearts cannot be fooled about our ultimate
good, even though our heads can. We know,
Philosophers seek wisdom. Christ and cannot not know, that nothing else is
is {40}
enough, that none of the other candidates for
wisdom. the office of king of our lives is really royal.
Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.
First of all, love is defined by Christ. I But we are not saints. Why?
Corinthians 13, the most famous chapter The answer is very easy to find. Look
into the mirror of your heart. Be utterly
in {43} honest with yourself. Can you doubt that (to
the Bible, the one about love, is a quote William Law) the only reason you are
not a saint at this very moment is because you
do not wholly want to be?
The theology of the body is totally And how important is the family? It is
Christocentric. Christ does not teach the only the basis for all human society, in
theology of the body; Christ is the theology fact for human existence.
of the body.
Four of the most stable, successful,
At the heart of the theology of the body is internally peaceful, and long-lived societies
the vision of sex as an icon of the Trinity and in history were the Jewish (Mosaic), the
of our final, mystical Heavenly destiny to be Confucian, the Islamic, and the Roman. They
married to God. God is not just an individual; lasted, respectively, about 35, 21, 14, and 7
God is a family, a Trinity, a family of Father, centuries, for one overriding reason: because
Son, and Spirit. Thus the family is Godlike they all greatly respected the family.
because God is a family.
I think the family is even more important
God is a Trinity because He is love, to God than doctrinal orthodoxy, because the
complete love, therefore Lover, Beloved, and family is about the very image of God in
Loving. He is not just a lover, but “God is man. Islam and Mormonism are
love.” (I John 4:8) And that is why human theological heresies, but God is blessing
love, especially human sexual love, is them and they are expanding faster than
Godlike: because God is love. Christianity today because Muslims and
Mormons are much more faithful than
Christians to the family,
marriage, sexual morality, and procreation. ar e succumbing to it.
They are resisting the Sexual Revolution. We
This is outrageous, because the definitive for all human lives, including the smallest
answer to the Sexual Revolution is not and weakest and neediest and most
Muhammad or Joseph Smith but Jesus, who vulnerable, the most “useless.” But why? On
not only reveals but incarnates the mystery of what basis? Feeling and sentiment? That is as
the holiness of sex, marriage, and the changeable and unpredictable and
family as a sacred sign of our ultimate uncontrollable as the wind, or the winds of
destiny, spiritual marriage to God. Jesus does fashion as manipulated by the media. Christ’s
not just tell us the Big Picture; He is the Big Church gives the real answer: the real basis
Picture. He does not just teach us the Word for human solidarity is Christ. It is in Christ
of God about sex. He is the Word of God that all men are brothers. Whatever we do to
about sex. He does not merely reveal the a bag lady or a baby, born or unborn, or a
spiritual marriage; terminally ill cancer patient, or a political or
military enemy, we do to Christ.
He is the spiritual marriage. In Christ we
have more than the Big Picture; we have the For in the Incarnation Christ became not
Big Person. just a man but Man, humanity. And not
“humanity” as an abstract idea but as a
Christ and Social Ethics: Solidarity concrete family. It is no legal fiction when He
says, “Whatever you do to one of the least of
The fundamental problem of society is glue. these my brethren, you do to me.”
What glues naturally selfish individuals (Matthew
together? We are naturally selfish. That is the 25:45) It is literally true. In physical marriage
empirically verifiable formulation of the “the two become one flesh,” one body, one
doctrine of original Sin. Selfishness divides, new person; and if you realize that, you will
community unites. What melds selfishness no longer compete with or put down or harm
into community? Is it force? Or is it social your spouse, for that is yourself, your
justice? own body. (Ephesians 5:28) But in Christ we
are married to all men, for we are members
Neither. It is solidarity. Solidarity (organs, hands) of His Body. If we
(Sobornost in Russian, Solidarinosc in Polish) realize that, we realize solidarity. outside
has always been more powerful than Christ, solidarity is only a beautiful ideal. In
justice as human glue, for justice is abstract Christ, it is a beautiful fact.
and rational, while solidarity is concrete and
mystical. outside Christ, this beautiful ideal has
to be realized by human effort. But human
But what is the basis of solidarity? It effort is compromised with sin. Thus many of
is not merely our common origin, in Adam, the regimes that show passionate, self-
but our common end, in Christ. sacrificial human solidarity, from Germany in
the 1930s to Al Queda, are also regimes that
Secularists say our common origin is show passionate sinfulness and hate.
apes and our common end is death. Not a
very good basis for solidarity! Solidarity is the fundamental answer
to the fundamental social and political
The world rightly praises (when it is {49} problem. The problem is how to get selfish
sane) and practices (when it is moral) individuals to cooperate without losing
respect their individuality. It is the problem of the
polis, the civitas, the community: what is the
common unity of the comm-unity? How can
we live together in peace instead of war?
Jesus and Politics: Is He Right or For instance, why feed the poor? Because
Left? the poor are Christ in disguise. Not just
because of political correctness or individual
All political issues today are seen through the sentiment.
prism of Right vs. Left, the political “us vs.
them.” The categories are all- Why love sinners, as the Left does, and
encompassing thoughtsavers, knee-jerks that why hate sins, as the Right does? Why love
allow us to avoid thinking about each addicts to drugs, violence, money, or sex?
issue on its own merits. But the And why hate their addictions? For the same
categories, and the polarization they create, reason. Because Christ does. That’s why we
is even more indefensible when applied to should be more compassionate to sinners than
Christ because it means judging Christ by liberals are and more uncompassionate to sins
the fallen world rather than vice versa. than conservatives are. For the same reason:
The polarization is also harmful to
morality because it lets us be selectively Why insist on doctrinal orthodoxy? Not
moral, selectively idealistic—which means just out of correctness but out of loyalty to
selectively immoral and pragmatic. If we take Christ. Why speak of sin and salvation, two
the high road on abortion, euthanasia, and {50}
words that scandalize the secularist? Not
sexuality, we can take the low road on war, just to refute secularism but because of
poverty, and pollution; or vice versa. Even Christ. Christ not only spoke of sin and
when we focus on a specific question like salvation, Christ is salvation.
whether all human lives are intrinsically
valuable, these categories allow us the moral Why preach and practice the “social
schizophrenia to say yes when we address
gospel”? Not to be politically correct, or to
refute the Fundamentalists, but because Christ Why be universalistic and inclusive and
did. ecumenical? Not to sneer at xenophobia,
isolationism, and provincialism, but because to worship Christ’s values instead of Christ.
Christ was and is universalistic. Christ is not That is just as abstract as the Right’s
a local tribal deity. substituting Christ’s doctrines for Christ.
They are also only pointing fingers.
Why insist on “the scandal of
particularity,” and on the concrete, visible, The Right argues that the Left is
particular, and exclusive claims of Christ vague, but even the true and precise doctrines
to be the one and only Savior? Not to stick it of the Right are vague compared with Christ.
to the liberals, but because Christ is Everything is. The Left argues that the Right
particular and concrete and visible and is hard, but even the soft, compassionate
exclusive and literal. heart of a liberal is hard compared with
Christ. Everything is.
Why be progressive and radical and
creative and in love with the new? Why be Right and Left cannot convince and
open to the winds like a sail? Because Christ convert each other for the same reason
is. that the Pharisees and the Sadducees could
not convince and convert each other. For
Why be faithful and stick-in-the-mud what a Pharisee needs is not a little softening
traditionalist, like an anchor? Because Christ of the head, a little dose of worldliness, pop
is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” psychology, relativism, and subjectivism.
What he needs is Christ. And what a
Why be a “bleeding heart liberal”? Sadducee needs is not a little hardening of the
Because Christ is. Why be a “hard-headed heart, a little arrogance, a little bit of Scrooge
conservative”? Because Christ is. or Machiavelli or Darwinian “survival of the
fittest.” What he needs is Christ.
Many have substituted Liberalism or Earthly societies are not eternal, as souls
Conservatism or some other ism for are. Yet Christ is the Savior of societies
Christ, and coopted Christ for their cause. as well as souls. Our society is dying because
Christ cannot be coopted for any cause; all it has turned the holy name of its Savior into
causes must be coopted for Him. All isms are a curse word. Christophobia is the poison that
abstractions. Even the perfect ism, if there is is killing our society. Our secularists are
one, cannot save us and cannot love us. making us forget Christ faster than we are
making them remember Him: that is why
The special danger of the religious our society is dying. Its blood supply is
Right is to worship Christ’s doctrines instead drying up. The Precious Blood is evaporating.
of Christ, confusing the sign with the thing We are losing more blood each day.
signified. The Right is absolutely right to
insist on being right and to insist on The answer is scandalously simple,
absolutes. But a finger is for pointing at the unless Christ and Christianity and the Bible
moon; woe to the fool who mistakes the and the Church and Christ’s apostles and all
finger for the moon. the saints are liars. The answer is that there is
only one hope, for societies as well as souls:
The special danger of the religious Left is “What must I do to be saved?” “Believe on
the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be Is that too simple and childish for
saved.” you? Are you too “advanced” and “adult” for
(Acts 11:14) that? Remember what “advanced” tooth
decay looks like. Remember what our society
means by “adult.” Remember what “adult” Age of Apostasy vs. Age of Faith, 132 Al
movies mean. And then put that against The Queda, 39, 143 alcohol, 133 Allah, 42-43
Passion of the Christ. And then “choose ye Alexander, 58 amazement, 88 amoeba, a
this day whom ye will serve.” (Joshua 24:15) mentally retarded, 51 American, Jesus not
Conclusion 10 Amor meus, pondus meum, 36
analogical nature of personhood, 30 anarchist,
YOU DIDN’T EXPECT A book on philosophy to Jesus not an, 10 angels, 54, 97, 102, 124
end like that, did you? But that’s the way the angelism vs. animalism, 73 Anna, 91 Answer
world’s greatest philosopher ended His Man, God not our, 40 anthropologist, Christ
philosophy. The last words of Christ in the as the perfect, 73-74 anthropomorphism, 40
Bible, through His prophet John, in the Antichrist, 150 Apocalypse, 131 Apology, 45
Apocalypse, say the same thing. (Read appearance vs. reality, 88 Aquinas, 44, 133,
Revelation 22.) For this is the most important 138 Aristotle, 23 art, universe as God’s, 61
thing anyone can ever say, the most artist, Christ as, 62 Ascension, 137-38
momentous choice we can make, the choice Athanasian creed, 46 Augustine, 36, 123, 138
between everything and nothing, being and Auschwitz, 37 Ayran racist, Jesus not an, 10
nonbeing, light and darkness, Heaven and Babel, 51 baby-talk of God, 20 bag ladies,
Hell, Christ and Antichrist—and if 142 baggage inspections, morality as, 120
philosophy has nothing to say about that, then baptism, 83, 87 bara', 12, 86, 91 Beatific
the hell with it. Vision, 132 Beatles, 128 Beauty, 99 Being or
Love as the ultimate equation, 26 Bee-ing as
what bees do, 55
Mao Tse-tung, 144 Marcel, 29,31, 69 Marcus pagan myth, Jesus not a,
Aurelius, 3 marriage to God, 17, 22, 119, 131,
10 quest, life as, 37
parent’s primary gift, 92 Pascal, 3, 50, 79, 81 rabbis, 57, 83 Rachel, 108
“The Passion of the Christ,” 25, 149 Paul, 88,
98, 122, 123, 126, 135 radical, Jesus not a political, 10 Real
Presence, 112, 121 reason, Jesus’ appeals to,
Paul VI, Pope, 135 Penseés, 50, 82 Person vs. 4 reason for everything, 92 redemption, 76
Force, God as, 11, 85 reincarnation, 82 Republican, Jesus not a, 10
Resurrection, 46 revelation, need for, 54
personality of God knowable, 18 personhood Right vs. Left, 38, 134, 144ff.
as the key to metaphysics, 30 personalism,
meaning of, 113-14 Peter, 100, 102, 104 righteousness, Christ is, 115
Pharisees, 55, 60, 62-63, 78, 88, 148
philosophy, Jesus as God’s, 9 Jesus as romance, 132; morality as a, 113 Rome, 135,
fulfillment of, 114 skeptical definition of, 140 Romeo, 66 ruah', 84 Russia, 144
poet, Jesus as, vs. Jesus as philosopher, 4-5 why you are not a, 125 as soldier, 126 not a
“poltical correctness,” 118 political Messiah, liar, 149 sanctification and justification, 63
38 polis, 143 polytheism, 15, 16 pop satori, 71 Sartre, 24
psychology, 10, 41,
“scandal of particularity,” 146
schoolmaster, Law as, 109 science as reading
potato, man as a, 77 practice of the presence, God’s art, 61
scientist, Christ not a, 62 Scrooge, 148
prayer, 54, 66-67 Precious Blood, 149 seamless garment, 63 secular humanism, 10,
pregnancies by email, 86 priestesses, none in 41 secular morality, 122 self, made good or
Judaism, 14 “primitive Christians,” 90 bad by choices, 8 self-esteem, 122 sex, 28,
problem vs. mystery, 69 Prodigal Son, 5 87, 92, 119, 122, 126ff.
progressivism, 147 prophets, two, of morality, {55}
96-97 propositional truth, 64 psychiatry, Sexual Revolution, 130ff. Shakespeare, 61
sweet substitute for, 111 purpose of the “She,” God as, 14, 41 Shiva, 15
universe, 89-90
shrewdness of Jesus, 4 ships, morality like, 95
Pythagoras, 22 simplicity, 110 Simpson, Homer, 3 sin, is to
Star of Bethlehem, 116 startles, four kinds of, works and faith, 62 Wooer, God as, 40 World
81 story of Being, 46 subject, divine, became Trade Center, 106 x-ray, 74, 118 xenophobia,
human object, 21 subjectivism, 41, 148 146
subject-vs.-object, 70-72 Summa Theologica,
44, 133 summum bonum, 116 Sunfish, 120 Index; Scripture Quotations
Supernovas, 107 “survival of the fittest,” 148
Syria, 101 Yellow Pages, 15 Zeus, 15, 44
II Kings 6 (101)
Luke 4:32 (66) John 14:6 (47, 62, 99) John 16:7 (91)
Luke 10:37 (35) Acts 11:14 (149) Romans 3:23 (117) Romans
6:23 (63) Romans 7:12 (109) Romans 7:15
Luke 10:42 (97, 111) Luke 13:24 (35) (121) Romans 8:28 (108) Romans 8:29 (75)
John 1:51 (52, 117) II Peter 1:4 (75, 123) James 1:17 (106)
John 3:1-10 (79-80) John 3:30 (126) I John 4:8 (108, 138)