Modern Survey Unit-4

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Modern Surveying & Mapping

Subject :- E.C.E.
Subject Code : 2110004

Prof. Karan S. Chauhan

Assistant Professor
Department Of Civil Engineering
@ Shri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute Of
Engineering And Technology
General : An Overview
 Revolutionary changes have taken place in last few years in
surveying instruments that are used for measuring level
differences, distances and angles.
 This has become possible because of introduction of
electronics in these measurements. With rapid
advancements in the technology and availability of cheaper
and innovative electronic components, these instruments
have become affordable and easy to use.
 This module outlines developments in the technology for
various survey measurements such as digital levels,
electronic distance measuring instruments, electronic
theodolites, and total stations. With advanced method like
Theodolite surveying
Theodolite surveying
Theodolite surveying
 Prior time compass is used for measure angles between two or more
points but its least count is 30’ and main point is it can not measure the
vertical angle up to long distance.
 Therefore compass is not used more due to less accuracy and in major
work more accuracy is required.
 Theodolite is important instruments used mainly for accuracy
measurement of horizontal and vertical angles up to 10” to 20”
depending upon least count of it.
 Theodolite can measures…
✓ Horizontal angles
✓ Vertical angles
✓ Deflection angles
✓ Magnetic bearings
✓ Horizontal distance between two points
✓ Finding vertical height of an object
✓ Find difference of elevation between various points
✓ Ranging a line
✓ Extending a line
❖ In fact it is a key survey instrument in most of engineering projects
There are two types of theodolite…
1. Transite theodolite
2. Non-transite theodolite

✓In transite theodolite the telescope can be

revolved through a complete revolution about its
horizontal axis in a vertical plane.

✓In non-transite theodolite the telescope cannot

be revolved through a complete revolution in the
vertical plane.
Electronic Digital Theodolite
 Electronic digital
theodolite is recently
develops, which measure
very precise and also very
convenient to use.
 The surveyor doesn’t
required to look into a
circle reading of
telescope and set of
micro screw.
 At the pressing of button
the horizontal and
vertical angle displayed
and can store in solid
state memory card which
can be process in
EDM surveying
 Electronic distance measuring instrument is a surveying instrument
for measuring distance electronically between two points through
electromagnetic waves.
 Electronic distance measurement (EDM) is a method of determining
the length between two points, using phase changes, that occur as
electromagnetic energy waves travels from one end of the line to the
other end. As a background, there are three methods of measuring
distance between two points:
 DDM or Direct distance measurement – This is mainly done by
chaining or taping.
 ODM or Optical distance measurement – This measurement is
conducted by tachometry, horizontal subtense method or telemetric
method. These are carried out with the help of optical wedge
 EDM or Electromagnetic distance measurement – The method of
direct distance measurement cannot be implemented in difficult
terrains. When large amount of inconsistency in the terrain or large
obstructions exist, this method is avoided.
EDM surveying
 Electronic distance measurement in general is a term used as a
method for distance measurement by electronic means. In this
method instruments are used to measure distance that rely on
propagation, reflection and reception of electromagnetic waves like
radio, visible light or infrared waves.

 Sun light or artificially generated electromagnetic wave consists of

waves of different lengths. The spectrum of an electromagnetic
wave is as shown below:
EDM surveying
 Among these waves microwaves, infrared waves and visible light waves are
useful for the distance measurement. In EDM instruments these waves are
generated, modulated and then propagated. They are reflected at the point
up to which distance is to be measured from the instrument station and again
received by the instrument.
 The time taken by the wave to travel this 2x distance may be measured and
knowing the velocity of wave, the distance may be calculated. However time is
too short, measuring the time taken is difficult.
 The improved techniques use phase difference method in which the number of
completed wave and incomplete wave is measured. Knowing the length of wave,
distances are calculated.
 Built up microprocessors provided in the instrument calculate the distances
and display it by liquid crystal display (LCD).

 Types of Electronic Distance Measurement Instrument

 EDM instruments are classified based on the type of carrier wave as

1. Microwave instruments
2. Infrared wave instruments
3. Light wave instruments.
 The basic theory of all the three types is essentially the same.
 In all this types it is used electromagnetic waves and it is measured
indirectly using the characteristics of these waves.

 There are different types of EDM instruments used like

1. Geodimeter
2. Tellurometer
3. Distomate
4. Inbuilt Total station
Error in Electronic Distance Measurement
 Personal Errors
✓ Inaccuracy in initial setups of EDMs and the reflectors over the preferred
✓ Instrument and reflector measurements going wrong
✓ Atmospheric pressures and temperature determination errors

 Instrumental Errors
✓ Calibration errors
✓ Chances of getting maladjusted time to time generating frequent errors
✓ Errors shown by the reflectors

 Natural Errors
✓ Atmospheric variations in temperature, pressure as well as humidity. Micro
wave EDM instruments are more susceptible to these.
✓ Multiple refraction of the signals.
✓ The advantage of using EDM instruments is the speed and accuracy in
measurement. Several obstacles to chaining are automatically overcome when
these instruments are used.
Total Station
Total station is a combination of EDM & Electronic

It can measure angles, distances, coordinates of station

points, height difference(RL), and all types of survey work can
be computed, displayed and digitally stored into internal

It is most accurate and user friendly for surveying.

It is work basically on Angular system(With longitude, latitude

& altitude) and coordinate system(X-Y-Z or N-E-Z).

Total station provides complete solution to all surveying works

like, Land surveying, road surveying, express way survey, rail
surveying, canal surveying, mine surveying, contour surveying,
runway alignments etc….
Basic principal of Total Station
✓ These instruments are measuring the distances of
prism poles mounted with prisms with the help of
Laser beam or Infrared rays.
✓ These signals are emitted by the instrument EDM
and reflected back to instruments by the prism
mounted on the prism poles.
✓ The time interval between emission and reception
helps to calculate the distance as the speed of
these signals are precisely known.
D = (t/2) x v
Where, D-Distance,
t-Total time taken,
Advantages of using Total Station
The following are some of the major advantages of using total station
over the conventional surveying instruments:

➢ Field work is carried out very fast.

➢ Accuracy of measurement is high.
➢ Manual errors involved in reading and recording are eliminated.
➢ Calculation of coordinates is very fast and accurate. Even corrections
for temperature and pressure are automatically made.
➢ Computers can be employed for map making and plotting contour and
cross-sections. Contour intervals and scales can be changed in no

However, surveyor should check the working condition of the

instruments before using. For this standard points may be located near
survey office and before taking out instrument for field work, its
working is checked by observing those standard points from the
specified instrument station.
Introduction to GPS
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-
navigation system. And now a days become most crucial
method in advanced surveying method.
GPS stands for Global Positioning System which measures
3-D locations on Earth surface with the aid of satellites
GPS is mainly developed by US army & air force.
The GPS basically consist of the orbiting satellites, earth
control stations, and the receivers.
The GPS signals has enormous important data that is used
for several purposes including survey.
The GPS uses generally 24 satellites minimum in which
total 6 orbits required and each orbit required minimum 4
The GPS enables the user to locate his/her position in
three dimensions(longitude, latitude and altitude or X,Y &
Z) as well as with respected time(4th Dimension-4D).
GPS Uses….
GPS use for..
✓ Find perfect location of any station point.
✓ Can find way for cars, boats, Airplane, construction
equipment's, mobile, laptop & in other instruments or
✓ Can give navigation to military and also to civilians to
know location as precisely as possible.
✓ Can give distance between two or more station points.
✓ Can give time laps for travel between two or more
✓ Can use for find latitude, longitude & altitude for any
station point.
✓ Can use on at Disaster management time.
And many more…..
GPS Components
GPS has three components
1. Satellite segment :The GPS satellite
2. Ground segments : Currently operated by U.S. Military
3. User segments : Military & Civilians (dual use technology)
GPS continue….
 Developed in early 1980’ s (Dept. of Defense)
 Made up of 26 satellites (24 functioning & 2 spares)
 Each satellite is 20,000 km high (off Earth’s surface)
 Each satellite is in a fixed position
 Minimum of 3 satellites needed, but 4-5 preferred
 Need satellites at least 15° above horizon
 Locate positions on Earth by distance-distance intersection
 Need 2-3 receivers ($80-$100K per system)
 Most accurate with double occupancy (no other checks)
 Differential GPS – one receiver on known point, other
receiver on unknowns
GPS continue….
Biggest advantage
 Distance and direction in-between 2 points without
being seen
Downfalls/Limitations of GPS
 Multipath – bouncing off of walls of buildings
 Blocked signals – clouds, trees, etc.
 Sunspot – defraction from atmosphere
 DOP (Delusion of Position) – bad satellite position
 Set up error – not set up exactly over point (human
error – most common)
GPS continue….
 Static – observation time is at least an hour
◦ Ideally set points in triangular fashion
◦ Accuracy – 1/10 million

 RTK (Real Time Kinematic) – stand for 30-60

seconds minimum
◦ Base receivers transmission, does corrections, sends
corrections to receivers
◦ Limitations – limitation of transmitter signal
Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
System (IRNSS) with an operational name
of NAVIC ("sailor" or "navigator"
in Sanskrit, Hindi and many other Indian
languages, which also stands for NAVigation
with Indian Constellation) is an autonomous
regional satellite navigation system, that provides
accurate real-time positioning and timing services.
It covers India and a region extending 1,500 km
(930 mi) around it, with plans for further
extension. The system at-present consist of a
constellation of 7 satellites,with two additional
satellites on ground as stand-by.
Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
❖ NAVIC will provide two levels of service, the 'standard positioning service'
will be open for civilian use, and a 'restricted service' (an encrypted one) for
authorized users (including military).

Global Indian Navigational System (GINS)

❖ Study and analysis for Global Indian Navigational System (GINS) was
initiated as part of the technology and policy initiatives in the 12th Five Year
Plan (2012–17).The system is supposed to have a constellation of 24
satellites, positioned 24,000 km (14,913 mi) above Earth. As of 2013,
the statutory filing for frequency spectrum of GINS satellite orbits in
international space, has been completed.

❖ Till now we have launched total 7 satellites and two additional ground
The approximate "extended service coverage" of the Indian Regional
Navigation Satellite System.
Introduction to GIS
 A “geographic information system” (GIS) is a computer-based tool that allows
you to create, manipulate, analyze, store and display information based on its
 GIS makes it possible to integrate different kinds of geographic information,
such as digital maps, aerial photographs, satellite images and global positioning
system data (GPS), along with associated tabular database information (e.g.,
‘attributes' or characteristics about geographic features).
 Using GIS, you can incorporate all of this information into a single system and
execute common database operations. For example, GIS allows you to perform
statistical analysis or spatial queries, to explore ‘what-if' scenarios, and to
create predictive models.

 For example, GIS can help answer questions such as:

✓ What exists at a given location?
✓ Where does something occur?
✓ What has changed since a specific point in time?
✓ What spatial patterns exist?
✓ What happens if…?
The 4’M’s of GIS
Contributing Disciplines of GIS
GIS continue…
 Components of GIS Data :-

➢ Spatial data :- It represents of geographical features associated with real-

world locations. In sort any data that represents information about the earth.
It stored in files and managed by the GIS software.

➢ Attribute data/Non Spatial data :- It represents descriptive information

like, data Stored in table format and managed by an RDBMS (relational
database management system)

❖ Formats for GIS Data :-

➢ Raster data :- rectangular array of cells or pixel

➢ Vector data :- three main feature types….

- Points or nodes (single x, y location)
- Lines or arcs (linear string of x, y locations)
- Areas or polygons (closed string of x, y locations)
➢ DEM (Digital Elevation Model) – Digital terrain representation technique,
where elevation values are stored in raster cells.
List of Software used for GIS

1 ArcGIS (Esri)
2 Geomedia (Hexagon Geospatial)
3 MapInfo Professional (Pitney Bowes)
4 Global Mapper (Blue Marble)
5 Manifold GIS (Manifold)
6 Smallworld (General Electric)
7 Bentley Map.
8 MapViewer and Surfer (Golden
10 Grass GIS
11 Maptitude
12 Open street
13 Arc Map
15 uDig
16 Erdas Imagine
17 Oracle spatial & graph
18 Capaware
Introduction to Remote Sensing
 “Remote” means far away & “Sensing” means believing or observing or collecting
some information.
 In simple way we can say that Remote sensing means collecting information of
any object from a distance.
 Human eye is most familiar example for remote sensing but more from it like
sight, smell, hearing all are forms of remote sensing.

 So in technically we can define it as,

✓ Remote sensing is an “ART” & “SCIENCE” of obtaining about an object, area, or
characteristics of it through an analysis of the data acquired by a device which
is not in contact with the object, area, or characteristics under investigation.

✓ In short we can define,

“Collecting information of any object without being in physical contact with

 It is the methodology employed to study from a distance the physical and/or

chemical characteristics of objects.
Remote Sensing….
 Remote sensing as ART & SCIENCE

➢ Remote sensing is restricted method for employ electromagnetic energy

emitting such as light, heat, microwave as mean target measuring and detecting
its characteristics.

➢ Aircraft and satellites are the common platforms used for remote sensing.

➢ By this method collection of data is usually carried out by highly sophisticated

sensors like camera, multispectral scanner, radar etc.
➢ The information carrier or communication link is the electromagnetic energy.
➢ Remote sensing data basically consists of wave length intensity information by
collecting the electromagnetic radiation leaving the object at specific
wavelength and measuring its intensity.
➢ Most of the remote sensing methods make use of the reflected infrared bands,
thermal infrared bands, and microwave portion of electromagnetic spectrum.
➢ Nowadays R.S. is mainly done by space using satellites.
➢ It is also functioning harmony with other spatial data collection method like
mapping science, including cartography, GPS & GIS with areal photogrammetry.
Classification of Remote Sensing…
 Mainly Remote sensing classified into Two categories.
1. Passive Remote Sensing
2. Active Remote Sensing

❖ Passive Remote Sensing :-

✓ It use SUN as a source of Electromagnetic energy source and
records the energy that is naturally radiated &/or reflected
from the object.
✓ In this system photographs are taken on a clear bright day.
✓ Without illumination from the sun energy no photographs can be
taken with a camera.

❖ Active Remote Sensing :-

✓ It use its own source of Electromagnetic energy which is
directed towards the object and return energy measured.
✓ A system which utilizes man-made sources of energy for data
collection is called active system.
Elements of Remote Sensing…
 There are basically Seven (7) elements most common remote sensing process
is done…

A. The Energy Source :- (Sun or own strong EM source)

B. Interaction of energy with atmosphere :-

( earth surface or object emission of EM waves through atmosphere and
energy comes through vacuum where no interaction happens before interacting
with the earth’s atmosphere.)

C. Interaction of Energy with Target :-

( Once energy makes its way to target through the atmosphere, it interacts
with the target depending on the properties of both the target and radiation.)

D. Recording of Energy with Target :-

( After emitting or reflecting energy from target, we required a sensor to
collect and record the EMR. Sensors are mounted on satellites.)

E. Transmission, Reception and Processing :-

( The energy recorded by sensor and transmitted often in electronic form to
receiver and processing station on the ground where the data are processed into
an image….
Elements of Remote Sensing…
… The data products are mainly classified into two categories :-
(i) Pictorial or photographical product
(ii) Digital product

F. Interpretation and Analysis :-

( The processed image is interpreted, visually and/or digitally or electronically,
to extract information about the target of interest.

-> the data analysis process involve examining the data using various viewing
instruments to analyses pictorial data, which is called the visual image
interpretation techniques.

=> Use of computer to analyses digital data through a process is known as Digital
image processing techniques.

G. Application or Implementation :-
Finally we can apply the information about the target of interest to better
understand it. And this information people can use for make improved
management and decision.
Application of Remote Sensing…
❖ Remote Sensing has applications in a wide spectrum of areas.
❖ It is a practically means for accurate and continues monitoring of earths
nature, man’s activity on ground, air, water.
❖ It can be used for many sound decision making planning for developmental
❖ Some of major applications are…..

Agriculture :- used for crop measurements, analysis and horticulture

Forestry :- Measurements of forest area, type of forest & its density,
biomass, forest fire etc.
Environment :- Analysis Impact of pollution on environments, wetlands area
measurements, natural disaster calculation etc.
Coastal Mapping :- Coastal land use, land platforms, habitation of ocean culture
& processes. Etc..
Marin application :- potential fishing area, quantities, species, forecasting
modeling, productivity etc.
Urban environment :- Road developments, town planning, rout analyzing etc.
Land & Water Resources development :- land & water conservation and
development, ground & surface water recharging and targeting, snow melting,
water run off calculation, reservoir capacity, requirements of water to all
sectors etc..
Application of Remote Sensing…
Geology :- Mineral recourse measurements, future scope targeting, oil
exploration mapping, under ground structure studies etc..
Land use or Land cover :- mapping, planning of developing area.
Information :- Integration of spatial and attribute data, query and
modeling etc…
Indian land use &
land cover detail
Introduction to Photogrammetry
& Digital Image Processing

Aerial photogrammetry means taking photos from air.

It is the first method of remote sensing even using
today by satellite & defense ministry with electronic
Introduction to Photogrammetry
& Digital Image Processing
 Aerial photogrammetry is the science & technology for obtaining spatial
measurements & other geometrically reliable products from photograph.
 It is the method to prepare map by capturing data using light.
 Photographs are taken with special types of cameras.
 It also known as aerial survey.

 Photogrammetry is classified into two types…

1. Terrestrial photogrammetry :- Photo theodolite is used to take the
photographs from higher altitude points of earth . Plans or maps are
developed from photographs taken for same area from different

2. Aerial photogrammetry :- where photographs are taken with the help of

aerial camera mounted on aircraft. Plan or map developed by using
stereoscope principle when two photographs of same area either taken
by two pairs of aerial camera at same point of time or two successive
photographs are viewed in stereoscope or computer.
Uses of Photogrammetry
❖ The main advantage of photographic survey is large area can be surveyed
in very less time compared to conventional method of surveying.
❖ Measurements from this method more accurate.
❖ It is very expensive method & required well trained skilled and
experienced professionals to accomplish the survey and map preparation
❖ It is not suitable in wide spread forest or desert areas.
❖ Main use of this method is to prepare map, plan, photomap and mosaics
of large area.

❖ Followings are the main use of this method.

➢ Military intelligence
➢ Soil classification
➢ Land use classification
➢ Geological investigation
➢ Law and order
➢ Satellite image interpretation

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