Pe 8
Pe 8
Pe 8
background music-soft
melody) Let’s proceed to number 2, Baseball.
Is it identified as individual sports or team sports?
If you answered team sports then you are right!
Pictures will appear inside
an illustration of a Next, number 3, Volleyball.
blackboard beside Ma’am Is it identified as individual sports or team sports?
Forts. If you answered team sports then you are right!
The name will be revealed as
soon as she mentions the Next, number 4, Gymnastics.
answer. Is it identified as individual sports or team sports?
If you answered individual sports then you are
Roll 2
Ma’am Forts, Medium shot Nowadays, people become less physically active
center frame because of various reasons and one of those is
brought by the advancement of science and
technology. Many are no longer participative in any
Ma’am Forts, Medium shot fitness-relevant activities. We are aware of the
right frame health benefits and importance derived from
engaging in physical activities, yet we tend to take
its significance for granted. Unfortunately, many
young people do not engage in worthwhile exercises
or physical activities anymore. This may be due to
your youth and your ability to execute with less
effort, or your current health status.
Roll 2
Texts will appear full screen. VO: At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Discuss physical fitness test
2. Identify the Skill-Related Fitness
3. Perform physical fitness test at home.
SCENE 4 – Let’s Try
Roll 1
Texts will appear full screen. VO: 1. What is defined as “the ability of the body to
5 second timer animation do the task without undue fatigue”?
will appear. A. Aerobics
B. Fitness
C. Flexibility
D. Physical Fitness
Ma’am Forts medium shot Let us reveal the answer. If your answer is D.
left frame Physical Fitness, you are correct. Question number
The text D. Physical 2…
Fitness will appear with a
check mark
Ma’am Forts Medium shot The right answer is letter B. Power you are correct.
left frame
Next question…
The text B. Power will
appear with a check mark
B. Power
C. Reaction time
D. Speed
A sound will be heard after
5 seconds. Time is up!
Ma’am Forts medium shot What’s your answer? If you answered letter C, then
left frame
you are correct! Let’s proceed to question number
The text C. Reaction Time
will appear with a check 4…
Roll 2
Text will appear as she Skills-Related Fitness
mentions each. Speed -is the ability to perform a movement in one
direction in a short period of time.
Demonstration will appear
on the screen (Ma’am Forts 40 Meter Sprint
and student will Purpose: to measure running speed
demonstrate the test) Equipment: a. Stopwatch
b. Running area with known
measurement (40 meters)
Quarter 1 / Week 1/ Episode 1: Physical Fitness Test
Scriptwriter : Fortunata S. Bigay
Teacher-broadcaster: Fortunata S. Bigay
Episode Director : Fortunata S. Bigay
MELC : Undertake physical activity and physical fitness
assessments. (PE8PF-la-h-23)
For the Performer:
1. At the signal “Ready”, stand behind the take-
off, the tips of the shoes should not go
beyond the line and assume a crouch
2. At the signal “Get Set”, assume an un-crouch
position (Buttocks ups) with both hands on
the starting line.
3. At the signal “Go”, run to the finish line as
fast as you can and stop once you crossed
the finish line.
4. Set the stopwatch to zero (0) point.
5. Time will start when you start to run and
stop the clock when you crossed the finish
6. Record time in the nearest 0:00:01 second.
Scoring: Record the time in nearest minutes and
take-off line.
6. After the jump, spot the mark where the back
of the heel of either of your feet has landed
nearest to the take-off line.
7. Record the distance of the two trials.
Scoring: Record the best distance in meters to the
nearest 0.1 centimeter.
1. Stand with both feet together inside hexagon
the march starting side.
2. Using the ball of your feet with arms bent in
jump clockwise over the line, and then back
same line inside the hexagon. Continue the
with all the sides of the hexagon.
3. Rest for one (1) minute.
4. Repeat the test counterclockwise.
5. Record the time of each revolution.
6. Restart the test if you jump on the wrong
or steps on the line.
7. Add the time of the two revolutions and
Quarter 1 / Week 1/ Episode 1: Physical Fitness Test
Scriptwriter : Fortunata S. Bigay
Teacher-broadcaster: Fortunata S. Bigay
Episode Director : Fortunata S. Bigay
MELC : Undertake physical activity and physical fitness
assessments. (PE8PF-la-h-23)
divide by 2 to
get the average.
Scoring: Record the time in the nearest minutes
and seconds.
Roll 3
Ma’am Forts medium shot Reaction Time -the amount of time it takes to
center frame respond to a stimulus.
Ma’am Forts medium shot Purpose: to measure the coordination of the eye
center frame and hand
Equipment: Sipa (washer with straw) 20
Text will appear as she pcs.Bundled rubber bands/any
mentions each. similar local materials.
Demonstration will appear 1. Hit the sipa/rubber band/similar local
on the screen (Ma’am Forts material
and student will alternately with the right and left palm
demonstrate the test) upward.
The height of the material being tossed should
be at least above the head.
2. Count how many times you hit the material
the right and left hand.
3. Stop the test if the material drops on the floor.
Scoring: Record the number of hits has done.
Roll 2
Activity will show on show VO: Make sure that you do it properly to avoid
on screen injury but if you have illness or health concerns,
please do the other activity.
Pictures of physical fitness
test-skill related fitness will Wow! That’s a job a well done! I can see that you did
show on the screen your best.
SCENE 7 – Let’s Do More
Roll 1
Let’s Do More logo will -transition-
appear on the upper right
corner frame VO: From what we have discussed and you’ve
learned a lot, here’s the last challenge for you class.
Ma’am Forts, medium shot
center frame. In this activity you will need… ballpen and paper
and endurance.
________ 4. Is the ability to perform a movement in
one direction in a short period of time.
________ 5. Ability to produce maximum force in the
shortest time.
Ma’am Forts Medium shot Let us reveal the answer. If your answer is B.
Quarter 1 / Week 1/ Episode 1: Physical Fitness Test
Scriptwriter : Fortunata S. Bigay
Teacher-broadcaster: Fortunata S. Bigay
Episode Director : Fortunata S. Bigay
MELC : Undertake physical activity and physical fitness
assessments. (PE8PF-la-h-23)
Texts will appear full screen. VO: _______3. What is defined as “the ability of the
5 second timer animation body to do the task without undue fatigue”?
will appear. A. Aerobics
B. Fitness
C. Flexibility
D. Physical Fitness
A sound will be heard after
5 seconds.
Time is up!
Ma’am Forts Medium shot What’s your answer? D. yes, it is! Physical fitness.
left frame Let’s proceed to question number 4…
The text D. Physical fitness
will appear with a check
Quarter 1 / Week 1/ Episode 1: Physical Fitness Test
Scriptwriter : Fortunata S. Bigay
Teacher-broadcaster: Fortunata S. Bigay
Episode Director : Fortunata S. Bigay
MELC : Undertake physical activity and physical fitness
assessments. (PE8PF-la-h-23)
Texts will appear full screen. VO: _______4. What component is tested in
5 second timer animation Standing Long Jump?
will appear. A. Agility
B. Power
C. Reaction Time
D. Speed
Time is up!
A sound will be heard after
5 seconds.
Did you answer letter B? Well, you are correct. It is
Ma’am Forts Medium shot Power. Now for the last item…
left frame
The text B. Power will
appear with a check mark
Quarter 1 / Week 1/ Episode 1: Physical Fitness Test
Scriptwriter : Fortunata S. Bigay
Teacher-broadcaster: Fortunata S. Bigay
Episode Director : Fortunata S. Bigay
MELC : Undertake physical activity and physical fitness
assessments. (PE8PF-la-h-23)