IAEA Safety Standard
IAEA Safety Standard
IAEA Safety Standard
Radiation Safety
of Gamma, Electron
and X Ray Irradiation
Under the terms of Article III of its Statute, the IAEA is authorized to establish
or adopt standards of safety for protection of health and minimization of danger to life
and property, and to provide for the application of these standards.
The publications by means of which the IAEA establishes standards are issued in
the IAEA Safety Standards Series. This series covers nuclear safety, radiation safety,
transport safety and waste safety. The publication categories in the series are Safety
Fundamentals, Safety Requirements and Safety Guides.
Information on the IAEA’s safety standards programme is available at the IAEA
Internet site
The site provides the texts in English of published and draft safety standards. The
texts of safety standards issued in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish, the
IAEA Safety Glossary and a status report for safety standards under development are
also available. For further information, please contact the IAEA at PO Box 100,
1400 Vienna, Austria.
All users of IAEA safety standards are invited to inform the IAEA of experience
in their use (e.g. as a basis for national regulations, for safety reviews and for training
courses) for the purpose of ensuring that they continue to meet users’ needs.
Information may be provided via the IAEA Internet site or by post, as above, or by
email to Official.Mail@iaea.org.
The IAEA provides for the application of the standards and, under the terms of
Articles III and VIII.C of its Statute, makes available and fosters the exchange of
information relating to peaceful nuclear activities and serves as an intermediary among
its Member States for this purpose.
Reports on safety and protection in nuclear activities are issued as Safety
Reports, which provide practical examples and detailed methods that can be used in
support of the safety standards.
Other safety related IAEA publications are issued as Radiological Assessment
Reports, the International Nuclear Safety Group’s INSAG Reports, Technical Reports
and TECDOCs. The IAEA also issues reports on radiological accidents, training
manuals and practical manuals, and other special safety related publications. Security
related publications are issued in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series.
The Agency’s Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of the
IAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957. The
Headquarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is “to accelerate and enlarge the
contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world’’.
All IAEA scientific and technical publications are protected by the terms of
the Universal Copyright Convention as adopted in 1952 (Berne) and as revised in
1972 (Paris). The copyright has since been extended by the World Intellectual
Property Organization (Geneva) to include electronic and virtual intellectual
property. Permission to use whole or parts of texts contained in IAEA
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© IAEA, 2010
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
July 2010
IAEAL 10–00641
The status of the IAEA safety standards derives from the IAEA’s Statute,
which authorizes the IAEA to establish or adopt, in consultation and, where
appropriate, in collaboration with the competent organs of the United Nations
and with the specialized agencies concerned, standards of safety for protection
of health and minimization of danger to life and property, and to provide for
their application.
With a view to ensuring the protection of people and the environment
from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, the IAEA safety standards establish
fundamental safety principles, requirements and measures to control the
radiation exposure of people and the release of radioactive material to the
environment, to restrict the likelihood of events that might lead to a loss of
control over a nuclear reactor core, nuclear chain reaction, radioactive source
or any other source of radiation, and to mitigate the consequences of such
events if they were to occur. The standards apply to facilities and activities that
give rise to radiation risks, including nuclear installations, the use of radiation
and radioactive sources, the transport of radioactive material and the
management of radioactive waste.
Safety measures and security measures1 have in common the aim of
protecting human life and health and the environment. Safety measures and
security measures must be designed and implemented in an integrated manner
so that security measures do not compromise safety and safety measures do not
compromise security.
The IAEA safety standards reflect an international consensus on what
constitutes a high level of safety for protecting people and the environment
from harmful effects of ionizing radiation. They are issued in the IAEA Safety
Standards Series, which has three categories (see Fig. 1).
Safety Fundamentals
Safety Fundamentals present the fundamental safety objective and
principles of protection and safety, and provide the basis for the safety
Safety Requirements
An integrated and consistent set of Safety Requirements establishes the
requirements that must be met to ensure the protection of people and the
environment, both now and in the future. The requirements are governed by
the objective and principles of the Safety Fundamentals. If the requirements
are not met, measures must be taken to reach or restore the required level of
safety. The format and style of the requirements facilitate their use for the
establishment, in a harmonized manner, of a national regulatory framework.
The safety requirements use ‘shall’ statements together with statements of
See also publications issued in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series.
Safety Fundamentals
Fundamental Safety Principles
FIG. 1. The long term structure of the IAEA Safety Standards Series.
Safety Guides
Safety Guides provide recommendations and guidance on how to comply
with the safety requirements, indicating an international consensus that it is
necessary to take the measures recommended (or equivalent alternative
measures). The Safety Guides present international good practices, and
increasingly they reflect best practices, to help users striving to achieve high
levels of safety. The recommendations provided in Safety Guides are expressed
as ‘should’ statements.
The preparation and review of the safety standards involves the IAEA
Secretariat and four safety standards committees, for nuclear safety (NUSSC),
radiation safety (RASSC), the safety of radioactive waste (WASSC) and the
safe transport of radioactive material (TRANSSC), and a Commission on
Safety Standards (CSS) which oversees the IAEA safety standards programme
(see Fig. 2).
Outline and work plan
prepared by the Secretariat;
review by the safety standards
committees and the CSS
Secretariat and
drafting of new or revision
of existing safety standard
Review by Draft
safety standards Member States
Final draft
by the CSS
FIG. 2. The process for developing a new safety standard or revising an existing standard.
All IAEA Member States may nominate experts for the safety standards
committees and may provide comments on draft standards. The membership of
the Commission on Safety Standards is appointed by the Director General and
includes senior governmental officials having responsibility for establishing
national standards.
A management system has been established for the processes of planning,
developing, reviewing, revising and establishing the IAEA safety standards.
It articulates the mandate of the IAEA, the vision for the future application of
the safety standards, policies and strategies, and corresponding functions and
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Background (1.1–1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Objective (1.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Scope (1.7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Structure (1.8–1.10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. TYPES OF IRRADIATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6. WORKPLACE MONITORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Transport (10.1–10.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Loading and unloading of sources (10.3–10.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
1.3. The accidents described in Ref. [1] involved workers who entered radiation
rooms unaware of the high dose rates. There are also other potential radiation
hazards at gamma irradiators, including contamination from damaged radioactive
sources, sources becoming dislodged from source racks, accidents in handling
sources, fires and breaches in security.
1.4. The International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing
Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (BSS) [2] establish the basic
requirements for protection of people against exposure to ionizing radiation and
for the safety of radiation sources2. The implementation of these requirements at
irradiation facilities is intended to prevent accidents of the type described here
and, generally, to provide for the best possible protection and safety measures
under the prevailing circumstances. The magnitudes and likelihood of exposures
and the numbers of individuals exposed are required to be kept as low as
reasonably achievable, economic and social factors being taken into account.
The radiation room is that region of the irradiator that is enclosed by radiation
shielding and is made inaccessible when the radiation source is in use.
The term ‘radiation source’ includes radioactive sources and radiation generators.
‘Radiation’ as used in the IAEA safety standards means ionizing radiation.
1.5. Unless otherwise stated, terms are used with the meanings ascribed to them
in the IAEA Safety Glossary (2007 Edition) [3].
1.7. The facilities considered in this publication include five types of irradiator,
whether operated on a commercial basis or for research and development
purposes. This publication is concerned with radiation safety issues and not with
the uses of irradiators, nor does it cover the irradiation of product3 or its quality
management. The five types of irradiator are:
Product in this context means the objects or materials that are intentionally irradiated.
2.1. The Fundamental Safety Principles [4] state the fundamental safety
objective as being to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of
ionizing radiation. Principle 4, Justification of facilities and activities, states that
“Facilities and activities that give rise to radiation risks must yield an overall
benefit.” This may be taken as being equivalent to the well established principle
of justification of practices, the operation of irradiation facilities being one
example [2].
2.2. The basic requirements for radiation protection for practices established in
the BSS [2] are: justification of practices, individual dose limits, and optimization
of protection and safety. The basic requirement for the justification of practices is
expressed as follows:
2.3. When the principle was first formally expressed, many practices such as the
operation of irradiators were already in widespread use, and in general their
justification was implicit. Under normal conditions, the design, construction,
operation and maintenance of irradiators result in negligible doses to workers and
the public. However, as indicated above, the operation of irradiators occasionally
results in doses to workers in excess of authorized limits as a result of accidents.
Also, the operation of irradiators carries with it other radiation risks, including
those associated with the security of radioactive sources, the transport of
radioactive sources and, ultimately, the disposal of radioactive sources.
3.1. For the purposes of this Safety Guide, there are four general categories of
gamma irradiator, defined on the basis of the design of the facility and, in
particular, the accessibility and shielding of the radioactive source4,5. Category I
gamma irradiators (i.e. self-shielded irradiators) are not dealt with in this Safety
Guide, since they are distinct for the purposes of radiation safety. For the
purposes of this Safety Guide, the relevant categories of gamma irradiator are
The four categories of gamma irradiator have historically been designated with Roman
numerals I–IV. The categories of gamma irradiator should not be confused with the categories
used in the IAEA’s Categorization of Radioactive Sources [5], which uses Arabic
numerals 1–5.
In this context the term ‘radioactive source’ may apply to one individual sealed source
or collectively to a number of radioactive sources in a source array.
Category II (panoramic dry source storage irradiators), Category III (underwater
irradiators) and Category IV (panoramic wet source storage irradiators).
3.4. Components of irradiators that are subjected to high dose rates should be
resistant to radiation damage. Surfaces in close proximity to radioactive sources
should be able to be easily decontaminated and should be constructed of materials
that are corrosion resistant and metallurgically compatible with each other and
with other components, including the source capsules8. The irradiator should be
designed to maintain the integrity of its radiation shielding under conditions of
normal use, anticipated operational occurrences and plausible accident conditions
such as fire conditions.
‘Fully shielded’ means the condition in which the source is stored is such that dose
rates in the radiation room are optimized, allowing the room to be occupied by workers.
The source holder is that component of the irradiator within which the radioactive
source is positioned, including any retaining screws, pins, clips, etc.
The source capsule is the protective envelope of a sealed source which prevents
leakage of radioactive material.
Personnel access door
Source holder
Control panel
FIG. 1. Category II gamma irradiation facility: Panoramic dry source storage irradiator.
storage pool
Product hoist
Approximately 7 m
Sample or
product container
Source rod
Source array
Category IV (panoramic wet source storage irradiators)
3.9. Category II electron beam irradiators and X ray irradiators may give rise
to radiation protection issues that are not relevant for gamma irradiators, with
regard to neutron radiation fields and the activation of materials. The thresholds
above which these issues may be relevant are dependent upon a number of
factors, such as product material and target material, but are typically only
significant at energies above 10 MeV for electron beams and 5 MeV for X ray
A safety interlock is an engineered device for precluding exposure of an individual,
either by preventing entry to the controlled area or by automatically removing the cause of the
Source hoist
Access for source
2 m concrete transport container
Product conveyor
access door
storage pool
Guide cable
Control panel
Source array
(safe position)
Source transport container
FIG. 3. Category IV gamma irradiation facility: Panoramic wet source storage irradiator.
High voltage
Access conveyor
FIG. 4. Category II electron beam irradiation facility: Unit housed in shielded rooms kept
inaccessible during the irradiation process.
4.1. The BSS [2] require, in paras 2.10 and 2.11, that a person or organization
intending to build or operate an irradiation facility notify the regulatory body of
this intention and submit an application for authorization. This application should
contain information that demonstrates the safety of the practice. The type and
amount of information that should be provided in the application is discussed in
Ref. [6]. Specific guidance relating to the preparation of an application for the
authorization of an irradiator, and its subsequent review by the regulatory body, is
included in a supplement to that Safety Guide [7]. As required by the BSS [2], in
paras 2.11 and 2.12, given the risks involved in the operation of an irradiator, the
authorization granted by the regulatory body should take the form of a licence
rather than registration.
Electrical room
Conveyor system
Control room
Scan horn
X ray target
FIG. 5. Category II X ray irradiation facility: Unit housed in shielded rooms kept inaccessible
during the irradiation process (courtesy of Sterigenics International).
4.2. The operating organization should obtain the approval of the regulatory
body before implementing any modifications of the irradiator that may have
significant implications for radiation protection. The manufacturer(s) of the
irradiator and of its sources and key components should also be contacted, where
appropriate, regarding proposed modifications of the irradiator (see para. 9.15).
4.4. The operating organization of an irradiator should ensure that the facility is
designed to meet the radiation safety objectives given in paras 4.13–4.16, as well
as any more specific safety requirements of the regulatory body pertaining to site
selection and evaluation, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and
decommissioning. This should be achieved by:
4.5. The operating organization of an irradiation facility should ensure that all
documents provided by the manufacturer, supplier and installer (operating
manuals, operating rules and procedures, and emergency procedures) are
available in the local language and are understandable to the users.
4.6. The BSS [2], in para. IV.23, require operating organizations to ensure that
information on both normal and abnormal operations significant to protection and
safety is disseminated or made available, as appropriate, to the regulatory body
and to manufacturers and/or suppliers, as specified by the regulatory body. This
information would cover, for example, maintenance data, descriptions of events,
information regarding defects in materials and equipment, weaknesses in
operating procedures and corrective actions. The operating organization should
ensure that any new information of this type that is known to manufacturers and
suppliers is obtained from them as rapidly as possible. It may be necessary for the
operating organization to periodically seek this information from the
manufacturer and/or supplier, rather than relying upon them to provide it.
4.7. The operating organization of a facility should ensure that construction and
installation work does not compromise the safety of the facility. On completion of
the installation, or at appropriate stages during construction, the operating
organization should ensure that a qualified expert10 thoroughly and critically
reviews the facility and any component part before it is commissioned. This
should ensure that:
— Safety features and warning signals and alarms have been properly installed
and operate correctly;
— Radiation protection for workers and members of the public and protection
of the environment are adequate.
4.8. The operating organization of a facility should ensure that the constructor or
installer provides it with adequate information about the proper operation,
maintenance and decommissioning of the facility. The operating organization
should also ensure that designers, manufacturers, constructors and installers
cooperate to provide employees with the necessary theoretical and practical
training to enable them to work in a safe manner.
4.9. The operating organization should permit inspection of its facilities and
records by the regulatory body.
4.10. The operating organization should notify the regulatory body of any
proposed modifications of the irradiator or changes to key personnel, in particular
senior managers, the principal radiation protection officer, qualified experts and
irradiator operators.
4.11. The operating organization should notify the regulatory body of, and should
submit a plan for, the transfer or disposal of radioactive sources when they are no
longer in use.
4.12. At the end of the operating lifetime of the irradiation facility, the operating
organization should ensure that: buildings and equipment are free from
radioactive material and contamination before disposal or resale; all radioactive
The term ‘qualified expert’ is used in various places in this Safety Guide without
modification. It should be noted that the individual should be a qualified expert in a field (e.g.
radiation protection or design and operation of irradiation facilities) that is relevant to the issues
being described.
sources are properly accounted for11 before they are returned to the supplier or
disposed of in accordance with national regulations; and any radioactive waste
resulting from decontamination is disposed of in accordance with regulatory
4.13. Operating organizations should provide the human and material resources
necessary to ensure safe working conditions and compliance with regulatory
4.14. Operating organizations should ensure that all aspects of protection and
safety are provided for in a systematic manner. To meet this objective, operating
organizations should establish and maintain a radiation protection programme
that includes a commitment by management to developing and promoting a
safety culture that encourages a questioning and learning attitude to protection
and safety, and that discourages complacency. The commitment should also
include the allocation of adequate time, personnel and equipment.
‘Accounting’ in this context means physically checking that all radioactive sources
are present in their intended locations. This may be undertaken by means of an appropriate
radiation survey.
exposures and to mitigate the consequences of accidents. The existence of a
radiation protection programme is not sufficient in itself; managers and workers
should demonstrate their ongoing commitment to the programme and its
objectives. Detailed guidance on establishing and maintaining a radiation
protection programme that focuses on the protection of workers is provided in
IAEA Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.1 [8].
4.17. The radiation protection programme may include a top level policy
document supported by detailed and specific procedures or ‘local rules’ and a
comprehensive system of records. These components should consist of the
This applies for gamma irradiation facilities only.
• Safety assessment reports;
• Operation logbook;
• Routine checks of safety systems by a radiation protection officer;
• Individual doses (current and prior work history);
• Results of workplace monitoring;
• Radiation monitor test reports;
• Results of leakage tests of radioactive sources (see footnote 12);
• Inventory of radioactive sources (see footnote 12)13;
• Records of movements of radioactive sources (see footnote 12);
• Reports on investigations of incidents and accidents;
• Audits and reviews of the radiation safety programme (by a qualified
• Installation, maintenance and repair work;
• Facility modifications;
• Training provided (initial and refresher);
• Transport of radioactive sources (see footnote 12):
Transport documentation;
Date and duration of the instruction or training;
Safety assessment
4.18. In order to comply with the requirement in para. IV.3 of the BSS [2], a
formal method of safety assessment such as probabilistic safety assessment
(PSA) should be used. Examples of the application of techniques of probabilistic
safety assessment to industrial irradiators are given in ICRP Publication No. 76
[9]. Guidance on methods of probabilistic safety assessment is provided in IAEA
Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.10 [10].
‘Inventorying’ means conducting a campaign to physically check all radioactive
sources under the responsibility of a person or organization, by specifically and uniquely
identifying each individual source using appropriate means such as serial numbers.
4.19. In 2003, an IAEA coordinated research project studied the benefits and
limitations of the application of techniques of probabilistic safety assessment to
radiation sources. In this research project, techniques of probabilistic safety
assessment were applied to a Category IV gamma irradiator. The results of this
project were presented in IAEA-TECDOC-1494 [11].
4.20. The operating organization should demonstrate to the regulatory body how
the design of the irradiation facility and the related operational procedures will
contribute to the prevention of accidents or to the mitigation of the effects of
accidents. This information should be provided in the form of a documented
safety assessment describing and evaluating the predicted response of the plant to
incidents (including postulated malfunctions or failures of equipment, common
cause failures and human errors) and external events that could lead to accident
conditions. These analyses should include consideration of combinations of such
malfunctions, failures, errors and events.
Verification of safety
4.22. Paragraphs 2.38–2.40 of the BSS [2] require that monitoring and
measurements be conducted of the parameters necessary for the verification of
compliance with the safety standards. The BSS also require that equipment used
for this purpose be properly maintained, and be tested and calibrated at
appropriate intervals against standards that are traceable to national or
international reference standards.
4.26. While the radiation protection officer oversees the application of the safety
standards, the prime responsibility for safety remains with the operating
organization. Paragraph 1.9 of the BSS [2] states that the operating organization
is required to have the primary responsibility for establishing protection and
safety objectives in conformity with the relevant requirements of the safety
standards and to develop, implement and document a protection and safety
programme. These responsibilities cannot be delegated to the radiation protection
officers or the qualified expert. The duties of radiation protection officers at
irradiation facilities should include the following, some of which may require
consultation with, or assistance from, the qualified expert:
— Ensuring the adequacy of safety assessments and contingency plans for any
reasonably foreseeable incidents with consequences for radiation
— Arranging periodic exercises to test the effective implementation of these
contingency plans;
— Investigating any incidents including near misses at the facility such as:
• Any of the operational parameters subject to periodic quality control
being out of the normal ranges established for operational conditions;
• Any equipment failures, accidents, errors, unusual events or
circumstances that cause, or have the potential to cause, doses in excess of
regulatory dose limits (e.g. failure of the radioactive source to return to
the shielded position).
Irradiator operator
4.27. Irradiator operators are the workers who work most closely with a
particular irradiator and who generally have day to day responsibility for its safe
operation. Only qualified irradiator operators should be authorized to operate the
Other workers
4.30. There may be occasions when other workers perform services at a facility
on a temporary basis; for example, during the loading and unloading of
radioactive sources, or in response to mechanical malfunctions (see footnote 12).
Safety in these operations depends, in part, on cooperation between those
responsible for radiation protection at the facility and those performing services.
In many cases, services will be performed by the radioactive source supplier or
the irradiator designer. Specific authorization may be granted to outside
organizations such as the irradiator designer or the radioactive source
manufacturer to perform specific activities that are outside the scope of the
normal operation of irradiators. Ultimately, however, responsibility for safety
while radioactive sources are on site rests with the operating organization.
Qualified experts
4.32. The operating organization may identify one or more qualified experts to
provide advice on various matters concerning radiation safety in the design and
operation of the facility. A qualified expert need not be a full time employee of
the operating organization but could be employed on a part-time or an ad hoc
basis. However, arrangements should be made for the advice of a qualified expert
to be available when necessary. As with the radiation protection officer, the
operating organization cannot delegate its responsibility for safety to a qualified
4.33. A qualified expert should be experienced in radiation protection matters
and should have:
4.34. The operating organization should provide the qualified expert with the
information and resources necessary for the expert to work effectively. The
information should include a clear statement of the scope of the advice that the
expert is expected to give.
4.35. The operating organization may consult the qualified expert on a wide
range of issues relating to radiation safety, including:
— Independent audits of radiation protection systems;
— Quality management;
— Performance of emergency drills;
— Assistance following an emergency.
4.36. The BSS [2], in para. 2.31, require that qualified experts be identified and
made available for providing advice on application of the safety standards.
4.37. Paragraph 2.32 of the BSS [2] states that registrants and licensees shall
inform the regulatory body of their arrangements to make available the expertise
necessary to provide advice on application of the safety standards. The
information provided shall include the scope of the functions of any qualified
experts identified.
4.38. The operating organization should ensure that operational instructions are
fully understood by the qualified irradiator operators and other workers.
Operational instructions should, at a minimum, include:
— A description of the nature of the hazards posed by the facility and the
safety features used to minimize the risks.
— A reference to the existence and the location of the written emergency
— A description of the functions, duties and responsibilities with regard to
radiation safety of key individuals within the operating organization,
including the qualified expert and radiation protection officers.
— The method of implementing the operating instructions and ensuring that
the facility is being operated safely. This should include:
• A description and schedule of the inspections and test procedures for
ensuring that all safety interlock systems and components associated with
the irradiator are functioning properly. Each safety item and the
appropriate test, check and inspection for it should be specified.
• A requirement for the operating procedures to be available at the control
console and for the emergency procedures to be conspicuously posted.
— The method of ensuring that persons entering the controlled area are
wearing appropriate radiation monitoring devices and that the results of the
monitoring are recorded.
— The method of controlling access to the controlled area and ensuring that
only qualified irradiator operators can use the irradiator at appropriate
times. This can involve controlling access to the operating console keys and
the keys to the door of the room containing the operating console, or other
active methods of preventing access. Operating console keys should be
controlled to ensure that the qualified irradiator operator who is entering the
radiation room has the only key in the operating area that could initiate
startup or provide access. Spare keys should be kept in a secure location
away from the vicinity of the control room, such as in a safe under the
control of a senior manager.
— Written instructions covering actions to be taken in the event of
malfunctions. These instructions should identify individuals to be notified
in the event of a malfunction and should provide a general outline of the
corrective actions to be taken. Necessary corrective actions may involve
technical aspects of safety systems of the irradiator that are outside the
scope of the normal maintenance procedures; they may also involve the
manipulation of tools and equipment that could potentially lead to radiation
overexposures of personnel. Any such corrective actions should be
attempted only by persons specifically trained and authorized to perform
such work, or by those who are under the supervision of such persons.
Following such corrective action, persons should never enter the radiation
room alone. The safe operation of a facility will depend on the qualified
irradiator operators’ following clearly defined procedures laid down by the
manufacturer or the supplier and approved by the regulatory body.
— Written instructions to ensure that the irradiator is maintained as prescribed
by the manufacturer, with particular attention paid to ensuring that all
components of the product positioning system14, product boxes and carriers
continue to meet design specifications. For example, it should be ensured
that the correct product boxes or carriers are used and that they are
maintained in a condition that will not cause an irradiator malfunction.
— Written instructions to require that the irradiator operator carry a portable
radiation survey meter when entering the radiation room. A check source
should be used to verify that the survey meter is operating before each entry
into the room. A similar spare survey meter should be available for use
when the calibration or repair of a monitor is necessary.
The product positioning system is the means by which the product is conveyed around
the irradiation room and past the radiation source to be irradiated.
— Written instructions to require that the irradiator operator check that all
visual indicators of the plant conditions show that it is safe to enter the
radiation room. In addition, procedures should be established for the
continuous monitoring of radiation levels with a portable radiation survey
meter when a person enters the radiation room.
4.41. Operating organizations should ensure that women who may enter
controlled areas or supervised areas are provided with information regarding the
risks to an embryo or fetus from exposure to radiation and the importance of
notifying their employer as soon as pregnancy is suspected.
4.42. A radiation protection officer and a qualified expert should provide advice
on staff training needs and on how those needs may best be satisfied. In many
cases, a radiation protection officer can provide much of the necessary training.
4.43. The BSS [2], in para. I.4(h), require employers and operating organizations
to ensure, for all workers who are or who could be subject to occupational
exposures, that “appropriate training in protection and safety be provided, as well
as periodic retraining and updating as required in order to ensure the necessary
level of competence”.
4.44. Workers who could be subject to occupational exposures should be trained
in the following topics:
4.45. The BSS [2], in para. 2.30(a), require operating organizations to ensure that
“all personnel on whom protection and safety depend be appropriately trained
and qualified so that they understand their responsibilities and perform their
duties with appropriate judgement and according to defined procedures”.
4.47. The operating organization should prepare and maintain records of the
initial and ongoing training of all workers. These training records should include
the following information:
— Results of examinations taken;
— Copies of training certificates.
5.1. Paragraphs I.33 and I.34 of the BSS [2] state respectively:
5.2. For irradiation facilities, controlled areas should consist of the following:
— Underwater gamma irradiators (Category III): control room;
— Panoramic gamma irradiators (Categories II and IV): product entry and exit
areas and service areas such as where the source rack hoist is located, water
treatment rooms and control room;
— Electron beam irradiators (Category II) and X ray irradiators (Category II):
product entry and exit areas, service areas, power supply room and control
5.4. The designation of these areas should be reviewed regularly, and may be
changed or extended during initial installation, maintenance and operations for
the loading and unloading of radioactive sources.
5.6. Irradiator operators, radiation protection officers and maintenance staff who
routinely enter controlled areas should be subject to individual dose monitoring.
These individuals should wear whole body monitors (e.g. a film badge,
thermoluminescent dosimeter, optically stimulated luminescent dosimeter).
5.7. The tools and procedures for individual monitoring of exposure of workers,
including the type of dosimeter required and the necessary frequency of
replacement, should be chosen in consultation with a radiation protection officer
or qualified expert, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory body.
The dosimeters should be provided and processed by a laboratory or company
that has been authorized by the regulatory body and is traceable to a standards
dosimetry laboratory approved by the regulatory body.
5.8. The operating organization should make arrangements to ensure that dose
records are maintained for each worker in the manner specified in regulatory
requirements. Operating organizations should ensure that personal dose records
are provided to workers upon termination of their employment and are available
to individuals at other times.
5.9. Operating organizations should prepare procedures describing the way in
which individual dosimeters are to be administered, and these procedures should
include the following:
5.11. Monitored workers should be required to take good care of their dosimeters,
and to take precautions to protect them from loss, theft, tampering or damage and
from inadvertent exposure to radiation. Workers should return dosimeters
promptly at the end of the specified wearing period. Workers should inform a
radiation protection officer without delay if a dosimeter is missing or damaged, or
if it has been exposed to radiation when it was not being worn.
5.14. A radiation protection officer should inspect the results of personal
dosimeter readings promptly to determine whether any unexpectedly high doses
have been reported and to determine whether individuals are keeping their doses
as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account their workload and any dose
5.16. The report should be provided to all concerned parties within the
appropriate time frame as required by the regulatory body.
“The programmes for monitoring of the workplace shall specify:
6.3. Guidance on the selection of the proper radiation survey instrument for a
given application is provided in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.3
[13]. Guidance is also given in an IAEA Practical Radiation Technical Manual on
Workplace Monitoring for Radiation and Contamination [14].
6.4. For portable radiation survey meters, general criteria include portability
(e.g. weight, size, physical configuration), ruggedness, ease of use and reading,
ease of servicing and reliability. Appropriate portable X ray and gamma radiation
survey meters should be provided. At electron beam irradiation facilities
operating above 10 MeV and at X ray facilities operating above 5 MeV,
monitoring for neutrons may also be required. The survey meters used should be
capable of clearly indicating the dose rates encountered during normal operation
of the irradiator and should have a satisfactory overload performance. It should
be noted that some ionization chambers might also respond to radiofrequency
radiation, and could possibly give false readings in surveys around accelerator
on saturation. This is particularly important for those instruments carried into the
radiation room to verify that the radioactive source is fully shielded.
6.7. Irradiation facilities also use radiation monitors that are fixed rather than
portable. Specifically, the applications for fixed instruments are as radiation room
monitors and contamination monitors for storage pool water (see footnote 12).
These instruments are fixed in place and are not used for radiation surveys.
Instead, these devices should be used as ‘pass–fail’ indicators. That is, if the
radiation level reaches a preset point, the instrument triggers an alarm condition.
In this application, exposure rates and contamination levels are not quantified.
6.8. The criteria for selecting fixed radiation monitors are similar to the criteria
for selecting portable monitors. However, there are additional considerations in
selecting fixed monitors:
room. In such situations, high radiation levels under fault conditions can
saturate and possibly damage the detector to the extent that the instrument is
rendered inoperable. Selection of a detector for these applications should
include consideration of the radiation level at which the detector will
saturate and the potential effects on the monitoring devices and safety
systems should the fault condition occur. Note that if the instrument fails in
such conditions, it does not necessarily mean that the particular detector is
inappropriate for this use. If the system is designed to ‘fail safe’, so that a
failure of the detector causes the same result as a high reading (i.e. denies
access to the radiation room), the instrument can achieve its purpose even
though the detector is damaged.
— Sensitivity of the pool water contamination monitor. Monitoring storage pool
water for contamination (see footnote 12) necessitates that a sensitive
instrument be used to detect contamination at the lowest practicable level to
minimize the potential spread of contamination. Typically, solid state
detectors, particularly sodium iodide detectors, are used for this purpose. In
considering the sensitivity necessary, the design of the pool water monitoring
system should be considered. If the water is being collected and monitored,
more sensitive instruments, such as a 5.1 cm × 5.1 cm (2 in × 2 in) sodium
iodide detector, should be required. If pool water is being evaluated for
contamination at monitoring points in the water treatment system where
contamination would be expected to accumulate, a less sensitive detector
such as a 2.54 cm × 2.54 cm (1 in × 1 in) sodium iodide detector may be
6.9. Portable radiation survey meters should be calibrated before their first use,
after repair and at intervals as specified in regulatory requirements. The pre-use
test should include a test of the instrument’s overload performance; that is, the
instrument should be tested to verify that it will operate correctly up to the
maximum foreseeable dose rate.
6.11. Fixed radiation monitoring instruments are not calibrated in the same sense
as radiation survey meters. Since their operation is ‘pass–fail’, fixed instruments
should be subject to periodic operational testing to ensure that they retain the
capability to respond to relevant radiation levels. For example, check sources can
be used on a monthly basis to verify that the radiation room monitor and pool
water contamination monitor (see footnote 12) respond appropriately. In some
applications, such as the use of a single channel analyser for pool water
contamination monitoring, the instrument should be calibrated periodically to
ensure that the detector voltage and window settings are still applicable.
6.13. Radiation survey meters are used to evaluate radiological conditions in the
workplace, particularly in the following situations:
— Post-shutdown radiation level surveys. Dose rates may be temporarily
elevated at electron beam irradiation facilities and X ray irradiation
facilities even after the facility has been shut down, owing to dark current15
and the presence of activation products in the accelerator, the shielding and
ancillary process equipment (e.g. the beam stop or the product positioning
system). Radiation level surveys should be performed in these areas before
personnel are allowed to enter.
— Contamination surveys. The purpose of contamination surveys is to detect
contamination resulting from activation products at electron beam facilities
and X ray facilities so as to prevent its spread. Contamination surveys
should be performed in accordance with industry standards. For surveys
whose results are to be recorded and compared with the results of previous
or future surveys, consistency in the survey procedure should be ensured.
6.15. An irradiator operator should make the initial entry to the radiation room,
using a portable radiation survey meter to determine the ambient radiation levels.
The portable meter should be tested for proper functioning prior to each entry into
the radiation room by using a check source (e.g. 1 × 104 Bq (0.27 μCi) of
caesium-137) located near the radiation room door.
‘Dark current’ refers to a condition in which an accelerator generates radiation when
there is no current to the cathode but the accelerating voltage (i.e. a high voltage) is still
applied. Electrons may still be emitted from the cold cathode and accelerated, resulting in an
electron beam even though there is no current to the cathode.
6.16. When visitors are permitted to enter the radiation room, they should be
issued with a personal dosimeter. The qualified irradiator operator who has
surveyed the area immediately prior to the visit should escort all visitors.
— Survey date;
— Irradiator identification (manufacturer, model number and serial number);
— Irradiator location;
— Information on the irradiator’s radiation source (i.e. X rays or electron beam)
and on the source intensity in the case of radiation generators or the calculated
activity and the radionuclide used in the case of gamma facilities;
— Information on the survey instrument (manufacturer, model number and
serial number);
— Calibration date of the survey instrument;
— Correction factors, background subtraction, conversions or other
calculations for the survey instrument if used;
— Name of the person performing the survey;
— Radiation levels and the corresponding locations outside the shield both
when the radiation source is in use and when either the radioactive source is
fully shielded or the X ray or electron beam is shut off;
— Radiation levels and the corresponding locations inside the radiation room
when either the radioactive source is fully shielded or the X ray or electron
beam is shut off;
— Any actions taken on the basis of information yielded by the the survey.
6.20. Contamination reports should include the following information:
— Survey date;
— Irradiator identification (manufacturer, model number and serial number);
— Irradiator location;
— Information on the irradiator’s radiation source (i.e. X rays or electron
beam) and on the source intensity in the case of machine produced sources
or the calculated activity and the radionuclide used in the case of gamma
— Information on the survey instrument (manufacturer, model number and
serial number);
— Calibration date of the survey instrument;
— Correction factors, background subtraction, conversions or other
calculations for the survey instrument if used;
— Name of the person performing the survey and/or analysis;
— Contamination levels and the corresponding locations;
— Cause of the contamination, if known;
— Any actions taken on the basis of the information yielded by the survey.
7.2. Internationally endorsed recommendations to States on the safety and
security of Category 1, 2 and 3 sources are given in the Code of Conduct on the
Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources [16].
7.4. For this reason, many of the measures described in this Safety Guide, for
example, in Section 4 (on local rules, procedures and duties of personnel
concerning the control of access to controlled areas) and Section 8 (on radiation
shields, doors, safety interlocks, fixed radiation monitors and access keys), that
are intended primarily to limit exposure to radiation will also contribute to the
security of radioactive sources. For radioactive sources that are in use, the
provisions in this Safety Guide for controlling exposures arising from radioactive
sources should be sufficient to ensure their control with respect to inadvertent or
unauthorized breaches in security that are not malicious in nature. Further
guidance regarding the security of radioactive sources is provided in IAEA
Nuclear Security Series No. 11 [17].
7.5. There are special concerns regarding the security of radioactive sources that
are not in use. The level of control applied to radioactive sources that are stored
temporarily in transport packaging or other shielded containers should not be less
than the level of control over sources in use. Under certain circumstances, disused
radioactive sources that are present at an irradiation facility may be considered
vulnerable sources. The storage of disused radioactive sources at a facility that is
no longer in operation is a special case because personnel may no longer be
present at the facility on a regular basis. Provision should be made in which the
intermittent presence of personnel is taken into account to ensure that such
disused radioactive sources are kept secure. In all cases involving disused
radioactive sources, careful consideration should be given to moving the disused
sources to a storage facility or disposal facility, or to another authorized recipient
such as the manufacturer.
7.6. The BSS [2] require that operating organizations ensure that “a source not
be transferred unless the receiver possesses a valid authorization” (para. 2.34(b)).
Before transferring a radioactive source to another entity, the operating
organization should verify that the intended recipient possesses a valid
authorization to possess the sources. When radioactive sources are transferred
between States, the relevant recommendations of the Code of Conduct on the
Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources [16] and the supporting Guidance on
the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources [18] should be followed.
Internal design
8.2. All equipment inside the radiation room of an irradiation facility, including
wiring, electrical equipment, notices and lighting, should be selected so as to
minimize failure due to prolonged exposure to radiation.
Product positioning system
8.4. A timer should be used to monitor movement of the product past the
radiation source. If the product fails to move in the predetermined time interval,
the source rack should automatically return to the fully shielded position or the
electron beam should be switched off, the product positioning system should
stop, and visible and audible signals should be generated to alert the irradiator
operator to the malfunction. This feature helps to prevent overheating of the
product, which could possibly lead to a fire.
8.5. Direct radiation exposure of workers and members of the public due to the
operation of irradiation facilities should be attenuated to optimized levels by the
use of appropriate shielding. Concrete is often used to construct the radiation
room shield, but other materials such as earth fill, steel and lead may also be used
in its construction. The shielding properties of particular materials are well
established [19–25], but experience from existing irradiation facilities should be
taken into account. The shielding should provide adequate reductions in radiation
levels to keep doses within the dose constraints established or agreed to by the
regulatory body.
8.6. Penetrations of the shield will be necessary for entry and exit ports for
personnel and product, and for the ventilation system and other ducting. These
penetrations pose particular problems for the shielding designer, who should
ensure both that there is no direct radiation leakage path and that the use of maze
entrances and shield plugs is sufficient to reduce external radiation fields to
optimized levels. When sufficient reduction in doses cannot be achieved, access
to the area should be restricted. Care should be taken to ensure that all significant
radiation paths are fully evaluated, including, in the case of gamma irradiation
facilities, those that arise during the transit of the radioactive source from its
shielded position to its operating position. Where practical, all tubes, pipes and
conduits should take a curved or stepped path through the shielding material to
reduce external radiation levels.
8.7. In irradiator systems that utilize activity levels in excess of 1.85 × 1017 Bq
(5 million Ci) of cobalt-60 or equivalent, the energy absorbed in the shield walls
and the resulting maximum shield temperatures should be evaluated. Maximum
temperatures within standard concrete shields should not exceed 315oC (600oF)
[26]. The energy absorbed in dry source storage containers due to heat produced
by the absorption of gamma radiation should also be evaluated to ensure that the
integrity of the shielding is not compromised. Also, the maximum storage
temperature of sealed sources should not exceed the manufacturer’s specification.
8.8. Although general guidance on shielding is given in this Safety Guide and in
the publications referenced in it, all shielding calculations carried out for the
purposes of design should be undertaken by specialists.
8.9. Once the shield has been designed, no subsequent changes should be made
unless they have been carefully considered and agreed to by the regulatory body.
8.10. Particular attention should be paid to the accessibility of the radiation room
in Category II and IV gamma irradiation facilities, Category II electron beam
facilities and X ray facilities. The design of these facilities should be such that
persons cannot gain access to the radiation room while the radioactive source is in
the exposed position or while the electron beam is energized. Such control of
access relies heavily on the use of safety interlock systems.
— Personnel access:
(1) Ensure that the radiation room access controls are energized at the
control console.
(2) Verify that the radiation room monitor is functioning properly and
verify that the radiation level in the room is acceptable.
(3) Open the access door using the multipurpose key.
(4) On entry to the radiation room, continuously monitor the radiation
levels with a portable radiation survey meter.
— Sequence for securing the radiation room prior to initiating irradiation:
(1) Ensure that the radiation room is free of personnel and that the irradiator
mechanisms are operational.
(2) Actuate the safety delay timer.
(3) Actuate the control inside the radiation room, if different from the safety
delay timer.
(4) Close and lock the radiation room access door.
— Start procedure for irradiation: Actuate the source rack hoist mechanism at
the control console with the multipurpose key before the preset safety delay
time period has elapsed.
The irradiator is now in full operation, and it should not be possible to remove the
multipurpose key without stopping irradiator operation.
8.13. The personnel access door to the radiation room should be closed and
secured before the irradiation process can begin. The safety interlocks for the
access door should be integrated into the master control system so that violation
of the safety interlock system or use of the door will cause irradiation to be
automatically terminated. Any violation or failure of the safety interlock for the
access door should actuate visible and audible alarms. Opening the personnel
access door should disable the means of producing radiation16.
8.14. In addition to the safety interlock for the personnel access door, each
entrance to the radiation room should have an independent backup control to
detect the entry of personnel either while the radioactive source is in the
unshielded position or while the electron beam is energized. Examples of backup
access controls are pressure mats, light beam interruption detectors (‘photo eyes’)
‘Disabling the means of producing radiation’ means ensuring either that the source
rack cannot be raised from the fully shielded position or, for an accelerator based system, that
the high voltage is disabled.
and motion sensors. Detection of entry by personnel while the source rack is
exposed or while the electron beam is energized should disable the means of
producing radiation and should actuate visible and audible alarms to make the
individual entering the room aware of the hazard.
8.15. Suitable means should be provided at the product entry and exit ports to
prevent inadvertent entry of personnel into high radiation areas. Methods for
accomplishing this include the use of gates or doors that open only to allow
product to pass through and then close immediately, and the use of detectors that
require that a product carrier always be present in the opening and that cause a
safety interlock violation if none is present. The ports should be interlocked so
that a visible or audible alarm indicates when the control mechanism for the entry
or exit port has malfunctioned or has been overridden or tampered with. It should
be arranged that any violation of the safety interlock system disables the means of
producing radiation.
8.16. In addition to the safety interlocks for the product entry and exit ports, each
product entry and exit port should have an independent backup control to detect
entry of personnel either while the radioactive sources are unshielded or while the
electron accelerator is energized. Examples include pressure mats, light beam
interruption detectors (photo eyes), infrared detectors and other means of
detecting the presence of a person. Detection of the entry of personnel when
radiation levels are high should disable the means of producing radiation and
actuate visible and audible alarms.
8.17. Removable radiation room shield plugs should be interlocked with the
control system to disable the means of producing radiation if a plug is removed.
To prevent tampering, the safety interlock should not be accessible from outside
the radiation shield.
disabled. The monitor should be integrated with the safety interlocks of the
personnel access door to prevent access to the radiation room when the monitor
detects radiation above a preset level, malfunctions or is switched off. The preset
alarm level should be as low as practicable, but high enough to avoid false
alarms. The radiation monitor should be designed so that the reading or output
does not go to zero under conditions of detector saturation. Before the personnel
access door is opened, the irradiator operator should verify that the radiation
monitor is operating and that its reading corresponds to background levels of
8.19. The monitor should actuate visible and audible alarms if the radiation level
exceeds the preset level.
Control console
Access key
8.20. Irradiator controls should be designed so that a single multipurpose key can
be used to operate the irradiator in normal use. This key should be used both to
operate the control console and to gain access to the radiation room, and it may
also be the key used to actuate the safety delay timer.
8.22. In systems in which two or more keys are used, one key should remain
captive (i.e. held in the lock) when the other keys are being used.
8.23. In addition to any other means normally available at the control console to
shut down the irradiator, a clearly labelled emergency stop device should be
provided at the control console for preventing, quickly interrupting or aborting
irradiator operations and disabling the means of producing radiation.
8.24. For the purpose of servicing the irradiator, a method should be provided for
disabling the means of producing radiation so that the radiation source cannot be
started while servicing operations are being carried out (e.g. by means of a source
rack hoist lockout or a high voltage lockout for an accelerator).
Radiation room
8.25. The irradiator should be equipped with a safety delay timer inside the
radiation room that is actuated to begin the irradiator startup sequence. The timer
should be placed in a location such that, to actuate the timer, the irradiator
operator needs to pass through all areas of the radiation room where a person
might be present. This encourages the irradiator operator to check the entire
radiation room visually prior to starting the radiation source.
8.26. The safety timer will automatically actuate visible and audible warning
signals and alarms to alert any personnel who may be in the radiation room that
the irradiator startup sequence has begun. The alarms should provide personnel
sufficient time to leave the area or to operate a clearly identified emergency stop
device that will abort the startup sequence.
8.27. The safety timer should be integrated with the control system so that
operation of the radiation source cannot be initiated unless the startup sequence
has been completed within the preset time and the control console indicates that it
is safe to start the irradiator.
8.28. An emergency stop device should be provided within the radiation room for
promptly aborting irradiator operations and disabling the means of producing
radiation at any time. The emergency stop device should be clearly labelled and
should be readily accessible to personnel in the radiation room. It should cause a
visible or audible alarm to be generated outside the radiation room.
Emergency exit
8.29. For the safety of anyone inadvertently shut inside the radiation room, a
means should be provided to ensure that personnel can leave the radiation room at
any time. The individual should first actuate the emergency stop device and then
leave the radiation room. Alternatively, the individual should leave the radiation
room through the emergency exit, which should actuate visible and audible
alarms and should disable the means of producing radiation. In case the
emergency stop device does not actuate before the person leaves the radiation
room, the most direct exit route that avoids the area near the radiation source
should be taken.
8.30. External natural events such as events relating to geological and extreme
meteorological phenomena and human induced events that could adversely affect
the integrity of radiation shielding should be evaluated in accordance with
specific characteristics of the irradiation facility and the local site.
8.33. During the process of site selection and evaluation, particular consideration
should be given to potential hazards that cannot be addressed by means of
engineering measures, such as hazards relating to flooding and hazards relating to
geological phenomena in areas of potential or actual subsidence, uplift, collapse
or faulting.
8.34. Radiolysis of air produces ozone (O3), which is unstable and in time reverts
to oxygen (O2). The operating organization of an irradiation facility should assess
the levels of ozone produced by the irradiator and should protect personnel
against exposure to ozone in concentrations above the limits established by the
competent health authority.
8.35. Personnel should be prevented from entering any area where concentrations
of ozone may be high. Irradiation facilities should be designed so that ozone will
not migrate to occupied areas.
8.36. The following control measures for ozone should be used:
8.37. The irradiator control system should be designed to monitor the ventilation
system to ensure that it is operating. If the ventilation system fails, either the
source rack should be returned to the fully shielded position or the electron beam
should be switched off. Entry to the radiation room should not be permitted until
ozone levels have fallen.
8.38. The radiation symbol (trefoil) [27] and other notices should be placed at
entrances to the radiation room and in proximity to the radiation generator or the
radioactive source, in accordance with regulatory requirements (Fig. 6). Any
FIG. 7. Ionizing radiation supplementary symbol (ISO standard 21482).
notices and symbols placed inside the radiation room should be made from
materials that will resist damage due to high radiation levels and that are durable
under the ambient conditions.
— Category II: On the source holder where it may be seen after the cover has
been removed;
— Category III: On the structure that holds the source array in place;
— Category IV: On the source rack.
8.41. In general, the addition of the supplementary symbol cannot be justified for
operating gamma irradiators if the removal of the radioactive sources would be
necessary. Ideally, the symbol should be installed during the construction of the
irradiator. The symbol should be installed in an operating irradiator only by an
individual who is qualified by training and experience, and who is authorized by
the regulatory body to perform servicing and maintenance activities on
8.44. When illuminated or colour coded controls are used, the following colours
should be considered for indicating the specified conditions:
Condition Colour
Emergency (stop buttons or warning lights) Red
Warning or hazard International trefoil or red
Critical information (irradiator malfunction) Red
Caution (not an emergency but heightened
awareness is called for) Yellow or orange
Normal (irradiator is not in use or is
functioning safely) Green
Information Blue
Audible signals
8.45. Each audible signal used in the irradiator control system should be distinct
and loud enough to immediately gain the attention of persons in the area. It
should not be capable of being confused with any other signals in use in the area.
An audible signal should be used to indicate when either a radioactive source is in
transit or the X ray or electron beam is about to be energized.
8.46. Indicators and visual signals used to alert individuals should be clearly
labelled as to the conditions that prompt actuation of the indicator. Visual
warning signals and alarms, such as flashing lights or messages on the control
console, should provide the irradiator operator with unambiguous information
that is adequate to determine the cause of the warning signal or the alarm so that
the appropriate corrective actions can be initiated.
8.48. Radioactive sources used in gamma irradiation facilities meet the design
requirements of the BSS [2] when they satisfy the performance and safety testing
standards for this practice, for which methods are specified in ISO standards [29,
30]. ISO Standard 2919 [29] establishes a classification system for sealed
radioactive sources on the basis of test performance and specifies general
requirements, performance tests, production tests, markings and certification.
8.49. The performance tests that apply to radioactive sources used in gamma
irradiation facilities vary in severity with the shape of the sources (for bending
tests) and the environmental conditions to which the sources are expected to be
subjected. The environmental tests for sources used in Category II, III and IV
irradiators have been given the classification number 53424, with each digit
relating to the severity of the following environmental test conditions,
respectively: temperature, external pressure, impact, vibration and puncture.
8.50. This classification does not consider the effects of various other factors
including fire, explosion and corrosion, or the possible consequences of events
and effects under the conditions in which radioactive sources will be used. ISO
Standard 2919 specifies that the manufacturer and user will take into account the
probability of fire, explosion and corrosion, and the possible consequences of
events and effects if the activity of the sealed sources exceeds the values shown in
table 3 of Ref. [29]. Factors that should be considered in determining the need for
special testing are:
8.51. The outer capsule material of a sealed source should be such that it does not
corrode under the conditions of storage of the sealed source in the storage pool.
Account should be taken in the selection of the capsule material of the need to
withstand thermal fatigue.
Certification and documentation
8.53. The manufacturer or supplier and users of sealed sources should maintain
records relating to the sealed source. The regulatory body may require this
information for such purposes as licensing the facility and transporting the
radioactive source. The records should include the following:
Internal design
8.54. All equipment inside the radiation room of an irradiation facility, including
wiring, electrical equipment, notices and lighting, should be selected so as to
minimize failure due to prolonged exposure to radiation.
8.55. The typical gamma irradiator design consists of radioactive sources that are
placed in a source holder, referred to as a module, several of which are placed in
an array in a source rack. This arrangement is depicted in Fig. 8. The source rack
should be designed so that there are no crevices in the source holder, or between
the radioactive source and the source holder, that would promote corrosion.
8.56. The sealed source should be firmly fixed within its source holder and source
rack so that it cannot be readily dislodged from them. Means should be provided
for placing and retaining the sealed source in the design position. Devices used
Guide cables
20.96 cm
0.81 cm
1.11 cm
47.5 cm
45.2 cm
Hoist cable
FIG. 8. Typical gamma irradiator source rack and components: Source rack with six source
modules, each containing up to 42 source pencils (courtesy of MDS Nordion).
for the purpose of positioning and removing radioactive sources (e.g. tools for
manipulating sources from above the water surface of the storage pool) should be
capable of being safely operated from outside the radiation shields17.
8.57. In the event of failure of the source module or source rack, it should not be
possible for the sources to move into a position that may cause a radiation hazard.
In the event of power failure, the sources and source rack should be able to return
to the fully shielded position without damage to either. Failure of hoist cables
(or of alternative means of support) should not result in the source rack’s moving
in such a way that damage is caused to the sealed sources. If the source rack sticks
Radiation shields are structures that have as their primary function the attenuation of
radiation emitted by the radiation source to acceptable levels.
in the exposed position, there should be a means of freeing it with minimal risk to
personnel (e.g. by using an emergency access port; see para. 8.62).
Source guard
8.58. The source rack should be provided with a source guard for adequate
mechanical protection against interference and damage by items such as product
boxes or carriers. The source guard may take the form of a protective shroud,
guide bars or floor guides on the product positioning mechanism, for example.
Product positioning mechanisms should be designed to prevent product from
coming into contact either directly or indirectly with the source rack.
8.61. A source travel timer should be connected to the ‘source up’ and ‘source
down’ switches to ensure that the source travel time (when moving either up or
down) is not in excess of a preset level. If the preset level is exceeded, the control
system should indicate a fault, shut down the irradiator, and actuate visible and
The source pass is the component of the product positioning system that carries the
product past the source rack.
audible alarms. This safety interlock could give an early warning of a problem
with the source rack hoist mechanism for which an inspection is necessary.
8.62. Emergency access ports allow access to the radiation room through the
shield if there is a malfunction that leaves the radioactive source in an exposed
position. Emergency access ports should be used only by authorized personnel for
emergency action and recovery.
8.63. The switches of the source rack position (‘up’ or ‘down’) indicators should
be hardwired directly to the control system and not through a programmable logic
controller. Defence in depth can be achieved by ensuring that indicator switches
are installed at different locations, such as on the source rack hoist mechanism
and on the source rack itself. Supplementary means of confirming the position of
the source rack, such as by means of a radiation detector or a camera at the
bottom of the storage pool, may be considered in addition to the indicator
Backup access control — Product entry and exit ports
8.66. In addition to the safety interlocks for the product entry and exit ports (see
para. 8.15), each product entry and exit port at a panoramic irradiator should have
an independent backup control to detect the entry of personnel while the
radioactive source rack is exposed. Examples include pressure mats, light beam
interruption devices (photo eyes), infrared detectors or other means of detecting
the presence of a person. Detection of entry by personnel while the source rack is
in the exposed position should cause the source rack to return to the fully shielded
position and should actuate visible and audible alarms to warn the individual
entering the room of the hazard.
8.67. Roof plugs designed for access for the purpose of moving transport
packages of radioactive material to the source storage pool should be located such
that a shipping package, if dropped, will not fall on the source rack.
Fixed radiation monitor with alarms at Category III (self-contained wet source
storage) irradiators
8.68. Underwater irradiators that are not in a shielded radiation room should have
a radiation monitor over the source storage pool to detect abnormal radiation
levels. The monitor should generate visible and audible alarms at entrances to the
access barrier around the source storage pool.
8.69. A backup system should be provided for lowering the source rack to the
fully shielded position in the event of a failure of the source rack hoist
mechanism. For mechanical hoist systems, this may be a manual brake release to
allow the controlled descent of the source rack to the fully shielded position. In
pneumatic hoist systems, there should be a second solenoid valve on the source
rack hoist as a backup to the main solenoid valve for the source rack hoist. If the
main valve fails to exhaust, the second valve should provide a means of
exhausting air from the source rack hoist, thus allowing the source rack to
descend into the fully shielded position. Failure of the primary means of lowering
the source rack should create a fault condition and should actuate visible and
audible alarms.
Product exit radiation monitor
8.70. A fixed radiation monitoring system should be located such that monitors
will detect any radioactive material being brought out of the radiation room.
These monitors should be interlocked with the irradiator controls so that if
radiation levels at the exit port exceed a predetermined level, the product
positioning system carrying product from the radiation room to the exit port will
stop, the radioactive source will automatically be returned to the fully shielded
position, and visible and audible alarms will be actuated.
8.71. Water is used as the radiation shielding medium in wet source storage
irradiators. An automatic water level control should be provided to maintain the
water at a level that provides adequate shielding to enable personnel to be in the
room while radioactive sources are in the fully shielded position. All components
of the automatic water level control system that are below water level, except for
float switches, should be made of a material with a specific gravity of 1.0 g/cm3
or higher. If hollow tubing is used, it should be fully vented19 to allow water to
flood the tubing so as to eliminate the risk of a beam of high level radiation up the
8.72. The source storage pool should be cleaned as necessary to remove foreign
matter that has accumulated at the bottom.
8.73. Any vacuum system used for cleaning the source storage pool should be
fitted with an in-line filter. The filter should be continuously checked for the
presence of radioactive material during the vacuum cleaning operation. If
radioactive material is detected, the vacuuming operation should be terminated.
All sediment collected in the filter should meet relevant criteria before its
disposal. The vacuum system should be designed to recirculate the storage pool
water back into the storage pool after filtering. This will ensure that there is no
inadvertent release of storage pool water before it has been ensured that the level
of contamination is below the authorized limits established by the regulatory
‘Fully vented’ means having the design feature for hollow tools, tubes or control rods
for full venting to allow air to escape at a rate sufficient to allow water to flood the immersed
section as it enters the storage water pool.
8.74. All tools used for underwater vacuum cleaning should meet the
recommendations for venting provided in para. 8.71.
8.75. A fixed radiation monitor should be located on the water treatment system
to detect contamination that may arise if a radioactive source leaks. Examples of
methods used to install fixed radiation monitors include affixing a radiation
detector to the deionization column or particulate filter, and measuring the
activity in water directly by means of a continuous flow sampling system.
8.76. If radiation levels exceed a predetermined value, the fixed radiation monitor
should actuate visible and audible alarms. The monitor should be interlocked
with the irradiator controls so that the source rack is returned to the fully shielded
position and the normal circulation of water is stopped if the alarm is actuated.
The alarm level should be set sufficiently above the natural background level of
radiation to avoid an excessive number of false alarms.
8.77. The source storage pool should be watertight and should be designed to
retain water under all reasonably foreseeable circumstances. The storage pool
should be constructed of materials that are metallurgically compatible with each
other and with the other components that will be in the storage pool, including the
radioactive sources. A stainless steel pool liner that is resistant to corrosion and
radiation damage and is easily decontaminated should be used. The storage pool
should be designed to support the transport packages used during operations for
the loading and unloading of sources without compromising the integrity of the
8.78. There should be no penetration (such as pipes or plugged holes) through the
bottom of the storage pool. Any penetration through the pool liner should be no
more than 30 cm below the normal water level.
Water level control — Level normal
8.80. Means should be provided to replenish water losses from the storage pool;
these losses will be principally due to evaporation. The system should be capable
of maintaining the pool water above a level sufficient to maintain adequate
radiation shielding. A water level control should cause make-up water to flow
into the storage pool through a water treatment system when the level reaches the
normal low water level position, and should cause water to stop flowing when the
level reaches the normal high water level position.
8.82. The storage pool water should be prevented from migrating into municipal
water supplies.
8.83. Visible and audible signals should be generated if the storage pool water
falls to a level that would compromise radiation shielding, typically
approximately 30 cm below the normal low water level. The signal should alert
personnel to investigate and to take corrective action.
8.84. Visible and audible signals should be generated if the storage pool water
continues to rise above the normal high water level cut-off point. The signal
should alert personnel to investigate and to take corrective action to prevent the
pool water from overflowing.
Water conditioning
8.85. The storage pool should be equipped with a water conditioning system
capable of keeping the water clean and at a level of conductivity not exceeding
1000 µS/m for routine operation and not exceeding 2000 µS/m for temporary
excursions not exceeding 90 days. Conductivity measurements serve as an
indicator of potentially high halide (e.g. chloride and fluoride) levels, which are
known to be corrosive to stainless steel. The conductivity of the storage pool
water should be monitored continuously.
8.86. Great care should be exercised to avoid the introduction of contaminants
into the pool water system (e.g. deionizer regenerants, cleaning materials, fire
extinguishing materials, spilled product). Manufacturers of sealed sources have
established recommendations for acceptable levels and testing frequencies for
water quality indicators such as conductivity, pH and chloride concentrations.
8.87. All filters and resin beds in water treatment systems should be tested for
contamination before the removal, backwashing or regeneration of the system.
Fluids resulting from backwashing or regeneration should only be released if the
level of contamination is below authorized limits established by the regulatory
8.88. The radioactive decay process generates significant amounts of heat, which
will cause water temperatures in the storage pool to rise. Increased water
temperature can result in high humidity levels, which can damage electrical
equipment and can lead to greater evaporative losses from the storage pool,
potentially compromising radiation shielding. If the activity of sealed sources in
the source rack is high enough to cause the water temperatures in the storage pool
to rise too high, a means of cooling the water during its circulation should be
provided. High water temperatures can also cause deionization resins to degrade
more rapidly.
In-pool piping
8.89. Since pipes are used in the source storage pool for the water level and water
quality control systems, suitable siphon breakers should be provided to prevent
the siphoning of storage pool water down to levels that could compromise
radiation shielding, typically levels more than 30 cm below the normal make-up
water level. Suction pipes for providing circulation of the pool water should have
intakes no lower than 30 cm below the normal make-up water level.
Fire protection
8.91. A fire extinguishing system should be provided in the radiation room. The
control system for the fire extinguishing system should be located outside the
radiation room to allow the system to be actuated without the need for personnel
to enter the radiation room.
8.92. Radiation rooms equipped with water sprinkler systems should have a
shutoff valve outside the radiation room to prevent flooding into unrestricted
areas. The maximum ceiling temperature inside the radiation room and the effects
on the sprinkler heads of long term subjection to radiation and to ozone should be
taken into consideration in selecting a suitable automatic sprinkler head.
8.93. Devices for sensing heat and smoke equipped with visible and audible
alarms should be provided to detect combustion in the radiation room. The
radioactive source rack should automatically be returned to the fully shielded
position and the product positioning system and ventilation systems should shut
down if either the heat sensing device or the smoke sensing device is actuated.
8.94. Chemicals and corrosive substances that could adversely affect the integrity
of sealed sources should not be used in fire extinguishing systems.
Power failure
Electrical power
8.95. If an electrical power failure of longer than ten seconds occurs20, the
radioactive source rack should automatically be returned to the fully shielded
8.96. Critical electronic components used in the irradiator control system should
be connected to an uninterruptible power supply capable of providing the
necessary electrical power for a controlled shutdown of the irradiator. The
radiation room monitor, safety interlocks for access control and source rack
In some areas, short term power failures of not more than ten seconds occur
frequently. In such cases, it could be detrimental to some products if automatic irradiator
shutdown were to be actuated as a result of the short term power failures. It is acceptable for
means to be provided for preventing unnecessary and avoidable shutdowns of the irradiator
under conditions of short term power failure.
position indicators should also be powered by the uninterruptible power supply to
ensure safe system shutdown.
Non-electrical power
8.100. Procedures for maintenance and repair of the equipment, in particular for
removal and disposal of potentially activated components, should provide for
adequate radiation safety for the protection of individuals who could be exposed
owing to the radioactive material. While most activation products would be
expected to be relatively short lived, the activity soon after shutdown of the
accelerator could be significant in terms of both external and internal exposure of
personnel if operations such as welding or drilling were to be performed on
activated system components.
8.101. While reliability of operation of the accelerator reduces the risk of
inadvertent exposure by reducing the need for repair and maintenance, a further
reduction of risk can be achieved by designing for ease of troubleshooting. This
may also reduce the likelihood of other hazardous occurrences such as electric
shock or overexposure to radiofrequency radiation. In this regard, the following
features should be considered in the design of an industrial accelerator:
8.104. The disabling mechanism for the main acceleration system, which should
remove the applied voltage, should inactivate the means of acceleration without
causing harm to machine components. The mechanism should disable the
acceleration system in a manner that allows as many other subsystems as possible
to function for diagnostic purposes. The disabling feature should be clearly
identified, and it should be explained by the manufacturer in the documentation
accompanying the accelerator.
8.106. Strategic electronic test points should be located outside the radiation
room to permit irradiator operators and maintenance crews to carry out machine
diagnostics on the total system of the accelerator without having to resort to
disabling the main acceleration system or bypassing safety interlocks for access
control. For some types of accelerator, closed circuit television monitoring should
be considered.
8.107. For the application of high energy electrons, the electron beam has to be
brought out of vacuum in the accelerator into an atmosphere at ambient pressure
(in a chamber filled with air or an inert gas) through a thin window that allows the
electrons to pass through with as little energy loss as possible.
8.108. Electrons have a finite range in matter that is a function of their initial
energy and the density of the absorbing material. The maximum range of
electrons is small compared with that of the X rays that are generated as a
consequence of the interaction between the electrons and the matter onto which
they impinge. In calculations of the shielding requirements for electron
accelerator facilities, only the X rays generated should be taken into account.
8.109. There are two types of X ray generated by the interaction of electrons with
matter: bremsstrahlung and characteristic X rays. Characteristic X rays should be
considered only for electron accelerators up to 300 keV that are shielded with a
heavy element such as lead or depleted uranium. In most cases, bremsstrahlung
should be considered more important than characteristic X rays when
determining radiation shielding requirements.
8.110. Materials containing elements with a low atomic number should be used
as far as possible for structures that are subject to irradiation by electron beams, to
minimize the generation of X rays. Shielding calculations should be performed
under the assumption that all electrons are absorbed by the heaviest element that
may be subject to irradiation by the beam. Account should be taken of the
composition of structural materials and the product that might be irradiated in the
facility. The shielding calculations are generally performed for the maximum
energy and the maximum current that the electron accelerator can deliver.
— During conditioning of the electron accelerator and during operation under
relatively poor vacuum conditions, there can be a dark current in the
accelerator tube which generates X rays.
8.112. Except in the case of accelerators in the lower energy range (up to about
500 keV) and special purpose machines operating at higher energies, standard
concrete will be the preferred shielding material, for economic reasons and to
minimize the potential for activation. Examples of the calculation of shielding
thickness and the layout of the mazes for access by persons and for the transport
of product to and from the radiation room are given in Refs [20, 25].
8.114. For an X ray irradiation facility, the recommendations made previously for
electron beam accelerators should be followed, since the X ray system consists of
an electron beam irradiation facility coupled with a high atomic number target in
which bremsstrahlung is produced. Specifically, the main disabling mechanism
for the acceleration system, built-in monitoring of machine parameters and
built-in remote machine diagnostics, as described for electron accelerators, also
apply for X ray irradiation facilities.
8.116. Consequently, the barrier thickness directly in front of the beam (primary
barrier) should be substantially greater for an X ray irradiation facility than for an
electron beam irradiation facility. Similarly, scattered X rays will have a higher
intensity in an X ray irradiation facility than in an electron beam irradiation
facility. Additional shielding should be provided on secondary barriers and on
additional scattering pathways along entrance and exit mazes in an X ray
irradiation facility.
8.117. For X ray irradiation facilities operating at 5 MeV and above, the
generation of neutrons in the X ray target and their propagation should be
considered in the shielding calculations. While the neutron fluence rate may not
be a significant factor in the activation of the product being irradiated, the neutron
source term can have a substantial influence on the final design of the shield and
the mazes.
8.118. Owing to potential for activation at higher energies, shields for X ray
irradiation facilities, and in particular for the primary barrier, should not be
constructed of metal. Concrete, which has a relatively low effective atomic
number, is the preferred construction material for such shields.
8.119. The possibility of activation of the X ray target, accelerator equipment and
ancillary process equipment (such as the beam stop and the product positioning
system) and shielding should be taken into account in the design of X ray
irradiation facilities. Depending on the energy and power output of the X ray
accelerator, radiation levels due to activated materials in such components may
be substantial immediately following shutdown of the accelerator.
8.120. Procedures for maintenance and repair of the equipment, in particular for
removal and disposal of potentially activated components, should provide for
adequate radiation safety for the protection of individuals who could be exposed
owing to the radioactive material. While most activation products would be
expected to be relatively short lived, the hazards due to radioactive material
present soon after shutdown of the accelerator could be significant in terms of
possible external and internal exposure of personnel if operations such as welding
or drilling were to be performed on activated system components.
8.121. Any proposed modifications of the irradiation facility may require the
approval of the regulatory body. Modifications should be undertaken only by
appropriately qualified persons. Modifications should be thoroughly checked to
ensure that they have been carried out properly and that the safety of the
irradiation facility has not been compromised.
9.1. The BSS [2], in para. IV.16(g) of appendix IV, state that the operating
organization should “ensure that adequate maintenance, testing, inspection and
servicing be carried out as needed so that sources remain capable of meeting their
design requirements for protection and safety throughout their lifetime.”
9.2. To ensure the continued safe operation of the irradiation facility, the
operating organization should set up a formal programme of maintenance and
testing to test all safety functions regularly. The following actions should be
performed periodically (or as otherwise specified below):
— Portable radiation survey meters should be calibrated before their first use,
after repair and at the intervals specified in regulatory requirements. The
pre-use test should include a test of the instrument’s overload performance;
that is, the instrument should be tested to verify that it operates correctly up
to the maximum foreseeable dose rate.
— Periodic examination should be made of the source rack hoist cable and
guide cables (see footnote 12). The cables should be replaced at the
intervals recommended by the manufacturer.
— Periodic leak tests of radioactive sources (see footnote 12) should be carried
out in the manner and at the frequency recommended by the source supplier
and in accordance with regulatory requirements.
9.4. The following additional tests should be carried out on a monthly basis:
— Test that the radiation room radiation monitor is functioning properly; the
test should be carried out by exposing the monitor probe to a check source
until the alarm sounds.
— Check, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, that access to
the radiation room is prevented when the radiation room monitor alarm
sounds upon exposing the monitor probe to a check source. Check the
emergency exit procedure by ensuring that the personnel access door can be
opened from the inside and that other means of exit in an emergency are
operating properly.
— Test that the product exit radiation monitor is functioning properly; the test
should be carried out with the irradiator operating by exposing the monitor
probe to a check source until the alarm sounds. The product positioning
system should stop, and the means of producing radiation should be
— Category III and IV gamma irradiators. Check that the continuous radiation
monitoring device on the circulation system for the storage pool water is
functioning correctly.
— Test irradiator shutdown controls during operation where possible. Check
the high temperature switch, the source rack position switches, the backup
access control and the earthquake detector.
— Test the source rack hoist mechanism, the ventilation system and any
similar hardware that contributes to the safe operation of the irradiator, and
the product positioning mechanism.
— Check that other main items of equipment associated with the means of
producing radiation function properly and show no signs of excessive wear
or potential failure.
— Check that all product containers are undamaged and in good condition.
— Category III and IV irradiators. Check the water level control switches
(normal level and abnormal level) for correct operation.
— Check for correct functioning of the emergency stop device on the control
console and at any other locations.
— Check all visual warning signals and alarms for correct operation. Check all
control indicator lights to ensure that they illuminate.
— Attempt to operate the irradiator after deliberately violating the approved
startup procedure, to ensure that the safety interlocks and sequential
controls are functioning correctly.
— Verify that the uninterruptible power supply21 (see footnote 12) is
functioning properly and is capable of providing adequate electrical power
to allow safe shutdown of the irradiator.
— Verify that the heat detectors and smoke detectors are operating properly.
— Verify that safety interlocks on removable shield plugs in the radiation
room are operating properly.
— Category III and IV gamma irradiators. Evaluate the amount of water
added to the source storage pool to determine whether the amount of make-
up water added is abnormal (too high or too low). If the amount of water
added to the storage pool is abnormally high, investigate whether water is
leaking from the pool. If the amount of water added to the storage pool is
abnormally low, investigate the operation of the supply system for make-up
— Verify that posted notices (e.g. emergency call lists) and symbols are still
present, legible and clearly visible.
— Test the safety delay timer by actuating the timer, waiting until the time
limit has expired and then attempting startup to verify that the system
cannot be started.
9.5. If any of the checks indicate a fault or if safety interlocks do not function
properly, the irradiator should not be used until repairs have been made. The
return of the irradiator to normal operation should be subject to approval by a
radiation protection officer.
An uninterruptible power supply is a backup power supply that, in the event of power
failure or power fluctuations, allows enough time for an orderly shutdown of the system or for
a standby generator(s) to start up.
9.8. Leak tests should be conducted at the intervals prescribed by the regulatory
body. Typically, for storage pool type irradiators, for which leak testing consists
of monitoring radiation levels in the water or the water treatment system, leak
tests for sealed sources are performed on a continuous basis. Leak tests should be
conducted every six months for dry storage irradiators.
9.9. If the leak tests do not show activity above the prescribed action level, the
test results should be documented and retained for future reference. Leak test
records should include:
9.10. Tests that reveal the presence of contamination at levels higher than the
prescribed action level should be considered evidence that the sealed source is
leaking. In this case, the irradiator should be immediately withdrawn from
operation and appropriate actions should be taken to prevent exposure of
personnel and further dispersal of radioactive material. Such actions should
include stopping operation of the radiation room ventilation system and stopping
circulation of the storage pool water. The operating organization should
immediately isolate the area and should notify the regulatory body, the
manufacturer of the equipment and the supplier of the radioactive source.
9.11. Removal of a damaged or leaking radioactive source and its transfer to an
authorized recipient may require special authorization from the regulatory body.
The source should be removed promptly once the decision to remove it has been
made. Removal should be performed by, or under the supervision and in the
physical presence of, an individual who is qualified and, if required by the
regulatory body, specifically authorized to perform such activities. Unauthorized
or untrained persons should not attempt to examine or decontaminate the
irradiator under any circumstances.
9.12. A logbook or file should be kept in which all tests, maintenance tasks,
modifications of and changes to the irradiator are recorded. Every use of the
irradiator should also be recorded in a logbook or file.
9.13. The results of all tests described above should be recorded on a formal
checklist signed by a radiation protection officer who has witnessed the tests.
9.14. Since the failure of safety systems could cause exposure of personnel,
inspectors from the regulatory body should pay particular attention to these
records. The records should be kept for the periods of time prescribed by the
regulatory body.
9.17. For accelerator systems, the manufacturer can provide expertise for the
tuning of magnets, upgrades to specific equipment components, and/or
replacement of or improvements to wave guides. For gamma irradiators, the
source supplier can provide equipment and expertise for inspection of source
integrity. This may include the use of underwater cameras to inspect sealed
sources at the irradiation facility or the destructive testing of source capsules,
performed at the manufacturer’s hot cell facilities.
9.19. The operating organization should not be required to notify the regulatory
body when performing routine maintenance procedures, including the changing
of components that will not give rise to a radiation hazard or compromise the
safety of the irradiator, provided that regulatory requirements and conditions are
not violated.
9.22. Bypassing or disabling a safety interlock should be done only with the
express, written approval of a radiation protection officer. All circumstances
necessitating any component of a safety interlock to be bypassed or disabled
should be documented with a description of the circumstances and the actions
taken, and with the specific approval of a radiation protection officer.
shielded position or that the accelerator is switched off. Verification may be
obtained by means such as the interruption of power to the accelerator,
determination of the position of the source rack by observation of the source rack
hoist or cables, the use of sensors or detectors that monitor the position of the
source rack (e.g. underwater limit switches or cameras), or other methods that do
not necessitate entry into the radiation room. All these methods should be defined
in procedures that are available at the irradiator.
9.24. The affected component of the safety interlock system should be bypassed
or disabled only long enough to allow entry into the radiation room to remedy the
problem (e.g. to repair or replace the monitor), during which time the irradiator
will not be in operation. Entry into the radiation room should be accomplished by
following routine procedures, including the use of a portable survey meter to
monitor radiation levels on entry.
9.26. Since bypassing or disabling any component of the safety interlock system
is to be avoided except under abnormal circumstances, routine and preventive
maintenance functions should be designed to obviate the necessity to bypass
safety interlocks. For example, the radiation room radiation monitors should be
periodically replaced to avoid failure during operation. The interval for replacing
the detectors will depend on the number of irradiator operating hours and the
intensity of the radiation field to which the detectors are subjected.
10.1. The BSS [2], in para. 2.9, state that the transport of radioactive sources is
subject to the requirements of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Material [31] and to any applicable international convention. When
irradiator sources are transported between States, the relevant portions of the
Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources [16] and the
supporting Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources [18]
should be considered.
10.2. Measures should be taken to ensure that radioactive material is kept secure
during transport so as to prevent theft or damage and to ensure that control over
the material is not relinquished inappropriately. Further recommendations and
guidance on the security of radioactive material in transport is given in IAEA
Nuclear Security Series No. 9 [32].
used to manipulate radioactive sources under water. For dry source storage
irradiators, remote instruments should be used to manipulate radioactive sources.
10.5. The operating organization should ensure that an assessment is made of any
hazards associated with the loading, unloading and handling of radioactive
sources. For these activities, the operating organization should ensure the
optimization of protection and safety, and should specifically ensure that the
safety interlocks and control system of the irradiator are not compromised. Any
necessary contingency plans should be incorporated into the written instructions
for operation of the facility.
10.7. If exposure rates or contamination levels exceed authorized limits,
including those specified in transport documentation, or exceed the limits set by
the supplier, actions should be taken to protect workers and members of the
public from the hazard. A radiation protection officer should be informed of the
situation immediately. The consignor of the shipment should also be notified, and
the relevant regulatory bodies should be notified as required by regulations. An
investigation into the cause of the elevated dose rates and/or the contamination
should be made, and corrective actions should be taken before the source loading
procedure is started.
10.8. For returning empty transport packaging following the loading of a source,
the same series of surveys should be performed, except that the internal
contamination survey should consist of taking wipe samples from inside the
packaging cavity, in place of the test described above. If sealed sources are being
returned to the manufacturer, the same series of surveys should be performed as
described for the receipt of radioactive sources at the facility, except for the
internal removable contamination survey.
source rather than by the operating organization, depending on the resources
necessary to implement the actions.
11.5. On the basis of the safety assessment performed for the facility, the
operating organization should draw up an emergency plan. Emergency planning
should incorporate measures for defence in depth to cope with identified events.
The reliability of safety systems (including administrative and operational
procedures and design of the facility and equipment) should be evaluated.
Operational experience, lessons learned from emergencies at similar facilities [1],
and errors made in maintenance and in quality management programmes also
serve as sources of information for developing emergency plans.
— For gamma irradiators, electron beam irradiators and X ray irradiators:
• Malfunction or deliberate defeat of the safety interlock system and access
control systems;
• Fire or explosion inside the radiation room;
• Jamming of automatic conveyor systems;
• Natural phenomena, including earthquakes, tornadoes, floods or other
phenomena as appropriate for the location of the facility.
— For gamma irradiators only:
• Radioactive source rack stuck in an unshielded position;
• Radiation alarm from the product exit port monitor or the radiation
monitor for the storage pool water;
• Detection of leaking radioactive sources or contamination of the source
storage pool, or an alarm caused by contamination of pool water;
• Abnormal (low or high) water level indicator, an abnormal water loss or
leakage from the source storage pool;
• Prolonged loss of electrical power.
11.8. The emergency plan should be specific to each situation and should include,
as appropriate:
— Availability of first aid equipment, including a list of the equipment that
should be available, its location and the names of persons trained to use it
(where applicable);
— An outline of the post-emergency recovery procedures designed to restore
normal operating conditions.
11.10. The plan should contain the names and telephone numbers of the
responsible individuals to be contacted. Notices should be clearly visibly inside
the facility at locations where they might be needed, showing:
irradiators, the items listed below should be included. Irradiator facilities with
machine produced radiation sources may not require all the radiation detection
instruments listed below. The specific equipment required would be determined
in the development of the facility emergency plan.
— Appropriate and functioning survey meters to measure both dose rates and
— Personal alarm and direct reading dosimeters (preferably electronic);
— Additional personal dosimeters (thermoluminescent dosimeters or film
— Barrier materials and notices;
— Communication equipment (e.g. mobile phones, walkie-talkies);
— Spare batteries for survey meters, personal electronic dosimeters, mobile
phones and torches;
— Suitable stationery supplies, including an incident logbook;
— Equipment manuals;
— First aid equipment;
— A copy of the emergency procedures.
11.15. All persons with a role in the emergency plans should be adequately
trained to ensure efficient and effective performance of their roles. This should
include both familiarization with and understanding of the emergency plans,
together with training in the use of the emergency equipment. Training should be
reviewed and recorded at appropriate intervals.
11.17. At intervals commensurate with the potential hazards, emergency
exercises should be held to test critical components of the emergency plans. In
addition to personnel training, these exercises serve as an evaluation of the
adequacy of the emergency plan. Any lessons learned from the conduct of
emergency exercises should be reviewed, documented and incorporated into
training programmes or emergency plans as appropriate.
— Names of persons and contact details (telephone and fax numbers, email
addresses, etc.) are up to date;
— Emergency equipment is readily available and is maintained;
— Contingency planning is still adequate to address reasonably foreseeable
[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Lessons Learned from Accidents in
Industrial Irradiation Facilities, IAEA, Vienna (1996).
Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of
Radiation Sources, Safety Series No. 115, IAEA, Vienna (1996).
Edition, IAEA, Vienna (2007).
Fundamental Safety Principles, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, IAEA, Vienna
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Argentina: González, A.J.; Australia: Loy, J.; Belgium: Samain, J.-P.; Brazil:
Vinhas, L.A.; Canada: Jammal, R.; China: Liu Hua; Egypt: Barakat, M.; Finland:
Laaksonen, J.; France: Lacoste, A.-C. (Chairperson); Germany: Majer, D.; India:
Sharma, S.K.; Israel: Levanon, I.; Japan: Fukushima, A.; Korea, Republic of:
Choul-Ho Yun; Lithuania: Maksimovas, G.; Pakistan: Rahman, M.S.; Russian
Federation: Adamchik, S.; South Africa: Magugumela, M.T.; Spain: Barceló
Vernet, J.; Sweden: Larsson, C.M.; Ukraine: Mykolaichuk, O.; United Kingdom:
Weightman, M.; United States of America: Virgilio, M.; Vietnam: Le-chi Dung;
IAEA: Delattre, D. (Coordinator); Advisory Group on Nuclear Security:
Hashmi, J.A.; European Commission: Faross, P.; International Nuclear Safety
Group: Meserve, R.; International Commission on Radiological Protection:
Holm, L.-E.; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency: Yoshimura, U.; Safety Standards
Committee Chairpersons: Brach, E.W. (TRANSSC); Magnusson, S. (RASSC);
Pather, T. (WASSC); Vaughan, G.J. (NUSSC).
Algeria: Merrouche, D.; Argentina: Waldman, R.; Australia: Le Cann, G.; Austria:
Sholly, S.; Belgium: De Boeck, B.; Brazil: Gromann, A.; *Bulgaria:
Gledachev, Y.; Canada: Rzentkowski, G.; China: Jingxi Li; Croatia: Valčić, I.;
*Cyprus: Demetriades, P.; Czech Republic: Šváb, M.; Egypt: Ibrahim, M.;
Finland: Järvinen, M.-L.; France: Feron, F.; Germany: Wassilew, C.; Ghana:
Emi-Reynolds, G.; *Greece: Camarinopoulos, L.; Hungary: Adorján, F.; India:
Vaze, K.; Indonesia: Antariksawan, A.; Iran, Islamic Republic of:
Asgharizadeh, F.; Israel: Hirshfeld, H.; Italy: Bava, G.; Japan: Kanda, T.; Korea,
Republic of: Hyun-Koon Kim; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Abuzid, O.; Lithuania:
Demčenko, M.; Malaysia: Azlina Mohammed Jais; Mexico: Carrera, A.; Morocco:
Soufi, I.; Netherlands: van der Wiel, L.; Pakistan: Habib, M.A.; Poland:
Jurkowski, M.; Romania: Biro, L.; Russian Federation: Baranaev, Y.; Slovakia:
Uhrik, P.; Slovenia: Vojnovič, D.; South Africa: Leotwane, W.; Spain:
Zarzuela, J.; Sweden: Hallman, A.; Switzerland: Flury, P.; Tunisia: Baccouche, S.;
Turkey: Bezdegumeli, U.; Ukraine: Shumkova, N.; United Kingdom:
Vaughan, G.J. (Chairperson); United States of America: Mayfield, M.; Uruguay:
Nader, A.; European Commission: Vigne, S.; FORATOM: Fourest, B.;
IAEA: Feige, G. (Coordinator); International Electrotechnical Commission:
Bouard, J.-P.; International Organization for Standardization: Sevestre, B.;
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency: Reig, J.; *World Nuclear Association:
Borysova, I.
Transport Safety Standards Committee
Argentina: López Vietri, J.; **Capadona, N.M.; Australia: Sarkar, S.; Austria:
Kirchnawy, F.; Belgium: Cottens, E.; Brazil: Xavier, A.M.; Bulgaria:
Bakalova, A.; Canada: Régimbald, A.; China: Xiaoqing Li; Croatia:
Belamarić, N.; *Cuba: Quevedo Garcia, J.R.; *Cyprus: Demetriades, P.; Czech
Republic: Ducháček, V.; Denmark: Breddam, K.; Egypt: El-Shinawy, R.M.K.;
Finland: Lahkola, A.; France: Landier, D.; Germany: Rein, H.; *Nitsche, F.;
**Alter, U.; Ghana: Emi-Reynolds, G.; *Greece: Vogiatzi, S.; Hungary: Sáfár, J.;
India: Agarwal, S.P.; Indonesia: Wisnubroto, D.; Iran, Islamic Republic of:
Eshraghi, A.; *Emamjomeh, A.; Ireland: Duffy, J.; Israel: Koch, J.; Italy:
Trivelloni, S.; **Orsini, A.; Japan: Hanaki, I.; Korea, Republic of: Dae-Hyung
Cho; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Kekli, A.T.; Lithuania: Statkus, V.; Malaysia:
Sobari, M.P.M.; **Husain, Z.A.; Mexico: Bautista Arteaga, D.M.; **Delgado
Guardado, J.L.; *Morocco: Allach, A.; Netherlands: Ter Morshuizen, M.; *New
Zealand: Ardouin, C.; Norway: Hornkjøl, S.; Pakistan: Rashid, M.; *Paraguay:
More Torres, L.E.; Poland: Dziubiak, T.; Portugal: Buxo da Trindade, R.; Russian
Federation: Buchelnikov, A.E.; South Africa: Hinrichsen, P.; Spain: Zamora
Martin, F.; Sweden: Häggblom, E.; **Svahn, B.; Switzerland: Krietsch, T.;
Thailand: Jerachanchai, S.; Turkey: Ertürk, K.; Ukraine: Lopatin, S.; United
Kingdom: Sallit, G.; United States of America: Boyle, R.W.; Brach, E.W.
(Chairperson); Uruguay: Nader, A.; *Cabral, W.; European Commission: Binet, J.;
IAEA: Stewart, J.T. (Coordinator); International Air Transport Association:
Brennan, D.; International Civil Aviation Organization: Rooney, K.; International
Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations: Tisdall, A.; **Gessl, M.; International
Maritime Organization: Rahim, I.; International Organization for
Standardization: Malesys, P.; International Source Supplies and Producers
Association: Miller, J.J.; **Roughan, K.; United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe: Kervella, O.; Universal Postal Union: Bowers, D.G.; World Nuclear
Association: Gorlin, S.; World Nuclear Transport Institute: Green, L.
Algeria: Abdenacer, G.; Argentina: Biaggio, A.; Australia: Williams, G.; *Austria:
Fischer, H.; Belgium: Blommaert, W.; Brazil: Tostes, M.; *Bulgaria:
Simeonov, G.; Canada: Howard, D.; China: Zhimin Qu; Croatia: Trifunovic, D.;
Cuba: Fernandez, A.; Cyprus: Demetriades, P.; Czech Republic: Lietava, P.;
Denmark: Nielsen, C.; Egypt: Mohamed, Y.; Estonia: Lust, M.; Finland: Hutri, K.;
France: Rieu, J.; Germany: Götz, C.; Ghana: Faanu, A.; Greece: Tzika, F.;
Hungary: Czoch, I.; India: Rana, D.; Indonesia: Wisnubroto, D.; Iran, Islamic
Republic of: Assadi, M.; *Zarghami, R.; Iraq: Abbas, H.; Israel: Dody, A.; Italy:
Dionisi, M.; Japan: Matsuo, H.; Korea, Republic of: Won-Jae Park; *Latvia:
Salmins, A.; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Elfawares, A.; Lithuania: Paulikas, V.;
Malaysia: Sudin, M.; Mexico: Aguirre Gómez, J.; *Morocco: Barkouch, R.;
Netherlands: van der Shaaf, M.; Pakistan: Mannan, A.; *Paraguay: Idoyaga
Navarro, M.; Poland: Wlodarski, J.; Portugal: Flausino de Paiva, M.; Slovakia:
Homola, J.; Slovenia: Mele, I.; South Africa: Pather, T. (Chairperson); Spain: Sanz
Aludan, M.; Sweden: Frise, L.; Switzerland: Wanner, H.; *Thailand: Supaokit, P.;
Tunisia: Bousselmi, M.; Turkey: Özdemir, T.; Ukraine: Makarovska, O.; United
Kingdom: Chandler, S.; United States of America: Camper, L.; *Uruguay:
Nader, A.; European Commission: Necheva, C.; European Nuclear Installations
Safety Standards: Lorenz, B.; *European Nuclear Installations Safety Standards:
Zaiss, W.; IAEA: Siraky, G. (Coordinator); International Organization for
Standardization: Hutson, G.; International Source Suppliers and Producers
Association: Fasten, W.; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency: Riotte, H.; World
Nuclear Association: Saint-Pierre, S.
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Safety through international standards