Profile Cheatsheet
Profile Cheatsheet
Profile Cheatsheet
The better the reference points are defined, the better your market understanding and the
better the control of risk. At each reference point the market has a high probability to either
pause or pivot and reverse direction at. Upon each reference point is where the tape or
order flow comes into the equation. Look for volume imbalance to confirm that you are
trading with the institutional traders. If they don’t show up for whatever reason, hit eject.
Anticipate a trade at each reference point by watching price and its reaction to each level
(for example, on the downside, look for the bids to sequentially lower until the buyers shut
off the sellers) Shutting off looks like a 2 X 0 or equivalent on the bid ask footprint. If there is
a 2 X 6 for instance that suggest that the auction is not finished and the prices are not
complete. The market may trade away from these areas initially only to return.
Hint: Reference points are more valid when they are aligned with Low Volume Nodes
● Previous Days Value Area High
● Previous Days Value Area Low
● Look for overlapping periods/days of value.
● Previous Days Point Of Control “Fairest agreed upon price”
● Overnight Hi
● Overnight Low
● Previous Days Close
● Current Day Open
● Current Day First hour Hi and Lo “Initial Balance”
● Volume Composite (multiple days, weeks of accumulated volume)
1. Identify Low Volume Nodes (Rejection Areas)
● Look for Fibonacci Golden Ratio 61.8 retracements and its inverse 1.618 extensions.
Tricks & Traps by Commercial and Institutions: Each trick will be shown in real time replay
or live market.
Large traders use their knowledge of value to enter balanced markets at extremes. That
being said it is important to note at the trade location and the time of day they do their
Below is a list of tricks that I have adopted and tailored to my trading. They occur in all
markets and all time frames.
(1) Trick: If during the opening first ½ hour of the markets open the price opens outside of
yesterday’s value area and continues in that direction with velocity it is wise to step aside
and do not fade. The Commercials and Institutions are privy to trend changing news events