Best Organic Email
Best Organic Email
Best Organic Email
SATURDAY APRIL 18TH AT 9AM CST OPEN RATE: 21% 14270 / 53446 CTR: 2% 1566 / 53446
Words NO client business should be forced to [ Escalate the fear and gut-punch ]
say during the current global crisis.
[ Turn it around with a question toward them ]
So Mike, the question is: how can you
guarantee you come out the other side [ The question is their greatest hope and
of this... desire ]
With a business that will endure ANY [ Tell them they need your offer in order to
economy... achieve the greatest hope and desire ]
With an endless flow of new opportunity & [ Make the offer a no-brainer right from the
on-demand clients? It starts with having the start; doesn’t have to be free but needs to be
right inputs. “over the top” ]
Which is why you need to go grab our Stimulus [ Outline what they get as part of your offer ]
Package NOW. It’s absolutely free. [ Tell them the monetary value ]
(really free - no tactics or gimmicks)
[ Then tell them how they can get it either for
And you’ll get instant access to: free or at a discount, or other incentive ]
EXCLUSIVE TRAINING: The Government [ Assure them there are no gimmicks or tricks,
Stimulus options available for entrepreneurs in that it’s real ]
a variety of situations taught by Adam Rundle.
[ Introduce scarcity; either in quantity
NEW: The must-know concepts on how the or deadline-driven ]
economy works and why you can’t afford to
not factor it into your decision making in the [ Take-away; it can go away at any moment ]
coming months.
[ CTA either as a button or link ]
NEW: How to apply Murphy’s Law to your
business so you can make cool-headed [ Signoff ]
responses regardless of the circumstance.
Details: Use this to drive a last-chance rush of applications or sales with a take-away psychological trigger.
SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2020 AT 6PM CST OPEN RATE: 12% 8466 / 53375 CTR: 2% 1235 / 53375
If you’re stuck under $10K a month right now [ “If you are...” statement with one
and you’re already maxed out on time because of their current roadblocks ]
you work 70 hours a week...
[ “If you are...” statement” with another
If you need more clients to make ends meet, current roadblocks ]
but bringing on more clients only adds to your
stress because fulfillment takes forever... [ “Or if you are... Statement” with
another roadblocks ]
Or if you’re totally overwhelmed but can’t slow
down because it feels like the only way you can [ Curiosity and solution Call-to-Action ]
grow your business, is to work harder and
longer hours... [ Restate and expand on the pains,
frustrations, problems they’re experiencing ]
Then I’m happy to say, this is for you .
[ How other solutions they might’ve tried
And I’m 100% certain that’s true, because the aren’t working ]
symptoms you’re experiencing mean that the
“economics” in your business are broken. In [ Describe how your solution is different and
other words... it’s working ]
• You make too little money per client
• You spend too much time with each client [ 3-hit bullet list overcoming objections ]
And you’re forced to compensate by scraping [ Nothing else matters – except for your
up any bottom-of-the-barrel client who will solution, who it’s for, and the outcome
say “yes”... charge even less per client... and they’ll see ]
drive your sanity into the ground.
[ Call-to-Action link text with outcome
Now, I know this may seem like an inescapable promise ]
hell right now...
[ Introduce proof and backup that what you’re
And if things don’t change, you’re right.. You’re saying is true; include testimonials if you can
stuck. but at least use examples or other proof ]
But, if you look at the results coming out of our [ To get similar results, previously you had to
programs right now... get a special invitation, or spend certain
amount of money... ]
It’s clear we’ve developed a secret sauce that’s
proven to help people like you escape that [ But now, it’s made available for a very limited
hell... time at a ridiculous price ]
By “packaging” a high-ticket offer that [ Outline and describe what the offer includes,
allows you to charge $5,000+ per client what they get, and how it works ]
while streamlining fulfillment...
[ Another Call-to-Action with outcome and
And as you’ll see in a sec... offer ]
• It doesn’t matter how many case studies
or testimonials you have [ Signoff ]
• It doesn’t matter how much your
“competition” charges
• It doesn’t matter if you’re already getting
rejected while charging peanuts
Details: Use this to drive a last-chance rush of applications or sales with a take-away psychological trigger.
SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2020 AT 6PM CST OPEN RATE: 12% 8466 / 53375 CTR: 2% 1235 / 53375
Details: Use this to drive a last-chance rush of applications or sales with a take-away psychological trigger.
SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2020 AT 6PM CST OPEN RATE: 12% 8466 / 53375 CTR: 2% 1235 / 53375
Details: Use this when you want to introduce an ancillary or related call-to-action, product/service, or next step to your list.
FRI, JAN 3, 2020, 04:02 PM OPEN RATE: 12% 7680 / 48545 CTR: 2% 1138 / 48545
Recently I posted this on my personal FB wall [ You did something and it blew up ]
(pic below), and it blew up.
[ Here’s what people miss or get wrong,
People do not pay enough attention to the when it comes to the outcome referenced
details, but when they DO, they discover that in the subject line. And there are
intelligence in the area of MONEY can not only consequences to getting it wrong ]
create massive income – it can save you money
without sacrificing quality of living. [ Example of what you did that blew up;
could be screenshot ]
[ Signoff ]
Details: Use this to get feedback from your list in a way that guarantees their response.
MON, MAR 23, 2020, 11:33 AM OPEN RATE: 11% 7327 / 54285 CTR: 2% 936 / 54285
We're constantly trying to improve what we do [ Short intro with why you’re sending this and
at Traffic and Funnels in order to help you in justification as to why you’re sending this email ]
any way we can - especially in such a
seemingly "unstable" time. [ The ask: if you do this (i.e. answer a short
survey), then you’ll receive a gift. Tell them,
We want to give you a free gift of your choice specifically, what’s involved (answer to 3
in exchange for your answer to 3 questions questions) and how long it will take (2 mins),
(2 mins of your time). After you submit, you'll and how it works ]
be taken to a page to select 1 of 7 free gifts
that we're offering. [ Link with text focused on outcome ]
Take our quick survey now and choose your [ Repeat the “why” and what’s in it for them ]
free gift.
In your corner,
It's our goal to help you with exactly what you
need so that you can be laser focused over [ Signoff ]
these next few weeks as we navigate this
pandemic together.
In your corner,
Details: Use this as an email coming from someone else on your team. It’s a new way to get attention and drive clicks and traffic to an offer.
MON, MAR 23, 2020, 11:33 AM OPEN RATE: 11% 7327 / 54285 CTR: 2% 936 / 54285
I’m definitely getting fired for this... [ Shocking statement with curiosity
and cliff-hanger... ]
It’s your friendly neighborhood marketing [ Short intro of who it’s from ]
director here...
[ The shocking outcome of what will happen to
And unfortunately, I’m certain I’m gonna get this person ]
****canned over this.
[ Tell the story of why this person is sending an
See, when all this ‘rona nonsense started... email, what happened, how it happened ]
Naturally I said, “I got this.” [ Call-to-Action button or text link for access ]
Yours free.
Details: Use this when you want to share an important message (video, article) that you want as many people to see as possible. Good
way to generate traffic to a social media post, video, article, or something else.
FRI, DEC 13, 2019, 10:30 AM OPEN RATE: 9.2% 4316 / 47030 CTR: 1.9% 913 / 47030
Chris and Taylor retiring from TF? [Your name] retiring from [your company]?
FRI, NOV 29, 2019, 12:04 AM OPEN RATE: 15.6% 7730 / 47180 CTR: 1.5% 757 / 47180
Hope your T-giving was exceptional. [ Quick greeting, referencing recent calendar
Mine was :-) event or other important event ]
It's getting kinda late, but there's never been [ Tell them what’s going on ]
a more urgent reason to read this right away.
[ Describe how the offer you’re making is crazy
At 12:01AM tonight the cart opens on our most and ridiculous, and why ]
insanely discounted package of training - ever.
There is 70k USD of training in here... [ Escalate the crazy-factor by introducing
scarcity with a quantity limit or deadline ]
To make it even crazier...
[ Compare the regular value with your crazy
I’m going to cut the price in half if you’re one of value ]
the first 50 people to buy.
[ Casual Call-to-Action ]
The price for this bundle (which is north of
50 hours of content btw — we have more [ Signoff ]
millionaire clients than any other consultant
/ trainer in the industry besides Russell
Brunson but he cheated)...
-T money magic
MON, NOV 25, 2019, 04:41 PM OPEN RATE: 12.9% 6070 / 47106 CTR: 1.4% 639 / 47106
Details: Use this to drum up interest and attention for an offer you’re either about to make, or modify the email for an offer you’re making right
now. It does NOT have to be related to any holiday or special event. Simply use an email like this to move people from inaction to action.
WED, NOV 13, 2019, 01:28 PM OPEN RATE: 8.5% 3955 / 46589 CTR: 1.3% 606 / 46589
Possibly our Craziest Bundle EVER Possibly our Craziest [ offer ] EVER
+ Bonus Content from our Team + Bonuses
--- -
Details: Use this to frame an offer that you’re making. It does NOT have to be related to any holiday or special event. You can use this to your
list at any time, to convert more leads into applications or sales. This is simply a mechanism to frame what you’re doing, grab attention, and
turn that attention into action.
WED, NOV 20, 2019, 04:53 PM OPEN RATE: 15% 7010 / 46864 CTR: 1.2% 556 / 46864
I almost didn’t write this email... [ Something you almost didn’t do ]...
Important Update... Important Update...
Do you know what keeps you “on top”? [ Question framing their desire or outcome ]
Many entrepreneurs and “household brands” [ Describe, with a question, how they
can find themselves at the top of their industry can not only get to their desire or outcome,
for a year or two -- But do you know what the but escalate what could be next ]
difference is between the titans and the
one-hit-wonders? [ Give the answer to the question
you’ve just posed ]
Innovation and Crazy Ideas...
[ Then describe the offer you’re making,
Our Black Friday Promotion this year is one of as a bullet list ]
those ludicrous ideas!
[ Use quotes as if they’re speaking to you ]
“Okay Taylor, everyone says that...”
[ Continue the offer description
LOL listen close. Lean In. THIS is our offer... with more bullets ]
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