Trainers-Module SWAY

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Trainer’s Module

Table of Contents

Page No.
Introduction ………………………………………….. 3-4

Rationale ………………………………………….. 5
Target Audience ………………………………….. 5
Objectives and Outcomes ……………………… 5
Teaching Materials Needed ………………….. 6
Training Methodology …………………………. 6

Glossary of Terms …………………………………. 7

Module Content
I. Microsoft Sway Essentials …………………. 8-9

II. Creating Microsoft Sway Account …………. 10

III. Creating Microsoft Sway Presentation …. 11-12

Conclusion ………………………………………… 13

References ………………………………………… 14

Trainer’s Module

Microsoft Sway – Learning the Basics



If there’s one thing more intimidating than staring at a blank Word

document wondering what to write, it’s staring at a blank PowerPoint
presentation wondering what to add. Presentations are by their nature intended
for other to view, and plenty of people are terrified of public speaking to start
with, so a blank PowerPoint can be enough to make you give up then and there.
This fear has always been one of the biggest problems with PowerPoint.
Thankfully Microsoft has recognized this and they’ve gone to great lengths to
prevent this fear. Enter Sway, which is Microsoft’s attempt to provide a
lightweight, cloud only, story-telling application that is easier to use than
PowerPoint and provides more narrative devices than simply slide after slide of
bullet points. Most people are not specialist in design and layout, so Microsoft
has provided a bunch of templates for common presentations to help you get
past the creator’s block and start designing.
This module entitled “Microsoft Sway – Learning the Basics” is a
practical guide to learning the basic concept and tools of Microsoft Sway. It is a
cloud-only app which is a software program where cloud- based and local
components work together. It relies on remote servers for processing logic that
is accessed through a web browser with continual internet connection. Sway
was born on the 1st of October 2014 and help make your thoughts live by
quickly exploring, visualizing, and sharing your ideas to the world. Sway is ideal
for creating reports, presentations or updates. Allowing users to make visually
compelling, content-rich presentations without needing any serious design
skills. It is great for teachers, educators, business presenters and also for

Trainer’s Module

personal use. It’s a way to present information in a beautiful and dynamic way.
Can be used to create interactive presentations and content that don’t need a
presenter. It’s jam-packed with features to help you with the difficult design bits
so you can focus on the content and best of all it’s free. Essentially Sway helps
you to distribute information from wherever you like to whomever you like with
ease. Microsoft Sway can be termed as the newer and friendlier alternative to
The main discussion of this module is on how to Create Account with
Sway, Learn the Basic Commands of Sway, and Making a Simple Sway
Presentation. The students would be guided progressively to learn the Basic
Commands of Sway. Each image has an instruction which highlights what
appropriate tools to use to make an effective Sway presentation. Throughout
the whole discussion of this module students will be able to understand and
apply the learnt knowledge into creating contents, whether it’s a report, a
presentation, a newsletter, a personal story, a photo album, or a visual trip
report, there’s virtually no limit on what you can express creatively with Sway.
To do all this, teachers and students should have a Microsoft Office account so
they can utilize this amazing cloud-based application, Sway.

Note: Discuss and highlight the usefulness of Sway to the present generation of
participants and in what way it will help them to make their daily work easy, may it be Trainer’s Module
for school, events, or for personal stories. Cite some instances)


The intent of this module is to introduce Sway as a newest presentation

tool that is ideal for creating reports, presentations or updates allowing users to
make visually compelling, content rich presentations without needing any
serious design skills.
As the world becomes digitally oriented and integration of information
technology in all education areas has been required, it is imperative especially
for educators to have knowledge and skills on the different educational
technologies making teaching and learning more interesting and engaging.
Hence, giving more opportunities for students to learn and acquire digital skills
they will need in their future life.
The effort is to offer and introduce ideas about Sway and to encourage
educators to apply it in their own classroom taking advantage of the benefit it
can give thus contributes and makes education more meaningful and fruitful to
the students.

Target Audience

Teachers and future teachers with basic knowledge on Microsoft Word,

Microsoft Powerpoint, Internet and other educational platforms are encouraged
to learn this module so as to expand their knowledge about other educational
technologies that can be applied in the classroom.

Objectives and Outcomes

At the end of the module, students should be able to:

1. Determine the essentials of Sway.
2. Create a Sway account.
3. Apply the different features of Sway.
4. Make simple Sway presentation using a topic of your interest.

Trainer’s Module

Teaching Materials Needed

The trainer is expected to be at the center ahead of time and prepare the
room, materials and technologies needed for the lesson.
Appliances/Technology needed are :
1. Internet Facility
2. Computers/Laptop
3. LCD Projector
4. PPT Copies
5. Old PPT, videos and picture files
6. Handouts
7. Activity sheets

Training Methodology

The learning methodology will be varied so as to respond to all teaching and

learning needs and styles and is expected to:
1. Determine student’s prior knowledge on the use of educational
2. Involve interactive activities to ensure maximum participation and
learning of students.
3. Provide activity for the students to create and present their outcome.
4. Require evaluation activities to solicit feedback and suggestions from
students for future reflection and consideration.

Trainer’s Module


Microsoft Sway : Sway is a new app from Microsoft that makes it easy
to create and Share interactive reports, personal
stories, presentations and more.

Cloud-only App : Cloud-only app is phrase used to describe a

software application that is never installed on a local
computer. Instead, it is accessed via the internet.

Arrow Affordance : Arrow Affordances on a button emphasizes to users

that clicking the button will complete an action that
takes them to another page.

Meatballs Menu Icon: The meatballs menu, also known as the three
horizontal dots menu, is an icon used to open a
menu with additional options. The icon is most often
located at the top-right or top-left of the screen of

Export : In a computer application, to export is to convert a

file into another format than the one it is currently in.
Once the file is exported to the desired format
(specified on file name suffix), it can be opened and
worked on by an application that recognizes and
uses this format.

PDF : PDF or Portable Document Format is a file format

that has captured all the elements of a printed
document as an electronic image that you can view,
navigate, print, or forward to someone else.

Remix Function : This function is something to spice it up. It will

completely automate the style and layouts for you to
best fit the content.

Trainer’s Module

Unit I. Microsoft Sway Essentials

Sessions Talking Points

1. Time Alloted to this Unit : Trainers check on overall classroom

1 hour. situation.

2. Objectives and Expected Prepare the learning ware before the

Outcomes start of the session and ensure that all
are functioning well:
At the end of this module, the
participant’s should be able to: Laptop
a.Determine what is Microsoft Sway. LCD Projector
b.Enumerate the different features Powerpoint Presentation
and functions of Microsoft Sway Video Presentation
c.Understand the benefits that Handouts
Microsoft Sway could bring.

3. Purpose of the Unit:

As educators today are exposed to

digitally knowledgeable students, it is
imperative that they should learn the
different educational technologies so
as to adapt to the digital needs and
demands of their students.

The purpose of this lesson is to

familiarize the participants with one of
the newest presentation tool offered by
Microsoft which is the Microsoft Sway.

This presentation tool allows you to

make a visually compelling and
dynamic presentation that will look
great and interesting to your students
hence, enhanced their learning.

Session 1 : Microsoft Sway


PPT 1 : Microsoft Sway Essenstials: Trainers must:

*Include enough relevant examples.
a. What is Microsoft Sway *Make clear and concise explanations.
b. Who can use Microsoft Sway *Constantly check participants
c. Why should we use Microsoft understanding.

Trainer’s Module

Sway. *Link discussion to participant’s

d. Features of Microsoft Sway present life.
e. Benefits of Microsoft Sway *Encourage participant’s interaction.

Activity 1:

Question and Answer:

a.Can anyone use the Microsoft Sway

Presentation tool?
b.Is the Microsoft Sway application
free? Or it has subscription? How
c.Cite the features offered in a free
Microsoft Sway app as compared to
that with subscription.
d.Kindly give at least 1 feature/function
of Sway and explain it based on your
e.With the numerous advantages/
benefits it can give, is there any
disadvantages/limitations you can
think of?

2. Video Presentation : Microsoft Activity 2:

Sway Tutorial
Group yourself into five (5) and
Discussion about the Video discuss the following :
a.What information did you learn from
the video?
b.What do you think are the
advantages and disadvantages of
using Microsoft Sway/
c.Do you think you can use the
presentation tool in your own

3.Closing Session and Transition to *Ask for any questions, clarifications,

the next Session comments and feedback from
*Give some tips and encouragement
on how to use the presentation tool
*Introduce the next session.
*Notify the participants to bring their
own laptop for the next session.

Trainer’s Module

Unit 2 : Creating a Microsoft Sway Account

Sessions Talking Points

1.Time Allotted for the Unit : Prepare and check first the availability
15 minutes Lecture of internet connections in the area as
15 minutes Demonstration well as the learning ware of the
2.Objectives and Expected
Outcomes: Note: Each participant should bring
At the end of this unit, the participant her/his own laptop to be able to follow
should be able to : the sequence of the activity.

a. Follow the step by step

procedures discussed.
b. Create a Microsoft Sway

3.Purpose of the Unit:

Each participant needs to create first a
Microsoft Sway account to be able to
have access on the Microsoft Sway

Session 2 :

PPT 2: Step by Step Procedures on *Be involving. Demonstrate if needed.

Creating a Microsoft Sway Account
*Show and highlight through the PPT
1.To get started with Sway, visit the step by step procedures in creating a Microsoft Sway Account.
2.To create an account, click Get
Started *Trainer must move around to give
3.Click Create One and enter your necessary assistance and ensure
email address then click the next that the participants follows
button. the procedures properly.
4.Enter password and click the next
Button. Activity 3:
5.Verify your email by entering the
code sent in your email account Create a Microsoft Sway Account.
then enter the captcha characters.
6.Then you’ll receive a notification Transition to the next unit.
that you have successfully created Advise the participants to have a topic
a Microsoft Sway account. to work on and a copy of an old PPT,
Video Presentations and Pictures files
that can be used or embedded in your
own Microsoft Sway Presentation

Trainer’s Module

Unit 3. Creating Microsoft Sway Presentation

Sessions Talking Points

1.Time Allotted for the Unit : Prepare and check first the availability
30 minutes – Lecture/Demo of internet connections in the area as
1 ½ hour - Workshop well as the learning ware of the
2.Objectives and Outcomes
At the end of the unit, the participant Note: Each participant should bring
should be able to: her/his own laptop to be able to follow
a. Create a simple Microsoft Sway the sequence of the activity.
b. Sharing your sample creation to
your fellow participants.

3.Purpose of the unit:

a.To familiarize the participants with

the different functions and features
of Microsoft Sway.
b.To expose the participants to one of
the newest presentation tool that can
spice up the presentations used in
the classroom.
c.To set up a supportive environment
for the participants by exchanging
professional expertise and
d.To enable the participant to create
their own presentation by applying
new trends in educational
technology to enhance the teaching
and learning experience.

Session 3:

PPT 3: Step by Step Procedures in During the lecture-Demo, trainers

Creating a Sample Microsoft Sway should:
Presentation. -include enough and relevant
Lessons include: examples
a.Adding title to your Sway -include clear and interesting visuals
b.Selecting Sway background -include clear and concise
c.Selecting the type of card you want explanations
(Text Card, Media Card, Croup -demonstrate procedures clearly
Card) -constantly check participants
d.Embedding old file: PPT, video understanding
presentation and pictures

Trainer’s Module

e.Previewing your Sway The trainer should provide a criteria for
f. Using remix function. evaluation for the participant’s output
g.Exporting your Sway before conducting a workshop
h. Sharing your Sway
Activity 4: Workshop
1.Each participant should create their
own Microsoft Sway Presentation
applying the different features and
functions of Microsoft Sway.The
presentation should embed:
- a topic of your choice
- text, video or pictures
- an old PPT,Video or picture file.
2.The participant should be able to
execute the following:
- preview Microsoft Sway
- perform remix function
- Export your Sway
- Share your Sway

During the workshop, the trainer

-Move around to ensure and give
necessary assistance.
-inform the participants that they
should present their output to the
class for appropriate evaluation and

The trainer should:

Session 4: -keep track of the students output.
Presenting your Sample Microsoft Check on the application of the
Sway Output different features and functions of
a.Orientation of the Output -facilitate appropriate evaluation
Evaluation Procedures technique, ask for co-participants
b.Presentation of the participants comments, suggestions and feedback
output for the improvement of the output

Activity 5: Participants Feedback

a.How do you find the functions/
features of Microsoft Sway?
b.Can the application helps you in
creating and presenting a visually
interesting lesson to your class?
c.Is it possible for you to use the
application tool in your own
classroom? Why or Why not?

Trainer’s Module


Technology plays a great part in today’s education. Teachers should not

only know how to use it but also should have the ability to learn and integrate
new trends. As technology is expanding rapidly, it is imperative that teachers
must persevere to learn and adopt new educational applications and platforms
that could essentially help to enhance the learning process.
This module familiarized the participants with one of the Microsoft newest
presentation tool. Microsoft Sway offers various features and functions that
gives opportunity for teachers to enhance and spice up their presentations so
as to make lessons more interesting and visually compelling.
Learning this presentation tool benefits not only the students but also the
teachers as well. As it assists and enhances teacher’s creativity in presenting
the lesson effectively to the students, hence, becomes essential in today’s

Trainer’s Module


Anthony (2012, May 2).

Retrieved from;
elllipsis-affordances Beal, V. webopedia
Retrieved from:

Computer Hope 2020 (2019, November 16).

Retrieved from: (2015, July 6). What is CAPTCHA

Retrieved from:

Microsoft 2020. Getting Started with Sway

Retrieved from:

Microsoft 2020. How to Sway

Retrieved from:

Rouse, M. (2017, June) Cloud Application

Retrieved from:

Rouse, M. (2005, September 21)

Retrieved from:

Rouse, M.
Retrieved from:

Woodgate, R. (2019, February 5). What is Microsoft Sway, and What I Can Do
With it? Retrieved from:

Rouse, M. (2005, September 21)

Retrieved from:

Rouse, M.
Retrieved from:

Trainer’s Module

Prepared by:
PhD Development Education
CBSUA, Graduate School

Trainer’s Module

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