Textbook: Level 1
Textbook: Level 1
Textbook: Level 1
Level 1
5/18/2016 2:25:22 PM
University of Perpetual Help System – Jonelta and Dalta
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School’s Patroness
the knowledge of the Word of God, the celebration of faith in the
Sacraments and the profession of faith in daily life. It is geared towards
the realization of attitudes and skills on the eight core values as our
foundation and matrix of the Perpetualite. These eight core values are:
Love of God; Love of Self; Family and Neighbor and Love of Country;
and Good Governance; Academic and Professional Excellence, Health
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and Ecological Consciousness; Filipino Christian Leadership; Peace and
Global Solidarity; the Perpetualite and UPHS; and the Celebration of Life
according to the Catholic Doctrine.
The program seeks to help the Perpetualites in all levels in order to
understand, communicate and live the message of Christ and in dignity
as Filipinos as they grow towards Christian unity to live the Gospel
values and to share these values with the community so they fully
become effective catalysts of change and vanguards of the national
heritage for better nation and building.
The values, concepts and activities in these programs have been
developed through the steering efforts of the Founders and a special task
force of the Perpetualites of the three Levels: Pre-school and Elementary,
High School and the College levels who untiringly continue to search for
educational responsiveness to the changing needs of the learners, the
University and the society.
Activities in the program are designed to enable the Perpetualites to
know strengthen and enrich the “knowledge of truth” with the
corresponding “doing of truth” in a ladder type of the formation across
levels, so that the Perpetualites comprehend, analyze, synthesize and
evaluate attitudes and moral values and are able to do a valuing process
embodying the mission, vision, philosophy and objectives of the
University in the formation of a true Perpetualite - a committed leader to
serve others.
Biblical Foundation:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All
things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to
be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the
light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the
darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn 1:1-5)
“And the Word becameflesh and made his
dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of
the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.
John testified to him and cried out,
saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘The one who is coming
after me ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.’” From
his fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace, because
while the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came
through Jesus Christ.” (Jn 1:14-18)
Spiritual messages:
1. The Cross
a. The Cross stands for Filipino Christian Living as Christcentered.
The life of Christ as spelled out in the Gospels is the life that we
want to emulate.
b. The four corners of the cross represent the four pillars of Filipino
Christian Living, namely: CHRISTIAN IN LIVING, CATHOLIC
PERPETUALITE IN VIRTUE. These principles serve as the basic
foundations of the course. They will also provide the basis for
evaluation whether the course objectives have been achieved.
c. The vertical beam of the cross stands for the relationship between
God and the Perpetualite. FCL should, therefore, be Christian in
Living and Catholic in Doctrine.
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d. The horizontal beam of the cross stands for the relationship
between the Perpetualite and others: persons and the
environment. FCL should, therefore, be Filipino in Character and
Perpetualite in Virtue.
b. The equilateral triangle also stands for the Holy Family. One of
the cornerstones of the Filipino Christian Living is the family. This
is clearly mirrored by the UPHS as a family institution. The
UPHS is not only a family corporation but treats each member as
a member of the Family. Dr. Jose G. Tamayo talks fondly of his
family which consists not only of his twelve biological children
but also of his thirteenth child which is the University of
Perpetual Help System.
c. The three equal right angles of the triangle stand for the three
human dimensions of the Perpetualite which FCL aims to
address to bring about an integral Perpetualite formation,
namely: the HEAD, the HEART and the HAND.
e. The two right angles on the side stand for the incarnational
aspect of FCL. The experience of God’s love serves as the driving
force to love one’s neighbor.
3. The Circle
a. The circle stands for God, the Alpha and the Omega, the center of
our lives.
Christian In Living
• FCL is rooted in the life of Christ. Christ is the source, the reason
and the meaning of the life of a Perpetualite. A Perpetualite, thus,
adheres to the cross-spirituality.
• FCL is incarnational. It is an encounter with Christ who brings
about redemption, empowerment, salvation and mission.
• FCL is relational. It is an encounter not only with Christ but with
others. Such encounter brings about opportunities for self-
fulfillment and service to others.
• FCL is communitarian. It aims to build a communion of persons
united and living according to the teachings of Christ.
5. Catholic In Doctrine
a. The founders, Dr. Jose and Dra. Josefina, were devout and active
members of the Roman Catholic Church. The founders
themselves account the success of the University from their
strong faith in Christ and in the Church.
b. The UPHS is Marian. The name of the University is taken from
the deep devotion of the founders to Our Mother of Perpetual
Help. This devotion turned out to be their mission: to
“perpetually help” individuals, communities and the country.
c. FCL is ecumenical (inter-faith). Though Catholic in doctrine, the
University is open to all kinds of faith. It respects and values
their dynamism, vibrancy and richness. As a non-sectarian
institution, it enjoys the privilege of being the home of
persons who witness and share their faith as one
community of believers.
7. Perpetualite In Virtue
a. The main inspirations for the Perpetualite virtues are the
founders themselves: Dr. Jose and Dra. Josefina L. Tamayo.
During their sojourn on earth, they exemplified the real
Perpetualite identity.
b. The secondary inspirations for the Perpetualite virtues are the
twelve children. They are living witnesses to the Perpetualite
identity lived by their parents.
c. The goal of FCL is to form the students of the university to
exemplify the virtues of the founders and the twelve children
who are the true-blooded Perpetualites.
d. Virtues such as family-centeredness, service, love of fellowmen,
civic-mindedness, helpfulness, generosity, patriotism, discipline,
hope, respect for nature and love of God are some of the core
virtues of a Perpetualite.
Historically, the story of Perpetual Help
is a story of people: an unknown artist who
painted the picture on the island of Crete, a
merchant who for some reason brought the
picture to Rome in 1499, a friend of the
merchant to whom he gave the picture and
whose wife had visions of Mary, telling her
she wanted the picture enshrined for public
veneration in a little Roman church (of St.
Matthew) between the two great basilicas
of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran. The
next people in the story were the men of
the religious community of St. Augustine at
St. Matthew’s who received the picture
with joy and soon found that it aroused
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great devotion among the faithful. There
were many liturgical services, impressive
conversions, even miracles, so much so that
the picture came to be called the
miraculous image of Perpetual Help.
Then, in 1799, all came to a grinding
halt. The people this time were Napoleon
and his general in Rome, François Massena.
Besides carrying off the Pope into exile,
they ordered the destruction of some thirty
churches. Among these was St. Matthew’s.
The Augustinians moved to other
monasteries and the miraculous picture
went with them into obscurity. In time, the
memory of the glorious days was all but
forgotten. But not quite.
Two new people enter the story. An old
Augustinian Brother named Augustino
Orsetti had a favorite altar boy, named
Michael Marchi, who came to serve Mass at
the monastery of Our Lady in Posterula.
There, the brother, who had once been at
St. Matthew’s, often pointed to a picture in
the sacristy and told Michael that it was the
famous Madonna, made homeless by the
army of Napoleon. “Remember, Michael,”
he would say. Michael remembered. He
grew up, became a priest in the community
of the Redemptorists (the next people of the
story), who had just bought property in
Rome (1855) and built a church in honor of
their recently canonized founder, St.
Alphonsus Mariade Liguori.
In tracing the history of their property,
the Redemptorists soon came upon the
startling discovery that they had taken the
place of old St. Matthew’s and their church
was now the “little church between the two
great basilicas”-the very spot chosen by
“Mary of Perpetual Help.” Now, if only
they could find the missing Madonna. And,
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wonder of wonders, there was among them
Father Michael Marchi, erstwhile altar-boy,
who had the answer.
After a year of prayers, Father Nicholas
Mauron, Redemptorist Superior General,
petitioned Pope Pius IX for permission to
have the miraculous picture enshrined in
their church of Sant’ Alfonso. The Holy
Father was so pleased that he wrote the
directive there and then
to the Augustinians to arrange for the
transfer of the picture from St. Mary’s in
Posterula to Sant’ Alfonso. Later, when the
picture had been duly enshrined, the Pope
went to pray before it. It is said that it
brought tears to his eyes. “How beautiful
she is. Make her known,” he said.
Taking the pope’s wish as a pious
command, the Redemptorists began at
once, and continue to this day to make her
known. And this is where the story of
Perpetual Help really becomes the story of
the people; the thousands of Redemptorists
and their disciples who have promoted
devotion to Mary of Perpetual Help and the
missions who have come to know and love
her as their perpetual help. Among these
thousands of preachers and millions of
devotees, we are pleased and grateful to
number ourselves in this parish of Our
Lady of Perpetual Help.
Since November 20, 1894, we have had
our copy of the Miraculous Picture, first in
the original little church and then in the
great lower church, sometimes rose above
the high altar, and sometimes in a side altar
shrine. And in the upper church, Mary has
her golden alcove, built with funds derived
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from the sale of parishioners’ jewelry,
lovingly donated to the loving Mother and
her Son. From the beginning, also, we have
had special devotions, prayers to her at
Wednesday blessings of the sick and since
the 20’s, and the perpetual Wednesday
novena. Memories crowd in on us of the
ebb and flow of attendance at the novenas,
of the intentions prayed for, of the priests,
brothers, sisters and lay folk who have
prayed and sung together on so many
Wednesdays. Through Mary’s intercession,
may God grant that the prayers and singing
will go on for many years to come?
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The Perpetual Novena which began in St.
Louis (USA) in 1927 has made a notable
contribution to the spread of this devotion.
The Novena has been called ‘Perpetual’,
because it is held on a fixed day each week
of the year. During the Novena devotions,
the faithful not only say the traditional
prayer, but they also present written
petitions and thanksgiving for favors
received. There is also a meditation on
some aspect of the spiritual life.
Each year in the month of June, in
preparation for the feast of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help, there is a Solemn Novena,
nine days of prayer and reflection on the
Christian life.
The Church situated, on the Esquiline hill between the two basilicas of
St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran is one of the rare examples of neo-
gothic architecture in Rome. Although dedicated to the Most Redeemer, it
was erected in honor of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, the founder of the
Redemptorist Congregation and thus bears his name.
It was built in 1855-59, according to the plans of the Scottish architect.
George Wigley, in the grounds of the Villa Caseria a property acquired by
the Redemptorists from the Caetaria family. The Church measures 42 x 14
meters and was consecrated in 1859 by Cardinal Costantino Patrizi.
Tradition tells that, while excavating the foundations of the church, there
was a gold coin bearing effigy of the Redeemer, this being seen as a good
omen. Three doors in gothic style lead to the vestibule of the church. The
tympanum over the central door is decorated with a beautiful
polychrome mosaic of Our Lady Perpetual Help. Over the tympana of the
side doors are two bas-reliefs on the gold mosaic backgrounds, by
Antonio della Bitta, depicting on the left Saint Alphonsus and on the right
the Redemptorist saint Clement Hofbauer. On the apex of the arch above
the central door a stands a statue in Carrara marble of the Holy
Redeemer. High above this is a magnificent rose window honor of our
Lady of Perpetual Help, flanked
selling of bronze and glass. This and the restructuring of the sanctuary
were carried out under the direction of Fr. Antonio Marrazzo.
Biblical Foundation:
“It is like this. A man takes mustard seed, the smallest seed in
the world, and plants it in the ground. After a while it grows up
and becomes the biggest of all plants. It puts out such large
branches that the birds come and make their nests in its shade.”
(Mark 4:31-32)
The University of Perpetual Help System has withstood the test of time
due to its firm foundation and noble aspirations and dreams.
Understanding the roots of the University will enable the students to
understand better the University and thus, love the University more
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to his fellowmen, the idea of multiplying themselves came to fore in
the form of establishing an educational institution.
Dr. J is remembered for his feeling of fulfillment and hardships of
serving in a rural area. These experiences left an indelible mark in
his mind on how these folks must be able to avail of the proper
health care they rightfully deserve.
It was in third stage that the Perpetual Help College of Laguna came
into birth in 1976 through the unselfish commitment of its founders:
Dr. Jose G. Tamayo and Dr. Josefina L. Tamayo, to serve and to
bring education and healthcare to the less urbanized communities.
It was but a fitting tribute that the granting of the charter of the
University of Perpetual Help System was given by the Commission
on Higher Education on the 10th death anniversary of Dr. Josefina
that was in April 20, 1997.
The University of Perpetual Help System (UPHS) is composed of two
subsystems, namely: the University of Perpetual Help System
JONELTA, a subsidiary of the JONELTA Group of Companies and
the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA which is a
subsidiary of the DALTA Group of Companies. Each subsystem
under the System comprising of a College/University and a
Hospital/Medical Center is dedicated and committed to the delivery
of quality and healthcare services to the Filipino people especially in
the Southern part of Luzon.
The University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA has five (5)
academic institutions or campuses, namely: UPHSJ-Manila (1968),
UPHSJ-Malasiqui (Pangasinan) (1970), UPHSJ-Biñan and UPHSJDr.
Jose G. Tamayo Medical University (DJGTMU) (Laguna) (1976),
UPHSJ-GMA (Cavite) (1997) and UPHSJ-Isabela (2004). On the
other hand, the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA has
three (3) academic institutions or campuses, namely:
UPHSDMedical Center (Las Pinas) (1975), UPHSD-Molino (Cavite)
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The UPHS JONELTA was founded and established by Dr. Jose
G. Tamayo, its President and Chairman of the Board, with
CoFounder, Dr. Josefina Laperal Tamayo, as its Vice-Chairman
and Treasurer. With both co-founders now deceased, the
University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA is now ably led
by the first born of the founders, Dr./BGEN. Antonio L. Tamayo.
Who is also the present Chairman of the Board, CEO and
The UPHS DALTA was founded by Dr./BGEN. Antonio
Laperal Tamayo, Grand Patriarch, and wife Dr. Daisy Moran
Tamayo, Co-Founder and Grand Matriarch, together with their
friend Mr. Ernesto Palanca Crisostomo, established in 1975 the
University of Perpetual Help Rizal, now the University of
Perpetual Help System DALTA. Having taken post-graduate
courses in Hospital Administration at the George Washington
University in Washington, D.C., supplemented with Special
Studies on Hospital Management from Ateneo de Manila and a
Ph.D. in Organization Development from the Southeast Asian
Interdisciplinary Institute, Sir Tony and his partner established
the Perpetual University and Hospital simultaneously, an
unusual and extraordinary venture in the rustic town of Las
Piñas, offering the banner course of Bachelor of Science in
Nursing. Paradoxically, Sir Tony, the former college dropout,
became the first President of the University.
Driven with the intense desire of promoting a better quality of life
for his fellowmen, Dr. Antonio L. Tamayo, anchored the
University on the creed “Character Building is Nation
Building.” Stressing this belief, he said “our young can only be
assured of a better tomorrow by building the right kind of
character today - respectful, hardworking and committed to the
formation of a prosperous and a wealthy nation. This
development, however, will need a requisite Christian Character
that will build a nation.”
When Dr. Antonio L. Tamayo, assumed the Presidency of the
University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA due to the
demise of its founder Dr. Jose G. Tamayo, he became the
Chairman of the Board and the chief Executive Officer of both
the UPH System DALTA and UPH System JONELTA.
The University of Perpetual Help System (JONELTA &
continued with success, in its objective to maintain and sustain
excellence in education. It has established extensive network of
national and international linkages in Higher Education and
Business. It has established its indelible Perpetualite identity as
it steadfastly enshrines its Perpetualite values and aspirations.
This academic excellence has been proven through the years with
the laurels that the University has garnered in government
licensure examinations.
The UPHSJD now enjoys memberships, recognition and
accreditation in various prestigious academic, professional and
sports association of the country, among them: The present
president now of the UPHS-Dalta is the eldest son Mr. Anthony
Moran Tamayo but still Dr./BGEN. Antonio L. Tamayo is the
Chairman of the Board and CEO.
This growth and development in its more than 40 years of existence
is not without pains, but it has successfully hurdled all the
challenges along its way. With the help and guidance of the
Lord and the loving care of the UPHS Patroness, Our Mother of
Perpetual Help, the University of Perpetual Help System will
continue to serve the Filipino people with distinction and
The University shall take the role of a catalyst for human
development. It shall inculcate Christian values – Catholic in
doctrine, as a way of strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino – a
people who are “Helpers of God”, proud of their race and prepared
for exemplary global participation in the arts, sciences, humanities
and business.
It foresees the Filipino people enjoying a quality of life in
abundance, living in peace, and building a nation that the next
generation will nourish, cherish and value.
(Excerpts from an article written by Dra. Josefina L. Tamayo)
development and progress. The oval lines of gold are set in maroon,
and the white background border the cameo, which are the colors of
the institution. Maroon symbolizes the red blood of courage, vigor
and determination, white for purity, and gold for generosity,
abundance, hope and vision.
Biblical Foundation:
Let us read the story of Andoy, the little boy of God, the little boy in
each one of us.
this pain will pass away; at least I still have a mother. God, you want
to see my bruises? I know you can heal them, here and lo... blood... I
guess you knew about this one, huh? Please don’t get mad at Inay,
she was just tired and worried for the food in our table and my
schooling, that is why she hit us. Oh, I think I am in love... there is
this pretty girl in my class, her name is Anita. Do you think she will
like me? Anyway, at least I know you will always like me. I don’t
have to be excited? I am! Wait till you see I have a gift for you, but it
is a surprise. I hope you will like it. Oooooops!..., I have to go.” then
he stood up and called out.
“Padre, Padre, I am through talking to my friend... you can
accompany me to the other side of the road now.”
1. Analyze the boy’s prayer, does it show his
personal relationship with God? How?
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Leo J. Trese
Because of God’s infinite perfection our description is an inadequate
one; actually God doesn’t have to “stop and think things over.” Yet
the description is a true one. The underlying fact is absolutely true.
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God picked each of out of an unlimited number of other possible
souls because of a special and particular love for us. He wanted you,
and nobody else would do.
God has never stopped loving you. Even in your moments of
blackest ingratitude, your moments of darkest sin, God has not
stopped loving you. As the mother of a wayward son never stops
loving the child of her womb neither does God ever cease to love the
real you, the work of His hands, the particular image of Himself
which you represent.
God will hate your sin, but He will never hate you. Even when you
may have turned away from God through sin, His love still presses
upon you, trying to find a chink in your armor of self-love through
which He may enter and turn you back to Himself.
It is a personal and an individual love that God has for us, too. We
must not fall into the terror of thinking that God loves us in an
impersonal fashion, as just one little speck in the great mass of
humanity. God does not lose sight of us, as you or I might lose sight
of one drop of water in the vastness of the ocean. Because of His
infinity, numbers mean nothing to God. If you were the world’s sole
survivor of an atomic war, God could not love you more personally
than He does. At every moment you have His complete attention, His
undivided love. At this very instant, God is thinking of you, “looking
at you directly, and loving you.
It is not enough simply to believe this with the mind. For any true
and lasting happiness it must be the deepest conviction of your heart:
that God does love you with a terrific love; that He is intensely aware
of your present problems; that He cares tremendously about what
happens to you; that out of your present burdens, imposed by the
ignorance or malice of others (or by your own foolishness), God is
going to bring good to you. It is the living certainty of this truth of
God’s love for you that must be the foundation of your Christian
philosophy of life.
Philosophical Foundation:
“The successful person has the habit of doing the things that
failures don’t like to do. They don’t like doing them either
necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength
of their purpose.” (E. M. Gray)
A. Man is capable of conceptual thought, which distinguishes
him from other creatures on earth. His mind has the power
to stand out of himself and become the object of his own
reflections. The power of his mind has enabled man to
become the object of his own reflections. The power of his
mind has enabled man to become preoccupied not only with
the nurturance and sustenance of his body but with the
more creative activities that demand thinking and
conceptualizing as well.
B. A person may emphasize the cognitive element and
approach life as an intellectual matter that provides reasons
for everything. This can be frustrating for there will be times
when the heart has reasons which reason does not know.
However, one who approaches life with so much emphasis
on feelings stands the frustrations of being hurt so often.
Also, who emphasizes action can get into trouble for certain
actions that do not have a rational basis. This happens when
actions do not pass thru the process of conceptual thought.
perspectives. He is able to restructure society only in
cooperation with others. His personality is affected by his
relationship with others.
3. Every created thing has a purpose for being. A glass is made
for drinking. The plants and trees exist to provide nourishment,
shade, beauty and ecological balance. What, then, is man’s
purpose for being? What is his reason for existence?
Man acquires a purpose for his existence by continuously creating,
liberating and realizing himself and his environment.
Eventually, his purposiveness acquires a sense of mission as he
engages himself with other men in the cooperative task of
continuing the work of creation to make life more meaningful, to
purify life of what vitiates it and to bring life to its realization.
This mission in life becomes the continuous task of creating
opportunities that will enable persons to have more, know more
and be more; liberating persons from structures that inhibit their
fullest development as persons; and of the constant
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transformation of social structures that will enable persons to
realize their potentialities to the fullest.
It is when man lives this three-fold mission of creating, liberating
and realizing that life becomes impregnated with meaning. It is
man’s purposiveness in life that creates history. He has the
capacity to learn from the past experiences, plan and make the
present viable for the strong thrust towards the future that he
wants to forego.
Valuing Process
other and also by not substituting his own likes and dislikes for
the preferences of the other.
3. Man is an essential human being. Outside society man cannot
be fully understood. Man’s meaning is possible only within the
framework of his social relationship.
4. Love is the call of the person to others to help him attain his
fullness as a human person. It is an answer to the call of the
neighbor to help him grow and unfold to maturity. Here, lies the
truth that no man is an island.
_________________________________Date: _________
Score: _________
1. Do you agree or
disagree with the following
statements? Explain.
a. To affirm anothermeans to respect and
promote his personhood, his potentials
and his social capabilities.
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1. As a Perpetualite,
what should you do to
improve your:
a. Intellectual capacities?
b. Spiritual life?
c. Physical life?
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d. Social life?
By Joseph F. Schmidt
Philosophical Foundation
Another reason, why we must never abandon the path of
selfknowledge is that authentic self-knowledge is not knowledge
about our superficial ego. It is knowledge about our true self, and
therefore, it is knowledge about ourselves in relationship to
humankind, to all of creation, and ultimately to God.
When we speak of authentic self-knowledge, we are referring to the
awareness of ourselves as we are in God’s eyes. There is, therefore, no
depth of self-knowledge without a depth of faith. Within this context
of faith, self-knowl¬edge grows and is understood as we become
more aware of both our brokenness and our giftedness. Each of these
aspects speaks not only of ourselves but also of God as God relates to
Our giftedness speaks to us of God’s goodness, because in our
giftedness, we come to know we have nothing, which we have not
received. In the context of faith the gifts of our talents, health, and
friendship are merited, or that purity of motivation is the result of
careful planning, he or she is probably someone with very superficial
self-knowledge. These are gifts, pure and simple. It is far from the
truth to believe that a person’s holiness can result from proper
management of life details, or that trust in God is the fruit of personal
strategy and effort. To the extent we have grown in faith and trust, to
that extent we have been gifted. No amount of our cleverness has
sins is the bread with which all palates must be fed,” Our duplicity,
our lust, our narcissism, our sloth - all speak to us of the fundamental
brokenness in our lives. We know that no matter what our cleverness
or strategies, in the face of this brokenness, we cannot rid ourselves of
one speck of duplicity or one scintilla of narcissism. Sometimes we
are frightened by the depth of our evil, and we try to ignore it. Yet, in
paradox, our sinfulness becomes our break. In a mysterious way we
can be nourished by our own evil if we accept that evil as part of the
truth about ourselves and offer that truth to the Lord.
St. Paul speaks of glorying in his weaknesses. He had reached a
depth of self-knowledge that permitted him to understand that his
righteousness consisted not in freedom from weakness and sin, but in
being able to say yes to his entire life and his whole self. Paul knew
that although a yes to life meant a yes to his own evil, it was also a
yes to the God who in the evil was sustaining him in love and
drawing him to good. For Paul, the path of faith, not the way of
works, was the right path to God, because he knew goodness is a gift
of God, not something we can achieve by our own cleverness or
In the context of the above Parable of the Rich Fool, answer the following
Reflect on and relate the following biblical passage (Matthew 12: 33-
37) with the above Parable of the Rich Fool.
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Philosophical Foundation:
life. It is in our early experiences that we establish the foundation of
our being a person. Psychologists, who adhere to this theory of Freud,
also recognize that present influences can still change a person.
Our family and childhood experiences are one of the best
foundations of our personality. In this regard, our family provides us
the roots from which our personhood begins. As we grow through
the years, our experiences expand to other relationships outside of the
family, which may somehow change our existing view of life. Here,
we look back and review the ways we have learned in looking at
people and life. In this process, we redefine ourselves and tap our
inner strength to be free and find newer dimensions of ourselves.
Usually, when we relive our past experiences, especially about our
families, we bring out both the positive and negative feelings the
pleasant and unpleasant memories.
These pleasant memories energize us and give us a feeling of
gratitude. They are never a problem, except when they make us too
sentimental and very sad when we reminisce them. However, what is
good about this, is, these memories become our source of strength
when life gets tough.
Valuing Process:
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• Recognize the qualities of inner strength that help them stay
peaceful at all times, especially when facing personal
problems and conflicts;
• Appreciate the necessity of a culture of peace for meaningful
life; and
• Express the importance of equanimity/inner peace, and
practice bringing themselves to moments of silence and
meditation as a strategy for experiencing inner peace.
Philosophical Foundation
Global Solidarity is the call of the hour for a world of nations trying
its best to survive in a planet trying its best to also survive. We have
here a scenario where the principle of inter-relatedness, be it among
cultures or of creation is concerned. At this point in time in the
history of man is this calling more acute; for as man tries to destroy
his fellowmen, he also will destroy himself, including the planet
where he lives. Peace among nations and among people of different
cultures and creed should strive their very best to achieve respect and
tolerance for one another. This will result in global peace, global
solidarity among nations.
Peace must begin with each one of us. Through quiet and serious
reflection on it’s meaning, new and creative ways can be found to
foster understanding, friendship and co-operation among all people.”
(Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary General of the UN, September
It is true that one cannot give what he/she does not have. Likewise,
one cannot be at peace with others and the world if he/she is not at
peace with himself/herself. Many of us find ourselves in trouble with
others because of our inability to control ourselves: an inability to
stay calm and quiet amidst external pressures and stress. Some of us
easily become confused, fretful and violent when suddenly under
pressure: then wonder why in the world we have harmed others and
why we cannot seem to account for our actions. Reactions of this kind
may be indicative of our need to look inward-harmonizing our
thoughts, motives and actions to get in touch with our inner self
where peace, strength and truth reside. Peace is rare item in today’s
world; in fact a rarest commodity. This is evidenced through the
dissatisfaction/ worries of individuals and through a lack of proper
understanding between people of different nations and communities.
A culture of peace is necessary for a meaningful life for all persons.
Now we have a world where there is great diversity or differences in
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personal, social and cultural ways of being and living - we need to
posses significant human values to overcome these differences and
ensure peace and solidarity. The process of peace building starts
from within the heart of each individual, and when this is shared
with other groups and culture, it can lead to peace.
Peace, individual inner peace is a state of calm and quiet, free from
disturbing thoughts or emotions. Tolerance is the act or practice of
sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from one’s
own. These two values are necessary in building an authentic
relationship with others that springs from a peaceful self. When our
self is not at peace, a genuine relationship is not possible, more so to
create a peaceful place to live in.
In the personal realm, peace accepts who and what he or she is -
living in a culture of peace intrinsically edifying.
He or she is able to relate with humility, sensitivity and
consideration for others.
Let us now gather as a whole class, and let us undergo the
experience of what we processed.
a. We will now play a soft meditative music as we undergo the
following peaceful relaxation exercise: (Suggested Songs: “Prayer
of St. Francis of Assisi”, and “Let there be peace on earth.”)
a.1. “Sit comfortably with both feet flat on the floor and with
your back against the chair. You may now close your eyes;
feel your legs relax.... your thighs relax...your hips and
shoulders relax.... And your heads relax. Breathe deeply
inhale.. .exhale. Listen to your breathing...and you may
listen to the beating of your heart. Now you feel relaxed and
a.2. “Now, there are scenes that flash into your mind... scene of
things that had happened to you in the past. Try to look for
that most significant event when you felt yourself strongest.
You felt strongest then because you were able to overcome
adversities, personal conflict or a very serious problem. You
had the strength to overcome the tensions and pressures that
crisis brought you and your family. With that special
strength of yours, you were able to maintain inner peace.
Now, feel that moment when you had that strength and you
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were at peace with yourself having finally overcome that
crisis through your strength and inner peace.” (Pause)
68 Name: _________________________________
Date: _________
Score: _________
Suggested Questions:
70 Ultimately who is the source of inner strength? We have God,
our creator as the source of our inner strength. The center of our
spiritual consciousness, where we find our inner peace and strength,
can be experienced inner peace when we become more conscious of
our inner life. Focusing our thoughts and feelings having a still mind
and heart allows us to feel at peace with ourselves. Doing this helps
us develop our discernment, alertness and intuition, charity,
compassion and our desire to care for others.
Peace is a gift from God. The root meaning of this word came from
the Hebrew “shalom”, which means wholeness. Originally, peace
meant physical integrity. It is good to hear that in St. John’s gospel
account, our Lord promise us peace as a gift on the night before he
72 Name: _________________________________
Date: _________
Score: _________
Read the Sermon on the Mount (Gospel according to
St. Matthew Chapter5:1-12) about the Eight (8)
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Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• Realize the importance of cooperation and a win-win attitude
in the effective resolution of conflict;
• Analyze and appreciate HOW JESUS MANAGE THE CONFLICTS;
and for an initial familiarization of conflict-resolution
strategies; and
• Assess the students’ behavior and attitude with regard to their
own conflict management.
Philosophical Foundation:
“Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon,
and the deeper it sinks into the mind.” (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
Our lesson last meeting deals with the inner peace of man. This
equanimity or inner peace of man is sometimes disturbed by inner
conflict. This inner division in man is a reality. Being human means
having a nature, this is united in some ways and divided in other
ways. He is divided because his intelligent desires are often opposed
by his unreasoning drives, urges, feelings and emotions. He is
integrated in so far as he constantly seeks his own well being.
Conflict is a daily reality for everyone. Whether at home or at work,
an individual’s needs and values constantly and invariably come into
opposition with those of other people. Some conflicts are relatively
minor, easy to handle, or capable of being overlooked. Others of
greater magnitude, however, require a strategy for successful
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resolution if they are not to create constant tension or lasting unity in
home, business or in international politics.
The ability to resolve conflicts successfully is probably one of the
most important social skills that an individual can possess. Yet there
are a few formal opportunities in our society to learn it. Like any
other human skill, conflict resolution can be taught. These skills
need to be assimilated at both the cognitive and the behavioral levels.
Do I understand how conflict can be resolved? Can I resolve specific
Conflict is as much a part of life as eating and just as natural. One
of the costliest mistakes we can make is to try to eliminate conflict
from our lives. We do much better when we try, realistically, not to
eliminate conflict but to manage it.
We often experience conflict even when there is no one else in
sight. Should I enjoy this food or keep my weight down? Should I
read this book or get a good night’s sleep? Should I change jobs or
settle for my present situation? In each of these conflicts it is genuine
love for my “better self” as well as love for another that makes
possible a nonvio¬lence solution.
In any social situation it takes two to make a conflict and, also, two
sides to make peace. Except in the case of international conflicts, we
have long ruled out the use of violence in peacemaking. The pitcher
may not apply his fist to the umpire, the mayor may not throw his
gravel at the obstructionist city council member; and husbands and
wives may not settle their conflicts by throwing the furniture at each
When governments of nations are in serious conflict, however, each
side mobilizes its citizens. It trains them to maximum violence against
the soldiers of the conflicting nation, as well as against any civilians
who happen to be in the way. This is accepted by most people as legal
and by many as moral. Ordinarily, it is presented by the leaders of
any nation as a sacred duty of defense.
Today we are in a new situation in human world history. For the
first time the legalized violence of war can no longer be counted on to
protect those things we must be willing to defend even with our lives.
These realizations have been around for some time, but have not yet
affected the way governments’ plan and prepare to defend their
coun¬tries. Acutely aware of some of the implications of modern
Pope John Paul II wrote in 1982:
.....the nuclear terror that bounds our time can encourage us to enrich
our common heritage with a very simple discovery that is within our
reach, namely that war is the most barbarous and least effective way of
resolving conflicts. More than ever before, human society is forced to
provide itself with the means of consul¬tation and dialogue which it
needs in order to survive, and therefore with the institutions necessary
for build¬ing up justice and peace. (World Day of Peace Message, 1982:
“Peace: A Gift of God Entrusted to Us”)
When we work we dream of peace. The peace that comes from the
just compensation of our labor. The satisfaction of knowing our work
contributes to the development of the country.
When we commune with the nature, we dream of peace from
destruction of our environment by ignorant neglect and the mindless
exploitation by big business interests whose sole concern is profit.
When we wage our struggles as a people, we dream of peace. The
peace that arises from the process of resolving the roots of our
When we make new laws, we dream of peace. The peace that our
policy makers can help ensures by creating laws that affirm
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When we relate brothers and sisters, we dream of peace between
peoples and races. The peace we shall experience when we have
learned to respect each other’s humanity.
When we gather as a people we dream of peace. The peace that
comes with reconciliation based on justice. When structures and
forces which oppress and exploit would have been dissolved and
oppressed and exploited have broken the chains of their
We shall build peace by being one with our people in resolving our
grievances, dissensions, and conflicts in non-violent ways without
compromise to our principles.
We shall build peace by removing oppressive social structures and
overcoming the passions of destruction.
We shall build peace by transcending geographic boundaries,
partisan ideologies, and religious creeds to strengthen the bonds of
human friendship and solidarity.
We shall build peace by creating a new consciousness, a new
humanity, a new moral order for interrelating with each other, with
all other living beings, and with planet Earth.
Cite a biblical incident from the life of
Jesus Christ where Jesus manages conflict situations.
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Philosophical Foundation
“If you wish to know yourself, observe how others act. If you
wish to understand others, look into your heart.” (Shiller)
2. Flexibility. A person who is flexible adapts his behavior readily
to the particular circumstances of each individual or situation,
but without readily abandoning his own personal principles of
3. Fortitude. In situations that make them difficult to improve, a
courageous person resists harmful influences, withstands
difficulties and strives to act positively to overcome obstacles
and undertakes great deeds.
4. Friendship. Through friendship, a person who already knows
certain other, through shared interests in work or leisure, has
regular personal contact with them which stems from mutual
rapport - each interesting himself in the other person and in his
5. Generosity. A generous person acts unselfishly and cheerfully
for the benefit of others, conscious of the value of his help and
despite the fact that it may cost him an effort.
and relaxes this practice only in the circumstances, which can be
of benefit to him and others.
12. Obedience. An obedient person accepts his own decisions those
which come from whoever holds and express authority,
provided they do not go against justice and he carries out
promptly what has been decided striving faithfully to interpret
the will of him who commands.
13. Optimism. An optimist has confidence, based on a reason, in his
own abilities, in the help, which can be obtained from others,
and the ability of others. Thus, in every situation, he can identify,
first of all, the positive elements and the opportunities for
improvement, which it offers, and secondly, the difficulties and
obstacles in the way of such improvements, he takes advantages
20. Responsibility. A responsible person accepts the consequences
of his actions, be it intentional (resulting from decisions taken or
accepted) or unintentional, so that others either benefit as much
as possible, or at least, do not suffer. He is also concerned that
others over whom he has influenced to act similarly.
21. Simplicity. Simple person ensures that his normal way of acting
- his speech, the way he dresses, the way he behaves - are
consistent with what his real motives are; he allows other people
to know him accurately.
Valuing Process:
4. A Perpetualite lets go of the past and take control of the
present. He cannot change what has been done in the past. He
does not hurt and limit himself on things, which can be
transformed into strengths. He recognizes the challenges of the
present and tries his best not to repeat the mistakes he has made
in the past.
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5. A Perpetualite “seizes the moment” . To a Perpetualite, the
present is the day he can make a difference. He lives life one day
at a time and takes in all of its beauty and worth.
88 Name: _________________________________
Date: _________
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List three (3) characters which you want most
from others. Explain each.
Biblical Foundation
Now as they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and when
he had said the blessing he broke it and gave it to the
disciples, “Take it and eat; he said this is my body. Then he
took a cup, and when he had returned thanks he gave it to
them. Drink all of you from this, he said, for this is my blood,
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the blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins. (Mt. 26:26-28)
Philosophical Foundation
Furthermore, history is founded upon positive and negative events. It
becomes a better foundation for the person at present. It challenges us
upon the mirror-effect, either to defy history that some people believe
to repeat itself or to challenge not to repeat what has happened.
We were ferried back to those rich histories of our school, which has
given us the glimpse of eternity captured in meaningful events. The
upheld principles, the values lived into practice, and characters are
handed down for us as our lamppost in the shade of resonance, our
guide against the challenges in life, and our shield against the
spiritual challenges that has been the immemorial battle within the
human personality.
By knowing the historical facts of our beloved school, we have come
to understand the human desire. As the person expands his
territories, along with it, the spiritual guest brings and instills into the
minds of every student, that within human desires, lies the spiritual
nourishment of the person. Through help, joy sprouts into being, it is
the spiritual expression of the love for neighbor, as Jesus said, “What
ever you have done to this little one, you have done it to me”.
This is the value of the sacrament of Christian initiations. That part of
welcoming the students at the University of Perpetual Help is to
introduce to them the history of the school, the vision and mission of
the school, the values, character and the philosophy of the school.
Such is the initiation to the freshmen and transferees. It promotes the
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vitality in Understanding where the student is coming in and coming
out. All these things will serve as the roots of true Perpetualites.
In the Realm of Christian life, sacraments are very important. As
History is our bridge to the past, so the sacraments are God’s
channels of grace to the spiritually needy person. Understanding the
sacraments satisfies the person’s weary heart that longs for God.
Spiritual nourishment is so important that without it the person feels
empty within. There is a void vacuum within which robs the
humanity of the person once it is not nourished and has been taken
for granted. Such is the importance and necessity of the sacraments
that they play as the hose for the running water of God’s graces, his
goodness, his mercy and his ultimate and eternal love for man.
To better understand the importance of the Sacraments of Christian
Initiations, we dig down deeper about the history of our faith
particularly the value attributed to the sacraments.
A Sacrament is a SIGN and at the same time, a SYMBOL. As a
Sign, it represents something aside from itself. Take for example a
used in wedding ceremony, it is a mere thing yet beyond that mere
thing it represents the bond of love between the man and the woman.
It signifies their faithfulness with one another. As a Symbol, it gives
proper direction and understanding about that which it symbolizes.
The Cross as a symbol gives the proper understanding about man’s
salvation and direction of God’s Love. Such is the meaning of the
sacrament, that all the matters used for the sacramental celebration
are universal as sign and symbol. Water, fire, bread, wine are some of
the examples. A sign therefore is either a thing, event or people.
Symbol may be conventional, accidental and universal.
Sacrament is derived from the Latin word “Sacra” which means
sacred. Every celebration of a sacrament therefore, reflects and affects
sacred events. Sacrament as sacred therefore conceals a sacred reality
yet reveals the divine will of God.
St. Paul first used the Latin word “Sacramentum”, in the bible that
later on has been translated into mysterion in Greek. That a
sacrament has a Mystery or it is about God’s hidden plan. That’s why
such was the heart warming appreciation of the Early Christians to
every celebration of a sacrament because of the above-mentioned
administering them. Good medicine is good regardless of the
druggist or physician.”
What is a Sacrament?
1. Sacrament of Baptism.
2. Sacrament of Confirmation.
3. Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.
4. Sacrament of Penance
5. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
6. Sacrament of Holy Orders, and
7. Sacrament of Matrimony
1. Baptism. The sacrament that gives our souls the new life of
sanctifying grace by which we become children of God and heirs
of heaven.
2. Confirmation. The sacraments through which the Holy Spirit
comes to us in a specific way and enables us to profess our faith
as strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
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bound to
plunge, to
immerse thanksgiving
the – source and
– church summit
enriched of
with Christianlife
– Baptism by
blood and
sign and
cause of
the HS
– unite with
– anticipates
5. Effects 5. Effects 5. Effects
- forgiveness of - increase and - augment
sins union with
- new creature:
adoption deepening Christ
of - separatefrom
and share in preservefrom
divine life mortal
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- sanctifying
grace sin
- incorporation baptismal - unity with
- communion grace - the
- indelible mark: Church-
belonging perfects bond connects
- unites firmly us with
to Christ - strength by the
the Holy
- indelible mark
acknowledgment of
in -
orgiveness –
econciliation – : reality of
nite with God and death
: search God
- God: imploresGod
: way of
: initiates healing
: redemptive
meaningfor sin
- Christ – Physician:
healing and forgiveness
- Viaticum: penance-
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ow 2. How
atter: sins – matter: oil of the
rm: absolution sick
– form: prayer formula
Who 3. Who
those with sins –
who have reached the grave
age illness –
of reason
Ministers 4. Ministers
Priests – priests
ffects 5. Effects
(ecclesial grace)
- preparation for final
: consecration
- Grace: strengthen indissolubility
: help for
: welcoming
and educating children
6. Characteristics
and education
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_________________________________ Date:
Biblical Foundation:
What is Baptism?
Baptism is the sacrament that gives our souls the new life of
sanctifying grace by which we become children of God and heirs of
heaven (Morrow, 1964). Morrow further added, “Baptism is the very
first sacrament we may receive. Unless we are baptized, we are
forbidden to receive any other sacraments. Baptism has the three
essentials of a sacrament:
1. It was instituted by Christ;
2. It is a sensible sign; and
3. It confers sanctifying grace.
The sacrament of Baptism was instituted by Christ (perhaps at His
own Baptism), and commanded at His Ascension.
Baptism is derived from the Greek word “Baptizein” which means
to “plunge” or “immerse”. To plunge into the water symbolizes the
person’s burial into Christ’s death, from which he rises up by
resurrection with him, as a “new creature.” This sacrament is also
called, “the washing of regeneration” and actually brings about the
birth (through) of water and the spirit without which we cannot enter
the kingdom of God. The word “regeneration” was coined by St.
Augustine deriving from the fallen nature of man through our first
parents. That by regeneration through baptism, original sin is washed
away. And so, the phrase “which no one can enter the Kingdom of
God” was justified. Through baptism, our fallen nature is renewed,
from carrying original sin now become pure through water and the
spirit. That is why this sacramental bath is also called enlightenment,
because those who receive this instruction are enlightened in their
understanding - to keep away from sin and eventually to sin no
On the Catholic Bishops’ Conference in the Philippines, they
mentioned that “the ‘original sin’ committed by Adam and Eve had
and continues to have also other disastrous consequences, both
within each human being and on the environment in which we live.
Thus, not only do we experience a painful moral weakness in trying
to do what our conscience tells us to be right (cf. Rom 7:13-15), but
also a certain inclination to evil, which has traditionally been called
‘concupiscence.’” (CFC, 1997)
also makes us a new creature, an adopted son of God, who has
become a partaker of the divine nature, member of Christ and co-
heir with him, and a temple of the Holy Spirit. The most Holy
Trinity gives the baptized sanctifying grace and the grace of
justification, enabling us to believe in God, to hope in him and to love
him through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, allowing us to grow in
goodness through the moral virtues. Thus, culminates our
incorporation to the Church, the Body of Christ, and we therefore, as
the church exhorts, must be shepherds to one another finding the lost
ones and guiding them back into the Christian fold which is then the
sacramental bond of the unity of Christians.
And as Christians, we give meaning to the indelible spiritual mark
we received through baptism. Incorporated to Christ by Baptism, the
baptized person is configured to Christ. Baptism seals the Christian
with the indelible spiritual mark (character) as his belonging to
Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from
bearing the fruits of salvation. Given once for all, Baptism cannot be
repeated. The Holy Spirit has marked us with the seal of the Lord
(Dominicus Character). Baptism is indeed the seal of eternal life; thus,
faithfulness to the promises made, is necessary.
When is the right time for children’s baptism?
Christ’s Baptism
Jesus Christ begins his public life after having himself baptized by
St. John the Baptist in the Jordan River. After his resurrection Christ
gives this mission to his Apostles: “Go therefore and make disciples
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of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe all that I have
commanded you.” Jesus’ gesture of voluntarily submitting himself
to John and be baptized is a manifestation of his self-emptying, and
through this, the Father revealed Jesus, as his “Beloved Son.” In his
Passover, Christ opened to all men the fountain of Baptism. The
blood and water that flowed from the pierced side of the crucified
Jesus are types of Baptism and the Eucharist, the sacraments of new
life. From then on, it was made possible “to be born of water and the
spirit” in order to enter the kingdom of God.
This is the beginning of Baptism in the Church. From the very day
of Pentecost the Church has celebrated and administered Holy
Baptism. The Apostles and their collaborators offered baptism to any
one who believed in Jesus. Baptism is seen as connected with faith.
“Believe in the lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your
household.” According to St. Paul, the believer enters through
baptism into communion with Christ’s death, is buried with him and
rises with him. The Baptized have “put on Christ.” Through the Holy
Spirit, Baptism is a bath that purifies, justifies and sanctifies. Hence,
Baptism is a bath of water in which the “imperishable seed” of the
word of God produces its life-giving effect. St. Augustine says of
Baptism, “The word is brought to the material element, and it
becomes a sacrament.”
It signifies and actually brings about death to sin and entry into life
of the most Holy Trinity through configuration to the Paschal
Mystery of Christ.
The anointing with sacred Chrism, perfumed oil consecrated by the
bishop, signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit to the newly baptized,
who has become a Christian, that is, one “anointed” by the Holy
Spirit, incorporated into Christ who is anointed Priest, Prophet and
The white garment symbolizes that the person baptized has “put on
Christ “has risen with Christ. The candles, lit from the Easter candle,
signify that Christ has enlightened the neophyte. In him the baptized
are the “lights of the world.” Then on to communion if celebrated
within the mass, followed by the solemn blessing that concludes the
celebration of Baptism.
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Biblical Foundation:
What is Confirmation?
confirmed receives the mark, the seal of the Holy Spirit - a mark that
we are God’s Children. Christ himself declared that he was marked
with his Father’s seal. This seal of the Holy Spirit marks our total
belonging to Christ, our involvement to his service forever, as well as
the promise of divine protection in the great eschatological trial.
114 Name: _________________________________
Date: _________
Score: _________
Conduct an interview to college students of
UPHS in order to find out who have not
yet received the sacrament of
1. Name ________________________________________.
2. Year/Section/Course___________________________________.
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Biblical Foundation:
What is the Holy Eucharist?
that the first Christians will use to designate their Eucharistic
Assemblies; by doing so they signified that all who eat the one
broken bread, Christ, enter into communion with him and form
but one body in him.
• Eucharistic Assembly (synaxis): the Eucharist is celebrated
amidst the assembly of the faithful, which is the visible
expression of the Church
• Memorial of the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection.
• Holy Sacrifice: it makes present the one sacrifice of Christ the
Savior and includes the Church’s offering. The terms holy
sacrifice of the Mass, sacrifice of praise, pure and holy sacrifice, are
also used, since it completes and surpasses all the sacrifices of
the Old Covenant.
• Holy and Divine Liturgy: the Church’s whole liturgy finds its
center and most intense expression in the celebration of this
sacrament; in the same sense we also call its celebration the
Sacred Mysteries. We speak of the Most Blessed Sacrament because it
is the Sacrament of sacraments. The Eucharistic species reserved
in the tabernacle are designated by this same name.
1. Sacrifice-Sacrament
2. Communion-Sacrament
3. Presence-Sacrament
Sacrifice-Sacrament. Through the Eucharist, Christ’s sacrifice of the
Cross on Calvary is made present and its saving power exerted for
the forgiveness of sins. The Mass and the Sacrifice of the Cross are
one and the same sacrifice. Christ as Priest and Victim, dying for the
salvation of all, is the same in the Mass as on the Cross. Only the
manner of offering is different: Christ’s blood sacrificial death on the
Cross is made present in an unbloody manner in the ritual sacrificial
meal instituted by Christ Himself at the Last Supper. (CFC, 1744)
Communion-Sacrament. Christ instituted the Eucharist at the Last
Supper so that all who shared in his Body and Blood might become
one body with him. The Eucharist, then, becomes a meal of
“communion” – a sign of unity and bond of charity. (CFC, 1747)
Presence-Sacrament. In the Eucharistic celebration, Christ is present
1. the assembly,
2. the person of the priest celebrant,
3. the Holy Scriptures, and
4. substantially and unceasingly under the Eucharistic species
of bread and wine. (CFC, 1752)
At the heart of the Eucharistic celebration are the bread and wine
that, by the words of Christ and the invocation of the Holy Spirit,
become Christ’s Body and Blood. Faithful to the Lord’s command
the Church continues to do, in his memory and until his glorious
return, what he did on the eve of his Passion: “He took bread…” “He
took the cup filled with wine…” The signs of bread and wine become,
in a way surpassing understanding, the Body and Blood of Christ;
they continue also to signify the goodness of creation. Thus in the
Offertory we give thanks to the Creator for bread and wine, fruit of
the “work of hands,” but above all as “fruit of the earth” and of the
vine – gifts of the Creator.
In the Old covenant bread and wine were offered in sacrifice among
the first fruits of the earth, as a sign of grateful acknowledgement to
the creator. But they also received a new significance in the context of
the Exodus: the unleavened bread that Israel eats every year at
Passover commemorates the haste of the departure that liberated
them from Egypt; the remembrance of the manna in the desert will
always recall to Israel that it lives by the bread of the Word of God;
their daily bread is the fruit of the promised land, the pledge of God’s
faithfulness to his promises. The “cup of blessing” at the end of the
Jewish Passover meal adds to the festive joy of wine an
eschatological dimension: the Messianic expectation of the rebuilding
of Jerusalem.
How did Christ Institute the Holy Eucharist?
Why do we believe that Christ changed bread and wine into His
own Body and Blood?
We believe that Christ changed bread and wine into His own Body
and Blood, because His words clearly say so. At the Last Supper He
said: “This is My Body,” not “This is a symbol of My Body/This
represents My Body.”
The liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist together
form “one single act of worship” the Eucharistic tale set for us is the
table both of the Word of God and of the Body of the Lord.
b. Liturgy of the Eucharist
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A good manner is a literal interpretation for right conduct when we
talk of socializations. Common not only in our culture is the tendency
to set aside the importance of good manners since the birth of
liberalizations and democracy. It is a question of freedom when we
impose something which limits the individual choices, movements,
mode of thinking, and in dealing with other people. In this topic we
will concentrate on good manners not as an imposition to control the
individual but a freedom of knowing what ought to be done in a
certain place, situations, and relationships. Good manners in this
topic will concentrate in the educational environment.
What is a good manner? A good manner is the right behavior,
attitudes, and responses when dealing with certain situations, people
and places. Since childhood good manners are already integrated in
our first schools – the homes. The parents are the first teachers for this
subject but seldom being realized because we thought of formal
education in schools as the best education. Looking at our present
generations both the teens and young, and men and women seem
have forgotten the value of good manners. Good manners seem only
applicable inside a restricted places or when the person whom you
are in contact with has a high profile. Not realizing that good
manners are in every situation, places, and in any people whom we
know more or less. In our culture as Filipinos, the more we are
familiar to a person the more we tolerate the practice of good
manners. Why is this so? Is it true that over-familiarity bridge
disrespect? When we talked of good manners in public places, this
seems already forgotten especially in our present generations. How
can we renew ourselves and be an observant of good manners? How
this observance lead us to live what ought to be as Filipino
_________________________________ Date:
Philosophical Foundation:
c. Greet a person and ask how he is before you start stating the
reason of your visit or call.
d. Do not call a person by his first name unless he or she gives
you the permission to do so. Until then address the person
as Mr, Mrs, Miss and the last name or sir / madam, or uncle
or aunty or brother or sister.
e. Do not sit down when you are not told to do so especially
when you are with your friend’s house or having an
f. Respect personal belongings; do not touch when you are not
given permission.
(The right conducts in using cellphones or telephones. There
are many ways how we can show telephone manners
especially when talking with professionals and
nonprofessionals. But in this post modern period, through
the birth of technology like cellphones, it seems we forgot
already the importance of respect and the right conduct
especially when having appointments. The following
statements will remind us of the importance of good
manners in terms of communication within appointments:
g. Do not ask, “who is this?” on the phone. Say “who is calling
or whom am I speaking to?
h. Do not ask, “what do you want” Say “what can I do for
i. Say, “please” before a request. Say “thank you” after a
service done.
j. Do not hold a formal conversation on phone while eating.
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k. Do not answer a beeper or a phone /’cellphone’ while you
are in the middle of an appointment. Shut it off before you
go in. Do not answer it if you are with a customer; or you
are the customer and have reached the cashier; or if you are
in the middle of a small store where you are interrupting
everyone; or if you are talking to a doctor, a policeman,
lawyer or any professional person.
l. Do not be loud in your conversation with someone
especially when you are in public vehicles or public places.
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A. Primary Sources
B. Secondary Sources
C. Other Sources
Aguirre, R., et.al. (2003). We Celebrate God’s Love. Quezon
City: Vibal Publishing.
Dignity of Perpetualite. Filipino Christian Living 2.
The Perpetualites: A Helper of God. Workbook 1 & 2.
Prelim = 20%
Midterm = 20%
Final = 60%