SOP SOP0001 Crane Truck
SOP SOP0001 Crane Truck
SOP SOP0001 Crane Truck
Likely Risk Who/ What What is the Rate What Risk Control Actions Needs to Be Taken? Time
Issue may be Level? (What needs to be considered so that the risks are identified and effectively Frame
harmed? (Rate risk as Low, controlled)
(Specific Persons) Medium or High)
Rollover of Participants Severity of Risk (S) – 3 • Operators to be verified as competent and must assess conditions. Each hire
truck or loss of Operators Likelihood of Risk (L) – 2 • When traveling, Operator must maintain speed limits and make turns at a safe
Load Spectators Overall Risk (S x L) = 6 speed.
Staff MEDIUM • Ensure no other person is in vicinity when crane is operating
• Ensure truck is on solid level ground before lowering stabilizer legs
• Ensure no persons are near truck before carrying out a lift
• Operator to stand as clear as possible from crane movement
• Operator to make sure crane load is not excessive for lift and for reach
Accidents on Participants Severity of Risk (S) - 3 • Operators to check truck daily for tyre pressure, fuel and oil leaks Each hire
site Operators Likelihood of Risk (L) - 1 • Ensure no overloading
Spectators Overall Risk ( S x L) = 3 • Operator to be vigilant and ensure no other person is in vicinity when crane is
Staff LOW operating
Collision Participants Severity of Risk (S) - 3 • Operators to make sure beacon and reverse alarm are working before starting to Each hire
Operators Likelihood of Risk (L) - 1 travel
Spectators Overall Risk ( S x L) = 3 • Check load height and plan any journey to avoid low bridges or low buildings
Staff LOW obstructions
Fire Participants Severity of Risk (S) - 3 • Daily checks to verify existence of extinguisher and whether its full Each hire
Operators Likelihood of Risk (L) - 1 • Engine to be turned off before refuelling and ensure fuel cap is replaced
Spectators Overall Risk (S x L) = 3
Staff LOW
Burns Participants Severity of Risk (S) - 3 • Allow engine to cool down before attempting any adjustments or checks Each hire
Operators Likelihood of Risk (L) - 2 • Operator to wear gloves before touching hot engine for any reason
Spectators Overall Risk (S x L) = 6 • Radiator not to be opened when hot
NB This is a generic risk assessment only. It is advisable to carry out a site-specific assessment prior to using this equipment.
RA-0001 Version 1.0
Page 1 of 1 Approval Date August 2017
Safe Operating Procedure
Crane Truck
The instructions recommended within this document apply to normal risk conditions. If the Crane
Truck is to be operated in a dangerous or hostile environment, the user/client is responsible for
conducting an appropriate risk analysis and applying suitable controls to mitigate those additional
This instruction should be read in conjunction with the Risk Assessment procedure for the Crane
You must wear this personal protective equipment when doing this task:
Foot High
Protection Visibility
The above instructions must be followed at all times, if any of the instructions are not
possible, contact the site supervisor for an assessment of safety requirements.