Diagram 3: Object (CM) Mass (G)

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Part A : Choose the best answers.

Circle your answer in the space provided in page 7

1. The mass of an object is 12 kg. If the object is C. Multicellular Unicellular

brought to the Moon where the gravity is 1/6 of D. Unicellular Multicellular
the gravity on Earth, what will the mass of the
object be? 5. Diagram 3 shows the arrangement and movement
A. 2 kg C. 10 kg of particles in a gas.
B. 5 kg D. 12 kg
2. Diagram 1 shows the apparatus used to find the
volume of a piece of cork.

Diagram 3
How is the movement?
A. The smoke particles collide with the air
Diagram 1 B. The air particles move faster than the
What is the volume? smoke particles
A. 5 ml C. 14 ml C. The smoke particles react with the air
B. 7 ml D. 19 ml particles
D. There are forces of attraction between
3. Which of the following cells does not build up the smoke particles
6. Table 1 shows the mass and volume of objects A.

Object Volume Mass (g)

A 8.0 7.2
Table 1

What is the density of object A?

A. 57.6 gcm-3 C. 1.11 gcm-3
B. 15.2 gcm D. 0.9 gcm-3
4. Diagram 2 shows a classification of organisms.
7. Logs do not sink when they are transported by
rivers to factories.

Which is the correct statement?

Diagram 2

Which of the following is true? A. Logs are less dense than water
P Q B. Logs are denser than water
A. Have Have no C. Logs have big surface area
chloroplasts chloroplasts D. Logs are light
B. Have no Have chloroplasts
chloroplasts 8. Diagram 4 shows a mixture of a few substances.
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Diagram 4
Diagram 5
P : Filtering What are substances X and Y?
Q : Evaporating X Y
R : Using a magnet A. Compound Mixture
S : Dissolving in water B. Element Compound
C. Mixture Element
P, Q, R and S are four processes carried out to D. Element Mixture
separate the mixture. The correct sequence for
the separation of mixture is 11 Which of the following figures shows the correct
A. P → Q → R → S . propagation of light rays from glass to air?
B. Q → P → S → R
C. R → S → P → Q
D. S → P → Q → R

9. The pairs below show the differences between a

compound and mixture. Which pair is correct?
Mixture Compound
A. It is made up of only It is made up more
one type of particle than one type of
B. It cannot be broken It can be broken
down into simpler down into simpler
substances by any substances by
chemical method chemical method
C. It cannot be broken It can be easily
down into its separated into its
components by components by
physical methods physical methods
D. The elements The elements in a
and/or compounds compound are
in a mixture are not chemically jointed
chemically jointed together.

10 The diagram 5 below shows the particles

. arrangement of substances X and Y.

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14 The following information shows a food digestion
. process.
Starch Maltose
Where does the above food digestion process take
A. Mouth and stomach
12 Diagram 6 shows a cross-section of an eye with a
B. Mouth and duodenum
. defect of vision
C. Small and large intestine
D. Stomach and duodenum

15 Diagram 7 shows two animals of different classes


Diagram 6
Why does this happen? Diagram 7
A. The eye ball is too short
B. The eye lens is too thick What are the similarities between the two
C. The size of the pupil is too small animals?
D. The surface of the cornea is irregular A. Have moist scale and cold blooded
B. Have dry scale and cold blooded
13 Table 2 shows the calorific value of some food C. Lay eggs and warm blooded
. D. Lay eggs and cold blooded
Food Quantity Calorific
value/kJ 16 Diagram 8 shows the apparatus used to
Nasi lemak 1 plate 1634 . investigate a factor necessary in photosynthesis.
Kuih koci 1 piece 344
Banana 1 piece 378
Low fat 1 cup 543

Table 2

A student had his breakfast by taking the food

shown below. Diagram 8
Nasi lemak 1 plate Which factor is absent?
Kuih koci 2 pieces A Light C. Chlorophyll
Low fat milk 1 cup .
B. Water D. Carbon dioxide
Based on table, calculate the total calorific value.
A 2177 kJ C. 2899 kJ 17 Diagram 9 shows an aphid on the stem of a young
. . plant. After a few days, the plant withers and
B. 2865 kJ D. 3621 kJ finally dies.

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of carbon dioxide of carbon dioxide
21 What is the effect of carbon monoxide to our
. body?
A. Cause lack of oxygen
B. Cause lack of haemoglobin
C. Cause lack of red blood cell
Diagram 9 D. Cause lack of carbon dioxide
What is the type of interaction?
22 Diagram 11 shows the cross section of a human
A Commensalism C. Mutualisme
. heart.
B. Prey-predator D. Parasite

18 Which of the following organism is an example of

. mutualism?
A. Snake and rat
Diagram 11
B. Tapeworm in human
C. Shark and remora fish P and Q are two blood vessels in the heart. Which
D. Hermit crab and sea anemone of the following is true about P and Q?
19 Which of the following will reduce the diffusion of A. Pulmonary artery Aorta that carries
. oxygen in the lungs? which carries deoxygenated
A. Alveolus is moist oxygenated blood blood
B. Alveolus is one cell thick B. Pulmonary artery Aorta that carries
C. Alveolus has small surface area which carries oxygenated blood
D. Alveolus is surrounded by large network deoxygenated
of capillaries blood
C. Pulmonary vein Vena cava that
20 Diagram 10 shows the gas exchange in the which carries carries
. alveolus. Blood oxygenated blood deoxygenated
out blood
Blood D. Pulmonary vein Vena cava that
Alveolus capillary
which carries carries oxygenated
Blood in N deoxygenated blood
M blood
Red blood
23 The following is about the transportation of
. oxygen in the human body.
Diagram 10 J: In the lungs, gaseous exchange takes
Which of the following statements is true? place and oxygenation of red blood cells
M N occurs.
A. High concentration Low concentration K: Oxygenated bloods releases oxygen to
of carbon dioxide of oxygen the body tissues.
L: Oxygenated blood is carried back to the
B. High concentration Low concentration
of oxygen of carbon dioxide M: The deoxygenated blood from parts of
C. Low concentration High concentration the body is carried to the heart.
of oxygen of oxygen N: Oxygenated blood is transported to the
D. Low concentration High concentration whole body except the lungs.

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Which of the following is the correct sequence of
the transportation?
A J, K, M, L, N C. L, J, K, N, M
B. J, L, N, K, M D. M, K, J, L, N

24 Which of the following blood transfusions can be

Diagram 12
. carried out safely?
A. From blood group AB to blood group A What is the conclusion of the experiment?
B. From blood group B to blood group O A. Xylem tissues give support to the plant
C. From blood group O to blood group A B. Xylem cell divide to produce new cells
D. From blood group A to blood group B and tissues
C. Phloem transports water and mineral
25 Which statement about the blood donation is salts from the soil.
. true? D. Phloem transports food substances
A. Anybody can donate blood to save the from the leaves to other parts of the
lifes of others. plant
B. Blood donated is stored at room
temperature 28 Diagram 14 shows a structure found in a leaf
C. People with blood group AB are known .
as universal donor
D. The type of blood transfused to a
recipient must be compatible to avoid

26 Diagram 12 shows the cross section of a young

Diagram 14
. dicotyledon stem
What is the function of structure P?
A. Control the turgidity of guard cell
B. Controls the rate of the water loss
C. Control the opening of the stomata
D. Control the amount of light entering the
Diagram 12
29 What is the meaning of excretion?
Which parts, A, B, C or D, transports the food from . A. Removing metabolic waste product
the leaves to part of the plants? from the body
B. Removing carbon dioxide through the
27 Diagram 13 shows the observation obtained in an lung
. experiment. C. Removing excess water from the body
D. Removing faeces from the body

30 Diagram 15 shows the excretory organs in

. humans.

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transpiration in plants
D. Some excretory products of plants
accumulate in leaves, flowers, stems
and fruits.
Diagram 15
34 Which of the following complete waste product is
Which of the following excretory products are . used to produce oil?
excreted by the excretory organ P? A. Clove, lavender, cinnamon
A. Urea only B. Resin, lavender, cinnamon
B. Urea and mineral salts C. Tanin, lavender, cinnamon
C. Carbon dioxide and water D. Clove, lavender, latex
D. Urea, water and mineral salts
31 The information below shows five parts of the
. urinary system 35 Diagram 17 shows the reproduction of organism K.
P : Ureter S: Urethra .
Q: Renal artery T: Urinary bladder K
R : Kidneys

Which of the following shows correct sequence in Diagram 17

the excretion of waste products by the kidneys? Which of the following organisms has the same
A P, Q, R, T, S C. Q, P, R, T,S type of reproduction as the organism in Diagram
. 17?
B. Q, R, P, T, S D. S, T, P, R, Q A C.

32 Diagram 16 shows a dialysis machine.

B. D.

36 The table shows three organisms and their

. respective asexual reproduction.
Diagram 16
What is the function of the machine? Organism Asexual reproduction
A. To filter urea from the kidneys P Budding
B. To reabsorb vitamins and minerals Q Vegetative reproduction
C. To filter excess faeces from the blood R Regeneration
D. To filter urea and minerals salts from
the blood Which of the following organisms are represented
by P, Q and R?
33 Which of the following statements is true? P Q R
. A. Plants have specific excretory organs A. Paramecium Mushroom Starfish
B. All the excretory products of plants are B. Amoeba Hydra Bryophyllum
harmful to humans C. Yeast Potato Planaria
C. Carbon dioxide is excreted through D. Yeast Ferns Carrot
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What is P and state its function?
37 Diagram 18 shows the male reproductive system. P Function
. A. Fallopian tube Fertilisation takes place
B. Fallopian tube Produces ova
C. Ovary Produces sex hormones
D. Uterus Receives sperms

40 Which part of female reproductive system

Diagram 18 . produce female sex hormone?
What is the function of S? A Vagina C. Ovary
B. Cervix D. Uterus
A. Channels sperms to the urethra
B. Produce sperms and male se hormones
C. Provides nutrients for sperms to keep
them alive
D. Produces nutrients and a medium for
sperms to swim in.

38 Diagram 19 show two type of gametes



Diagram 19
Which statement is true?
A. Can swim Cannot move
B. Produce in seminal Produce in fallopian
vesicles tube
C. One is produce in Million are produce
about 28 day Every day
D. Carry genetic Carry genetic
information in the information in the
body nucleus

39 Diagram 20 shows the female reproductive

. system.

Diagram 20

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1 =A= =B= =C= =D=
2 =A= =B= =C= =D=
3 =A= =B= =C= =D=
4 =A= =B= =C= =D=
5 =A= =B= =C= =D=
6 =A= =B= =C= =D=
7 =A= =B= =C= =D=
8 =A= =B= =C= =D=
9 =A= =B= =C= =D=
10 =A= =B= =C= =D=
11 =A= =B= =C= =D=
12 =A= =B= =C= =D=
13 =A= =B= =C= =D=
14 =A= =B= =C= =D=
15 =A= =B= =C= =D=
16 =A= =B= =C= =D=
17 =A= =B= =C= =D=
18 =A= =B= =C= =D=
19 =A= =B= =C= =D=
20 =A= =B= =C= =D=
21 =A= =B= =C= =D=
22 =A= =B= =C= =D=
23 =A= =B= =C= =D=
24 =A= =B= =C= =D=
25 =A= =B= =C= =D=
26 =A= =B= =C= =D=
27 =A= =B= =C= =D=
29 =A= =B= =C= =D=
29 =A= =B= =C= =D=
30 =A= =B= =C= =D=
31 =A= =B= =C= =D=
32 =A= =B= =C= =D=
33 =A= =B= =C= =D=
34 =A= =B= =C= =D=
35 =A= =B= =C= =D=
36 =A= =B= =C= =D=
37 =A= =B= =C= =D=
38 =A= =B= =C= =D=
39 =A= =B= =C= =D=
40 =A= =B= =C= =D=

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