Headphones: AKG Acoustics, Inc. 77 Selleck St. Stamford, Conn. 06902

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AKG Acoustics, Inc. Price $100 Beyer Dynamics, Inc.
Type Electret condenser
77 Selleck St. Design Open -back; electret condenser 5-05 Burns Ave.
Stamford, Conn. 06902 Response 40 Hz to 22 kHz, +3 dB Hicksville, N.Y. 11801
Sensitivity 99 dB SPL
Impedance 4 to 6 ohms ET -1000
THD 0 35% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz) Price $159 95 (ET -1000S includes
Price $189 Max. level 110 dB SPL power supply, $279)
Design Dynamic/condenser Weight 7 4 oz (net) Design Circumaural seal
Response 16 Hz to 25 kHz, +1 dB Cord length 81/4', straight Response 10 Hz to 25 kHz
Impedance 400 ohms Features Moderate noise rejection, faoric- Sensitivity 100 dB SPL with 2V input
THD 0.05% at 104 dB SPL (1 kHz) covered earcups; external impedance adapter with Impedance 4 to 8 ohms
Max. level 200 mV re 117 dB SPL speaker/headphone switch THD 1% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Weight 14 oz (net)
Max. level 115 mV
Features Dynamic moving -coil low -fre-
ATH-5 Weight 13 oz. (net)
quency transducers, condenser high -frequency
Price $84 95 Cord length 8'
transducers, 5 passive diaphragms in each earcup, Electrostatic when used with N-
auto -adjust headband with Carden' gimbal pivot Type Moving -coil dynamic Features
Design Open -back 1000 power supply, sinered-bronze cover plates;
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz broad -padded headband, soft earcushions
K-240 Sensitivity 96 dB SPL
Price $89
Design Dynamic moving coil
Impedance 4 to 16 ohms DT -44 I
THD 0.4% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz) Price $74.95
Response 16 Hz to 20 kHz
Weight 7.25 oz (net) Design Open -back
Sensitivity 94 dB SPL with 0.31V input
Cord length 111/2', straight Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Impedance 600 ohms Moderate noise rejection; fabric -
1% at 112 dB SPL (1 kHz) Features Sensitivity 100 dB SPL with 1 mV input
THD covered earcups dome diaphragm drivers
200 mW re 125 dB SPL Impedance 600 ohms
Max. level
101/4 oz. (net) (with cable and plug) THD 1% at 116 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Features Six passive diaphragms in each Models also available Max. level 42 mV
earcup, auto -adjust headband with Cardan2 gim- A "1-, 3 $64 95 ATH-2, $50, ATH- Weight 9 oz. (net)
bal pivot ' $30 Cord length 10'
Features Finished in matte -black; air -filled
foam cushions; well -padded headband; equipped
K-141 BANG & OLUFSEN with stancard stereo phone plug
Price $69
Design Dynamic moving coil Bang & Olufsen of America,
DT -440
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Inc.
Sensitivity 94 dB SPL with 0 51V input
Impedance 600 ohms
515 Busse Road
THD 1% at 107 dB SPL (1 kHz) Elk Grove Village, Ill. 60007
Max. level 200 mW re 120 dB SPL
Weight 91/4 oz (net) (with cable and plug)
Auto -adjust headband with Car-
den' gimbal pivot

Models also available

K-1405 $59 K 4 1 $39 K 40 $29

Audio Technica
1221 Commerce Drive
Stow, Ohio 44224 Price $64.95
Design Open -back
ATH-7 Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Price $150 Sensitivity 100 dB SPL with 1 mV input
Type Electret condenser Impedance 600 ohms
Design Open -back Price $95 THD 1% at 115 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Response 20 Hz to 22 kHz, +2 dB Type Orthodynamic Max. level 42 mV
Sensitivity 98 dB SPL Design Semi open -back Weight 9 oz. (net)
Impedance 4 to 16 ohms Response 16 Hz to 20 kHz Cord length 10'
THD 0 25% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz) Sensitivity 94 dB SPL with 8 mW input Features Finished in bright chrome -plate; air -
Max. level 114 dB SPL Impedance 140 ohms filled foam cushions: well -padded headband,
Weight 7.4 oz. (net) THD 1% at 2W input equipped with standard stereo phone plug
Cord length 81/4'; straight Max. level 2W
Features Moderate noise rejection; fabric - Weight 10 6 oz. (net)
covered earcups; external impedance adapter with Cord length 10'; straight
speaker/headphone switch; LED program level in- Features "Ear control" allows vertical and Models also available
horizontal adjustment of each earcup DT -220, $59.95; DT -302, $29 95

1981 Edition 279

CALIBRON Type Dynamic
Models also available
Horian Engineering, Inc. Response 18 Hz to 23 kHz
HP -880, $65, HP -550, $40
Sensitivity 104 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Calibron Div. Impedance 8 ohms
600 Lake Emma Road Weight 5 oz (net)
Cord length 10'; coiled
Lake Mary, Fla. 32746 Features Samarium cobalt magnet Koss Corp.
HP -1 4129 North Port Washington
Price $35 PH -61 Ave.
Type Dynamic Price $15 95
Design Open -back, open-air Type Dynamic
Milwaukee, Wis. 53212
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +3 dB Response 20 Hz to 18 kHz
Impedance 25 ohms Sensitivity 110 dB SPL (1 kHz)
THD 5% (1 kHz) Price $350
Impedance 8 ohms Type
Max. level 500 mV Electrostatic
Weight 15 oz. (net)
Weight 9 oz (net) Design Circumaural
Cord length 10'; coiled
Cord length 12', coiled Response 20 Hz to 22 kHz
Features Volume controls; adjustable pad -
Features Mylar cone ded headband
Sensitivity 100 dB SPL V 1 9 (rms)
Impedance 180 ohms
THD 0 38% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz)
CONCEPT HERVIC Weight 14 oz. (net)
Cord length 10', Y- coiled
CBS Retail Stores Hervic Electronics Features Patented E/10 energizer with dual
1301 65th St. 18750 Oxnard St. #406 headset jacks, automatic overload indicators:
Emeryville, Calif. 94608 Tarzana, Calif. 91356 pneumalite cushions

CE -H HP -1 PRO/4 Triple A
Price $85 Price $55 Price $85
Design Orthodynamic constant energy Type Dynamic Type Dynamic
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +2 dB Response 18 Hz to 22 kHz Design Circumaural
Sensitivity 96 dB SPL with 1 mV input Sensitivity 100 dB SPL with 1 mW input Response 10 Hz to 22 kHz
Impedance 150 ohms Impedance 104 ohms Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0.7V (rms)
THD 0 25% at 95 dB SPL (1 kHz) Weight 6.7 oz (net) Impedance 220 ohms
Max. level 3V (120 dB SPL) Cord length 3', coiled; 71/2' straight THD 0.5% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Weight 10 5 oz. (net) Features Low -mass diaphragm, fully -adjust- Weight 15.5 oz. (net)
Features Extra -long leather cord able simulated leather headband, weightless cord Cord length 10', coiled
4 2 oz Features Pneumalite earcushions

DUOTONE Technician/VFR'
Duotone Company, Inc. Sterling Hi -Fidelity, Inc. Type Dynamic
6875 S.W. 81st St. 22-20 40th Ave. Design Circumaural
Miami, Fla. 33143 Response 10 Hz to 22 kHz
Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0 6V (rms)
Impedance 245 ohms
SH-90 HD -800 THD 0 3% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Price $29.95 Price Weight 16.8 oz (net)
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Impedance Cord length 10'; Y -coiled
8 ohms
Impedance 4 to 16 ohms Features VFR controls (variable frequency
Features Includes built-in AM/FM stereo
Features Individual volume controls, mono/
multiplex radio receiver and detatchable cab e ,esponse), pneumalite earcushions
stereo switch, padded ear and headbands; un-
breakable molded plug
250 HV/XLC
Price $50
Design Round cup
GC Impedance 8 ohms
GC Electronics Weight 5 oz.
400 South Wyman St. ball magnet
Ultrathin lightweight samarium co -
Rockford, Ill. 61101
90-108 Models also available
225, $36, 208, $36, 115, $31 109,
Price $34.95 $27
Design Open air
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Sensitivity 98 dB SPL with 1 mW input JVC
Impedance 4 to 16 ohms JVC America Price $79 95
THD 0.3% at 1 mW input
Weight 7.5 oz. (net)
58-75 Queens Midtown Type High velocity
Design Circumaural
Cord length 6'; straight Expressway Response 15 Hz to 35 kHz
Features Lightweight, uniform vibration type Maspeth, N.Y. 11378 Sensitivity 1V (rms)
drives result in high input endurance and low distor- Impedance 90 ohms
tion; 1/4" stereo phone plug Weight
HM -200E 7.8 oz (net)
Price $100 Cord length 10', coiled
Models also available Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Features Variable density, volume/balance
90-106, $17 96, 90-104, $15 95 Sensitivity 94 dB SPL with 1 mW input controls
Impedance 8 ohms
Weight 24 oz (net) HV/X
Features Adjustable headband; built-in Price $69 95
HERALD binaural microphones Type High Velocity
Herald Electronics Design Circumaural
6611 N. Lincoln Ave. HP -1100 Response 15 Hz to 35 kHz
Price $80 Sensitivity 1V (rms)
Chicago, III. 60645 Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Impedance 90 ohms
Impedance 100 ohms Weight 7.8 oz. (net)
PH -81 THD 0 2% at 500 Hz Cord length 10'; coiled
Price 529 9', Weight 7 oz (net) Features Variable density

High ty., Ituying Guide to Stereo Components
Features Samarium cobalt drivers; open au-
HV/1LC NUMARK dio supra -aural textile -covered replaceable cush-
Price $59 95 Numark Electronics Corp. ions: cushioned headband
Type High -velocity
Design Supra -aural
503 Raritan Center
Response 15 Hz to 30 kHz Edison, N.J. 08817 OA -5A
Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 1 1V (rms) Price $60
Impedance 132.5 ohms Design Dynam c high velocity elements
HV-3000 Response 20 Hz to 22 kHz, ±5 dB
THD 0 5% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz) Price $54
Weight 10-8 oz (net) Sensitivity 110 dB SPL with 200 mV input
Design Lightweight
Cord length 1a, coiled 8 Hz to 28 kHz Impedance 100 ohms
Response 0 25% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Features Volume -balance controls on each THD
Weight 6 5 oz (net)
earcup Samarium cobalt magnet, Neglex Max. level 500 my
Features Weight 5 oz. (without cord) (net)
no -loss cable included
Features Special adapter for portables, su-
TECH/2 pra -aural textile -covered replaceable cushions
Price $59 95 HV-2000R
Type Dynamic Price $48
Design Circumaural Lightweight
OA -4
Design Price $49 95
Response 10 Hz to 22 kHz Response 8 Hz to 27 kHz
Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0 7V (rms) Type Dynamic
Weight 6 oz (net)
Impedance 245 ohms Samarium cobalt magnet; ultrathin Design Open -audio
Features 10 Hz to 20 kHz
THD 0 3% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz) diaphragm, high efficiency
Weight 15.9 oz. (net) Sensitivity 105 dB SPL with 1 mV input (1 kHz)
Cord length 10', Y -coiled Inpedance 40 ohms
Features Mike -boom mount on left earcup, Models also available Tb Less than 0 5% at 100 dB SPL (1
pneumalite earcushions Hy -235R, $44; HV-215VA $44; kHz)
HY-115A, $32 Max. level 0.15 watts
Weight 2 oz. (without cord) (net)
K/6ALC Card length 7'; straicht
Price $39.95
Type Dynamic
OLSON Features Super lightweight; multi -density
polyurethane foam cushions; sized for total porta-
Design Circumaural Olson Electronics bility; adapter plug for TV, radio, etc.
Response 10 Hz to 16 kHz 260 S. Forge St.
Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0.14V (rms)
Impedance 94 ohms Akron, Ohio 44327 Models also available
THD 1% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz) OA -3A Dynaphase, $45; OA -202,
Weight 14 oz (net) PH -500 $29 95
Cord length 10', coiled Price $59 98
Features Volume -balance controls Design Ultrathin
Response 35 Hz to 18 kHz
K/6A Impedance 8 ohms PIONEER
Price $29 95 Weight 10 oz (net) U.S. P oneer Electronics Corp.
Type Dynamic Features Separate woofer and tweeter on
Design Circumaural each s,de 85 Oxford Drive
Response 10 Hz to 16 kHz Moonachie, N.J. 07074
Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0 15V (rms)
Impedance 100 ohms PHILMORE SE -700
THD 1% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Weight 14 oz (net) Philmore Manufacturing, Inc. Price $100
Cord length 10', coiled 40 Inip Drive Design Open -back
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Inwood, N.Y. 11696 100 dB SPL with 5.6 mW input (1
Models also available Sensitivity
HV /1A, $55, K/145, $54.95; KO/
727B, $3995; KC/180, $19.95 SP -90L Impedance 80 ohms (min)
Price $22.50 Max. level 11 mW
Type Dynamic Weight 12 oz. (net)
Design Circumaural Cord length 93/4'
NEAL-FERROGRAPH Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ±3 dB Features High -polymer molecular film driver
Neal-Ferrograph U.S.A., Inc. Sensitivity 110 dB SPL with 1 mW input
652 Glenbrook Road Impedance 8 chms
Max. level 500 mW
Stamford, Conn. 06906 Cord length 10; coiled Monitor 10
Features Lett and right volume controls on Pnce $80
Electrostatic each phone, mono/stereo switch Design Circumaural
Price $224 Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Type Electrostatic Sensitivity 100 dB SPL with 1 mW input
Design Circumaural Impedance 8 ohms
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ±3 dB Models also available Mex. leve 700 mW
Sensitivity 95 dB SPL with 100V input SP 30 $31 95 Weight 23 oz. (net)
Impedance 130 ohms (10 kHz); connects via Cord length 161/2'
adapter box to 4 to 16 ohm outputs
Max. level 100V re 95 dB SPL
Weight 13 oz. (including 3 -meter cable)
Permanently polarized capsule;
Pickering 8 Co., Inc. Price $75
Features Design Circumaural
padded, simulated -leather carrying case included; 101 Sunnyside Blvd. Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
adapter for connecting headphones through Plainview, N.Y. 11803 Sensitivity 108 dB Sol_ with 11 mW input
speaker/headphone switching unit, foam -filled Impedance 8 ohms
earcups Max. level 500 mW
OA -7 Dynaphase Weight 24 oz (net)
DYNA-X Price $70
Cord length 161/2
Price $119 Design Dynamic high -velocity elements Volume and tone controls for each
Design Circumaural Response 20 Hz to 22 kHz, ±5 dB channel
Impedance 120 ohms Sensitivity 110 dB SPL with 200 mV input
Weight 13 oz. (including 3 -meter cable) Impedance 100 ohms
(net) THD 0.5% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz) SE -4
Features Padded, simulated -leather carry- Max. level 500 my Price $50
ing case included; replaceable, foamed -filled ear - Weight 5.5 oz. (net) Design Open-bac
Cord length 10' Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
1981 Edition
Sensitivity 96 dB SPL with 1 mW input (1 kHz) Weight 10 oz (net)
Impedance 250 ohms Features Mylar diaphragms
Price $65
Max. level 200 rrW
Design Partial environment isolation (semi-
Weight 9 oz INith cords
Cord length 9'2 Models also available Response 20 Hz to 15 kHz, ± 3 dB
Features Ic; r1r,
0 25 529 95 0-12,$17 95 Impedance 200 ohms

Models also available

SE -405, $55; SE -305, $45; SE - REALISTIC
205, $30; SE -2, $30 SANSUI
Radio Shack Corp. Sansui Electronics Corp.
1400 One Tandy Center 1250 Valley Brook Ave.
PML Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 Lyndhurst, N.J. 07071
Ercona Corp.
2492 Merrick Road PRO-IIA
Price $50
Bellmore, N.Y. 11710 Type Professional
SS -40
Response Price $42
10 Hz to 22 kHz
Impedance 8 ohms Type Dynamic
D-42 Deluxe Weight 19 oz. (net) Design Circumaural seal
Price $49 50 Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Type Cord length 10'; coiled
Dynamic Sensitivity 108 dB SPL
Response Features Adjustable padded headband with
30 Hz to 20 kHz, ±3 dB Impedance 25 ohms
Impedance air -filled cushions; 12" Mylar diaphragm; 1" voice
200 ohms coils Max. level 500 mW
Max. level 5 mV Weight 13.1 oz. (net)
Weight 9.5 oz. (net) Cord length 61/2'; straight
Features Washable rubber earpieces Features Super -lightweight polyester film
Price $42 diaphragm; light, comfortable earpads/band
RDF-224 Type High velocity
Price $32.95 Design Vented -back
Type Dynamic Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Response 20 Hz to 18 kHz Impedance 4 to 16 ohms
Models also available
Impedance 8 ohms
SS 30 $30
THD 0.5%
Max. level 100 mW Weight 10 oz. (net)
Weight 12 oz. (net) Cord length 10'; coiled
Cord length 8'; coiled Features Soft sponge earpieces; less than
Features Foam -filled vinyl earcushions; 05 distortion; lightweight SENNHEISER
stereo/mono switch Sennheiser Electronics Corp.
PRO -30 10 West 37th St.
POWER DRIVE Price $40 New York, N.Y. 10018
Design Uniform phase
Recoton Corp. Cord length Coiled
46-23 Crane St. Features Rare-earth magnets; low -profile Unipolar 2000
Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 design, lightweight; low -mass planar drivers Price $384
Design Electret condenser, electrostatic
Response 16 Hz to 22 kHz
ST -55 Models also available Sensitivity 103 dB SPL with 5V input
Price $44.99 Impedance 8 ohms
Nova' -PRO, $36.95; PRO -20,
Response 18 Hz to 21 kHz THD 0.1% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz)
$29.95; Nova -40, $25; Nova -16,
Sensitivity 103 dB SPL $20; NOVA -10, $16 Max. level 11.2V at 110 dB SPL
Impedance 50 ohms Weight 11 oz. (net)
Weight 5 oz. (less cord) (net) Features Electrostatic phones with no need
Cord length 10'; coiled for 110V AC line connection; polarizing voltage
Features Ultrathin diaphragm permanently frozen into electret diaphragms
ST -33 Robins Industries
Price $35.99 75 Austin Blvd. HD -224
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Price $144
Sensitivity 103 dB SPL (1 kHz) Commack, N.Y. 11725 Type Dynamic
Impedance 50 ohms Design Circumaural
Weight 5 oz. (net) Response 16 Hz to 20 kHz
Cord length 10' 47-925 Sensitivity 94 dB SPL with 1 mW input
Features Superthin diaphragm Price Impedance 200 ohms
Response THD 0.9% at 95 dB SPL (1 kHz)
20 Hz to 20 kHz
Impedance 8 ohms Max. level 500 mW
Models also available Cord length 9' coiled Weight 8 oz. (net)
ST -22, $30 99. ST 16 $20 99 Cord length 10'
Features Features 3" speakers; lett-and-
right slide volume and tone controls; deluxe pad- Features Designed for good isolation
ded adjustable headband and earcups
CBS Retail Stores Models also available Price $126
1301 65th St. 47-921, $23.50; 47-901, $15.50 Type Dynamic
Design Open-air
Emeryville, Calif. 94608 Response 16 Hz to 20 kHz
Sensitivity 94 dB SPL with 1 mW input
0-45 Impedance 600 ohms per channel
Price $54.95 THD 0.5% at 95 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Type Dynamic
SAE TWO Max. level 100 mW
Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ±2 dB Scientific Audio Electronics, Weight 7 oz. (net)
Sensitivity 95 dB SPL with 1 mV input Inc. Cord length 10'
Impedance 80 ohms Features
THD 1% at 95 dB SPL 701 E. Macy St. New cobalt samarium magnet sys-
tem with high energy and low weight; new whirl -
Max. level 1.8V Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 shaped diaphragm for excellent transient response

High Fidelity's Buying Guide to Stereo Components
HD -424 Pro -80 Models also available
Price $115 Price $59 95 MDR -7, $79.95; DR -Z5, $70; DR -
Type Dynamic Type Dynamic M5, $65; MD5-5a, $64 95 MDR -3
Design Open-air Design Open -back Sony Phone*, $49.95; DR -S5, $50,
Response 15 Hz to 20 kHz Response 15 Hz to 25 kHz DR -S4, $40; MDR -2, $39.95; DR -
Sensitivity 102 dB SPL with 1 mW input Sensitivity '15 dB SPL with 1 my input S3, $30; DR -2, $22
Impedance 2K ohms per channel Impedance 4 to 32 ohms
THD 1% at 126 dB SPL (1 kHz) Cord length 10' straight
Max. level 100 mW Features Samarium cobalt magnets
Weight 7 oz. (net) STANTON
Cord length 10'
Features Deluxe version of HD -414 with Stanton Magnetics, Inc.
softer and larger earcushions and headband cush- Pro -70 200 Terminal Drive
Price $49 95
Type Dynamic
Plainview, N.Y. 11803
Design Open -back
Response 15 Hz to 25 kHz
Models also available Sensitivity 115 dB SPL with 1 mV input
XXI Stereo/Wafers
HD -420, $89, HD -414, $79, HD Impedance 4 to 32 ohms
400, $46 Price $70
Cord length 10' coiled
Design Open -audio
Features Samarium cobalt magnets
Response 20 Hz to 22 kHz
Sensitivity 110 dB SPL with 200 mV input
SIGNET impedance 100 ohms, ±10% (1 kHz)
Signet Co. THD 0.5%. at 110 dB SPL
4701 Hudson Drive Models also available Max. level 0 1 wafts rms/channel
Pro -60, $44.95, Pro -1C, $39.95; Weight 5.5 oz. (without cord) (net)
Stow, Ohio 44224 Pro -52, $34.95; Pro -5, $32.95; Cord length 10
Sonic 101, $29.95; Sonic 40, Feature; Soft foam -cushioned headband;
$24 95; Sonic 30, $21 95 specially designed earpiece pivots, samarium co-
TK-33 balt drivers

XII Micro Wafer

Sony Industries
9 West 57th St.
New York, N.Y. 10019

Price $120
Type Uni-electret electrostatic
Design Open -back
Response 23 Hz to 20 kHz
Sensitivity 91 dB SPL with IV input
Price $250 Impedance 33 ohms
Design Electret condenser THD 0 03% at 4V input
Response 10 Hz to 22 5 kHz, 1- 2 dB Max. level 114 dB SPL
Sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 1 V Weight 12 oz. (net)
Impedance 4 to 16 ohms Cord length 8 1/5', straight
THD 0 1% at 110 dB SPL (1 kHz) Supplied with adapter fo connec- Price $49 95
Max. level 2C my re 117 dB SPL tion to amplifier loudspeaker terminals -ype Dynamic high velocity
Weight 10 oz (with cord), 7 oz. (without Design Open -audio
cord) (net) Response 10 Hz to 20 kHz
Cord length 8.2'; straight Sensitivity 105 dB SPL per mV (1 kHz)
Features TK-33 adapter contains a passive - Impedance 40 ohms (1 kHz)
impedance matching transformer; speaker -opera-
DR -Z7 THD Less than 0.5% at 100 dB SPL (1
tion selector switch; high or low sensitivity switch,
Price $100 kHz)
Type Dynamic Weight 2 oz (without cord) (net)
2 arrays of light -emitting diodes display relative
Design Open-air Cord length 7'; straight
voltage to each channel, adapter will accommo-
Response 20 Hz to 25 kHz
date 2 steeo headsets if desired 104 dB/mW SPL
Impedance 110 ohms at 1 kHz
THD 0 03% at 90 dB SPL at 1 kHz Mode s also available
Models also available Max. level 30 mV Dynaphase 55, $60, Dynaphase
TK-22, $80 Weight 14 8 oz (net) 35, $45; Dyna 25, $29.95
Cord length 6 3/5'; straight
Features Acoustic dimple diaphragm with
SONIC INTERNATIONAL palladium coatirg; Litz wire cable; metal and
Sonic International Corp. leather construction STAX
2515 N.E. Riverside Way Stax Koygo, Inc.
Portland, Ore. 97211 940 E. Dominguez St.
DR -Z6 Carson, Calif. 90746
Price $85
Pro -90 Type Dynamic
Price $69.95 Design Open-air SR Sigma Earspeaker System
Type Dynamic Response 20 Hz to 25 kHz Price $460
Design Circumaural Sensitivity 104 dB/mW SPL Type Electrostatic
Response 20 Hz to 22 kHz Impedance 110 ohms (1 kHz) Response 8 Hz to 35 kHz, ± 1 5 dB
Sensitivity 105 dB SPL with 1 mV input THD 003% at 90 dB SPL (1 kHz) Sensitiv ty 102 dB SPL
Impedance 4 to 32 ohms Max. level 30 mV Impedance 130K ohms
Weight 9.7 oz (net) Weight 14.1 oz (net) THD 0 02% at 1W (1 kHz)
Cord length 10' coiled Cord length 6 3/5', straight Weight 16 oz. (net)
Features Individual woofer and tweeter in Features Metal and vinyl construction; Cord ler gth 8'; straight
each earcup acoustic dimple diaphragm with palladium coating Features Bias power source

1981 Edition
SR -Lambda Response 15 Hz to 35 kHz
Price $300 SenaltIvRy 100 dB SPL with 0.5V input (1 kHz)
Type THD Price $220
Electrostatic 0.3% at 100 dB SPL (1 kHz)
Response Max. level Type Orthodynamic
8 Hz to 35 kHz, ±1.5 dB 3V re 131 dB SPL
Sensitivity 102 dB SPL Weight Design Supra -aural
16 oz. (less cord) (net)
Impedance Features Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
130K ohms Linear -drive design; double -cavity
Weight 14 oz. (net) Impedance 100 ohms
acoustic circuit; high power -handling capacity
Cord length THD 0.1% at 90 dB SPL
8'; straight
Features Max. level 103 dB mV
Bias power source
Weight 19 oz. (net)
EAH-T805 Features 2' rare earth cobalt magnet; 2'
SR-X/Mk.3 polyester diaphragm; lockable high -adjustment
Price $300
Type Electrostatic
Response 20 Hz to 25 kHz, ±1.5 dB YH-100
Sensitivity 95 dB SPL Price $95
Impedance 35 ohms (adapter box) Type Orthodynamic
THD 0.02% Design Supra -aural
Weight 14 oz. (net) Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Cord length 8'; straight Impedance 150 ohms
Features THD 0.3% at 90 dB SPL
Diaphragm is 2 microns thick
Max. level 39 mV re 90 dB SPL
Weight 12 oz. (net)
Models also available Cord length 8'; straight
SR -50, $210; SR -5 Earspeaker Features Double headband
System, $175; SR -44 Earspeaker
System, $120 YH-1
Price $30 Price $65
Type Dynamic Type Orthodynamic
Design Circumaural Design Supra -aural
SUPEREX Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Sensitivity Impedance 150 ohms
Superex Electronics Corp. Impedance
100 dB SPL
125 ohms THD 0.3% at 90 dB SPL
151 Ludlow St. Max. level 94 mW
Yonkers, N.Y. 10705 Weight 9 oz. (without cord) (net)
Models also available
Studio Master/SM-700 EAH-820, $60; EAH-810, $40 Models also available
Price YH-2, $50 YH-3, $35
Design On -the -ear isolated
Response 10 Hz to 20 kHz, ±3 dB ZENITH
Sensitivity 110 dB SPL with 0.6V input TOSHIBA Zenith Radio Corp.
Impedance 35 ohms
THD 0.25% at 110 dB SPL (400 Hz)
Toshiba America, Inc. 1000 Milwaukee Ave.
Weight 10 oz. (net) 82 Totowa Road Glenview, III. 60025
Features Vented -magnet design for in- Wayne, N.J. 07470
creased transient response; self-supporting voice -
coil assembly 839-56
HR -811 Price $65.95
Price $75
Type Dynamic
PRO -B -VI Monitor Type Electret condenser
Design Open type
Price $60 Design Response 10 Hz to 25 kHz
Design Around -ear isolation Response Sensitivity 100, ±3 dB SPL with 1 mV input
20 Hz to 30 kHz
Response 15 Hz to 22 kHz, ±s dB Sensitivity 101 dB SPL with 3V input Impedance 8 ohms
Impedance 4 to 18 ohms Impedance 8 ohms Max. level 300 mV
THD 0.9% at 110 dB SPL (400 Hz) THD Weight 13 oz. (net)
0.5% at 101 dB SPL (400 Hz)
Weight 15 oz. (net) Max. level 115 dB SPL Features Streamline design rotary tone;
Features Two-way woofer/tweeter LC Weight 8.5 oz. (net) volume control on each earpiece
crossover design; twin acoustic woofer chambers Cold length 8'; straight
Features "Complementary Back" electret 839-52
full -face drive system with ultrathin 2.5 micron dia- Price $58.95
TR L-99 phragm Type Dynamic
Price $54.95 Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Design On -ear fabric -faced open design Sensitivity 90, ±3 dB SPL with 1 mV input
Response 15 Hz to 20 kHz, ±4 dB HR -X1 Impedance 8 ohms
Sensitivity 110 dB SPL with 0.6V input Price $85 Max. level 700 mV
Impedance 35 ohms Type Electret condenser Weight 16 oz. (net)
THD 0.4% at 110 dB SPL (400 Hz) Design Open-air Cord length 10'; coiled
Weight 10 oz. (net) Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz Features Separate slide -type tone and
Features Micro -thin Mylar diaphragm drivers Sensitivity 101 dB SPL with 3V input volume control on each earpiece; 10. coiled cord
Impedance 8 ohms
THD 0.5% at 101 dB SPL (400 Hz)
Max. level 115 dB SPL 839-54
Models also available Weight 5.8 oz. (net) Price $54.50
TRL 88 $49 95 TRL 3 $44 95 Cord length 8'; straight Type Dynamic
Features "Complementary back" (exclu- Design Open type
s -o) Response 20 Hz to 16 kHz
Sensitivity 100, ±3 dB SPL with 1 mV input
TECHNICS Impedance 8 ohms
Models also available Max. level 300 mV
Panasonic Co. HR Fl $49.95;HR-10M $30 Weight 13 oz. (net)
One Panasonic Way Cord length 9'; coiled
Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Features Volume control on each earpiece;
YAMAHA 9' coiled cord

EAH-830 Yamaha International Corp.

Price $80 6600 Orangethorpe Models also available
Design Dynamic Buena Park, Calif. 90620 839-32, $49.75; 839-50, $32.95;
839-55, $26.50; 839-49, $23.75
High Fidelity's Buying Guide to Stereo Components

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