For Late Registration Death Cert PH
For Late Registration Death Cert PH
For Late Registration Death Cert PH
I, OLIVE JEAN, Filipino citizen, of legal age, and a resident of 42 Upper, Baguio City, Philippines
depose and state the following, to wit:
1. I am one of the children of the deceased Onofre who is also the informant for the Certificate of
my father’s death;
2. I was vaccinated on July 9, 2021, afterwards I went to take care of my father at the Baguio
General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC), but he died a few hours later, then cremated
on July 10 at Beyond the Sunset;
3. Our entire family was quarantined for 2 weeks after my father’s death. I was so devastated
because our mother who took care of our father for so long suddenly died last December
2020, and now our father died just 7 months later;
4. Despite our grief, I processed several papers in relation to my father’s death including his
birth certificate, government benefits etc, but I was not able to get the death certificate
5. The death was not reported for registration within thirty (30) days after death because I was
only given the death certificate yesterday. It was given to me by my younger sister’s husband
who works as an aide at BGHMC;
6. I am executing this Affidavit of Discrepancy to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts, that the
delay for the registration of my father’s death certificate is beyond my control, and for all legal
intents and purposes that it may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of August 2021, in the
City of Baguio, Philippines.
PhilHealth ID 01-050426052-8