Automation in Construction: Y. Arayici, P. Coates, L. Koskela, M. Kagioglou, C. Usher, K. O'Reilly
Automation in Construction: Y. Arayici, P. Coates, L. Koskela, M. Kagioglou, C. Usher, K. O'Reilly
Automation in Construction: Y. Arayici, P. Coates, L. Koskela, M. Kagioglou, C. Usher, K. O'Reilly
Automation in Construction
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a u t c o n
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Justification for research: The construction companies are facing barriers and challenges in BIM adoption as
Accepted 16 July 2010 there is no clear guidance or best practice studies from which they can learn and build up their capacity for
Available online 20 October 2010 BIM use in order to increase productivity, efficiency, quality, and to attain competitive advantages in the
global market and to achieve the targets in environmental sustainability.
Purpose: This paper aims to explain a comprehensive and systemic evaluation and assessment of the relevant
Technology adoption
BIM technologies as part of the BIM adoption and implementation to demonstrate how efficiency gains have
Architectural practice been achieved towards a lean architectural practice.
Design process Design/methodology/approach: The research is undertaken through a KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership)
Lean efficiency gains project between the University of Salford and the John McCall Architects based in Liverpool, which is an SME
(Small Medium Enterprise). The overall aim of KTP is to develop a lean design practice through the BIM
adoption and implementation. The overall BIM implementation approach uses a socio-technical view in
which it does not only consider the implementation of technology but also considers the socio-cultural
environment that provides the context for its implementation. The technology adoption methodology within
the BIM implementation approach is the action research oriented qualitative and quantitative research for
discovery, comparison, and experimentation as the KTP project with JMA provides an environment for
“learning by doing”.
Findings: Research has proved that BIM technology adoption should be undertaken with a bottom-up
approach rather than top-down approach for successful change management and dealing with the resistance
to change. As a result of the BIM technology adoption, efficiency gains are achieved through the piloting
projects and the design process is improved through the elimination of wastes and value generation.
Originality/value: Successful BIM adoption needs an implementation strategy. However, at operational level, it
is imperative that professional guidelines are required as part of the implementation strategy. This paper
introduces a systematic approach for BIM technology adoption based on a case study implementation and it
demonstrates a guideline at the operational level for other architectural companies of architectural practices.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0926-5805/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
190 Y. Arayici et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 189–195
Hence, implementing BIM effectively requires significant changes principles [11,12] which are i) Eliminate Waste, ii) Increase Feedback,
in the way construction business works at almost every level within a iii) Delay Decision, iv) Deliver Fast, v) Build Integrity In, vi) Empower
building process. That is to say, BIM technology implementation not the Team, and vii) See the Whole are utilized and they formed the
only requires learning new software applications, but also requires seven pillars of the BIM implementation strategy. Although they had
learning how to reinvent the workflow, how to train staff and assign no practical understanding and awareness of BIM in the company at
responsibilities, and the way of modelling the construction [3,8]. It the beginning of the project, some senior managers of the company
was seen that most firms are grappling with the same fundamental had only a visionary understanding of BIM for investment in order to
issues of change in the UK construction sector. Thus, it appears that attain competitive advantages and better position in the market place
they could all benefit from a clear set of guidelines outlining an and providing sustainable green design solutions for their clients.
effective strategy and methodology of implementing BIM at the
organizational level [3]. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to introduce
a best practice study of BIM technology adoption as part of the overall 3. Technology adoption approach in BIM implementation
BIM implementation for an architectural company practising in social
housing and to highlight the implications on the company workflows This case study of BIM adoption and implementation has been
and efficiency gains achieved. It then recommends the used approach undertaken under a DTI funded Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)
of BIM technology adoption at operational level for other SME scheme, which is a two year project. It aims not only to implement BIM
architectural companies. and therefore assess the degree of the successful implementation, but
rather to position this within the context of value-added offerings that
2. The case study company: John McCall's Architects (JMA) can help the company place itself at the high-end knowledge-based
terrain of the sector. Therefore, it adopts a socio-technical view of BIM
The John McCall Architects was established in 1991 in Liverpool in implementation in that it does not only consider the implementation of
the UK, focusing primarily on social housing and regeneration, private technology but also considers the socio-cultural environment that
housing and on off homes and large extensions. JMA works with many provides the context for its implementation.
stakeholders from the design through building construction process The action research oriented qualitative and quantitative research
and the associated information is very fragmented. Projects in which for discovery, comparison, and experimentation has been employed
JMA are involved are involving many stakeholders and requiring in the research. This is because, the KTP project with JMA also provides
considerable interoperability of documentation and dynamic an environment for “learning by doing” [4]. Further, action research
information. provides dual commitments; i) to study a system, which is JMA's
Historically JMA used Microstation CAD tool since 1991. All the architectural practice and ii) concurrently to collaborate with the
company staff excluding the 2 administration staff has access to this members of the system, which is JMA's staff, in changing the system
tool and their range of skills varies from proficiency to advanced and towards a desirable direction. Accomplishing this twin goals requires
expert. The company also has its own procedures, templates and cell the active collaboration of researchers and practitioners, and thus it
libraries to optimize the way it uses Microstation. However, their stresses the importance of co-learning as a primary aspect of the
current architectural practice with this 2D CAD tool brings about some research process [14]. Several attributes justify the research method-
inefficiency such as timescales, deadline pressures, duplications, lead ology as action research and separate it from other types of research.
times, lack of continuity in the supply chain, over processing, Primarily, its focus is on turning the people involved into researchers;
reworking, overproduction, conveyancing, distractive parallel tasks, people learn best and more willingly apply what they have learnt
reliability of data and plan predictability, lack of rigorous design when they do it by themselves [6]. It also has a social dimension; the
process, lack of effective design management and communication. research takes place in real world situations and aims to solve real
Hence, the company needs to improve its capacity for i) greater problems. It is illustrated in Fig. 1.
integration and collaboration with other disciplines in the production These cycles are described and elaborated in the following these
process, ii) adopting technology change to provide a more effective subsections respectively.
business process, iii) effective intelligent real time response, and iv) The following subsections elaborate the action research cycles
moving into related building sectors. At a strategic level, lean presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Action research cycles specific to technology adoption by now in the BIM implementation project.
Cycle 1
Diagnosing Explore BIM tools (presentations, demonstrations, and interviews), and identify efficiency gains
Planning action Development of test cases and test plans for each BIM tools from JMA's past projects
Taking action Piloting the tools on the case studies by the vendor representatives and JMA's staff
Evaluating Comparative analysis of the BIM tools in both quantitative and qualitative manner,
Cycle 2
Diagnosing Decision on ArchiCAD as the BIM tool and need for project support information database
Planning action Identifying three different current design projects of JMA for ArchiCAD piloting and system design of project support information (PSI) database
Taking action Piloting the AchiCAD tool on the identified current design projects and the development of the project support information database
Evaluating Assess the performance against the efficiency gains (lean efficiency gains achieved by now)
Cycle 3
Diagnosing Identify needs for further improvement
Action planning Design and development of object library structure and documenting process and procedures of the BIM tool use in conjunction with
the project support information database
Taking action Implementation of the object library and catalogues specific to social housing, documentation and testing of the new process and
procedures on JMA's current housing design projects
Evaluation Measure and assess the performance improvement and impacts on the overall performance of the company, internal and external
dissemination of the findings
3.1. Cycle 1 because they are provided to the users as an upgrade of the traditional
CAD tools. Added to this, the user preferences are also biased for the
The main focus of Cycle 1 is to find out which BIM tool is the most various architectural BIM tools due to their continuous agreement
appropriate for JMA based on the company's specific features, with their CAD vendors. After this initial comprehensive review via
priorities and the required efficiency gains required. The project had literature, the investigation was narrowed down to four BIM
a steering group involving five key members. These were BIM and lean architectural tools, Bentley Architecture v8i, Autodesk Revit Archi-
design experts from the university, a researcher based in the tecture 2010, Graphisoft ArchiCad 13 and Allplan by Nemetschek
company, one company director and an experienced architect acting because these four tools were found potentially usable and applicable
as a supervisor for the company. to JMA through the focus group workshops as they were the potential
solutions against the efficiency gains.
3.1.1. Diagnosis: exploration of BIM tools and efficiency gains identification The broad literature review was then followed by the vendors'
It was clear from the outset that the company was unwilling to presentations and demonstrations in the JMA office. This enabled
explore any BIM tool as it simply intends to upgrade their Microsation them to see, observe and evaluate the tools' performance, usability
CAD tool to Bentley Architecture as it is provided by the same vendor. and functionality on social housing projects through interactive
Further, as there was hardly any knowledge and awareness of BIM, discussions with the vendor representatives and demonstrators. As
there was a strong resistance by the company to change its tool. a result of this process, JMA's preferences for Bentley tool became
Although the initial attempt was to adopt a top-down approach to neutral. However, the project team could not reach at a decision too
achieve a speedy adoption, it was not possible due to the resistance. due to mixed views and the qualitative nature of the exploration.
Therefore, a bottom-up approach was utilized even though it slowed Therefore, interviews with the users of the BIM tools under
down the adoption process, it helped increase JMA's knowledge and consideration were carried out to gain insights and knowledge
awareness of BIM in the adoption process. Therefore, initial about them. However, the issue was that very few people were
investigations were biased towards Bentley Architecture. expert about the BIM tools they used. The core finding from the
It was also important to identify what efficiency gains are targeted interviews was that the BIM tools were used with a limited narrow
through the BIM adoption, which required to evaluate the JMA's scope and understanding.
processes against lean principles [7,12]. Therefore, the diagnosis also
incorporated the analysis of the current practice of the company and 3.1.2. Action planning: development of the test cases from JMA's past
areas of wastes and possible value generations are explored via SWOT projects
analysis (see [5] for the complete efficiency gains and Key Perfor- While the diagnosis helped increase the understanding about BIM
mance Indicators). For JMA, time savings in the production process and its tools and JMA's bias disappeared, no decision was made on the
and consistency of the product were viewed as major gains through selection of the BIM tool for JMA. Therefore, further hands-on
the adoption of BIM. Existing problems and the tacit knowledge from experimental studies were planned. Initially, trial versions of all the
JMA staff were extracted using soft system analysis and workshops. considered BIM tools were obtained for hands-on experimentation.
Identification of the efficiency gains led to discussions about how Many members of the staff were given the opportunity to try these
Bentely Architecture tool can help achieve those efficiency gains. They BIM tools on simple designs. It was observed that different members
were then extended towards other BIM tools available in the market of the staff had a distinct preference for a particular BIM tool. Although
via literature review initially while the resistance was weakened as the BIM tools evaluated were similar in many ways, certain tools such
potential gains were being realized by the company. However, as the ArchiCAD seemed intuitive to some staff. Some members of the
literature reviewed in many cases had particular bias to a particular staff viewed the tools as design tools; others considered them as tools
company or BIM tool and due to the development in this field for production information. The JMA staff developed basic skills using
literature has quickly become out of date [10]. Further, these were not the BIM tools but did not reach a level of proficiency. Thus, two–three
fully useful in the BIM tool selection for JMA because of the potential week trials were not sufficient to make decisions on the selection of a
bias and their potential failure to adequately align with the unique BIM tool.
requirements of the JMA business process. In order to address the issue of lack of experience in the use of
On the other hand, the current market shares of the various BIM various BIM tools, it was decided to undertake rigorous testing with
software tools do not likely reflect actual usage of those BIM tools quantitative analysis and assessment as opposed to qualitative and
192 Y. Arayici et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 189–195
interpretive judgments. A clear test plan and scenario (including role 3.2.1. Diagnosis: ArchiCAD as JMA's BIM tool and the need for PSI
playing) from one of the past projects of JMA was prepared for testing Database
the BIM tools. Previously identified criteria were refined and designed After the decision made on the main BIM tool, it was necessary to
as the checklist for the tests. Test plan included alpha tests conducted determine how much impact it would have on the process and overall
by the vendors' demonstrators and the beta test undertaken by the productivity. As it can be seen from Table 2, the list of criteria is
selected JMA staff. actually related to the actual design information and not comprehen-
sively covering other parts of the practice such as administration and
3.1.3. Taking action: piloting the BIM tools on the past projects marketing, administration, etc. These activities were carried out
In the alpha tests undertaken by the considered vendors' fragmentally and caused duplications, lead times, cost and ad hoc
demonstrators, the JMA staff observed and assessed the test management of these activities. Therefore, there was a need for
performances against the test checklist. The tests were undertaken development of a PSI database that will pool all the project support
in two sessions of one and a half hour periods. Throughout the tests, information for all projects and facilitate lean improvements by
the level of details in the test case was increased and changes in the eliminating wastes due to ad hoc management of those activities and
design were requested. This was to test the flexibility of the tools. generate value as it will have impact on the actual design project via
What seemed easy in one tool looked particularly difficult in another BIM.
one. This was a critical exercise to understand how a BIM tool aligns
itself to specific company requirements. As a result of the alpha tests, 3.2.2. Action planning: the BIM tool implementation plan and design of
the JMA staff had a preference towards ArchiCAD tool as it was seen PSI database
intuitive and straightforward in the following efficiency gains In order to gradually increment the use of the ArchiCAD tool in the
company, it was decided to use it on three different current JMA
• The quality, speed and cost of the services JMA provides projects by three different members of the staff. While this would give
• Automatic low-level corrections when changes are made to the the opportunity for training of the staff and increase their skills to
design through the use of parametric relationship between objects proficiency, it also provided the chance to observe how much
• Generate accurate and consistent 2D drawings throughout the efficiency can be achieved via the BIM tool. The projects selected
design were i) a detached house, ii) sheltered housing bungalows and iii) an
• Visualizations to allow checking against design intent estate of terraced housing. These projects were monitored closely to
• Discovering design errors before construction distil the lessons learnt.
• Information sharing Secondly, the PSI database development, the scoping and require-
• Greater flexibility to satisfy customers ments engineering studies were carried out, which was then
• Better financial control translated into the system architecture of the PSI database system.
• Simultaneous work by multiple disciplines Evolutionary prototyping approach was adopted for the development
through which continuous user informed development can be made.
On the other hand, the Bentley Architecture tool did not satisfy the For example, the Alpha version for the PSI database system was
staff, therefore, it was dropped off the list. However, it was not released for the staff use and it was then gradually improved based on
sufficient to make the final decision. Therefore, the test records were the feedback and further requirements from the staff.
kept against the specifically designed checklist of 40 criteria. It was
now time for the beta tests by the JMA staff. Three remaining BIM 3.2.3. Action taking: piloting and development of PSI database
tools were tested by the three selected JMA staff on another past Through the piloting projects using ArchiCad, an understanding of
project of JMA. The test results were logged into the checklist what is required to construct BIM models was developed. This
document by the three testers individually to form the basis of the understanding through three piloting projects gradually improved for
quantitative assessment. how to sequence the steps in efficiently constructing the models.
Furthermore, this increased understanding led to an emergence of an
3.1.4. Evaluation: comparative analysis of the BIM tools systematic approach about how to effectively use reference module
Following the Beta test, quantitative assessment was carried out files. This could provide particularly efficient in generating design
via matrix analysis. Each criterion in the checklist was then given a solutions with multiple similar units. This systematic approach was
score of 1 to 5 depending on how well each BIM tool met the initially tested for the use of object assembles such as kitchens and
corresponding criterion by each tester who also conducted initial bathrooms were also undertaken. The major benefit noted at this
comparative analysis separately. The three separate analyses showed stage that the increased awareness of the design through rapid
that ArchiCAD was the leading tool in the results. Following that, the generation of 2D and 3D representations.
40 criteria in the checklist were prioritised and weighted by JMA's top The PSI database was created using MS Access software with both
management. The three separate test results were averaged and a frontend and a backend component. The database was made
weighted collectively according to JMA's priorities and specific accessible to all members of staff by installing an access runtime
requirements and cumulative scores were generated for each BIM engine on all staff workstations. The initial concept for the PSI
tool. As a result, ArchiCAD tool was the favoured selection for JMA use database was as an automated project quality plan and practice
as shown in Table 1. management support system. A particular facet of the database that it
makes information easy to find even for those unfamiliar with the
3.2. Cycle 2 specific project as it holds a uniform structure across projects.
Increased understanding and awareness of BIM led to further 3.2.4. Evaluation: assessment of the lean efficiency gains achieved and
diagnosis towards lean design process in Cycle 2. For example, lean dissemination
improvements were needed in the marketing, administration, It became clear that certain efficiency gains were achieved through
finance, contractual information, which are categorised as project the piloting exercise on three different current projects of JMA and
support information (PSI) and cannot be modelled with BIM. also development trial of the PSI database towards a lean design
However, efficient handling those project support information will practice. These efficiency gains are categorised into 8 wastes
certainly have impact on the BIM modelling of the actual design elimination. These are [7] i) waste of overproduction, ii) The waste
project information. of waiting, iii) The waste of transportation, iv) The waste of
Y. Arayici et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 189–195 193
Table 2
Comparative analysis of the BIM tools under consideration against the checklist criteria.
The ability to input data to dimensional accuracy 1.00 4 4 4 12 12.00 2 3 5 10 10.00 5 4 4 13 13.00
Ease of creation of site models with building units referenced in 1.00 5 4 4 13 13.00 4 4 4 12 12.00 2 2 2 6 6.00
Can the BIM info be issued to other consultants 1.00 4 3 2 9 9.00 2 2 5 9 9.00 5 3 2 10 10.00
Ease of export to other file forms and re import accuracy 0.95 4 5 4 13 12.35 2 2 2 6 5.70 5 4 4 13 12.35
Easy input of dgn, skp, dwg, ifc, dxf, pdf and mode1 fi1e 0.95 5 5 4 14 13.30 1 2 2 5 4.75 5 5 4 14 13.30
Ease of creation of fixed export eg PDF etc 0.95 5 5 4 4 13.30 1 3 2 6 5.70 5 4 4 13 12.35
Market Share 0.95 4 4 3 11 10.45 5 5 5 15 14.25 3 2 1 6 5.70
3D pdf capability 0.95 5 5 5 15 14.25 1 2 2 5 4.75 5 5 3 13 12.35
The ability to schedule doors, windows doors etc 0.90 5 5 4 14 12.60 3 4 5 12 10.80 4 4 3 11 9.90
Easy of setting up drawing sets 0.90 5 5 4 14 12.60 3 2 4 9 8.10 4 4 3 11 9.90
Ease of multiple people working on a single model 0.90 5 5 5 15 13.50 3 4 4 11 9.90 4 4 2 10 9.00
Print management 0.90 5 5 4 14 12.60 1 3 3 7 6.30 4 5 4 13 11.70
Presentation quality control and line weights etc 0.90 5 4 3 12 10.80 4 4 4 12 10.80 5 5 2 12 10.80
Virtual reality engine 0.90 5 5 5 15 13.50 2 3 3 8 7.20 2 3 3 8 7.20
Drawing issue management 0.85 5 5 4 14 11.90 2 2 4 8 6.80 4 4 4 12 10.20
Ease of setting up standards, templates and macros 0.85 5 3 4 12 10.20 3 3 4 10 8.50 4 3 3 10 8.50
Ease of producing kitchen layouts with 3D components 0.85 5 3 3 11 9.35 3 3 3 9 7.65 4 3 3 10 8.50
Eco linking 0.85 5 5 4 14 11.90 3 3 4 10 8.50 4 3 3 10 8.50
Parametric ability to alter floor levels and walls 0.85 4 5 4 13 11.05 4 5 5 14 11.90 5 5 3 13 11.05
The ability to input a range of windows, doors and wall types 0.80 4 4 4 12 9.60 2 2 2 6 4.80 5 5 4 14 11.20
Input and modification of stairs 0.80 5 4 3 12 9.60 4 4 4 12 9.60 5 4 3 12 9.60
Development of details Jambs, Heads etc 0.80 5 3 4 12 9.60 3 3 4 10 8.00 4 3 4 11 8.80
The ability to use geographic origins 0.75 4 4 4 12 9.00 1 1 2 4 3.00 4 4 4 12 9.00
Ease of changing one wall or window type to another 0.75 5 4 4 13 9.75 3 4 4 11 8.25 5 5 4 14 10.50
Size of exist object types and libraries available 0.75 4 4 3 11 8.25 3 4 5 12 9.00 5 5 3 13 9.75
File size of models created 0.75 4 4 3 11 8.25 2 2 3 7 5.25 5 5 4 14 10.50
Support 0.75 5 3 4 12 9.00 3 3 4 10 7.50 3 3 3 9 6.75
Training arrangements 0.72 5 5 4 14 10.08 4 5 4 13 9.36 3 4 2 9 6.48
Ease of control of the visibility of graphics 0.70 4 5 3 12 8.40 3 4 4 11 7.70 5 4 3 12 8.40
Ease of input of land topography 0.65 5 4 4 13 8.45 4 4 4 12 7.80 5 4 2 11 7.15
Ease of input of constrains eg fixed stair widths or corridor widths 0.65 5 4 2 11 7.15 4 4 4 12 7.80 5 4 2 11 7.15
Ease of navigation around the BIM model 0.60 4 5 4 13 7.80 3 4 5 12 7.20 5 5 3 13 7.80
Clash detection 0.60 3 3 1 7 4.20 4 5 4 13 7.80 2 2 1 5 3.00
The ability to address complex construction shapes curved walls etc 0.50 4 4 3 11 5.50 3 4 4 11 5.50 3 5 3 11 5.50
Adding in of street furniture 0.50 4 4 3 11 5.50 4 4 4 12 6.00 4 4 3 11 5.50
New material input 0.50 5 5 4 14 7.00 4 5 4 13 6.50 5 5 4 14 7.00
Revision control management 0.50 5 5 2 12 6.00 3 3 4 10 5.00 4 3 2 9 4.50
Cost of licence 0.50 4 4 4 12 6.00 3 3 3 9 4.50 2 2 2 6 3.00
Service cost 0.50 4 4 4 12 6.00 4 4 4 12 6.00 3 3 3 9 4.50
Design options 0.50 3 1 3 7 3.50 4 3 5 12 6.00 4 1 3 8 4.00
Demonstrate rendered image quality 0.40 5 5 4 14 5.60 5 5 5 15 6.00 4 4 3 11 4.40
Ease of creating concept models 0.25 4 4 2 10 2.50 4 4 4 12 3.00 4 4 2 10 2.50
Network capabilities 0.25 5 5 5 15 3.75 4 4 4 12 3.00 4 4 4 12 3.00
Programming and configuration 0.25 3 3 3 9 2.25 3 3 4 10 2.50 3 3 2 8 2.00
198 185 158 541 400.38 133 150 168 451 319.66 180 167 130 477 352.28
inappropriate processing, v) The waste of unnecessary inventory, vi) • Use of Automation via the adoption of the ArchiCAD tool brought
The waste of unnecessary movement, vii) The waste of defects, viii) about quality, time and cost efficient practice by generating i)
Other wastes. Some of them are detailed in the JMA context below. drawings, quantity take-off automatically, ii) instant generation of
VR models, iii) discovering design errors and conflict analysis, iv)
• Holding lessons learnt and experiences from the past projects as information sharing and exchange, v) greater flexibility to satisfy
company asset in the PSI system customers, vi) simultaneous work by the staff in the company.
• Linking the PSI system to marketing by storing the project related • Consistency across the drawing sets via the BIM tool adoption
marketing information in the PSI system • Automation of emails and finding consultant offices via the PSI
• Ability of top management for project progress monitoring through system that facilitates faster access time to useful information,
the PSI system automatically include project information in email, and links
• Effective reuse of information via the PSI system; time spent for postcodes to maps.
reinventing information that the organisation already has solved as • Integration with Energy Assessment tools for “Code for Sustainable
PSI database stores information centrally and facilitates search via Homes” standards such as IES
some criteria such as house types, materials used, code for
sustainable home rating, client, etc. At this evaluation stage, it was envisaged that this adoption would
• Consistent exchange of information through the existing company enable JMA to provide faster and additional services such as i) the
databases; JMA currently uses several fragmented databases. This analysis of models to confirm compliance with the Code for
raises some issues in handling information such as validity of the Sustainable Homes, ii) the potential to provide models for post
data stored, practice specific or project specific information. The PSI completion services and iii) output to virtual reality, iv) facilities
system provided linkages to these fragmented databases and allows management services. Furthermore, if the ArchiCad BIM tool is
comparison, interrogation and correction of information held on customised for JMA's practice, even more lean efficiency gains can
different databases be achieved towards a leaner design practice.
194 Y. Arayici et al. / Automation in Construction 20 (2011) 189–195
3.3. Cycle 3 obtained through the action taking stage but the following efficiency
gains are expected;
Through the cycles, learning has increased tremendously and
better shared understanding about BIM has been established, • Lean process of conceptual design and detailed design development
particularly after witnessing the benefits through the piloting via BIM modelling of the housing design projects
activities and this has led to a forward thinking of how further • Accurate and timely energy performance assessment for Code for
efficiencies can be gained, which has then led to Cycle 3. However, this Sustainable Homes
has not been completed yet. • Effective design and technical review of all the projects in order to
avoid potential problems arising from mistakes in the future
• Leading to standardised lean design process across the company
3.3.1. Diagnosis: identification of further needs for further improvement
• Better linkage will be established between the project design
Although some efficiency gains have been achieved through Cycle
information with BIM modelling and the project support informa-
2, it is envisaged further automation can be achieved by establishing
tion with the PSI database system
standards to BIM modelling. Social housing has its own types,
standards and regulations. Even if BIM authoring tool is used, there
will still be some repetitions, overworking due to similar require- 4. Conclusion
ments of social housing projects. Hence, a leaner process of BIM
modelling can be achieved by developing a BIM object library and The paper explained the technology adoption approach in a BIM
catalogues based on the ArchiCAD BIM tool. Use of these objects into adoption and implementation project undertaken through a two year
the design projects can tremendously increase process in terms of KTP project between the University of Salford and the John McCall
time, cost and workforce. However, in order to ensure that this BIM Architects in Liverpool. Although the paper had a focus on the BIM
object library is used effectively through a lean process by all in the technology adoption, it is actually as much about people and
company, it is also required producing a guidance document of the processes as it is about technology. Therefore, BIM implementation
process and procedures for the use of the BIM object library when should have a bottom-up approach rather than top-down approach in
modelling in the ArchiCAD tool for social housing projects. order to i) engage people in the adoption, ii) ensure that people's skills
and understanding increase and companies build up their capacities,
iii) apply successful change management strategies, and iv) diminish
3.3.2. Action planning: object library development and documentation of
any potential resistance to change.
process and procedures
The adoption process can be slower because it is an inclusive
Library objects were identified and developed. Firstly furniture
approach and engaging with people. However, impact of the BIM
libraries were developed with the clear zones required around the
technology adoption on the company process and practice can be
furniture marked. While the furniture objects have been developed to
measured too. As part of the bottom-up approach, the employed
comply the design solution with the Housing Quality Index standards
action research philosophy has enabled the “learning by doing”. For
[9], which applies to social housing in the UK, the wall types have
example, in the JMA case study, as briefed earlier, no one had any
been developed to comply the design solution with part E of the
knowledge or experience of BIM prior to this BIM implementation
UK building regulations and robust and enhanced details. A coding
project apart from a few forward thinking top management members,
system was also developed to more accurately understand the wall
which shows that top management support is also critical for the
types through the naming convention used. Although there is a time
success of the BIM adoption. However, after 18 months, the company
saving by using these components, the major benefit is in knowing
has already made significant progress in upskilling the staff,
preapproved wall types are being used. Later, it is envisaged that
technology infrastructure development and lean process improve-
composite floor slabs and roof types will also be developed.
ments. This progress has not been stopped. The intention is to enable
In order to provide guidance for staff moving to BIM it was decided
that the company has the sufficient capacity to maintain the
to write a guidance manual. The guidance manual was aimed to
continuous improvement even after the project by establishing new
address several issues.
service offerings such as facility management. Finally, this paper
demonstrated a systematic approach for BIM technology adoption
• To explain the concept of BIM
based on a case study of BIM implementation and it recommends it
• To explain the working differences between Microstation and ArchiCad
as a guide at operational level for other architectural companies of
• To explain the expectation of how different building types should be
architectural practices.
modelled at JMA
• To explain the libraries and resources available
• To explain how to organise drawing sets and issue information
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