Interpretation of Statutes
Interpretation of Statutes
Interpretation of Statutes
The function of “law making” belongs to the legislature, while declaring “what the law
is” rests with the superior courts. Such function being inherent cannot be taken away,
unless the court is abolished, it will go on to interpret those provisions even to the
extent of those provisions which restricts or excludes its power of judicial review, all the
principles and rules are applied for a basic purpose “intent behind the law”
The process of Interpretation among others may be applied for achieving two
objectives, one is based on the principle of separation of power i.e. finding the intent
behind the law, while the other is made out of expediency i.e. adopting the laws with
changing needs of times and circumstances.
The word legislative intent though a slippery phrase is the nucleus around which the
whole process of interpretation is revolved. Sometime legislative meaning or legislative
purpose is referred in order to apply interpretive rules. The jurisprudence of
interpretation is based upon certain rules for the elucidation of legislative intent,
developed generally in the process of decision making though some of the rules finds it
source in statutory law.
The subject of interpretation like “law making” is in the process of development and
new experiences are made part of the existing principles in addition to the already
established principles and rules.
Two interchangeable terms are normally used interpretation and the other is
construction, whose scope by definition is wider than interpretation, however
delineation is required to be made since the two may have some meeting grounds as to
the objective but differs largely in their operation.
The subject of interpretation belongs to superior courts and in our case the
constitutional courts. The superior courts perform multifarious functions as assigned to
them by the provisions of constitution and laws. Such should not be confused with
interpretation. The former entitles the court to take cognizance of a particular matter
like judicial review over legislative enactments and executive actions, while the latter
helps in determining the meaning of the provision of statute.
The traditional rules of interpretation are literal, logical and mischief rules of
interpretation. All such rules have their own significance and importance in
circumstances in which they are applied in determining the legislative intent. But to say
all these rules have their independent sphere of operation is completely flawed
Law College
University of Peshawar
1. Meaning of interpretation and statutes.
2. Introduction to interpretation.
The Significance and Role of Parts of statutes as aid to interpretation and construction.
9. Legislative presumptions
g. Supreme and subordinate statutes.
The requisite of the course includes understanding legislative enactments and general
principles of law.
The students are encouraged to present judgments of the supreme courts for
Traditional/primary function of the court
The judiciary shall decide cases on the basis of assessment of facts and its
independent mind of the application of law over it.
1. Why interpretation,
A, Narration
B, Explanation
C, Interpretation
complexities for which legislature has not accounted for, as it is humanly
impossible to account for all the eventualities for future.
5. Legislative activity is increased in function, finds little time for detail legislation
7. Need for interpretation arises when a law passed by the legislature comes into
direct conflict with the other, it becomes the duty of the court to reconcile the
conflict through interpretation.
The Process of determining what law means
5. The act of making intelligible what was before not understood, ambiguous or
not obvious. Method by which meaning of language is ascertained.
6. A rational activity that gives meaning to legal text. (Rationality is the key, it is an
intellectual activity)
Interpretation is concerned with normative message that arises from the text; it shapes
the content of the norm trapped inside the text.
The aforementioned definitions on interpretation are not absolute. Some writers have
defined it narrowly while the other in wider sense.
Theorist following this approach, to them, the question of interpretation arises in the
following cases
1. Where the provision is unclear such that there are differences of opinion over it.
Realizing the intent of the author is the goal of one system of interpretation (subjective
Wider sense
Every legal text requires interpretation. The plainness of a text does not obviate the
need for interpretation, because such plainness is itself a result of interpretation. Even a
text whose meaning is undisputed requires interpretation, for the absence of dispute is
a product of interpretation.
Interpretation, however, can also give the legal text a meaning that actualizes objective
standards (objective interpretation9)
• Interpretation requires a process to be adopted in interpretation. It is an
intellectual activity which must be justified on the applying of certain methodology.
• In interpretation true meaning could never be arrived at, since the true meaning
depicts an absolute and correct meaning. Judgments of the courts are overturned,
reinterpreted again and again for the reason of new and unforeseen situation, which
compels the courts to revisit its own interpretation. In that context using of the word
“proper meaning” would comparatively be acceptable.
6. Process of interpretation
Intent of law
Ascertaining the meaning or purpose alone will not be sufficient. Sometimes the
court strives to find out the purpose or meaning alone. But it is only a step
towards finding the legislative intent.
Reason why a law is enacted to remedy some existing evil or to correct some defect in
the existing law, or creation of new right or remedy
Legislative purpose is merely the reason why a law is passed, and it is instrumental
what statute interpretation shall be,
Meaning directly reveals the legislative intent; meaning is ascertained from the words
used by the legislature.
For instance law makers may enact a statue which shall make it unlawful for one to
operate a motor vehicle while the driver is intoxicated condition on public highways.
Protect public in use of the high ways by preventing their use by drunken drivers.
Meaning of the statute is discovered from the meaning of the language used
Would this provision include motor cycle? Street in a city, or person under the influence
of narcotics,
The court would not restrict itself to purpose as the purpose is obvious it must whether
the law meant to include a particular defendant or not while looking in to the provision
of law i.e. motor vehicle, highway intoxication.
“The process by which the court seeks to ascertain the meaning of legislation”
Primarily process is governed or regulated by “RULES OF INTERPRETATION”
They provide how the legislative intent is to be found out?
Rules are
B, court does not go beyond letter of law, gives ordinary dictionary meaning,
MAXIM “what the legislature meant, they have expressed in the forms of words”
If the words are plain, precise and unambiguous, they have to be given their plain,
natural meaning, because such will carry legislative intent (meaning and purpose)
5. Logical rule of ascertaining the legislative intent (golden rule)
1. Departs from the letter of law and seeks elsewhere for some other and more
satisfactory evidence of true intention and meaning of legislation
2. A default rule and is applied only where the literal meaning does not express
the legislative intent.
3. Ultimate duty of the court “to give effect to legislative intent i.e. meaning and
4. So where one is not clearly expressed than the duty of the court to find such
intent, by moving beyond the letter of law.
5. Three kinds of defects which allows the court to apply logical rule,
7. In cases of ambiguity and inconsistency the duty of the court is to ascertain the
true meaning by logically interpreting the letter of law according to legislative intent. In
doing so, it can go beyond the letter of law.
8. In case of incompleteness the court can lawfully supply to the defects by way of
logical interpretation.
2. Its main aim is to determine the "mischief and defect" that the statute in question
has set out to remedy, and what ruling would effectively implement this remedy.
3. This rule of construction is of narrower application than the Golden rule or the
Plain meaning rule, in that it can only be used to interpret a statute and, strictly
speaking, only when the statute was passed to remedy a defect in the common law.
4. The application of this rule gives the judge more discretion than the literal and
the golden rule as it allows him to effectively decide on Parliament's intent.
5. By applying this rule the court goes into the history of the law and from their
tries to find out the true legislative intent, where the words do not indicate the
legislative intent.
2, what was the mischief and defect which the previous law did not provide
3 what remedy has been supplied by the legislature in the new law
constitutional courts”
The question arises as to why interpretation is done by the court why not some other
institution of the state, why not the legislature or the executive who are entrusted with
The question itself give rise to another question that whether interpretation in an
independent activity? If it is than the same for convenience and clarity could easily be
delegated to some other institution of the state and thereby allowing the court to
perform only one function that is resolution of disputes between litigants and nothing
decision making which cannot at all be taken away from the court; it is inherent with
The important thing is that the process and rules of interpretation shall be applied
within the four corners of the primary functions of the courts i.e. maintaining a striking
balance between all the governmental departments and not going beyond their
Intent of law
• Ascertaining the meaning or purpose alone will not be sufficient. Sometimes the
court strives to find out the purpose or meaning alone. But it is only a step towards
Reason why a law is enacted to remedy some existing evil or to correct some defect in
Legislative purpose is merely the reason why a law is passed, and it is instrumental
Meaning directly reveals the legislative intent; meaning is ascertained from the words
For instance law makers may enact a statue which shall make it unlawful for one to
operate a motor vehicle while the driver is intoxicated condition on public highways.
Protect public in use of the high ways by preventing their use by drunken drivers.
Meaning of the statute is discovered from the meaning of the language used
Would this provision include motor cycle? Street in a city, or person under the influence
of narcotics,
The court would not restrict itself to purpose as the purpose is obvious it must whether
the law meant to include a particular defendant or not while looking in to the provision
“The process by which the court seeks to ascertain the legislative intent”
Primarily process is governed or regulated by “RULES OF INTERPRETATION”
They provide how the legislative intent is to be found out?
Rules of interpretation
According to this definition every legal text requires interpretation. The plainness of a
text does not obviate the need for interpretation, because such plainness is itself a result
of interpretation. Even a text whose meaning is undisputed requires interpretation, for
the absence of dispute is a product of interpretation.
The determination that a text’s instructions are plain, and do not require interpretation,
is an interpretive determination that succeeds, rather than precedes, the interpretive act.
Characterizing a text as “unclear” is a result of the interpretive process, not an occasion
to begin it.
Courts resorting to the plain meaning rule are merely rationalizing decisions actually
based on other reasons.
The assertion that a “plain” text does not require interpretation is not only incorrect; it
is also dangerous, because it masks an unconscious act of interpretation. Indeed, the
real question is not whether a plain text requires interpretation. The real question is
what rules of interpretation are needed to arrive at the text’s plain meaning.
It is impossible to formulate a text that will be clear in every circumstance. We have yet
to find a linguistic formulation that covers every possible situation. We can, however,
formulate a text that is likely to be unclear only in a tiny number of circumstances.
8. Provision under Article 239(5) Ousting the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
5. Justiciability over the decision of the committee.
6. Interpretation of indirect ouster clause under article 175 (a) clause 12.
These rules help on determining the meaning of individual words by drawing certain
1. Ejusdem generis
Of the same genre, nature or of the same kind.
Where general words immediately follow or closely associated with words having
specific meaning, the meaning of those general words may be inferred while referring
Not a rule of law but of construction, it enables court to ascertain the intention of the
Object of the principle. Reconcile the incompatibility between general and specific
The legislative intent is not clearly manifest in favor of giving broader meaning
• Where a word has many meanings, the ambiguity can be resolved by the
associated words
• Consider the context: words cannot be considered in isolation. They are known
3. Redendo singular singulus. Rendering each to each
Words in different parts of the statute must be referred to their appropriate connection, giving
(Identical provision in the same statute, meaning of the word parliamentary committee)
4. Rule of rank,
When words descriptive of persons or things are used in order of descending by rank, than
general words at the end do not include or mean persons or things of higher rank, but of lower
The express mention of one member of a list or class implicitly excludes other members
Source of legislative intent is the statute itself, since the legislation is an art in
itself, drafted in technical formula, so the act is divided into different parts, since
all of them are part of the bill which then is formally assented by the President of
the governor, as the case may be, so in construing an act, all parts of the it must
Framework of statute, elements that constitutes statutes, and rules that apply to
legislative/interpretive function
Long title, , set out at the head of the statute, and gives fairly full description of
the general purposes of the act, and in case of ambiguity, resort may be made to
long title, however it cannot control the express operative portions of the act.
“An Act to define and amend the law relating to certain kinds of Specific
Short title, it is normally a brief one, and is used only for the purpose of
reference and identification of act, and beyond that, is of no help in playing role
in interpretation.
It can also be interchangeably used fro reference and identification, but since
short tile is more precise and clear for reference, the same is preferred over the
Usually starts with the word “whereas” means “considering the fact “
“WHEREAS it is expedient to define and amend the law relating to certain kinds
Since it is not the operative part, It cannot control the enacting part of the statute,
in cases where enacting part is stated in clear, unambiguous terms, but in case of
doubts resort may be made to it to explain the primary intention of the law
Though the preamble cannot control the provisions of the statute but the general
purpose of the statute may in view of the court, may control the provision of the statute.
Following rules are considered in determining when an act of parliament is to
Where any Central Act is not expressed to come into operation on particular day, then it
shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the assent.
In the case of a Central Act made before the commencement of the Constitution, of the
legislative intent
The legislature has the power to define word artificially; the meaning of a word
by the legislature,
Object is to declare what certain words and expression used in the act shall
Declaratory in nature and it cannot control the operative part, and governs all
The amendment in the definition clause does not affect the contextual meaning
Saving the provisions of other law, by giving protection in the definition clause,
Such clause may be enacted in any part of the statue either in a section to which
4. Except where it is herein otherwise expressly enacted, nothing in this Act shall be
(a) To give any right to relief in respect of any agreement which is not a contract;
(b) To deprive any person of any right to relief, other than specific performance, which he
1. Modern statutes of great length, sections are divided into groups; the subject
matter of each group is indicated by a brief heading. Headings are also appended
2. They constitute a sort of preamble to the group of section, for the purpose of
connecting a section with other section in the same group, on the basis of
common subject.
3. It has limited use in interpretation because of its brief and inaccurate nature. And
it may not cover all the detailed matters falling within the scope of the section of
law, on the rationale that a section of law dealing with diverse subject cannot be
described by a one liner statement defining the general purpose of the section.
4. Like preamble it is not the operative part and cannot restrict/ control or widen
5. Heading are part of section but may be resorted by the court only in case of
A section has only one interpretation and one scope. Every section must be
considered as a whole
“It is elementary rule that construction of a section is made of all parts together,
it is not permissible to omit any part in construing a section. Sub section must in
on it”.
Note, in case of constitutional provision the lawyers and judges prefer to employ
The proviso is added to a section for the purpose of acting as a restraint upon or
It may also be used some times to explain the general words for the purpose of
The exception operates to affirm the operation of the statute to all cases except
separate section.
It does not add or subtract something from the operation of section, nor imposes
It acts as a guide to the intent of the legislature and can neither extend the
Statutes are conveniently divided into sections and schedules. Section sets out
the main principle, while the schedule contains all the more details. The section
The division is made with the object that it is difficult to accommodate the
1. If the schedule contains merely the forms, than the section prevails over the
“Process of determining (discovering) the true meaning of the language used”
“Drawing of conclusion with respect to subjects that are beyond the direct
expression of the text, from elements known and given in the text”.
Construction: The activity of translating the semantic content of a legal text into
legal rules.
We interpret the meaning of a text, and then we construct legal rules to help us apply
The meaning of the word ridiculing judiciary, under article 63(1) (g) and
The application of the cumulative meaning of the whole text to a given facts at
hand is construction.
The court will resort to construction, when the court goes beyond the language of the
statute and seeks the assistance of extrinsic aids in order to determine whether a given
Does the distinction reflect a real and fundamental difference between different modes
of legal practice?
One way to think about these questions is to imagine what things would look like if we
If courts deliberately ignore the distinction in order to make their role opaque rather
Other than the internal aid to interpretation which are part of a statute itself there
Resort to extrinsic aids will be made where the provision of law is ambiguous.
Such extraneous sources are entitled to various degrees of weight, depending on
Resort may also be made even where there is no ambiguity, but for the purpose
Why extrinsic sources are taken into consideration, when the reservoir of legislative
The court may resort to these external aids not as a reservoir of legislative intent, but
These circumstances may be described as “conditions under which the law was
Usually laws of great general importance come about after long period of
These circumstances reveal the reason why the law was enacted. Or for the
Dictionary meaning is not an absolute and binding source as the court is to give
General principle
Each act must be understood with reference to its own provisions, but in case of
ambiguity reference may be made to earlier or later acts on the same subject matter
Basis of pari materia as aid to construction, when enacting a new law the legislature is
presumed to have in knowledge of all the existing laws on the same subject, and has
Light may also be thrown upon meaning of from the work of text writer. The
writers do not make a law, but show more or less whether a particular principle
In case of ambiguity resort may be made to their work as evidencing the constant
Earlier decisions of the court are also a reliable source in construing the provision
of law especially when the law has been uniformly applied by the courts in it
various decision.
A precedent which stands with the test of time carries more weight, and it
The courts resort to the opinion/motives of the mover of the bill, to throw some
Courts in Pakistan have in cases referred to the opinion of the mover of bill.
Debates in the parliament may be taken in to account, where the provision of law
is ambiguous.
In some instances Courts of Pakistan and India have referred to debates of the
It may also be taken into consideration because of their peculiar knowledge and their
Light may also be thrown upon the meaning of an ambiguous provision of law by
taking into account the construction which for a long period of time has been put upon
The act of presuming or accepting as true.
A conclusion derived from a particular set of facts based on law, rather than
probable reasoning.
drawn from other evidence that certain facts are established, a judge must
assume another fact that the law recognizes as a logical conclusion from the
jury may draw from the proof of certain facts if such facts would lead a
A conclusive presumption is one in which the proof of certain facts makes the
the natural child of the husband unless there is conclusive proof he is not
A person who has disappeared and not heard from for seven years is presumed
a rule of law which permits a court to assume a fact is true until such time as
Courts to presume that Laws are intra vires, and court should make
leads to invalidity, the court must adopt in favor of the one which
make it valid.
Exact and correct words are used in statute, and it does not make mistakes
Words are used in their most common/ordinary usage unless the
The legislature in passing the laws does not alter the existing laws and
Legislature in enacting a law does not intend to take away the vested
mens rea be proved
modern society.
Dealing with a subject matter in its own territory and does not apply
Jurisdiction is power of the court to inquire into facts and apply laws,
Temporary statute is one whose life is fixed for a specified period of time at the
moment of its enactment, and continues in force until sooner repealed by the
[264. Effect of repeal of laws.]—Where a law is repealed, or is deemed to have been
repealed, by, under, or by virtue of the Constitution, the repeal shall not, except as
otherwise provided in the Constitution,—
(a) Revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
(b) Affect the previous operation of the law or anything duly done or suffered under
the law;
(c) Affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred
(d) Affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence
(e) Affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
And any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or
enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the law
In addition to the doing of the thing, the provisions also contains the effect of non-
The act will remain valid even if the exact compliance of the conditions is not made
2. Degree of compliance
Sometimes the provision contains the combination of both directory and mandatory
Solemnization of marriage, the language though is couched with negative intent but the
breach of condition does not render the marriage void.
The general rule where word may is used, the provision is taken as directory, while for
the word shall, the provision is taken as directory.
If the non-compliance of procedural provisions thwarts the fair hearing, the statute is
than mandatory.
Determination is made by looking into the provisions of law and finding legislative
intent therefrom.
c. Retrospective and Prospective of Statute
Where this Act, or any (Central Act) or Regulation made after the commencement of
this Act, repeals any enactment hitherto made or hereafter to be made, then, unless a
(a) Revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
(b) Affect the previous operation of the law or anything duly done or suffered under
the law;
(c) Affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred
(d) Affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence
(e) Affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
And any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or
enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the law
[264. Effect of repeal of laws.]—Where a law is repealed, or is deemed to have been
repealed, by, under, or by virtue of the Constitution, the repeal shall not, except as
(a) Revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
(b) Affect the previous operation of the law or anything duly done or suffered under
the law;
(c) Affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred
(d) Affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence
(e) Affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
And any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or
enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the law
punishment of a person-
(a) For an act or omission that was not punishable by law at the time of the act or
omission; or
(b) For an offence by a penalty greater than, or of a kind different from, the penalty
prescribed by law for that offence at the time the offence was committed.
d. Delegated legislation
Governmental powers are divided among three departments of the government, and
one is constitutionally restrained by interfering into other’s sphere.
General rule, legislature cannot surrender or abdicate such power, any attempt to do so
will be unconstitutional, and void.
Nor the same power can be transferred or delegated by the legislature to any other
delegatus non potest delegare, “one to whom power is delegated cannot himself further
delegate that power”
A power not legislative in character may thus be delegated. A power pure in legislative
nature, its delegation is unconstitutional.
There must be a principal act set out the policy/guidelines which is to control the power
to frame rules /regulation under it. The principal act must not be too indefinite or
Examples “as far as reasonable and practicable under the circumstances existing” or
“reasonable and in the interest of public”
As a general rule, it is the nature of the power rather than the manner in which it is
exercised by the delegate which determines whether such is lawful or not. Most
prominent are the powers to,
One of the contingencies upon which the operation of the statute depends is the
ascertainment of facts, upon which the operation of law is based afterwards. It’s not a
legislative function; it’s more of administrative in nature.
A discretion may also be vested comes within the rules established by statute imposing
certain prohibition.
Rules, the details of the general guidelines provided by the parent act, (Rules of civil
procedure code)
(Regulation, Regulation is administrative legislation to set the law into motion, how it
is to be operative, tobacco, its manufacture, sale, taxes, motor vehicles, its maintenance,
use etc.).
3. A governmental order having the force of law. Also called executive order.
The legislature may delegate the power to frame rules and regulation, so long as such
are made within the prescribed limits of the parent act
There is a clear distinction between the power to make laws and the conferring of
authority or discretion to be exercised in pursuance of such law, as the power to make
laws shall also include a discretion as to what law shall be.
67. Rules of procedure, etc.-(1) Subject to the Constitution, a House may make rules for
regulating its procedure and the conduct of its business, and shall have power to act
notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership thereof, and any proceedings in the
House shall not be invalid on the ground that some persons who were not entitled to do
so sat, voted or otherwise took part in the proceedings.
(2) Until rules are made under clause (1), the procedure and conduct of business in a
House shall be regulated by the rules of procedure made by the President.
187. Issue and execution of processes of Supreme Court.-(1) 1[Subject to clause (2) of
Article 175, the] Supreme Court shall have power to issue such directions, orders or
decrees as may be necessary for doing complete justice in any case or matter pending
before it, including an order for the purpose of securing the attendance of any person or
the discovery or production of any document.
(2) Any such direction, order or decree shall be enforceable throughout Pakistan and
shall, where it is to be executed in a Province, or a territory or an area not forming part
of a Province but within the jurisdiction of the High Court of the Province, be executed
as if it had been issued by the High Court of that Province.
(3) If a question arises as to which High Court shall give effect to a direction, order or
decree of the Supreme Court, the decision of the Supreme Court on the question shall
be final.
191. Rules of procedure.-Subject to the Constitution and law, the Supreme Court may
make rules regulating the practice and procedure of the Court.
202. Rules of procedure.-Subject to the Constitution and law, a High Court may make
rules regulating the practice and procedure of the Court or of any Court subordinate to
1. Modern legislation requires more detail, legislature having little time for it.
4. Case for sudden emergency, concerned department is well equipped and has
time to meet such a situation.
1. Parliamentary control
Judicial remedies
Granted to superior courts of the country under its extra ordinary jurisdiction.
Safe guards
1. Rules and regulation are properly framed by the authority mentioned in the act.
2. Rules and regulation are within the scope of the power delegated.
For a special law the classification of such subjects must be reasonable and tangible
distinction, general law operates on all parts of the state under the same conditions or
circumstances, and must not be discriminatory.
Operation of general law on all members of any class of persons, places or things
requiring legislation peculiar to itself In matters covered by law.
“Law that is neither local nor confined in its application to particular persons.
“Special law, a law that pertains to and affect a particular persons, place or things as
opposed to general public’.
“Local laws, a statue that relates to or operates in a particular locality rather than the
entire state”.
Thus, keeping in view the above principles and the definition of classification
“intelligible differentia” means, in the case of the law differentiating between two sets
of the people or objects, all such differentiations should be easily understood as logical
and lucid and it should not be artificial or contrived.
Substantive law
Substantive law the part of the law that creates defines and regulates the rights duties
and powers of the parties.
“So far as the administration of justice is concerned with the application of remedies to
violated rights, we may say that the substantive law defines the remedy and the right,
while the law of procedure defines the modes and conditions of the application of one
to the other”.
Procedural law
The rules that prescribes the step for having a right or duty judicially enforced as
opposed to the law that specifically defines right and duties themselves.
The judicial manner for carrying on a civil law suit of criminal prosecution.
1. Which Law that relates to the persons or deal with them and the law that purely
deals with courts?
2. Classification of law on the basis of title of the statute, and not by the provisions
contained in it.
3. Not all the laws relating to procedure deals with the courts alone or is purely
Where this Act, or any (Central Act) or Regulation made after the commencement of
this Act, repeals any enactment hitherto made or hereafter to be made, then, unless a
different intention appears, the repeal shall not-
(a) Revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
(b) Affect the previous operation of the law or anything duly done or suffered under
the law;
(c) Affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred
under the law;
(d) Affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence
committed against the law; or
(e) Affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment;
And any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued
or enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the
law had not been repealed
There is no direct provision of law defining substantive or procedural laws.
Referencing to section 6 of the general clauses act1 is primarily for the reason that such
law protects or deals with vested rights and duties relating to the parties. As well as
those remedial provisions of procedural laws that helps in the acquiring of rights or the
imposing of liability, in accordance with the provisions of substantive law.
1. Substantive law deals with subjects’ person, property, while Procedural law
2. substantive laws deals with rights, privileges, duties, liabilities punishment fine,
3. Substantive laws deals with outside world while procedural laws deals with
procedural laws are passed with one primary objective and i.e. fair hearing.
5. Substantive laws are always given prospective effect by the court unless the
legislature intends otherwise, while the procedural laws are always passed with
Section 6,e.general clauses act 1887
7. Normally wide enough discretion and power is given to courts in procedural
It’s not only the compilation of the existing laws (amendments rules judicial decisions)
but also of unwritten laws on the subject.
It is not only the case of revision of existing laws, by altering it, but also of addition of
new laws into it.
The presumption for construction of code is that the previous legislative intent is not
Previous judicial decisions, pari matria statutes and original statutes may be taken in to
account in clearing the ambiguous provisions of the code.
In such case the principles relating to the repeal of the substantive law will apply to
such codes..
In law, codification is the process of collecting and restating the law of a jurisdiction in
certain areas, usually by subject, forming a legal code, i.e. a codex (book) of law.
To unite, as various particulars, into one mass or body; to bring together in close union;
to combine
The act of combining two or more things into one.
The combination into a single statutory book of various legislative enactments that have
been previously scattered in different statutes.
Either the legislature re-enacts the same law consolidating all amendments in to it
The power of repeal, that is power to revoke, abrogate existing legislation is a legislative
function. The power rests with the legislature unless prohibited or limited by the
provision of the constitution.
Though the power of repeal is otherwise unlimited, but the legislature cannot pass an
irrepealable act, or limit or abridge the power of the succeeding legislature to repeal
legislation. Therefore a statue may be repealed in its entirety or in parts.
Constitutional provisions
Legislative enactment.
Repeal of this character expressly declares that an existing law is thereby abrogated or
The law by expressly declaring by pointing out to to a particular law in respect of which
repeal is intended
The new enactment may also declare that all laws or particular provisions of laws
inconsistent therewith are repealed.
Where the new law does not specifically point out the law or laws which it intends to
abrogate, but merely provide that all laws or parts thereof in conflict are hereby
The matter in such case is considerably difficult and requires due attention by the court.
In order to repeal any law in such case the laws in question must be actually
inconsistent. It must be repugnant and inconsistent and irreconcilable with the
repealing act
In case of direct express repeal will not only repeal the law intended but it also repeal
other laws which are inconsistent with the new law.
Reason because the court does not know what specific laws are intended to be repealed,
and it does not per-se possesses the power to repeal any law. Its function is to find and
implement the intention of the legislature.
Repeal of this type are which takes place when place when a subsequently enacted law
contains provisions contrary to those of an existing law, but no provision expressly
repealing them.
It is divided in to two
Where the new act is so inconsistent with an existing law that only one of the two can
remain in force.
Or where the new act dealing with the entire subject matter, which was dealt by the
earlier law.
In the above circumstances the repeal takes effect even though there is no direct
repealing provision in the new law.
In such case the court would in its best endeavor tries to put such construction on the
new enactment as to avoid conflict.
Where this Act, or any (Central Act) or Regulation made after the commencement of
this Act, repeals any enactment hitherto made or hereafter to be made, then, unless a
different intention appears, the repeal shall not-
(a) Revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
(b) Affect the previous operation of the law or anything duly done or suffered under
the law;
(c) Affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred
under the law;
(d) Affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence
committed against the law; or
(e) Affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment;
And any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued
or enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the
law had not been repealed
Those statutes which makes an addition to or operate to change the existing law
so as to effect an improvement therein. Or carry out more effectively the purpose
of original law.
Amendatory is regarded as an independent act. But is the continuation of the original
Repeal is the abrogation of law by the legislative act, although amendment may operate
as repeal to a certain degree.
But one legislature cannot limit the amending power of its own or the succeeding
Where the text of the provisions are altered, by the substitution, deletion or addition of
words in a statute book.
Where the later act does not expressly amend earlier law, but the provisions of the two
laws comes in to direct conflict with each other, the later by implication amends the
earlier law so far as to remove the inconsistency between them.
Since amendment becomes part of the original statute, both must be read
together as if they constituted one enactment.
The words used in the statute should be construed in the same sense after
The portion not touched by the amending statute will not be affected and
amendment will not be give a wider scope as to cover un amended provisions.
Previous judicial decisions will continue to apply to such un-amended
In case of addition in a statute, the presumption is, the intent already carried by
statute will continue to be so, since amendment has not altered the existing law
but added something more in to it.
Amending statute may also operate as repeal.
Where the provisions of the two statutes are in irreconcilable conflict. In such
case the inconsistent provision of the earlier act will be repealed.
Repeal will also be operative where the amendment is the substitute of the earlier this case there is no case of inconsistency in order for the amendment to
operate as repeal.
Like repeal substantive statute amendment will not be given effect retroactively unless
the legislature states specifically in unambiguous terms.
For procedural statutes the amendment operates retroactively, subject to the exception
that legal proceedings once commenced, investigation once started and procedural
remedy in respect of any right once becomes vested, will not be affected by the
retroactive operation of procedural statute, and will continue under the previous
procedural law.
• Law that defines classifies and set forth fine, forfeiture or punishment for the
• Strict construction of words setting out the elements of the offences.
A law enacted for the purpose of correcting a defect in a prior law, or in order to
provide a remedy where none previously existed.
2. Provides remedy for the violation of civil rights as opposed to penal statute.
3. Procedural remedies which necessary for the acquisition of rights.
Curative statutes are always retrospective in operation for the reason that it is passed to
validate any errors in administrative action already taken, or judicial proceedings
having any defect in it.
May be brought back to life by passing curative act lso termed as validating act.
It will be considered as if the action was performed after the passing of the curative act.
Curative statute cannot validate those acts in respect of which the legislature is not
competent to legislate.
1. Object for passing the act is to shorten the language of other statute, by giving if possible
one single meaning to terms which may be repeatedly be used in other statutes.
2. To clear the ambiguity in other statutes where the meaning is not clear in a statue in
3. The act applies in all the cases where the act in question is silent as to legislative intent.
4. The act is a guide for understanding other statues and for the application of
interpretational principles.
5. The act may be taken as pari material statute, meaning thereby that it may be read as part
7. The act by itself does not confer any right privilege duty, punishment or penalty but is
8. The act is limited to ordinary laws and does not apply to constitution, for the reason that
for the understating/ construction of the constitution, principles are to be found in the