Reaction Paper

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Family is the core of the society. The family is the first and most fundamental unit
of society. It is made of the father, mother, children & relatives. Under article 211 of the
Family Code of the Philippines, the father and the mother shall jointly exercise parental
authority over the persons of their common children. Parents are the first to have the
power to act on behalf of the child and ensure their rights are respected.

Emancipation is the state of independence from parental authority wherein it is

attained when a child enters marriage. Emancipation commences at the age of majority
that is at the age of 21 years. Our parents use their rights and carry out their duties by
making decisions in place of their child. But when we grew up we learned to make our
own decision and actions. Still, we seek advice and guidance to them.

It is the right and duty of parents to protect and secure their child’s right until they
are old enough. Parents carry out duties by making decisions in place of their child. In
addition to these, they also provide clothing, education, shelter and other needs of their

As parents, they provide their child moral and spiritual guidance. For how many
years, parents invest so much time to mold us who we are now. A parent sets as a good
example and teach their child values and humanity. Parents are responsible to provide
food and medical care to ensure that the child is in good condition.

Ever since we’re born it’s already our parents’ job to provide us a home and a
family. They serve as our inspiration and motivation in life. They serve the stepping
stones in life. We should consider ourselves lucky because we have parents that supports
and helps us especially at our darkest. They mold us to be the person that reflects also as
who they are. Our parents’ obligations do not end just because we grew up already. Even
if we grow up, we can still expect their help. And that is priceless.

As children, it is our duty to love and obey our parents. What we are right now,
this will not be possible without their help, support and guidance. We owe our parents
respect and care. When old age comes, it is our duty as children to take care of our
parents just like what they’ve done when we were young. Our parents teach us values and
became our example of how a person should live. We learn in life through their
experience and guidance. We make our own decisions as we grew up but still at some
point, we still seek their opinions and decisions. We may never learn the reality of life if
it wasn’t for them.

The sad part is that as we grow up, our parents also grow old. We should cherish
every moment and make every second counts with our family. Not everyone is blessed to
have a family. What we have right now, should be treasured. Be thankful and contented.

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