Sral XD 1292918
Sral XD 1292918
Sral XD 1292918
Low capacity
Digital Radio System
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3G Cells
2G Cells
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Other Mobile
Public Internet
HQ Intranet
Branch Office 3
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Main features
Based on network specific needs, the Add/Drop and Crossconnection passing untouched.
operator can select either higher functionalities enrich the set of SRAL XD Automatic Transmitter Power Control
spectrum efficiency or higher system features: any E1 stream plugged in has been implemented to increase
gain and hop lengths. the near end terminal can be the system performances, reducing
All the parameters can be software extracted from any E1 connector power consumption and interference
selected locally or remotely in order of the far end terminal, eliminating in crowded nodes; ATPC function can
to adapt the hardware platform to the need of bulky distribution frames. be switched off, setting the
each single link characteristic in Furthermore, the Add/Drop facility transmitted power to a fixed value
terms of available RF channel, permits to drop the required E1 in included in the ATPC interval.
payload, usable bandwidth and hop station leaving the remaining streams
SRAL XD flexibility and versatility
greatly optimize all the upgrading
procedures and configuration
System architecture
changes. A terminal can be easily
relocated without any hardware
modification simply re-shaping its
peculiar parameters on the new link SRAL XD equipment is available in moving the mo/demodulation section
requirements. Split Indoor and Outdoor Configuration; to the ODU. As a result the IDU able
Another important strong advantage both the IDU and the ODU have been to provide protected configurations is
is represented by the extreme redesigned in order to reduce their only 1U high.
compactness of SRAL XD Indoor Unit. mechanical dimension respect to In spite of this change the
A single 44 mm high unit is sufficient the previous SRA L generation of PDH dimensions of the ODU have been
to implement any protected or microwave equipment. In fact, in reduced as well by adopting the state
unprotected terminal configuration, order to save room for the indoor of the art technology.
minimizing the impact of installation, the dimensions of the
transmission equipment. IDU have been dramatically reduced,
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The TwoE1 indoor unit is based on a single replacement unit and it has
been appositely developed for those applications where low capacity in
unprotected configuration is required.
The TwoE1 family is conceived as an “entry level” solution for traffic
backhaul within access applications or mobile networks.
The TwoE1 version offers 1+0 configuration with capacity up to 2xE1.
The Plug-in version adopts a modular architecture:
the basic configuration (1+0) consists of a controller, an access card
and a base-band card; in order to arrange protected/add drop repeater
configurations, an additional base-band card has to be added
in the same shelf.
The Plug-in version is able to provide a full set of configurations/interfaces:
• (1+0)/ (1+1) Frequency Diversity/Polarization Diversity with hitless switch,
Hot Stand-by, 2x(1+0)/Add-Drop Repeater Configurations
• payload interfaces: 2/4/8/16/32xE1
4x10/100 BaseT + 8xE1
The 1U high SingleBoard IDU is based on a single board architecture
characterized by a fixed set of functionalities. Four versions are available:
• up to 8xE1 (1+0)
• up to 8xE1 (1+1) Hot Stand-by
• up to 16xE1 (1+0)
• up to 16xE1 (1+1) Hot Stand-by
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born for high density arrangements,
the same equipment is capable to
perform normal density arrangement
as well thanks to software selection
of the relevant modulation format.
The adoption of Trellis Code
Modulation leads to Rx threshold
level unmatched by a plain 16 QAM
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For SRAL XD product line, system interfaces, together with enhanced only by the existing Microwave
concept and embedded software routing functionalities: the Siemens NMS (NetViewer) but also by
architecture have been designed to combination of these new features third party Management Systems:
allow an user-friendly and effective dramatically improves SRAL XD open interfaces are available to
local and remote terminals’ interworking capabilities to fit any integrate SRAL XD and all the other
management. DCN requirement. Siemens Microwave Radio
SRAL XD Indoor Unit offers a wide SRAL XD, as all Siemens microwave transmission equipment in
range of management and service product lines, can be managed not multivendor transmission networks.
Ethernet D-ext
TMN channel Third party channel
framed in network
2Mbit/s tributary
network Third party
NetViewer Netviewer is the basic part of Siemens • HP-Compaq TeMIP add-on, that
The Microwave Management System offer for Network Management allows the integration of NetViewer
NetViewer is a versatile TMN product oriented to microwave networks that is in HP OpenView TeMIP (product of
for the management of PDH, SDH and represented by the NetViewer NME Suite. HP-Compaq).
Point-to-Multipoint microwave The suite is composed of a number of Moreover, NetViewer can be easily
systems, able to supervise other modules: integrated both in Siemens SDH TMN
vendors’ devices as well through a • NetViewer, core of the system, as platform (TNMS) with TNMS Core
standard SNMP interface. An overall Element Manager; Radio add-on, and in Mobile TMN
view of the complete network • SNMP Agent, a real-time platform (Radio Commander) in order
structure and its ability to enter down northbound interface; to offer to the operator a unique
to the Network Element details give a • TCOA (TMF CORBA Agent), a real- interface for management purposes.
clear picture of the whole network, its time northbound interface;
configuration and events. Fault, • NML module, as Network Manager;
Configuration and Performance • HP OpenView NNM (Network Node
management are carried out at Manager) add-on, that allows the
Network Element level; at Network integration of NetViewer in HP;
level Fault and Security configuration OpenView NNM (product of Hewlett
are available. Packard);
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Technical data
RF Bands 7/8 GHz 7.1-8.5 GHz
13 GHz 12,75-13,25 GHz
15 GHz 14.4-15.35 GHz
18 GHz 17.7-19.7 GHz
23 GHz 21.2-23.6 GHz
26 GHz 24.5-26.5 GHz
28 GHz 27.5-29.5 GHz
32 GHz 31.8-33.4 GHz
38 GHz 37.0-39.5 GHz
Capacity 2xE1 4xE1 8xE1 16xE1/E3 2xE1 4xE1 8xE1 16xE1/E3 8xE1 16xE1/E3 32xE1
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TwoE1 IDU Plug-in IDU SingleBoard
Weight 1,5 kg
Temperature -5 ÷ +55 °C
Range (ETS 300 019-1-3, class 3.2)
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