Coil Spring
Coil Spring
Coil Spring
Figure 1
Y. Prawoto, M. Ikeda and S.K. Manville, NHK International Corp., Wixom, Mich. (, maiko.ikeda@nhk-intl.
com,; and A. Nishikawa, NHK Spring Co. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan
September 2008 ✦ 35
P = applied load, 64 PR 3n 8PD 3n
α = pitch angle, δ = Rϕ = =
τ = shear stress, Gd 4 Gd 4
R = coil radius and (Eq. 3)
d = wire diameter.
The spring rate therefore becomes:
The torsional load component is then cal-
culated as PR cos α, the bending moment as P Gd 4
PR sin α, the shear force as P cos α, and the
k= =
δ 8nD 3
compression force as P sin α. Traditionally,
(Eq. 4)
when the pitch angle is less than 10°, both the
bending stresses and the compression stresses Equation 4 is still commonly used by sus-
are neglected. pension designers to estimate the spring rate.
Assuming that the shear stress distribution As opposed to the uncorrected shear stress in
is linear across the wire cross-section, and PR Equation 1, Wahl2 proposed a corrected shear
cos α = PR, the following should be valid: stress. The uncorrected shear stress neglects
a great many factors which modify the stress
16 PR
τ= distribution in actual helical springs. The cor-
π ⋅ d3 rected shear stress, τa, is obtained by multiply-
(Eq. 1) ing the uncorrected stress with a correction
factor K, which depends on the spring index,
The shear stress here is usually called uncor- c = D/d. Figure 2 shows the corrected shear
rected shear stress. The total length, l, is 2πRn, stress distribution.
where n is the number of active coils. Using Furthermore, by taking x as the distance
the fact that γ = τ/G, it can be rewritten as from the point where the shear stress is
16PR/(π · d3G), and the total angular torsion zero, Wahl proved that the following equation
ϕ becomes: holds:
2 πRn
2γ 32 PR 64 PR 2 n
ϕ= ∫ dx = 4 dx =
πd G Gd 4 τa =
32 xPR 2
( )
π ⋅ d 4 R − d 2 / 16 R − x
(Eq. 2)
(Eq. 5)
where G is the modulus of rigidity. The total
deflection caused by the angular torsion is: With the introduction of the spring index c,
the maximum shear stress at the inner side of
the coil, where x = d/2 – d2/16R, becomes:
16 PR 4c − 1
Figure 2 τ a1 =
π ⋅ d 3 4c − 4
(Eq. 6)
Given by the neutral surface of a cantilever
of circular cross-section loaded by a force P,
the term 4.92 P/πd2 should be added to obtain
maximum shear stress:
16 PR 4c − 1 0.615
τ max = +
π ⋅ d 3 4c − 4 c
(Eq. 7)
Likewise, the minimum shear stress:
16 PR 4c + 1 0.615
τ min = −
π ⋅ d 3 4c + 4 c
(Eq. 8)
Equations 7 and 8 are used by design engi-
neers for coil springs when neglecting the
curvature. Further theory can be found in
Reference 2. Also, given the simplified deri-
vation of the equations, the larger the pitch
Uncorrected shear stress vs. corrected shear stress distribution. angle, the more will be the resulting error. In
reality, coil spring makers today use analysis
September 2008 ✦ 37
Figure 5
Typical defects in raw materials: inclusion (a), inappropriate microstructure (b) and decarburization (c).
selection of the raw material usually includes performed. Heat treatment–related defects
the enforcement of cleanliness, microstruc- are another major cause of a coil failing early.
ture, and decarburization inspection. Figure 7a These defects include, but are not limited to,
shows a typical raw material defect in the form quench cracking, insufficient tempering and
of an inclusion; also shown is a microstructure over-tempering.
matrix defect (b) and decarburization (c). After tempering, the coil spring is shot
Other sources of defects include improper peened. The shot peening process is benefi-
heating prior to coiling. The control of the cial for two reasons: it cleans the surface of
prior-austenite grain size is an important step defects and scale caused by quenching, and
in coil manufacturing. Figure 8 shows the introduces compressive residual stresses at the
difference between a small grain size and a surface. Figure 9 shows a typical residual stress
large grain size. This example was taken from distribution formed by shot peening. When a
identical materials processed with different load is applied to a coil spring, the net stress
parameters. Although not reflected by other is the superposition of the beneficial residual
mechanical properties, larger prior-austenite stress due to shot peening and the applied
grain size has proved to be less advantageous stress.
to fatigue life than that of a small size. Some Shot peening is followed by setting, which
argue that this is due to the fewer number usually does not have a detrimental effect on
of the grain boundaries passed during crack the coil. Coating is typically the last step of
propagation.4 coil-making. The process of coating consists
Once the raw material is heated properly, of two major steps: pre-treatment and coat-
the coil is then formed. Physical defects due ing application. The main ingredient in a
to coiling sometimes cause the coil to fail pre-treatment is usually zinc, which works as
early. Following coil formation, a heat treat- a sacrificial anode to protect the steel. After
ment process of quenching and tempering is pre-treatment, either a powder coat with spray
Figure 8
September 2008 ✦ 39
Figure 9
Figure 10a
Fracture surface of a coil that failed early due to an inclusion (left), and its SEM appearance (right).
from the raw material. This type of defect can structure. This defect usually occurs when the
occur when the surface flaw detector does not heating system does not operate normally.
function normally. It is usually easy to deter- Again, referring to Figure 13, the coil on the
mine if such a flaw was inherited from the raw left-hand side has a much shorter lifetime
material and is not due to coil manufacturing. than that of the right side.
A pre-existing defect usually has surround- Bainitic formation is another form of
ing decarburization after the raw material is improper heat treatment. Unlike martensite,
heated during coil manufacturing, whereas a
surface defect caused by coil manufacturing is
often not accompanied by decarburization. Figure 11
Poorly shot peened surfaces can also be
classified as surface imperfections. Figure
12 shows a comparison between two differ-
ent coils that failed at similar locations, but
possessed completely different fatigue lives.
On the left side, the surface was poorly shot
peened and therefore exhibited a shorter life.
On the right side, the surface was shot peened
sufficiently and therefore had a longer life.
September 2008 ✦ 41
Figure 12
bainitic ferrite usually contains only a slight tures.5 Tempering induces the decomposi-
excess of carbon in ferrite solution. Most of tion of the retained austenite into a mixture
the carbon in a transformed sample of bainite of ferrite and carbides. Figure 14 shows the
is in the form of cementite particles, which microstructure of bainite steel.
in turn tend to be coarser than those associ-
ated with tempered martensite. The effects of Corrosion — Corrosion is a more common
tempering are therefore always milder than cause of spring breakage than is usually
is the case when the microstructure is mar- understood by users. However, recent coat-
tensite. Furthermore, bainitic structures are ing technology has reached a point where
usually accompanied by a greater percentage there is now a greater ability to withstand
of retained austenite than martensitic struc- even the harshest stone impacts without
Figure 13
Improperly heat treated sample (left) vs. properly heat treated sample (right).
Figure 15
Figure 16a
Fracture surface and SEM fractograph of a coil that failed due to excessive decarburization.
September 2008 ✦ 43
Figure 16b
Cross-sectional metallograph of the broken coil (left) and micro-hardness profile near the surface (right).
Further evaluation of the longitudinal and result of a global model with coarse meshing.
cross-sections revealed that the sample had Boundary conditions for the sub-model will
significant decarburization. Subsequently, be automatically interpolated from the global
when the micro-hardness near the surface was model solution. As shown in Figure 17, the
profiled, apparent decarburization was also sub-modeling technique was used twice for
found (Figure 16b). this study.
Sub-model 2 was modified to apply to vari-
Analysis ous defects. For meshing, either the quadratic
Procedure — A finite element analysis was brick element (C3D20) or quadratic tetrahe-
performed to check the local stress distribu- dron element (C3D10) was used. For material
tion around a given defect using a typical coil specifications, typical spring steel properties,
spring (Figure 17a). First, the overall stress E = 210 GPa and ν = 0.3, were used, except
distribution was checked without any defect for the decarburized layer (see Table 1).
in the material. Then, at the location where The commercially available FEA software,
the highest stress was found, each defect ABAQUS, was used here to study each stress
was added. Since the size of the defect is distribution.
significantly smaller than the whole model,
a sub-modeling technique6 was used. This FEA Result of Model Without Defect —
technique is used to study a local part of a For comparison with the defect model, sub-
model with refined meshing based on the FEA model 2 was analyzed first without any defects.
Figure 17
Defect FEA Models and Results Von Mises stress result of no-defect model.
Figure 19
(a) (b)
Part model with inclusion (a) and FEM model with inclusion (b).
Figure 20
September 2008 ✦ 45
Figure 21
(a) (b)
Part model with imperfection (a) and FEM model with imperfection (b).
Figure 23
(a) (b)
Part model with corrosion (a) and FEM model with corrosion (b).
Figure 25
(a) (b)
Part model with decarburization (a) and FEM model with decarburization (b).
September 2008 ✦ 47
Figure 26
(a) (b)
Von Mises stress result (a) and plastic deformation result (b).
Table 2 Acknowledgments
All the samples used in this paper were provid-
FEA Summary ed by NASCO (NHK of America Suspension
Defect Summary
Components Inc.), Bowling Green, Ky. The
fatigue tests were all performed by the experi-
None No stress concentration. The highest stress was found on the mental team at NHK’s Wixom, Mich., lab.
outer surface. Max. principal stress ≈ 1,200 MPa. Von Mises
stress ≈ 1,715 MPa. No plastic deformation occurred.
Inclusion Stress concentration is observed at the inclusion area. Von Mises
stress = 2,069 MPa. Max. principal stress = 1,922 MPa. 1. Taihei Sugano, ed., Design, Manufacture, and
Testing Methods of Springs, Japan Society for Spring
Imperfection Stress concentration is observed at the crack location. Von Mises Research, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha, 2001 (in
stress = 4,195 MPa. Max. principal stress = 2,670 MPa. Japanese).
Corrosion Stress concentration is observed at the bottom edge of corrosion
2. A.M. Wahl, Mechanical Springs, McGraw-Hill,
surface. Von Mises stress = 3,453 MPa. Max. principal stress 1984.
= 3,286 MPa. 3. Masayoshi Simozeki, ed., FEM for Springs,
Japan Society of Spring Engineers, Nikkan Kogyo
Decarburization On decarburized layer, the stress reached the yield point, and a Shimbunsha, 1997 (in Japanese).
plastic deformation occurred.
4. Y. Prawoto, “The Effect of Residual Stress on
Fatigue Crack Propagation,” Journal of Practical
Failure Analysis, ASM International, 2(5), 2002.
5. H. Badhesia, Bainite in Steels, The Institute of
Materials, 1992.
failure analysis synergizes the power of failure 6. ABAQUS User’s Manual, Volume II: Analysis,
analysis into convincing quantitative analysis. ABAQUS Inc, 2006.
This presumably will be the trend in failure 7. W.D. Callister Jr., Materials Science and
analysis. Engineering, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2003. F
This paper was presented at the 2007 AIST Steel Properties & Applications Conference, Detroit, Mich.,
and published in the Conference Proceedings.
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