Pda Constitution2021
Pda Constitution2021
Pda Constitution2021
July 2021
Article I: Name
The name of this association shall be known as the Pre-Dental Association of the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, hereafter referred to as “Pre-Dental Association” or
“the Association.”
The Pre-Dental Association is a student-run organization which protects and advances the
rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in dentistry. It represents
students with a unified voice and provides information, education, advocacy, and
services. The Association introduces lifelong involvement in organized dentistry, and
promotes change for the betterment of the profession.
Section 2: Objectives
The objectives of the Pre-Dental Association of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
shall be:
1. To provide programs to educate members on topics important to their career
2. To provide fellowship and guidance to all members in their pursuit of a career in
The Pre-Dental Association is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height,
weight, or veteran status in its membership or activities.
Upon joining the organization, all members agree not to undermine the purpose or
mission of The Pre-Dental Association.
The governing body of the Pre-Dental Association is the Executive Board. The Executive
Board shall be comprised of the following positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, Co-Community Service Chair, Community Development/Social Chair,
Communications/Website Designer, Professional Development/Outreach Chair,
Historian, and Dental Ethics Educator.
Article I: Duties and Powers of the Executive Board
1. President
a. Serve as the leader and chairperson of the Executive Board
b. Prepare and lead Executive Board meetings
c. Inform all Board members of the happenings of the organization and their
d. Appoint a member of the Executive Board to complete the term of any
vacant office with the approval of the majority of the Board
e. Preside at Association meetings, and oversee all activities of the
Association in accordance with the Bylaws
d. Plan Mass Meetings and promote the Association on campus
e. Send thank-you letters to all speakers, presenters, and organizers
f. Take attendance and update attendance for Mass Meetings
2. Vice President
a. Assist the President and preside at Association meetings in the absence or
incapacity of the President
b. Collaborate and organize all meetings with the President
c. Take minutes at Association meetings and maintain records of all pertinent
Association business
d. Maintain contact with all executive board members when they are unable
to attend executive board meetings
e. Arrange food/refreshments for Mass Meetings
f. Take attendance and update attendance for Mass Meetings
3. Treasurer
a. Keep track of due paying members, t-shirt sizes, and other inquiries that
arise throughout the year
b. Design, order, and distribute the annual club T-shirts
c. Act as official caretaker of the funds and accounts of the Association
d. Dispense Association funds as directed by the Executive Board
e. Help record members who have paid dues along with the Secretary
f. Organize fundraising events as necessary or decided upon by the
Executive Board
4. Secretary
a. Establish Association official email list serve
b. Keep official record of Association membership and maintain email lists
c. Send weekly emails updating the Association on upcoming events,
resources, etc.
d. Connect with new members about membership responsibilities
e. Answer questions and respond to needs through official Association email
f. Reach out to campus resources to help promote the Association on campus
g. Ensure Chairs update attendance spreadsheet and audit for accuracy
7. Communications/Web Designer
a. Keep an updated website with minutes from the meetings, updated list of
active members, and other information for the members of the
b. Manage the Facebook group and Instagram account
i. Weekly updates on Facebook group to engage members
ii. Upload a few photos on instagram day after events
c. Lead other Exec Board members in arranging Festifall, Winterfest, and
other recruiting activities.
d. Help each committee with marketing their events (if applicable)
9. Historian
a. Collect DAT resources by contacting current dental students
b. Curate Google Drive folder of pre-dental courses’ past exams and
resources to share with members
c. Responsible for photography at Association events and building the
Google Photos folder
The Executive Board shall be elected by the membership and shall serve for one year.
2. Any of the following conditions must be met to remove a delegate from office:
A. Three instances of unexcused absences from official business meetings of the
B. Misappropriating Association funds.
C. Neglecting duties outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws or as stated in the
official position description.
3. If any of the above conditions exist, the removal procedures are as follows:
A. Notification and counseling: the person will be given the opportunity to resign
or meet specific requirements to fulfill his or her duties as determined by the
Executive Board.
B. A probationary period of 30 days to correct the problems and complete
unfulfilled duties, after which time the officer will receive written notification
of removal from office.
C. A two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board is required for removal
from office.
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Association at
which a quorum is present by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, when the proposed
amendment is submitted in writing to an Executive Board officer five days prior to the
Association meeting. Once the proposed amendment is introduced there should be a one
month layover period before any voting occurs. A quorum shall consist of no less than
seven members of the Association.
Article VII: Meetings
The Association must conduct an official business meeting at least once per month,
which shall be open to all members. Special meetings of the Association may be called
by the President or by petition to the President by no less than five members. The
Secretary shall be responsible for distributing meeting agendas, if applicable, as well as
notifying members of unscheduled meetings. The current edition of the Sturgis Standard
Code of Parliamentary Procedure is the parliamentary authority at all official meetings of
the Association.
This constitution has since been updated by Chris Oshana and Cecilia Woo on July 20th,
2021. Any questions regarding the Constitution’s language, intent, or construction may be
directed at:
Patricia Katcher
Pre-Dental Association Advisor