Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples: Standard Test Methods For
Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples: Standard Test Methods For
Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples: Standard Test Methods For
1. Scope be settleable because filters are used to separate water from the
1.1 These test methods cover the determination of sediment sediment. Correction factors for dissolved solids are not
concentrations in water and wastewater samples collected from required.
lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, and other water bodies. In 1.6 Test Method C can be used if two concentration values
lakes and other quiescent-water bodies, concentrations of are required: one for sand-size particles and one for the
sediment in samples are nearly equal to concentrations at combination of silt and clay-size particles. The silt-clay frac-
sampling points; in most instances, sample concentrations are tion need not be settleable.
not strongly influenced by collection techniques. In rivers and 1.7 These test methods must not be confused with turbidity
other flowing-water bodies, concentrations of sediment in measurements discussed in Test Method D 1889. Turbidity is
samples depend upon the manner in which the samples are the optical property of a sample that causes light rays to be
collected. Concentrations in isokinetically-collected samples scattered and absorbed; it is not an accurate measure of the
can be multiplied by water discharges to obtain sediment mass or concentration of sediment in the sample.
discharges in the vicinity of the sampling points. 1.8 These test methods contain some procedures similar to
1.2 The procedures given in these test methods are used by those in Test Methods D 1888 which pertains to measuring
the Agricultural Research Service, Geological Survey, National particulate and dissolved matter in water.
Resources Conservation Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
other agencies responsible for studying water bodies. These safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
test methods are adapted from a laboratory-procedure manual2 responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
and a quality-assurance plan.3 priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.3 These test methods include: bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Test Method A—Evaporation 8 to 13
2. Referenced Documents
Test Method B—Filtration 14 to 19 2.1 ASTM Standards:
Test Method C—Wet-sieving-filtration 20 to 25
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water4
1.4 Test Method A can be used only on sediments that settle D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water4
within the allotted storage time of the samples which usually D 1888 Test Methods for Particulate and Dissolved Matter
ranges from a few days to a few weeks. A correction factor in Water5
must be applied if dissolved-solids concentration exceeds D 1889 Test Method for Turbidity of Water4
about 10 % of the sediment concentration. D 2777 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias of
1.5 Test Method B can be used only on samples containing Applicable Methods of Committee D-19 on Water4
sand concentrations less than about 10 000 ppm and clay D 4410 Terminology for Fluvial Sediment4
concentrations less than about 200 ppm. The sediment need not D 4411 Guide for Sampling Fluvial Sediment in Motion6
E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Pur-
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D19 on
Water and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.07 on Sediments, 3. Terminology
Geomorphology, and Open-Channel Flow.
Current edition approved Feb. 10, 1997. Published May 1997. Originally
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of water-related terms used
published as D 3977 – 80. Discontinued January 1995 and reinstated as in these test methods refer to Terminologies D 1129 and
D 3977 – 97. D 4410.
Guy, H. P., “Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis,” Tech-
niques of Water Resources Investigations, U.S. Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter
C1, 1941. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
3 5
Matthes, W. J., Jr., Sholar, C., J., and George, J. R.,“ Quality-Assurance Plan for Discontinued; see 1990 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
the Analysis of Fluvial Sediment,” U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 90, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02.
1990. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 3977 – 97 (2002)
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5. Reagents and Materials
3.2.1 dissolved solids—soluble constituents in water. The 5.1 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, references
quantity is determined by evaporating a water sample to visible to water shall be understood to mean reagent water as defined
dryness at a temperature slightly below boiling. The tempera- by Type III of Specification D 1193.
ture is then raised to 105°C and held for about 2 h. This is 5.1.1 Requirements can usually be met by passing tap water
followed by cooling in a desiccator and weighing the residue. through a mixed cation-anion exchange resin or by distillation.
3.2.2 fluvial sediment—particles that are (a) derived from
rocks or biological materials and (b) transported by flowing 6. Sampling
6.1 Flows and concentrations in river cross sections are
3.2.3 sediment concentration—(a) the ratio of the mass of
usually unsteady; consequently, in a strict sense, samples
dry sediment in a water-sediment mixture to the mass of the
represent conditions only at the time and location of sample
mixture or (b) the ratio of the mass of dry sediment in a
water-sediment mixture to the volume of the mixture. As
indicated by Table 1, the two ratios differ except at concentra- 6.2 A sample may consist of a single container of a
tions less than 8000 mg/L. water-sediment mixtures collected at (1) a specific point in a
river cross section, (2) a specific vertical in a cross section (a
3.2.4 supernate—clear, overlying liquid in a sediment
depth-integrated sample), or (3) several verticals in a cross-
section. If the verticals are equally spaced and the sample is
3.2.5 suspended sediment—sediment supported by turbu- collected at equal transit rates, it is referred to as an EWI
lent currents in flowing water or by Brownian movement. sample. The acronym EWI (equal-width-increment) is synony-
3.2.6 tare—weights of empty containers used in analysis mous with ETR (equal-transit-rate) which appears in many
procedure. older reports. A sample may also consist of several containers
filled at different points or verticals in a cross-section. If the
4. Significance and Use containers are filled at centroids of equal discharge in a cross
4.1 Suspended-sediment samples contain particles with a section, they are referred to as EDI samples. Details on
wide variety of physical characteristics. By presenting alternate sampling are given in Guide D 4411.
approaches, these test methods allow latitude in selecting
analysis methods that work best with the particular samples 7. Sample Handling
under study. 7.1 When samples arrive at the laboratory, group them
4.2 Sediment-concentration data are used for many pur- according to gaging stations and then arrange each group in
poses that include: (1) computing suspended-sediment dis- chronological order according to times of sample collection.
charges of streams or sediment yields of watersheds, (2) Separate the samples to be analyzed for concentration from
scheduling treatments of industrial and domestic water sup- those to be analyzed for particle-size distribution or other
plies, and (3) estimating discharges of pesticides, plant nutri- properties. A data sheet should then be completed for each
ents, and heavy metals transported on surfaces or inside concentration sample. Examples of three commonly used
sediment particles. forms are shown on Fig. 1. Expanded notes can be written on
the front of the forms in spaces reserved for other bottles or, if
even more space is needed, remarks can be written on the back
TABLE 1 Factors for Conversion of Sediment Concentration in of the forms along with reference numbers keyed to the
Parts per Million (ppm) to Grams per Cubic Metre (g/m3)A or appropriate bottles.
Milligrams per Litre (mg/L)
7.2 Check each sample for: (1) loss of water caused by
Range of Range of Range of
Multiply leakage or evaporation, (2) loss of sediment which is some-
By By By times revealed by the presence of particles on the outside of the
1000 ppm 1000 ppm 1000 ppm
0–7.95 1.00 153–165 1.11 362–380 1.30 sample bottle, (3) accuracy of sample-identification notes, and
8.0–23.7 1.01 166–178 1.12 381–398 1.32 (4) a container tare which is usually etched on the bottle. Enter
23.8–39.1 1.02 179–191 1.13 399–416 1.34 all appropriate notes, observations, and data on the laboratory
39.2–54.3 1.03 192–209 1.14 417–434 1.36
54.4–69.2 1.04 210–233 1.16 435–451 1.38 form. Be particularly careful to enter the etched tare reading on
69.3–83.7 1.05 234–256 1.18 452–467 1.40 the form under the heading Weight of Sample—Tare.
83.8–97.9 1.06 257–278 1.20 468–483 1.42
98.0–111 1.07 279–300 1.22 484–498 1.44
7.3 Remove the bottle caps then weigh each container along
112–125 1.08 301–321 1.24 499–513 1.46 with its water-sediment mixture to the nearest 0.5 g. Record
126–139 1.09 322–341 1.26 514–528 1.48 each reading on the corresponding bottle and on the laboratory
140–152 1.10 342–361 1.28 529–542 1.50
form under the heading Weight of Sample—Gross.
Based on water density of 1.000 g/mL and specific gravity of sediment of 2.65.
The following equation also applies:
7.4 Replace the caps then store the samples in a cool, dark
C1 5 C / ~1.0 – C 622 3 10–9! place to minimize microbiological and algal growth. Inspect
the bottles frequently; if the sediment does not settle within
C1 = sediment concentration, mg/L, and
about 14 days, use Test Method B (filtration procedure) for the
C = sediment concentration, ppm. analysis. If settling proceeds at an acceptably rapid rate, use
Test Methods A, B, or C.
D 3977 – 97 (2002)
FIG. 1 Alternate Forms for Recording Field and Laboratory Data for Sediment Samples
TEST METHOD A—EVAPORATION 10.4 Desiccator, for preventing air-borne moisture from
collecting in the sediment specimens while they are cooling.
8. Scope
10.5 Laboratory Balance, top-loading type with a resolution
8.1 This test method can be used only with sediments that of 0.0001 g and a capacity of 150 g is needed for weighing the
settle under the influence of gravity. This test method is dry sediments.
applicable to samples ranging from 0.2 to 20 L in volume, from 10.6 Laboratory Balance, top-loading type with a resolution
5 to 550 000 mg/L in sediment concentration, and having less of 0.1 g and a capacity of about 4000 g is needed for weighing
than 35 000 mg/L in dissolved-solid concentration. sample bottles containing water and sediment.
9. Summary of Test Method
11. Procedure
9.1 After the sediment has settled, most of the supernatant
water is poured or siphoned away. The volume of water- 11.1 After the sediment has settled, decant or vacuum away
sediment mixture remaining is measured so that a dissolved- as much supernate as possible without disturbing the sediment.
solids correction can be applied later. The sediment is then This can be accomplished by connecting a J-shaped plastic,
dried and weighed. Sediment concentration is calculated in copper, or glass tube to the vacuum line and lowering the tube
accordance with Section 12. until the curved section is near the bottom of the sample bottle.
Supernate enters the upward-facing end of the tube and thereby
10. Apparatus flows away without creating currents and eddies in the sedi-
10.1 Evaporating Dishes or Beakers—Preweighed contain- ment layer. Save the supernate for a dissolved-solids correction
ers of porcelain or glass with capacities of about 150 mL are factor to be determined later.
needed for holding the sediment and water during drying. 11.2 After decanting, about 40 to 70 mL of water-sediment
10.2 Vacuum System, trapped to prevent sample carry-over mixture should be left. To determine the exact volume, place
to the vacuum source during removal of supernate. the sample bottle on a level support then mark the liquid
10.3 Drying Oven, equipped with a 90 to 120°C thermostat surface an the outside of the bottle. Use water to wash all of the
is needed to control temperatures while evaporating water from sediment and supernate into an evaporating dish, then refill the
the sediment. A gravity-convection type oven is preferred but a sample bottle to the mark with water from a small graduate.
mechanically ventilated (forced draft) style can be used if Record the volume added to the sample bottle on the sample-
air-flow rates are low. data form.
D 3977 – 97 (2002)
11.3 Place the evaporating dish in the oven with the 12.4 Modern practice calls for reporting sediment concen-
temperature set slightly below boiling. Maintain this tempera- trations in milligrams per litre instead of ppm as determined in
ture until all visible traces of water have evaporated. Then raise 12.3. Conversion can be made with the aid of Table 1. For
and hold the temperature at 105°C for about 2 h. example, consider a sediment concentration of 41 000 ppm.
11.4 Transfer the dish from the oven to the desiccator; allow The multiplier obtained from Table 1 is 1.03; therefore, the
the sediment to cool to room temperature. concentration is 41 000 3 1.03 = 42 400 mg/L. The equation8
11.5 Weigh the dish to the nearest 0.0001 g as quickly an immediately following Table 1 can be used instead of the
possible to minimize absorption of moisture from the air. multipliers. Eq 1 is easier to use in computer programs and is
Record the weight of the dish and its contents and also the tare applicable to concentrations beyond the range in the table.
weight of the dish on the laboratory form. Subtract the tare
13. Precision and Bias for Test Method A (Evaporation)
from the gross, then record the net weight on the form.
11.6 For nearly all sediment samples, a single drying cycle 13.1 These precision and bias data meet requirements of
is sufficient to obtain stable weight; however, a few samples, Practice D 2777.
principally those containing high concentrations of organic 13.2 Samples for collaborative testing were prepared by
materials, may have to be dried a second time. If weight shifts dispersing a specially prepared dry powder in approximately
occur, the specimens should be dried and weighed a third time 350 mL of distilled water. Mixtures were shipped in sealed
to verify that the weights are stable. glass containers to the nine participating laboratories where
11.7 Determine the dissolved-solids correction factor by three Youden pairs at each of three concentrations were tested.
using a volumetric pipet to transfer an aliquot (measured 13.3 Bias was influenced not only by analytical procedures
volume) of supernate into an evaporating dish. Record the such as decanting, drying, and weighing but also by failure to
aliquot volume in millilitres on the laboratory form. remove all sediment from the containers and by losing particles
11.8 Set the oven temperature slightly below the boiling through dissolution.
point of water and evaporate the supernate to visible dryness. 13.4 The following table shows the precision and bias for
Then raise and maintain the oven temperature at 105°C for at Test Method A:
least 2 h. After this, cool the dish in a desiccator. Then weigh
Concentration Concentration Standard Standard Bias,
the dish and its contents to the nearest 0.0001 g. Record this Added, Recovered, Deviation Deviation %
gross weight and also the tare weight of the dish on the form. mg/L mg/L of Test of Single
Method (St) Operator (So)
Subtract the tare from the gross and record the net weight of
dissolved solids in grams. 10 9.4 2.5 2.3 −6
1000 976 36.8 15.9 −2.4
100 000 100 294 532 360 0.3
12. Calculation
12.1 Determine the dissolved-solids correction according to
Eq 1: 14. Scope
DSc 5 ~DS/Va! 3 Vs 14.1 Test Method B can be used only on samples containing
sand concentrations less than about 10 000 ppm and clay
(1) concentrations less than about 200 ppm. The sediment need not
be settleable because filters are used to separate water from the
sediment. Correction factors for dissolved solids are not
DSc = dissolved-solids correction, g,
DS = net weight of dissolved solids determined in 11.7, g, required.
Va = aliquot volume taken for dissolved solids in 11.7, 14.2 Even though a high-concentration sample may filter
mL, and slowly, users should not divide the sample and use two or more
Vs = volume of supernate remaining with the sediment in filters. Instead, the entire sample should be filtered through one
11.2, mL. disk.
In Eq 1, DS/Va is the concentration of dissolved solids in the 15. Summary of Test Method
supernate (see 11.7). This concentration is multiplied by Vs to
15.1 The sample consisting of river water, sediment, and
obtain the dissolved-solids weight in the dry sediment (see
dissolved solids is weighed and then filtered through a glass-
11.5). Enter the value of DSc on the laboratory form under the
fiber disk. The disk and sediment are dried and weighed, then
heading D. S. Corr.
the sediment concentration is calculated in accordance with
12.2 Subtract the value of DSc in 12.1 from the net weight
Section 18.
determined in 11.5. Record the difference on the laboratory
form under the second heading labeled Weight of Sediment— 16. Apparatus
Net. Notice each laboratory form has two rows with this 16.1 Gooch Crucibles—Porcelain or borosilicate glass cru-
heading. cibles with fritted glass bases are required for holding the
12.3 Divide the Net Weight of Sediment (second entry) by
the Net Weight of Sample. Both weights must be in the same 8
Williams, D. T., “The Relationship of Milligrams Per Liter to Parts per
units, preferably grams. Multiply the quotient by one million,
Million,” Sediment Transport Modeling, Ed. by Sam S. Y. Wang, Proceedings of the
then enter the result under the heading Conc. (ppm) on the International Symposium, American Society of Civil Engineers, August 1989, pp.
laboratory form. 428–433.
D 3977 – 97 (2002)
filters. Capacities of the crucibles are optional; sizes in the 25 18. Calculation
to 130-mL range work best with 1-L samples. Small crucibles 18.1 Subtract Weight of Sediment—Tare from Weight of
have the advantage of requiring less oven space during drying Sediment—Gross and record the difference under the heading
and absorbing less moisture during weighing; large crucibles Weight of Sediment—Net. No dissolved-solids correction is
are needed if filtering proceeds slowly. required.
16.2 Glass-fiber Filter Disks—Filter diameter and filter 18.2 Refer to 12.3 and 12.4 for computations.
retention rating, sometimes referred to as filter pore size, are
critical to this analysis. The sediment that accumulates on a 19. Precision and Bias for Test Method B (Filtration)
filter traps some particles that are smaller than the filter’s 19.1 These precision and bias data meet requirements of
retention rating. As filtration proceeds and the sediment layer Practice D 2777.
thickens, the retention rating of the sediment and filter acting as 19.2 Samples for collaborative testing were prepared by
a unit gradually decreases. Users should use filters with dispersing a specially prepared dry powder in approximately
retention ratings of 1.5 µm to agree with practices in many 350 mL of water. Mixtures were shipped in sealed glass
sediment laboratories.9 Filter diameters should equal or exceed containers to the nine participating laboratories where three
24 mm. Filters as large as 42 mm may be required to avoid Youden pairs at each of three concentrations were tested.
filter plugging at high concentrations. Record filter retention 19.3 Bias was influenced not only by analytical procedures
rating in micrometres and filter diameter in millimetres at a such as filtering, drying, and weighing but also by failure to
convenient place on the laboratory form. remove all sediment from the containers and by losing particles
16.3 Vacuum System—See 10.2. through dissolution.
19.4 The following table shows precision and bias for Test
16.4 Drying Oven—See 10.3.
Method B:
16.5 Desiccator—See 10.4.
16.6 Laboratory Balances—See 10.5 and 10.6. Standard Standard
Concentration Concentration
Deviation Deviation Bias,
Added, Recovered,
of Test of Single %
mg/L mg/L
17. Procedure Method (St) Operator (So)
10 8 2.6 2 −20
17.1 Wash the filter with water to remove soluble com- 100 91 5.3 5.1 −9
pounds; then dry the filter and its crucible at 105°C for at least 1000 961 20.4 14.1 −3.9
1 h.
17.2 Transfer the crucible and filter to the desiccator, then, TEST METHOD C—WET-SIEVING-FILTRATION
after the parts have cooled to room temperature, weigh them to
20. Scope
the nearest 0.0001 g and record the reading on the laboratory
form under the heading Weight of Sediment—Tare. 20.1 This test method covers concentration measurements
of two particle-size fractions. The term fine fraction refers to
17.3 While a vacuum is being applied to the bottom of the
particles small enough to pass through a sieve with 62 or
crucible, decant supernate from the sample into the crucible.
63-µm apertures; coarse fraction refers to particles large
Flush the inner surfaces of the sample bottle with water to
enough to be retained on the sieve. The fine fraction need not
complete the transfer.
be settleable. This test method is useful when large samples
17.4 As filtering proceeds, inspect the filtrate. If it is turbid, must be collected in the field but only small subsamples,
pour the filtrate back through the filter a second and possibly a typically 300 to 500 mL, can be shipped back to the laboratory.
third time. If the filtrate is still turbid, the filter may be leaking.
In this case, substitute a new filter and repeat the process. If the 21. Summary of Test Method
filtrate is transparent but discolored, a natural dye is present; 21.1 The sample is poured onto a sieve with 62 or 63-µm
refiltration is not necessary. openings. Analysis includes the entire coarse fraction but only
17.5 When filtration is complete, place the crucible and its a small, measured aliquot of the fine fraction. Sieving and
contents in the drying oven set for 105°C. aliquot extraction can be performed either at the sampling site
17.6 When the crucible and its contents are dry, transfer to or in the laboratory.
a desiccator. After the crucible has cooled, weigh to the nearest
0.0001 g and record the reading on the laboratory form under 22. Apparatus
the heading Weight of Sediment—Gross. 22.1 Sieve, fitted with a screen fabric having 62 or 63-µm
17.7 Refer to 11.6 for a discussion of multiple drying and square apertures. An 8-in. diameter sieve is recommended for
weighing cycles. samples larger than 3L; a 3-in. diameter sieve is recommended
for all other samples. (See Specification E 11.)
22.2 Splitter, for extracting an aliquot of the fines.10
22.3 Additional apparatus are listed in Section 16.
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Whatman type 934-AH, Whatman Lab Sales Inc., Hillsboro, OR. If you are aware
of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters.
Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible A Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project US72A or a Jones Ott splitter
technical committee,1 which you may attend. have been found to be satisfactory.
D 3977 – 97 (2002)
23. Procedure Cff 5 F 3 10 6/W
23.1 Measure the gross and tare weight of each sample and
record the readings on the laboratory form. (See 7.2 and 7.3.)
Hold the sieve over a beaker or large, shallow dish while where:
pouring the sample through the sieve. Some sediments require Cff = fine-fraction concentration, ppm,
vigorous rinsing with water to disaggregate clumps retained on F = mass of sediment in the aliquot, g, and
the sieve. Use a minimum amount of water, and retain in the W = mass of the aliquot, g.
dish along with the fine fraction. 24.3 Convert Ccf and Cff from ppm to mg/L in accordance
23.2 Wash the coarse fraction from the sieve into a pre- with 12.4.
weighed evaporating dish. Dry, desiccate, and weigh the
sediment in accordance with 11.3 through 11.5. Record the net 25. Precision and Bias for Test Method C (Wet-Sieving-
weight of the coarse fraction on the laboratory form. Filtration)
23.3 If possible, the sample received at the laboratory 25.1 These precision and bias data meet requirements of
should be analyzed in its entirety, but if the sample volume is Practice D 2777.
unwieldy, it may be reduced by splitting. Mix the fine fraction 25.2 Samples for collaborative testing were prepared by
by vigorously shaking and stirring then, without pausing, pour dispersing a specially prepared dry powder in approximately
the mixture through the splitter and into a clean tray. Several 350 mL of distilled water. Mixtures were shipped in sealed
splitting passes are required if the aliquot is to consist of only glass containers to the nine participating laboratories where
a small fraction, typically 300 to 500 mL, of the original three Youden pairs at each of three concentrations were tested.
mixture. 25.3 Bias was influenced not only by analytical procedures
23.4 Determine the net weight of the aliquot to the nearest such as sieving, filtering, drying, and weighing but also by
0.1 g and record the reading on the laboratory form. failure to remove all sediment from the containers and by
23.5 The aliquot is usually analyzed by the filtration losing particles through dissolution.
method, but it can be analyzed by the evaporation method. If 25.4 The following table shows precision and bias for Test
filtration is used, follow the procedure in 17.1 through 17.6; if Method C:
evaporation is used, follow the procedure in 11.1 through 12.4.
Standard Standard
Concen- Concentra-
24. Calculation Mixture
Part Sieve
tration tion
Deviation Deviation
Diameter,µ of Test of Single Bias, %
24.1 Calculate the coarse-fraction concentration as: Number Added, Recovered,
m Method Operator
mg/L mg/L
(St) (So)
Ccf 5 C 3 10 6/S
1 >62 (sand) 1 3.4 2.8 2.4 240
1 <62 (fines) 10 8.7 4.3 2.9 −13
(2) 2 >62 (sand) 9 5 5.9 1.9 −44
2 <62 (fines) 91 79 15.2 11 −13
where: 3 >62 (sand) 91 107 12.3 5.9 18
Ccf = coarse fraction concentration, ppm, 3 <62 (fines) 909 832 87.2 61 −8
C = mass of sediment in the coarse fraction, g, and
S = mass of entire sample, g. 26. Keywords
24.2 Calculate the fine-fraction concentration as: 26.1 fluvial sediment; sediment; sediment concentration
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