Monthly Digest July 2021 Eng 54
Monthly Digest July 2021 Eng 54
Monthly Digest July 2021 Eng 54
Monthly Digest
Dear readers,
This Monthly GK Digest is a complete docket of important news and events that occurred in a month of ‘July-2021’. This file
is important for, Bank, SSC, and Railway’s exams.
1. Axis Bank has partnered with Amazon Web Services (GNPAs) of banks may rise to 9.8 per cent by March 2022
(AWS) to accelerate its digital transformation under a baseline scenario, from 7.48 per cent in March
programme. 2021. Under a severe stress scenario, GNPA of banks
Note: Axis bank and AWS signed a multi-year agreement, may increase to 11.22 per cent.
under which the bank will use AWS to build a portfolio of 5. According to the report “COVID-19 and Tourism: An
new digital financial services and modernise core Update” jointly released by UNCTAD and the UN World
banking applications. Axis Bank has deployed over 25 Tourist Organisation, India experienced a drop in tourist
mission-critical applications on AWS, including a Buy arrivals in 2020 by 54%.
Now Pay Later product and a new loan management Note: According to report tourism will at least $4 trillion
system to support it, Account Aggregator, Video-Know in terms of global GDP for 2020 and 2021 due to
Your Customer, and WhatsApp banking. pandemic. India experienced a 54% drop in tourist
2. Ujjivan Small Finance Bank has partnered with digital arrivals in 2020. Some 100 -120 million tourism jobs are
lender LoanTap to provide personal loans to salaried at stake as per the report.
professionals. 6. $20 billion of funding in total has been announced by
Note: This move comes as part of Ujjivan’s Small Finance the World Bank for Covid-19 vaccines for developing
Bank’s API banking initiative. Through this initiative countries.
over 150 APIs will be made available, which in turn will Note: The World Bank is expanding its financing
offer fast and secure tie-ups for the purposes of digital available for Covid-19 vaccine financing to $20 billion
lending, digital liabilities and payments to fintechs. This over the next 18 months, adding $8 billion to the
move also serves a dual purpose of extending the bank’s previously announced $12 billion. Further, the Bank also
financial services to a larger array of customers through provided over $4 billion for the purchase and
LoanTap’s platform, which will make these activities deployment of Covid vaccines for 51 developing
smoother and more convenient for their salaried class countries, half of which are in Africa.
customers who are seeking loans. 7. e-commerce company Flipkart has launched Shopsy, an
3. Reliance Industries has signed an agreement with the app that will enable Indians to start their online
UAE's state-run oil giant Abu Dhabi National Oil businesses without any investment.
Company (ADNOC) to form a mega petrochemical joint Note: Flipkart aims to enable over 25 million online
venture in Al Ruwais city, United Arab Emirates (UAE). entrepreneurs by 2023 with the help of Shopsy. Users of
Note: This project, a joint venture of ADNOC and ADQ Shopsy will be able to share catalogues of a wide
(formerly known as Abu Dhabi Development selection of 15 crore products offered by Flipkart sellers.
Holding(ADDH) Co), will be constructed at the TA’ZIZ 8. NABARD has sanctioned Rs 388 crore under the Rural
Industrial Chemical Zone in Ruwais Abu Dhabi, UAE. This Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for four
is the first investment by Reliance in UAE. This drinking water and 20 rural road projects in Odisha.
agreement enhances the ADNOC’s downstream and Note: The RIDF assistance is for setting up of four mega
industry growth plans in line with ADNOC’s 2030 piped drinking water supply projects, one each in
strategy. Contracts have been awarded for the first Boipariguda block of Koraput district, Nilgiri block of
stages of development of the TA’ZIZ site. Balasore district and two in Malkangiri district. The
4. According to the Financial Stability Report (FSR), water supply projects are intended to provide 70 litre
released by the Reserve Bank of India, the Gross non- per capita per day safe and portable drinking water at
performing assets (GNPAs) of banks may rise to 9.8 per the consumer-end through functional household tap
cent by March 2022. connection.
Note: According to the Financial Stability Report (FSR), 9. The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a penalty of Rs
released by the RBI the Gross non-performing assets 25 lakh on Punjab and Sind Bank for non-compliance
with certain provisions of directions on ‘Cyber Security in partnership with Aditya Birla Finance Ltd. The
Framework in Banks’. product is an extension of its Buy Now, Pay Later service,
Note: The state-owned bank had reported a few cyber driving affordability amongst those new to credit. These
incidents to the RBI on May 16 and 20, 2020. small ticket instant loans will give flexibility to users and
Examination of the incident reports and the report of the also help manage their household expenses to maintain
forensic analysis of the said incidents, revealed, non- liquidity during the ongoing Coronavirus (Covid-19)
compliance with aforesaid directions. The RBI issued a pandemic.
show-cause notice to the bank. 15. PhonePe has partnered with Flipkart to launch
10. HDFC Bank has launched ‘Salaam Dil Sey’ initiative to contactless ‘Scan and Pay’ feature for the e-commerce
pay tribute and show gratitude to doctors across the major’s pay-on-delivery orders.
country for their tireless service during the pandemic at Note: PhonePe’s QR code solution will now enable
the risk of their own lives. customers who earlier opted for cash on delivery to pay
Note: Under this, bank has created a web platform digitally through any UPI app at the time of delivery. This Using this platform, general is intended to help reduce personal contact while
public can logon on and share the thank you message for ensuring safety, and drive contactless payments for
doctors which can be immediately shared via e-mail, customers who are traditionally more comfortable with
social media, and WhatsApp to acknowledge and cash on delivery.
celebrate doctor’s contribution. 16. State-run power giant NTPC has partnered with another
11. ICICI Bank has launched ‘Salute Doctors’, a Public Sector Undertaking ONGC to boost the
comprehensive banking solutions for doctors. development of offshore wind energy in India.
Note: The solution will provide customized banking as Note: India is blessed with a coastline of about 7,600 km
well as value-added services for every doctor, beginning surrounded by water on three sides and has good
from a medical student to a senior medical consultant to prospects of harnessing this clean source. Earlier in May
an owner of a hospital or a clinic. It consists of Salute last year, NTPC and ONGC had signed a memorandum of
Doctors Savings Account , Salute Doctors Current understanding (MoU) to accelerate their footprint in the
Account, Home loans, Medical equipment loan, Business renewable energy space.
Loan, Personal Loan, Education Loan, etc. 17. PayU provider has partnered with WooCommerce to
12. As per the new auction methodology of Reserve Bank of enable WooCommerce merchants with digital payments
India for the benchmark securities of 30-year & 40-year infrastructure, and end-to-end digitalization of business
both tenor the auction will continue to be multiple price- processes.
based auction. Note: WooCommerce merchants is an open-source,
Note: For other benchmark securities i.e. 30-year and customizable e-commerce platform. The partnership will
40-year, the auction will continue to be multiple price- offer merchants exclusive pricing on transactions, no
based auction, as hitherto. The above arrangement will hidden charges, and contactless payment solutions to
continue till further review. This was noted by the scale growth and profitability. A recent survey has
regulator while reviewing market conditions and market shown 82 percent of small businesses have experienced
borrowing program of the govt. a negative impact due to the pandemic and adoption of
13. digital payments and financial services platform Paytm technology can aid in the revival of up to 35 percent
has launched ‘Postpaid Mini’, a small ticket loans that SMBs, post-pandemic.
will give users flexibility to access loans ranging from Rs 18. As per the provisional data released by the coal ministry
250 - Rs 1,000, in partnership with Aditya Birla Finance India’s total coal production registered a marginal
Ltd. decline of 2.02%.
Note: It is a small ticket loans that will give users Note: Of the total output, a chunk of 685.951 MT was
flexibility to access loans ranging from Rs 250 - Rs 1,000, produced by the public sector, and the remaining
in partnership with Aditya Birla Finance Ltd. The production of 30.133 MT was from the private sector. In
product is an extension of its Buy Now, Pay Later service, FY 21, Chhattisgarh registered the highest coal
driving affordability amongst those new to credit. production followed by Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and
14. With Aditya Birla Finance Ltd the digital payments and Jharkhand. Jharkhand was the top producer of coking
financial services platform Paytm launched a small ticket coal.
loans ‘Postpaid Mini’ that will give users flexibility to 19. Aeldra Financial Inc is offering a unique US bank
access loans ranging from Rs 250 - Rs 1,000. account to the students gearing up for admissions in the
Note: It is a small ticket loans that will give users US.
flexibility to access loans ranging from Rs 250 - Rs 1,000,
Note: It also provides a Mastercard Global Debit Card insurance, etc. The agreement will enhance the
that can be opened and operated from India, even before distribution of Bajaj Allianz’s products to remote areas of
students get an F-1 visa. Aeldra is a Silicon-valley based the country.
pioneering 'digital neo bank'. It has no minimum balance 24. Fintech Company, Drip Capital has collaborated with
requirement and it doesn’t have foreign currency mark- SBM Bank India to offer customised trade financing
up fees. solutions to empower Micro, Small & Medium
20. Fitch Ratings has cut its projection for India’s real GDP Enterprises (MSME) exporters in India.
growth in 2021-22 to 10% percent from 12.8%. Note: Under the partnership, Drip Capital will provide
Note: The ratings agency also warned that banks’ asset collateral-free working capital to MSME exporters at
quality challenges have increased and will remain under competitive rates through its invoice discounting facility.
threat due to mobility restrictions, medical exigencies Unlike traditional financial institutions, Drip Capital
and rising job losses, with MSME and retail loans to low- leverages data analytics and technology to underwrite its
and moderate-income borrowers most likely at risk. transactions, allowing it to provide a seamless financing
Indian economy contracted by 7.3 per cent in fiscal experience to MSME businesses.
2020-21 as the country battled the first wave of Covid, as 25. With Razorpay the payment technology company
against a 4 per cent growth in 2019-20. RBI too earlier Mastercard has launched a recurring payment interface
this month cut India's growth forecast to 9.5 per cent for named ‘MandateHQ’, to support card-issuing banks that
this fiscal, from 10.5 per cent estimated earlier. wish to enable recurring payments for its customers.
21. The Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) has been Note: MandateHQ is an API (Application Programming
brought under the administrative control of Ministry of Interface)-based plug-n-play solution, which would
Finance to facilitate govt’s ambitious disinvestment reduce the go-live time of card-issuing banks. It will also
programme. help the banks to implement the Reserve Bank of India’s
Note: Earlier, DPE was part of Ministry of Heavy (RBI) new framework on automatic debit and recurring
Industries and Public Enterprises. The other 5 payments. It would also support the banks to send a 24-
departments under the Finance Ministry are Economic hour pre debit notification (mandated by RBI) via
Affairs, Revenue, Expenditure, Investment & Public Asset electronic e-mail, SMS, and WhatsApp.
Management and Financial Services. The government has 26. Amazon India has launched its first 'Digital Kendra' in
budgeted Rs 1.75 lakh crore from stake sale in public Surat, as part of its commitment to digitise 10 million
sector companies and financial institutions during 2021- Indian micro, small and medium enterprises by 2025.
22. Note: Amazon Digital Kendras are brick and mortar
22. Neobank FREO has partnered with HDB Financial resource centres that will provide MSMEs information
Services to offer a credit line and high-ticket personal about the benefits of e-commerce and help avail third-
loans to customers across multiple cities in India. party services such as shipping and logistics support,
Note: Through this association, FREO will be providing cataloguing assistance, digital marketing services, GST
customers with two innovative credit products: a credit and taxation support to start their digital journey.
line and a high-ticket personal loan across multiple cities 27. NIIT Institute of Finance Banking and Insurance (NIIT
in India. HDBFS in partnership with FREO will offer a IFBI) and Axis Bank have launched a fintech
credit line that enables consumers to get access to credit professional programme to build future-ready
anywhere, anytime via a smartphone.An individual will professionals for the private sector lender.
get a personalized amount approved which they can Note: The programme offers graduates with zero to
start using immediately. As they repay the borrowed three years of experience an opportunity to join Axis
amount, the credit limit is replenished and they can Bank as a deputy manager (IT). NIIT the programme is
continue withdrawing as much as they need. immersive in nature where the learners perform tasks of
23. With Bank of India the Bajaj Allianz General Insurance similar complexity as they would face in their role.
has entered into a corporate agency agreement for the 28. Axis Bank has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
distribution of its insurance products through the bank’s (MoU) with the Indian Army to offer a defence service
network _________. salary package to the Indian Army under its ‘Power
Note: Under the agreement, Bajaj Allianz General Salute’ initiative.
Insurance will offer a number of personal lines of Note: The MoU will cover all ranks of army officers viz.
products such as – motor insurance, health insurance, serving Defence personnel as well Defence pensioners
home insurance, travel insurance to the bank’s under its ambit. During the signing ceremony
customers. It will also offer the commercial line of IndianIndian Army was represented by Lt Gen
products such as – engineering insurance, marine (Lieutenant General) Rana Pratap Kalita, and Axis Bank
was represented by Reynold D’ Souza, Executive Vice 33. To facilitate investment in Government Securities by
President and Lt Col MK Sharma National Accounts Head, individual investors the RBI has introduced RBI Retail
Axis Bank. Direct facility.
29. Axis Bank has entered into a bancassurance partnership Note: Under this facility, retail investors will have the
with Max Bupa Health Insurance to provide facility to open and maintain the Retail Direct Gilt (RDG)
comprehensive health insurance solutions to its Account with RBI. RDG account can be opened through
customers and employees. an Online portal provided for the scheme. Saving
Note: Under the partnership, Max Bupa will offer Account holders in India with PAN, Valid KYC
indemnity as well as fixed benefit products, and their documents, email ID and Registered number are eligible
customizable variants to the bank’s customers across the to open this account.
country. The Axis Bank customers are also enabled to get 34. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved Equitas
access to quality healthcare solution products that are Small Finance Bank to apply for the amalgamation of its
offered by Max Bupa through the tie-up. The Health promoter into itself.
Insurance would cover medical emergencies in Tier 1, Note: As per the RBI’s SFB licensing guidelines, the
Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. promoter of SFB should exit or cease to be a promoter
30. SBI General Insurance has launched a comprehensive after a lock-in period of 5 years. In the case of Equitas
health insurance plan named ‘Arogya Supreme’ with SFB, the initial promoter lock-in period for Equitas
multiple benefits and coverages. Holdings expires on September 4, 2021, hence the
Note: Under the policy the insured persons will get a Equitas SFB requested RBI for amalgamation of its
wide range of sum insured options up to Rs 5 crore for promoter before completion of the lock-in period. Now
their medically necessary hospitalization due to illness RBI has approved the bank to apply for amalgamation of
or accident that occurred during the policy period. its promoter into itself.
Options: Based on the sum insured and coverage 35. International Financial Services Centres Authority
features, 3 different options viz Pro, Plus, and Premium (IFSCA) has issued framework for Setting up and
were provided for the customers to choose under the operating International Trade Finance Services Platform
plan. Policy Term: Customers also have a facility to (ITFS). The IFSCA is situated in Gandhinagar.
choose the policy tenure ranging from 1 to 3 years i.e. Note: It will enable Exporters and Importers to avail
1year/2years/3years. various types of trade finance facilities at competitive
31. Under the modified risk management guidelines of terms for their international trade transactions through
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the bank staff working in a dedicated electronic platform. This will help in their
sensitive positions like treasury operations and currency ability to convert their trade receivables into liquid funds
chests will get 10 days mandatory leave in a single spell and to obtain short-term funding. ITFS will provide
every year. Trade Finance Services at IFSC
Note: RBI has given banks six months to comply with 36. Axis Bank has tied up with Mumbai Metro to launch
these directions. It asked banks to ensure that ‘One Mumbai Metro Card’ powered by Mastercard, to
employees, while on ‘mandatory leave’, do not have ensure contactless and cashless travel for Mumbaikars.
access to physical or virtual resources related to their Note: It is a prepaid, open loop contactless card which
work responsibilities, with the exception of internal/ can be used as a part of the daily transit journey with just
corporate email which is usually available to all a tap. With this solution, Mastercard has continued to
employees for general purposes. Mandatory leave for contribute in changing the way India commutes and
staff was first introduced in May 2011 after the RBI saw helping the transit eco-system go completely digital. This
a sharp increase in frauds in banks following forensic is a card that can be used for all daily purchases from
studies. food, groceries, medicines as well as tickets.
32. IDFC First Bank has launched unique Employee-funded 37. IndusInd Bank has partnered with TP Central Odisha
program titled as ‘Ghar Ghar Ration’ for its low-income Distribution Limited (TPCODL), a joint venture between
customers who were affected by Covid-19. Tata Power and the Government of Odisha to launch a
Note: Under this scheme, employees of the bank have fully digital network for facilitating electricity bill
contributed their personal income to help such payment across the state.
customers who are affected by COVID. It is a first such Note:
employee-led initiative by any bank. Ghar Ghar Ration
program will supply ration kits to 50,000 low-income 38. Airtel Payments Bank has launched ‘Pay to contacts’
customers whose livelihood have been impacted by which allows customers to initiate a UPI payment by
selecting the receiver’s mobile number from their 43. RBI is the regulator of Asset Reconstruction Companies
phonebook. (ARCs) launched by the government as Bad Bank to clean
Note: ‘Pay to Contacts’ displays the valid UPI ID up bank books.
associated with the selected contact, irrespective of the Note: It was announced by Finance Minister Nirmala
UPI app used by the receiver. This eliminates the need to Sitharaman in her Budget Speech 2021-22. RBI is the
enter the UPI ID or bank account details to process the regulator of Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs).
payment and saves time. RBI has already prescribed a regulatory framework for
39. The Reserve Bank of India has imposed restrictions on the functioning of ARCs and there are well-laid norms for
Mastercard for adding new domestic customers with transfer of stressed assets by banks and non-banking
effect from 22nd July 2021. finance companies to ARCs.
Note: This means MasterCard will not be allowed to add 44. The duration of Stand-Up India Scheme has been
customers, be it for debit, credit or pre-paid cards onto extended till 2025.
its network as the entity has failed to comply with the Note: Centre has extended the duration of ‘Stand Up
directions on Storage of Payment System Data. It will not India Scheme’ up to the year 2025. The scheme was
impact existing Mastercard customers. It may be recalled launched in 2016 to facilitate loans to Scheduled Caste,
that RBI had issued a circular in April 2018, directing all Scheduled Tribe and women borrowers promoting
system providers to ensure that all information related entrepreneurship among them.
to payments systems operated by them are stored in 45. 100 crore is the authorized capital of the recently
India. incorporated National Asset Reconstruction Company
40. In July 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has (NARCL).
cancelled the license of Shivajirao Patil Nilangekar Note: The National Asset Reconstruction Company
Urban Co-operative Bank. (NARCL) is a legal entity now and has been registered
Note: Bank ceases to carry on banking business with with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) Mumbai.
effect from the close of business on July 14, 2021. RBI According to data available with the Ministry of
cancelled the license of the bank as the bank does not Corporate Affairs (MCA), NARCL was incorporated on
have adequate capital and earning prospects and does July 7 with an authorised capital of Rs 100 crore and
not comply with the provisions of section 11(1) and paid-up capital of Rs 74.6 crore. The Indian Banks
section 22 (3) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Association (IBA) is likely to approach the Reserve Bank
41. BUSY, a business accounting software, partners with of India (RBI) this week to seek an ARC (asset
ICICI Bank for banking solutions. reconstruction company) licence.
Note: The integration will help BUSY users gain better 46. Reliance Retail Ventures has Acquires 40.95% Stake in
accessibility in managing their banking, improving their Just Dial for Rs 3,497 Crore.
business efficiencies. Under this partnership, ICICI Note: RRVL will make an open offer to acquire additional
Bank's current account holders can securely connect up to 2.17 crore equity shares of Just Dial, representing
their bank account to BUSY Accounting Software. This 26 per cent stake, in accordance with Sebi Takeover
integration will allow BUSY users to reconcile their bank Regulations, a regulatory filing said. VSS Mani will
statements automatically, do accounting, fetch bank continue as Managing Director and Chief Executive
details, make payments, etc. Officer of Just Dial through the next phase of growth, it
42. The government notified a hike in the foreign direct added.
investment (FDI) limit in pension fund management to 47. Bank of Maharshtra has signed Memorandum of
74 percent under the national pension system (NPS). Understanding (MoU) with NABARD to boost ongoing
Note: The higher foreign investment limit in pension developmental initiatives linked to priority sector
fund managers (PFMs) follows a Parliament nod in lending in Maharashtra.
March to hike FDI limit in insurance business to 74% Note: Bank of Maharashtra (BoM) has signed
from 49%.The Pension Fund Regulatory and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National
Development Authority (PFRDA) Act links the FDI ceiling Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) to
in the sector to the same in the insurance sector. Four boost ongoing developmental initiatives linked to
out of seven PFMs managing the NPS corpus namely priority sector lending in Maharashtra. The MoU
HDFC Pension Management, ICICI Prudential Pension envisages joint initiatives for the benefit of farmers,
Funds, Kotak Mahindra Pension Fund and Aditya Birla farmer producer organisations, joint liability groups, self
Sun Life Pension Management have significant foreign help groups, rural artisans, weavers, agri-preneurs, agri
investments. start-ups, micro, small and medium enterprises in the
48. Microsoft has acquired the RiskIQ, a San Francisco- Note: SBI has selected Paisalo Digital as its National
based provider of cybersecurity services, including Corporate Business Correspondent in order to boost
malware and spyware monitoring and mobile app financial inclusion drive with the help of kiosk-based
banking services. Paisalo Digital Limited is systemically
Note: RiskIQ’s services and solutions will join Microsoft’s
suite of cloud-native security products, important Non-Deposit taking NBFC registered with RBI.
including Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Azure 55. Rs. 6322 crores is the budgetary outlay of Production
Defender, and Microsoft Azure Sentinel. While Microsoft Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for specialty steel.
hasn’t valued the deal, Bloomberg reported that the Note: Speciality Steel is value-added steel, which is made
company is said to be paying more than $500 million for by processing normal finished steel. It is done by
RiskIQ. converting normal finished steel into high value-added
49. Razorpay has acquired artificial intelligence (AI)-based
steel by way of coating, plating and heat treatment. In
risk analysis platform TERA Finlabs, marking its third
acquisition since inception. order to boost domestic manufacturing and cut down on
Note: Bengaluru-based TERA Finlabs provides risk import bills, the central government in March 2020
management software, along with customized credit introduced a PLI scheme that aims to give companies
offerings to make lending more affordable for consumers incentives on incremental sales from products
and profitable for lenders. manufactured in domestic units. Duration of Production
50. China is the world’s largest consumer of gold. Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for specialty steel is 5
Note: India is the world’s second largest consumer of
years from 2023-24 to 2027-28
gold after China. Swiss gold accounted for almost half of
India’s imports of the yellow metal, at $16.3 billion, in 56. Indian Navy has signed MoU with Kotak Mahindra
2020-21. India imported gold worth $34.6 billion last Bank for salary account.
fiscal against $28.2 billion in the previous year despite Note: The bank will offer special salary account benefits
the raging Covid-19 pandemic. to the Indian Navy like enhanced complimentary
51. The Asian Development Bank has downgraded India’s personal accident insurance cover, special education
economic growth forecast for the current financial year benefit for children, etc.
to 10 per cent. 57. International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investment
Note: The projection for FY2022 (ending in March arm of the World Bank Group has provided $250 million
2023), by which time much of India’s population is loan to HDFC Ltd for green housing.
expected to be vaccinated, is upgraded from 7 per cent to Note: Green housing is regarded as a luxury market in
7.5 per cent as economic activity normalises. the country, but has climate benefits. Green affordable
52. Banking and financial services major Goldman Sachs has housing can help India on its path to deliver on its
opened a new facility in Hyderabad. commitments under the Paris Agreement, to reduce a
Note: The new office is expected to have about 800 third of its carbon emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels.
people by year-end and grow to over 2,500 people by Green and energy-efficient housing can help cut
2023. The new office will host functions across emissions, as residential housing accounts for about 24
engineering, finance, human capital management, and percent of the nation’s electricity consumption.
support for consumer banking, and specialise in digital 58. Sunseap Group, a solar energy system developer, owner,
banking, artificial intelligence and machine learning and operator in Asia plans to build the world’s largest
areas. floating solar farm in Indonesia.
53. LIC institution has launched new health insurance plan Note: The floating photovoltaic system is expected to
called Arogya Rakshak. have a capacity of 2.2 gigawatts (peak). It will cover 1600
Note: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has launched new hectares (4000 acres) of the Duriangkang Reservoir on
health insurance plan called ‘Arogya Rakshak’, which is a Batam Island and cost about $2 billion to construct. An
non-linked, non-participating, regular premium and agreement between Sundeap and the Batam Indonesia
individual health insurance plan. It will provide fixed free zone authority (BP Batam) to move forward with the
health insurance cover against certain specified health project was signed on July 19.
risks and provides timely support in case of medical 59. The Reserve Bank of India has raises limit for loan to
emergencies. other banks’ directors up to Rs 5 crore.
54. SBI has selected Paisalo Digital as its National Corporate Note: As per the amendments, the central bank has
Business Correspondent. allowed banks to extend personal loans up to ₹5 crores
to directors of other banks and directors' relatives other
than spouses without board approval. The earlier limit
for such loans was ₹25 lakh. The regulations apply to India have been recorded during the financial year 2020-
directors, including the Chairman/Managing Director, of 21.
other banks. Note: The newly constituted Digital Payments Index
60. Export Import (Exim) Bank of India said it has extended (RBI-DPI) in its report said that at the end of March
a USD 35.26 million loan for a power transmission 2021, the index rose to 270.59 from 207.84 the previous
project being executed by Kalpataru Power Transmission year. The RBI-DPI index has shown the significant
in Senegal. growth in its index represents the rapid deepening and
Note: The buyer’s credit facility was extended under the adoption of digital payments across India in the recent
National Export Insurance Account (NEIA) scheme, few years.
which provides a safe mode of financing option to Indian 64. In July 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
project exporters backed by cover from NEIA Trust. The cancelled the licence of Madgaum Urban Co-operative
bank signed a credit agreement with the Ministry of Bank Limited.
Economy, Planning and Co-operation of the Republic of Note: The RBI further said that as per the data submitted
Senegal for the purpose of construction and installation by the bank, about 99 per cent of the depositors will
of 225 kV overhead transmission line from Tanaff to receive full amounts of their deposits from the Deposit
Ziguinchor (approximate distance 92 km) and bay Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC). On
extensions in Tanaff and Ziguinchor in Senegal. liquidation, every depositor would be entitled to receive
61. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 9.5 deposit insurance claim amount of his/her deposits up to
per cent will be the economic growth of India in the a monetary ceiling of Rs 5 lakh only from the DICGC.
financial year 2021-22 (FY22). 65. Health insurer Max Bupa Health Insurance has
Note: The downward revision in the GDP growth rate is rebranded itself to Niva Bupa Health Insurance.
due to a lack of access to vaccines and the possibility of Note: The company is backed by private equity firms
renewed waves of coronavirus. For FY23 (2022-23), IMF True North and Bupa. Max India, which owned 51
has estimated the gross domestic product (GDP) of India
percent of the insurer sold its stake to True North. True
at 8.5 per cent, which is 160 basis points higher than its
earlier projection of 6.9 per cent. In the case of the North now owns 55 percent, while Bupa owns 44
global economy, IMF has projected 6.0 per cent growth percent in the new legal entity Niva Bupa Health
in 2021 and 4.9 per cent in 2022. Insurance Company Ltd.
62. The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary 66. Indian Bank signed an MoU with IIT Guwahati
penalty of Rs 5 crore on Axis Bank. Technology Incubation Centre for funding eligible
Note: Penalty has been imposed for contravention of Startups under the “IND SpringBoard” scheme of the
certain provisions of directions issued by RBI on Bank.
‘Strengthening the Controls of Payment Ecosystem Note: Indian Bank supports start-ups by extending credit
between Sponsor Banks and SCBs/UCBs as a Corporate facilities up to Rs 50 crore for working capital
Customer’, ‘Cyber Security Framework in Banks’, ‘RBI requirements. IITG-TIC is a space for new-age
(Financial Services provided by Banks) Directions, 2016’ entrepreneurs and young minds to transform their
‘Financial Inclusion- Access to Banking Services; and innovative ideas into viable business propositions. It is
‘Frauds – Classification and Reporting’. one of its kind in the North-Eastern part of India.
63. According to data released by the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) 30.19 percent of growth in digital payments in
1. Renowned personality Raj Kaushal passed away Note: He, along with his wife, was selected for the
recently, he was a veteran Film Maker. Padma Shri honour from the Government of India in
Note: He was married to actor-TV presenter Mandira 2020 for his contribution to the field of Literature &
Bedi. Apart from direction, Kaushal had also produced Education. He has also received several awards like the
filmmaker Onir’s 2005 acclaimed drama “My Brother… Siddarudha award, the Shivaratri Deshikendra Media
Nikhil”, starring Sanjay Suri and Juhi Chawla. His last award, the Abdul Kalam award and others.
directorial was the 2006 thriller, “Anthony Kaun Hai?”, 3. Renowned personality Donald Rumsfeld passed away
starring Arshad Warsi and Sanjay Dutt. recently he was veteran Politician.
2. Renowned personality K.V. Sampath Kumar has passed Note: He served two-time as defense secretary and a
away recently, he was a veteran Journalist. one-time presidential candidate of USA. Regarded by
former colleagues as equally smart and combative, 10. Renowned personality Mamnoon Hussain passed away
patriotic and politically cunning, Rumsfeld had a storied recently, he was former President of Pakistan.
career under four presidents and nearly a quarter- Note: He was born in 1940 in Agra, British India and
century in corporate America. migrated to Pakistan during the 1947 partition.
4. Renowned sportsman M Prasannan passed away Mamnoon Hussain served as the 12th President of
recently, he was associated with Football. Pakistan from 2013 to 2018. In 1999, he was appointed
Note: He played for Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa in as the governor of Sindh by then-President Rafiq Tarar,
Santosh Trophy National Football Championship. He later he was removed from the post when the
was part of the Indian team coached by PK Banerjee and Government of then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was
captained by Inder Singh in the Merdeka Cup in 1973. overthrown by then Pakistan Army Chief General
5. Legendary actor Dilip Kumar passed away recently. Pervez Musharraf in a military coup d’état.
Note: Legendary actor Dilip Kumar (98) passed away 11. Tennis Player and Grand Slam winner Shirley Fry Irvin
after a prolonged illness in Mumbai. Dilip Kumar made belons to USA was inducted in the International Tennis
his Hindi film debut in 1944 with the movie ‘Jwar Hall of fame in 1970 has passed away recently.
Bhata’. In a career spanning over six decades, Dilip Note: She is one of the 10 women to win singles titles at
Kumar gave multiple hits such as ‘Mughal-e-Azam’, all four major championships (championships of
‘Naya Daur’, ‘Baabul’, ‘Deedar’, ‘Madhumati’, ‘Devdas’, Australia, France, Britain (Wimbledon), and the United
‘Ganga Jamuna’, ‘Ram Aur Shyam’, ‘Karma’ and others. States). Shirley Fry Irvin won her first Grand Slam
Dilip Kumar’s portrayal in various doomed movies title(singles) at the 1951 French Open against her
earned him the title of ‘tragedy king’. doubles partner Doris Hart. She was ranked among the
6. Renowned personality Richard Donner passed away world’s top ten in 1946 and 1948 and from 1950 to
recently he was a veteran Film Maker. 1956.
Note: He is known for directing blockbuster and classic 12. Renowned personality Gautam Benegal passed away
films such as "Superman", "The Goonies" and "Lethal recently he was a veteran Filmmaker.
Weapon". Donner, whose real name was Richard Note: At 16, Gautam illustrated for children’s magazine
Donald Schwartzberg, was born in New York to Jewish Sandesh. He made films for the Films Division of India
parents in 1931. Early in his career, Donner had aspired and his movies have also been nominated for film
to be an actor but found his calling in direction. festivals in Teheran, Belarus, Hiroshima, and Cairo
7. Renowned sportsperson Keshav Chandra Datt passed among other places. He had received the National
away recently, he was associated with Hockey. award (Rajatkamal) Best animation Film for 2010: The
Note: Born in Lahore Datt was part of the 1948 London Prince and the Crown of Stone.
Olympics Indian Hockey team. Later as Vice-Captain of 13. Satish Kalsekar was a renowned poet and writer of
Indian team he won Gold in 1952 Helsinki Olympics. In Marathi language who passed away recently.
his autobiography Goal, Dhyan Chand rated Datt as one Note: He was honored with Sahitya Akademi Award in
of the finest half-backs of that time. 2014 for his collection of essays ‘Vachanaryachi
8. Recently, renowned sportsman Yashpal Sharma passed Rojanishee’. He is known for outstanding contribution
away, he was associated with Cricket. in the fields of poetry, translation, prose writing and
Note: He was also a member of the Kapil Dev-led World editing. Famous poem: Lenin (1977), Sakshat (1982),
Cup-winning team. He had got India off to a brilliant Vilambit (1997). His literary career started with
start in the 1983 World Cup as he scored a match- collection of poems Indriyopanishad (1971)
winning 89 against the West Indies in what was India’s 14. Renowned personality Jayanthi passed away recently,
first match of the showpiece event. He scored 1606 runs he was a veteran Actor.
at 33.45 in Test career and scored 883 runs at 28.48 in Note: She started her acting career in 1963 and had
ODIs. starred in over 500 films that span across five languages
9. Renowned personality Mahesh Kathi passed away including Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi.
recently, he was a veteran Telugu film critic and actor. She was fondly known as Abhinaya Sharadhe (Goddess
Note: He had last month met with an accident near of acting) in Kannada industry. Awards: Karnataka State
Chandrasekharapuram village in Kodavalur Mandal of Film Awards and Filmfare Awards
Nellore district. He was known for films like Nene Raju 15. Former cricketer Mike Hendrick passed away recently
Nene Mantri, Hrudaya Kaleyam, Amma Rajyam Lo belongs to England.
Kadapa Biddalu, and most recently Krack, which Note: Hendrick, who played for Derbyshire, was
released in January this year. He also directed a movie suffering from liver and bowel cancer and featured in
in 2015 called Pesaratu. 30 Test matches for England. Playing at the highest level
from 1974 to 1981, Hendrick took 87 wickets at an across the globe. The first Indian shuttler to win a
average of 25.83 in Test cricket tournament overseas — the Selangor International
16. Famous badminton player Nandu Natekar passed crown in Kuala Lumpur in 1956, Natekar was among
away recently. the first batch of the Arjuna Award recipients in 1961
Note: In the 1950s and 1960s, Natekar was a household when the awards were introduced.
name all over India, thanks to his exploits on the court
Important Days
1. National Doctors’ Day is celebrated every year on 1st officially started by the UNGA on the centenary of the
July to acknowledge the role of doctors in keeping the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in 1995. It aims
nation healthy. to strengthen and unite everyone in this pandemic.
Note: Government established Doctors’ Day in 1991 to 6. World Zoonoses Day is held every year on 6th July to
recognize the contributions of former Bengal Chief raise awareness of the risk of zoonotic diseases.
Minister Dr BC Roy. He played an important role in the Note: Zoonoses are infectious diseases (virus, bacteria
establishment of Medical Council of India and Indian and parasites) that can spread from animals to humans,
Medical Association. He was also conferred with Bharat and vice versa, either with direct contact with animals
Ratna on 4th February, 1961. or indirectly, vector-borne or food-borne. It was on July
2. The National Postal Worker Day is observed every year 6, 1885, when Louis Pasteur successfully administered
on 1st July. the first vaccine against Rabies virus, which is a
Note: The day is a unique opportunity to say ‘thank you zoonotic disease.
not only to postmen but also to all delivery personnel, 7. World Chocolate Day or International Chocolate Day is
as online shopping has become a lifeline for many of us. observed every year on 7th July.
The day was initiated by a popular postal service Note: The day celebrates the existence of chocolate in
provider from Seattle, the United States of America in our lives. It is marked by eating chocolates and sharing
1997 to felicitate and honour the co-postal workers for with dear ones. The day is an annual global celebration
their dedication. of chocolate, which allows people to gorge and indulge,
3. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is observed every year on hopefully guilt-free, in it. On this day, chocolate lovers
1st July. from all over relish eating different kinds of chocolate
Note: The date of July 1 has been designated by the or create several dishes with it like cakes, pastries,
central government as 'GST Day' in 2017 (this year is its sinful and gooey brownies, hot chocolate or chocolate
fourth anniversary). During these years, several key mousse, without any guilt.
policy initiatives were taken by the government to make 8. National Fish Farmers’ Day is celebrated every year on
the GST system and compliance mechanism simple, 10th July by the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of
transparent and technology driven. The Goods and Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in
Services Tax (GST) is an indirect, multi-stage, association with the National Fisheries Development
comprehensive tax in India, imposed on the supply of Board (NFDB).
goods and services. Note: The event aims to draw attention to changing the
4. World Sports Journalists Day is observed globally every way the country manages fisheries resources to ensure
year on 2nd July. sustainable stocks and healthy ecosystems. This day is
Note: The day aims to acknowledge the work of sports made to honour the fish farmers, aquapreneurs,
journalists & to encourage them to do better at their fisherfolks, stakeholders and whoever else is associated
work. Sports journalists help millions of people in the in the fishery for their contribution in the fishery.
world to receive information on various sports. This 9. World Population Day is observed globally every year
professional has helped in the development of many on 11th July.
kinds of games all over the world. These journalists Note: This day is observed to raise awareness among
have their associations to maintain their standards in people about the impact of a growing population and
their profession. issues including gender equality, the importance of
5. International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay) is family planning, poverty, maternal health, human rights,
celebrated every year on first Saturday of July (3 July etc. This year theme of World Population Day 2021: “the
2021). impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fertility”.
Note: This year, it is being observed today (July 3) with 10. World Malala Day is observed every year on 12th July
the theme “Rebuild better together”. This day was by the United Nations.
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Note: Malala Day is commemorated, the birthday of 16. World Brain Day is observed every year on 22nd July.
Malala Yousafzai to honour women and children’s rights Note: Many public awareness programmes and
around the world. On October 9, 2012, Malala was shot educational & social media activities are promoting the
in the head by Taliban gunmen after she publicly
movement to stop multiple sclerosis, commencing July
advocated for the education of girls. Despite the attack,
Malala soon returned to the public eye, fiercer in her 22, 2021, & continuing until October 2022. The theme
views than earlier and continued her advocacy for for this World Brain Day is “Stop Multiple Sclerosis”.
gender rights. World Brain Day advocates early diagnosis of this
11. ‘Reimagining Youth Skills Post-Pandemic’ is the condition that can help improve the quality of life of the
theme of the ‘World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) 2021. patient.
Note: World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) is observed on 17. National Broadcasting Day is observed on 23rd July.
July 15 every year in order to recognize the strategic
Note: On this day in 1927, the first-ever radio broadcast
importance of equipping young people with skills for
employment, decent work and entrepreneurship, and to in the country went on the air from the Bombay Station
highlight the crucial role of skilled youth in addressing under the Indian Broadcasting Company. The first radio
current and future global challenges. United Nations broadcast was made on July 23, 1927, from Bombay
General Assembly declared 15 July as World Youth Station. The station was then owned by a private
Skills Day in November 2014. company called the Indian Broadcasting Company.
18. World Drowning Prevention Day is observed every year
12. World Day for International Justice, also referred to as
on 25th July.
Day of International Criminal Justice or International
Justice Day is marked every year on 17th July. Note: This global advocacy event serves as an
Note: The theme for the celebration of this year’s World opportunity to highlight the tragic and profound impact
Day of International Justice is “A Call for Social Justice in of drowning on families and communities and to offer
the Digital Economy.” life-saving solutions to prevent it.
19. The International Day for the Conservation of the
13. Nelson Mandela International Day is observed every
Mangrove Ecosystem (or World Mangrove Day) is
year on 18th July in honour of Nelson Mandela’s
birthday. celebrated annually on 26th July.
Note: The day was officially declared by United Nations Note: The day is celebrated to raise awareness of the
in November 2009 and the day was held for first time importance of mangrove ecosystems as “a unique,
on 18 July 2010. Theme 2021: One Hand Can Feed special and vulnerable ecosystem” and to promote
Another. UN General Assembly introduced Nelson solutions for their sustainable management,
Mandela Prize in 2014, which is given once every five conservation and uses. The day was adopted by the
year on 18th July to recognize the achievements of
General Conference of the UN Educational, Scientific
those who dedicated their lives to the service of
humanity. and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2015.
14. When International Chess Day marked every year on 20. Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year on 26th July
20th July. in honour of the heroes of the Kargil war of 1999.
Note: The day celebrate one of the most ancient and Note: On this day in 1999, the Indian Army announced
most popular games in history that promotes fairness, that Pakistani forces and intruders have been driven out
equality, mutual respect and understanding among from all occupied territories on the Indian side in Kargil.
nations. It was first observed in 1966, as proposed by
To concur the Kargil war Indian Army launched the
15. The Science Exploration Day (Moon Day) is observed ‘Operation Vijay’ (II) in 1999. First Operation Vijay was
every year on 20th July. launched in 1961 that led to the capture of Goa,
Note: In 1969, on this day Neil Armstrong and Edwin Anjediva islands and Daman and Diu.
‘Buzz’ Aldrin became the first humans to land on the 21. World Hepatitis Day is observed every year on 28 July.
Moon’s surface. The duo spent 21.5 hours on the surface Note: 28 July was chosen for World Hepatitis Day as it is
of the moon out of which they spent 2.5 hours outside of the birthday of Nobel-prize winning scientist Dr Baruch
their capsules. Neil Armstrong was the first man to set Blumberg, who discovered hepatitis B virus (HBV).
foot on the moon’s surface. The day was first observed Theme of World Hepatitis Day 2021: ‘Hepatitis Can’t
in 1984 by then US President, Ronald Reagan. Wait’.
11 | P a g e
22. World Nature Conservation Day is observed every year Note: The 2021 theme for World Day Against
on 28th July to raise awareness about protecting Trafficking in Persons is Victims’ Voices Lead the
nature and adopting best practices for conserving our Way. This year’s theme puts victims of human
natural resources. trafficking at the centre of the campaign and will
Note: The main objective of celebrating this day is to highlight the importance of listening to and learning
raise awareness about protecting nature and adopting from survivors of human trafficking.
best practices for conserving our natural resources. The 25. International Day of Friendship is observed globally on
Earth is supplied a limited amount of properties that we 30th July.
all rely upon each day like water, air, soil and trees. Note: This day is celebrated to mark the importance of
23. Global Tiger Day or International Tiger Day is observed friends and friendship in life. The day also advocates
every year on 29th July to raise awareness about the the role that friendship plays in promoting peace in
declining population of wild cats and making efforts to several cultures across the world.
conserve them. 26. World Ranger Day is observed every year on 31st July.
Note: The goal of the day is to promote a global system Note: World Ranger Day offers a chance to support
for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise their vital work, which ranges from environmental
public awareness and support for tiger conservation campaigning to education. The day is also an
issues. This year marks the 11th International Tiger opportunity to pay tribute to rangers who have lost
Day. The theme/Slogan for the 2021 International Tiger their lives in the line of duty. A Ranger is a person
Day celebration is “Their Survival is in our hands”. tasked with preserving and protecting parklands and
24. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed natural protected areas. A Ranger typically refers to a
every year on 30th July. forest ranger or a park ranger.
New Appointments
1. Vivek Ram Chaudhari has been appointed as the new Note: Governor Rani Maurya administered the oath to
Vice Chief of Indian Air Force. Mr. Dhami at Rajbhawan in Dehradun. Pushkar Singh
Note: He will succeed Air Marshal Harjit Singh Arora. Dhami is the youngest CM of the state. He will be the
He is currently serving as commander-in-chief of the
third CM in nearly four months. He is a two-time MLA
IAF's Western Air Command (WAC). An alumnus of the
National Defence Academy, Air Marshal Chaudhari was from the Khatima constituency in the Udham Singh
commissioned into the fighter stream of the IAF on Nagar district of the state.
December 29, 1982. 5. Veteran lawyer KN Bhattacharjee has been appointed
2. Satish Agnihotri took charges as the new Managing as the new Lokayukta of Tripura.
Director of National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd Note: It will deal with the complaints of corruption
(NHSRCL). against public servants and administrative
Note: He had worked as the Chairman and Managing functionaries under the Tripura Lokayukta Act, 2008.
Director of Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) for close Bhattacharjee will be the 3d Lokayukta of the state. He
to nine years. NHSRCL has been incorporated in 2016 was succeeded by a former judge of Kolkata and
with an object to finance, construct, maintain and Andhra Pradesh high courts, Justice Subal Baidya, in
manage the High Speed Rail Corridor in India. 2017.
3. Nitin Gadkari has become Brand Ambassador of 6. PVSLN Murty has been appointed as the Chairman and
Khadi Prakritik Paint. Managing Director (CMD) of North Eastern
Note: He will promote this paint across the country to Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi).
encourage young entrepreneurs to take up the Note: He took charge as the new CMD on 1st July 2021
manufacturing of cow dung paint. He Inaugurated a succeeding B. Paul Muktieh, who served as the CMD of
new automated manufacturing unit of Khadi Prakritik NEDFi from 2010 to June 2021. Prior to his
Paint in Jaipur. The Minister appreciated Khadi and appointment as the CMD of NEDFi, PVSLN Murty
Village Industries Commission for the successful served as the Chief Strategy Officer(CSO) at State Bank
research. of India (SBI), based at the Corporate Office, Mumbai.
4. Pushkar Singh Dhami was sworn in as the 11th Chief He has served as the Chief General Manager (CGM) and
Minister of Uttarakhand. CSO of the SBI.
12 | P a g e
7. Stefan Lofven has been re-elected as the Prime new Information Technology (IT) Rules of the country.
Minister of Sweden within weeks after he was ousted Guidelines under the new IT Rules were issued in
in a no-confidence vote. February and require all social media intermediaries to
Note: Löfven won a majority of 117 IN 349 seats. Head comply by May 26.
of the Social Democrat's Party, Löfven was supported 13. Abiy Ahmed has been elected as the Prime Minister of
by lawmakers to form a new government after leading Ethiopia for a second 5-year term, after his ruling
the country in a caretaking capacity since late last ‘Prosperity Party’ won the country’s parliamentary
month. election in landslide victory.
8. Amit Shah has been appointed as the minister Note: Prosperity Party won 410 seats out of 436
incharge of the newly formed formulated Ministry of parliamentary electoral constituencies at the general
Co-operation in Modi's new cabinet. elections of Ethiopia. Abiy Ahmed is serving as the 4th
Note: This is in addition to the portfolio he already Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of
holds in the Narendra Modi government that is the Ethiopia since 2018.
Home Ministry. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had 14. Shyam Srinivasan has been reappointed as the MD &
created a new 'Ministry of Cooperation', looking to CEO of Federal Bank for three years with effect from
provide added impetus to the cooperative movement September 23, 2021.
in the country. The Ministry will work to streamline Note: He will hold the office till September 22, 2024.
processes for 'ease of doing business' for cooperatives He has served three terms as CEO of the Federal Bank
and enable the development of Multi-State Co- since September 23, 2010. He is the longest-serving
operatives (MSCS). MD & CEO of the bank, after its founder, late K P
9. Kiren Rijiju has been appointed as the Union Minister Hormis. Federal Bank's Headquarters: Kochi, Kerala.
of Law & Justice. 15. Sher Bahadur Deuba has been sworn in as the new
Note: A prominent face from the northeast in the Modi Prime Minister of Nepal.
government, Rijiju was elevated as a Cabinet minister Note: He has been administered the oath of office by
in a major reshuffle and expansion of the Union President of Nepal Bidya Devi Bhandari. He has been
Council of Ministers. Rijiju takes over the key ministry appointed Prime Minister under Article 76(5) of the
from Ravi Shankar Prasad, who has resigned from the Constitution, which makes it mandatory for him to
government. secure a vote of confidence in the House within 30
10. Mansukh Mandaviya becomes the new Health days of taking oath. He succeeded K P Sharma Oli.
Minister of India. 16. Piyush Goyal has been appointed as the Leader of the
Note: Mandaviya has replaced Dr Harsh Vardhan who House in Rajya Sabha after the resignation of Thawar
was in charge of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Chand Gahlot.
(MoHFW), Ministry of Science & Technology and Note: He succeeded Thaawarchand Gehlot, who has
Ministry of Earth Sciences since 2019. Mandaviya will taken charge as the Governor of Karnataka. He is a
also be the in charge of Ministry of Chemicals and two-time Rajya Sabha Member and is currently the
Fertilizers. deputy leader of the NDA. He is serving as the Union
11. Ashwini Vaishnaw becomes the new Minister of Minister of Textiles, Minister of Commerce and
Railways. Industry and Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and
Note: He also took charges as the Minister of Public Distribution.
Communications and Minister of Electronics and 17. Deepak Kabra has become 1st Indian to be selected as
Information Technology. The Jodhpur-born Mr. gymnastics competition judge of the Olympic Games.
Vaishnaw was a brilliant student from the beginning. Note: He will be seen officiating the men's artistic
After graduating with a gold medal in electronics and gymnasts at the Tokyo Games, which gets underway on
communications engineering course from Rajasthan’s July 23. Commonwealth Games 2020 in India was his
Jai Narayan Vyas University in 1992, he pursued his first international assignment and Kabra went on to
M.Tech programme from IIT Kanpur. He immediately become the first Indian judge to officiate in the 2014
cracked the coveted civil service examination with an Asian Games and Youth Olympics.
all-India rank of 27 in 1994.
12. Vinay Prakash has been appointed as the Resident 18. Bandaru Dattatreya has been sworn in as the 18th
Grievance Officer of Twitter for India. governor of Haryana.
Note: The appointment announcement was made on Note: He was administered the oath of office by Punjab
the official website of Twitter. This appointment is and Haryana High Court Chief Justice Ravi Shanker Jha.
mandatory for all social media companies under the Prior to this, he was the Governor of Himachal
13 | P a g e
Pradesh. He succeeded Satyadeo Narain Arya, who has year-old Henry is a neurosurgeon and former cabinet
been moved to Tripura. He was four-time MP and was minister of Haiti. He is also acting President of Haiti.
first elected to Lok Sabha in 1991 from Secunderabad 24. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi has been appointed as the
constituency Deputy Leader of Rajya Sabha.
19. IFSCA has constituted an expert committee under the Note: Naqvi takes over from Piyush Goyal who has
chairmanship Kaku Nakhate and Gopalan been elevated as the leader of the house in the Upper
Srinivasan to recommend the road map and approach House. A former minister of state for parliamentary
towards the development of the ‘Longevity Finance affairs minister, Naqvi is well versed in Parliamentary
Hub’ in GIFT International Financial Services Centre. affairs. He is also known for his cordial relations across
Note: The objective the committee is to serve the party lines.
investment and wealth management needs of the 25. Pedro Castillo has been declared as the President of
‘Silver Generation’ (People with age group 60 and Peru.
above), comprising people aged 60 and above. The Note: Rural teacher-turned-political novice Pedro
expert committee will be co-chaired by Kaku Nakhate,
Castillo has become the winner of Peru's presidential
Bank of America, Country Head (India), and Gopalan
Srinivasan, Ex-CMD, New India Assurance Company election after the country's longest electoral count in
Ltd. 40 years. As per the final results declared by the
20. Sanjay Gupta has been appointed as the Chairman of electoral authorities, Pedro Castillo defeated right-
the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). wing politician Keiko Fujimori by just 44,000 votes.
Note: IAMAI has also named Facebook India Vice 26. Basavaraj S Bommai has been unanimously elected as
President and Managing Director Ajit Mohan as Vice the new Chief Minister of Karnataka.
Chairman of its association by succeeding Dhruv Note: He will succeed BS Yediyurappa, who resigned
Shringi, co-founder and CEO. Harshil on July 26, 2021. Prior to this, he was the Home
Mathur, CEO and Co-founder of Razorpay was elected Minister in the BSY government. He is a 3-time
as the Treasurer of IAMAI succeeding Satyan Gajwani, member of Karnataka Legislative Assembly from
Vice Chairman of Times Internet Ltd. Shiggaon since 2008. He was a member of Karnataka
21. Kambhampati Hari Babu has been sworn in as the Legislative Council between 1998 and 2008.
22nd Governor of Mizoram at Raj Bhavan in Aizawl. 27. Rakesh Asthana has been appointed as the Police
Note: He has been administered the oath of office by Commissioner of Delhi with immediate effect.
Gawahati High Court Judge, Justice Michael Note: He was set to retire on July 31. He was serving as
Zothankhuma. He succeeded P.S Sreedharan Pillai, who Director General, Border Security Force. This is one of
was appointed as the Governor of Goa. Gawahati High the very few instances when an IPS officer outside of
Court has jurisdiction over the states of Assam, AGMUT cadre has been appointed as Delhi Police chief.
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Mizoram. 28. Najib Mikati has been appointed as Lebanon’s new
22. B K Sinha has been appointed as the Press Attache of prime minister-designate following binding
India's Olympic contingent at the Tokyo Olympic parliamentary consultations with President Michel
Games 2021. Aoun.
Note: B K Sinha has been appointed as the Press and Note: He ran virtually unopposed, receiving 72 votes,
Security Attache of India's Olympic contingent at the with former ambassador Nawaf Salam receiving just
one vote. Forty-two MPs voted blank, and three MPs
Tokyo Games. He is a former Haryana DGP and also a
did not vote at all. His appointment comes just 11 days
recipient of the President's Police Medal. after Saad Hariri resigned as prime minister-designate,
23. Ariel Henry has been sworn-in as the Prime Minister following nine months of political deadlock and
of Haiti. dispute with President Aoun and his son-in-law MP
Note: Ariel Henry was sworn in during a ceremony in Gebran Bassil.
the capital Port-au-Prince the same day that official
commemorations were held to honour Moise. A 71-
1. India’s rank in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021 Note: The country was in the 17th spot in 2019 and slid
by Startup Blink is 20th. six spots down in 2020 and stood at 23. Like last year,
14 | P a g e
the US, the UK, Israel, Canada and Germany are in the innovation. AJNIFM and Microsoft will jointly explore
top five spots. The report has a score for each location, use cases of emerging technologies in finance and
which is calculated as the sum of three parameters — related areas, across central and state ministries and
quantity, quality and business environment. public sector enterprises.
2. In July 2021, flagship programme of government of 7. The Central Government funded for setting up a new
India, Digital India has completed six years of its Vaccine Testing Laboratory in National Institute of
implementation. Animal Biotechnology in Hyderabad.
Note: The vision of Digital India programme is to Note: The funds have been sanctioned for the
transform India into a digitally empowered society and laboratory from PM- Cares Fund. It will be set up at
knowledge economy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi National Institute of Animal Biotechnology in
had launched this ambitious programme on 1st July Hyderabad and will be under Department of
,2015. The Digital India journey in the past 6 years has Biotechnology. It is a big step towards development of
centred around empowerment, inclusion, and digital Pharmacy sector in Hyderabad.
transformation. It has positively impacted all aspects of 8. According provisional statistics of 2020-21 released by
the lives of Indian citizens through Aadhaar, Direct the coal ministry, in FY 2020-21, Chhattisgarh
Benefit Transfer, Common Services Centres, DigiLocker registered highest coal production.
and mobile-based UMANG services. Note: According to the data released, India’s total coal
3. From Cochin port the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and production registered a marginal decline of 2.02% to
Waterways launched the maiden voyage under the 716.084 million tonnes during the last fiscal year. The
Green Freight Corridor-2. country had produced 730.874 million tonnes (MT) of
Note: MoS Mansukh Mandaviya inaugurated the first coal in FY’20. Of the total production of 716.084 MT,
voyage under the service, which is operated by 671.297 MT was non-coking coal and the remaining
Mumbai-based Round the Coast Pvt Ltd. The newly 44.787 MT was coking coal
launched service will connect Cochin with Beypore- 9. NIPUN Bharat project has been launched by the
Azhikkal and later Kollam ports in Kerala. Ministry of Education to create an enabling
4. NPCI has curated the Financial Literacy Textbook for environment to ensure universal acquisition of
students of Class VI that was introduced by the Central foundational literacy and numeracy, so that every child
Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) recently. achieves the desired learning competencies by 2026-27.
Note: The National Payments Corporation of India Note: Aim: to create an enabling environment to ensure
(NPCI) has curated the book. This book will be used for universal acquisition of foundational literacy and
a newly introduced elective subject ‘Financial Literacy’. numeracy, so that every child achieves the desired
It will enable students to have an understanding of basic learning competencies by 2026-27. It will be
financial concepts at a preliminary stage of their implemented by the Department of School Education
education. and Literacy and will be set up at National- State-
5. Google social media giant has published its first District- Block- School level.
transparency report under the new Information 10. World’s third-largest cricket stadium will come up in
Technology (IT) Rules 2021. Jaipur.
Note: It has published the report for April 2021. Google Note: The stadium will be constructed in Chomp village
received a total of 27,762 complaints for the month of on Jaipur-Delhi highway. It will be constructed in two
April, and the number of removals stood at 59,350. The phases and construction work for both phases will take
new IT rules require significant social media 5-years to complete. Two largest stadium: Narendra
intermediaries (SSMIs) such as Google, Facebook, etc. to Modi Stadium in Motera and Melbourne Cricket
publish a monthly report on the action taken on user Stadium in Australia.
complaints that they have received. 11. The Ministry of Tourism has signed a Memorandum of
6. The Arun Jaitley National Institute of Financial Understanding (MoU) with Yatra to strengthen the
Management (AJNIFM) has signed an MoU with country''s hospitality and tourism industry.
Microsoft for a strategic partnership to build an AI and Note: The primary objective of the MoU is to provide
emerging technologies Centre of Excellence at AJNIFM. extensive visibility to accommodation units, which have
Note: The collaboration seeks to explore the role of self-certified themselves on SAATHI on the OTA
cloud, AI and emerging technologies for transforming platform. The MoU also outlines both parties to
and shaping the future of public finance management in encourage units to register on NIDHI and thereby on
India. The Centre of Excellence will serve as a central SAATHI and encourage the local tourism industry with
body for research, AI scenario envisioning and tech led
15 | P a g e
appropriate safeguards for curbing the spread of the working of the industry, particularly of the less
COVID-19. efficient units. The council would also work for
12. The Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture located standardization of accounting and costing methods and
in Bhubaneswar that has developed Online Course practice.
Mobile App Matsya Setu, launched by the union minister 17. DRDO has launched a regular MTech programme in
for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Giriraj Defence Technology in association with All India
Singh. Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to impart
Note: The app has been developed by the ICAR-Central necessary theoretical and experimental knowledge, skill
Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar. It is and aptitude in various defence technology areas.
being funded by the National Fisheries Development Note: This MTech defence technology programme can
Board, Hyderabad. The online course app aims to be conducted at any AICTE affiliated institutes or
disseminate the latest freshwater aquaculture universities, IITs, NITs or private engineering institutes.
technologies to the aqua farmers of the country. Institute of Defence Scientists and Technologists (IDST)
13. Ministry of Co-operation has been created by the will provide support to the institutes for conducting this
Union Govt separately for the realizing the vision of programme, which can be conducted in online as well as
‘Sahkar se Samriddhi’. offline formats.
Note: This Ministry will provide a separate 18. Bengaluru City Railway Station has become the first
administrative, legal and policy framework for railway station in India with a movable freshwater
strengthening the cooperative movement in the tunnel aquarium.
country. It will help deepen co-operatives as a true Note: The aquarium has been opened by the Indian
people based movement reaching upto the grassroots. A Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited
co-operative based economic development model is (IRSDC) in collaboration with the HNi Aquatic Kingdom,
very relevant where each member works with a spirit of the report added. The aquarium is based on the concept
responsibility. of Amazon River and is one-of-its-kind, promising to be
14. CII has organized the first edition of the Indo Pacific a visual treat and a passenger’s delight.
Business Summit in partnership with External Affairs 19. The Union ministry of science & technology has set up a
Ministry. concentrated solar thermal (CST) based test rig facility
Note: The event saw participation from Ambassadors in Hyderabad.
and High Commissioners of various countries across the Note: The facility can help the solar industry test
Indo Pacific. Addressing the event, Secretary (East) in capability and performance of solar thermal
the External Affairs Ministry, Riva Ganguly Das spoke components like solar receiver tubes, heat transfer
about promoting trade facilitation in the Indo-Pacific fluids, and concentrating mirrors. The facility has been
through improved cross border linkages and trade set up by the International Advanced Research Centre
infrastructure. for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), an
15. ISRO has given its nod to the Parliamentary Standing autonomous institute of the Department of Science &
Committee on Education to provide technical assistance Technology (DST).
for satellite TV classrooms in the country to bridge the 20. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has
signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
learning gap due to COVID-induced lockdown.
Delhi University to establish a ‘Bangabandhu Chair’ as
Note: ISRO scientists appeared before the PSC for a tribute to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the first president
Education and made a detailed presentation about the of Bangladesh.
proposed satellite TV classroom for students. ISRO Note: An MoU was signed between the Indian Council
emphasized that it is ready to provide satellite rights to for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Delhi University in
states to start satellite TV class rooms. Dhaka on Monday to set up this Chair at Delhi
16. Under the chairmanship Puneet Dalmia the govt has University. Speaking on this occasion, the President of
set up a 25-member a Development Council for Cement ICCR Vinay Sahasrabuddhe said that this chair was the
Industry that will suggest ways to eliminate waste, celebration of the commonality of the world view
obtain maximum production, improve quality, reduce between Indian and Bangladesh as both countries stand
costs and promote standardization of products. for peace, tranquility, equal respect for all belief
Note: The committee will suggest ways to eliminate systems and democracy. The initiative is the outcome of
waste, obtain maximum production, improve quality, one of the understandings reached during the visit of
reduce costs and promote standardization of products. Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Bangladesh in March
It will also recommend measures for securing the full this year.
utilization of the installed capacity and for improving
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21. NAFED has signed and MoU with Agricultural and being implemented by Ministry of AYUSH to provide
Processed Food Products Export Development cost effective AYUSH Services.
Authority (APEDA) for strengthening export linkage of 26. Manduadih Railway Station has been renamed as
farmer cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organisation. Banaras Railway Station by the Northeastern railways
Note: It facilitates APEDA registered exporters getting (NER).
assistance under all the government schemes Note: NER has replaced the old signboard with the new
implemented through NAFED. The MoU also envisages one which read 'Banaras' in Hindi, Sanskrit, English, and
ensuring sustainability and growth of exports by Urdu. Code for the station with the new identity will
Cooperatives now be ‘BSBS,’ starting from 12am today and will be
22. Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways Nitin reflected on all the tickets booked.
Gadkari inaugurated India’s first private Liquefied 27. PM Modi inaugurated a five-star hotel built on the top of
Natural Gas (LNG) Facility plant at Nagpur, Gandhinagar Railway Station.
Maharashtra. Note: The newly-built 318-room five-star hotel atop the
Note: Emphasizing the importance of alternate biofuels redeveloped Gandhinagar Railway Station will be the
for diversification of agriculture towards the energy and first such hotel in India. The redevelopment of the
power sector, Gadkari stated that India is spending 8 Gandhinagar Railway Station and construction of the
Lakh Crore for the import of petrol, diesel & petroleum five-star hotel on top of the station started in January
products. The Government has designed a policy which 2017 after Prime Minister Modi performed the ground-
encourages development of cost effective pollution free breaking. The redevelopment of Gandhinagar Railway
and indigenous ethanol, bio CNG (Compressed Natural Station has been completed at a cost of 71.5 crore
Gas), LNG and hydrogen fuels. rupees.
23. NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd will India’s single largest 28. With Ministry of Earth Sciences the Department of
solar park at Rann of Kutch, Gujarat. Biotechnology (DBT) has signed a Memorandum of
Note: This will be India’s largest solar park to be built Understanding for mutual collaboration in the field of
by the largest power producer in the country. As a part Polar Biology.
of its green energy portfolio augmentation, NTPC Ltd, Note: Under the agreement, both organizations will
India’s largest energy integrated company, aims to build work under one roof and work jointly to address
60 GW Renewable Energy Capacity by 2032. Currently, relevant questions in Polar Biology. The centre point of
the state-owned power major has an installed capacity collaboration between the 2 entities will be the
of 66 GW across 70 power projects with an additional biotechnological applications of polar microbes. The
18 GW under construction. MoU was signed by Renu Swarup, Secretary of DBT &
24. Hyderabad based Startup incubator ‘T-Hub’ has Dr. Madhavan Nair Rajeevan, Secretary of MoES.
launched a new program called ‘AIC T-HUB Foundation’ 29. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated
with Atal Innovation Mission with an aim to support International Cooperation and Convention Centre
deep tech startups in the field of life science & named as ‘Rudraksh’ in Varanasi, which has been
healthcare sector. constructed with financial assistance from Japan.
Note: The program is launched with an aim to support Note: The centre will provide opportunities for social
deep tech startups in the field of life science & and cultural interactions between people at the
healthcare sector. It is a 3-month long foundational international convention centre. It is ideal for holding
course, which is conducted in collaboration with international conferences, exhibitions and music
various Industrial and education organisations. A series concerts and other events and the gallery is done up
of workshops will be conducted in the 3-months with murals depicting Varanasi's art, culture and music.
program, covering various sectors like – Financial As many as 108 Rudraksha have been installed at this
Planning, Lead Generation, Value proposition, among convention centre and its roof is shaped like a Shiva
others. Linga.
25. Union cabinet has approved the continuation of 30. The Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE)
Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘National AYUSH Mission under the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(NAM)’ till 2026. (MORTH) has signed pact with University of New
Note: It will now be implemented from April 1, 2021 to South Wales (UNSW), Australia to set up a Centre for
March 31, 2026. Govt has allocated Rs. 4607.30 crore Advanced Transportation Technology and Systems
(Rs 3,000 crore as Central Share and Rs. 1607.30 crore (CATTS) at its headquarter in Noida.
as State Share) for the scheme to be invested for five Note: CATTS will be a centre of excellence (CoE) to
years. NAM Mission was introduced in 2014 and is promote industries and startups from Australia and
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India in the transportation sector. It will also provide 36. IIT Kanpur has partnered with Prasar Bharati to
opportunities for innovation, research and development establish Centre of Excellence for Media and
of advanced transport systems. Broadcasting Technologies promoting NextGen
31. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology broadcasting technology.
(MeitY) has inked a Memorandum of Understanding Note: Prasar Bharati has partnered with IIT Kanpur to
(MoU) with MapmyIndia to enable the map services in establish Centre of Excellence for Media and
“UMANG App” in order to ease the lives of citizens. Broadcasting Technologies promoting NextGen
Note: After the integration of UMANG with broadcasting technology. It will be cover Next
MapmyIndia Maps, citizens will be able to find Generation Broadcast Technology Trial, Automatic
government facilities nearest to their location, such as Speech Recognition for Speech Subtitling and Archival
mandis, blood banks, and much more, at the click of a Content Retrieval through Audio and Text Query.
button. They will also be able to see these on the most 37. Indian Oil Corporation will set up India’s first Green
detailed and interactive street and village level maps of Hydrogen plant in Mathura.
India, built by MapmyIndia. Note: Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) will set-up first
32. National Commission for Women (NCW) has signed ‘green hydrogen’ plant of India at Mathura to meet the
an MoU with Bureau of Police Research and growing demand for both oil and cleaner forms of
Development (BPR&D) for gender sensitization of energy. Green hydrogen production is the ultimate
police personnel across India. clean hydrogen resource and uses renewable energy to
Note: Aim: to ensure gender sensitization of police create hydrogen fuel.
personnel with respect to legislation and policies 38. O.P. Jindal Global University has organized World
concerning women and bringing attitudinal and Universities Summit 2021.
behavioral changes in police officers while dealing with Note: The O.P. Jindal Global University has organized
crimes against women. The training will be conducted the World Universities Summit 2021 (WUS 21), titled
for a duration of three-five days. “Universities of the Future: Building Institutional
33. Google Cloud has launched its new cloud region in Resilience, Social Responsibility and Community
Delhi-NCR region of India. Impact’ today”. The event was inaugurated by the Vice-
Note: This is the second Google Cloud region in India President of India M. Venkaiah Naidu. This summit has
after Mumbai and the 10th in Asia-Pacific. The need for brought academicians and technical experts of more
a second cloud region in India stems from the enormous than 25 Countries onto a common platform.
growth in demand for capacity building, disaster 39. Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying
recovery solutions and low latency. Apart from Delhi- (DAHD) has setup Dairy Investment Accelerator under
NCR region, there are existing 25 Google Cloud regions its Investment Facilitation Cell.
across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific connected Note: The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying
via Google’s network. (DAHD), Government of India,with a view to provide
34. Government has decided to set up ‘Indian Institute of dedicated focus towards promoting & facilitating
Heritage’ in NOIDA. investments in the Indian Dairy sector, has setup Dairy
Note: It is being set up as Deemed to be University by Investment Accelerator under its Investment
integrating Institute of Archaeology, School of Archival Facilitation Cell. This Investment Accelerator is a cross
Studies under National Archives of India, New Delhi, functional team constituted to serve as the interface
National Research Laboratory for Conservation of with investors.
Cultural Property Lucknow, National Museum Institute 40. Gwalior and Orchha cities have been selected by
of History of Art, Conservation and Museology UNESCO under ‘Historic Urban Landscape Project’.
(NMICHM) and Academic Wing of Indira Gandhi Note: Development and management plan of these
National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), Delhi. cities will be prepared by UNESCO, along with
35. CII has organized the second edition of Digital Government of India and Madhya Pradesh. Six cities of
Conference & Exhibition ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat – Self- South Asia, including Ajmer and Varanasi in India are
Reliance for Renewable Energy Manufacturing’. already involved in this project, which started in 2011.
Note: As a part of Conference a 15-day Digital 41. APEDA institution has collaborated with Ladakh
Exhibition also initiated showcasing the latest from the officials for giving boost to exports of agricultural
Renewable Energy world. Union Minister Raj Kumar produce.
Singh announced that India will exceed its target of Note: Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
reducing carbon emission to 33% set by 2030 under the Development Authority (APEDA) has collaborated with
Paris agreement. officials of Ladakh to frame a comprehensive plan for
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giving boost to exports of agricultural produce from plastic waste. Water fountains have been developed at
Ladakh. The plan will enhance farmers’ as well as 400 locations in Puri.
entrepreneurs’ income. 47. Indore has been selected for International Clean Air
42. 9th is India’s rank in the list of agricultural produce Catalyst Programme.
exporters in 2019. Note: It will also help USAID to better understand local
Note: In 2019, Mexico and India, with 3.4% and 3.1% pollution sources and identify, test, accelerate, and scale
share in global agri exports, respectively, replaced solutions for cleaner, healthier air. It is a new flagship
Malaysia (7th) and New Zealand (9th) as the largest program that has been launched by The US Agency for
exporters, while the US, which topped the list in 1995 International Development (USAID) and a global
(22.2%), was overtaken by the European Union in 2019 consortium of organizations, which will be led by the
(16.1%). The US’s share fell to 13.8% in 2019. Brazil World Resources Institute (WRI) and Environmental
maintained its ranking as the third largest exporter, Defense Fund (EDF).
increasing its share from 4.8% in 1995 to 7.8% in 2019. 48. Union Home Minister, Amit Shah inaugurated the much-
43. The Indian Science Technology and Engineering awaited Greater Sohra Water Supply Scheme at Sohra in
facilities Map phase II (I-STEM phase II) project has Meghalaya.
been extended till 2026. Note: The Greater Sohra Water Supply Scheme was
Note: Indian Science Technology and Engineering conceptualised by the Meghalaya government and an
facilities Map (I-STEM): amount of Rs. 24.08 cr was sanctioned by the DoNER
o National web portal for sharing R&D ministry in 2019 under North East Special
facilities and was formally launched in Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS). He also
January 2020 planted tree saplings in Sohra as part of the Sohra
o It is an initiative of Office of the Principal Afforestation Project of the Assam Rifles.
Scientific Adviser to the Govt. of India (PSA, 49. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) in
GOI) under the aegis of Prime Minister collaboration with Border Security Force (BSF)
Science, Technology and Innovation launched Project Bold with the primary aim of
Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) mission. developing green cover in the Indian deserts of
44. In collaboration with IIT Bombay, the govt has decided Rajasthan.
to set up National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Note: KVIC along with the BSF planted 1000 bamboo
Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics for creating a world- saplings under Project Bold. The saplings were planted
class talent pool in India to cater to the Indian as well as in Tanot village in Jaisalmer. Shri Vinai Kumar Saxena,
global industry. the chairman of KVIC, launched this first of a kind
Note: It will be set up in collaboration with IIT, Bombay. plantation program in the presence of Shri Surendra
Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute and Film and Panwar, Special DG of the BSF.
Television Institute of India run courses on Animation 50. Satpura Tiger Reserve has won the ‘Natwest Group
and VFX to support skilled manpower in the animation Earth Heroes Award’ in the Earth Guardian category for
and VFX sector. best management.
45. Dholavira has been inscribed as 40th UNESCO World Note: About Satpura Tiger Reserve
Heritage Site of India with effect from July 27, 2021. o It is in Hoshangabad district and is spread
Note: The historic of ‘Dholavira’ was on the UNESCO’s over an area of 2130 square km.
tentative list since 2014. Dholavira: a Harappan city’ is o It is part of the Deccan Bio-Geographic
one of the very few well preserved urban settlements in Region.
South Asia dating from the 3rd to mid-2nd millennium o It is the oldest forest wealth of the country
BCE. With this, India has entered the Super-40 club for with 26 species of flora of Himalayan region
World Heritage Site inscriptions. and 42 species of Nilgiri forests
46. Puri became first Indian city where people can avail o It is also named as the Northern Ghats
high quality drinking water directly from the tap on 24- ➢ It accounts for 17% of India's tiger population
hour. and 12 per cent of tiger habitat.
Note: Due to this, people will need not have to store or 51. Fourteen Tigers Reserve of India have received
filter drinking water. No metropolitan city in India has ‘Conservation Assured Tiger Standards (CATS)’
such facility till now. Similar facilities are available only accreditation for meeting a set of standards for effective
in cities like London, New York and Singapore. Puri conservation of big cats.
would no more be burdened with 400 metric tonne of Note: CATS: Globally accepted conservation tool that
sets best practices and standards to manage tigers and
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assessments to benchmark progress. It is being foundational skills and basic learning outcomes among
implemented across 125 sites in seven tiger range students. It will be conducted on a pilot basis in CBSE
countries, including 94 in India. Implementation schools during the academic year 2021-22, in key
partner for CATS assessment in India: Global Tiger curricular areas of Language, Mathematics, and EVS,
Forum (GTF), World Wildlife Fund India National Tiger Science.
Conservation Authority. 53. Bangalore International Airport Limited has signed a
52. Narendra Modi has launched ‘SAFAL initiative’ for ten-year partnership with the company IBM to set up
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), on July the ‘Airport in a Box’ platform.
29, 2021, on the first anniversary of National Education Note: The partnership is designed to help Bangalore
Policy (NEP). International Airport Limited (BIAL) improve its
Note: SAFAL stands for Structured Assessment For productivity, automate its information technology
Analysing Learning. SAFAL is a competency-based services, increase operational flexibility to handle future
assessment programme for grades 3, 5 and 8 growth in passenger traffic and reduce costs.
introduced by CBSE to assess the progress of
1. Andhra Pradesh government has unveild the new ‘AP Note: Ramgarh Vishdhari Sanctuary will link
Information Technology Policy 2021-24’, that is Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in the Northeast &
expected to generate more than 55,000 jobs over the Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve on the southern side.
next three years. According to a 2018 tiger census, there are 102 tigers in
Note: It is expected to generate more than 55,000 jobs three reserves -- Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Sawai
over the next three years. New policy is also expected to Madhopur, Sariska Tiger Reserve in Alwar, and
create 1.65 lakh indirect employment thereby ensuring Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve in Kota.
a holistic eco system development. The policy would be 5. Andhra Pradesh has launched the ‘YSR Bima’ scheme
in force till March 31, 2024. with new guidelines, where the government itself will
2. Delhi state government has launched ‘Mukhyamantri directly pay the insurance amount to the family of the
COVID-19 Pariwar Aarthik Sahayata Yojna, a social deceased to make the insurance claims easier.
sector scheme for COVID 19 affected families. Note: In order to support 1.32 lakh families through
Note: It is a social security scheme for COVID-19- the YSR Bima scheme, the State government
affected families. Under the scheme, Delhi government allocated Rs 750 crores for the year 2021-22. In the
will disburse an ex gratia payment of ₹50,000 for each last two years, the State government had spent Rs 1307
death to the family of the deceased and ₹2,500 monthly crore for YSR Bima.
to those families who have lost breadwinners. Children 6. West Bengal government has launched ‘Students Credit
who were orphaned would be provided ₹2,500 monthly Card’ an education loan scheme for the students aiming
till they turn 25. for higher studies.
3. Panchmuli lake is located in Gujarat from where as Note: The scheme will provide soft loan upto Rs. 10
many as 194 crocodiles have been relocated for the lakh with simple annual interest.The loan will be
safety of tourists. available for undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and
postdoctoral studies within the country or abroad.
Note: The Panchmuli lake, situated near the 182-meter
Students residing in the state for at least 10 years will
tall statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in Kevadia. The be eligible for the scheme till 40 years of age and can
Panchmuli lake, also known as ‘Dyke-3’ of the Sardar repay the loan in 15 years.
Sarovar Dam, was developed for tourists visiting the 7. Karnataka government is planning to introduce the
Statue of Unity. There are still many crocodiles in the Model Tenancy Act in the state, aimed at ending tenant-
lake owner disputes within two months and aiding the
4. MoEFCC approved the conversion of the Ramgarh rental housing sector.
Note: The tweaked tenancy law — once brought in —
Vishdhari Sanctuary Tiger Reserve is located in
will help owners get tenants and rentals will soften a
Rajasthan that becomes the 4th Tiger Reserve in the bit. The Centre sent the law to states either to enact
state. fresh legislation based on the template or suitably
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amend the existing laws. Without a valid notice, tenants 13. India’s first cryptogamic garden housing nearly 50
cannot be evicted during the agreement period. species of lichens, ferns and fungi was inaugurated in
8. Uttar Pradesh government has formulated a proposal Uttarakhand.
for population control and welfare, rewarding couples Note: India’s first cryptogamic garden housing nearly 50
that adhere to a 'two-child policy'. species of lichens, ferns and fungi was inaugurated
Note: The policy will be voluntary — it will not be in Uttarakhand’s Dehradun district’s Chakrata town.
enforced upon anyone. However, if any person decides Around 50 species have been grown in the garden at
to "voluntarily" keep the number of their family Deoban in Chakrata at a commanding height of 9,000 ft.
members limited, they will be eligible for government 14. Ladakh signed an MoU with ‘Sikkim State Organic
schemes. On the other hand, if someone doesn't follow Certification Agency’ regarding the implementation of
the policy, they will face restrictions in government ‘Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana’ and Mission Organic
jobs, availing ration, and other benefits. Development Initiative in the region.
9. Assam state government announced to create an Note: Aim is to convert Ladakh into a certified organic
independent department to protect and preserve the UT by 2025. 3 Phases: The UT plans to achieve the
“faith, culture and traditions of tribes and indigenous organic status through 3 phases, in the first phase, 85
communities” of the state. villages will be identified to convert 5000 hectares of
Note: The Department of Indigenous Faith and Culture land into organic and in the 2nd phase, 82 villages will
is aimed to preserve set of beliefs, customs and be covered with 10,000 hectares and under the 3rd
practices of tribal communities. The new ‘Department phase, 79 villages (the remaining areas) will be covered.
of Indigenous Faith and Culture’ will mainly focus on Sikkim was declared as the 1st ‘100 percent organic
area dominated by illegal immigrants. state’ in the world by the United Nations Food and
10. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Agriculture Organization (UN FAO).
India partnered with Rajasthan to improve the 15. India’s 1st Grain ATM called ‘Automated, Multi
Targeted Public Distribution System (TDPS) in the state. Commodity, Grain Dispensing Machine’ has been
Note: The partnership entails, among other things, the installed in Haryana.
use of digitisation, data aggregation, performance Note: It has been set up as part of a pilot project under
dashboards for monitoring of the TDPS, thus providing the ‘World Food Programme’ of the United Nations. The
a real-time and long-term solution to improve the food machine which works like Bank ATMs can dispense
and nutritional security for millions. This partnership approximately 70 kg of grains in 5-7 minutes’ It will
between the WFP and the Department of Food and Civil dispense the quantity of ration as allocated by the
Supplies of the Rajasthan government is part of a wider Haryana government per individual family in the
strategic Memorandum of Understanding signed late respective food bag designated at the ATM machine.
last year. 16. Annual month-long festival ‘Asha Bonalu’ is celebrated
11. The National Research Centre on Yak (NRCY) at Dirang in Telangana.
in West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh has tied Note: During this, Ministers of State Talasani Srinivas
up with National Insurance Company Ltd for insuring Yadav for Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and
yaks. Cinematography of Telangana and Allola Indrakaran
Note: This is the first such instance in the country that Reddy for Endowments, Law and Forest, Environment,
an insurance policy for highly valuable Himalayan Science and Technology presented the silk robes to the
cattle/yak have been approved. The insurance policy goddess on behalf of the state government. The festival
will be a big boon for the yak owners, as it will shield will culminate on August 8, 2021.
them against a number of risks posed by weather 17. Karnataka government has unveiled an Electric Bike
calamities, diseases, in-transit mishaps, surgical Taxi scheme-2021 to ensure affordable first-and last-
operation, strike or riots and permanent total disability mile connectivity in major cities in the state.
for breeding or stud yaks Note: This will serve as a bridge between public
12. NTPC signs MoU with Ladakh to set up country’s first transport and daily commuters. It will boost self-
Green Hydrogen Mobility Project. employment, promote eco-friendly environment, fuel
Note: MoU was also marked with the inauguration of conservation, reduce travel time and inconvenience,
NTPC’s first solar installations in Leh in form of solar strengthen public transport and encourage establishing
trees and a solar car port. It will enable NTPC to help related industries. The distance between the origin and
Ladakh develop a carbon free economy based on destination for a trip shall not be more than 10 km.
renewable sources and green hydrogen.
21 | P a g e
18. Maharshtra govt has launched the new Electric Vehicle Note: Panchayat secretariat will be established in all
Policy -2021 to accelerate the adoption of Battery gram panchayats for the first time in the state.
Electric Vehicles in the country. Panchayat assistant will be given Rs 6,000 as
Note: This new EV policy is a revision of the 2018 policy remuneration.
and will exempt EVs from road tax and registration 25. Jivlag Yojna scheme is associated Covid-19 orphans
charges. It is introduced with an aim to make field that has been launched by the NCP MP Supriya
Maharashtra the topmost producer of battery-powered Sule.
electric vehicles in India. It also aims for electric Note: The scheme will take care of children who have
vehicles (EVs) to make up 10% of all new vehicle lost both parents during Covid-19 pandemic. Under this,
registrations, by 2025. NCP and its welfare trust will take care of 450 Covid
19. Zurich Airport international airport has signed a orphans and have deputed 450 individuals to connect
shareholder agreement with Noida International with these children.
Airport Limited (NIAL) for the development of the 26. Kakatiya Rudreswara Temple is located in Telangana
Noida International Airport at Jewar. state that has been inscribed by UNESCO as Indian 39th
Note: As per the agreement, NIAL will hold one golden World Heritage Site.
share in Yamuna International Airport Pvt Ltd (YIAPL) Note: Also known as Ramappa temple, it is located in
and the right to nominate two directors to the board. Palampet village in the newly formed Mulugu District in
Two directors who will be part of the airport board are Telangana. The 13th century temple is probably the
Arun Vir Singh, chief executive of NIAL, and Vishak Iyer, only temple known by its chief sculptor, Ramappa. This
Director Civil Aviation, UP. is the first site which got heritage tag from UNESCO ever
20. India’s 1st Pod taxi service to be launched in Uttar since Telangana state formed in 2014.
Note: ‘Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development 27. Global agricultural firm Corteva Agriscience has signed
Authority’ (YEIDA) has reported about the final Detailed a 3-year project with the 2030 Water Resources Group
Project Report (DPR) about the Project. The project will (2030 WRG) hosted by the World Bank Group, to
cost Rs.862 crore and it will run around 14.5 km promote sustainable rice cultivation in Uttar Pradesh.
between the airport and film city. On July 17, 2021, Note: The project provides a framework for Corteva,
Zurich Airport International AG, the Swiss company, 2030 WRG and a task force of multiple stakeholders to
signed a shareholder agreement with Noida work towards transforming 40,000 acres of land from
International Airport Limited (NIAL) for the traditional methods of transplanting rice to the Direct
development of the NIA in Jewar, UP. Seeded Rice (DSR) technique. This practice will reduce
21. ‘Shravan Harela’ festival celebrated in Uttarakhand. agricultural water consumption by 35-37% thereby
Note: The word Harela means “Green Leaves”. The day reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20-30%.
also symbolises the new harvest and it is celebrated by 28. Arunachal Pradesh state government has signed an
planting the saplings. The Harela festival also MoU with Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy
commemorates the wedding of Hindu Gods Shiva and Research and Analysis-IIM Shillong for collaborating as
Parvathi. a knowledge partner ________.
22. Maharashtra state will be the first Indian state to issue Note: The MoU was signed between Chief Secretary
educational documents using blockchain technology. Naresh Kumar and Prof D. P Goyal, Director IIM Shillong
Note: Currently only Singapore, Malta and Bahrain are in presence of Chief Minister Pema Khandu. The MoU
the only other countries using this technology. For this, aims at promoting mutual agreement between the Dr.
Maharashtra government has partnered with LegitDoc APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research Analysis of
and Each student will receive a “” IIM Shillong and the Finance Planning and Investment
digital file containing the original PDF diploma Department of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
certificate 29. The Ministry of Science & Technology will set up a first-
23. Gujarat state has recently held first ever elections of of-its-kind Centre of Excellence for Northeast in
Balika Panchayat that will take up issues pertaining to Arunachal Pradesh.
adolescent girls and women in the village. Note: It was sanctioned by Department of
Note: Young females aged between 10 to 21 years Biotechnology. Location of the project: Kimin, Papum
contested elections for this unique Panchayat. This Pare in Arunachal Pradesh. Entire North-eastern Region
Panchayat will be run by the girls and for the girls. will be able to use its fruit and organic food potential to
24. Uttar Pradesh state announced to set up panchayat the maximum extent. It will also help in exploring many
secretariat in all panchayats of the state. vast areas and to find hitherto lesser known or
22 | P a g e
unknown new species including diverse habitats and Bhopal. AYUSH and tourism will be brought together to
diverse flora. boost employment opportunities in tribal areas under
30. Uttar Pradesh govt has launched the 'MyGov-Meri the scheme.
Sarkar' portal through which the people of the state can 33. Recently the foundation stone of a Bamboo Industrial
give various feedbacks to the government. Park laid down in Assam.
Note: Through this portal, the people of the state can Note: The project will be implemented with Rs. 50
give various feedbacks to the government and the UP crores from DoNER Ministry. The project, once
government can also inform them about the various completed, would usher in a new era in the economy of
schemes of the state. The portal will be used efficiently the region and create vast employment opportunities
to further enhance the engagement of the common for the local youths.
citizens of the state with the Uttar Pradesh state 34. Karnataka becomes the first state in the country to
government. provide one per cent reservation for the ‘transgender
31. Delhi govt has partners with Google to Give Real-time community in all the government services.
Info About Buses to Commuters. Note: The government submitted a report to the High
Note: The Delhi government joined hands with tech Court in this regard informing that a notification had
giant Google to provide real-time information about already been issued after amending the Karnataka Civil
buses to commuters and make public transport in the Service (General Recruitment) Rule, 1977.The specifies
national capital more user friendly. With this one per cent reservation in all general as well as reserve
partnership with Google Maps, Delhi joins the league of categories for the third gender.
global cities that provide seamless, real-time 35. Kerala state police launched a new initiative called the
information about public transport. Pink Protection project for the protection of women in
32. Madhya Pradesh state government has prepared the public, private and digital spaces.
Ayush-based economic upgradation scheme ‘Devaranya Note: The Pink Protection project aims to prevent
Yojana’ with the twin objectives of improving people’s dowry-related issues, cyber-bullying & humiliation in
health and livelihood of tribals. public places. It has 10 components, one of which is
Note: For this, medicinal plants should be cultivated in activating the existing Pink Police Patrol system,
the beautiful plains of the villages. Ayush Super named Pink Janamaithri Beat.
Specialty Hospitals are being constructed in Indore and
1. Singapore has signed an agreement with the Royal 3. To be commissioned in December 2021 the Rampal
Government of Bhutan on the establishment of Model Maitree Power project is being built by India in
Technical Training Centres (MTTC) as part of growing Bangladesh.
between the two countries. Note: The event will be coinciding with the Golden
Note: The agreement was signed by Sonam Tobgay, jubilee celebration of the liberation of Bangladesh. The
Director of Bilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs second unit is expected to be commissioned matching
of Bhutan, and Simon Wong, Ambassador of Singapore with the implementation of the associated transmission
to Bhutan. It is seen as one of the outcomes of Bhutan’s system. The Power Secretaries of both the countries
opening up to the outside world. India with whom held a meeting through video conferencing
Bhutan has a special relationship has warm ties with 4. World’s second-biggest hydroelectric dam, the Baihetan
Singapore with the city state setting up vocational Dam is located in China that was turn on officially.
training institutes for Indian youth in places like Note: The Baihetan Dam on the Jinsha River, a tributary
Rajasthan and Assam in recent years. of the Yangtze, is part of Chinese efforts to curb surging
2. USA ranked first in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index fossil fuel demand by building more hydropower
2021 by Startup Blink. capacity at a time when dams have fallen out of favor in
Note: The country was in the 17th spot in 2019 and slid other countries due to environmental complaints. Plans
six spots down in 2020 and stood at 23. Like last year, call for the 289-meter-tall (954-foot-tall) Baihetan Dam
the US, the UK, Israel, Canada and Germany are in the to have 16 generating units with a capacity of 1 million
top five spots. The report has a score for each location, kilowatts each. That will make it second in size after the
which is calculated as the sum of three parameters — Three Gorges Dam, opened in 2003 on the Yangtze, with
quantity, quality and business environment. 22.5 million kilowatts of generating capacity.
23 | P a g e
5. China was certified as malaria-free by the World Health 10. 21 targets have been set up in the first official draft of a
Organisation, following a 70-year effort to eradicate the new Global Biodiversity Framework released by the UN
mosquito-borne disease. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to guide
Note: China was certified as malaria-free by the World actions worldwide through 2030 to preserve and
Health Organisation, following a 70-year effort to protect nature and its essential services to people.
eradicate the mosquito-borne disease. The country Note: The framework includes 21 targets for 2030 that
reported 30 million cases of the infectious disease call for, among other things, at least 30 per cent of land
annually in the 1940s but has now gone four and sea areas global, especially areas of particular
consecutive years without an indigenous case. importance for biodiversity and its contributions to
6. Jovenel Moise the President of Haiti was assassinated is people, conserved through effective, equitably managed,
an attack on his residence. ecologically representative and well-connected systems
Note: The acting Prime Minister Claude Joseph declared of protected areas and other effective area-based
a state of seige in the country. Haitian National Police conservation measures.
have detained two suspects and killed four others 11. Singapore has unveiled one of the World’s largest
connected to the assassination. Haiti is a Caribbean floating solar panel farms, which can produce enough
country that shares the island of Hispaniola with the electricity to power its five water treatment plants
Dominican Republic to its east. quadrupling its solar energy production by 2025.
7. International Air Transport Association (IATA) has Note: It is located on a reservoir in western Singapore.
launched a global mobility aids action group to examine It is 60 megawatt-peak solar photovoltaic farm with
and improve the transport journey of mobility aids, 1,22,000 solar panels and has been built by a wholly-
including wheelchairs, with the objective of improving owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries. It will help to
the handling of this vital equipment for travelers with reduce carbon emissions by about 32 kilo tonnes
disabilities. annually, comparable to taking 7,000 cars off the roads.
Note: The action group will be the first of its kind aimed 12. UAE has become the first Gulf country to open an
at tackling issues around the safe and secure transport embassy in Israel.
of mobility aids—an issue of huge importance to a Note: UAE embassy is situated in the Tel Aviv Stock
growing number of travelers. It will also provide advice Exchange, Israel, followed by the inauguration of
and recommendations to airlines and other Israel’s embassy in the UAE last month. Normalisation
stakeholders concerning the establishment of policy, of ties between UAE and Israel were discussed for the
process and standards related to the handling and first time on trade and investment opportunities across
transport of mobility aids. various fields, including economy, air travel, technology
8. Nepal Investment Board has signed a pact with SJVN and culture. Sudan and Morocco have since also moved
Ltd to develop the 679-megawatt (MW) Lower Arun to establish ties with Israel
Hydro Electric Project in eastern Nepal. 13. European Commission (EC), the executive branch of
Note: The National Investment Board of the Himalayan European Union (EU) proposed plans to impose World’s
Nation announced that the pact was signed with India's 1st ‘Carbon Border Tax’ from 2026.
state-owned Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) which is the Note: It aims to protect European industries from
second mega project undertaken by Southern competitors abroad not subject to the same carbon
neighbour. The memorandum of understanding MoU levies. During the transitional phase from 2023-25,
was signed by SJVNL Chairman and Managing Director Importers will monitor and report their emissions.
Nand Lal Sharma and IBN Chief Executive Officer Sushil 14. India is not a part of the Quad group formed for
Bhatta. Afghanistan peace process.
9. Recently Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Note: Representatives of the United States, Afghanistan,
has launched launched BHIM–UPI services in Bhutan. Pakistan, and Uzbekistan agreed in principle to
Note: With launch of BHIM-UPI in Bhutan, payment establish a new quadrilateral diplomatic platform
infrastructures of the two countries are seamlessly focused on enhancing regional connectivity. The parties
connected and will benefit a large number of tourists consider long-term peace and stability in Afghanistan
and businessmen from India who travel to Bhutan each critical to regional connectivity and agree that peace
year. Bhutan is the first country to adopt UPI standards and regional connectivity are mutually reinforcing. The
for its QR deployment, and the first country in our parties see the establishment of the group as a means to
immediate neighbourhood to accept mobile based bolster regional trade, build new transit routes and
payments through the BHIM App. strengthen business ties.
24 | P a g e
15. Russia will conduct military drills with Uzbekistan and nutrients to help reduce childhood malnutrition, after
Tajikistan near Afghan border. receiving the green light from regulators.
Note: The joint drills will take place August 5-10 at the Note: Golden Rice was developed by Dept of
Kharbmaidon training ground in Tajikistan near the Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-
Afghan border. The troops will run drills to defeat PhilRice) in partnership with International Rice
illegal armed units that invaded the territory of an allied Research Institute (IRRI) to contain additional levels of
country. beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A.
16. Historic Urban Landscape Project of UNESCO was Golden Rice is genetically engineered to provide up to
started in 2011. 50% of the estimated average requirement (EAR) for
Note: It is an approach to the management of heritage vitamin A of young children.
resources in dynamic and constantly changing 20. Uzbekistan has hosted a high-level International
environments. It is based on the recognition and Conference titled “Central and South Asia: Regional
identification of a layering and interconnection of Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities”.
natural and cultural, tangible and intangible, Note: Challenges and Opportunities” at Tashkent. The
international and local values present in any city. conference was an initiative of the President of
17. World’s first 3D-printed stainless-steel bridge has been Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev. It was attended by
inaugurated in Amsterdam. President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, Ministers from
Note: It was developed by MX3D, a Dutch robotics Central Asian, West Asian and South Asian countries,
company, in collaboration with a consortium of experts, including Minister of External Affairs of India Dr. S.
and represents a major milestone for 3D-printing Jaishankar.
technology. After four years of development, the bridge 21. Landscape garden, Sitio Burle Marx site is located in
was unveiled by Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Brazil that has been added to UNESCO’s list of World
Netherlands. It was installed over one of the oldest Heritage sites.
canals in Amsterdam’s city centre – the Oudezijds Note: The garden features more than 3,500 species of
Achterburgwal. plants native to Rio and is considered a laboratory for
18. Naples city hosted the G20 Environment Ministerial botanical and landscape experimentation. It has been
Meeting 2021. named after Burle Marx, a Brazilian landscape architect
Note: The host city of this meet was Naples, Italy. The whose designs of parks and gardens made him world-
meeting was held as part of 16th G20 Leaders’ Summit, famous. It is the 23rd Brazilian location recognized on
scheduled to be held in October 2021, under the UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites
Presidency of Italy, with primary theme of ‘People, 22. Alphabet has announced to launch a new company,
Planet and Prosperity’. Union Environment Minister of known as Intrinsic, which will focus on building
India, Bhupender Yadav participated in the two-day industrial robot software.
G20 Environment Ministerial Meeting 2021 virtually, Note: It will focus on releasing new robotic software
along with Minister of State for Environment Ashwini and projects related to artificial intelligence that will
Choubey and senior officials develop delivery drones and self-driving cars. The
19. Philippines will become the first country in the world motive is to add flexibility to the smaller businesses
to be able to cultivate a variety of rice enriched with performing a USB connection task. It will help the
manufacturing industry to ensure that user’s demands
are kept in mind.
1. Dr Rajendra Kishore Panda is poet of Odia language Odia language. He has published 16 poetry collections
who won the prestigious Kuvempu Rashtriya Puraskar and a novel.
2020. 2. Korean Airline International Airline has been selected
Note: This national award was instituted in memory of as the "2021 Airline of the Year" award by the Air
late poet laureate Kuvempu to recognise litterateurs Transport World (ATW) also known as Oscar in the
who had contributed in any language listed in 8th aviation industry.
Schedule of Constitution. The prestigious award Note: It is also called the Oscar in the aviation industry.
carries a cash award of Rs 5 lakh, a silver medal, and a The awards ceremony will be held in Boston on
citation. Born on June 24, 1944, Dr Panda writes in the October 5. The ATW's Airlines of the Year award has a
25 | P a g e
huge honour that called the Oscar in the global aviation Karakal, general secretary of BKS and Firoz
industry. Thiruvathra, literary wing secretary.
3. The Indian Army has named a military firing range in 8. Caleb Landry Jones has won the best Actor award
Gulmarg after Indian Actor Vidya Balan. (male) in Cannes Film Festivals 2021.
Note: The Vidya Balan Firing Range is located in Note: The Cannes film festival concluded in the south
Gulmarg, Kashmir. Earlier this year, Vidya along with of France.
her husband Siddharth Roy Kapur had even attended Here is a list of the main winners:
the Gulmarg Winter Festival organised by the Indian Award Winer
Army. Also, a few days ago, it was announced that she
has been invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Palme d'Or: Julia Ducournau (Titane)
Arts and Sciences, the governing body behind the
Oscars. Best director: Leos Carax "Annette"
4. Indian venture ‘Invest India’ has won the world's
most innovative Investment Promotion Agency award Best actress: Renate Reinsve (Worst
2021 by OCO Global.
Person in the World)
Note: OCO Global is a leading economic development
advisory firm, working with govt and companies
worldwide on international investment and Best actor: Caleb Landry Jones
trade. Invest India, set up in 2009, is a non-profit (Nitram)
venture under the Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce Best screenplay: Hamaguchi Ryusuke
and Industry. and Takamasa Oe (Drive My Car)
5. Indian economist Kaushik Basu has been conferred
with the Humboldt Research Award for 2021 by Dr Best first film: Antoneta Kusijanovic
Hans-Bernd Schäfer of Bucerius Law School Hamburg,
Germany. (Murina)
Note: The award recognizes excellence through an
entire career and offers research collaboration Best short film: All The Crows In The
opportunities. Basu is a professor of economics at World (Tang Yi)
Cornell University and the Carl Marks professor of 9. Muhammad Yunus will be awarded with the Olympic
International Studies in the College of Arts and Laurel at the Tokyo Games.
Sciences and SC Johnson College of Business. He was Note: Yunus, whose pioneering micro-lender has been
the chief economist of the World Bank from 2012 to hailed for cutting poverty across the globe, will be
2016, and chief economic adviser to the Indian honoured for “his extensive work in sport for
government from 2009 to 2012. development. The 81-year-old economist-turned-
6. Syed Osman Azhar Maqsusi has recently been globe-trotting celebrity speaker won the Nobel in
granted the prestigious United Kingdoms 2006. He will be given the award at the Tokyo 2020
Commonwealth Points of Light Award for his initiative opening ceremony on July 23.
‘Hunger Has No Religion’. 10. Aadhimalai Pazhangudiyinar Producer (APP)
Note: The hunger drive feeds about 1,500 people every Company & Snehakunja Trust have been awarded
day in five cities across the country. Presented by the with the prestigious United Nations Development Fund
British government, the award is given to the (UNDP) Equator Prize for their work in the field of
outstanding individual volunteers who make a positive conservation and biodiversity.
difference through their services to the community Note: They are among the 10 awardees. UNDP gives
around them. biennial award to recognize community efforts to
7. Malayalam Poet Omchery N N Pillai has been reduce poverty through the conservation and
honoured with the Bahrain Keraleeya Samajam (BKS)’s sustainable use of biodiversity. APP is a 1,700-member
Literary Award for 2021 for his contribution to the cooperative, managed and run entirely by indigenous
Malayalam language and literature. people from Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve in Tamil Nadu.
Note: NN Pillai hails from Vaikom, Kottayam, Kerala. 11. Sandesh Jhingan has been chosen as the AIFF men’s
The award constitutes a cash prize of Rs 50000 and a Footballer of the Year.
citation. The award was announced by P V Note: Midfielder Suresh Singh Wangjam won the
Radhakrishna Pillai President of BKS, Varghese Emerging Player award for 2020-21. It is the 1st time
26 | P a g e
that the defender has received the AIFF Player of the 25,000 trees in 2019 Most of these trees have been
Year award, having won the Emerging Player of the planted post 2019, using Miyawaki forestation method.
Year Award in 2014. The award winners were chosen 13. Vaidehi Dongre has been crowned as the Miss India
on the basis of votes from the Indian Super League and USA 2021.
I-League club coaches. Note: Arshi Lalani from Georgia was declared the first
12. Kandla SEZ of India has been awarded with IGBC runner-up of the beauty pageant while Mira Kasari,
Platinum Rating and is the First Green SEZ to achieve from North Carolina was the second runner-up. She
IGBC Green Cities Platinum Rating for Existing Cities. also won the 'Miss Talented' title when she gave a
Note: KASEZ is the oldest export zone in the country flawless performance of Indian classical dance form
and has become the first green industrial city in India Kathak. Miss India USA was started by New York-based
to receive a platinum rating in the industrial cities Indian Americans Dharmatma and Neelam Saran
category. KASEZ has increased to 3.5 lakh trees from under Worldwide Pageants.
Sports News
1. Abhimanyu Mishra becomes the youngest chess and the winner of the 2017 Biel tournament, added
Grandmaster, breaking the record of 12 years and seven another prestigious title to her resume. Hou clinched
months set by Sergey Karjakin in 2002. the $20,000 first prize in a tight match where she won
Note: Abhimanyu reached the milestone in 12 years, the final two bullet games.
four months, and 25 days. The 12-year-old player from 6. Levon Aronian has won the wins Goldmoney Asian
New Jersey scored his third GM norm in Budapest, Rapid online chess title, he held from Armenia.
having already crossed the required 2500 ELO rating Note: The Armenian grandmaster defeated the Russian
barrier. He went on to defeat 15-year-old Indian GM chess player Vladislav Artemiev. He will receive a $
Leon Luke Mendonca, securing a performance rating 30,000 prize for winning first place. Goldmoney Asian
higher than 2600 over nine rounds, which constitutes a Rapid is the 7th round of the Meltwater Champions
GM norm. Chess Tour organized by Magnus Carlsen.
2. Sprinter MP Jabir qualified for the Tokyo Olympics 7. Mariyappan Thangavelu has been named the flag-
recently. bearer of the Indian contingent in the Tokyo
Note: Jabir qualified through the World ranking quota Paralympics 2021.
where there are 14 spots available. The 25-year-old Note: The decision was taken by the executive
sailor hails from Malappuram, Kerala. He is currently committee meeting of the Paralympic Committee of
ranked 34th in the World Athletics’ Road to Olympics India (PCI) due to his victory in 2016 Rio Paralympics.
rankings where 40 athletes qualify. Mariyappan Thangavelu was conferred with the Khel
3. Nihal Sarin has won the Silver Lake Open chess Ratna. He had won the 2016 Rio Paralympics T-42 high
tournament in Serbia. jump gold by clearing 1.89m.
Note: The third-seeded Indian came on top of the field 8. Manpreet Singh will be the India's flag bearers at the
with eight points from nine rounds. In the final round, opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics along with M
he defeated Branko Damljanovic of the host. The second C Mary Kom.
and third places were also taken by Indians, as Raunak Note: IOA also revealed that wrestler Bajrang Punia will
Sadhwani and Abhimanyu Puranik scored seven points be the flag bearer at the closing ceremony of the Games.
each. The official size of the Indian contingent will be around
4. Max Verstappen has won the Austrian Grand Prix 126 athletes and 75 officials, totalling 201. The Tokyo
2021. Olympics would be held from July 23 to August 8.
Note: This is his third victory in a row from pole. It 9. Bajrang Punia will be the flag bearer at the closing
consolidates his world championship lead over Lewis ceremony of the Tokyo Games 2021.
Hamilton. Hamilton's Mercedes teammate Valtteri Note: IOA also revealed that wrestler Bajrang Punia will
Bottas took second with McLaren's Lando Norris in be the flag bearer at the closing ceremony of the Games.
third. The official size of the Indian contingent will be around
5. Hou Yifan has won the FIDE Women's Speed 126 athletes and 75 officials, totalling 201. The Tokyo
Chess Championship 2021. Olympics would be held from July 23 to August 8.
Note: She beats GM Harika Dronavalli from by 15-13 in
the final. Hou, a four-time women's world champion
27 | P a g e
10. Indian female swimmer Maana Patel became the first 16. Novak Djokovic won the Wimbledon 2021 men's
female and only the third swimmer from the country to singles titles.
qualify for Tokyo Olympics 2021. Note: He beats Matteo Berrettini of Italy in final at All
Note: Maana Patel qualified for the Olympics through England Club in London. It his 20th Grand Slam title,
the Universality quota. Universality quota allows one Thus he equal Federer and Rafael Nadal's tally of 20
male and one female athlete from a country to major wins in the Open Era. Djokovic also completed
participate in the Olympics. Maana Patel will join Sajan the Wimbledon hat-trick (2018, 2019 & 2021) to
Prakash and Srihari Natarajan in India's swimming become the first male player since Federer to achieve
squad in Tokyo. Maana will compete in the women's the feat.
100m backstroke event. 17. Ashleigh Barty won the Wimbledon 2021 women's
11. AFC women's Asian Cup 2022 will be hosted by singles titles.
Mumbai and Pune. Note: Barty has become the first Australian woman to
Note: This move was taken by AFC to minimise the win Wimbledon women's singles title since 1980.
travel time and maintain an optimum bio-secure bubble Ashleigh Barty's victory comes 50 years after her idol,
for the players. The tournament set to take place from Australian Evonne Goolagong Cawley, won her first
20th January to 6th February, 2022 will be held at 3 Wimbledon title.
Football Stadiums: 18. Indian origin boy Samir Banerjee won the Wimbledon
o Andheri Sports Complex – Mumbai boys' singles title 2021.
o D Y Patil Stadium – Navi Mumbai Note: All of 17, the boy from New Jersey just wanted to
o Chhatrapati Sports Complex – Pune win a match at the biggest stage in the junior circuit, but
12. Indian Grandmaster Nihal Sarin won the Serbia Open little did he know that he would be the last boy standing
Chess Championship in Belgrade. at the hallowed grass courts. Up against compatriot
Note: This is the second consecutive tournament Victor Lilov, the teenager won 7-5 6-3 in the summit
victory for sixteen-year old Sarin after he claimed the clash that lasted one hour 22 minutes.
title in Silver Lake Open. The GM from Thrissur, Kerala 19. Cristiano Ronaldo has won European Championships
played out a draw with GM Vladimir Fedoseev of Russia (EURO 2020) Golden Boot, as no one from England or
to finish with 7.5 points out of a possible nine to finish Italy managed to surpass his tally in the tournament
clear first in the 289-player field in the nine-round final at Wembley.
tourney. Note: He had scored 5 goals, the same as Czech
13. Italy has won the UEFA European Football Republic forward Patrik Schick. Three of his goals came
Championship 2020. from the penalty spot, while the other two came from
Note: Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma saved open play against Hungary and Germany. Ronaldo also
two England penalties to win by a 3-2 shootout. It was became the leading goal-scorer in the history of Euros
the first final to be decided on penalties since with his 14th strike.
Czechoslovakia beat West Germany in 1976. Italy’s 20. Haryana will organize the Khelo India Youth Games
goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma was Best player of 2021 to be held in February 2022.
the tournament. Note: Earlier, Khelo India Youth Games was scheduled
14. Argentina has won the Copa America 2021 title. to be held from November 21 to December 5, 2021, but
Note: They beat Brazil 1-0 in the final at the historic has been shifted due to the possible third wave of
Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Angel Di Maria Covid-19 pandemic. Khelo India Youth Games 2021 are
scored the only goal of the match in the 22nd minute. to be held for the under-18 category. Around 8,500
This is Lionel Messi's first major trophy with the players will participate in the event of which 5,072 will
Argentina senior team. Messi elected joint best player be athletes, including 2,400 females and 2,672 males.
along with Brazil’s Neymar. 21. Sophie Ecclestone belongs to England has been named
15. Gianluigi Donnarumma has been adjudged as the best as ICC Women Player of the Month for June.
player of the tournament in the UEFA European Note: She is the 2nd English female to win the title after
Football Championship 2020. Tammy Beaumont, who was awarded this title for
Note: Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma saved February 2021. Along with her, New Zealand opener
two England penalties to win by a 3-2 shootout. It was Devon Conway has bagged ICC Men’s Player of the
the first final to be decided on penalties since Month for June.
Czechoslovakia beat West Germany in 1976. Italy’s 22. All-rounder Mohammad Mahmudullah Riyad belongs to
goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma was Best player of Bangladesh has announced his retirement from Test
the tournament. cricket recently.
28 | P a g e
Note: Mahmudullah’s decision to leave the Test game three newly inducted nations are now among ICC’s 94
mid-way, has been criticized by Bangladesh Cricket Associate members.
Board (BCB) President Nazmul Hassan. He decided to 29. Brisbane has been chosen by International Olympic
stop playing Test cricket, after the end of the third day’s Committee for hosting for 2032 Summer Olympics
play of the ongoing one-off Test between Bangladesh Games.
and Zimbabwe. Note: Australian city of Brisbane will be the host city for
23. According to the Badminton World Federation (BWF) 2032 Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games as
India will host World Badminton Championships in year announced by International Olympic Committee (IOC).
2026. Brisbane will be the third Australian city to host the
Note: This will only be the 2nd time that India will be Olympic Games after Melbourne in 1956 and Sydney in
hosting the world championship, with Hyderabad 2000.
having played host to the prestigious event in 2009. 30. Web-based engagement platform 'Heroes Connect' has
Suzhou will now stage the 2023 edition of the BWF been launched by Hockey India.
World Mixed Team Championships, with original 2023 Note: Hockey India has launched its own player-
hosts India accepting the opportunity to host the BWF oriented web-based engagement platform titled as
World Championships in 2026. 'Heroes Connect'. It has been designed to encourage
24. Babar Azam becomes the fastest batsman to notch up former and current Indian hockey players to initiate
14 ODI centuries reaching the milestone in 81 innings. constructive discussions around the sport.
Note: After failing to score in the 1st two matches, he 31. Saikhom Mirabai Chanu has won first medal for India
returned to form, scoring 158 runs off 134 balls, in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
including 14 boundaries and 4 maximums. Babar Note: This is the first medal for India at the ongoing
notched up the triple-figure with a four of Saqib Tokyo Olympics Game. She lifted a total of 202kg (87kg
Mahmood's bowling in the 38th over of Pakistan's in snatch and 115kg in clean and jerk). China’s Zhihui
innings. Hou bagged gold after lifting a total of 210kg, creating a
25. Lewis Hamilton has won the British Grand Prix 2021 new Olympic Record. Indonesia’s Windy Cantika Aisah
for a record 8 times. won bronze with a total of 194kg.
Note: The win was the 99th of seven-times world 32. Indian Junior wrestler Priya Malik won the Gold Medal
champion Hamilton's Formula One career, fourth of the at the 2021 World Cadet Wrestling Championship in 73-
current campaign. The event was held at the Silverstone kg category.
Circuit in the United Kingdom. Monaco based Ferrari Note: The championship was held in Budapest,
driver Charles Leclerc finished at second. Hamilton’s Hungary. She defeated Kseniya Patapovich by 5-0 in the
teammate Valtteri Bottas (Finland) finished third after summit clash Cadet World Championship is a
being told to let Hamilton through to chase Leclerc. tournament where the best Greco-Roman, Freestyle and
26. In chess, Viswanathan Anand won the Sparkassen Women wrestlers worldwide below the age of 17
Trophy 2021 held in Dortmund, Germany. compete.
Note: He defeated Vladimir Kramnik of Russia in his 33. 13 years old Japanese Momiji Nishiya associated with
fourth and final round. Playing white in a Tarrasch Skateboard won the gold medal at the Tokyo 2020
variation, Anand, a former world champion, settled for a Olympics and became one of the youngest gold
draw in 40 moves, to win the match 2.5-1.5. The event medalists ever at the Olympic Games.
was played as part of the "No-Castling" Chess devised Note: Nishiya won the gold on 26th July, 2021 in the
by the Russian GM. women’s street competition which debuted for the first
27. Mithali Raj bagged top position in ICC Women's ODI time in Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Yuto Horigome of Japan
Player Rankings in batting category. won the men’s competition on 25th July, 2021. This
Note: This is the ninth time that Mithali has reached the makes Japan the gold medal holder in both the
number one spot among batting players. Apart from categories. Nishiya landed her tricks perfectly to beat
her, Babar Azam (Pakistan) reign at the top of the MRF out Brazil’s Rayssa Leal, also just 13 years of age.
Tyres ICC Men’s ODI Player Rankings. 34. Yuto Horigome belongs to Japan has won the first ever
28. Tajikistan and Switzerland country has been inducted skateboarding gold medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games
as a member in International Cricket Council. 2020.
Note: Mongolia and Tajikistan have been inducted as Note: He scored 37.18 points to win the first ever
the 22nd and 23rd Members from the Asia region while Olympic Gold medal for skateboarding in the men’s
Switzerland is 35th Member from Europe region. These street skating competition, held at Ariake Urban Sports
Center, Tokyo. Kelvin Hoefler of Brazil won silver and
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Jagger Eaton of United States clinched the bronze. Maharastra’s Soumya Swaminathan and Tamil Nadu’s R
Skateboarding's inclusion into the Olympics marks a Vaishali of finished fourth and fifth respectively.
turning point for the sport, that was originated in US 37. China has won gold in the first mixed team 10m air rifle
35. Carissa Moore become the first woman to ever win a final in Tokyo Olympic 2020 ________.
gold medal at the Olympics women's surf champion. Note: This is the second gold for Yang Qian, who won
Note: She defeated Bianca Buitendag of South Africa the first gold of Tokyo Olympics in the women's
and registered a score of 14.93. Italo Ferreira of Brazil individual event The teams were locked at 9-9 after 10
has defeated Kanoa Igarashi of Japan with massive lead series, but the Chinese pulled away outscoring the
in men's surfing event and secured gold medal Surfing Americans in three straight series and four of the last
made its Olympic debut during three days of five.
competition at Tsurigasaki Beach, in Chiba province, 40 38. Weightlifter Polina Guryeva has secured first Olympic
miles from Tokyo. medal for Turkmenistan.
36. Vantika Agarwal has won the National women online Note: She won silver medal for the Central Asian nation
chess title. at the Tokyo Games.She lifted a total 217 kilograms in
Note: With 9 points Arpita Mukherjee of West Bengal the 59-kilogram category, edging Mikiko Andoh of Japan
took the second spot. Tamil Nadu’s Sreeja Seshadri with for second place. Kuo Hsing-Chun of Taiwan has won
8.5 points took the third spot in this competition. gold by lifting 236kg in weightlifting.
1. Dhaval Kulkarni has authored the book tilted the Humboldt Research Award for 2021 by Dr Hans-
‘Nathuram Godse: The True Story of Gandhi’s Assassin’. Bernd Schäfer of Bucerius Law School Hamburg,
Note: It is the biography of Nathuram Godse, the Germany. Basu is a professor of economics at Cornell
assassin of Mahatma Gandhi. Pan Macmillan India will University and the Carl Marks professor of International
the book by 2022. The book features the unknown Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences and SC
aspects of Godse’s life, his ideologies and other factors Johnson College of Business.
that led to the assassination of Gandhi. 5. Kaushik Basu has authored the book titled
2. Shruthi Rao & Sushant Singh has authored the “Policymaker’s Journal: From New Delhi to Washington,
children’s book titled “India To The Rescue”. D.C.”.
Note: The illustrations of the book were done by Note: The book features the journal records of his
Shangnik Chakraborty. The book features the rescue career of 7 years, during which he served as the Chief
operation “Operation Cactus” which averted the Economic Adviser (CEA) to the Indian Government and
Maldives crisis on 3rd November 1988. Operation the Chief Economist at the World Bank in Washington
Cactus is India’s one of the quickest and most successful D.C., The book is published by Simon & Schuster
missions. Publishers India Pvt Ltd.
3. Rajpal Punia & Damini Punia has authored the book 6. Baljit Kaur Tulsi has authored the book titled ‘The
titled “Operation Khukri” which is set to release on 15th Ramayan of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’.
July 2021. Note: The book has been authored by Late Baljit Kaur
Note: The book is published by the Penguin Random Tulsi. The book has been published by Indira Gandhi
House India (PRHI). The book is dedicated to Havildar National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi. Guru
Krishan Kumar, Sena Medal (posthumous), the only Gobind Singh: He was the tenth and last of Sikh gurus in
Indian soldier who died in Operation Khukri. The book human form. He was a spiritual master, warrior, poet,
is the first-hand account of Major General Rajpal Punia, and philosopher, who was enthroned at the ‘Guru
the Commanding Officer (CO) of the 58th Gorkha Rifles, Gaddi’.
who orchestrated “Operation Khukri”. 7. J.S. Ifthekhar has authored the book titled 'Urdu Poets
4. Kaushik Basu has authored the book titled “The and Writers - Gems of Deccan' which was received by
Republic of Beliefs: A New Approach to Law and the Vice President, Venkaiah Naidu.
Economics”. Note: It is authored by senior journalist, J.S. Ifthekhar.
Note: In the book he argues that the traditional The book is an anthology of prose and poetry that
economic analysis of the law has significant flaws and encapsulates the life and works of 51 outstanding poets
has failed to answer certain critical questions and writers of the Deccan region. The book traces the
satisfactorily. Recently, Kaushik Basu conferred with rich literary and cultural traditions of Deccan, right
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from the time of Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the experience with all other riders and offers internship
founder of Hyderabad, to the present times. programmes to teach equine management through the
8. Jairam Ramesh has authored the book titled ‘The Light book.
of Asia’. 12. Vijay Gokhale has authored the book titled “The Long
Note: This book is a biography of an epic bio-poem on Game: How the Chinese Negotiate with India”.
the Buddha. Ramesh, the author, Member of Parliament, Note: India and China have had a fractured relationship
former Union Minister, and Congress leader, digs deep since the 1950s. The Long Game by Vijay Gokhale,
in his new book to bring out the fascinating story published by Penguin Random House, details the
behind the epic 1879 poem, “The Light of Asia” by Sir various diplomatic strategies and tactics used by the
Edwin Arnold, that took the world by storm and in some Chinese for negotiation. Gokhale, who has spent nearly
ways, brought the Buddha’s story to the world at the four decades in the Indian Foreign Service before
turn of the last century. retiring as foreign secretary in January 2020, is an
9. Ashok Chakravarti has authored the book titled “The expert on Chinese diplomacy.
Struggle Within: A Memoir of the Emergency”. 13. Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra is the author of the book
Note: The Book is Published By Harpercollins India. The titled as ‘The Stranger In The Mirror’.
Struggle Within: A Memoir of the Emergency book deals Note: It is published by Rupa Publications. The book
with one of independent India’s darkest hours during features accounts of noted personalities from cinema
the emergency period. The Emergency (1975-1977) and advertising world like A R Rahman, Bajpayee,
was one of independent India’s darkest hours. In that Abhishek Bachchan, etc.
period, over 150,000 people were imprisoned without 14. Dr. C K Garyali has authored the book tilted ‘Bank with
trial; as many as eleven million forcibly sterilized, and a Soul: Equitas’.
countless killed in police firings or otherwise Note: Dr. C K Garyali is a founder trustee of EDIT
eliminated. (Equitas Development Initiative Trust) and the book
10. Bimal Jalan is the author of the book titled ‘The India chronicles the journey of Equitas and EDIT in
Story’. transforming the lives of women with frequent social
Note: The book focuses on India’s economic history and reform initiatives helping them setup micro-enterprises
aims to provide lessons for the future of India’s political and pioneering financial inclusivity right from its
economy. The India Story is published by Rupa inception. The book documents the journey of Equitas &
Publications India. He has previously written three EDIT in transforming the lives of women with frequent
books namely ‘India Then and Now’ (2020), ‘India social reform initiatives and how they helped in
Ahead’ (2018) and ‘Politics Trumps Economics’ (2012). establishing micro-enterprises and in pioneering
11. Imtiaz Anees has authored the book titled ‘Riding Free: financial inclusivity.
An Olympic Journey’. 15. Ashok Lavasa has authored the book tilted ‘An
Note: HarperCollins announced to present the story of Ordinary Life: Portrait of an Indian Generation’.
an Indian equestrian rider and his Olympic Note: In this book, he narrated about his father, Udai
dream ‘Riding Free: My Olympic Journey’ by Imtiaz Singh, and his own experience on how his father’s
Anees. Imtiaz Anees is an equestrian Olympian, trainer, principles served as a moral compass in his life, and can
competitor, NBC commentator, qualified Level 2 in ours too. He resigned as election commissioner in
instructor and coach educator. As the only equestrian 2020 to become vice-president of the Asian
Olympian in India, he wants to share his knowledge and Development Bank
1. Starlink is a satellite internet constellation of SpaceX "data back haul" spines for their networks. The satellite
that will provide broadband internet everywhere in the network currently moves about 30 terabits of data per
world except polar regions by August 2021. second.
Note: Space Exploration Technologies Corp. has 2. India born US astronaut Sirisha Bandla becomes the
launched more than 1,500 satellites so far and has second women from India to fly into space after
Starlink operations in about a dozen countries. SpaceX Kalpana Chawla.
aims to offer broadband to as much as 5% of the world's Note: She is a part of the team which will make its first
population where conventional fiber and wireless crewed flight to space in which her flight role is that of a
networks can't reach. Starlink will provide so-called Researcher Experience. The 34-year-old aeronautical
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engineer was born in Andhra Pradesh’s Guntur district collaboration and partnership between the US and
and brought up in Houston, Texas. Prior to Bandla, India.
Rakesh Sharma and Sunita Williams were the other 8. The researchers at IIT Madras have developed an
Indians who went into space Artificial Intelligence-based mathematical model to
3. For Pension Disbursement an integrated system identify cancer-causing alterations in cells.
SPARSH has been implemented by the Defence Ministry. Note: It will help to pinpoint genetic alterations
Note: This web-based system processes pension claims responsible for cancer progression, which is difficult
and credits pension directly into the bank accounts of using present methodologies. It will make use of a
defence pensioners without relying on any external relatively unexplored technique of leveraging DNA
intermediary. A Pensioner Portal is available for composition
pensioners to view their pension related information, 9. Russia has successfully test-fired the Zircon Hypersonic
access services and register complaints for redressal of Cruise Missile.
grievances. Note: Zircon meaning ‘Invincible’ is a winged, anti-ship
4. From USA the Indian Navy has received the 10th anti- hypersonic cruise missile. During the testing, the missile
submarine warfare aircraft P-8I. reached speeds of up to Mach 7. Tsirkon hypersonic
Note: Defence Ministry had signed a contract for eight Cruise Missile is developed & manufactured by NPO
P-8I aircraft in 2009 but in 2016, it signed a contract for Mashinostroyeniya. It is capable of hitting targets at sea
four additional P-8I aircraft. Remaining two aircrafts and on land, it has a range of 1000 kms and is capable of
are expected to be delivered in the last quarter of 2021. flying at the speed of Mach 9. It is set to be deployed on
P-8I is a long-range maritime reconnaissance and Anti- both warships and submarines.
Submarine Warfare Aircraft, and a variant of the P-8A 10. Russia nation has successfully test-fired S-500 air
Poseidon used by the US Navy. defence missile systems recently.
5. Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh has launched an Artificial Note: Russia successfully test-fired new S-500 air
Intelligence (AI)-powered grievance management
defence missile systems from southern training range,
application in New Delhi that was developed by
Ministry of Defence with the help of IIT-Kanpur. Kapustin Yar. S-500 is also known as Prometey or
Note: The application has been developed by Ministry 55R6M Triumfator-M and is a Russian surface-to-air
of Defence with the help of IIT-Kanpur. It is the first AI missile/anti-ballistic missile system and has been
based system developed to improve grievance redressal developed by Almaz-Antey Air Defence Concern.
in the Government. It has the capability to understand 11. IIT Ropar has developed first-of-its-kind Oxygen
the content of the complaint based on the contents Rationing Device named as ‘AMLEX’.
therein and can identify repeat complaints or spam
Note: The device will supply a required volume of
6. Ordnance Factory of Tiruchirappalli handed over the oxygen to the patient during inhalation and trips when
locally assembled 12.7 mm Stabilized Remote Control the patient exhales CO2, saving oxygen which otherwise
Gun (SRCG) system to the Indian Navy and Indian Coast unnecessarily get wasted. It can operate on both
Guard for enhanced surveillance. The weapon is portable power supply (battery) as well as line supply
assembled through the transfer of technology (ToT) (220V-50Hz).
initiative with the support of Israel.
Note: The first batch consisted of 25 weapons. They 12. DRDO has successfully tested New Generation Akash
were assembled in the Trichy factory through the Missile (Akash-NG) from Odisha coast.
transfer of technology (ToT) initiative with the support Note: Defence Research & Development Organisation
of Israel-based defence company Elbit Systems. The (DRDO) has successfully tested New Generation Akash
SRCG is fitted with a 12.7 mm M2 NATO standard heavy Missile (Akash-NG) from Integrated Test Range (ITR)
machine gun. off the coast of Odisha. Akash-NG weapon system is a
7. The Indian Navy has received first two MH-60R Multi surface-to-air Missile that can strike targets at around
Role Helicopters (MRH) from USA. 60 km and fly at a speed of up to Mach 2.5.
Note: Indian Navy and the US Navy had signed Rs 13. DRDO has successfully flight-tested indigenously
15,157 crore ($2.13 billion) deal to buy 24 MH-60 developed MPATGM that has been launched for Indian
Romeo helicopters, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, Army.
under foreign military sales from the US government in Note: DRDO has successfully flight-tested indigenously
February 2020 It will begin the new era of defence developed third generation Man Portable Antitank
Guided Missile (MPATGM) for its minimum range. It is a
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low weight, fire and forget missile, incorporated with technologies, intrusion detection systems, block-chain,
state-of-the-art Miniaturized Infrared Imaging Seeker and cyber-physical systems.
along with advanced avionics. Note: As many as 13 start-ups and 25 research and
14. The ‘Operation White Sea’ is related with Kargil War. development principal investigators were selected after
Note: Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26th July in a rigorous application process. C3i hub of IIT Kanpur
honour of the heroes of the Kargil war of 1999. To will focus on safeguarding cyberspace which will also
concur the Kargil war Indian Army launched the include critical infrastructure.
‘Operation Vijay’ (II) in 1999. First Operation Vijay was 17. ‘INDRA 2021’ is a Joint Military Exercise between India
launched in 1961 that led to the capture of Goa, and Russia.
Anjediva islands and Daman and Diu. Indian Airforce Note: It is the 12th Edition of Indo-Russia joint military
along with Army also launched ‘Operation White Sea’ exercise that will be held from 1 to 13 August 2021. 250
during the Kargil war. personnel from both the nations will form part of this
exercise that will involve conduct of counter terror
15. US space agency NASA has selected SpaceX to launch its operations against international terror groups, under
probe of Jupiter's moon Europa, which has liquid oceans UN mandate.
that could harbour life. 18. Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad has
Note: The Europa Clipper mission, scheduled to launch developed India’s first Rapid electronic Covid-19 RNA
in October 2024 on a Falcon Heavy rocket from the Test kit that allows self-testing at home called
Kennedy Space Center in Florida, is worth $178 million. ‘COVIHOME’.
Europa Clipper will conduct a detailed survey of the icy Note: This test kit can produce results within 30
Jupiter moon Europa and use a sophisticated suite of minutes for both symptomatic and asymptomatic
science instruments to investigate whether the moon patients. The major benefit of this testing kit is that it
has conditions suitable for life. Jupiter’s moon Europa is does not require RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription
approximately 390 million miles (630 million Polymerase Chain Reaction), an expert human resource,
kilometers) from Earth and the journey is expected to and a BSL 2 lab facility for the extraction of RNA, so it
take more than 5 years. has the potential for one to take the test at home
16. IIT Kanpur has launched the 1st technology innovation without expert supervision.
hub to find cybersecurity solutions for anti-drones
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