School Bullying Among Students
School Bullying Among Students
School Bullying Among Students
This chapter includes the introduction, background of the study, statement of the
problem, conceptual framework, scope and limitation, significance of the study and the
I. Introduction
another person injury or discomfort. It is where the mental illness starts, depression,
anxiety, being an suicidal person but there is a type of bullying that almost of the
insulting, Relationship bullying – includes refusing to talk to you, excluding you from
groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors about you, making you do things you don’t
want to do. One of the most trending bullying nowadays is cyber bullying that has a big
impact to the one who experienced it which apparently lead to depression or anxiety
and this kind of illness will not let someone sleep at night, give insecurities and destroy
a person deeply until by forcibly hurting oneself physically.(Robinson & Segal, 2019)
and high school of both private and public schools on 2014 rose by 21% or a total of
6,363 cases compare with the 5,236 on 2013. The data, presented by Rep. Gerald
Anthony Gullas Jr., a member of the House committee on basic education, revealed
recorded. The DepEd reiterated that schools should comply with the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Anti-bullying law of 2013 to address the root causes of
bullying in order to mitigate the effects and reduce the incidence of bullying. (Sonnie,
This study was conducted to find out the different forms of school bullying among
the Grade 11 students of St. Dominic College of Asia. It is hoped that this research
Many people have already encountered bullying, which can be done not only by
the established personalities such as government officials and celebrities but also by an
average individual. It causes an emotional harm to the victim like what happened in
December 2018 where a viral video circulating online showing alleged bullying in the
Ateneo de Manila University captured on camera, took place inside the restroom of
the Ateneo de Manila University. It showed the student who is the bully identified as
dignidad?". Montes then looked into the camera, explaining that if the student were to
choose dignity, he would have to kneel and sniff the Montes's shoes and "sensitive
area". When the taller student failed to reply, the smaller student proceeded to attack
the former using a style of taekwondo. The taller student never fought back, and his
nose was later seen bleeding after the Montes's attack ceased. It was at this point that
The video made rounds on various social media platforms, prompting netizens to
issue threats of violence against the bully whose identity was censored by mainstream
news outlets. The said incident prompted the Department of Education (DepEd) to
remind schools about enforcing anti-bullying policies. DepEd cited Department Order
No. 40 which institutionalized zero tolerance for violence against children and
established the Child Protection Committee (CPC) in all public and private schools.
(, 2018)
among the Grade 9 students of Las Piñas National High School. Specifically, it sought
1. What are the types of bullying encountered by the Grade 9 students in Las Piñas
1. To identify the types of bullying encountered by the Grade 9 students in Las Piñas
The framework above showed the flow of the whole concept of this research. The
cause and effects of bullying to students and the students respond to bullying in general
School (S.Y 2020 – 2021) and focused only on the cause and effects of bullying to
The primary respondents answered the questions to determine the types of
bullying among Grade 9 students of Las Piñas National High School. They also
are luckier than those who are bullied and they will be able know what the effects of this
Parents – With the use of this study, parents will be able to know that they should have
a sense of dedication and responsibility as mentor and model to their children. And with
this study, they will know how to handle their children who is struggling in depression
because of bullying
There are some terms that need to be defined in this study for clarity and further
dominate others.
Bully - a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are
Cyber bullying - Involves the use of information and communication technologies such
as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal
web sites, and defamatory online personal polling websites, to support deliberate,
repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.
Screen name - A screen name is a made up name that people use in order to identify
themselves. These names are generally not anywhere near the person's real name and
Social Media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share content
This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-
depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art to
I. Related Literature
A. Foreign
Bullying is a serious threat to the youth today. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bullying affects 20% of high school students
and cyberbullying affects 16% of high school students. Surveys compiled by the CDC
also show that 33% of student’s ages 12-18 who reported bullying at school and 27% of
students ages 12-18 who reported cyberbullying indicated that they were bullied at least
once or twice a month. Middle schools reported the highest rate of bullying (25%), at
least once a week. Additionally, Hurley (2018) discussed the short-term effects of
bullying for the victim such as social isolation, feelings of shame, sleep disturbance
and the long-term risks of bullying for the victim such as chronic depression, increased
risk of suicidal thoughts, and anxiety disorders. (Short Term and Long Term Effects of
Bullying, 2018)
In an article regarding the effects of bullying discussed some of the reasons why
a student might be the victim of bullying. The research on race, ethnicity, and national
origin are still not clear, but there are some studies that report this to be a reason for
bullying. For instance, Davis & Nixon, 2010, reported that about 16% of students
reported this as a reason for bullying. Common reasons for bullying include looks and
body shape. In 2010, Davis & Nixon reported that about 55% students reported looks as
the primary reason for bullying and about 37% reported body shape as the primary
reason. About 1/3 of overweight girls and ¼ of overweight boys reported being teased
or bullied about their weight. Students who are bullied have increased school
suffer from sleep difficulties, headaches and stomachaches, and mental health issues
such as anxiety and depression. Students who are frequently bullied are two times more
likely to have suicidal ideation or attempts. Students who are bullies also have long-term
issues such as academic problems, substance use, behavioral issues, and problems
with the law. They are less likely to obtain meaningful employment and often struggle
B. Local Literature
In a blog posted online by Christina (2012), she stated that bullying is something
that should never be taken lightly and it's something that happens to those on the
spectrum more often than not. There are several factors that play a role in that
occurring to those on the spectrum more often than neurotypical peers. Although
humans and particularly those on the spectrum are known for their resilience, bullying
takes away from someone even on the spectrum more than just a bloody nose. Bullying
takes away the hardest things to get back. Factors that can shape the way a person
sees himself, helping him in his life, and the decisions he makes for a lifetime.
In December 23, 2013, the RA 10627 was implemented to collectively address
the problems on bullying. This covers elementary and secondary schools and
As requirements, the school must come up with policies defining and prohibiting bullying
reports bullying incident or bullies. The school should also come up with admin procedur
procedures for recording system, reporting and investigation, and filtering of false
reports and disciplinary action for students making false reports. In addition, the school
for parents and students on bullying dynamics. As it is now established in the public and
private schools, it was reported that on the school year 2013-2014, there were 1,700
reports of child abuse and bullying in school and 60 percent of these were resolved.
A. Foreign Studies
and is one of the most common antisocial behaviors among adolescents and children.
the United States, Europe, and some initiatives in low-income countries, yet bullying is
more pervasive problems in schools than any other problems. It also provides data
based in 2016 nationwide survey stating that 20.8% of students report being
bullied. In 2015 survey of students ages 12–18, 21% reported being bullied at school,
13% reported being made fun of, called names, and insulted; 12% were the subject of
rumors; 5% were pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on; and 5% of students were socially
were forced to do things they did not like to do, and finally, 2% reported that their
belonging was damaged on purpose. In the same survey, females (23%) more than
males (19%) reported being bullied and females (15%) were more than males (9%)
being the subject of rumors. However, male (5%) more than female (3%) students
reported threatened with harm. Black students (25%) and white students (22%) more
than Hispanic students (17%) reported being bullied in school. (Al-Ali &Shattnawi, 2018)
Achievement from Teachers Point of View” (2017) investigated school bullying impact
The study used a descriptive analytical methodology. The research sample consisted of
all schools’ teachers in Amman West Area (in Jordan). The sample size consisted of
200 teachers selected from different schools from Amman West area in Jordan. A self-
hypotheses and distributed over research sample subjects. All distributed questionnaire
were collected. The research results indicated that school bullying exists in all schools
regardless if they are governmental or private ones. The study also concluded that
school bullying affect student’s academic achievement either for the victims who suffer
from these phenomena and in the same time it affects the bullies themselves. The
research suggested that teachers and the school management have to take different
measures for the purpose of reducing the bullying volume. Moreover teachers should
coordinate with bully’s students. Teachers and school management have to set some
Bullying is a social phenomenon that has seen across the world and
this study was to investigate the impact of Teacher Bullying (TB) and Peer Bullying (PB)
that TB and PB significantly affect the students’ BE. In addition, due to bullying in the
classroom the students can’t fully concentrate on their work activities, did not take part
in class participation and did not follow the teacher’s instructions and ultimately
B. Local Studies
its effects on the children who have been bullied, who is bully and children who witness
bullying situations. It also discussed how the school, parents and guardians deal if their
highlighted the issues of school bullying in the Philippines and its serious psychological
consequences for victims that includes low psychological wellbeing, poor social
bullying in the Philippine schools line in other parts of the world,is a phenomenon that
has serious psychological consequences. Sometimes, the Philippines administration
cannot manage to control bullying incidents in the schools. Understanding why bullying
happens in schools will make it easy for the parents and guardians to help their children
from being victims and ensure that their children do not become bullies themselves. It
was recommended based on the conclusions drawn that schools must have peer clubs
that concerns anti-bullying matters, anti-bullying policies and lectures on handling them
must be given to the parents during their regular monthly PTA Meeting, hotlines should
be available on the school premises posted on the conspicuous areas for the easy
access in times of bullying situations is concern. This will also serve as warning to those
student who wants to bully someone, and school administrators, teachers and parents
as well should realize the danger of the media. They should discourage children and
students of watching violence, murders, rape, and robberies, etc. (Barranta Jr., 2014)
III. Synthesis
The literature and studies cited in this paper were one in saying that bullying is
obviously a severe issue at schools. Some people become a victim of bullying because
when the victim has no idea who it can be, it is easy for other people to bully a person.
many doors of opportunity, personally and socially. Every student deserves the privilege
of building a successful life in and out of the school, however; bullying often takes that
I. Research Design
In this study descriptive qualitative research design was used to accurately and
of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate one or more ideas. Also, the
researcher does not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and
measures them. Further, the design shows the instrument of the study to get the results
The researcher conducted the study in Las Piñas National High School. The
chose the place of implementation because it will give the researcher an easy way to
select the participants and conduct his survey. The study will be conducted in the
The respondents of this study are from Las Piñas National High School, and it is
only limited in Grade 9 students both male and female ages between 13 to 14 years old.
This aims to collect ideas and to determine the experiences on bullying and the effects
The researcher used self-made survey questionnaire to get the valid results and
data, and the survey questionnaire was distributed to the chosen participants in grade 9
of Las Piñas National High School. The survey questionnaire was divided into three
main statement, namely: 1. The types of bullying encountered by the Grade 9 students
in Las Piñas National High School, 2. The effects of the identified type of bullying to
students behavior in school, and 3. Ways that students did to address the concerns
Step 1. To conducts the survey, the researcher asked first for the permission
Step 2. When the permission was granted, the researcher meets his respective
Step 3. Researcher would give the instruction and orient the respondents on how
Step 4. When the respondents already done, the researcher collect the
questionnaire and the researcher assured the respondents of the confidentiality of their
Step 5. The researcher will tally and compute the survey and interpret and
In order for the researcher to interpret the data gathered from the respondents, the
the frequency distribution to show the relationship of the magnitude of the item of the
The researcher used the summated scale or Likert 5-point scale (with 1 being the
lowest and 5 being the highest) using the one directional numerical scale to measure
the best respondent’s perception. The total result score was obtained in summing up
the rater’s item scores and then computed for the Mean Formula.
The obtained the weighted means were interpreted in the used of following range.
This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the
A. The types of bullying encountered by the Grade 9 students in Las Piñas National
High School.
The table 1 above has shown the ranking of types of bullying based on the
experiences of the respondents. On top of it was Cyberbullying including posting hurtful
images, making online threats, and sending hurtful emails or texts with 4.48 weighted
mean value and was verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. It was followed by Sexual
touching, sexual propositioning, and pornographic materials with 4.29 weighted mean
value and was interpreted as Strongly Agree as well. Last on the ranking was Physical
Bullying include kicking, hitting, punching, slapping, shoving after gaining a weighted
As shown on table 2 were the ranking of the effects to students behavior and it
revealed that the Increased feelings of sadness and loneliness was the number one
effect as it garnered a weighted mean value of 4.29 and verbally interpreted as Strongly
Agree. The Decreased academic achievement and school participation was placed
second with 4.35 rating and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Garnering a 4.03 weighted
mean value was Depression and anxiety and was placed last on the ranking.
Making new, good friends, and focus on the positive experiences that I have each day
was found to be the top response as it gained 4.29 weighted mean value while Avoid
being alone was the second with 4.25 and both were interpreted as Strongly Agree.
Placed last on the list was When someone is verbally harassing me, I looked the bully in
the eye. Maintained eye contact, and strongly, calmly tell them to stop. Walk away, and
tell the incident to an adult or authority with 2.73 weighted mean value and was
interpreted as Fair.
The result of the conducted survey indicated that indeed bullying is everywhere and the
person experiencing it must always be alert at all times. Adult intervention is necessary
(2017), the long-term solution is to learn techniques that render bullying ineffective. The
individual who determines the effectiveness of direct aggression is not the aggressor,
but rather the target. If the target shows fear, cowers, gets upset, or feels that he or she
excuse to bully, then the bullying is effective. But if the target doesn’t show fear, doesn’t
cower, doesn’t get upset, ignores taunts or insults, or reacts in an unexpected way, then
the aggressor won’t get the satisfaction that he or she is seeking from the bullying
I. Summary Findings
1. The types of bullying encountered by the Grade 9 students in Las Piñas National
High School
a. Cyber bullying includes posting hurtful images, making online threats, and sending
c. Relational aggression like being teased, insulted, ignored, excluded and intimidated.
d. Verbal bullying use words, statements, and name-calling to gain power and control
e. Physical Bullying include kicking, hitting, punching, slapping, shoving. (WMV= 3.90)
a. Make new, good friends, and focus on the positive experiences that I have each day.
and then, block further messages from that sender. I only accept messages from people
I know. (WMV=3.46)
e. When someone is verbally harassing me, I looked the bully in the eye. Maintained
eye contact, and strongly, calmly tell them to stop. Walk away, and tell the incident to an
II. Conclusion
1. Bullying is just around the corner and it is in different forms. It is wrong and never
3. A person always has a choice and it will depend on the ability of the person to
III. Recommendations
2. Seek help from a physician in order to be vigilant for signs and symptoms of
3. Always tell the parents or any adult in authority to be actively involved in school
and community activities and guide students how to interact socially, resolve
conflicts, deal with frustration, and cope with anger and stress.
4. Be the person that is smart enough and confident enough to be friends with
everyone you meet. By doing so, you're sending the message that you're self-
5. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school
staff is required to ensure that all students can learn and be socially active in a