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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Chapter 4


This chapter presents how the researcher completed the process of bracketing,

horizonalization, theme clustering, constructing the textural and structural descriptions, writing

the overall essence, and verification of the lived experiences of online sellers on how they cope

up their own struggles in managing a business.

As the first step, the researchers did bracketing or the process of mitigating

preconceptions which had the potential to taint the results. Afterwards, the interview

transcriptions were read thoroughly and significant statements were highlighted or the so called

horizonalization. These statements are shown in Table 1 and are treated as of equal value in

describing the participants’ experiences of the phenomenon.

Table 1

Significant Statements of the Lived Experiences of Online Sellers in Managing an Online


1. I always post them on my shop in facebook page.

2. When the buyer doesn't respond to my messages regarding the payment or they take

too much time to reply and give too many reasons.

3. I have to wake up early and prepare for the shipment of the parcels and I rarely have

time for myself.

4. I always talk to them sincerely even if sometimes I'm busy with other things.

5. it helped me to lessen my work.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

6. Consistently posting my business and products tru online.

7. Focus on my goal and set my objective.

8. to use texting or by calling through video calls.

9. sometimes the data or the signal is too weak and we're not able to communicate


10. I always use my phone and laptop only because that is also what i am using for my

online class.

11. I usually make a proper inventory or physical count of all my assets or resources.

12. I try to stay positive as much as possible.

13. As a way to communicate to my customers.

14. I always show my INTEGRITY to all my customers.

15. During payment transaction and quality of goods.

Following the horizonalization was theme clustering wherein significant statements

were analyzed, outlined and grouped into themes or meaningful units. The researchers were able

to generate ten theme clusters divided into two. In order to answer the first core question: what

have the participants experienced in being an online seller, the first set of theme clusters was

conveyed (textural description). On the other hand, the second group of themes provided

answers for the second central question: how have the participants experienced coping with the

struggles of being an online seller (structural description). Hence, Table 2 presents the

groupings of clustered themes based on the significant statements and their relative ideas.
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Table 2

Theme Clusters Divided into Two Groups

Group A: Textural Themes

Theme 1: Precautions to take when you encounter a scammer

Theme 2: Common problems faced by online sellers

Theme 3: Customer relationship management

Theme 4: Understanding the COVID-19 effect on E-Commerce

Theme 5: The pandemic's impact on the state of online selling

Group B: Structural Themes

Theme 1: Common scams and frauds

Theme 2: The challenges of running an online business

Theme 3: Benefits of technology in business

Theme 4: Taking your business online in the time of pandemic

Theme 5: Successful resource management for small business

1. As to what have the participants experienced in being an online seller?

Theme 1: Precautions to take when you encounter a scammer. The internet is often a tragic

place where virtual thieves can steal your money, your account, or even your identity. One

among the foremost important concerns when it involves online scams is e-commerce fraud.

From mastercard fraud to bogus returns, the absolute best numbers of e-commerce fraud
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

incidents are those against consumers. The study revealed that the majority of the participants

believed that they will let the scammer know what are his/her mistakes and teach them on what

will be the effect if they scam an online seller. While the remaining participants stated that they

will block and post them on social media. They will also be alert if a scam exists in their online

business. The views of the majority were showed in the following responses:

(1) Keep myself calm and try to talk or reach out with the scammer. My goal is to let the

scammer know her/his mistakes and give her/him a due process so that no one will be a

victim again and also to correct the wrong doing of the scammer. I'll make sure that the

scammer will change her/his life's perspective by guiding her/him to the right direction in


(2) What I often do is that I make sure they know what they have done and contact them with

the information that they have given me. I also put their name in public to spread

awareness to other sellers as well.

(3) Just ignore

(4) When I encounter a scammer or a bogus buyer I always post them on my shop's facebook

page because it's not easy to be an online live seller like me and I want to teach that

person what will be the effect on us sellers.

(5) Be alert to the fact that scams exist. Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or

click on links or attachments in emails AND remove them.

(6) I am going to block the scammer from contacting me.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

In the study, it was revealed that the responses of the participants were clearly associated

with the statement of Writing (N.D) that business owners who select to do commerce online,

there are a number of potential dangers and rewards. Sometimes, you choose to require your

commerce online, you ought to consider carefully whether or not you are arranged to confront

the potential dangers of an e-commerce wander, as well as choose whether or not the conceivable

payoffs of executing a trade on the web will counterbalance these dangers in your particular case.

Researchers were able to uncover how the customers are more than cheerful to remain domestic

and investigate and total their buy online as long as the obstructions to online shopping have

been subverted, security dangers, or paying for shipping stated by Heartley (2016).

Theme 2: Common problems faced by online sellers. E-commerce has certainly changed the

way we shop for the better. But, like everything else, the world of online shopping is not all

roses. Despite all the efforts of e-commerce companies to alleviate them, there are a few

problems that customers still have to face while selling online. In the interviews conducted, most

of the participants initially thought of getting bad feedback from the customers. Some are waking

up early to prepare for the shipment of the parcel that they are going to sell. On the other hand,

the minority either looked forward to building up auto sales consumers or funding a capital for

the business to grow. These data are revealed in the following statements:

(1) The common struggles I experience as an online seller are as follows:

1. Building up auto sales consumers. It is important that you have a group of consumers

that continuously and consistently buy your products. Since consumers are a major
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

factor to strengthen the foundation of your business.

2. Funding Capital. As your online business starts to grow, you need to be ready for

your capital investment to sustain the needs of your consumers and meet customer's

satisfaction. Need to ensure that all products you offer are available and serve

immediately as your customer requires it. Remember that customers always wanted to

get their order right away. Waiting is just a waste of time, therefore, do not let your

customers wait for their order. Otherwise, they might look for another supplier.

(2) The common struggles that I experience is that I have to wake up early and prepare for

the shipment of the parcels and I rarely have time for myself because I have to focus on

what I do.

(3) During payment transaction and quality of goods.

(4) The common struggles that I've always experienced are of course there are many bogus

buyers, sometimes there's a return item and lastly I had experienced another buyer

compared me to another seller.

(5) The common struggles in doing online business is that the problem is getting bad

feedback from the people and the amount of time of delivery when someone inquired.

(6) The feedback of the customers is one of my struggles.

These findings from the interview with the participants are supported by Hufford (2019),

over the past decade, customers ceaselessly modify the way they have to shop and merchants are

endeavoring to keep up. Clients easily see, compare, and buy from online goals, marketplaces,
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

versatile apps, physical stores, and social goals. As creative development makes a difference in

their travel, customers are looking for pivotal experiences over these progressed and physical

touchpoints with brands. They are also associated with Wicks (2015) as more businesses

marketers begin to enter the online world, the competition for traffic becomes even more

challenging. Against powerhouses like Amazon, Walmart, and Target, smaller brands face a

challenge in being found by internet buyers. For this reason, digital marketing is basic in

building brand acknowledgment and expanding activity to commerce websites.

Theme 3: Customer relationship management. Maintaining a good relationship with customers

is a way for e-commerce’s business to be successful. The interview indicates that 6 out of 6

participants maintain a good relationship with their customers by having patience, being

transparent to customers, and being well mannered in order for the customers to keep on buying

your product. These findings are revealed in the following responses:

(1) I always show my INTEGRITY to all my customers. Be transparent and honest so that

trust between customer and seller will form.

(2) I try to stay polite when talking to them as much as possible even if they are rude.

(3) Good quality of the products that i am selling and honestly to my clients.

(4) I always talk to them sincerely even if sometimes I'm busy with other things,because I

don't want to cause trouble to my customers.

(5) I usually do to maintain good relationships by convincing them to buy at our store, tell

them our products are cheap from others, and tell them to try our products.

(6) Make yourself pleasant to do business with.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

These findings from the interview with the participants are supported by Nitzan & Libai

(2011) stated that organizations ought to be inquisitive about CRM since of its conceivable

implications for superior understanding and prediction of customer maintenance. Over the past

two decades, professionals and researchers have paid significant consideration to customer

retention and its predecessors and consequences, fundamentally since of the effect of retention

on client lifetime esteem and subsequently on the firm’s bottom line. Mohammadhossein and

Zakaria (2012) distinguished the seven core benefits of CRM: improved capacity to target

beneficial clients, integrated assistance over channels, improved deals constrain effectiveness

and adequacy, progressed pricing, customized products and services, improved client service

efficiency and adequacy, and individualized marketing message.

Theme 4: Understanding the COVID-19 effect on E-Commerce. The pandemic made a big

impact to online sellers, rapid drop of the economy due to closure of some businesses. Online

selling became every business men and women's way of selling their product. Consistency is the

key of e-commerce to keep their business stable and with the use of the internet to work more

efficiently. The participants' views are displayed in the following responses:

(1) Consistently posting my business and products online such as in different FB Business

Group and Market Place. I even search in youtube or google the different ways and

strategies in how to manage, grow and be successful in business with shared information

from different business experts and tycoons.

(2) I didn't stop selling online and I promote my shop in all of my social media accounts.
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

(3) Research and try new products that I can sell during this pandemic.

(4) I always think positive and continue it especially when we had experience this crisis its

so much challenging for me to work hard.

(5) Our store evolved because of using social media like Facebook, Lazada, Shopee.

(6) I used technology as a way to communicate to my customers.

After conducting the interview, it was uncovered that the responses are affirmed by the

study of Abdin (2020) when doing commerce in times of a widespread, a few key arranging must

be considered. This includes taking safety measures of employee’s security and utilizing elective

modes of communications like computerized channels. It is important for companies to adjust to

each digital tool accessible for them and to guarantee that the trade capacities properly amid the

crisis. Online businesses and e-commerce are having incredible opportunities amid this time, as

consumers don't have to go outside and expose themselves to the virus. Computerized

apparatuses are a great choice as they can be utilized for accepting orders, materials obtainment,

get shipments, operationalize generation, conveyance and after deal benefit stated by Abdin


Theme 5: The pandemic's impact on the state of online selling. When the global health

pandemic began and changed everything for the retail and eCommerce industry. With stores

being closed, consumers became, sometimes fully, dependent on shopping online. We’re seeing

a dramatic shift from in-person to online shopping. Consumers are relying on the digital world
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

more than ever and businesses are forced to adapt their strategies and shift toward digital

transformation with much more urgency than before. The interview indicates that three out of six

participants had a hard time trying to use technology. In contrary, the other participants answered

on how to expand their business and follow rules in online selling. The participants' views are

displayed in the following responses:

(1) Follow the rules, regulations, terms and conditions that are usually indicated in online

selling or marketing guidelines. It is important to read and understand first all those

terms and conditions set by the organizer or administrator before I proceed in posting

my products online.

(2) The common problem that we have when it comes to technology is that sometimes the

data or the signal is too weak and we're not able to communicate properly.

(3) On how you to expand and promote my online business.

(4) NA

(5) My common experiences were to use texting or by calling through video calls.

(6) It is hard to use technology at first because there are a lots of options to choose.

According to Veronica (2020), with an overwhelming amount of information available

about the impact of COVID-19, it can feel difficult to identify which information is relevant to

your business and how it should shape your strategy moving forward. By thoroughly examining

the responses of the participants, this supports the main perspective of online sellers faced by

using the technology during their transaction. This is also supported by Sandra (2020) whose

evolution is that the technology is around-the-clock shopping access with a growing number of
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

customers. These answers are also evident to Laduram’s (2021) statement that not all businesses

are making money consistently there are challenges standing in their way, big and small alike

and you have to take great care over everything, from website maintenance through to customer

service. As explained by Van (2020), These findings can contribute to understanding consumer

behaviour comprehensively, help companies deal with similar situation as well as

recommendations for the government to support businesses effectively in the future.

2. As to how have the participants experienced coping with the struggles of being an online


Theme 1: Common scams and frauds. They are pretending to be legitimate online sellers, either

with a fake website or a fake ad on a genuine retailer site. While many online sellers are

legitimate, unfortunately, scammers can use the anonymous nature of the internet to rip off

unsuspecting shoppers. Scammers use the latest technology to set up fake retailer websites that

look like genuine online retail stores. They may use sophisticated designs and layouts, possibly

stolen logos, and even a domain name similar to an authentic retailer. In the interview with the

respondents, it shows that five out of six answered that some buyers take too many questions,

they are hesitant to purchase, and do not respond to messages. On the other hand, two out of six

participants answered that they should report the account of the scammer. These data are clearly

depicted in the following statements:

(1) Based on my experience in doing on-line selling, there are many ways to identify if the

customer is a scammer or a bogus buyer. These are the following:

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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

1. Suspicious FB Profile Account of the customer. As an on-line seller, you may scan

shortly the profile account of your client to get some idea what kind of person will be

your client. If you observed/noticed that most of your client's post is non-sense

information and if it is a new account, then there will be a possibility that he/she is a

bogus buyer or scammer. You may also check her group of friend's list which can

somehow help on your assessment if your client is a scammer or not.

2. Inconsistent information given by the client. In dealing with the customer, as a seller,

you need to get and check his/her personal information and require your client to submit

a Valid ID's and set a Contract of Agreement specially when a big amount of

transactions are involved. It will also help you to verify the legitimacy of your client's

given information. When you feel that your client gave so many excuses to submit your

minimum requirement to push through the business transactions, then there is a

possibility that your customer is a scammer.

3. If the customer opens up some non-senss discussions that are not related to your

business transaction. Remember that a serious buyer should be interested only in the

product she/he wants to purchase. But when your customer sounds to be more talkative

with non-sense information, then you might end up the discussion because he/she might

waste your time and start to proceed with his/her scamming agenda.

(2) When the buyer doesn't respond to my messages regarding the payment or they take too

much time to reply and give too many reasons.

(3) Too many questions and hesitant to purchase.

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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

(4) For me i can't identify my customer whether she is a scammer or bogus buyer but i

depend only on their profile picture and their communication active on messenger.

(5) Immediately report the buyer so that she or he is marked.

(6) If we have the same products that we both sell and if they did not pay the product that

they want to buy from us.

This study showed how the responses of the participants agree with the findings of No

name (2021) suggesting that shopping online can save you time and money, but it can also be

costly if you’re not careful about scams involving shopping and shipping. It is also along with

the statement of Zack (N.D) suggesting that when it comes to online shopping, you have to

remember that scammers are usually one step ahead. You have to be vigilant whenever you're

checking out a tempting offer or clicking an intriguing pop-up. Through survey, the researchers

were able to uncover the responses of participants supported by Brooke (2021) whose research

explained that online shopping have advantages and disadvantages then the problem has become

widespread, especially with the recent increase in online shopping.

Theme 2: The challenges of running an online business. Starting an online business offers

plenty of advantages and it’s one of the well-known and distinctive methods of selling specially

during the pandemic however like other businesses, challenges also emerge. And for this reason

online business owners and sellers require a certain amount of knowledge regarding some

solution to overcome these difficulties and the participants state a few ways to overcome these

challenges. In the study conducted, the number of participants who answered by motivating
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

themselves and thinking about their future equates to the number of participants who finds a

solution to the problem. These data are clearly depicted in the following statements:

(1) ● Make a PDAC (Plan, Decide, Action, Check) program in doing any kind of business. It

is important to know every aspect of your business and form a systematic way to manage

your business whether it is online or offline business transactions.

● Time Management is also important, so that you need to learn how to handle and

execute it.

● Be conscious for every innovation and know the marketing trend that surrounds you. Find

ways to educate yourself by reading and watching trending business globally.

(2) I overcome the struggles by motivating myself and thinking about the future I want.

(3) Try to use it first before selling.

(4) I always stand out confidently to them because I know to myself that there's nothing

wrong with what I am doing as an online seller and I'm not competing with others.

(5) I overcome the struggles by knowing what products I will sell.

(6) Finding a solution to a problem is the first step in building a successful business. First

you become aware that something went wrong and then you begin to figure out why.

According to the participants' business plans, motivating oneself, utilizing your products

and pointing out the actual problem are the few ways to overcome the obstacles of running an

online business. James R. Nowlin highlights the thought regarding sales as part of staying

motivated and having the right mindset and goal as explained by Kali Hawlk (2010). Flora

Frichou (2019) states that social proof helps enterprises to exploit consumer validation and
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

advocacy to influence other consumers. In addition, Susan Ward (2020) states that a business

plan helps you see the small aspects of your new venture, such as budgeting and market

planning. As the company grows, the procedure would help you for a simpler start-up cycle and

less unexpected issues.

Theme 3: Benefits of technology in business. With the use of technologies businesses have

developed rapidly and have revolutionized the field of marketing. It enables different ways a

business can operate and helps to innovate companies and organizations. With technology

ranging from computers to mobile devices, small businesses manage to build strategic

advantages in the industry. Small business owners should think about incorporating technology

into their planning process to simplify incorporation and allow for potential growth.Most of the

participants answered it is helpful because it is easy for him/her to communicate with the

customers. Also, for some participants, it can help expand a number of consumers in their

business. These findings are shown in the following responses:

(1) Technology is a great help for us online sellers because we can build a group of

consumers and expand our potential clients everywhere at any given time.

(2) It was really helpful because it helped me to lessen my work

(3) Very helpful

(4) As an online seller it helps me a lot because i'm on live selling strand and because of that

my phone is so important to me and other gadgets.

(5) It is helpful because it is a way for you to communicate with them easily when they want

to buy something from you.

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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

(6) It can help grow my finances and I can pay my own debt.

These statements prove how much technology has helped online sellers, it helps them

grow their consumers and enables them to communicate easily and it lessens their work and

payments. And according to Maria Lebed (2020), proactive communication enables the customer

experience better and encourages shoppers to remain faithful to the business. Alexandro Pando

(2018) states that technology helps the production of payment more efficiently through

alternative payment methods, allowing both the customer and the businesses gain more control

over the transaction and Sellers are no longer expected to handle any part of their online shop.

Micromanagement can be minimized by creating fluid workflow pipelines and expanding

contact networks, making it easier than ever to communicate efficiently with prospective


Theme 4: Taking your business online in the time of pandemic. During the transition of online

marketers in their business this time of pandemic, most online sellers haven’t given up and

stayed positive in those tough times. One of them mentioned she/he will be able to cope with the

difficulties in terms of technology. Some mentioned that they will be focusing on their objectives

and strategies in order to achieve their goals. While some stated that they will keep going on

even if it’s hard and motivate themselves in order to pursue their dreams. Basically, all the

respondents chose to continue their online marketing despite the struggles in order to follow their
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

dreams and have a successful business. These are the findings of the researchers based on the

following responses of each participant:

(1) Focus on my goal and set my objective so that I can identify all the actions and

strategies that I need to perform or do.

(2) I try to stay positive as much as possible. I unwind and think about what will

happen if I stopped selling.

(3) In difficult times we just need to go to thr flow to survive.

(4) I cope up by having time management.

(5) I can cope it by knowing how to use technology.

(6) I try to not give up for my dreams to have a successful business. In other words, I

motivate myself that I can do it and I have the courage and faith to fight even if it

is hard.

Despite every difficulty experienced by each participant they still keep their business

going and focus on their objectives, goals and dreams to pursue. Even if they encounter problems

they try to stay positive and go through the flow in order to survive. Just as this pandemic has

infiltrated nearly every part of the developed world, digital transformation must happen globally,

too. Even in post-Soviet states like Armenia, where conservative culture has been slow and

reluctant to adapt digital technologies, we’re seeing a spike in e-commerce supported by Forbes

(2020). As stated by Hannah Mallorca (2020), the pandemic has taken a toll on many businesses

from it’s transition to online in order to cater its customers. Many restaurants have also moved

towards delivery services to serve their target market.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Theme 5: Successful resource management for small business. Online Sellers managed their

resources by starting what they already have. According to the study conducted, the participants

thought of ways to use their assets by maximizing the resources that are currently available and

think of ways on what to do with the limited resources. And some also mentioned that she

manages her assets by counting them and conducting strategies with the corresponding number

of products and what she should sell online. More about these strategies each participant made to

manage their resources based on each of the following responses:

(1) Maximize the resources I have and think of a way on what should I do with the

limited resources and money that I have.

(2) Continue to post items and update as much as possible.

(3) I always use my phone and laptop only because that is also what i am using for

my online class.

(4) I usually make a proper inventory or physical count of all my assets or resources

so that I do have an idea about the products with corresponding numbers that I

should offer online.

(5) I aided my business by contacting the seller of the products that I buy.

(6) by knowing what to sell for the customers and to know what the customers like.

Each participant had different ideas on how they will manage the resources they have,

some rely on modern technologies such as laptops and phones. Just like it is stated in eResource

(2019), it is impossible these days to gain an edge without using modern technology frequently.
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Some participants also said that they aided their resources based on what the consumers would

like. Which means that they based their products through the customers demands and what they

would like to buy. According to an article, understanding your customers better helps you to sell

more products. The more you know about them and their needs, the easier it is to identify

opportunities to sell them new products and target them with appropriate offers to the research of

Info Entrepreneurs (2019). In today’s environment, companies are under increasing pressure to

deliver innovative, technologically advanced products and services with shrinking budgets to the

premise of Townsend (2021).

Textural Description. Upon thoroughly analyzing, evaluating, and reflecting on the

verbatim interview transcriptions, the researchers were able to formulate the first six themes

describing what have the participants experienced in being an online seller. Theme 1 explained

what to do when you encounter a scammer. Theme 2 shows the common problems faced by

online sellers. Theme 3 describes the customer's relationship management. Theme 4 explained

the understanding of the COVID-19 effect on E-Commerce. Theme 5 shows the common impact

of the pandemic on the state of online selling.

Structural Description. The second group of themes discussed in detail how the

participants experienced coping with the struggles of being an online seller. Theme 6 described

that online sellers are aware of frauds and can deal with scammers when encountering common

scams and frauds. Theme 7 conveys that online sellers always put their trust and faith in their

business to overcome the challenges of running an online business. Theme 8 showed that

technology helped online sellers to run their business with ease. Furthermore, theme 9 showed
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Basic Education Department – Senior High School

that the online sellers did not give up on their online business at the time of the pandemic. Lastly,

theme 10 showed the resourcefulness of online sellers regardless of how small their business is

and the strategic management of maximizing their resources.

Essence. Online selling can be both beneficial and a disadvantage for some business

workers. During this time of pandemic it becomes a way for most businesses to make their work

online to be more favorable for their customers. But despite the advantages of doing business

online, there could be lots of challenges to experience as well such as encountering scammers or

bogus buyers. And for some individuals modern technology can be a problem. Since not

everybody is used to technological advances these days but since there is a pandemic, businesses

are more preferred to be made online and people need to use gadgets to be able to contact and

attend to their customers needs. Although, regardless with some difficulties encountered by most

online marketers they chose to stay positive and focus on their dreams in order to achieve them.


Before proceeding to the conceptualization of the overall essence, the researcher once

again came face to face with each of the participants that enabled him or her to peruse the

interview transcription and how it was interpreted. This final verification not only allowed the

participants to ponder on their responses and clarify or modify misunderstandings if there were

any, but also assured validity and reliability of the research findings.

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