Chryso Fluid Premia 150: Description

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CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150

Superplasticizer–High Range Water Reducer

CHRYSO Fluid Premia 150 is a new generation
Š Nature: liquid
superplasticizer based on modified polycarboxylate.
Š Colour: milky white
CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 has evolved from Š Bulk density: 1.060 ± 0.010
CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 100 and will give more water Š pH : 5.0 ± 1.0
reduction for the same dosage. Š Na2O equiv. ≤ 1.0 %
Š Cl- ion content: ≤ 0.10 %
CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 has been designed for use Š Dry extract EN 480-8: 29.0 % ± 1.4 %
in precast concretes. When used in concretes which Š Dry extract (Halogen method): 29.0% ± 1.4 %
contains many fine particles, exceptional fluidity can be
obtained, which greatly helps the laying of the concrete,
even without using vibrating techniques. Packaging
CHRYSO Fluid Premia 150 produces concrete with very Bulk
high early age and long term strengths. Cubitainers: 1000 L
Barrel: 215 litres
When used in a specially formulated concrete, Drums 60 litres
CHRYSO®Fluid Pemia 150 can give hard concrete a first
class finish.
CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 is a superplasticizer – high
range water reducer which conforms to CE marking. The
appropriate declaration can be found on our internet site.
CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 100 also conforms to NF085
certification, whose technical specifications are those
applied in the non harmonized part of the NF EN 934-2.

Adresse AFNOR – 11 avenue F. de Pressensé – 93571 Saint Denis La Plaine


Applications Precautions
„ All types of cement Store away from frost.
„ All concrete where the strength must be high in the
short or long term Should the product freeze, its properties can be
„ Pre-stressed concrete recovered after thawing and agitating thoroughly.
„ Self placing concrete
„ High performance concrete Do not store the product at high temperatures for long
Directions for use
This product must be stored in plastic but not in PVC or
Dosage : between 0.25kg and 2.00kg per 100kg of steel tanks.
Shelf life : 9 months.
It is preferable to add CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 to the
water before mixing the concrete. However, it can be
added afterwards.
CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150
Superplasticizer – High Range Water Reducer

CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 is a product classified as « harmless». It is recommended to wear normal protective

For further information, please refer to the safety data sheet on our internet site

The information contained in this document is given to the best of our knowledge and is the result of objective testing. However, it
cannot under any circumstances be considered as a warranty involving our liability in the case of misuse. Tests should be carried out
before any use of the product to ensure that the methods and conditions of use of the product are satisfactory. Our specialists remain at
the disposal of the users to help with any problem they may have.

“ Please enquire for the latest update ” Last update : 01/06

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