Dr. Swati Lead Magnet

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How to

Accept & Heal
My 6-Step

By Dr. Swati Prabhu

Digital Pain Reliever
Pain is the silent epidemic that
India's health systems are
failing to handle.
When we think of the big health challenges, we
may think of conquering cancer, heart disease,
diarrhoea or pneumonia. These are certainly the
big killers today. But we probably don’t think of
mundane daily conditions such as backaches,
neck pains or migraines. Pain does not kill people.
Yet, every fth person is likely to be suffering
from some kind of pain, according to estimates of
the World Health Organisation’s Global Burden
of Disease study.
This 6 - step checklist will show you how to
Understand, Accept & Heal pain.  
Step 1

Understand the Nature of Pain

The de nition that predominates research by the International
Association for the Study of Pain (IASP): “An unpleasant sensory and
emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue
damage, or described in terms of such damage.” IASP also added that
pain is a subjective experience. It is associated with our perception of
the event and in uenced by our past experiences. It is important to note
that this de nition is not a dualistic, either sensory or emotional
experience, but a combination of both.
Step 2

Acceptance of the Health

"Successful treatment depends, among other factors, on acceptance of
Health Condition. Each patient reacts differently to pain -- some accept
their condition while others are unable cope with the situation. The
ability to accept a disease is related to the patient's personality,
psychological state, socioeconomic status, severity of the illness,
treatment used, and support from family and friends. Patients who can
accept their illness are more eager to participate in their treatment and
are more likely to comply."
Step 3

Active Participation in the Healing

Patient participation means involvement of the patient in decision
making or expressing opinions about different treatment methods,
which includes sharing information, feelings and signs and accepting
health team instructions.
In most studies, factors in uencing patient participation consisted of:
factors associated with health care professionals such as doctor-
patient relationship, recognition of patient’s knowledge, allocation of
su cient time for participation, and also factors related to patients such
as having knowledge, physical and cognitive ability, and emotional
connections, beliefs, values and their experiences in relation to health
Step 4

Learn Relaxation and Value of

It is hard to nd time to relax. Most of us would probably admit that we
do not spend enough time relaxing and recharging our batteries. We are
always too busy rushing from place to place, getting work done, and
managing homes and families.
However, the opposite of relaxation is tension, or stress. If you do not
give yourself time to relax, you will end up feeling increasingly stressed.
Your productivity will drop, both at home and at work. You will probably
become even more stressed as a result. This is likely to have knock-on
effects on your health and your relationships, as well as your ability to
work. You need to make time to relax.
Step 5

Set Realistic Goals

Goals for pain management should be speci c, measurable and patient‐
centered. It is both unrealistic and undesirable to cast “no pain” as a
treatment goal. Goals for pain management should be written in the
plan of care and may include the patient expresses adequate pain relief,
minimal side effects from the analgesic regimen, maintenance or
improvement in functional status, or satisfaction with pain
Introducing the topic of goals for pain control can be awkward to
articulate. It is not particularly helpful to simply ask a patient, “What is
your goal for pain on a 0‐10 scale?” as most patients would likely say
“0”. Goal setting is collaborative. Statements that may be helpful to
open up the discussion include: “It is generally not possible or safe to
eliminate all pain, but our goal is to reduce your pain to a reasonable
level as well as manage any unpleasant side effects of pain
“A manageable pain level for most patients is in the mild range, or if you
have severe pain to reduce it by one‐third to one‐half if possible, enough
so you can walk, rest and do any necessary activities. 
What do you think is a realistic/manageable goal for your pain control?” 
“You tell me your pain is preventing you from (sleeping, walking,
eating…..). Let’s talk about a goal for pain relief that allows you to
tolerate (sleeping several hours, walking to the mailbox, eating more
Step 6

E ective Communication
I follow the Golden Rule in how I treat my patients, do unto others as you
would want them to do unto you. It is simple but often forgotten amid
the daily complexities of being a physiotherapist. Furthermore, it may
well be that, in the long term, effective communication skills save time
by increasing patient adherence to treatment, reducing the need for
follow-up calls and visits. In accordance with the Golden Rule, physios
can take the following steps to improve communication:

When entering the room of patients in pain, always tell them that
you are there to help comfort them and to do your best to relieve
their pain.
Remain calm and show empathy.
Express concerns for the patient’s feelings. 
Encourage patients to write down their questions in preparation for
appointments. An organized list of questions can facilitate
conversation on topics important to the patient. 
By Dr. Swati Prabhu
Consulting Physiotherapist

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