08-INSTALLATION - (C) Strainers
08-INSTALLATION - (C) Strainers
08-INSTALLATION - (C) Strainers
● Strainers are installed to prevent foreign matter e.g. scale and dirt causing
damage to pipeline equipment.
● Service temperature and pressure indicated on the identification plate or body
marking should not be exceeded.
● Crane strainers have not been designed as fire safe pressure equipment.
● Strainers must be installed into a well-designed system and it is recommended
that the system be inspected in accordance with the appropriate member state
legislation. In the UK – The Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and The
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.
Flange Joints
• Bronze and cast iron flanges may be
damaged by over tightening the bolts. The
following procedures will reduce this risk:
– Make sure the pipe flanges are
correctly aligned.
– Full-face gaskets reduce the stresses in
flat face flanges and should be used
with bronze flanges.
opening in the body.
ROUTINE Step 3: Place the cap in position on the
MAINTENANCE body studs and push home, mak-
ing sure the screen engages the
• Ensure that the strainer is isolated from
seating in the cap.
the pipeline before commencing work.
Remove the strainer cap and screen and
Tighten down each nut gradually
clean out any sediment and other debris.
to ensure equal compression
Check for damage to the screen and renew
before fully tightening.
if necessary with a screen of the same
material and construction.
• Re-assemble the screen and cap using a GENERAL
new gasket. The procedure detailed below CONSIDERATIONS
should be followed to ensure correct loca-
tion of the screen in the strainer body. • Maximum operating pressure reduces as
service temperature increases. Pressure
– Strainers with Screwed Cap and temperature limitations are shown by
Step 1: Fit gasket into the groove in the the valve body marking or on the identifica-
cap. tion plate, and must not be exceeded.
Step 2: Push the screen into the inside of • Strainers are not designed to operate
the cap, making sure it fits under high shock loadings. Where pressure
squarely. increases occur due to shock loading
Step 3: Assemble the cap back into the (water hammer), they should be added to
body and tighten. the working pressure to obtain the total
pressure acting on the valve. The total must
– Strainers with Bolted Cap not exceed the pressure rating of the valve.
Step 1: Fit the gasket into the groove in A pressure surge, or shock, is usually
the cap. caused by the rapid closure of a check
Step 2: Place the screen inside the body valve or quarter turn valve resulting in a
making sure it is seating correctly. sudden reduction in flow rate.
Keep the screen in this position • The surfaces of strainers in service may
using a steel rule or something be subject to extreme temperatures; care
similar temporarily held across the should be taken when handling.
PED Category By Valve Size (DN) Product Applications
Fig No. Material SEP 1 2 3 Group Group Group Group
(Not CE 1 Gas 2 Gas 1 Liquid 2 Liquid
D297 Bronze 15-32 40-50 ✓ ✓ ✓
D298 Bronze 15-50 ✓
F277 Cast iron 50-65 80-125 150-300 ✓ ✓ ✓
F277 Cast Iron 350-600 ✓
FM276 Cast Iron 50 65-125 150-300 ✓ ✓ ✓
FM276 Cast Iron 350-600 ✓
FM278 Ductile Iron 50-65 80-300 ✓ ✓
F273 Malleable Iron 15-25 32-50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
The above products are not suitable for use with unstable fluids.
Revision 2, 08.2007
Part No. 0A 03674W