Aços Comp Aços Inox Torques (A1, A2, A4)

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Designation System for Stainless Steel (ISO 3506 1979)

Composition Groups Austenitic Ferritic Martensitic

Identification of Steel
A1, A2, A4 F1 C1, C4 C3
50 70 80 45 60 50 70 80

Property Hardened
Class Cold- High- Cold-
Soft Soft Soft and
Worked Strength Worked and

Stainless Steel Properties

Extract from DIN 267 Part 11 - Chemical Composition of austenitic chromium-nickels steels in % by weight
No. to C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni
0.15 to 17.0 to
A1 303 0.12 1.0 2.0 0.20 0.6 8.0 to 10.0
0.35 19.0
17.0 to
A2 304 0.08 1.0 2.0 0.05 0.03 - 8.0 to 13.0
16.0 to 2.0 to 10.0 to
A4 316 0.08 1.0 2.0 0.05 0.03
18.5 3.0 14.4

l Maximum values unless otherwise stated.

lTypes A2 and A4 may contain up to a maximum of 4% copper.
l The selection of steel grades within a group is the prerogative of the manufacturer,
unless the purchaser has specified particular steels to ISO or national standards.
l Different grades of steel may be used as long as all physical and mechanical properties
and the corresponding corrosion resistance of the finished product are achieved. Only
when all these conditions are fulfilled may finished articles be marked in accordance
with DIN 267 Part 11.

Mechanical Properties-Austenitic Grades

Bolts, Screws and Studs
Tensile Yield Stress Proof Load
Strength Rp 0.2 Mpa Elongation Stress
Grade Rm MPa AL Sp Mpa
Class (N/mm2) Range
(N/mm2) Minimum (N/mm2)
minimum minimum minimum
A2 70 700 450 0.4d 700 =<M20
A4 80 800 600 0.3d 800 =<M20

Comparison: US and ISO (DIN) Stainless Steels

Tensile Load
A2 and A4 as compared to 304 and Percent difference from US - Stainless
316 Steel
up to M20 44% higher
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M22 and over 6% lower

Selection of Diameters - Tightening Torques, Loads

Guideline values for screws in steel groups A2-70 and A4-70 with standard metric threads to DIN 13
Initial Force in service N
Load 1) Stressing
Diameter Torque Radial
Force at 0.2% Force Axial Axial
Nm Static or
yield point N N Static Dynamic
M3 2250 1420 0.9 610 360 120
M4 3960 2490 2.2 1070 640 210
M5 6390 4030 4.3 1730 1040 350
M6 9040 5700 7.3 2440 1470 490
M8 16470 10380 17.7 4450 2670 890
M10 26100 16440 35.5 7050 4230 1410
M12 37930 23900 61.3 10240 6150 2050
M16 70650 44510 147.1 19080 11450 3820
M20 110250 69460 285.1 29770 17860 5950

1)The values correspond to 100% of the 0.2%

Notes on application:

l When selecting the correct screw diameter it should be ensured that the total load on
the screw does not exceed 90% of the standardized 0.2% yield stress. Care should be
taken to ensure correct initial tensioning, with a torque wrench wherever possible.

l Experience has shown that a utilization of 70% of the total load is reasonable average
for the initial stressing force to allow additional forces in service to be taken up.

**The table above is only intended as an aid for quick comparison**

Comparative International Stainless Steel Grades

British French German Italian Japanese Swedish USA
304S21 Z12CN17.08 1.4310 X12CrNi 17 07 SUS301 14 23 31 301
304S31 SUS302 14 23 32 302
Z8CN18.09 1.4301 X5CrNi 18 10 SUS301 14 23 33 304
304S11 Z2CN18.10 1.4306 X2CrNi 18 11 SUS304L 14 23 52 304L
305S19 Z8CN18.12 X8CrNi 18 12 SUS305 305
309S24 Z15CN24.13 X16CrNi 23 14 SUS309 309
310S24 Z12CN25.20 1.4845 Z22CrNi 25 20 SUS310S 14 23 61 310
315S16 14 23 40
316S31 1.4401 14 23 43
Z6CND17.11 X8CrNiMo 17 13 SUS316 316
316S33 1.4436 14 23 47
316S11 1.4404 14 23 53
Z2CND17.12 X2CrNiMo 17 12 SUS316L 316L
316S13 1.4435 14 23 48
317S12 Z2CND19.15 1.4435 X2CrNiMo 18 16 SUS317L 14 23 67 317L
317S16 1.4436 SUS317 14 23 66 317
320S31 1.4571
Z8CND17.12 14 23 50
320S33 1.4573
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321S31 Z6CNT18.12 1.4541 X6CrNiTi 18 11 SUS321 14 23 37 321
X6CrNiNb 18 11
347S31 Z6CNNb18.11 1.4558 SUS347 14 23 38 347
X8CrNiNb 18 11
403S17 Z6C13 1.4000 X6Cr13 SUS403 14 23 01 403
405S17 Z6CA13 1.4002 Z6CrA1 13 SUS405 405
409S19 1.4512 409
430S17 Z8C17 1.4016 X8Cr 17 SUS430 14 23 20 430
434S17 Z8CD17.01 1.4113 X8CrMo 17 SUS434 14 23 25 434
410S21 Z12C13 X12Cr 13 SUS410 13 23 02 410
410S45 Z30C13 X30Cr 13 SUS420JS 14 23 04 420

*All information is strictly informative

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