Aços Comp Aços Inox Torques (A1, A2, A4)
Aços Comp Aços Inox Torques (A1, A2, A4)
Aços Comp Aços Inox Torques (A1, A2, A4)
Property Hardened
Class Cold- High- Cold-
Soft Soft Soft and
Worked Strength Worked and
Notes on application:
l When selecting the correct screw diameter it should be ensured that the total load on
the screw does not exceed 90% of the standardized 0.2% yield stress. Care should be
taken to ensure correct initial tensioning, with a torque wrench wherever possible.
l Experience has shown that a utilization of 70% of the total load is reasonable average
for the initial stressing force to allow additional forces in service to be taken up.