Shoring FrameFast Shoring System Application Guide

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The document discusses the FrameFast shoring system which is engineered for strength, productivity and reusability. It includes shore frames, post shores and aluminum beams.

The main components include heavy duty shore frames, adjustable post shores, aluminum beams, plywood and joists.

Connection methods described include the connecting slot method, U-head and steel beam clamp method, U-head and wood block method, aluminum attachment clip method and Versiform friction bolt method.



® Galvanized Steel Shoring System

The FrameFast shoring system is engineered

for maximum strength, labor productivity and
reuse capabilities. The system includes Heavy
Duty Shore Frames, Adjustable Post Shores, and
Aluminum Beams. These products are available
in a wide range of sizes for virtually any deck
forming application. A variety of special features
and accessories make them fast and easy to use.


® FrameFast™ Application Guide

I. IntRoDUCtIon ............................................................................................................ 1
II. sYsteM DesCRIPtIons ................................................................................................ 2
FrameFast Shore Frame System .........................................................................................2
Heavy Duty Post Shore System ..........................................................................................2
III. BAsIC CoMPonents and InstALLAtIon ................................................................................2
Plywood ............................................................................................................................2
Joist and Connection Hardware ........................................................................................2
Symons Aluminum Joist ....................................................................................................3
SW Aluminum Joist ...........................................................................................................3
Symons Aluminum Beam ..................................................................................................3
SW Aluminum Stringer .....................................................................................................4
ShorFast Beam ..................................................................................................................4
Steel Stringers — W8x10...................................................................................................4
Connections for Joists .......................................................................................................5
Symons Aluminum Joist and Beam) ..................................................................................5
SW Joist and SW Stringer ..................................................................................................5
Symons Aluminum Joist and Beam, and SW Joist and SW Stringer ...................................5
Stringer and Connection Hardware ...................................................................................5
Connecting Slot Method (Fig. 9) .......................................................................................5
U-Head and Steel Beam Clamp Method (Fig. 11-1 and 12-1) ............................................5
U-Head and Wood Block Method (Fig. 11-2).....................................................................6
Aluminum Attachment Clip Method (Fig. 11-3) ................................................................6
Versiform Friction Bolt Method (Fig. 11-4) ........................................................................6
Support System and Accessories .......................................................................................7
Heavy Duty Base Plate .......................................................................................................8
8"x8" U-Head Adapter .......................................................................................................8
8"x8" 7-Hole U-Head ..........................................................................................................9
FF/SF Sloping Head Assembly ............................................................................................9
Crossbraces and Spacer Bars .............................................................................................9
FF/SW Coupling Pin .........................................................................................................11
HD Coupling Pin ..............................................................................................................11
Timber Brace Nailer Plate ................................................................................................11
4"x8" U-Head ...................................................................................................................13
5"x8" J-Head ....................................................................................................................13
Post Shore Timber Brace Nailer Plate ...............................................................................13
IV. eReCtIon PRoCeDURes ............................................................................................ 14
Site Preparation ..............................................................................................................14
Erection on Flat Surface ..................................................................................................14
Erection on Sloped Surface .............................................................................................16
V. InsPeCtIon ............................................................................................................... 17
Material Inspection .........................................................................................................17
Field Erection Check With Symons Shoring Layout ..........................................................17
Inspection During Pour ...................................................................................................18
VI. ReMoVAL oF sHoRes AnD ResHoRInG .......................................................................18
FrameFast™ Application Guide

I. IntRoDUCtIon
Shoring is a temporary structure, designed to carry the
weight of fresh concrete, reinforcing steel and form-
work, and the live loads imposed during construction.
Attention to safety is particularly important in shor-
ing, as these structures support the concrete, not only
during its plastic state, but until the concrete becomes
structurally self-sufficient.
Since many shoring failures have been attributed to some
human error or omission, rather than basic inadequacy
in design, a thorough understanding of each component
and its function before erection, along with the careful
supervision and continuous inspection during and after
erection and pouring, can prevent many accidents.
We strongly recommend that construction procedures
be planned in advance by the contractor to insure the
safety of personnel engaged in formwork and concrete
placement, and the integrity of the finished structure.
Refer to The Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
istration (OSHA) publication 29 CFR 1926—Subpart
Q, “Concrete, Concrete Floors, and Shoring” safety
standard and any other appropriate regulations, codes
and ordinances.

It is the contractor’s responsibility to provide

adequate support against the liquid pressures
and live loads present, as well as provide for
wind loads and footing limitations. Failure to
do so could result in a concrete/grout “blow-
out” or shoring collapse, subjecting workers to
the risk of serious injury or death, and causing
job delays and rework.

note: Photographs are for illustrative purposes

only. Consult applicable codes and standards
for compliance of shoring erection.


II. sYsteM DesCRIPtIons III. BAsIC CoMPonents AnD InstALLAtIon

CAUtIon: Frames and accessories manufac- Plywood
tured by others must not be intermingled with Probably the most widely used sheathing material for
Symons frames, as different safety factors and shored deck is ¾" plywood. ¾" grade B-B Plyform,
dimension tolerances may be used, and may Class I, is commonly used for sheathing material, but
result in failure. for many reuses and high load carrying capacity, high-
density overlaid plywood is recommended.
FrameFast shore Frame system
Shoring frames are used to support the imposed loads. Plywood sheathing acts like a beam, but the plies run-
The frames are connected to each other with cross ning perpendicular to the span contribute little to the
braces, forming a rigid tower to provide maximum bending strength and stiffness of the panel. Generally
stability and strength in virtually any shoring applica- the grain direction of the outer layers is parallel to the
tion. The frames can also be stacked together, to meet long dimension of the panel. Therefore, the plywood
virtually any height requirement, using coupling pins. should be used in such a way that the outer layer grain
For this system, adjustable screw jacks are used to pro- runs parallel to the span, i.e., the grain should run per-
vide leveling, fine adjustment in height, and stripping pendicular to the joist member direction.
clearance. Jacks can be used at top or bottom of the
Because, in many cases, the plywood strength and
shore frames, or at both locations.
stiffness govern the joist spacing, the selection of the
Heavy Duty Post shore system plywood and the placement of the plywood joints
A Post Shore is a one-piece load-carrying member, should be given careful consideration, depending on
much like a column. This type of shoring has been the job conditions.
used in concrete construction for many years. Post
Joist and Connection Hardware
shores made of lumber, with separate accessories, have
A joist is defined in shoring as a member directly sup-
a low-load carrying capacity. Therefore, many of them
porting the plywood or sheathing material. Several dif-
are required to do a simple job.
ferent types of material may be used as a joist member.
Symons Heavy Duty Post Shores provide high load rat-
1. Lumber and nailer Clip
ings without sacrificing the convenience and versatility
of the Post Shore System. Furthermore, they have a Lumber is a common joist material, usually having 2" x 4",
built-in adjustment feature to facilitate the handling. 2" x 6", or 4" x 4" sections. Like plywood, there are sev-
This shore can be used by itself or in combination with eral different species and each one has a different load
the FrameFast System. carrying capacity. As a guide, a Symons Representative
provides the shoring layout with lumber joist spacing
based on the strength specified on the layout drawings.
The contractor should adjust this spacing based on the
condition and grade of lumber that he has, if its quality
is different from that specified.

CAUtIon: Lumber condition and grade, as well

as the integrity of any shoring layout utilizing
lumber, is the responsibility of the contractor.
Refer to the appropriate lumber and/or plywood
standards, specifications or practices published
by the American Plywood Association and the
National Forest Products Association.

FrameFast™ Application Guide

When rolling or skidding of the shoring units is required, sW Aluminum Joist

use nailer clips to fasten the wood joists to the stringers This member (Fig. 3) is 6½" deep with a 3" top and
(Figs. 1 and 8). This enables the decking to drop with 4" bottom flange. A 1½" x 1½" plastic nailer strip is
the shoring during stripping. secured in the top flange of the member and a con-
tinuous connecting slot runs the length of the bottom
CAUtIon: Do NOT use the nailer clip as uplift flange. The connecting slot is smaller than the Symons
resistance to cantilever joists. joist so a smaller T-bolt is used for connections. The
joist weighs 4.2 lbs per lineal foot. It can be used as
a joist or as a stringer.



Fig. 1

2. Aluminum Joists, Beams and stringers

Symons offers several styles of high-strength, light-
weight, aluminum extruded members for horizontal
support. Fig. 3

symons Aluminum Joist symons Aluminum Beam

This member (Fig. 2) is 6½" deep with top and bottom This member (Fig 4) is 7¼" deep with top and bottom
flanges that are 4" wide. A 1½ x 1½" plastic nailer flanges that are 5" wide. A 1½" x 1½" plastic nailer
strip is secured in the top flange of the member and strip is secured in the top flange of the member and
a continuous connecting slot runs the length of the a continuous connecting slot runs the length of the
bottom flange. The joist weighs 4 lbs per lineal foot. bottom flange. The beam weighs 5 lbs per lineal foot.
It can be used as a joist or as a stringer. It can be used as a joist or as a stringer. When used
as a stringer, it must butt in the U-Heads as the 5"
flange does not allow it to lap in an 8" x 8" U-Head.



Fig. 2

Fig. 4


sW Aluminum stringer steel stringers — W8x10

This member (Fig. 5) is 7½" deep with top and bottom This member (Fig. 7) is 8" deep with top and bottom
flanges that are 4" wide. A 1½" x 1½" plastic nailer flanges of 4". It is an all steel section used only as a
strip is secured in the top flange of the member and stringer. The beam weighs 10 lbs per lineal foot.
a continuous connecting slot runs the length of the 4"

bottom flange. The connecting slot is smaller than

the Symons joist, so a smaller T-bolt is used for con-
nections. The stringer weighs 5.3 lbs per lineal foot.
It can be used as a joist or as a stringer.
4" 8"

Fig. 7
3. Connections
The Aluminum Attachment Clip attaches Aluminum
Beams and Aluminum Joists to the stringer member
when moving shoring, as detailed in Fig. 3.
Fig. 5 note: ATTACHMENT OF
This member (Fig. 6) is 22.5cm (87∕8") deep with top AREA TO AREA OR FLOOR
and bottom flanges that are 10cm (4") wide. It has a SHORING TOWERS
continuous connecting slot running the length of the UNITS. HAND ERECTION
top and bottom flange. It is used only as a stringer, H.D. SHORING AFTER
as it has no nailer in it. The connecting slot is larger MINIMUM LAP SPLICING
than the joists, beams and stringers above, so a T-Bolt, IN LIEU OF AAC.

Aluminum Attachment Clip and ½"-13 NC Hex Nut

are used for connections. The beam weighs 5.8 lbs
per lineal foot.

Fig. 8

Because of the special clamping nut, it can be inserted

at any point along the beam, simplifying the connection.
A Clip Assembly consists of one Attachment Clamp,
one ½" diameter bolt, and one Special Clamping Nut
(Fig. 3). Only two clips are required for a given length
of the beam or joist in most applications.
One edge of the clip has a lip that curls over a flange with
Fig. 6 raised edges. The opposite side of the clip has serrations
and a ribbed projection to provide a secure clamping and
holding action when used on a flat flange. Both sides of
the Attachment Clip have flat surfaces adjacent to the
holding areas to prevent rotation of the clip.

FrameFast™ Application Guide

To attach the Aluminum Beam/Joist to W8x10 steel symons Aluminum Joist and Beam, and sW Joist
stringers, put the Aluminum Attachment Clip Assembly and sW stringer
as shown and insert the Clamping Nut into the bottom To minimize different hardware when combinations
slot of the beam near the connection point. Place the of these members are used on a project an Aluminum
Attachment Clip serrated surface against stringer flange Attachment Clip, an All Joist T-Bolt and a Clamping Nut
and turn the bolt. Once the Clamping Nut positions will work on all of them. The secure connections with
against the beam slot, the bolt can be tightened. an open-end adjustable wrench.
To attach the Aluminum Beam/Joist to the Aluminum Stringer and Connection Hardware
Beam Stringer, use the same nethod, except place the A stringer is the member which supports the joists, and
lip side of the Attachment Clip toward the Aluminum usually runs perpendicular to the joist direction. It is the
Stringer.Connections for Joists element of the decking that transmits the total load to
the shore frame. Several materials can be used for this
Connections for Joists member. The stringer has to be securely connected to
symons Aluminum Joist and Beam) the shore head to prevent overturning.
These members (Figs. 3 and 4) can be connected to
a stringer by using an Aluminum Attachment Clip, Connecting slot Method (Fig. 9)
1½" x ½"-13 NC Bolt and a Clamping Nut. (Fig. 9) The If U-Heads are not used, stringers must pass completely
design of the nut is such that the assembly of these over or butt over the center of the 8" x 8" plate of the
three parts can be inserted anywhere along the con- Meter Screw Jack. Members with connecting slots can
necting slot. A ¾" socket, box or open end wrench be secured as described in the previous section to the
tightens the connection. plate of the screw jack. Two alternate methods are
also available.
U-Head and steel Beam Clamp Method (Fig. 11-1
and 12-1)
If stringers are to be lapped in an 8" x 8" U-Head, a
Steel Beam Clamp can be used to secure the flanges to
the u-head. A clamp is required at each end of every
stringer. Aluminum Joists and Stringers, ShorFast Beams
and W8x10’s can all be secured by this method. Any
member with a 5" flange such as the Aluminum Beam
will not lap in the 8" x 8" U-Head.

Fig. 9

sW Joist and sW stringer

These members can be connected to a stringer by us-
ing an Aluminum Attachment Clip, an All Joist T-Bolt,
and a ½"-13 NC Hex Nut (Fig. 10). The design of the
bolt is such that the assembly of these three parts can
be inserted anywhere along the connecting slot. A ¾"
socket, box or open end wrench is used to tighten the
connection. An A-Clamp Assembly (Figure G) is also
an acceptable connecting method.

Fig. 11


Fig. 10


U-Head and Wood Block Method (Fig. 11-2)

If stringers are to be lapped in an 8" x 8" U-Head, wood
blocks can be used to secure the flanges to the u-head.
Blocks are required on both sides at each end of every
stringer. The blocks are secured with screws or nails
through the holes in the upturned legs of the U-Head.
Aluminum Joists and Stringers, ShorFast Beams and
W8x10’s can all be secured by this method. Any member
with a 5" flange such as the Aluminum Beam will not
lap in the 8" x 8" U-Head.
Aluminum Attachment Clip Method (Fig. 11-3)   
Stringers with 4" or 5" wide bottom flanges can be Fig. 12
connected to the Meter Screw Jack by using an Alu-
minum Attachment Clip on the flange and passing a
1 ½" x ½"-13 NC Bolt through the hole in the screw
jack plate and securing with a ½"-13 NC Hex Nut. Two
connections are required at each plate.
Versiform Friction Bolt Method (Fig. 11-4)
Stringers with 4" wide bottom flanges can be connected
to the Meter Screw Jack by using a Versiform Friction
Bolt on the flange and passing through the hole in the
screw jack plate and securing with a ½" Contour Nut.
Four connections are required at each plate.

Fig. 13

FrameFast™ Application Guide

Support System and Accessories sW shoring Frames — There are 6 standard sizes of
1. FrameFast shoring Frames frames available as shown in Fig. 14. Holes at each
end of SW legs are 11∕16" diameter. Crossbrace studs are
Symons FrameFast Shoring Frames (Fig. 14) are rated
located either 7" or 13" from the top of the frame legs.
for 12,000 lbs. safe load per leg, up to two tiers high.
Of course this load will be increased or decreased FF shoring Frames — There are eight standard sizes of
depending on the actual number of tiers used and frames available as shown in Fig. 14. Older FF frames
total extension of the jacks. Refer to layout drawings may have diagonal structural tubes supporting the
for maximum shore leg capacities. This frame can be top ledger on 3' and 4' high frames, and the top and
adapted to virtually any shoring condition, through bottom ledgers of 5' and 6' high frames. Holes at each
the use of other accessories. The 2' and 4' wide frames end of the FF legs are 5∕8" diameter. Crossbrace studs
have the same load capacity. are located 6¼" from the top of the frame legs.

CAUtIon: The two styles of frames, FF and

SW, must never be used on the same tower.

Symons crossbrace locking devices, which are a part

of the frame, permits FrameFast Shore Frames to be 4' Wide FF Frames 2' Wide FF Frames
erected and dismantled quickly. It locks in position up
to two crossbraces and one spacer bar. This unique
locking arrangement securely holds the frames together,
providing tower rigidity and safety.

4' Wide sW Frame 2' Wide sW Frame

49203 48886

SW894000 SW894003

49202 48885

SW894001 SW894004

49201 48884

SW894002 49200 48883
Fig. 14


2. Meter screw Jack Heavy Duty Base Plate

The Heavy Duty Base Plate (Fig. 16) has a 8" x 8" x 3/8"
The screw jacks are used for leveling, fine adjustment in
dimension and distributes leg load, providing a firm
elevation, and stripping clearance. The Meter Screw Jack
footing for the shoring tower. Some applications may
(Fig. 15) is a full meter (393∕8") in length with 1.9" OD,
require its use at the top of a tower, in which case, the
and provides a maximum extension of 273∕8", longest
8" x 8" U-Head Adapter may be bolted to it, since it has
in the industry. As a result, total adjustment range is
the same pattern of holes.
25¼", from 21∕8" to 273∕8".
An 8" x 8" base plate is welded to the jack as a unit,
so the jack can be used at top of the shore leg or at
bottom. The plate has four holes which are used to
clamp the W8x10 stringer using the Versiform Friction
Clamp, or Aluminum Attachment Clip, as described
earlier. These holes are also used to attach the 8" x 8"
U-Head Adapter.
Fig. 16
CAUtIon: When used at both top and bottom
of the shore leg, be sure there is a minimum
shoring height of 6'-8" for a one frame high 8"x8" U-Head Adapter
tower so that the ends of the screw will not The U-Head Adapter (Fig. 17) or Aluminum Joist stringer
touch inside of the leg. Also, when used with are used with the Meter Screw Jack when the W8x10
3' high frames, be sure there is enough exten- stringers are lapped side by side at the shore head.
sion of the jack not to touch the Coupling Pin Like the Meter Screw Jack, the adapter has four holes
or the Base Plate. A minimum 2" of downturn and is attached using two (2) flathead machine screws
thread should always be available below the in diagonal holes. The Steel Beam Clamp secures the
height adjustment position to facilitate deck stringer to the U-Head.
form release. If jacks are used at top and bot-
tom, the 2" minimum thread dimension can be note: When lap splicing W8x10 steel stringers,
accrued from both. a machine screw and nut must be placed in
each of the four holes and wrench tightened.

Fig. 17

CAUtIon: Do not use stringers in such a

manner as to place an eccentric load on the
U-Head Adapter.

Fig. 15

FrameFast™ Application Guide

This adapter can also be used with the Heavy Duty Crossbraces and spacer Bars
Base Plate (Fig. 18), where no screw is used at the top Crossbraces (Fig. 21) are used to connect frames together
of the shore head. The connection is same as to the to make a tower, and give it stability. They provide
Meter Screw Jack. many different frame spacings from 3' to 12' (Fig. 16).
They are manufactured from steel angle or from 1"
OD tubular steel up to 10' spacing and 1¼" OD for 12'
spacing. The ends of braces are flattened and have a
∕16" hole to connect to the frames. The crossbraces are
inserted onto the stud of the frame and locked by the
locking device. Crossbraces are designed for use with
24", 36" or 48" stud center spacings. For example, while
a CB48 crossbrace gives an 8' frame spacing on 6' and
5' high frames, it will give an 8'-85∕8" frame spacing on
3' high frames.
Double Hole Crossbraces may be used with 36" or 48"
stud spacings. The outer holes are used for the 48"
stud center, and the inner holes are used for the 36"
center fames.

Fig. 18
8"x8" 7-Hole U-Head
The 7-Hole U-Head performs the same functions as the
8" x 8" U-Head Adapter, but it can also be used with
Symons ShorFast system.

Fig. 21
Fig. 19

FF/sF sloping Head Assembly

Adapts for sloped ceilings and floors for angles up to
45°. It bolts to Base Plates or Meter Screw Jacks with
two ½" bolts and nuts. Lateral bracing may be required
in sloped conditions.

Fig. 20


Fig. 22

FrameFast™ Application Guide

Spacer bars (Fig. 23) also connect frames together, but FF/sW Coupling Pin
provide only a 12", 18", or 24" spacing, and are used The FF/SW Coupling Pin is used for FF or SW style frames.
horizontally, not diagonally. Spacer bars cannot be Place the tapered portion upward for easy erection and
used by themselves to make a tower. Therefore, they stripping. Each coupling pin adds 1" in shore height
have to be used in conjunction with the cross braced due to the leg bearing ring plate.When used with FF
tower for an add-on frame (Fig. 24). When very heavy style frames, two ½" Attachment Pins and two Hairpin
load is imposed, the frames can be put closer together Clips are needed to secure the pin if required. When
to support the required load by this means. One add- used with SW frames, the Coupling Pin can be secured
on frame requires four spacer bars to connect to the with two 5∕8" Rivet Pins and two Hairpin Clips if required.
crossbraced one.
HD Coupling Pin
Symons Heavy Duty Coupling Pin (Fig. 25) is used to align
and connect the FF style frames together in multi-tier
shore tower assembly. Place the tapered portion upward
for easy erection and stripping. Each coupling pin adds
1" in shore height due to the leg bearing ring plate.
Attachment or Rivet Pins and Hairpin Clips are used
together with a Coupling Pin in each hole if the tower
is to be lifted guyed, or is six or more tiers high. It is
required on each leg connection for every tier.

Fig. 25

Fig. 23 timber Brace nailer Plate

The Timber Brace Nailer Plate (Fig. 26) permits the use
of any width lumber (2" x 6" min.) to brace shore legs
or post shore staffs of 23/8" O.D., providing a quick, fric-
tion connection. A minimum of four 16d nails (clinched
over in back) per clip are required.
This plate enables lumber to be used for bracing multi-
tiered towers together to increase stability.

Fig. 24 Fig. 26


3. Heavy Duty Post shores

Symons Heavy Duty Post Shores (Fig. 27) are available
in three models providing adjustable shoring heights
from 5'-7" to 16' (Fig. 28). The Post Shores carry safe
load ratings of up to 10,000 lbs. Despite their high
load rating, they are still light enough to be carried by
one person. A Post Shore is composed of a base post
with threaded collar, and staff member which fits into
the base post. Post Shores have a unique locking pin
that, under normal use conditions, can’t be broken or
lost. For approximate height adjustment, a locking pin
is inserted into one of the holes spaced at 4" intervals
along the staff length. A safety pin secures the locking
pin and eliminates accidental slippage of the base and
staff. After the Post Shore has been set in position, a
threaded collar with handle permits fine height adjust-
ments over a 6" range. The Quick Release Collar (QRC),
located immediately above the threaded collar, is used
for stripping. A hammer blow to the QRC allows the
staff to drop approximately ¾" and then the threaded
collar assembly to be turned down easily.

CAUtIon: Do not hammer the threaded adjust-

ing collar handles or ears, as the castings may
crack, resulting in failure of the collar and pos- Fig. 27
sible collapse of the shoring. The threaded collar
is intended to be used to grade the formwork
before the pour. Do not use it to lift concrete Post shore Post shore Post shore
#1 #2 #3
loads during or after the pour.
Range 5'7" to 9'6" 7'3" to 12'10" 8'10" to 16'0"
CAUtIon: Post Shores must be braced as Weight 49 lbs. 59 lbs. 74 lbs.
recommended by the Scaffolding, Shoring and Height Load Rating (lbs.)
Forming Institute, Inc. 8' 10,000 10,000 --
9' 10,000 10,000 10,000
10' -- 10,000 10,000
11' -- 10,000 10,000
12' -- 8,800 10,000
13' -- -- 8,850
14' -- -- 7,200
15' -- -- 5,500
16' -- -- 3,900

Fig. 28

FrameFast™ Application Guide

4"x8" U-Head
To support W8x10 steel stringer, Aluminum Joist stringer,
or 4" lumber stringer, the 4" x 8" U-Head (Fig. 29) is
inserted into the Post Shore staff through the end
plate hole and secured by the ½" dia. attachment pin
and hairpin clip. Nail holes on side of U-Head provide
a convenient means of securing lumber stringers. The
Steel Beam Clamp should be used to secure the steel
stringers to the U-Head.

CAUtIon: The 4"x8" U-Head or the 5"x8"

J-Head are not to be used in the leg of a
FrameFast shore frame.
Fig. 29
5"x8" J-Head
The 5"x8" J-Head (Fig. 30) is used at the top of the
Heavy Duty Post Shore to support a Symons Aluminum
Beam stringer. The J-Head must be pinned to the top
of the Post Shore using the ½" diameter attachment
and hairpin clip. A Steel Beam Clamp or Aluminum
Attachment Clip Assembly should be used to secure
the Aluminum Beam to the J-Head. Do not use this
product in a FrameFast Shoring Frame.
Post shore timber Brace nailer Plate
This plate has the same shape and function as the
Timber Brace Nailer Plate for the FrameFast Shoring
Frames except that it is made for 2¾" diameter pipe
(post shore base tube). It can be easily differentiated
from the Timber Brace Nailer Plate, by a ¾" diameter Fig. 30
hole on the curved portion of the plate (Fig. 31). Both
of these plates are actually used for the Post Shore
bracing; one for the staff member and the other for
the base post.

Fig. 31


IV. eReCtIon PRoCeDURes erection on Flat surface

1. Level the surface as described earlier and mark the
site Preparation shore leg locations according to the layout drawings.
The proposed shoring area should be cleared of all ob-
structions well ahead of shoring erection. Care should 2. Place the sills firmly, as required by the sill design.
be exercised in determining the capacity of the soil for 3. Distribute base units of each tower for entire area
every shoring job, realizing that weather conditions before erection is started. Base unit components
can turn an otherwise suitable ground condition into a are four screw jacks or base plates (Fig. 32 ), two
hazardous situation. If fill is required in shored areas, a crossbraces (), and two frames ().
qualified engineer should be consulted as to materials
and compaction. A solid concrete foundation pad on 4. Adjust screw jack handle to approximately required
grade, or a mud sill may be required, depending on height. It is easier to make adjustment before tower
the load, soil and weather conditions, to distribute the load is on jack. Insert the screw jack into the bot-
shoring load over a suitable ground area. tom of the leg while frames are on the ground.

If erected on a pan or grid dome floor, or any other CAUtIon: Do not hammer the adjusting nut
floor system involving voids, suitable sills should be handles or ears, as the castings may crack,
used to avoid concentration of an undesirable load on resulting in failure of the collar and possible
a thin slab section. collapse of the shoring. The handle nut is
intended to be used to grade the formwork
before the pour. Do not use it to lift concrete
CAUtIon: Symons does not provide the sill or loads during or after the pour. When stripping,
soil-condition design. Size and bearing capac- tap the handle nut in the direction to release
ity of sill plates, soil bearing limitations, and load until it can be turned by hand.
control are the responsibility of the contractor.

Fig. 32

FrameFast™ Application Guide

5. Tilt up a frame on sill and install one cross brace.

Allow end of cross brace to rest on the opposite
side frame sill. Raise the opposite side frame on
sill and attach free end of the cross brace. Install
second cross brace to frames (Fig. 33).

Fig. 33
6. Plumb tower with bottom jacks, using a carpenter’s
level (Fig. 34). One complete turn of jack handle
equals ¼" up or down. It is very important that the
base unit is plumbed and accurately positioned to
make the following operations easier.
Plumbing sequence:
Plumb leg 1 of frame A
Plumb leg 2 of frame B
Plumb leg 3 of frame B
Plumb leg 4 of frame A

Fig. 34
7. Once step six is completed for the whole area, dis-
tribute second and third lift components, leaning
them against the erected base unit (Fig. 35 and
36). Second lift unit is composed of two frames,
two cross braces, and four coupling pins. If there
is a third lift, the unit is same as for the second lift.

Fig. 35 Fig. 36


8. Place the coupling pin into each of the frame tops

with the tapered end up, and install ½" Attachment
Pin or 5∕8" Rivet Pin and Hairpin Clip as needed.
9. Place work plank and cross braces level across the
top ledgers of the base frames, as the tiers are
10. Raise the second lift frames and install by placing
each leg over the coupling pins. Install ½" dia. At-
tachment Pin and Hairpin Clip as needed.
11. Install cross braces as described earlier (Fig. 37).
12. Repeat steps until tower reaches the designed con-
figuration. However, from lift 3 to the maximum
height, raise the frames from inside the tower to
avoid eccentric loads that could cause tipping of
the tower (Fig. 38). At the top of the tower, install
screw jacks and U-Heads as needed.
Fig. 37
13. Check the overall plumbness and elevation, and
adjust as needed.
14. When the height-to-width ratio reaches 4:1, lat-
eral bracing must be installed before proceeding
any higher. Timer Nailer Plates and 2x6 minimum
lumber (Fig. 26) is used for this purpose.
15. Install stringer on shore head. Stringers must be
clamped or restrained to prevent rotation.
16. Set joist and plywood deck into position.
17. Check and set to the final grade. Final grade is made
with top screw jacks only. Allow for compression
of lumber and settlement of sills.
erection on sloped surface

CAUtIon: Erection on sloped surfaces may

result in instability of the towers during pouring.
Always refer to layout drawings for erection on
sloped surfaces.

Fig. 38

FrameFast™ Application Guide

V. InsPeCtIon Field erection Check With symons shoring Layout

The following is a list of check points to be covered
Material Inspection by the contractor when making a final inspection of
The three main areas of inspection for materials are for shoring equipment prior to the placing of concrete.
rust, straightness of members and welds. This applies Federal regulations, as well as some state and local
to all components of shoring systems. regulations, require that a shoring layout be available
1. RUST—heavily rusted shoring equipment is a tell- at the jobsite. All points should be carefully checked
tale sign of abuse or neglect. Since it may reduce to ensure a safe and accident-free job.
the overall capacity of the system, heavily rusted 1. Check to see that there is a sound footing, or sill,
equipment should be replaced. under every leg of every frame on the job. Check
2. STRAIGHTNESS OF MEMBERS—Mishandling, truck- also for possible washout due to rain.
ing and storing may cause damage to shoring
equipment. All members or parts of all steel shor- CAUtIon: Always check all sills after other trades
ing components should be straight and free from have completed their work, and before loading,
bends, kinks or dents. Any equipment exhibiting to be sure of the structural integrity of the sills.
lack of straightness should be replaced.
2. Check to make certain that all Base Plates or Adjust-
3. WELDS—Equipment should be checked before
ment Screws are in firm contact with the footing
use for damaged welds. Any piece of equipment
or sill. All Adjustment Screw handle nuts should
showing damaged welds or rewelding beyond the
be snug against the legs of the frame.
original factory weld should not be used.
3. Obtain a copy of the shoring layout that was prepared
While rust, straightness and welds are of primary
for this specific job. Make sure that the spacings
concern, other component parts should be checked.
between towers and the cross brace spacing of the
4. Look for shoring material by other manufacturers. towers do not exceed the spacings shown on the
layout. If any deviation is necessary because of field
CAUtIon: Frames and accessories manufac- condition consult with the Symons representative
tured by others must not be intermingled with for required revisions to the layout drawings.
Symons frames, as different safety factors and
dimension tolerances may be used, and may 4. Frames should be checked for plumbness in both
result in failure. directions. The maximum allowable tolerance for
a frame which is out of plumb is 1∕8" in 3'. If the
5. Locking devices on frames and braces shall be in frames exceed this tolerance, the base should be
good working order, and if not, must be repaired adjusted until the frames are within the tolerance.
or replaced prior to use.
5. If there is a gap between the lower end of one frame
6. Coupling Pins must effectively align the frame. and the upper end of another frame, it indicates
7. Look for cracked adjusting nut castings and handles that one Adjustment Screw must be adjusted to
on jacks. bring the frames in contact. If this does not help,
it indicates the frame is out of square and should
CAUtIon: Do not hammer the Adjusting Col- be removed.
lar handles or lugs to lift loads, as the castings 6. Check that all cross braces have been installed, and
will crack, resulting in failure of the collar and no cross braces have been inadvertently left out
possible collapse of the shoring. or purposely removed. While checking the cross
braces, also check the locking devices to assure that
8. Cross braces must have the center pivots both they are all in their closed position and that they
securely in place. are all tight.
If any of the above items are in doubt, they should be di- 7. Check the Coupling Pin connections to see
rected to a Symons representative for further evaluation. whether any air gap exists between Coupling
Pin and the shoring frame.
8. Check the upper Adjustment Screw or Shore Head
to assure that it is in full contact with the form-
work. If it is not in contact, it should be adjusted
or shimmed until it makes contact.


9. Check to see that the obvious mistakes of omit- 5. Tighten wedges and promptly make appropriate
ting joists, using the wrong size ledger, or timber adjustments of elevation by jacking or wedging
placed flat, have not been made. Check the layout wherever necessary. All adjustment must be made
drawing to see that the lumber used meets the before the concrete takes its initial set. This should
design limitations assumed on the drawing. Check be performed under the direction of the responsible
the general formwork scheme to make sure that individual who understands the construction load-
it follows good standard practice for formwork. ing conditions and their impact on the shoring.
10. If the shoring layout shows exterior bracing for
lateral stability, check to see that this bracing is CAUtIon: Do not hammer the vertical adjusting
in place in the locations specified on the drawing. devices to lift loads, as the castings may crack,
Check to make sure that the devices which attach resulting in failure of the collar, and possible
this bracing to the equipment are securely fastened collapse of the shoring.
to the legs of the shoring equipment.
6. Although a most critical stage has passed once
CAUtIon: Guard against overloading the the concrete is placed, the watcher should remain
shoring! Frequent causes are: temporary on duty until the concrete has been screeded and
storage of rebar, plywood, lumber, and other telltale devices show that deflection has ceased.
construction material; motorized equipment,
which can cause unexpected lateral loads when
starting or stopping; unusual concrete place- VI. ReMoVAL oF sHoRes AnD ResHoRInG
ment, causing concentrated loads.
Shoring removal and reshoring are affected by factors
only under the control of the contractor and/or the build-
Inspection During Pour ing structural engineer, such as construction schedules,
The shoring system should be continuously watched construction loads, and structural integrity of the poured
by competent contractor personnel during placement concrete relative to time after placement. Therefore, it
of the concrete. Precautions should be taken to pro- is the responsibility of the contractor to work with the
tect the watchers and maintain an area of safety for building engineer to develop the appropriate designs
them during placement of the concrete. Some means and plans, suited to the specific building design, and
of communicating with placement crews in case of in accordance with the appropriate section of ACI-347,
emergency should be planned in advance. and federal, state and local codes and regulations.
1. If motorized concrete placement equipment is
to be used, be sure that lateral and other forces CAUtIon: Refer to the following safety rules
have been considered and adequate precautions and publications of the Scaffolding, Shoring
taken to assure stability. and Forming Institute, Inc., during all phases
2. Plan concrete pouring methods and sequences to of the shoring operation:
insure against unbalanced loading of the shoring DIsMAntLInG GUIDeLInes FoR sAFe
equipment. Take all necessary precautions to avoid PRACtICes FoR eReCtInG FRAMe
uplift of shoring components and formwork. sHoRInG
3. Avoid shock or impact loads for which the shoring sInGLe Post sHoRe sAFetY RULes
may not be designed. HoRIZontAL sHoRInG BeAM sAFetY RULes
4. The watcher should use telltale devices to check the ReCoMMenDeD steeL FRAMe sHoRInG
elevations, camber, and plumbness of the shoring eReCtIon PRoCeDURes
system during pour.

CAUtIon: If any serious weakness develops

during pour, such as would endanger workers
or cause undue settlement or distortion, pour-
ing MUST be halted.

® FrameFast™ Application Guide

¾" Plywood ................................................2 Inspection During Pour.............................18
4"x8" U-Head ............................................13 Lumber and Nailer Clip ...............................2
5"x8" J-Head .............................................13 Material Inspection ..................................17
8"x8" 7-Hole U-Head ...................................9 Meter Screw Jack .......................................8
8"x8" U-Head Adapter.................................8 Nailer Clip...................................................2
Aluminum Stringer .....................................5 Plywood .....................................................2
Attachment or Rivet Pins ..........................11 Post Shore Timber Brace Nailer Plate ........13
Attachment Pins .......................................11 Quick Release Collar .................................12
Clamping Nut .............................................5 Reshoring .................................................18
Clip Assembly .............................................4 Rivet Pins ..................................................11
Connection Hardware ................................5 Shoring Frames ..........................................7
Coupling Pin.............................................11 Shoring Removal ......................................18
Coupling Pin, Heavy Duty .........................11 Site Preparation........................................14
Crossbraces ................................................9 Spacer Bars.................................................9
Erection On Flat Surface ...........................14 Stringer ......................................................5
Erection On Sloped Surface ......................16 Support System and Accessories ................7
FF/SF Sloping Head Assembl .......................9 Timber Brace Nailer Plate .........................11
FF/SW Coupling Pin ..................................11 W8x10........................................................5
Field Erection Check .................................17
FrameFast Components ..............................2
FrameFast Shore Frame System ..................2
Hairpin Clips .............................................11
Heavy Duty Base Plate ................................8
Heavy Duty Coupling Pin ..........................11
Heavy Duty Post Shores ............................12
Heavy Duty Post Shore System ...................2
Safety Information ®

Improper Use of Concrete Accessories Can Cause

Severe Injury or Death
Read, understand and follow the information and instructions in this publication before
using any of the Dayton Superior concrete accessories displayed herein. When in
doubt about the proper use or installation of any Dayton Superior concrete accessory,
immediately contact the nearest Dayton Superior Service Center or Technical Service
Department for clarification. See back cover for your nearest location.

Dayton Superior products are intended for use by trained, qualified and experienced workmen only. Misuse or lack of supervision and/or inspec-
tion can contribute to serious accidents or deaths. Any application other than those shown in this publication should be carefully tested before use.
The user of Dayton Superior products must evaluate the product application, determine the safe working load and control all field conditions to
prevent applications of loads in excess of a product’s safe working load. Safety factors shown in this publication are approximate minimum values.
The data used to develop safe working loads for products displayed in this publication are a combination of actual testing and/or other industry
sources. Recommended safe working loads given for the products in this publication must never be exceeded.

Worn Working Parts

For safety, concrete accessories must be properly used and maintained. Concrete accessories shown in this publication may
be subject to wear, overloading, corrosion, deformation, intentional alteration and other factors that may affect the device’s
performance. All reusable accessories must be inspected regularly by the user to determine if they may be used at the rated
safe working load or should be removed from service. The frequency of inspections depends upon factors such as (but not
limited to) the amount of use, period of service and environment. It is the responsibility of the user to schedule accessory
hardware inspections for wear and remove the hardware from service when wear is noted.

Shop or Field Modification

Welding can compromise a product’s safe working load value and cause hazardous situations. Knowledge of materials, heat treating and welding
procedures is necessary for proper welding. Consult a local welding supply dealer for assistance in determining required welding procedures.
Since Dayton Superior cannot control workmanship or conditions in which modifications are done, Dayton Superior cannot be responsible for any
product altered in the field.

Many concrete accessory products that Dayton Superior manufactures are designed as part of a system. Dayton Superior
strongly discourages efforts to interchange products supplied by other manufacturers with components supplied by Dayton
Superior. When used properly, and in accordance with published instructions, Dayton Superior products have proven to be
among the best designed and safest in the industry. Used improperly or with incompatible components supplied by other
manufacturers, Dayton Superior products or systems may be rendered unsafe.

1. Dayton Superior Corporation products shall be installed and used only as indicated on the Dayton Superior Corporation installation
guidelines and training materials.
2. Dayton Superior Corporation products must never be used for a purpose other than the purpose for which they were designed or in a
manner that exceeds specific load ratings.
3. All instructions are to be completely followed to ensure proper and safe installation and performance
4. Any improper misuse, misapplication, installation, or other failure to follow Dayton Superior Corporation’s instruction may cause prod-
uct malfunction, property damage, serious bodily injury and death.
1. Conformance to all governing codes
2. Use of appropriate industry standard hardware
3. The integrity of structures to which the products are attached, including their capability to safely accept the loads imposed, as evalu-
ated by a qualified engineer.
All governing codes and regulations and those required by the job site must be observed. Always use appropriate safety equipment

Design Changes
Dayton Superior reserves the right to change product designs, rated loads and product dimensions at any time without prior notice.
Note: See Safety Notes and Safety Factor Information.

Accubrace ®
Unitex ® Symons ®
Aztec ® Max-A-Form ®

Steel-Ply ®
Corewall ® Sym-Ply ®

Adjustable Joist Hangers ABS Plastic Forged Dowel Bar Couplers
Bridge Overhang Brackets Polystyrene Plastic
Haunch and Fillet Forming Shear Resistance Products
Pres-Steel, Coil Rod and Con-Beam PAVING Straight Thread Couplers
Hangers Dowel Bar Expansion Caps Taper Thread Couplers
Screed Supports
Elastomeric and Hot Pour Joint Seal REBAR SUPPORTS
CHEMICALS Metal Keyway Form Systems Concrete Dobies
Bond Breakers Tie Bar Assemblies Continuous Plastic and Steel
Cleaners / Strippers Transverse Bar Assemblies Bar Supports
Concrete Repair/Restoration Welded Dowel Assemblies Individual Plastic and Steel
Curing Compounds / Sealers Wire Baskets without Dowels Bar Supports
Epoxies Mesh Chairs
PRECAST Paving Chairs
Form Release Agents Side Form Spacers
Coil / Ferrule Inserts
Hardeners / Industrial Toppings Core Plugs TIES AND ACCESSORIES
Magnets Modular Form Ties
Surface Retarders Precast Forms Single Waler System
Rustications/Chamfers Ties and Accessories
FORMING AND SHORING Sandwich Panel Connector
Aluminum Shoring TILT-UP
Shear Connectors
Braces and Brace Anchors
Slotted Inserts

Handset Formwork Setting Plugs

Highway Forms Strongback System
Jump Forms
Modular Deck Shoring
One Sided Frames
Self Spanning Forms
Steel Frame Shoring


48575 Downing Street
Wixom, MI 48393

With products proudly made in America and a wide breadth of recognized brands. 99689

Copyright © 2012 Dayton Superior Corporation, All Rights Reserved

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