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Beloved of Allahswt

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To stay spiritual during our periods

These are not fard/wajib

This is just and merely to have a planner or goals in mind/or just to give any idea of.. when we cannot think of anything
WE can add as many adhkaar and things to it as we like
This is like blank spaces for us we can fill in them as much as we like

Close your eyes

Put away your phone
Thinking about Allah SWT at every bead of the tasbeeh say this and drop the bead of the tasbeeh with mindfulness
100 times or as much as you wish
Its fine if I cant pray or fast but I am living through this blessed time when doors of hell are closed
Doors of Jannah are open
Deeds are multipied

Close your eyes

Sit at your prayer place
Away from cell phone
Everytime you bring some wish in your mind/ya Allah I want to do this but I have no power to do it/ every time bringing
such thing in mind and say this that I wanted to do this but I feel so weak and powerless to do /or I wanted this thing to
happen this way but I am powerless/or I want my kids to become good muslims/I want mysellef to become good /or
any thing we have in heart think about that nd say this
Again think of any problems/any desires.someone belove is sick,someone is going through difficulty,we are going
through difficulty….
Thinking about sins
session 3
In shaa Allah we will discuss another quality today that makes a person beloved to AllahSWt that is Pastience /Sabr
Allah swt says in Quran :than indeed Allah sWt loves the patient ones ie Allah Swt loves those who are engaged in
Sabr is a familiar word to us.
This word sabr and sabireen is mentioned about 75 times in quran
When we translate sabr we sometimes use patience / tolerance / forbearance
We also use the word Tahammul for sabr.
Tahammul is from Arabic word Hamala that means to hold weight and it is specifically used for a pregnant women
because she carries a weight with in herself.
So in short Sabr the ability to withhold , withstand , nor rushing ,being calm it also means to stop etc there are many
such meanings of sabr.

Sabr is an action of the heart/state of the heart aswell as the limbs …prophet SAW said AL sabr is light
just like if we have light its easy for us to see the way ,sabr makes it easy for us to see the way.
Thts why Sabr is connected with tawwakul as well /remember Marium discussed in the first session
that Allah SWT loves mutawakileen aswell/those who trust completely upon Him swt.
We cannot be patient with how things are going in our lives till we understand tht Allahswt is
controlling our lives And we have AllahSWT who is acting in a way that in our best favour.
IT gives us the light /torch of hope and trust on AllahSWT that illuminates our way.

And tht is why Sabr is something Beautiful in nature,

even this is in nature of the world we live in ,like if you look at nature ,it looks like it is teaching us
sbar…,the changes takes place gradually,seasons change gradually,the sun rises gradually,the sun sets
gradually,the moon changes its shape gradually,we ggrow gradually,,,,like in nature things undergo
gradual changes…they are not abrupt changes,and is the beauty of nature.
Just like that sabr also has beauty in it,everyone who is doing sabr has a sort of beauty and it looks
beautiful to see,to be around someone who is Sabir.
Now let see how scholars define sabr?
Usually we think that sabr is done only in difficulty …,yes that is one type of sabr and it makes us see
through the hardship,
but patience is not restricted to hard times only , There is patience ease aswell.patience is something
that we practice throughout our lives with Allahswt

How we do patience in ease:

Patience with our desires,wht that means tht we hold ourselves back from acting on them in a way
that is impermissible thts why fasting is called patience….act in which we are engaged right now is
one of act of sabr .
A person loses patience in a time of ease is when he act upon his desires as quickly as he can thinking
tht he is given only one life, only one chance to do it, but i know that I have to live eternally not in this
life but afterwards ,so now I will nott rush to act on every desire and cosume all the blessing that are
around me Why
because i know tht the reward of Allahswt’s pleasure is far greater then the pleasure of acting on my
desire rightnow.
So again this goal of Allahs pleasure will make me able to see through times of ease aswell

Then another form of patience is that when we do worship of Allahs swt and carrying out
the commonds of Allahswt.
Scholars say there are 3 types of Sabr
1)Sabr is in refraining one self from sins
2)Sabr is in carrying out good deeds
3) sabr is not complaining when a clamity befalls upon us
There is a connection bw sabr and twakkul ie trust.
If we talk about the first type of sabr tht is restraing ourselves from those deads that will make AllahSWT unhappy
….we need patience…its very easy to fall into sin….but if we are constantly preventing ourselves from it,it means we
are from the Sabireen…. may be I want to dress in a particular way but I am putting on Hijab,may be I want to hangout
with friends/family but I have to offer my salah….may be want to release my anger on someone but I controlled my
self ….may be it had became very hard on me to control myself but I did….
i trusted Allah SWT and hoped for the reward of Aakhira and hoped for becoming the beloved to AllahSWt i held
myself from following my desire.
Or if I slip sometime I quickly rush towards tawbah….Allahswt loves tawabeen aswell.
So being a human being if I fall in to sin I will haste toward saying sorry to Allah SWT ,I will not make excuses or defend
myself ,I will right away accept my sin and make tauba.
This is the first category of Sabireen
2)Being consistence in worship and fulfilling the orders of AllahSWT …it needs patience again….eg we are praying Salah,may be
we are in a hurry ,may be we are not feeling well,may be we have some other work to do,or may be we are sleepy or something
still we suppressed what ever we are feeling and we carried out an action just for the sake of Allah SWt …

And by being consistent upon carrying out our duties to AllahSWT ,hoping for the reward and love of Allah swtwe are actually
doing sabr.

3)third form of Sabr is we don’t complain,or fight, become hopeless or negative about Allh SWT,when we are in difficulty…why
this happened to me ?why me ? why my prayers are not accepted ? etc etc

Due to sabr we will see Allahs pleasure rather then our own misfortune and our goal is Allahswt pleasure so our goal give us the
ability to see through that hardship.

Just I want to mention one point crying out of sadness or shedding tears ,is fine its not against sabr.

Crying is natural and it is a heeling process ..so we cannot say I will not cry I am very strong…

Or if I cry it means I didn’t showed sabr,to a situation….or we cannot say to someone in pain don’t cry you should do sabr

So crying is fine till it is not accompanied by negative remarks or comments/statements.

Few eg of sabr:
Once, a person was verbally abusing Abu Bakr while the Prophet (Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him) was curiously
watching with a smile.

After taking much abuse quietly, Abu Bakr responded to a few of his comments. At this, the Prophet (Allah’s blessing and peace be
upon him) exhibited his disapproval, got up and left. Abu Bakr caught up with the Prophet (Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him)
and wondered, “O Messenger of Allah, he was abusing me and you remained sitting. When I responded to him, you disapproved
and got up.”

The Messenger of Allah (Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him) responded, “There was an angel with you responding to him.
When you responded to him, Shaytan took his place.” Abu Hurairah in Mishkah and Musnad Ahmad

UMM SALAMAH WHEN ABU SALAMAH DIED.                                                                                   

Muslim (918) narrated that Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah ‫ﷺ‬
say: “There is no Muslim who is stricken with a calamity and says what Allaah has enjoined - (the below dua) – but Allaah will
compensate him with something better.”

‫ واخلف لي خيرا منها‬،‫انا هلل وانا اليه راجعون؛ اللهم آجرني في مصيبتي‬

Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un. Allahumma ajurni fi musibati wakhluf li khayran minha.

"Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. O Allah! Reward me for my calamity, and replace it for me that
which is better." 

She said: When Abu Salamah died, I said: Who among the Muslims is better than Abu Salamah, the first
household to migrate to join the Messenger of Allaah ‫?ﷺ‬

Then I said it, and Allaah compensated me with the Messenger of Allaah ‫ﷺ‬
the huge benefits attached with this quality besides getting the love of ALlahSWT which is infact itself a huge benefit Quran
mentions that

1.Allah SWT is with the ppl who do sabr ie Indeed Allah SWT is with the sabireen (they get the ma eet of Allah SWT
saath/companionship of AllahSWT) This is the reward we nay say tht the immediate reward of Sabr

2.In aakhira there will be no acountbility for them /and reward will be countless

3.They will get Jannah with their loved ones and the angels will say Salam to them

4.Not just get into Jannah but early access to/entrance to Jannah

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

“When you will gather on the Day of Qiyamah, an announcement will be made, ‘Where are the poor and the destitute of
this Ummah’? Hearing it, they will rise. Then, it will be said to them, ‘What were the deeds you performed’? They
will reply, ‘O our Rabb! You tried and tested us and we endured with patience, whereas You gave wealth and authority
to others. Allah Ta’ala will say, ‘You have spoken the truth. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, ‘These
people will enter Jannah before the rest of mankind. Subsequently, a strict accountability will be left for the wealthy and
the rulers.”

Imam Hibban and Imam Tabarani (rahimahumallah) have recorded this narration. Imam Ibn Hibban has declared the
Hadith authentic and ‘Allamah Haythami has declared the narrators of Tabarani reliable.

(Sahih Ibn Hibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: 7419 and Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 10 pg. 337)
session 2
To know tht u r loved by Allah is very special

last week we discussed about focusing on our faraidh specially salah during ramadan to become the beloved of Allahswt

we discussed about Ahsan ...Ahsan is a quality that is mentioned several times in Quran with the fact that AllahSWT loves

And we should bring Ahsan in all aspects of our lives whether so our top priority should be to bring that Ahsan in our salah.

And Ahsan basically consists of 4 factors i.e. doing a deed with 1 sincereity 2 corectly 3 completely and 4 tastefully

Today we will discuss about another most important thing in becoming the beloved of Allahswt is the following of Prophet SAW.

We all know that its imp to follow sunnahs but today we will look at it with the perspective of becoming beloved of ALLahSWT
through following the sunnah.

This is the verse in Quran

First see what sunnah is ?

Literal Meaning = A way (Al Tareeqa)

In Shariah = sunnah is the way of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

 The things he‫ ﷺ‬said,

 the things he‫ ﷺ‬did,

 his‫ ﷺ‬noble states of heart;

the things that he‫ ﷺ‬approved of in others.

What we need to understand is Sunnah is not just a few bits and pieces a fe,w duaas ...but sunnah is a full life style a full
mizaaj...temperament .

there are zahiri sunnahs like reciting specific duaas at specific times/offering nawafil at different times/doing specific things in a
specific way like smiling or sleeping on the right side/eating/drinking with the right hands etc

there are batini sunnahs as well like keeping a clean heart/always remembering Allahswt/loving AllahSWT /being thankful to
AllahSWT /forgiving others /....

And following sunnah means to be like the Prophet SAW in zahiry way and in batini way.Inwardly aswell as outwardly.
An easy way of looking at is is just think of the sunnah as something to wear / a garment/a jewelry given to you by AllahSWT and
a garment wraps us up covers us up,beautify us and we feel confident safe and warm from inside.

Just like we wear our garments ,wear the sunnahs when ever we come to know about a sunnah just pick it up and wear upon us
like a garment….And ramadan is again the best time to add sunnahs to our lives…the habits we develop during ramadan are most
probably going to stay with us after if aswell due to the blessings of this month…

In the ayah of surah 3:31

Say oh Massenger of Allah SAW if you love me follow me Allah will love you back and forgive your sins...

So in this Ayah 2 things are mentioned that if you say you love Allahswt ...if you claim that you love Allah then you have to follow
me...its a condition of love ... its a proof of your love with Allahswt

and it not just a condition of love but in return Allah will love you back...you will become the beloved of Allah’s if you follow
prophet SAW

Now we all know that following sunnah is important and its something stressed upon in our deen.

But what is its connection with becoming the beloved of Allahswt.Why Allahswt is loving us for following the sunnah ?

Allahswt may have said that follow the sunnah of Prophet SAW and i will grant you jannah.

Just think of an example ...that i gifted something to my sister or friend may be its a dress or anything…she thanked me and said
ohh its really nice etc but When i see her wearing that dress I will feel really happy to see her wearing the dress ...it will give me a
certain feeling of she liked it and really acknowledged it.

Just like that Allah SWT sent Prophet SAW as a blessing /a gift to the entire humanity ...what Quran says

Now look at this hadith

Source: Shu’ab al-Imān 5719

Grade: Sahih li ghayrihi (authentic due to external evidence) according to Al-Albani

‫ض‬ َ ْ‫إِنَّ هَّللا َ َع َّز َو َج َّل إِ َذا أَ ْن َع َم َعلَى َع ْب ٍد نِ ْع َمةً يُ ِح ُّب أَنْ يَ َرى أَثَ َر النِّ ْع َم ِة َعلَ ْي ِه َويَ ْك َرهُ ا ْلبُؤ‬ ‫صلَّى هَّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم‬
َ ‫س َوالتَّبَاؤ‬
ُ ‫ُس َويُ ْب ِغ‬ َ ِ ‫ع َْن أَبِي هُ َر ْي َرةَ قَا َل قَا َل َرسُو ُل هَّللا‬
َ‫سائِ َل ا ْل ُم ْل ِحفَ َويُ ِح ُّب ا ْل َحيِ َّي ا ْل َعفِيفَ ا ْل ُمتَ َعفِّف‬
َّ ‫ال‬

5719 ‫ وهو باب‬#‫ للبيهقي األربعون من شعب اإليمان‬#‫شعب اإليمان‬

1320 ‫المحدث األلباني خالصة حكم المحدث صحيح بمجموع طرقه في السلسلة الصحيح‬
that says Allahswt loves to see the asar of his blessings on his slave,ie when ALlahswt blesses someone with a naimah Allah
loves..uhibbu to see that blessing upon his slave...it should show upon his slave that he is the receiver of this blessing ...

What could be the bigger blessing of Allah’s then Rasoolullah SAW

What could be the gift greater then this...he SAW is the one who conveyed us Quran.who told us who Allahswt is

who gave us exampe how to practice Quran..how to worship and invoke AllahSWT

who showed us the way to paradise

who showed us how we can save ourselves from the blazing hell fire...

we ….who dint met him ,who didnt saw him...

he used to pray and cry for us saying my ummah my ummah

This is evidenced by a story narrated by Imam Muslim 202.

Once, the Prophet s.a.w. was reading verse 36 from Surah Ibrahim, which recalls the doa of Prophet Ibrahim who asked for Allah
to guide his people.

Rasulullah s.a.w. then read verse 118 from surah Al-Maidah which is about Nabi Isa’s hope that Allah will not punish his people.

At that point, tears flowed from Rasulullah’s eyes. As he wept, the Prophet s.a.w. prayed to Allah,

"Oh Allah, my ummah, my ummah," full of hope that Allah s.w.t. will protect his ummah and keep them in His guidance and save
them from Hellfire.

Allah s.w.t.then sent Jibril a.s. to ask the Prophet s.a.w. why did he cry. When He was told of the Prophet’s wish – and indeed
Allah is All Knowing – Allah asked Jibril to convey to the Prophet s.a.w.

“Indeed, We will please you regarding your Ummah, and We will not cause you to grieve.”

This is so beautiful…

Prophet SAW ‫ ﷺ‬used to talk about me and you with his ‫ ﷺ‬companions.

There are 2 hadith……in slides

On the day of Qiymah he ‫ ﷺ‬would recieve us, intercede for us and recognize us...

He will be the one praying for us at the bridge of Sirat “Amanah and ties of relationship will be sent forth and will stand on
the sides of the Sirat (that is, the Bridge set over Hell-fire) right and left, and the first of you will pass like lightning.” I said

(that is Abu Hurairah  “:I ransom you with my father and mother, what is like the movement of lightning?” The
Messenger of Allah replied, “Have you not seen how the lightning goes and returns in the twinkling of an eye? Next (group
will pass) like the passing of the breeze, next like the passing of a bird, and the next with the speed of a running man,
according to the quality of their deeds. (During all this time) your Prophet   will remain standing on the Bridge saying:
`O my Rubb, keep (them) safe, keep (them) safe,’ till a man’s deeds are so weak that a man comes who will be able only to
crawl. On both sides of the Bridge pronged flesh hooks, placed under command will be hung and will seize those about
whom they receive command, some people being lacerated and escaping and others being thrown violently into Hell.” 
Riadh us saliheen 201
Now Allah swt want us to become like him saw to become his beloved.

Allahsw gave us this gift like a beautiful garment…

So Allahswt wants to see us all in that same garment....it makes AllahSWT so happy,

Will the sunnah going to die?

Yes,,,,Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬predicted that a time will come when ppl will forget sunnahs .leave the sunnahs

And sunnah will be going to die…..

At that time whoever will revive a forgotten sunnah will get the reward of all who do it….

And today is the day that sunnahs are going to be forgotten,ppl are neglecting them ,ppl are not giving imp to them

Ppl are not loving to follow them ,….

Like we are his ummah its upon us to keep his sunnah alive,its upon us to practice them not just for aur benefit or reward but to
fulfilll this bond of love and to reciprocate his love and concern for us.

And secondly when we will practice we can transfer then to our coming generations …who is going to teach them this is sunnah
and this is how we can practice them they are very practical ….its just us to hold fast to those sunnahs of our prophet SAW.

One question we may say How can I be like the prophet SAW ?

Prophet SAW had such a character Khuluqin azeem

Though I can never match with prophet saw ,praying all night ,fulfilling all his duties so well

Perfect from every perspective….

That is why if we see the verse Allah SWT say right after following sunnah tht Allahswt is ghafoo ur Raheem

Just make the intention…take those baby steps

Keep trying and adding sunnahs bit by bit …wether it’s a sunnah dua that I recite at its time,or it a 5 min afternoon nap that I do
to gain reward or it’s just comtrolling my temper /holding my anger where I had the opportunity to take it out/or forgiving
someone/or keeping my heart clean …like it even its tht simple ….Allah swt loves those baby steps,and at some point in out life
we will be fully covered in the colors of Sunnah …The process of trying even we never hit that level

Allah swt will love us.

Session 1
in the last ramadan we did a series in which we discussed why we need to love Allahswt,reasons to love Allahswt more than
anyone else and the signs of a lover of Allahswt aswell as how we can increase in our love for Allahswt.

Now we will discuss some qualities or aamaal that will make AllahSWT fall in love with us.And that will attract the love of Allhswt
towards us.

Basically we love Allahswt is one thing

and Allahswt loves us due to any of our attribute or action is another thing.

Its like parents have many kids and parents loe all of their kids,but there is one kid who has a certain quality or who is always
taking care of parents needs or likes and deslikes,now that kid will attract the love of the parents more even if they want to love
all there kids equally but still they may not stop thier heart to be inclined to that kid more than others.

What happens when Allah swt loves us ?


There are many ayat and many ahadith in which its mentioned what AllahSWT loves.

In which the words used are Innallaha yuhibbu ...Indeed Allahswt loves ....such and such ppl.

Prophet saw taaugh us dau opened

for us the door of seeking and being avid (passionate
/enthusuaistic)and being keen in asking for Allah’s love and become truly beloved to Allah.
The first for Imām Al-Bukhārī rahimahullāh narrates a hadīth qudsī:

Allāh ‫ ُسب َْحا َن ُه َو َت َعالَى‬says: “…My bondsman does not acquire my closeness through anything that is more beloved to me than that
which I have made compulsory upon him…
The performance of the farā’idh is by far the greatest and most effective tool in achieving the closeness of Allāh ‫ ُسب َْحا َن ُه َو َت َعا َلى‬, as
nothing can bring a person closer to Allāh ‫ ُسب َْحا َن ُه َو َت َعالَى‬than the farā’idh. Farā’idh encompasses every obligation, be it from the
DOs or the DON’Ts; just as it is fard to perform the five times salāh, it is fardh to abstain from adultery, stealing, etc.

The struggle and effort in accomplishing the farā’idh create a special bond between the servant and his Master.

ANd what is the most streesed upon fardh in islam ?

Its basically our Salah that Allahswt obligated upon us 5 times a day and this is mentioned in quran about 700 times ,its one of the
pillars of our deen.

All the other things ...hajj once in a lifetie

zakah...once a year

Fasting...one month

but salah is somthing that is most repeated and that is not excused in thoughest of circumstances...even while we are sick we
have to offer salah,even in the state of war ,right in the battle field sahaba karam used to offer salah,so there is something that is
special about it....why its so much stressed upon?

Because it our mulaqaat... our one to one meeting with our Rabb

so its imp for keeping the connection with Allahswt and reminding ourselves who is our Rabb,who we are and where we are
going to return...

otherwise this dunya is such a thing that takes us away from our rabb

that is enough to make us forgt our rabb,and who we are and we are actually going to return to Him,dunya delude us that you are
going to live here forever.

So Allah swt said in Quran,mentioned t purpose of Salah in Quran

taha 20

Sahih International: Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.

Establish salah for my remembrance...

The salat in its proper time. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are: the salat in its proper
time, Bukhari

So we need to check our salahs first.

Is my prayer really reminding me of Allahswt

Do i remenber Allah swt in my salah

OR its just a quick,physical excercise for me.

We need to work on it,and ramadan is the best time to do it.

MAke sure we are not making quick ruku and quick sajdas.

Make sure to remind our selves hat we are stanting in front of whom?Our Rabb ...Rabbul Mashriqi wal maghrib

THen know what we are reciting and make this 5 times prayer a literaly 5 times maating with our rabb...

That should be like an event for me ...

Sometimes specially when ramadan start ,since we have a natural inclination towards good deeds, and specially in our times we a
lot of opportunities to register in this course or that course ,there are countless of deeni classes,deeni courseson various and very
tempting topcs are offered,and sometimes we feel like to listen them all.

But just to make sure we should not neglect our salah,our 5 times aily meeting with our Rabb because of any destraction even if
its a very tempting deeni class ... nothing can be compared to Salah,,,try to make it better in Ramadan,put cellphones away while
offering salah,try to offer it in proper times...there are a certain time limit of every salah....there is an afdhal time of salah and a
makrooh time of that salah too

Try to offer each salah at its afdah time.No matter what it is.

This is something non negotiable.

And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times...

We need to work on the khushoo of our salah and its something that we have to constantly work on.

Khusoo means outwardly their must be peace and tranquility on our limbs and inwardly there must be peace and tranquility in
our hearts and minds and we are away from distractions.

When i start my prayer i must fully submit to AllahSWt, i must think that i have no power and that why i am standing straight and
not moing here and there or i am not allowed to talk while in salah because this is my special time with my Rabb and He swt
wants loves to see my heart attentive towards Him swt when He swt is attentive towards me.

I am not worthy of this even.

Rabia used to say that i am not amazed with my love toward Allahswt but i am most amazed on the fact that Allah loves me
because i am so small unsignificant creature in front of HIm.

Then we need to focus while reciting Surah Fatiha,this is something we know its meaning ,we go through its tafaseer,so now its
the time to feel the feeling give it our hearts.

Then we should Work on focusing and making our ruku and sajadhs better.
Feel the connection there ,wait till we feel the connection till we feel peace and satisfaction in our heart that Yes i have done
Ruku,i have bowed in front of Allahswt and glorified Him in this position.

When we go in sajda ,wait till we feel that yes i have place my hear on the floor in front of AllahSWT and i am glorifing Him in this
position too.Feel that humbleness in tht position, feel that closeness of Allahswt in that position...

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ‫“ ْق َربُ َما َي ُكونُ ْال َع ْب ُد مِنْ َر ِّب ِه َوه َُو َسا ِج ٌد‬The servant
is closest to his Lord during prostration,

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 482

So its like in this world ,in the place whre i am right now ,if there is any position i can be nearest to Allahswt,its the Sajda

Ibn Al-Qayyim described the sujood as the secret of prayer.

Ibn Taymiyyah said that the souls of people are brought closer to Allah during prostration.

Just reflect - what do we feel when we go into sujood? are we simply doing it because it is a part of salah...

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬taught us:‫ا‬

“Prostrate much because there is no Muslim that prostrates to God except that God raises him one degree in Paradise by it and
forgives for him a sin.” (Ahmad)

There is another higher degree of Prostration ie The Prostration of the Heart

The prostration of the heart is in its humility, such that a person could physically rise from prostration, yet his heart would still be
performing sujood.(inner dimentions of salah)

So frist thing that bring Allah love is the obligatory deeds

Second thing that makes us beloved to AllahSWt that we will discuss today is Ahsan

َ ‫وا ِبأ َ ْيدِي ُك ْم إِلَى ٱل َّت ْهلُ َك ِة ۛ َوأَحْ سِ ُن ٓو ۟ا ۛ إِنَّ ٱهَّلل َ ُيحِبُّ ْٱلمُحْ سِ ن‬
‫ِين‬ ۟ ُ‫يل ٱهَّلل ِ َواَل ُت ْلق‬ ۟ ُ‫َوأَنفِق‬
ِ ‫وا فِى َس ِب‬
Surah BAqrah 195

And spend in the way of Allah and do not put yourselves into destruction. And do good. Of course, Allah loves those who do


Ihsan, or doing good things in the most perfect manner.

While for dunya we don’t want to settle for something less we want to become better and better then why we settle for mediocrity
in deen or in aakhirah.
 Ihsan is the highest form of worship; Worship, however, is not limited to ritual worship such as fasting, salat, and
zakat. The Quran and hadith urge Muslims to seek ihsan in every aspect of our lives. For example we are asked to
seek ihsan in speech, in knowledge, in charity, in greeting one another, and even in divorce and animal slaughter.

 Ihsan is excellence. It is perfection. It is beauty. It is balance, harmony, discipline,

good character, softness, gentleness, improvement, drive, will power. Ihsan is a
human reflection, a human attempt to achieve a high level

The purpose of ihsan is to please Allah. The rewards of excellence are found both in our life here on earth
and the hereafter:

To the righteous (when) it is said, "What is it that your Lord has revealed?" they say, "All that is good." To those who
do good, there is good in this world, and the Home of the Hereafter is even better and excellent indeed is the Home of
the righteous,- Gardens of Eternity which they will enter: beneath them flow (pleasant) rivers: they will have therein
all that they wish: thus doth Allah reward the righteous (Quran, ch. 16, an-Nahl, the Bee, vv. 30-31)

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