Social Studies School Based Assessment 1234
Social Studies School Based Assessment 1234
Social Studies School Based Assessment 1234
Title: The problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience with the
Transportation System.
Title page…………………………………………………….……………(2)
Statement of Problem……………………………………………………..(4)
Method of Investigation………………………………………….……….(6)
Presentation of Data…………………………………….…………..……(12-13)
Summary of Findings………………………………………………………(15)
The successful completion of this assignment wouldn’t be possible without the assistance and
cooperation of a number of people . The researcher would like to thank the Grade Seven
Students of Ascot High School for their massive support and completing the questionnaires.
Members of my family has been a constant source of encouragement and assistance. Thank you
to my teachers for assisting me in constructing some of my questions giving their advices and
inputs. Finally a special thanks to my Social Studies teacher Miss.Wilson who guided me every
The problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience with the Transportation
The purpose of this School Based Assessment was to find out the problems Grade Seven
Students of Ascot High School is experiencing with the Transportation System on a daily basis.
This (SBA) will be investigating and highlighting whether the Transportation is doing good or
doing their job poorly according to students and the students main issues with the Transportation
The researcher has been having issues with the Transportation System and thought it would
have been an interesting fact to investigation what are some of the problems other students
encounter with the Transportation System as well. The researcher has decided to plan an
investigation to find out the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience
What are the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience with the
Transportation System?
The researcher is doing an investigation to find out the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot
High School encounter with the Transportation System. This area of research was chosen
because the researcher found the topic to be very interesting and could relate to it, finding out the
problems students encounter with the transportation system would also make a great research for
a School Based Assessment. Based off experience the Transportation System is poor but it would
be an interesting fact to investigate what other students experiences are with the Transportation
For the purpose of this school based assessment the researcher decided to administer a
questionnaire and also conduct interviews with the taxi men. The questionnaire contains a set of
printed questions with a choice of answers devised for the purpose of my survey, which is to find
out the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience with the Transportation
1. It is practical
2. Large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short
3. It can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited affect to
I am a student of the Ascot High School. I am currently doing my Social Studies School Based
Assessment to investigate the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience with the
Transportation system. I would appreciate if you could assist me in completing my assignment by
completing this questionnaire. Thank you in advance.
Yours Truly,
The Researcher,
1. Gender
(a) Male
(b) Female
2. Grade:
(a) 7-1
(b) 7-2
(c) 7-3
(d) 7-4
(e) 7-5
(f) 7-6
(g) 7-7
(h) 7-8
10. During what period of the day is the transportation system more efficient?
(a) In the morning
(b) In the afternoon
(c) In the evening
(a) YES
(b) NO
15. Do you think the transportation system will have problems in the future?
(a) YES
(b) NO
17. What can your school do to solve some of the problems that students face with the
transportation system?
(a) They can provide us students a school bus for safe transportation.
(b) They can get in touch with the head of the transportation system make our and wait for a
A total of forty (40) questionnaires were prepared to be administered to the Grade Seven
Students of Ascot High School. The population of students were two hundred and fifty five
Students in all and questionnaires were only administered to thirty percent (30%) of the Students.
The researcher stood at the school gate of Ascot High and administered questionnaires to the
Grade Seven Students that were passing by then collected them back when they had finish
Completing them.
Solutions to the problems student face with the transportation Percentage
Providing a school bus for safe transportation 50%
Getting in touch with the head of the transportation system; Make a complain 25%
and wait for a change
Encouraging the students to take the government mode of transportation 25%
which is the J.U.T.C. buses
6:00am-6:15am 6:15am-6:30am 6:30am-7:00am
Figure(1) is a Pie Chart showing the time Grade Seven Students leave out for School ,which
begins at 7:30am in the mornings.
Figure (2) is a Bar Graph Showing the number of Transportations taken by Grade (7) Seven
Students of Ascot High School to reach School.
1 Transportation 2 Transportation 3 Transportation
Figure (3) is a Pie Chart showing what the Grade (7) Students think what can be done to improve
the Transportation System.
Put more Buses/Transportations on the routes
Time Shedule
Get separate Transportation for students and adults
reduce bus faire
Figure (4) is a Bar Graph showing the Grade Seven Students opinion on the Transportation
Figure (5) is a Doughnut Chart showing how much percentage of the Grade Seven Students think
the Transportation system will have problems in the future and how much percent of the
Students think it won’t have problems in the future.
There was a total of fifty percent (50%) males and fifty percent(50%) females who completed
the questionnaires administered , these were Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School.
Twenty five percent (25%) of the students lives in St. Catherine Portmore , twenty three percent
(23%) of the Grade Seven Students lives in Kingston/St.Andrew while fifty percent (50%) lives
in Spanish Town and two percent (2%) lives in Down Town Kingston.
Based off information collected forty eight percent (48%) of the Students takes the JUTC bus
system to go to School daily, forty percent (40%) takes robot Taxi and the other twelve percent
(12%) takes Mini –Vans to School. Some of the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High
School identify was that twenty three percent (23%) stated I don’t think Students and adults
should be travelling on the same Bus , twenty five percent (25%) of the Grade Seven Students
stated the Transportation system don’t have a set time ,fifty percent (50%) stated there is not
enough spaces on buses and two percent (2%) stated I don’t know I will not say.
Seven percent (7%) of the Students was from the Seven Two classroom, twenty eight percent
(28%) of the Students was from the Seven Four classroom , twenty five percent (25%) of the
Students was the Seven Six classroom and forty percent (40%) of the Students were from the
It was also seen that the Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School stated what period of the
day Transportation is more efficient . Fifty percent (50%) stated it is more efficient in the
morning ,twenty five percent (25%) stated it is more efficient in the afternoon while the other
while (25%) of the Grade Seven students the Taxi system needs more improvement while the
other (12%) of students stated the Mini-Van system needs more improvement and (13%) agreed
Twenty two percent (22%) of Ascot High School Grade Seven Students stated the Transportation
system affects their punctuality while the other twenty eight percent (28%) stated it affects them
by letting them not being able to participate in extra curriculum activities and fifty percent (50%)
of the Grade Seven students stated the Transportation system affects them by not being able to
Ninety seven percent (97%) of the Grade Seven Students Of Ascot High School stated yes they
think the Transportation System will have problems in the future while the other three percent
(3%) stated no they don’t think the Transportation System will have problems in the future.
The students also stated how they think they could help to solve some of the problems they are
experiencing with the Transportation System . Fifty percent (50%) stated wake up early enough .
twenty five percent (25%) stated leave school early enough if I don’t have anything doing so
that I can catch the bus and the next twenty five percent (25%) stated make sure I am properly
Research has shown that fifty percent (50%) the Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School
stated that the (JUTC) bus system needs more improvement, (25%) of the Students also stated
that the Taxi System needs more improvement, while the other (12%) stated that it is the Mini-
Van system which needs more improvement and (13%) stated it is the Coaster bus system which
needs more improvement. The (JUTC) bus System was mainly requested for improvement
(50%) of the Students are having problems with this bus system.
Fifty percent (50%) of the Grade Seven Students stated that the Transportation System affects
them by letting them being unable to attend school events, (22%) stated the Transportation
System affects their punctuality while the other (28%) of the Students stated it affects them by
not being able to participate in extra curriculum activities. Students are not able to stay for any
activities after school due to the poor Transportation System they wouldn’t reach home in time.
Grade Seven students cannot attend school events such as Fete and other functions because the
It was discovered that ninety seven percent (97%) of the Grade Seven Students stated yes they
think the Transportation System will have problems in the future and the next (3%) stated no
they don’t think the Transportation System will have problems in the future . Majority of the
students thinks the Transportation System will have problems in the future if a change doesn’t
occur .
Fifty percent (50%) stated Transportation is more efficient in the morning ,twenty five percent
(25%) stated it is more efficient in the afternoon while the other
(25%) of students stated Transportation is more efficient in the evenings. This shows there is less
Transportation available for students at a certain time of the day according to the Students.
Some of the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School identify was that twenty
three percent (23%) stated I don’t think Students and adults should be travelling on the same
Bus , twenty five percent (25%) of the Grade Seven Students stated the Transportation system
don’t have a set time ,fifty percent (50%) stated there is not enough spaces on buses and two
percent (2%) stated I don’t know I will not say. Fifty percent (50%) of the Grade Seven
Students has problems with the lack of space on buses this is a major issue especially with the
coaster buses they pack the bus of people so much it is impossible for Students to have a
Twenty two percent (22%) of Ascot High School Grade Seven Students (School Grade Seven
stated the Transportation system affects their punctuality while the other twenty eight
percent(28%) stated it affects them by letting them not being able to participate in extra
curriculum activities and fifty percent (50%) of the Grade Seven students stated the
Transportation system affects them by not being able to attend school events.
Ninety seven percent (97%) of the Grade Seven Students Of Ascot High School stated yes they
think the Transportation System will have problems in the future while the other three percent
(3%) stated no they don’t think the Transportation System will have problems in the future.
The students also stated how they think they could help to solve some of the problems they are
experiencing with the Transportation System . It was also seen that the Grade Seven Students of
Ascot High School stated what period of the day Transportation is more efficient . Fifty
percent(50%) stated it is more efficient in the morning ,twenty five percent (25%) stated it is
more efficient in the afternoon while the other (25%) of students stated Transportation is more
Based off observations the researcher the (JUTC) Bus System, Taxi System, Coaster System
and Mini-Van System should all work with a time schedule and inform the citizens of Jamaica
about this time schedule plan to better the Transportation System. If these Transportation
systems do so students will now be aware of what time transportations are coming and will now
feel more confident that they will reach school on time. Students should also wake early enough
to cooperate more with the Transportation System. The Government should also implement
school buses for just school children only. The Government should also ensure that the Time
Schedule Program is being announced publicly and instructions are followed when it comes on
to bettering the transportation system ,for our young Grade Seven Students who are experiencing
difficulties with the transportation system. Fifty percent of the Grade Seven Students stated that
the ( JUTC) bus system needs more improvement while (25%) stated the Taxi System needs
more improvement and (13%) agreed that the Coaster system needs more improvement .
Research has also shown that (52%) of the Grade Seven Students takes (3) Transportations to
school while (23%) takes two Transportations to school and (25%) takes (1) transportation to
school. These are the problems Grade Seven Students of Ascot High School experience with the
Modules in Social Studies with SBA Guide and CXC Questions 4th Edition. Kingston.
Ian Randle.