Tehinse Olayinka

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A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of

The University of Manitoba

in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of


Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Manitoba


Copyright © 2014 by Olayinka Blessing Tehinse


Al-Zn-Mg-Cu (7xxx series) aluminium alloys are widely used for aircraft structures.

It is difficult to obtain a combination of optimal strength and stress corrosion cracking

(SCC) resistance for these alloys. It appears that SCC resistance of these alloys is

related to grain boundary precipitate morphology. One technique to control the grain

boundary precipitate morphology is to introduce a controlled cooling procedure

referred to as High Temperature Pre-precipitation (HTPP) treatment following the

solution heat treatment. There is need for a detailed study of the effect of HTPP on the

properties of commercial Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys using different intermediate

temperatures. In this thesis research, the results of ten HTPP processes applied to

7075 and 7050 commercial 7xxx series alloys are presented in terms of hardness,

electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, TEM analysis of grain boundary

precipitate morphology and EDS analysis of solute concentration profile at the grain

boundary. Results indicate that subsequent to HTPP processing, the 7050 alloy can be

precipitation aged to a higher hardness compared to 7075; this result is associated

with the modification of 7050 alloy by zirconium versus chromium in 7075 alloy.

HTPP heat treatment achieves better SCC resistance compared to standard T6 temper.

However, it does not appear that HTPP can achieve a combination of hardness,

electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance superior to standard T6 and T7X



I really appreciate my advisor, Dr. Jonathan Beddoes for the opportunity to work on

this research. I am grateful to him for the teaching, guidance, mentorship, personal

interest and support which has enabled me to have a great graduate study experience.

I also appreciate the support and guidance of my thesis committee, Dr. Bassuoni and

Dr. Caley.

The financial supports of Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of

Canada, Faculty of Graduate studies and Faculty of Engineering, University of

Manitoba on this research are highly appreciated. I am grateful to Mike Boswick,

Trevor Smith and Dan Rossong for their technical support. I really appreciate Dr.

Khan for the training and support on the TEM analysis used in this work.

I acknowledge the inspiring effort of my parents Mr. and Mrs. Tehinse, Mr. and Mrs.

Adetunji and the rest of my family. Their moral support, prayers and encouragement

are highly appreciated. I am thankful to my friends/colleagues: Dr. Oshoba, Dr. Ola,

Dr. Oluwasegun, Dr. Krutika, Emmanuel Ocran, Johnson Aina, Omhudhowo Oshobe,

Ebenezer Essel, Afua Adobea Ampadu-mintah, Ioannis Polyzois and others for their

help and guidance. I am thankful to my roommates Bolanle Akinwumi and Victoria

Owuobe for their love and companionship. My absolute gratitude goes to Jehovah

God for His unconditional love, mercy and grace.


ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................................iii

LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................vii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................viii


OBTAINED ................................................................................................................xii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

1.1 Historical development of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys for airframe structures ........ 1

1.2 Motivation and Objectives of this Thesis Research ...................................... 10

CHAPTER TWO: Al-Zn-Mg-Cu ALLOYS............................................................ 12

2.1 Alloying elements ......................................................................................... 12

2.2 7xxx versus 2xxx series aluminium alloys for aircraft structures ................. 14

2.3 Precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys .......................................................... 16

2.4 Introduction to physical metallurgy of 7xxx alloys ...................................... 19

2.5 Mechanism of precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys .................................. 21

2.6 Important microstructural features ................................................................ 22

2.6.1 Quench sensitivity.................................................................................. 25

2.6.2 Electrical conductivity ........................................................................... 28


ALLOYS ..................................................................................................................... 30

3.1 Intergranular Corrosion ................................................................................. 30

3.2 Exfoliation Corrosion .................................................................................... 31

3.3 Stress Corrosion Cracking............................................................................. 32

3.3.1 Mechanism of Stress Corrosion Cracking ............................................. 33

3.4 Effect of slip character on SCC in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys .............................. 35

3.5 Influence of grain boundary precipitate structure on SCC ............................ 37

3.6 Influence of magnesium and copper content................................................. 38

3.7 Crack initiation versus propagation and damage tolerance design

requirement ................................................................................................... 39


OF Al-Zn-Mg-Cu ALLOYS ...................................................................................... 42

4.1 Overaging ...................................................................................................... 42

4.2 Retrogression and reaging ............................................................................. 43

4.3 High Temperature Pre-precipitation heat treatment ...................................... 46

4.4 Effect of heat treatment on grain boundary segregation…………………… 50

CHAPTER FIVE: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE .......................................... 52

5.1 Experimental materials .................................................................................. 52

5.2 Heat treatment procedure .............................................................................. 52

5.3 Electrical conductivity testing ....................................................................... 57

5.4 Hardness testing ............................................................................................ 58

5.5 Corrosion tests ............................................................................................... 59

5.5.1 Exfoliation corrosion testing .................................................................. 59

5.5.2 Stress corrosion test (Double beam test) ................................................ 61

5.6 Microstructural Analysis ............................................................................... 64

CHAPTER SIX: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS .................................................... 67

6.1 Electrical conductivity results ....................................................................... 67

6.2 Hardness results............................................................................................ 70

6.3 Corrosion test results .................................................................................... 75

6.3.1 Exfoliation corrosion result.................................................................... 75

6.3.2 Stress Corrosion Cracking results .......................................................... 83

6.4 Results of microstructural analysis ............................................................... 98

6.5 Microstructural analysis of unaged samples using TEM ............................ 100

6.6 Microstructural analysis of aged samples using TEM ................................ 103

6.7 Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS) analysis…………………... 106

CHAPTER SEVEN: DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ............................................. 110

7.1 Effect of heat treatment on EC of 7075 and 7050 alloys ............................ 110

7.2 Effect of heat treatment on hardness of 7050 and 7075 alloys ................... 111

7.3 Exfoliation Corrosion (EXCO) versus EC of 7075 and 7050 alloy ............ 114

7.4 Effect of HTPP on Stress corrosion cracking of 7075 and 7050 alloy ....... 115

7.5 Grain boundary precipitate versus SCC resistance ..................................... 118

7.6 Effect of HTPP on microstructure ............................................................... 119

CHAPTER EIGHT: CONCLUSIONS .................................................................. 122

8.1 Recommendations for future work .............................................................. 123

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 124


Tables Page

1.1 Composition (wt.%) of some aluminium alloys used in aircraft ...................... 6

1.2 Typical mechanical properties of aluminium alloys ......................................... 7

5.1. Nominal and actual composition of 7075 and 7050 alloys…………………..53

5.2. Analysis of heat treatment procedure .............................................................. 54

5.3. Exfoliation corrosion rating ............................................................................. 60

6.1. Electrical conductivity results of 7075 alloy before and after aging ............... 68

6.2. Electrical conductivity results of 7050 alloy before and after aging ............... 69

6.3. Hardness result of 7075 alloy before aging ..................................................... 71

6.4. Hardness result of 7075 alloy after aging ........................................................ 72

6.5. Hardness result of 7050 alloy before aging ..................................................... 72

6.6. Hardness result of 7050 alloy after aging ........................................................ 73

6.7. Exfoliation corrosion (EXCO) rating of heat treated samples ......................... 76

6.8. Summary of results obtained from 7075 alloy double beam samples ............. 84

6.9. Summary of results obtained from 7050 alloy double beam samples ............. 84


Figures Page

1.1. Typical applications of aluminium alloys and tempers in aircraft

structures ............................................................................................................ 2

1.2. Materials used for upper wing skin from 1919-1994......................................... 4

1.3. Variation of SCC resistance and strength due to aging .................................... 8

1.4. Changes in hardness during RRA heat treatment ............................................. 9

2.1. Fracture toughness versus yield strength relationship for 2xxx and 7xxx

series alloys ..................................................................................................... 15

2.2. Phase diagram of a typical precipitation hardenable alloy ............................. 17

2.3. Heat treatment process for precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys ................. 17

2.4. The Al-MgZn2 equilibrium diagram for Al-Zn-Mg alloys .............................. 21

2.5. Effect of particle size and CRSS on dislocation-precipitate interaction .......... 23

2.6. Distribution of precipitates within the matrix in T6 and T7 temper ............... 24

2.7. Continuous and discontinuous distribution of precipitates along grain

boundary in T6 and T7 temper......................................................................... 26

2.8. Dispersoid particles of Al12Mg2Cr in alloy 7075 ............................................ 26

2.9. Effect of quenching cooling rate on strength of aluminium alloys .................. 27

3.1. Exfoliation corrosion causing delamination .................................................... 31

3.2. Stress corrosion cracking in a 7075-T6 wing lock........................................... 33

3.3. TEM micrograph showing planar dislocation slip .......................................... 36

3.4. TEM micrograph showing dislocations in wavy slip ...................................... 36

3.5. Stages of SCC showing KIC and KISCC ............................................................ 40

4.1. Schematic showing retrogression and reaging heat treatment procedure ........ 43

4.2. Effect of heat treatment on SCC resistance in 7075 alloy heat treated to T6,

T73 and RRA .................................................................................................. 44

4.3. Discontinuous grain boundary precipitates in 7075 alloy RRA ...................... 46

4.4. High temperature pre-precipitation heat treatment procedure ......................... 47

4.5. Micrographs of (a) fine and (b) coarse precipitates in the grains of

HTPP temper .................................................................................................... 49

4.6. Discontinuous precipitates at the grain boundary region of HTPP temper ..... 50

4.7. Concentration profile of Zn, Mg and Cu across the grain boundary

of (a) T651 (b) T73 (c) RRA tempers of 7150 alloy ....................................... 51

5.1. Box furnace used for HTPP treatment ............................................................. 55

5.2. Fisher Scientific silicon oil bath used for aging treatment .............................. 55

5.3. Heat treatment procedure for HTPP ................................................................ 56

5.4. EE0021 digital electrical conductivity tester ................................................... 57

5.5. Versitron Rockwell hardness tester ................................................................. 58

5.6. Polished plate prepared for exfoliation corrosion test .................................... 60

5.7. A loaded double beam sample ......................................................................... 63

5.8. Travelling microscope ..................................................................................... 63

5.9. Stress intensity vs crack length as shown in equation 1 .................................. 64

5.10. Stages of preparation of TEM sample….…………………………………... 66

6.1. Effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity of 7075 and 7050 alloy .... 70

6.2. Effect of HTPP heat treatment on hardness of 7075 alloy............................... 74

6.3. Effect of HTPP heat treatment on hardness of 7050 alloy............................... 74

6.4. EXCO behaviour of 7075 alloy ...................................................................... 77

6.5. EXCO behaviour of 7050 alloy ...................................................................... 80

6.6. Optical micrograph of a section of an exfoliated sample showing

intergranular corrosion ..................................................................................... 83

6.7. Comparism of crack length with time in two SCC samples for each of

HTPP condition TF/Q = 455 and 370 oC ............................................................ 85

6.8. Average crack length with time of 7075 double beam samples ...................... 87

6.9. Average crack length with time of 7050 double beam samples ...................... 88

6.10. Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7075 samples ............................ 88

6.11. Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7050 samples ............................ 92

6.12. Summary of V-K plot for 7075 alloy............................................................... 96

6.13. Summary of V-K plot for 7050 alloy............................................................... 96

6.14. Comparism of SCC behaviour in 7050 and 7075 alloy at TF/Q = 370 oC ........ 97

6.15. Double beam samples after SCC testing. ......................................................... 98

6.16. Optical images of as-received (a) 7075-T651 and (b) 7050-T74 alloy ........... 99

6.17. Effect of compositional modification on the microstructure of 7075 and

7050 alloy......................................................................................................... 99

6.18. TEM analyses of unaged 7075 alloy in (a) and (b) T6 (c) TF/Q= 405 oC (d)

TF/Q= 370 oC. .................................................................................................. 101

6.19. TEM analyses of unaged 7050 alloy in (a) and (b) T6 (c) TF/Q = 405 oC (d)

TF/Q = 370 oC .................................................................................................. 102

6.20. TEM analysis of grain boundary precipitate morphology of 7075 alloy. ...... 104

6.21. TEM analysis of grain boundary precipitate morphology of 7050 alloy ....... 105

6.22. EDS analysis across grain boundary of 7075 samples................................... 107

6.23. EDS analysis across grain boundary of 7050 samples................................... 108

6.24. EDS analysis showing the extent of scatter in results ................................... 109

7.1. Effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity of 7050 and

7075 alloy....................................................................................................... 111

7.2. Effect of heat treatment on hardness of 7050 and 7075 alloys ...................... 113

7.3. Nucleation of precipitate phases during controlled cooling .......................... 113

7.4. Effect of heat treatment on EC and EXCO resistance ................................... 114

7.5. Relationship between EC and SCC resistance (using crack length measured

after 257 hours of SCC test) of 7075 and 7050 alloy .................................... 116

7.6. Summary of effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity and crack

growth velocity at 3MPa√m stress intensity for 7075 alloy .......................... 117

7.7. Summary of effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity and crack

growth velocity at 3MPa√m stress intensity for 7050 alloy .......................... 117

7.8. Summary of grain boundary copper solute concentration in (a) 7075 and

(b) 7050 alloy ................................................................................................. 121


Figure 1.1: Source-“Advanced Materials and Processes” Reprinted with permission

from ASM International (27-02-2014).

Figure 1.2: Source-“Materials Forum” Reprinted with permission from Materials

Australia (13-02-2014).

Figure 1.3: Source-“Metallurgical Transactions A” Reprinted with permission from

Spinger (24-03-2014).

Figure 1.4: Source-“Journal of Materials Science” Reprinted with permission from

Spinger (24-03-2014).

Figure 2.1: Source-“Lightweight Materials-Understanding the basics” Reprinted with

permission from ASM International (06-03-2014).

Figure 2.2: Source-“Key to metals” Reprinted with permission from European Space

Agency (22-04-2014).

Figure 2.4: Source-“Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly” Reprinted with permission

from Maney publishing (24-03-2014).

Figure 2.5: Source-“Handbook of Aluminium” Reprinted with permission from

Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, a division of Informa PLC (18-04-2014).

Figure 2.6: Source-“Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Society of China” Reprinted

with permission from Elsevier (06-03-2014).

Figure 2.7: Source-“Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Society of China” Reprinted

with permission from Elsevier (06-03-2014).

Figure 2.8: Source-“Handbook of Aluminium” Reprinted with permission from

Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, a division of Informa PLC (18-04-2014).

Figure 2.9: Source-“Handbook of Aluminium” Reprinted with permission from

Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, a division of Informa PLC (18-04-2014).

Figure 3.1: Source-“NDT Resource Centre” Reproduced with permission from the

NDT Resource Center/Center for Non-destructive Evaluation, Iowa State University


Figure 3.3: Source-“Fatigue at elevated temperatures” Reprinted with permission

from ASTM International (12-03-2014).

Figure 3.4: Source-“Fatigue at elevated temperatures” Reprinted with permission

from ASTM International (12-03-2014).

Figure 3.5: Source-“Metallurgical Transactions A” Reprinted with permission from

Spinger (24-03-2014).

Figure 4.1: Source-“Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Society of China” Reprinted

with permission from Elsevier (06-03-2014).

Figure 4.3: Source-“Journal of Materials Science” Reprinted with permission from

Spinger (24-03-2014).

Figure 4.4: Source-“Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Society of China” Reprinted

with permission from Elsevier (06-03-2014).

Figure 4.6: Source-“Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Society of China” Reprinted

with permission from Elsevier (06-03-2014).

Figure 4.7: Source-“Transactions of Non-ferrous Metals Society of China” Reprinted

with permission from Elsevier (06-03-2014).

Figure 4.8: Source-“Proceedings of Environment Induced Cracking of Metals” Reprinted

with permission from NACE (25-03-2014).

Figure 6.15: Source-“Materials Science and Engineering B” Reprinted with permission

from Elsevier (18-04-2014).



7xxx series aluminium alloys are high strength, heat treatable alloys containing zinc

and magnesium as the main alloying elements. Similar to all heat treatable aluminium

alloys, 7xxx series alloys rely on precipitation hardening to improve properties [1].

This series of alloys can be divided into Al-Zn-Mg and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys [2]. Al-

Zn-Mg alloys are relatively weldable and are referred to as medium strength alloys

[3]. Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys have the highest strength compared to other aluminium

alloys. 7xxx series alloys are often used for high strength applications, predominantly

in compressively loaded airframe structures, as shown in Figure 1.1 [4]. Examples are

upper wing panels, frames, stringers, longerons, extruded parts, etc. Other applications

include mobile equipment and other highly stressed components. Properties of

particular interest for structural applications of 7xxx series alloys are toughness,

fatigue crack growth rate, strength, exfoliation and stress corrosion resistance [3, 5].

1.1 Historical development of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys for airframe structures

Airframe structures are high strength applications. For instance, upper wing structures

are loaded in compression during flight. Hence, materials selection for these parts

requires a high compression strength to weight ratio. Other important properties

considered for materials selection are cost, corrosion resistance and toughness [6].

Application of aluminium alloys in aircraft can be traced back to the engine crankcase

in Wright brothers’ plane in 1903 [7]. A study of the Wright Flyers internal

combustion engine crank case showed a composition of Al-8% copper, about 1.0%

iron and 0.4% silicon impurities.

Figure 1.1: Typical applications of aluminium alloys and tempers in aircraft
structures, such as the Boeing 777 illustrated [4]

The strength of the alloy, low weight requirements of the aircraft and good casting

qualities are likely reasons for selection of this material [8].

The discovery of age hardening of Al-Cu alloys by Alfred Wilm in 1906 led to

research on the mechanism of precipitation hardening [9]. Guinier and Preston’s work

provided evidence that explains the precipitation mechanism in aged Al-Cu alloy [9].

Further studies revealed that GP (Guinier-Preston) zones are formed during nucleation

of strengthening precipitate phases from the solid solution. These studies started the

evolution of alloy development for airframe structures [7, 9].

Earliest application of aluminium alloys in aircraft wing structures used alloys based

on the Al-Cu-Mg system (2xxx series alloys), an example being the Junkers F-13 and

DC-3 aircraft. These alloys had the highest yield strength at that time in the range of

275-310 MPa. The need for increased aircraft performance motivated effort to find

other precipitation hardenable alloys [9]. Among the few other alloys that showed

precipitation hardening, Al-Zn-Mg alloys were discovered in 1923. Investigation

showed that Al-Zn-Mg alloys showed the best response to precipitation hardening

compared to other aluminium alloy compositions. Figure 1.2 shows various materials

used for upper wing skin of aircrafts from 1919-1994 [9]. This shows that continuous

increase in demand for materials with higher strength to weight ratios has enabled the

development of precipitation hardenable Al-Cu (2xxx series) and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu (7xxx

series) alloys over the years [5]. The broken line in Figure 1.2 shows the transition in

aircraft application in early 1940’s from 2xxx to 7xxx alloys based on higher strength.

In the 1920’s and 30’s, studies were carried out to understand tensile strength and

corrosion resistant properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloys. Part of this was the development of

alloy X74S (5.2% Zn, 2.1% Mg, 1.5% Cu, 0.4% Mn) with a low Zn:Mg ratio in 1938.

7076-T6 alloy (7.5% Zn, 1.6% Mg, 0.7% Cu and 0.6% Mn) with a high Zn:Mg ratio

was developed in 1940 for application as a high strength forging alloy for propeller

blades. However, deformed sheet of this alloy was susceptible to stress corrosion

cracking. Studies showed that addition of 0.2-0.35% Cr increased the corrosion

resistance of X74S [10].

In 1943, 7075-T6 was developed based on the previous alloy compositions by

adjusting the composition of Zn, Mg and Cu for improved strength and the addition of

Cr. First application of 7075-T6 sheet was as skin and stringers in B-29 Fortress

Al-Cu Al-Zn-Mg-Cu

Figure 1.2: Materials used for upper wing skin from 1919-1994 [9]

bomber during World War II. Higher strength 7xxx alloy were developed for

passenger and military aircraft after the war [10].

In the 1950’s, forgings were used for several aircraft structures. The susceptibility of

7075-T6 to corrosion and high quench sensitivity led to development of another alloy

more suitable for forgings. Hy43 with low copper content (about 0.6% Cu) was

developed as a forging alloy and designed to have good heat treatment properties.

Hy43 was better in terms of ductility in short-transverse section, quench sensitivity

and strength. After successful accelerated stress corrosion time to failure testing was

carried out, Hy43 was commercialized as alloy 7179 and used for a wide range of old

and new designs. However, in the late 1950’s, it was discovered that alloy 7179

exhibited high susceptibility to stress corrosion that was not predicted by the

accelerated corrosion tests. This is due to the slow crack initiation in 7179, but higher

crack growth rate compared to 7075 alloy [10]. The severe corrosion problems of

7179 alloy led to its withdrawal from aerospace applications [11]. Nevertheless,

airworthiness issues related to the high stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of

7179/7079 alloy continue today [12]. Tables 1.1 and 1.2 show chemical composition

and properties of some of the alloys mentioned.

In the 1960’s, the problem of stress corrosion cracking and requirement for thicker

sections of 7075-T6 for forgings in aircraft designs led to development of 7075-T73

temper. 7075-T73 forgings were developed for improved corrosion resistance using a

two-step aging heat treatment procedure. After aging to T6 temper at about 120 oC for

24 hours, T7 temper was obtained by overaging above 150 oC for 7-9 hours to

increase resistance to stress corrosion cracking [1].

Although, this comes with about 10-15% loss of strength compared to 7075 and 7179-

T6, 7075-T73 was accepted by aircraft designers [10]. One of the first application of

7075-T73 was in DC10. T76 temper was later applied in Lockheed L1011 [7, 11].

The increasing demand for lighter weight, higher strength structures especially for

commercial aircraft led to the development of 7178-T651 alloy with higher Zn, Mg

and Cu content compared to 7075. However, the increasing demand for higher

fracture toughness and damage tolerance limited the use of this alloy [10]. Over the

years, applications of T73 alloys have no record of stress corrosion cracking [10].

In the T6 and T73 tempers, there is an inverse relationship between strength and SCC

resistance as shown in Figure 1.3 [13]. This shows that as aging time and temperature

increases, the strength decreases while resistance to SCC increases. In Figure 1.3,

stage I shows the initial aging step. Stage II can be related to T6 temper and it shows

that higher strength can be obtained but the resistance to SCC is low. Stage III shows

that prolonged aging can increase SCC resistance but there is loss of strength.

Table 1.1: Composition (wt.%) of some aluminium alloys used in aircrafts [14, 15]

Alloy Zn Cu Mg Mn Cr Zr Fe Si

2014 - 4.4 0.5 0.80 0.10 - 0.70 0.80

2024 - 4.4 1.5 0.60 0.10 - 0.50 0.50
7075 5.6 1.6 2.5 - 0.30 - 0.50 0.40
7178 6.8 2.0 2.7 - 0.30 - 0.50 0.40
7050 6.3 2.4 2.3 0.10 0.04 0.12 0.15 0.12
7079 4.3 0.6 3.3 0.20 0.20 - 0.50 0.30
7150 5.9-6.9 1.9-2.5 2.0-2.7 0.10 0.04 0.08-0.15 0.15 0.12
7055 7.6-8.4 2.0-2.6 1.8-2.3 0.05 0.04 0.08-0.25 0.15 0.10
7A52 4.4 0.13 0.13 0.24 0.13 0.12 0.25 0.20

Table 1.2: Typical mechanical properties of aluminium alloys [13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22]

Yield Fracture
Year of strength toughness SCC
Alloy introduction Temper (MPa) (MPa√m) resistance

2024 1931 T351 269-276 Excellent Good

T851 386-400 Excellent High
T6 345 Good
2017 1920’s T4 276
7075 1943 T6 503 Moderate
T73 434 Excellent
7076 1940
7175 T6 503
T73 476
7178 1951 T6 537
T76 503
7179 T6
7050 T74 510
T76 455
7150 T7751 565 29.7
7055 T7751 614 28.6
T651 544
T7451 496
7079 1954 T6 469

Figure 1.3: Variation of SCC resistance and strength due to aging [13]

The loss of strength in 7075-T73 temper led to compositional modification to obtain

7050 alloy with about 2.22% copper and use of Zr in place of Cr for improved

strength and less quench sensitivity. Chromium containing dispersoids in 7075 alloy

control grain structure and prevent recrystallization during processing but causes

quench sensitivity, i.e. properties are dependent on the quenching rate. Hence, the

strength of 7075 alloy decreases as the quenching rate decreases. The Zr addition in

7050 alloy reduces the quench sensitivity. Thus, 7050 alloy is more useful for thick

structural sections [23].

In the 1970’s, Cina developed the Retrogression and Reaging (RRA) heat treatment to

address the trade-off between strength and stress corrosion resistance in the T6 and

T73 tempers. The RRA heat treatment is applied to 7075-T6 and involves

‘retrogression’ (partial re-solutionizing) of the T6 temper at a higher temperature for a

very short period of time (for example 200 oC for 2 minutes, 240 oC for 7 seconds).

During retrogression, dissolution of strengthening precipitate phase and dislocations

occur, causing loss of strength as shown in Figure 1.4 [24]. This is followed by

reaging using T6 aging conditions (121 oC for 24 hours) to achieve a better

combination of strength and SCC resistance [14, 25]. Figure 1.4 shows the effect of

retrogression time on hardness after retrogression and subsequent reaging heat

treatment. It was observed that the strength reaches the lowest minimum after a short

retrogression time. Increase in retrogression time causes increase in hardness but

further increase in retrogression time causes the hardness to decrease. Subsequent

reaging treatment increases the hardness. However, higher strength after reaging is

obtained at the lowest minimum on the retrogression curve corresponding to few

seconds of retrogression.

Figure 1.4: Changes in hardness during RRA heat treatment [24]. Arrows indicate
change in hardness after reaging

A T77 temper designation is used when RRA is applied to 7055 alloy. 7055-T77 is

used for several structural components on the Boeing 777, as shown in Figure 1.1.

However, the short retrogression time required to obtain high strength in RRA

treatment makes it difficult or impossible to apply RRA to thick section components


1.2 Motivation and Objectives of this Thesis Research

The difficulty of applying RRA to thick sections of components during manufacturing

creates the need to develop a heat treatment procedure that avoids the relatively high

temperature retrogression process.

This research aims to study the effect of high temperature pre-precipitation (HTPP)

heat treatment on strength and SCC resistance of 7xxx series alloys. HTPP is a

recently developed heat treatment procedure which involves slow cooling from

solution heat treatment temperatures to a lower, intermediate temperature before

quenching, followed by applying T6 aging. The aim of this procedure is to modify the

grain boundary microstructure to form coarse, discontinuously distributed precipitates

and achieve higher resistance to stress corrosion cracking [26]. Similar slow cooling

heat treatment procedures in other materials such as nickel superalloys or titanium

aluminide intermetallics showed that this procedure can modify the grain boundary

microstructure and improve targeted material properties [27]. Previous work on the

effect of HTPP on experimental Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys shows that HTPP treatment can

improve SCC resistance in experimental alloys [26, 28, 29]. However, the influence

of HTPP heat treatments applied to commercial 7xxx alloys is not well understood. It

is also important to understand the effect of the intermediate temperature used during

the HTPP process on the properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. Accordingly, the goal of

this thesis research is to study the effect of HTPP heat treatments on the electrical

conductivity, quench sensitivity, hardness, corrosion resistance and microstructure of

commercial 7075 and 7050 alloys.



2.1 Alloying elements

Pure aluminium is well known for its low density and high corrosion resistance.

However, pure aluminum cannot be used for structural applications due to low

strength. Alloy development involves the addition of different alloying elements to

improve material properties. Alloying aluminium to high strength enables design

applications where high strength to weight ratio is important [2]. Although the

primary effect of alloying is increase in strength, other material properties are affected

by alloying. Aluminium alloys usually contain 90-96% aluminium and about two

major alloying elements to obtain a combination of properties. Major alloying

elements usually have significant solubility in aluminium. Zinc, magnesium,

manganese, copper and silicon are used as major alloying elements. Although, minor

elements may have low solubility in aluminium, addition of minor elements improves

fabrication and performance [30, 31].

Aluminium is a reactive metal but it relies on an ability to form a protective oxide

layer for good corrosion resistance. Generally, corrosion resistance decreases as the

alloying element content increases. Alloying elements may form solid solutions or

phases that sometimes affect the continuity of the protective oxide layer or

electrochemical potential of phases versus matrix [32]. Specific alloying elements in

7xxx series aluminium alloy are as follows:

 Zinc and Magnesium

The addition of zinc increases the solution potential of the alloy. However, binary

aluminium-zinc alloys are seldom used due to high susceptibility to SCC and hot

cracking in the wrought and cast alloys respectively. Magnesium and zinc are often

added together to increase strength by increasing the heat treatment response of the

alloy due to formation of MgZn2 precipitate phase. However, there is need for control

of composition, microstructure and processing (heat treatment) to obtain resistance to

SCC [2, 33].

 Copper

The addition of up to 1% copper in the presence of zinc and magnesium increases the

strength by solid solution strengthening. Increase in copper content to about 1.5%

increases resistance to SCC. However, high amount of copper increases quench

sensitivity and reduces weldability [2].

 Chromium/Manganese /Zirconium

Chromium, manganese and zirconium are used as additions in 7xxx alloys to control

grain structure and prevent recrystallization. Chromium can form finely dispersed

phases in these alloys due to its slow rate of diffusion [2]. However, the use of

chromium is challenged by increase in quench sensitivity. Zr is being used in newly

developed alloys to reduce quench sensitivity. This will be a subject of discussion

later in this chapter.

 Iron and silicon

Iron and silicon are the commonest impurities found in aluminium alloys. Iron has a

high solubility in aluminium in the molten state, but the solubility reduces in solid

state. This enables iron to form intermetallic compounds with aluminium and other

elements [2]. Silicon reduces the melting point, increases the strength and fluidity of

aluminium [1]. Both iron and silicon significantly affect properties of aluminium

alloy. Hence, strict limits on the quantity of impurity elements are important to

achieve required material properties. 7050 alloy contains lesser amount of iron and

silicon compared to 7075. This compositional modification reduces the amount of

constituent particles formed in 7050 alloy thereby improving the fracture toughness.

Constituent particles are intermetallic compounds containing Fe and Si formed during

solidification. More information on the types and effect of constituent particles will be

discussed later in this chapter. The effect of this compositional modification on the

microstructure of 7050 and 7075 alloys will be studied later in this thesis.

2.2 7xxx versus 2xxx series aluminium alloys for aircraft structures

Both 2xxx and 7xxx series are heat treatable alloys widely applied as airframe

structures. 2xxx series (Al-Cu) alloys have been widely applied since the discovery of

age hardening by Alfred Wilm which led to development of Duralumin (Al-3.5%Cu-

0.5%Mg-0.5%Mn) [7, 9]. Modifications in chemical composition led to development

of 2014 alloy with higher silicon content for higher strength and 2024 alloy with

higher magnesium and lower silicon content for better response to aging at room

temperature. Typical tensile strength of 2014 alloy is 485 MPa. 7xxx alloys have

higher strength in the range of 470-600 MPa [31]. This explains the replacement of

2xxx with 7xxx alloys for upper wing structures shown in Figure 1.2.

A critical property required for upper wings is high compressive strength. This is

necessary since the upper wing is under compression loading during flight [6]. 7xxx

alloys have higher compressive strength compared to 2xxx alloys. However, Figure

1.1 shows that 2xxx series alloys are still applied as structural materials in aircrafts

especially for high fracture toughness applications. An example is the lower wing

which is under tension loading during flight.

An important property that differentiates 2xxx and 7xxx alloys is fracture toughness.

Recently, reduction in the level of iron, silicon and copper has achieved an increase in

fracture toughness of 2xxx alloys. Also, high damage tolerance and high resistance to

fatigue crack propagation enables 2xxx alloys to be applied as aircraft fuselage skin

and lower wing skins on commercial aircrafts. Figure 2.1 shows the fracture

toughness-strength requirement of both alloys [34]. At lower strength compared to

7xxx series alloys, higher fracture toughness can be obtained in 2xxx series alloys


Figure 2.1: Fracture toughness versus yield strength relationship for 2xxx and 7xxx
series alloys [34]

2.3 Precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys

Precipitation hardening is the process of developing fine, second phase particles

called precipitates in an alloy such that higher strength is achieved. Figure 2.2 shows

the phase diagram of precipitation hardenable alloys [35]. For precipitation hardening

to occur, it is important that the solid solubility limit of the solute in the alloy system

is decreasing as temperature decreases as shown by the broken line in Figure 2.2.

2xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx series alloys (with Cu, Mg-Si and Zn-Mg as main alloying

element respectively) are precipitation hardenable and are also known as heat

treatable alloys [33]. To achieve precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys, the following

heat treatment steps (shown in Figure 2.2) must be carried out.

 Solution heat treatment

 Quenching

 Aging

Solution heat treatment (SHT) is the process of dissolving second phase particles in

an alloy to form a single phase. SHT involves heating to a temperature in the single

phase region as shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.3 summarizes the heat treatment

procedure for precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys. The alloy is kept at the SHT

temperature (To) for some time to develop a single phase at equilibrium. Thermal

processes occurring during SHT also allows formation of vacancies in the single

phase. The choice of SHT temperature is determined by the alloy composition. High

SHT temperature is used to achieve high strength after aging. However, in alloys

containing eutectic phases, SHT temperature higher than eutectic temperature can

cause incipient melting of eutectic phases.


Figure 2.2: Phase diagram of a typical precipitation hardenable alloy showing heat
treatment processes for precipitation hardening. Broken line indicates decrease in
solubility of solute as temperature decreases [35]

Figure 2.3: Heat treatment process for precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys

This will have a negative effect on the final mechanical properties of the alloy.

Depending on the alloy composition, potential improvement in the properties of

aluminium alloy can be obtained by appropriate design of SHT process. For instance,

non-isothermal SHT between the solvus temperature and the eutectic temperature

starting from low SHT temperature allows homogenization of the eutectic phase to

occur and subsequent increase in the temperature will maximize the solute

concentration [27].

Quenching is the process of rapidly cooling the alloy from the SHT (To to T1 as shown

in Figure 2.3) to form a supersaturated solid solution (SSS) of solute and highly

concentrated vacancies. SSS is important for the subsequent nucleation and growth of

precipitates during aging. Optimum strength is often associated with fast quenching

rate [33]. However, fast quenching rate may induce stress and cause distortion in

intricate parts. Slow quenching allows migration of solute and vacancies to grain

boundary regions which may cause a reduction in mechanical properties after aging.

Hence, the choice of quenching medium and temperature are important to determine

the quenching rate. Water is a common medium for quenching aluminium alloys. It is

important to avoid quench delays to achieve optimum strength properties [1].

Aging is the controlled decomposition of the SSS to form second phase particles

called precipitates. The supersaturated solid solution formed during quenching is

unstable and this provides a driving force for precipitation to occur through diffusion

[27, 33]. Aging can occur naturally at room temperature or artificially at temperature

below the equilibrium solvus (T2 in Figure 2.3). During aging, precipitates are formed

with an interface with the matrix which may be coherent (perfect match at the

interface between precipitate and the matrix), semi-coherent or incoherent. Fine

precipitates formed at the initial stage of precipitation hardening are coherent or semi-

coherent with the matrix. However, prolonged aging causes loss of coherency of the

precipitates with the matrix. This is called overaging and it is usually associated with

loss of strength.

2.4 Introduction to physical metallurgy of 7xxx alloys

7xxx series alloys have good solid solution range that allows formation of

supersaturated solid solution during quenching from SHT temperature [1]. 7xxx series

alloys are highly unstable after quenching from SHT such that natural aging occurs

even at room temperature. Artificial aging (aging above room temperature) is

commonly used in practical applications. During aging, precipitate phases are formed

due to precipitation reaction. In 7xxx alloys, the mechanism of homogeneous

precipitation can be summarized as follows:

Supersaturated Solid Solution (SSS) → Guinier-Preston (GP) zones → non-

equilibrium (metastable) phase (η′) → equilibrium precipitate (η) [26].

An increase in the concentration of vacancies in the supersaturated solid solution

enhances homogenous precipitation by formation of vacancy clusters and diffusion of

solute to vacancy clusters to form GP zones. As aging continues, diffusion of solutes

facilitates the growth of GP zones to intermediate precipitates. These are spherical,

metastable (η′) phases. Increase in internal strain induced by the intermediate

precipitates causes partial loss of coherency with the matrix. As aging continues,

equilibrium precipitates, η or T phase that are incoherent with the matrix are formed


The general precipitation mechanism of 7xxx alloys showing decomposition of GP

zones to intermediate (η′) phase and later equilibrium precipitate phase (η) is given

above. Precipitation sequence that follows such decomposition from GP zones to η is

common in alloys with high Zn:Mg ratio like 7075 and 7050 alloys. The composition

of intermediate precipitate (η′) is not so clear. Some studies claim that the

composition of intermediate precipitate is same as equilibrium precipitate, other

researchers have shown that the composition of intermediate precipitate is closer to

GP zone with Zn:Mg ratio 1:1 [1, 36, 37]. Equilibrium precipitate is hexagonal,

MgZn2 with Zn:Mg ratio 2:1. In alloys with low Zn:Mg ratio, the precipitation

mechanism involves formation of GP zones and decomposition to intermediate T′ and

later equilibrium T phase likely composed of cubic, Mg32(Al, Zn)49 [1, 37]. In 7075

and 7050 alloys, optimum strength is obtained from GP zones and intermediate

precipitates. However, continuous aging causes precipitates to grow to equilibrium

precipitates and this causes loss of strength.

Precipitation hardening also modifies the grain boundary precipitate structures. Since

7075 and 7050 alloys are susceptible to intergranular corrosion like SCC, heat

treatments are designed to develop precipitate structure that will prevent a continuous

path for corrosion at the grain boundary. As discussed earlier, a coarse, discontinuous

distribution of precipitates has been related to higher corrosion resistance of T7 and

T77 (RRA) tempers. The effect of HTPP on the grain boundary precipitate

morphology and corrosion resistance will be analyzed later in this study.

Figure 2.4 shows the simplified Al-MgZn2 equilibrium diagram for 7xxx series alloys

[27]. The composition of Zn and Mg content in 7075 alloy is represented by the

broken line. The presence of copper and impurities in commercial 7075 alloys

changes the composition of the equilibrium phase and this will alter the temperatures

given in Figure 2.4. For instance, the given solvus temperature is 420 oC for 7075, but

this might be in the range of 420-455 oC in commercial alloys [33].

Figure 2.4: The Al-MgZn2 equilibrium diagram for Al-Zn-Mg alloys. Zn and Mg
content in 7075 alloy corresponds to broken line [27]

2.5 Mechanism of precipitation hardening in 7xxx alloys

In 7xxx alloys, strength is increased due to the interaction between dislocation and

second phase particles formed during precipitation. Dislocation-precipitate interaction

is determined by size, spacing and degree of coherency between the precipitate and

the matrix. Depending on the alloy, strength is determined by the ability to resist

dislocation motion through the following [38, 39]:

Strain fields formed by coherent GP zones: The presence of misfit between the

precipitate and the matrix generates strain fields. This increases the internal stress and

higher stress will be required for dislocation motion thereby increasing strength.

Shearing of deformable precipitates: Interaction between small precipitates and

dislocations is often by shearing. This occurs due to deformability of small

precipitates that allows dislocations to cut through the precipitates. The stress required

to initiate dislocation motion is called critically resolved shear stress (CRSS). At the

initial stage of precipitate growth, the CRSS is low. This enables dislocations to shear

through precipitates. This form of interaction is also known as chemical hardening.

During chemical hardening, changes occur along the slip plane due to formation of an

additional interface. Strength is increased in that more work will be required by the

applied stress to achieve these changes.

Bypass of coarse, non-deformable precipitates: Dislocations bypass coarse particles

due to increase in the particle spacing and loss of coherency at the precipitate-matrix

interface. As the precipitates grow, resistance to shearing from dislocations increases.

Strengthening is obtained due to work hardening by the debris dislocation left after

looping of particles by dislocation. Figure 2.5 shows that particle size affects the

CRSS in deformable and non-deformable particles as precipitate particles grow [1].

As shown in the Figure, the critical particle size corresponds to high critically

resolved shear stress. At the critical particle size, high strength can be obtained due to

difficulty in achieving the high CRSS.

2.6 Important microstructural features

Some microstructural features affect properties of 7xxx series alloys. Dispersoids,

intermetallic compounds, constituent particles, grain boundary and matrix precipitates

among others are important features that affect fracture toughness, strength and

corrosion resistance of 7xxx alloys.

Figure 2.5: Effect of particle size and CRSS on dislocation-precipitate interaction [1]

 Matrix and grain boundary precipitate

The composition, structure and distribution of precipitates in the matrix and grain

boundary region affect the properties of 7xxx alloys. Among other microstructural

factors, matrix precipitates affect strength while the grain boundary precipitates affect

resistance to intergranular corrosion [29, 40]. During aging, coherent precipitates are

finely distributed in the matrix to achieve high strength by restricting movement of

dislocations. Continuous aging to the overaged condition increases precipitate size in

the matrix and grain boundary region, causing loss of strength and coherency. Figure

2.6 shows the fine and coarse precipitate morphology in T6 and T7 matrix

respectively. While high concentration of fine precipitates observed in T6 increases

the strength, coarsening of the precipitates in T7 temper causes loss of strength [29].

Figure 2.6: Distribution of precipitates within the matrix in (a) T6 and (b) T7 temper
respectively [29]

Figure 2.7 shows grain boundary precipitate morphology in T6 and T7 temper

respectively. A continuous distribution of small precipitates is observed in T6 while

T7 temper shows discontinuous distribution of coarse precipitates. The coarsening of

precipitates in the grain boundary during overaging improves the resistance to

intergranular corrosion by eliminating a continuous path for corrosion to occur [40].

Studies of other heat treatment procedure that have improved the resistance to SCC

like retrogression and reaging shows that coarse precipitates are discontinuously

distributed along the grain boundary (similar to T7 temper shown in Figure 2.7) [29].

 Constituent particles

Constituent particles are intermetallic compounds formed during solidification

through eutectic reactions. Constituent particles may contain Fe or Si with other

alloying elements and sometimes aluminium. Constituent particles containing Fe are

insoluble while those without Fe may be soluble or slightly soluble based on the

solute content in the solid solution [1]. Constituent particles larger than 1 µm in

diameter are undesirable in aluminium alloys. Due to incoherency with the matrix,

constituent particles are not effective strengthening particles. Constituent particles can

favour crack growth, reduce fatigue resistance and fracture toughness. In 7075 alloy,

Al7Cu2Fe, SiO2, Al12(Fe, Mn)3Si, Al23CuFe4, Al6(Fe, Mn), Mg2Si, are the common

constituent particles. The compositional modification through the use of lower

amounts of iron and silicon in 7050 alloy achieves decrease in the size and number of

constituent particles in 7050 alloy. Al7Cu2Fe, Mg2Si and Al2CuMg are common in

7050 alloy [1].

 Dispersoids

Dispersoids are small particles that are formed by aluminium and transition metal

alloying elements such as Zr, Cr and Mn during hot rolling. Due to small size and fine

distribution, dispersoids are useful in preventing recrystallization by pinning the

movement of grains. The ability of dispersoids to effectively prevent recrystallization

requires small size, small spacing and coherent or semi-coherent interface with the

matrix. However, dispersoids can nucleate microvoids and this is undesirable. In 7075

alloy, Al12Mg2Cr is a common dispersoid as shown in Figure 2.8 [1]. Al3Zr is

common in 7050 and other high strength aluminium alloys [1]. The type of

dispersoids formed in an alloy can affect the quench sensitivity.

2.6.1 Quench sensitivity

Quench sensitivity is a phenomenon in heat treatable alloys whereby the properties of

the alloy are dependent on the quench rate. An important factor that contributes to

quench sensitivity is formation of dispersoids. Figure 2.9 shows the effect of

quenching rate on strength of some aluminium alloys [1]. As the quenching rate is

decreased, there is decrease in strength of both alloys.

Figure 2.7: Continuous and discontinuous distribution of precipitates along grain
boundary in T6 and T7 temper respectively [29]

Figure 2.8: Dispersoid particles of Al12Mg2Cr (indicated by the arrows) in alloy 7075

However, 7075 alloy exhibits more loss of strength compared to 7050 alloy. 7075 and

7050 alloys show that the type of dispersoid affects quench sensitivity. As shown in

Figure 2.9, 7050 is less quench sensitive compared to 7075 alloy [1]. In 7075 alloy,

Cr is used to control grain size and prevent recrystallization. However, Cr forms

incoherent dispersoids that alloys heterogeneous nucleation of precipitates to occur

during quenching thereby causing reduction in strength called quench sensitivity. The

loss of strength is due to reduction in the concentration of solute atoms available for

the formation of strengthening phases through homogeneous precipitation. In 7050

alloys, the use of Zr allows formation of dispersoids at semi-coherent interface with

the matrix and this prevents heterogeneous precipitation at the interface.

Tensile strength (MPa)



1 10 100 1000

Average cooling rate (oC/s)

Figure 2.9: Effect of quenching cooling rate on strength of aluminium alloys [adapted
from 1]

2.6.2 Electrical conductivity

Electrical conductivity (EC) is used to easily assess the stress corrosion cracking

susceptibility of 7xxx series alloys. EC measurement provides an easy, fast method of

distinguishing between tempers likely to be prone to SCC and those likely to be

resistant. It is believed that there is a direct relationship between SCC resistance and

electrical conductivity. This means that as aging increases, EC increases and the SCC

resistance increases [41]. High electrical conductivity is obtained in high SCC

resistant T7 while low EC is obtained in T6 temper. The minimum acceptable level of

EC for T73 treated 7075 alloy is 38% IACS (International Annealed Copper

Standard) while T6 is 31-33% IACS [42]. Heat treatments are often designed to

obtain higher EC to increase resistance to SCC [43].

Electrical conductivity is a bulk property. The observed changes in EC of different

tempers can be due to the amount of impurity element and solutes in the solid

solution. A high amount of impurity elements in solution causes an increase in the

resistance to flow of electrical current thereby reducing the EC value. During

quenching, the high concentration of solutes in the supersaturated solid solution

increases resistivity and decreases EC. EC can also be related to hardness and

strength. Strength decreases due to loss of strengthening phases to the solid solution

after quenching from SHT. During aging, formation of precipitates increases strength

but decreases the amount of solutes in the matrix. Intermediate precipitates and GP

zones are associated with coherent strain and this induces scattering effect (deviation

from straight trajectory by one or more paths) on electrons thereby decreasing EC.

Continuous aging causes transformation of coherent precipitates to incoherent

precipitates (as in T7 temper) causing loss of strength. This transformation reduces

strain on the matrix to achieve increase in EC [41, 44, 45, 46].

Tsai et al. suggested that the correlation between EC and SCC resistance holds in the

near peak aging (T4) and overaged condition (T7) in a particular alloy [44]. For

instance, the EC of 7475-T6 is higher than 7075-T6 (as expected in view of the higher

impurity elements in 7075). However, results of SCC test showed that the average

time to failure of 7075-T6 is longer than 7475-T6. Also, EC of as-quenched 7475 is

less than 7475-T6 as expected, but the average time to failure to SCC is longer in as-

quenched state than the T6 [44]. This shows that even though the relationship between

EC and SCC resistance has been established for T6 and T7 temper, there is need to

understand the SCC response of EC values between these two extremes. The effect of

HTPP heat treatment on EC of 7075 and 7050 alloys as it relates to SCC resistance

will be discussed later in this thesis research.



Localized corrosion is a form of accelerated attack by a corrosive environment at

discrete locations on a component while the other parts of the component corrode at a

much slower rate. Localized corrosion may be due to breakdown of protective oxide

film or the effect of localized condition of the environment [47]. Among different

forms of localized corrosion, Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys are highly susceptible to

intergranular corrosion, exfoliation corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. Localised

corrosion affects mechanical properties and structural integrity of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu


3.1 Intergranular Corrosion

Intergranular corrosion is a form of localized corrosion in which attack is localized to

grain boundaries and regions closely adjacent to grain boundaries while the grains

remain unattacked [48]. The selective attack on the grain boundary region is due to

segregation/depletion of impurity elements or precipitation of phases at the grain

boundary. Segregation or precipitation often causes localized decrease in corrosion

resistance in the alloy [48]. Intergranular corrosion penetrates into the material until

the self-limiting depth is reached. The limiting depth of penetration is determined by

the ease of transportation of corroding species and oxygen through the corrosion path

along the grain boundary. At the limiting depth, intergranular corrosion spreads over

the surface laterally. Intergranular corrosion is highly deleterious because it is difficult

to detect without the help of a microscope. Also, the sharp crack tips serve as stress

raisers making the component more prone to fatigue failure [32, 49].

3.2 Exfoliation Corrosion

Exfoliation corrosion is a form of intergranular corrosion also referred to as layered or

stratified corrosion. Exfoliation corrosion involves localized attack and build-up of

insoluble corrosion products along the grain boundary. Figure 3.1 shows an example

of exfoliation corrosion [50]. The expansion of insoluble corrosion products exerts

pressure on the grains causing swelling, leafing or lifting effect as shown by the

arrows in Figure 3.1. Exfoliation corrosion often starts from the sheared edge of the

material and progresses laterally into the material [32, 49, 51].

Exfoliation corrosion is highly deleterious because the corrosion rate is linear. This is

due to continuous splitting action of the grains exposing a fresh, film free surface.

Also, the strength of the material is lost due to the splitting off of uncorroded material

[32, 49].

Figure 3.1: Exfoliation corrosion causing delamination shown by the red arrows [50]

Exposure to salt, acidic deposits and high temperature accelerates the delamination of a

susceptible material. Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys are highly susceptible to exfoliation

corrosion especially in the peak age (T6) condition. The mechanism involves

electrochemical reaction between grain boundary precipitate (anode) and the matrix

(cathode) accompanied by expansion of insoluble corrosion products [32, 49].

3.3 Stress Corrosion Cracking

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a form of intergranular corrosion that involves the

conjoint interaction of tensile stress, corrosive environment (water, atmospheric

moisture or aqueous solutions) and a susceptible material [32]. SCC often causes

brittle failure of a susceptible material. SCC is also a form of environmentally assisted

cracking because external influence of the environment is required. The stress

required for SCC to occur may be externally applied (due to use of the component in

service) or residual (initiated during manufacturing) at stress levels lower than the

yield stress [32]. As indicated by the arrows, Figure 3.2 shows the presence of stress

corrosion cracks in a component. SCC is highly deleterious because it is difficult to

detect by casual inspection, it causes slight metal loss but higher loss of mechanical

strength. Also, the cracks produced can initiate fast fracture of component as shown in

Figure 3.2 [52]. SCC in aluminium alloys is characterized by the presence of static

tensile stress. Most intergranular cracks are propagated perpendicular to tensile stress

[32, 49]. Fracture mechanics is usually used to evaluate SCC susceptibility. This

involves the use of pre-cracked specimens to relate the plane strain stress intensity at

the crack tip to crack growth velocity [53].

Figure 3.2: Stress corrosion cracking (shown by arrows) in a 7075-T6 wing lock [52]

3.3.1 Mechanism of Stress Corrosion Cracking

The actual mechanism of SCC is not fully understood. However, two commonly

accepted theories are stress assisted dissolution and stress sorption cracking

mechanism [33].

Stress assisted dissolution considers that heat treatment develops certain microstructural

features (e.g. grain boundary precipitates, precipitate free zone) with different

electrochemical potentials. In a corrosive environment, certain features may be anodic

with respect to others. This generates a galvanic cell, causing dissolution of the anodic

part leading to crack initiation by formation of pits [33]. Pits serve as stress raisers

such that application of tensile stress causes plastic deformation in the crack tip region

due to high stress concentration. The cold work effect of plastic deformation in this

region increases the local energy level making the material more susceptible to

corrosion. Film rupture mechanism proposes that protective film is initiated after

anodic dissolution. However, further application of tensile stress causes rupture of the

passive film, allowing more metal dissolution in the environment and continuous

corrosion of the material [54].

In Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, precipitation of MgZn2 occurs preferentially at the grain

boundary. This creates the precipitate free zone that is depleted of precipitates

adjacent to the grain boundary. The difference in electrochemical potentials sets up a

galvanic corrosion cell between the PFZ and the solute rich matrix causing anodic

dissolution [32, 49]. However, experimental results showing that condensation will

not occur at the tip of a propagating crack at relatively low humidity, suggest that

anodic dissolution might not be responsible for such cracking [55].

The stress sorption cracking mechanism proposes that SCC occurs due to adsorption

of damaging species into the material causing weakening of atomic bonds. The

presence of the damaging species in the interstitial spacing of the grain boundary

reduces the surface energy and weakens the atomic bonds. Hydrogen is a peculiar

damaging specie causing hydrogen damage or hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) [33].

HIC is common in 7xxx aluminium alloys and it is due to incomplete reduction of

hydrogen ion. This causes high concentration of hydrogen atoms. The diffusion of the

atomic hydrogen into the grain boundary of the material causes breakdown of atomic

bonds. Also, the atomic hydrogen could migrate to preferred locations like voids and

combine to produce hydrogen gas. This reaction generates high pressure that causes

rupture of the material [33, 54].

3.4 Effect of slip character on stress corrosion cracking in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu


Aging heat treatment carried out after quenching develops microstructural features

that influence the SCC behavior of a material. An important effect of aging is the

change in slip character of dislocations in the material. Slip character measures the

extent of dispersion of dislocations during plastic deformation and it is an important

factor used to explain susceptibility of 7xxx alloys to SCC [14].

Within the underaged to peak age condition, the precipitates are small and deformable.

This causes long dislocation lines and planar slip character. Figure 3.3 shows planar

slip character of dislocations in a nickel based superalloys [56]. In planar slip, a high

concentration of dislocations form a planar array due to presence of shearable, semi-

coherent or coherent phases like GP zones and intermediate precipitate (η′) structures

as in T6 temper of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. Dislocations interact with the coherent

precipitates causing shearing of the precipitates and reducing resistance to dislocation

motion. Planar slip bands formed due to this interaction impinges on the grain

boundary causing shear stress concentration. Therefore, in planar slip, cracks with

sharp tips are formed, increasing the susceptibility to SCC [40, 53, 57].

Figure 3.4 shows the wavy slip character of dislocations in a nickel based superalloys

[56]. Overaging heat treatment causes precipitate particles to grow and lose coherency

with the matrix. Due to prolonged aging, there is decrease in the concentration of

dislocations. Dislocation-particle interaction occurs through bypassing the non-

deformable precipitates. This generates wavy slip character that is uniformly

distributed. Lesser concentration of dislocations with wavy slip character causes

blunting of the crack tip thereby increasing SCC resistance [40].

Figure 3.3: TEM micrograph showing planar dislocation slip in a nickel based
superalloy [56]

Figure 3.4: TEM micrograph showing dislocations in wavy slip in a nickel based
superalloy [56]

3.5 Influence of grain boundary precipitate structure on SCC

The structure of the grain boundary precipitate is largely affected by aging treatment.

As aging progresses, there is transition from continuous distribution of precipitates

(formed during the peak age) to discontinuous distribution in the overaged condition.

In Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, overaging decreases the crack growth rate as the grain

boundary precipitates becomes coarse and discontinuous [58]. Grain boundary

precipitate morphology has been widely used to explain the theory that SCC occurs

through anodic dissolution of precipitates in Al-Cu and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys [40].

The actual role of grain boundary precipitates in anodic dissolution mechanism of

SCC is not clear. Decrease in crack growth rate as the size of grain boundary

precipitates increases has been used to explain the decrease in susceptibility of Al-Zn-

Mg-Cu alloy to SCC. One explanation for this is that grain boundary act as internal

sacrificial anode during SCC [40]. This means that in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, SCC

susceptibility is due to sacrificial dissolution of grain boundary precipitates. In highly

susceptible conditions like T6 temper, small volume of continuous grain boundary

precipitates dissolves sacrificially, thereby increasing cracking along the grain

boundary region. Heat treatment to T7 and RRA temper causes the precipitates to

grow to larger volume such that anodic dissolution does not increase SCC [59].

Higher SCC resistance has also been related to the ability of large grain boundary

precipitates to act as hydrogen discharge sites thereby reducing SCC through HIC [60,

61]. However, other studies have reported that SCC resistance is improved by

increase in the amount of copper in grain boundary precipitates [62].

3.6 Influence of magnesium and copper content

Segregation of magnesium has been used to explain hydrogen embrittlement in Al-

Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. Song et al. showed that the amount of magnesium segregated at the

grain boundary decreases as the aging time increases in 7050 alloy aged at 145 oC

[63]. The decrease in magnesium solute segregated at the grain boundary can be

related to increase in the precipitation of MgZn2 precipitate as aging time increases.

Segregation of magnesium solute at the grain boundary accelerates hydrogen

embrittlement by increasing diffusion and absorption of hydrogen. The reaction of

magnesium and hydrogen causes reduction in fracture toughness thereby increasing

grain boundary embrittlement [63]. It has been shown that magnesium is important in

promoting environmentally active mechanical behavior in 7xxx series alloys [64].

This is supported by results showing that:

 magnesium oxide is preferentially developed at intersections of grain boundary

on external surface.

 magnesium segregation is observed at the grain boundary in as-quenched state


Grain boundary segregation studied by Hepples et al. show that Mg segregated at the

grain boundary in 7150-T651is higher compared to matrix but, grain boundary

segregation of Mg increased as aging increased in T7 and T77 conditions [62]. Higher

SCC resistance in T7 and RRA compared to T651 temper shows that Mg segregation

in the grain might not be the main factor responsible for SCC in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys.

Compositional modifications in the development of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys involve

increasing copper content to improve corrosion resistance as observed in 7079 to 7075

and 7050 alloy [15]. Research work on the effect of copper on SCC shows that

increasing the copper content of alloys decreases crack growth velocity in Al-Zn-Mg-

Cu alloys [66]. The presence of copper modifies the difference between the

electrochemical potential at the matrix and the grain boundary region thereby

reducing SCC through an anodic dissolution mechanism [67]. Also, a high amount of

copper slows down the kinetics of hydrogen evolution [68]. Copper also segregates at

the grain boundary causing toughening of the grain boundary region [64]. It has been

reported that copper content in grain boundary precipitate of 7075 alloy in the

overaged condition is higher compared to peak aged condition. This shows that

changes in the chemistry of grain boundary to increase copper content can improve

SCC resistance [62].

3.7 Crack initiation versus propagation and damage tolerance design


The relationship between stress corrosion crack growth velocity (da/dt) and stress

intensity at the crack tip (K) is shown in the stages involved in SCC. Figure 3.5 shows

the V-K (crack growth velocity versus stress intensity) plot established for materials

that are susceptible to SCC [13]. This plot is used to evaluate SCC behavior of

susceptible materials. As shown in the Figure, the upper limit given as stress intensity

factor (KIC) is a design factor of the material [40]. KIC corresponds to the plane strain

crack tip stress intensity that causes unstable fast fracture [40, 69].

Three distinct regions are shown in Figure 3.5 [69]. Region I on the V-K plot shows

the first stage of SCC at low stress levels. In this region, crack growth rate is

dependent on stress intensity. KISCC is referred to as threshold stress level. At stresses

below the KISCC, unstable crack growth does not occur. In region I, as the stress

intensity increases from KISCC, the crack growth rate increases.


Figure 3.5: Stages of SCC showing KIC and KISCC [13]

Region II shows the second stage of SCC and the crack growth rate is independent of

stress intensity. As stress intensity increases, the velocity of crack growth remains

constant. This shows the influence of other factors like environment and composition

of materials on crack growth rate [69]. In region III, the crack growth rate is

dependent on stress intensity. As the stress intensity approaches KIC, the crack growth

rate also increases causing fracture of the component. Thus, the stages in crack

growth can be divided into crack initiation (stage I), propagation (stage II) and

fracture (stage III) based on Figure 3.5. KISCC (in region I) and plateau velocity (in

region II) are often used to characterize susceptibility or resistance of alloys to SCC.

Higher KISCC and lower plateau velocity are common in SCC resistant tempers like T7

and RRA compared to T6 temper [24].

Although SCC is as a result of several factors, infinite life design can be used to

reduce catastrophic failure due to SCC. This requires that the sum of in-service,

residual and fabrication stresses must be below the threshold stress level. However, at

such low stress intensity, the component will be thick and heavy. Conversely,

application of damage tolerance in design enables the structure to accommodate

cracks or flaws within stage I and II such that inspection and repair process would

detect the flaw before it can cause catastrophic failure [70, 71]. Although structures

with thin sections can be designed with this approach, there is higher risk of missing

cracks during inspection causing unexpected fracture of the component.




The main heat treatments that have achieved better resistance to SCC in Al-Zn-Mg-

Cu alloys are overaging (T7) and RRA (T77) heat treatments.

4.1 Overaging

Overaging involves prolonged aging of the alloy beyond maximum hardness from T6

to T7 temper. T6 temper is obtained by SHT at about 465 oC for 1-2 hours followed

by quenching and aging at 121 oC for 24 hours. T7 is obtained by overaging alloy in

T6 temper at about 177 oC for 7-8 hours [1]. Overaging heat treatment achieves

increase in SCC resistance.

A number of factors have been used to explain the improvement in SCC resistance

through overaging heat treatment. It has been reported that overaging causes increase

in size and discontinuity in the distribution of precipitates along the grain boundary as

shown in Figure 2.7 [29]. Discontinuous distribution of large precipitates reduces

anodic dissolution and prevents a continuous path for corrosion along the grain

boundaries [29]. Also, prolonged aging causes transformation of semi-coherent η′

phase to incoherent η phase thereby changing slip character of dislocations at the

grain boundaries from planar to wavy slip. In wavy slip character, homogenous

distribution of dislocations causes blunting of crack tip and increases SCC resistance

[40]. Large grain boundary precipitates formed during overaging can trap atomic

hydrogen to form bubbles. These bubbles cause blunting of the crack tip thereby

reducing susceptibility to SCC through hydrogen embrittlement [24, 33]. However,

the ≈10-15% loss of strength in T7 is very significant in view of high strength:weight

requirement for structural parts in aerospace applications. This was the main

motivation for the development of RRA heat treatment.

4.2 Retrogression and reaging

The retrogression and reaging heat treatment was developed by Cina based on the

principle that SCC is due to the high dislocation density formed during quenching

from SHT [14]. RRA involves carrying out peak aging heat treatment to achieve T6

temper followed by retrogression treatment at a temperature higher than age

hardening temperature but below the SHT temperature. As shown in Figure 4.1, 7075

alloys are usually retrogressed at 200-260 oC for about 5 minutes. The retrogression

step is carried out for a short time to prevent overaging. This is followed by reaging

step (at T6 aging condition) to allow precipitation of the strengthening phase to

reoccur [14].

Figure 4.1: Schematic showing retrogression and reaging heat treatment procedure

It is believed that the short retrogression step dissolves dislocation network responsible

for SCC [14]. Various works have shown that RRA can achieve high SCC resistance

and high strength and as obtained in T6 and T7 respectively [24, 43, 72]. Figure 4.2

shows the effect of RRA treatment on SCC resistance of 7075 alloy [24]. RRA

samples treated to retrogression heat treatment at 220 oC for 1 and 5 minutes

respectively followed by reaging showed better SCC resistance compared to standard

T6 temper. Also, high SCC resistance was observed in the sample subjected to only

retrogression heat treatment without reaging. This is shown by the higher KISCC and

lower stage II plateau crack growth rate in T7 and RRA samples compared to T6

temper. Further work done by Cina reaffirmed that RRA improves SCC resistance

through dissolution of dislocation density during the retrogression step [14, 73]. It is

believed that the high temperature involved in retrogression step is just enough to

cause dissolution of quenched-in dislocations without causing overaging.

Figure 4.2: Effect of heat treatment on SCC resistance in 7075 alloy heat treated to
T6, T73 and RRA retrogressed at 220oC for 1and 5 minutes respectively [24]

Dislocations can transport hydrogen atoms through the grain boundaries. Also, high

dislocation density provides additional stress field at the grain boundary that can

cause crack initiation. Hence, Cina’s work showed that decrease in dislocation density

after RRA treatment can be related to increase in SCC resistance [73].

Increase in SCC resistance through RRA has also been related to large, discontinuously

distributed precipitates at the grain boundary. Figure 4.3 shows discontinuous

distribution of precipitates along the grain boundary of 7075 alloy after RRA

treatment [24, 29, 40]. Since SCC occurs at the grain boundary, discontinuous

distribution of precipitates improves SCC resistance by preventing a continuous path

for corrosion to occur. As explained in the previous chapter, the size of grain

boundary precipitate is also important in preventing SCC. RRA produces coarse

precipitates at the grain boundary region thereby preventing SCC by anodic

dissolution of grain boundary precipitates [29].

However, application of RRA to thick sections of materials is difficult due to the short

retrogression time involved. Although Figure 4.2 shows that longer retrogression time

can achieve higher SCC resistance, Figure 1.4 shows that longer retrogression time

causes overaging and loss of strength. In order to achieve a high SCC resistance and

high strength, it is important to use a very short time for the retrogression step.

However, short retrogression time makes it difficult for the heat treatment to achieve

uniformity in the distribution of properties in thick sections. This limits the

application of RRA heat treatment to thin section of materials. 7075 and 7050 alloys

used as structural materials in aircrafts are usually in thick sections.

Figure 4.3: Discontinuous grain boundary precipitates in 7075 RRA [29]

Hence, there is need to develop a heat treatment that will achieve a good combination

of strength and SCC resistance without using high temperature involved in retrogression


4.3 High Temperature Pre-precipitation heat treatment

High temperature pre-precipitation (HTPP) heat treatment has been suggested as a

potential heat treatment procedure that could increase resistance of 7xxx series alloys

to SCC [26, 28]. Figure 4.4 shows the steps involved in HTPP process. HTPP involves

solution heat treatment at a temperature in the single phase region followed by

controlled cooling to a temperature in the two phase region and quenching. This is

followed by aging as shown in Figure 4.4. It is believed that due to the controlled

cooling through the solvus, preferential heterogeneous precipitation will occur at the

grain boundary region.

Figure 4.4: High temperature pre-precipitation heat treatment procedure showing
(intermediate) TF/Q temperature

These precipitates serve as nucleation sites for more precipitation to occur during

subsequent artificial aging at the normal T6 conditions [29]. Previous research by

Huang et al. studied the effect of HTPP heat treatment on experimental 7A52 alloy

(composition is included in Table 1.1) [26]. Stepped SHT was carried out at 465 oC

for 30 minutes, heated to 470 oC for 30 minutes and 475 oC for 1 hour. This was

followed by controlled cooling at 30 oC/h to 400 oC. This temperature was held for 30

minutes followed by quenching and aging at 100 oC for 10 hours and 150 oC for 24

hours. The results showed that HTPP can achieve a combination of increase in

strength and resistance to SCC without significant loss of strength (just about 1.8%

loss of strength compared to sample without pre-precipitation) in experimental 7A52

alloy. TEM observation of 7A52 alloy after HTPP showed the presence of finely

distributed coherent, metastable precipitates within the grains and a discontinuous

distribution of incoherent, equilibrium precipitates at the grain boundary region [11].

In another study, Huang et al. carried out HTPP treatment on 7055 alloy using stepped

SHT at 450 oC for 1 h, 470 oC for 1 h and 480 oC for 3 h [28]. This was followed by

controlled cooling of different samples at 30 oC/h to 465 oC and 455 oC respectively.

The samples were held at this temperature for thirty minutes before quenching. Aging

was carried out at 130 oC for 24 h. The results showed that HTPP can achieve

discontinuous distribution of precipitates at the grain boundary, decrease dislocation

density and improve SCC resistance without significant loss of strength.

Further study of 7075 alloy by Li et al. showed that HTPP achieved better SCC

resistance, but loss of strength in the alloy [29]. Figure 4.5 shows TEM micrograph of

7075 matrix after HTPP. Figure 4.5 (a) shows that the loss of strength after HTPP can

be explained by decrease in the density of fine, coherent, non-equilibrium precipitates

in the matrix due to loss of solute element to grain boundary region during heterogeneous

precipitation. Hence there is lesser amount of solute available to form the

strengthening precipitates in the matrix [29]. The loss of strength can also be due to

formation of coarse precipitates in the matrix as shown in Figure 4.5 (b). Figure 4.6

shows the precipitate morphology at the grain boundary region. Discontinuous

distribution of equilibrium precipitates observed at the grain boundary region was

related to heterogeneous precipitation due to controlled cooling below the solvus [29].

In view of this, it is important to analyze the effect of HTPP heat treatment on

commercial 7xxx alloys in terms of strength and resistance to SCC. This thesis

research will focus on applying HTPP heat treatment to commercial 7050 and 7075

aluminium alloys. Particularly, the effect of the intermediate temperature to which the

sample is cooled before quenching will be studied and related to strength (measured

in terms of hardness) and electrical conductivity while corrosion resistance will be

determined by exfoliation corrosion and double beam SCC tests.

(a) (b)
Figure 4.5: Micrographs of (a) fine and (b) coarse precipitates in the grains of HTPP
temper [29]

Figure 4.6: Discontinuous precipitates at the grain boundary region of HTPP temper

4.4 Effect of heat treatment on grain boundary segregation

Heat treatment affects solute segregation along the grain boundaries. Hepples et al

analyzed the effect of T651, T73 and RRA heat treatment conditions on grain

boundary segregation in 7150 alloy [62]. Figure 4.7 shows that the copper solute

concentration in T651 is high as shown in Figure 4.7 (a). Figure 4.7 (b) and (c) shows

that there is decrease in copper solute concentration at the grain boundary in T73 and

RRA conditions. This corresponds to a higher copper content of grain boundary

precipitates in T73 and RRA compared to T651 temper. Similar trend was observed

for Zn. Low Mg level was observed in T651 but, this increased in T73 and RRA

conditions [62]. Huang et al. showed that HTPP can increase the copper solute

content of grain boundary precipitates [26].












Figure 4.7: Concentration profile of Zn, Mg and Cu solute segregated across the grain
boundary of (a) T651 (b) T73 (c) RRA tempers of 7150 alloy [62]



The effect of HTPP on properties of 7075 and 7050 commercial aluminium alloys

was determined by carrying out HTPP treatment on the as-received tempers of both

alloys (T651 and T74 respectively). Samples of both materials were subjected to

HTPP treatment and standard heat treatments of peak aging (T6) and overaging (T7)

temper. The effect of the heat treatment on hardness and electrical conductivity were

tested before and after aging. Exfoliation corrosion tests were carried out on selected

heat treated samples. Double beam stress corrosion tests were used to determine SCC

resistance of selected heat treated samples. Transmission electron microscopy was

used to study microstructural features responsible for these properties.

5.1 Experimental materials

The materials used in this research are rolled plate of 7075-T651and 7050-T74 of

thickness 1 in and 1.5 in respectively. The actual composition (given by suppliers) and

nominal compositions of the alloys are listed in Table 5.1. The longitudinal (L)

direction is parallel to the rolling direction of the plate, transverse (T) direction is

perpendicular to the rolling direction while short (S) direction is parallel to the

thickness of the plate.

5.2 Heat treatment procedure

The heat treatments applied are standard T6, T7 tempers and ten HTPP treatments.

The heat treatment procedure is listed in Table 5.2. Heat treatments were conducted in

a box furnace shown in Figure 5.1. To achieve the desired sample temperature, a

thermocouple located immediately adjacent to the sample was used as an input to the

furnace temperature control. The furnace was heated to 465 oC for about two hours.

Table 5.1: Nominal and actual composition of 7075 and 7050 alloys used*

Composition (wt %)
Alloy Al Zn Mg Cu Fe Si Mn Ti Cr Zr Others

7075 Bal. 5.1- 2.1- 1.2- 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2- 0.01 0.5
Nom. 6.1 2.9 2.0 0.3
7075 Bal. 5.6 2.5 1.5 0.2 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.20 0.01 0.03
7050 Bal. 5.7- 1.9- 2.0- 0.2 0.12 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.08- 0.5
Nom. 6.7 2.6 2.6 0.12

7050 Bal. 6.0 2.2 2.22 0.1 0.04 0.003 0.02 0.004 0.11 0.03

Table 5.2: Analysis of heat treatment procedure


T651 As-received (7075 alloy)

T74 As-received (7050 alloy)
T6 SHT 465 oC/1.5 h + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
T7 SHT 465 oC/1.5 h + WQ + 121 oC/24h + 177 oC /7 h
TF/Q = 455 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 455 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 445 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 445 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 435 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 435 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 425 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 425 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 415 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 415 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 405 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 405 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 395 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 395 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 385 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 385 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 375 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 375 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h
TF/Q = 370 oC SHT 465 oC/1 h + cool to 370 oC + WQ + 121 oC/24 h

SHT-solution heat treatment, WQ-water quench

The samples were then placed in the furnace for SHT. SHT was carried out at 465 oC

and a period of about ten minutes was allowed before starting the solution heat

treatment (SHT) time to allow the sample to reach the solutionizing temperature. For

standard tempers like T6 and T7, SHT was carried out for one and half hours. This

was followed by quenching in cold water at 0 to 2 oC. The time lapse before quenching

did not exceed 15 seconds as specified in the standard [33]. This was followed by

aging at 121 oC for 24 hours using a silicone oil bath shown in Figure 5.2 to obtain T6

temper. T7 temper was obtained by further aging of T6 samples at 177 oC for 7 hours.

Figure 5.1: Box furnace used for HTPP treatment

Figure 5.2: Fisher Scientific silicon oil bath used for aging treatment

The procedure for HTPP treatment is schematically represented in Figure 5.3. HTPP

samples were first subjected to SHT at 465 oC for one hour followed by slow cooling

at 30 oC/h to an intermediate temperature from 455 to 370 oC at 10 oC intervals. The

intermediate temperature to which the sample was cooled before quenching is referred

to as TF/Q (intermediate temperature between SHT in the furnace and quenching). As

shown in Figure 2.4, the choice of TF/Q temperature is based on the solvus temperature

of the alloy. For 7075 alloy, solvus temperature is approximately at 420 oC. It is

believed that appreciable precipitation would occur just below the solvus temperature.

Hence, cooling to temperatures above and below solvus will show the effect of pre-

precipitation on the properties of the alloys. Previous work show that cooling rate of

30 oC/h has been useful in studying the effect of HTPP on Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys [26,

27, 28, 33].

Solution heat
o treatment
465 C Controlled cooling
(30 C/h)
T F/Q = 455-370 C
Water quenching

o Aging
121 C

1h 24 h

Figure 5.3: Heat treatment procedure for HTPP

5.3 Electrical conductivity testing

Following heat treatment, the samples were prepared by polishing to 1200 fine grit on

SiC paper. Electrical conductivity testing was carried out using digital electrical

conductivity tester (EE0021 eddy current device) shown in Figure 5.4. For each

measurement, the meter was first calibrated using standard copper and aluminium

samples of known EC. Percent error in EC measurements is 1.5% of readings. The

probe of the tester was placed on the polished surface to obtain values of electrical

conductivities in the transverse-short (TS) direction. An average of three different

measurements was recorded.

Figure 5.4: EE0021 digital electrical conductivity tester

5.4 Hardness testing

Hardness testing was conducted on the same samples used for EC testing using the

Versitron Rockwell tester shown in Figure 5.5. The measurements were taken on

Rockwell scale B recommended for aluminium alloys. Using a standard sample, the

percent error in the measurements is 1.2% of readings. An average of ten different

measurements were taken and recorded in different orientations of long-short (LS),

transverse-long (TL) and transverse-short (TS) respectively.

Figure 5.5: Versitron Rockwell hardness tester

5.5 Corrosion tests

5.5.1 Exfoliation corrosion testing

Test specimens of 50×100×5 mm (in LS, TL and TS direction respectively) were cut

from the as-received plates. Exfoliation tests were carried out on samples subjected to

selected heat treatments, including T6, T7 and HTPP treated samples of TF/Q = 455,

425, 405 and 370 oC. Figure 5.6 shows front and back view of a sample prepared for

exfoliation corrosion test. Following heat treatment, samples were prepared by

grinding using SiC paper followed by polishing the surface (TL direction) to 6 micron

and 1 micron using diamond solution. The samples were rinsed with water and dried

in air. The other surfaces apart from the one being observed were coated with paraffin

wax. Exfoliation corrosion test was conducted according to ASTM G34 standard [74].

The test solution had a composition of 4.0 M of NaCl, 0.5 M of KNO3 and 0.1 M of

HNO3. The solution was prepared by dissolving 234 g of NaCl, 50 g of KNO3 and 6.3

mL of conc.(70 wt%) HNO3 in 1litre of distilled water. The solution was maintained

at room temperature [74]. The samples were immersed in the test solution in a

container. The test surface (transverse-long direction) was upward in horizontal

direction to prevent loss of exfoliated material. The specimens were exposed for 48

hours followed by visual inspection. The exfoliation corrosion susceptibility was rated

based on Table 5.3. This rating system is a modified version of the ASTM standard to

better reflect the range of results obtained from this experiment.

Table 5.3: Modified exfoliation corrosion rating


Severe Exco 8
Moderate Exco 7
Mild Exco 6
Light Exco 5
Severe General 4
Moderate Pitting 3
Light Pitting 2
Areas Unattacked 1

(a) (b)
Figure 5.6: Polished plate prepared for exfoliation corrosion test showing (a) polished
surface (b) unexposed parts coated with paraffin

5.5.2 Stress corrosion test (Double beam test)

Stress corrosion testing was carried out using the pre-cracked double beam (DB)

method based on ASTM G168 [75]. Blanks of about 25.4×25.4×127 mm (drawing is

included in appendix A) were cut from plates of 7075 and 7050 alloy respectively.

Modification of ASTM standard is in the use of straight notch at 50o angle for easy

machining. Heat treatment was conducted on these samples based on the procedure

given for selected tempers including standard temper T6, T7 and HTPP treated

samples with TF/Q = 455, 425, 405 and 370 oC for both 7075 and 7050 alloys. T74 (as-

received) condition was also tested for the 7050 alloy. Three samples were tested for

each of the conditions of 7050 alloy. For 7075 alloy, two samples were tested for each

HTPP condition and one sample was used for T6 and T7 temper respectively. Final

machining was carried out after heat treatment to get a smooth surface and to create a

notch in the sample. The samples were machined to notch angle 50o to create a sharp

tip such that the direction of crack growth was in SL (short-long) direction. After

machining, the SL surface was ground using 1200 SiC paper to remove scratches.

This was followed by cleaning using ultrasonic bath to remove grease and dirt.

The DB samples were tested in constant displacement condition by using steel bolts

as shown in Figure 5.7. The steel bolts were mechanically loaded to create a pre-

crack. The length of initial crack (ao) was measured from the load line to the root of

the crack. Load line crack opening displacement (Vo) was measured from the

displacement in the crack opening at the load line. A corrosion solution of 3.62%

NaCl was added to the samples in three drops, twice a day. The temperature during

the test period is provided in appendix B. Measurements of crack length were taken as

average of crack length on both sides of the samples at intervals by using a travelling

microscope (Model TVM-02 made by Scientific equipment and services) shown in

Figure 5.8. The greatest possible error is 0.05. To get an accurate crack length

reading, build-up of corrosion products were removed using a soft brush [75]. The

time of taking measurements were recorded in hours. The starting stress intensity K I

as a function of crack length was determined using the relationship between stress

intensity obtained from equation 1 and crack length as shown in Figure 5.9. This

relationship shows the effect of the crack growth on stress intensity. The initiation of

crack causes stress concentration at the crack tip. As the crack length increases, stress

intensity decreases [76]:

KI = (1)


KI = Starting stress intensity as a function of crack length (MPa√m)

v = Crack opening displacement at load line (m)

a = Average crack length (m)

h = Specimen half height (m)

E= Young’s modulus (MPa)

Kf = Final stress intensity

af = Final crack length

Loading bolt


Figure 5.7: A loaded double beam sample

Figure 5.8: Travelling microscope


Stress intensity (MPa√m)




0 20 40 60 80 100
Crack length (mm)

Figure 5.9: Stress intensity vs crack length as shown in equation 1

5.6 Microstructural Analysis

Optical microscopy was used to analyse the as-received materials and the exfoliation

corrosion path. Samples for these analyses were prepared by:

 Cutting small blanks of about 5 mm thick from the material using Electrical

Discharge Machining.

 Mounting in Phenolic resin using hydraulic mounting press.

 Grinding on SiC paper to 1200 grit size.

 Polishing with 6 and later 1 µm diamond suspension.

 Cleaning with soapy water soaked in cotton wool and rinsing in water.

 Cleaning using Ultrasonic bath for about 15 minutes followed by rinsing with

water, rinsing with alcohol and drying with air.

 Samples were etched in Keller’s reagent (190 ml H20, 5 ml HNO3, 3 ml HCl, 2

ml HF) by swabbing for 20 seconds.

Metallographic preparation for Transmission Electron Microscope observation

involved cutting of thin foil from heat treated coupons and grinding on both sides to

obtain a smooth surface on samples of about 100 µm thick. Figure 5.10 shows stages

of sample preparation for TEM analysis. Samples of 3 mm diameter were punched

from these samples and dimpled (to reduce the thickness at the center) to depth of

about 50-60 µm (as shown in Figure 5.10 (a)). This was followed by electropolishing

using an electrolyte of 25% HNO3 and 75% methanol at 20 V, 1 A current. The

temperature of the electrolyte was cooled to -40 oC using liquid nitrogen. Figure 5.10

(b) shows the hole in an electropolished sample. Two grain boundaries were selected

to analyze the segregation of solute elements across grain boundary regions. Using

DigitalMicrograph software, a line scan was drawn across the grain boundary and

Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of various points across the

grain boundary was obtained using a beam diameter of 1nm for EDS analysis in

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) mode. The same procedure was

repeated on another grain boundary and compositions obtained were recorded for

each point.

(a) 1000 μm (b)
Figure 5.10: Stages of preparation of 3 mm TEM sample showing (a) dimpled surface
(b) polished surface (arrow shows the hole)



6.1 Electrical conductivity results

Tables 6.1 and 6.2 show the electrical conductivity (EC) values measured before and

after aging of 7075 and 7050 alloy respectively. EC of as-received material and

standard T6 and T7 tempers are also listed in Table 6.2. Figure 6.1 compares the EC

of 7075 and 7050 alloy (listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2) in the unaged and aged condition

for all the HTPP and standard T6 and T7 tempers.

As expected, a big change in EC is observed from T6 to T7 temper. It appears that

aging has little effect on EC of HTPP treated samples. This indicates that EC of HTPP

treated samples is determined prior to aging. However, there is gradual increase in the

EC as TF/Q temperature decreases. In fact, 7050 alloy heat treated to HTPP at TF/Q =

370 oC has the same EC as the T7 temper. The results for both alloys shows a sharp

increase in EC for HTPP treated alloys at TF/Q = 445 and 415 oC in both the aged and

unaged conditions. The cause of these changes requires more investigation.

Table 6.1: Electrical conductivity results of 7075 alloy before and after aging

(7075 ALLOY) Before aging After aging

T651 (as-received) 32.2 33.1

T6 32.2 32.5
T7 32.2 39.3
TF/Q = 455 C 32.7 32.6
TF/Q = 445 oC 32.5 32.7
TF/Q = 435 oC 32.9 33.1
TF/Q = 425 oC 34.1 34.0
TF/Q = 415 oC 34.1 34.3
TF/Q = 405 oC 35.8 36.3
. o
TF/Q = 395 C 35.8 36.8
TF/Q = 385 oC 36.5 37.0
TF/Q = 375 oC 37.3 37.5
TF/Q = 370 oC 37.9 38.3

Table 6.2: Electrical conductivity results of 7050 alloy before and after aging

(7050 ALLOY) Before aging After aging

T74 (as-received) 32.4 42.1

T6 32.4 32.6
T7 32.4 40.2
TF/Q = 455oC 32.5 32.7
TF/Q = 445 oC 32.4 33.0
TF/Q = 435 C 34.8 34.4
TF/Q = 425 oC 35.6 35.1
TF/Q = 415 oC 35.6 35.3
TF/Q = 405 oC 37.0 37.2
TF/Q = 395 oC 37.0 37.8
TF/Q = 385 oC 37.5 38.3
TF/Q = 375 oC 38.4 39.3
TF/Q = 370 oC 38.7 40.1

Electrical Conductivity (%IACS)

42 T74

40 T7
7050 unaged
7075 unaged
7050 aged
7075 aged

T651 T6 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 370
TF/Q (oC)

Figure 6.1: Effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity of 7075 and 7050
alloys. Green broken lines indicate as-received T74 and standard T7 temper of 7050
alloy. Purple line indicates standard T7 temper of 7075 alloy

6.2 Hardness results

Tables 6.3-6.6 list the hardness measurements of 7075 and 7050 alloys before and

after aging. In tables 6.4 and 6.6, hardness of the as-received material and standard

tempers T6 and T7 are also listed. Figure 6.2 and 6.3 shows the effect of HTPP heat

treatment on hardness of 7075 and 7050 alloy respectively.

It is evident from these results that there is loss of strength in the alloys before aging

was applied. Compared to T6 temper, about 7% loss of hardness in T7 temper can be

observed in both alloys after aging. This result is comparable to 10-15% loss of yield

strength in T7 temper reported in the literature [10]. The results show that subsequent

aging of HTPP treated samples increases the hardness in both alloys. However,

hardness decreases as the TF/Q temperature decreases.

Table 6.3: Hardness result (HRB) of 7075 alloy before aging

Heat Treatment LT LS TS

T6 36.0 36.0 36.0

TF/Q = 455 C 45.1 47.0 47.5
TF/Q = 445 oC 44.8 45.3 49.1
TF/Q = 435 oC 34.7 39.2 37.0
TF/Q = 425 oC 33.6 36.2 36.5
TF/Q = 415 oC 32.8 35.6 35.0
TF/Q = 405 oC 21.4 25.5 24.2
TF/Q = 395 C 21.2 23.8 23.2
TF/Q = 385 oC 18.0 21.3 23.8
TF/Q = 375 oC 14.0 14.0 14.3
TF/Q = 370 oC 14.0 14.6 16.7

Table 6.4: Hardness result (HRB) of 7075 alloy after aging

Heat Treatment LT LS TS

T651 (as-received) 89.2 89.5 89.3

T7 83.6 82.4 81.1
T6 90.0 89.0 90.0
TF/Q = 455 oC 90.7 91.0 90.7
TF/Q = 445 oC 91.3 91.2 90.2
TF/Q = 435 C 90.6 90.7 91.0
TF/Q = 425 oC 87.2 89.1 88.8
TF/Q = 415 oC 88.0 88.0 88.3
TF/Q = 405 oC 81.0 85.1 83.8
TF/Q = 395 oC 73.8 74.0 75.0
TF/Q = 385 oC 69.2 72.5 73.6
TF/Q = 375 oC 64.8 67.6 66.4
TF/Q = 370 oC 63.0 62.7 65.0

Table 6.5: Hardness result (HRB) of 7050 alloy before aging

Heat Treatment LT LS TS

T6 32.0 34.5 32.0

TF/Q = 455 oC 40.5 45.0 47.1
TF/Q = 445 C 39.3 40.7 42.7
TF/Q = 435 oC 22.9 26.2 25.0
TF/Q = 425 oC 20.6 23.5 21.8
TF/Q = 415 oC 23.0 23.9 22.0
TF/Q = 405 oC 17.2 16.5 16.0
TF/Q = 395 oC 14.0 14.0 14.0
TF/Q = 385 C 14.0 14.0 14.0
TF/Q = 375 oC 14.0 14.0 14.0
TF/Q = 370 oC 14.0 14.0 14.0

Table 6.6: Hardness result (HRB) of 7050 alloy after aging

Heat treatment LT LS TS

T74 (as-received) 84.5 83.8 85.4

T7 84.0 86.0 85.0
T6 90.0 90.0 90.0
TF/Q = 455 oC 91.0 91.0 91.8
TF/Q = 445 oC 90.6 91.5 91.3
TF/Q = 435 oC 90.1 90.4 90.0
TF/Q = 425 oC 89.0 89.4 89.0
TF/Q = 415 oC 89.1 89.6 89.1
TF/Q = 405 C 87.2 88.3 87.5
TF/Q = 395 oC 85.1 86.0 86.0
TF/Q = 385 oC 84.0 83.0 84.4
TF/Q = 375 oC 81.8 84.0 83.6
TF/Q = 370 oC 67.9 75.7 74.0


Hardness (HRB)

7075 unaged
20 7075 aged
T651 T6 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 370
TF/Q (oC)

Figure 6.2: Effect of HTPP heat treatment on hardness of 7075 alloy. The green
broken line shows hardness obtained for T7 temper

80 T7/T74
Hardness (HRB)

7050 unaged
7050 aged
T6 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 370 T7
TF/Q (oC)

Figure 6.3: Effect of HTPP heat treatment on hardness of 7050 alloy. The red broken
line shows hardness obtained for T74 and T7 temper

6.3 Corrosion test results

6.3.1 Exfoliation corrosion result

The samples used for exfoliation corrosion tests are shown in Figures 6.4 and 6.5 for

7075 and 7050 alloy respectively. The results presented in these Figures show one

sample out of the two samples tested for each condition. The extent of exfoliation

corrosion was rated based on the surface appearance of samples after exposure to

exfoliation corrosion solution for 48 hours as shown in Table 6.7.

It is evident that both alloys are susceptible to exfoliation corrosion in almost all the

conditions. From Figure 6.4 and 6.5 (a) and (b), T6 and TF/Q = 455 oC samples showed

severe exfoliation and loss of material across the entire surface. Both alloys showed

light exfoliation in TF/Q = 425 oC conditions. From Figure 6.4 and 6.5 (d) and (e), it

appears that samples treated to TF/Q = 405 oC were more susceptible to exfoliation

corrosion than TF/Q = 425 oC conditions. The cause of this variation in EXCO

resistance despite lower TF/Q should be further investigated. From Figure 6.4 and 6.5

(e), TF/Q = 370 oC samples showed general pitting across the surface of the samples.

Figure 6.4 and 6.5 (f) shows that T7 temper is highly resistant to exfoliation corrosion.

These results show that, samples treated to HTPP at TF/Q = 425 and 370 oC showed

better resistant to exfoliation corrosion compared to T6 and other HTPP conditions.

Although, none of the HTPP treated samples achieved as good corrosion resistance as

T7 temper, samples treated to TF/Q = 370 oC showed comparable exfoliation corrosion

resistance to the T7 temper. The TF/Q = 370 oC samples showed pitting corrosion while

few pits were observed in T7 temper. The presence of pits has been related to increase

in EXCO resistance in RRA treated 7150 alloy [62].

Figure 6.6 shows the optical micrograph of an exfoliated sample. It is evident from

the image that exfoliation corrosion is an intergranular corrosion that occurs

preferentially at the grain boundaries. The disintegration of grains observed in the

image also shows the leafing effect of corrosion products in exfoliation corrosion. The

pitting corrosion observed in T7 samples and HTPP samples treated to TF/Q = 370 oC

of both alloys show that there is a direct relationship between exfoliation corrosion

and SCC.

Table 6.7: Exfoliation corrosion (EXCO) rating of heat treated samples

Temper 7050 alloy 7075 alloy 7050 7075

Electrical Electrical EXCO EXCO
Conductivity Conductivity rating rating

T6 32.6 32.5 8 8
TF/Q = 455 oC 32.7 32.6 7 8
TF/Q = 425 oC 35.1 34.0 5 5
TF/Q = 405 C 37.2 36.3 6 7
TF/Q = 370 oC 40.1 38.3 4 4
T7 40.2 39.3 1 1


10 cm

Figure 6.4 (a): EXCO sample of 7075 alloy in T6 temper showing severe exfoliation
and disintegration of the sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.4 (b): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7075 alloy at TF/Q= 455 oC showing
severe exfoliation and disintegration of sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.4 (c): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7075 alloy at TF/Q= 425 oC showing
light exfoliation on sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.4 (d): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7075 alloy at TF/Q= 405 oC showing
moderate exfoliation on sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.4 (e): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7075 alloy at TF/Q= 370 oC showing
severe general pitting on sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.4 (f): EXCO sample of 7075 alloy in T7 temper showing some pitting and
unattacked areas on the sample surface

Figure 6.4: EXCO behaviour of 7075 samples in (a) T6 (b) TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q =
425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC (f) T7 temper

10 cm

Figure 6.5 (a): EXCO sample of 7050 alloy inT6 temper showing severe exfoliation
of sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.5 (b): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7050 alloy at TF/Q = 455 oC showing
severe exfoliation corrosion on sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.5 (c): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7050 alloy at TF/Q = 425 oC showing
light exfoliation of sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.5 (d): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7050 alloy at TF/Q = 405 oC showing
mild exfoliation of sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.5 (e): EXCO sample of HTPP treated 7050 alloy at TF/Q = 370 oC showing
some pits and areas unattacked on sample surface

10 cm

Figure 6.5 (f): EXCO sample of 7050 alloy in T7 temper showing some pits and areas
unattacked on sample surface

Figure 6.5: EXCO samples of 7050 alloy in (a) T6 (b) TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q = 425 oC
(d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC (f) T7 temper

Figure 6.6: Optical micrograph of a section of an exfoliated sample showing
intergranular corrosion

6.3.2 Stress Corrosion Cracking results

Tables 6.8 and 6.9 summarize SCC results obtained from double beam samples of

7075 and 7050 alloys respectively. The SCC behaviour of heat treated samples was

measured in terms of crack length versus time. The data for these results are in

appendix C. Since more than one samples were tested, Figure 6.7 compares change in

crack length in each sample of TF/Q = 455 and 370 oC 7075 alloy. This Figure shows

the consistency and similarity in trends for results obtained from samples with the

same heat treatment condition.

Table 6.8: Summary of results obtained from 7075 double beam samples

Initial Final
Crack Initial Final stress stress
opening crack crack intensity intensity
Heat Time displacement length length KI Kf
Treatment (h) Vo (m) ao (m) af (m) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)

T6 746 0.0004 0.018 0.117 24.18 1.01

T7 1346 0.0003 0.016 0.024 27.12 15.6

TF/Q = 455 oC 746 0.0004 0.018 0.117 23.41 1.01

TF/Q = 425 oC 746 0.0004 0.016 0.116 24.19 0.87

TF/Q = 405 oC 1346 0.0004 0.018 0.116 24.37 1.00

TF/Q = 370 oC 1446 0.0004 0.016 0.043 27.61 6.38

Table 6.9: Results obtained from 7050 double beam samples

Initial Final
Crack Initial Final stress stress
opening crack crack intensity intensity
Heat Time displacement length length KI Kf
Treatment (h) Vo (m) ao (m) af (m) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)

T6 746 0.0003 0.016 0.117 23.91 0.87

T7 1346 0.0003 0.016 0.024 26.93 14.54

T74 1346 0.0003 0.013 0.014 28.34 24.96

TF/Q = 455 oC 1146 0.0004 0.018 0.116 23.89 1.03

TF/Q = 425 oC 1346 0.0004 0.018 0.111 24.50 1.25

TF/Q = 405 oC 1346 0.0003 0.015 0.096 24.28 1.39

TF/Q = 370 oC 1346 0.0004 0.018 0.069 24.93 2.61


455 o1C-Sample 1
Crack length (mm)

TF/Q455-2 o
= 455 C-Sample 2
80 7075

60 TF/Q= 370 oC-Sample 1

7075 370-1
370 oC-Sample 2

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (h)

Figure 6.7: Comparism of crack length with time in two SCC samples for each of
7075 alloy treated at HTPP condition TF/Q = 455 and 370 oC

Figures 6.8 and 6.9 show the effect of heat treatment on SCC resistance (of 7075 and

7050 alloys respectively) measured in terms of the crack length at time intervals. The

results show that T6 temper is very susceptible to SCC while T7 is very resistant. The

results show that HTPP improved the resistance to SCC in all the conditions tested.

This is shown by the gradual decrease in the crack length as TF/Q decreases. It is

evident from these results that HTPP heat treatment affects SCC resistance of both

7075 and 7050 alloy.

Figure 6.10 and 6.11 show the results obtained from crack growth rate (da/dt or V)

versus stress intensity (K) for each of the tested condition in 7075 and 7050 alloy

respectively. Data for all the samples and conditions tested are included in appendix

C. The plots show the stages of SCC during the test. Figures 6.12 and 6.13 show the

summary of V-K plot of all the tested conditions for 7075 and 7050 alloy

respectively. The results show that the corrosion rate decreased as the TF/Q decreased.

This is shown in the decrease in the plateau velocity and threshold stress intensity as

TF/Q decreases as shown in Figures 6.12 and 6.13. This shows that HTPP can improve

SCC resistance in 7075 and 7050 alloys. In Figure 6.12, it appears that at TF/Q = 370
C and T7 conditions, the stress corrosion cracking of 7075 alloy remained in stage II.

This shows that TF/Q = 370 oC and T7 conditions are highly resistant to SCC. Figure

6.13 shows that similar trend of decrease in the plateau velocity and threshold stress

intensity as TF/Q decreases was obtained in 7050 alloy. These results show that

compared to T6 temper HTPP can achieve increase in SCC resistance but, none of the

HTPP conditions achieved better SCC resistance compared to T7 and T74 tempers.

From Figure 6.13, it appears that T74 temper has better SCC resistance compared to

T7. The high SCC resistance in T74 temper can be attributed to the effect of cold

work after heat treatment.

Generally, it is believed that 7050 alloy has higher SCC resistance than 7075 alloy.

This is observed in all the conditions tested except for HTPP treated sample at TF/Q =

370 oC. Figure 6.14 compares V-K plot of 7075 and 7050 alloys at TF/Q = 370 oC

condition. It is noteworthy that at TF/Q = 370 oC, 7050 alloy showed a lesser SCC

resistance compared to 7075 alloy. Similar observation is noticed in results shown in

Figure 6.8, 6.9, 6.12 and 6.13. By comparing the corrosion results at TF/Q = 370 oC to

EC results in Figure 6.1, 7075 alloy has lesser EC compared to 7050 alloy. This

shows that other factors are involved in determining SCC behaviour of different

alloys. Further investigation is required to explain this anomaly in SCC behaviour of

7050 versus 7075 alloy.

The SCC behaviour observed in this research is shows similar trend to previous

studies in the literature. By comparing this result to result obtained by Rajan et al for

SCC behaviour of 7075-T651 temper and Huang et al for 7055 at TF/Q = 455 oC,

similar trend of increase in SCC resistance was observed in HTPP treated condition

compared to the T651 temper [24, 28]. However, it appears that results obtained from

this study show that the corrosion rate is faster compared to previous studies. The

faster corrosion rate in the present work can be attributed to higher humidity of the

environment and higher concentration of salt in the solution used in this study.


Crack length (mm)

100 T6
TF/Q= 455 oC
T = 425 oC

60 405
TF/Q= 405 oC
T = 370oC


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (h)

Figure 6.8: Average crack length with time of 7075 double beam samples


120 T6

Crack length (mm)

100 TF/Q= 455 oC

TF/Q= 425 oC
TF/Q= 405 oC
TF/Q= 370oC

40 T7

20 T74

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (h)

Figure 6.9: Average crack length with time of 7050 double beam samples


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.10 (a): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7075 alloy in T6 temper


da/dt (mm/h)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.10 (b): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7075 alloy
at TF/Q = 455 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.10 (c): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7075 alloy
at TF/Q = 425 oC


da/dt (mm/h)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.10 (d): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7075 alloy
at TF/Q = 405 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.10 (e): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7075 alloy
at TF/Q = 370 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.10 (f): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7075 alloy in T7 temper

Figure 6.10: Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7075 samples showing (a) T6
(b) TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q = 425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC (f) T7


da/dt (mm/h)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (a): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7050 alloy in T6 temper


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (b): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7050 alloy
at TF/Q = 455 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (c): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7050 alloy
at TF/Q = 425 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (d): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7050 alloy
at TF/Q = 405 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (e): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of HTPP treated 7050 alloy
at TF/Q = 370 oC


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (f): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7050 alloy in T7 temper


da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.11 (g): Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7050 alloy in T74

Figure 6.11: Crack growth velocity vs stress intensity of 7050 samples showing (a) T6
(b) TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q = 425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC (f) T7 (g) T74

T6 & TF/Q = 455 oC
TF/Q = 425, 405 oC

TF/Q = 370 oC
da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.12: Summary of V-K plot for 7075 alloy

10 T6 & TF/Q = 455 oC

TF/Q = 425, 405 , 370 oC


da/dt (mm/h)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)
Figure 6.13: Summary of V-K plot for 7050 alloy

7050 TF/Q = 370 oC

7075 TF/Q = 370 oC
da/dt (mm/h)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stress Intensity (MPa√m)

Figure 6.14: Comparism of SCC behaviour in 7050 and 7075 alloy at TF/Q = 370 oC

At the end of the experiment, the samples were broken by mechanical overload.

Figure 6.15 shows the fractured surface of double beam samples of 7050 alloy in T6

and TF/Q = 370 oC condition after SCC test. As shown by the blue arrows in Figure

6.15 (b), the fractured surfaces show the initial crack initiated through mechanical

loading. Addition of corrosive solution to the crack caused stress corrosion crack to

propagate and grow with time. As shown in the TF/Q = 370 oC sample, this is a form of

brittle failure accompanied by crack tunnelling (shown by red arrows). Crack

tunneling is the difference in crack length at midsection of sample compared to the

sample surface. Longer crack length can be observed at the mid-section due to a plane

strain condition at the mid-section versus a plane stress condition at the surface.

1 cm

(b) 1 cm

Figure 6.15: Double beam samples of 7050 alloy in (a) T6 (b) TF/Q = 370 oC
condition after SCC testing. The blue arrows indicate crack growth from right to left.
The red arrows indicate longer crack length in the mid-section compared to the
surface (crack tunneling)

6.4 Results of microstructural analysis

Optical microscopy was used to analyze the as-received material as shown in Figure

6.16. From Figure 6.16 the elongated grains in the alloys are shown. TEM analysis of

both alloys as shown in Figure 6.17 shows the effect of compositional modification on

the alloys. Both Figure 6.16 and 6.17 show the effect of compositional modification

on the microstructure of the alloys. High concentration of constituent particles can be

observed in 7075 alloy as shown in Figure 6.17 (a). Reducing the composition of iron

and silicon (as shown in Table 5.1) reduced the constituent particles in 7050 alloy

thereby improving the properties of the alloy and homogeneity of the microstructure.

(a) (b)
Figure 6.16: Optical images of as received (a) 7075-T651 and (b) 7050-T74 alloy in
SL direction

(a) (b)
Figure 6.17: Effect of compositional modification on the microstructure of (a) 7075
and (b) 7050 alloy. Red arrows indicate large constituent particles in 7075 alloy

6.5 Microstructural analysis of unaged samples using TEM

TEM was used to study grain boundary precipitate morphology of some selected

tempers of 7075 and 7050 alloys in the unaged condition as shown in Figure 6.18 and

6.19 respectively. Red arrows indicate dislocation network while yellow arrows

indicate grain boundary precipitation. Figure 6.18 (a) and (b) shows unaged 7075-T6

sample. In Figure 6.18 (b), the sample orientation shows high density of quenched-in

dislocations. A similar result was obtained for 7050 alloy as shown in Figure 6.19 (b).

High dislocation density is expected in HTPP treated sample of T F/Q = 455 oC due to

quenching from a high TF/Q temperature. Figure 6.18 (c) and (d) shows HTPP treated

sample of TF/Q = 405 and 370 oC respectively. It appears that the density of dislocations

decreases as the TF/Q temperature decreases. This may be due to quenching from a

lower temperature as TF/Q decreases. Also, decreasing TF/Q causes some heterogeneous

precipitation at the grain boundary as shown in Figure 6.18 (c) and (d). A similar

trend was observed in 7050 alloy as shown in Figure 6.19 (c) and (d). The contrast

lines in Figure 6.19 (d) can be attributed to slight changes in thickness and bending of


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6.18: TEM analyses of unaged 7075 alloy in (a) and (b) T6 (c) TF/Q= 405 oC
(d) TF/Q= 370 oC. Red arrows indicate dislocation network. Yellow arrows indicate
precipitation along the grain boundary

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6.19: TEM analyses of unaged 7050 alloy in (a) and (b) T6 (c) TF/Q = 405 oC
(d) TF/Q = 370 oC. Red arrows indicate dislocation network. Yellow arrows indicate
precipitation along the grain boundary

6.6 Microstructural analysis of aged samples using TEM

After aging, TEM was used to analyse the precipitate morphology in the grain

boundary region of the alloys. Figure 6.20 and 6.21 shows TEM analyses of the grain

boundary region of 7075 and 7050 respectively. The results presented in this thesis

were obtained after examining minimum of two grain boundaries. The grain

boundaries are shown as either tilted or in planar view to the direction of TEM beam.

As shown in Figure 6.20 (a), tilted view gives a partial plan view of the precipitates in

the grain boundary region to provide more information on the density of precipitates

along the grain boundary region. As shown in Figure 6.20 (f) planar view shows the

precipitates lying in one plane.

In Figure 6.20 and 6.21 (a) small precipitates are continuously distributed along the

grain boundary in T6 treated samples as expected. Figure 6.20 and 6.21 (b)-(e) show

that HTPP heat treatment affects the microstructure of both 7075 and 7050 alloy

respectively. As shown by the yellow arrows, there is gradual increase in the size of

the grain boundary precipitates as TF/Q temperature decreases in both 7075 and 7050

alloy respectively. Although Figure 6.20 (f) is in planar view, it is obvious that there

are discontinuous, large precipitates along the grain boundary. Similar result was

obtained for 7050 alloy as shown in Figure 6.21 (f).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) 200nm (f)

Figure 6.20: TEM analysis of grain boundary precipitate morphology of 7075 alloy in
(a) T6 (b) TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q = 425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC (f) T7.
Yellow arrows indicate precipitation along the grain boundary

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) 200nm (f)

Figure 6.21: TEM analysis of grain boundary precipitate morphology of 7050 alloy in
(a) T6 (b) TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q = 425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC (f) T7.
Yellow arrows indicate precipitation along the grain boundary

6.7 Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS) analysis

Figures 6.22 and 6.23 show the mean solute concentration of Zn, Mg and Cu solutes

segregated across two grain boundaries in 7075 and 7050 alloy respectively. Solute

segregation at the grain boundary has been suggested to have influence on SCC

resistance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys [60]. Decrease in solute segregation can be related

to increase in solute concentration of grain boundary precipitates. The presence of

copper in grain boundary precipitates has been reported in some SCC resistant alloys

[63]. Results obtained in Figures 6.22 and 6.23 provide an overview of the amount of

Zn, Mg and Cu segregated at the grain boundary. Note that some scatters are present

in the result due to slight variation in solute concentration at different grain

boundaries as shown in Figure 6.24. Variation of about 1nm was also observed in the

position of the beam across the grain boundary. Corresponding data for Figure 6.22

and 6.23 are in appendix D.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 6.22: EDS analysis across grain boundary of 7075 samples showing (a) T6 (b)
TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q= 425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC and (f) T7. As
shown in Figure 6.23 (f) the blue line represents Zn, red represents Mg and green
represents Cu

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Figure 6.23: EDS analysis across grain boundary of 7050 samples showing (a) T6 (b)
TF/Q = 455 oC (c) TF/Q = 425 oC (d) TF/Q = 405 oC (e) TF/Q = 370 oC and (f) T7. As
shown in Figure 6.24 (f) the blue line represents Zn, red represents Mg and green
represents Cu


Composition (wt%)

6 Zn

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Distance from grain boundary (nm)

Figure 6.24: EDS analysis showing the extent of scatter in results for 7075 alloy at
TF/Q = 425 oC



7.1 Effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity of 7075 and 7050 alloys

Figure 7.1 summarizes the effect of standard heat treatments and HTPP process on EC

of aged 7050 and 7075 alloys. The result shows the EC of T6 as the lowest and

T7/T74 temper as the highest. It is evident from this result that HTPP achieved

increased EC in both alloys as TF/Q decreases and this provides a range of EC values

between T6 and T7 temper. The increase in EC as TF/Q decreases may be explained by

decrease in the concentration of solute due to loss of solute during pre-precipitation.

Hence, there is decrease in resistance to flow of electrical current and an increase in

EC. Another explanation for the increase in EC might be due to decrease in strain at

the precipitate-matrix interface as the precipitates transform from coherent to semi-

coherent or incoherent as TF/Q decreases. Further investigation will be required to

confirm this explanation [77]. The higher EC observed in 7050 compared to 7075

alloy might be due to lower impurity levels in 7050 alloy. The arrows in Figure 7.1

indicates sharp increase in EC observed at about TF/Q = 445 oC and 415 oC.

Electrical conductivity (%IACS) 43
42 T74
40 T7
39 T7
36 7050 aged
34 7075 aged
T651 T6 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 370
TF/Q (oC)

Figure 7.1: Effect of heat treatment on electrical conductivity of 7050 and 7075 alloy.
Blue arrows indicate the sharp increase in electrical conductivity

7.2 Effect of heat treatment on hardness of 7050 and 7075 alloys

Figure 7.2 compares the effect of standard T6, T7 and HTPP heat treatment

conditions on the hardness of both 7050 and 7075 alloys. Both alloys experienced loss

of strength before aging. This is due to dissolution of strengthening phases and loss of

solute atoms during pre-precipitation. The results show that subsequent aging of

HTPP treated samples increases the hardness in both alloys. The increase in strength

of the alloys after aging is due to formation of strengthening precipitate phase.

However, strength decreases as the TF/Q temperature decreases. This is likely due to

decrease in the solute atoms available for homogenous precipitation during aging. As

TF/Q decreases more pre-precipitation occurs causing loss of solute atoms to

heterogeneous precipitation during slow cooling to intermediate (TF/Q) temperature.

However, gradual loss of hardness was observed as TF/Q decreased from 435 oC. This

might be due to the solvus temperature being in that temperature range, causing more

pre-precipitation to occur. Sharp changes in hardness comparable to the changes noted

by the arrows in Figure 7.1 can be observed in Figure 7.2. From Figure 7.2, the

hardness result of both alloys in the unaged condition show that significant changes in

the hardness started at 445 oC. Thus, the solvus temperature can be estimated to be at

445-435 oC. Figure 7.3 shows that different phases can be nucleated during cooling

below the solvus. Just below the solvus, the arrow shows that nucleation of η phase

occurs and as the TF/Q temperature decreases, other phases will be formed. Thus, the

sharp changes observed in EC and hardness might be related to nucleation of different

phases. Further research using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is required to

confirm this conclusion.

It is evident that 7050 alloy can be treated to higher hardness than 7075 through

HTPP. This can be related to the effect of compositional modification in replacement

of Cr with Zr in 7050 to reduce quench sensitivity associated with 7075 alloy. In fact,

TF/Q up to 385 oC in 7050 alloy achieves better hardness compared to T7 temper.


Hardness (HRB)

60 7050 unaged
7075 unaged
30 7050 aged

20 7075 aged
T651 T6 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 370
TF/Q (oC)

Figure 7.2: Effect of heat treatment on hardness of 7050 and 7075 alloys. Purple
broken line indicates standard T7 temper. Blue arrows indicate sharp decrease in

Figure 7.3: Nucleation of precipitate phases during controlled cooling possibly

causing the marked changes observed in EC and hardness results

7.3 Exfoliation Corrosion (EXCO) versus Electrical conductivity of 7075 and
7050 alloy

Electrical conductivity is often used to assess and predict corrosion resistance in 7xxx

alloys especially in T6 and T7 tempers. Figure 7.4 relates the exfoliation corrosion

resistance of both alloys to electrical conductivity at different heat treatment

conditions. The general trend observed in this result is that exfoliation corrosion

susceptibility decreases as EC increases. EC obtained at TF/Q = 370 oC in 7050 alloy is

almost the same as T7 temper but T7 showed higher resistance to exfoliation


42 9


38 6

EXCO rating

5 7050 EC
4 7075 EC
7050 exco rating
34 3
7075 exco rating

30 0
T6 455 425 405 370 T7
TF/Q ( C)

Figure 7.4: Effect of heat treatment on EC and EXCO resistance

7.4 Effect of HTPP on Stress corrosion cracking of 7075 and 7050 alloy

Figure 7.5 relates EC to SCC resistance in both alloys (using crack length measurement

after 257 hours) for T7 and T6 tempers and the tested HTPP conditions. It is evident

that there is a relationship between SCC resistance and EC measured as T F/Q

decreases. Although the mechanism is not clear, these results show that SCC

resistance in HTPP treated alloys is directly related to EC measurement. This is

shown by decrease in crack length as EC increases. Figures 7.6 and 7.7 relate SCC

resistance (based on the crack growth rate at stress intensity of 3 MPa√m) of 7075 and

7050 alloy in different heat treatment conditions to EC and the approximate time to

reach stress intensity of 3 MPa√m (corresponding to ≈69 mm based on Figure 5.9). It

is evident from these results that the crack growth rate is inversely proportional to EC

and time to reach stress intensity of 3 MPa√m in stage II of SCC. This confirms that

SCC is directly related to EC. These results also show that each HTTP treatment has

significant effect on the microstructure thereby increasing SCC resistance of the

alloys. HTPP heat treatment reduces the crack growth rate, achieves increase in the

EC and time involved in crack propagation and this relates to the observed increase in

SCC resistance as the TF/Q temperature decreases.


120 425
Crack length (mm) 100 455 &
T6 405
80 370


0 7050
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Electrical conductivity (%IACS)

Figure 7.5: Relationship between EC and SCC resistance (using crack length
measured after 257 hours) of 7075 and 7050 alloy

0.5 30
102 102
0.4 150

da/dt (mm/h)


˃1446 40
0.1 Crack growth
42 velocity
Crack growth
0 44 velocity
T6 455 425 405 370 T7
TF/Q (oC) Electrical

Figure 7.6: Summary of effect of heat treatment of 7075 alloy on electrical

conductivity and crack growth velocity at 3 MPa√m. Numbers in red are the time (h)
for stress intensity to decrease to 3 MPa√m (corresponding to a crack length of ≈ 69
mm from Figure 5.9)

0.3 30

150 186 32

279 34
da/dt (mm/h)

Crack growth
0.1 ˃1446 velocity
0.05 42 Crack growth
˃1446 velocity
0 44
T6 455 425 405 370 T7 T74 Electrical
TF/Q (oC)

Figure 7.7: Summary of effect of heat treatment of 7050 alloy on electrical

conductivity and crack growth velocity at 3 MPa√m. Numbers in red are the time (h)
for stress intensity to decrease to 3 MPa√m (corresponding to a crack length of ≈ 69
mm from Figure 5.9)

7.5 Grain boundary precipitate versus SCC resistance

From Figure 6.20 (a) and 6.21 (a) small, discontinuous grain boundary precipitates in

T6 can be related to poor corrosion resistance while the large grain boundary

precipitates in T7 temper (Figure 6.20 (f) and 6.21 (f)) correlates with high SCC

resistance obtained in both alloys. Figures 6.20 (b-e) and 6.21 (b-e) show that grain

boundary precipitates gradually increased in size as TF/Q decreased during HTPP

while Figure 7.5 shows that as TF/Q decreased, crack length decreased in both alloys.

Summary of V-K plot of both alloys shown in Figures 6.12 and 6.13 show that HTPP

treatment causes decrease in the plateau velocity as TF/Q decrease. TF/Q = 370 oC

showed the best resistance to SCC of all the HTPP conditions tested. Results shown in

Figures 6.12, 6.13, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 correspond to increase in size and discontinuity of

grain boundary precipitates observed in Figure 6.21 and 6.22. These results correlate

with studies by Li et al. (2008) that shows that HTPP can achieve higher SCC

resistance [29]. In terms of the size of the grain boundary precipitates, studies have

shown that large grain boundary precipitates can serve as nucleation site for hydrogen

bubbles thereby reducing SCC by hydrogen embrittlement. Also, large grain boundary

precipitates reduce the effect of SCC by anodic dissolution [77].

The gradual increase in SCC resistance as TF/Q decreases can also be related to

increase in copper concentration of grain boundary precipitates. This is supported by

EDS analysis in Figures 6.22 and 6.23 showing that as TF/Q decreases, there is decrease in

copper solute segregated at the grain boundary. The increase in the potential of the

grain boundary precipitate reduces SCC through anodic dissolution. The increase in

homogeneity and uniformity of solute concentration at the grain boundaries as TF/Q

decreases can also improve SCC resistance by reducing the formation of local

galvanic cells that might cause SCC.

7.6 Effect of HTPP on microstructure

TEM analysis of the unaged samples in Figure 6.18 and 6.19 shows that dislocations

were present in the unaged samples after quenching. These can be identified as

quenched-in dislocations formed due to internal stress generated during quenching. It

appears that there is decrease in dislocation density as TF/Q decreases. This shows that

HTPP heat treatment can reduce the dislocation density in 7075 and 7050 alloys.

Some preferential heterogeneous precipitation occurred at the grain boundary region

in all the HTPP conditions observed due to prior slow cooling before quenching. TEM

analysis in Figure 6.20 relates the morphology of grain boundary precipitates in HTPP

treated conditions to standard T6 and T7 tempers of 7075 alloy. As shown in Figure

6.20 (a). The morphology of precipitates in the grain boundary region of T6 shows

high concentration of small precipitates that are continuously distributed along the

grain boundary. From Figure 6.20 (b)-(e) it is evident that the initial precipitation

during quenching enabled more precipitation to occur at the grain boundary region

after aging. This is evident from the increase in size of grain boundary precipitates as

TF/Q temperature decreases from TF/Q = 455 to 370 oC. The gradual increase in

precipitate size agrees with the literature [26, 28]. This can be explained by increase

in precipitation at the grain boundary due to prior pre-precipitation during slow

cooling from SHT to a lower (TF/Q) temperature. Figure 6.20 (f) shows the coarse

precipitates that are discontinuously distributed along the grain boundary precipitate

morphology in T7 temper. The increase in size of the precipitates is due to overaging

treatment. Coarse discontinuous grain boundary precipitates are observed at TF/Q = 370

C and T7 temper. Large discontinuous grain boundary precipitates has been related to

high SCC resistance of T7 temper [40]. Similar result was observed in 7050 alloy as

shown in Figure 6.21.

By comparison to unaged condition shown in Figure 6.18 and 6.19, it appears that

subsequent aging after quenching of HTPP treated samples reduces the dislocation

density. Thus, this results show that the TF/Q temperature used in HTPP treatment

plays an important role in increasing the size of grain boundary precipitates and

decreasing dislocation density.

Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS) analysis, concentration of solute

elements segregated across grain boundary was analysed. Figure 6.22 and 6.23 show

the results obtained from 7075 and 7050 alloy respectively. It is evident that decrease

in TF/Q temperature causes increases homogeneity in the distribution of Zn, Mg and

Cu across the grain boundary. This can be related to increase and uniformity in the

diffusion of Zn, Mg and Cu into grain boundary precipitates. This trend is similar to

results reported by Hepples et al. shown in Figure 4.8 [62]. Figure 7.8 shows that

there is decrease in the amount of copper segregated in the HTPP treated samples as

TF/Q decreases. This means increase in Cu concentration in the grain boundary

precipitates. This result corresponds with the literature that HTPP can increase in Cu

content at the grain boundary precipitates [26, 28]. Hepples et al. showed that copper

segregated at grain boundary decreased in T7 and RRA compared to T6 [62].

In terms of Mg content, it appears that the amount of Mg segregated is higher in the

HTPP treated conditions compared to T6. This correlates with literature on grain

boundary segregation of Mg in 7150 alloy by Hepples et al. [62]. Although some

studies show that, the presence of Mg can be related to SCC by hydrogen

embrittlement, this result confirms that Mg segregation may not be the dominant

factor for SCC in these alloys [62, 64, 65].


Composition (wt%)

8 T6
TF/Q= 455 oC
6 TF/Q= 425 oC

4 405
TF/Q= 405 oC
TF/Q= 370 oC
2 T7

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Distance from grain boundary (nm)



Composition (wt%)

6 TF/Q= 455 oC

TF/Q= 425 oC
TF/Q= 405 oC

2 TF/Q= 370 oC

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Distance from grain boundary (nm)

Figure 7.8: Summary of grain boundary copper concentration in (a) 7075 and (b) 7050



This research has studied HTPP as a potential heat treatment approach to achieve a

combination of high strength and corrosion resistance in 7075 and 7050 commercial

alloys. This was achieved by using experimental procedure that involved electrical

conductivity measurement, hardness measurement, exfoliation corrosion testing,

stress corrosion cracking testing and analysis of grain boundary using TEM. The

following conclusions can be made based on the results obtained from the

experiments in this research:

• The intermediate temperature (TF/Q) used during HTPP has a significant effect

on the properties of both alloys after HTPP heat treatment.

• Both alloys exhibit a decrease in hardness as the T F/Q temperature decreased

especially at TF/Q= 435 oC. However, 7050 can be heat treated to higher

hardness than 7075 alloy. Zr addition in 7050 reduces the quench sensitivity

during HTPP heat treatment.

• HTPP heat treatment achieves increase in SCC resistance as the TF/Q

temperature decreased.

• Electrical conductivity varies directly with SCC resistance in both alloys. EC

can thus be used to determine SCC resistance in 7050 and 7075 HTPP treated


• HTPP causes homogeneity of solute distribution at the grain boundary. Also,

there is increase in discontinuity, size, and Cu concentration of grain boundary

precipitates as TF/Q decreases. Hence, increase in SCC resistance of HTPP

treated samples can be attributed to a combination of these factors.

• None of the HTPP treated conditions achieved a good combination of strength

and SCC resistance as standard T6 and T7 temper respectively. However, the

range of TF/Q temperatures between 425 and 405 oC provides the best balance

in strength and SCC resistance.

8.1 Recommendations for future work

Based on the results obtained in this research and some of the challenges experienced,

the following recommendations are suggested for future work:

 The cause of stepwise changes observed in the hardness and EC results should

be further investigated.

 The effect of multistep aging process in HTPP on the properties of 7050 and

7075 alloys should be investigated.

 To obtain sufficient data for V-K plot of HTPP treated samples, SCC test with

slower rate is suggested using fatigue pre-cracked samples and test solution of

3.5% NaCl.


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Appendix A: Double beam sample


Date Temperature (oC) Date Temperature (oC)

30-08-2013 22 01-10-2013 13
31-08-2013 22 02-10-2013 13
01-09-2013 22 03-10-2013 13
02-09-2013 22 04-10-2013 13
03-09-2013 21 05-10-2013 13
04-09-2013 21 06-10-2013 13
05-09-2013 21 07-10-2013 13
06-09-2013 21 08-10-2013 12
07-09-2013 20 09-10-2013 12
08-09-2013 20 10-10-2013 11
09-09-2013 20 11-10-2013 11
10-09-2013 19 12-10-2013 10
11-09-2013 19 13-10-2013 10
12-09-2013 19 14-10-2013 9
13-09-2013 19 15-10-2013 9
14-09-2013 18 16-10-2013 9
15-09-2013 18 17-10-2013 8
16-09-2013 18 18-10-2013 8
17-09-2013 17 19-10-2013 8
18-09-2013 17 20-10-2013 7
19-09-2013 17 21-10-2013 7
20-09-2013 16 22-10-2013 7
21-09-2013 16 23-10-2013 6
22-09-2013 16 24-10-2013 6
23-09-2013 16 25-10-2013 6
24-09-2013 15
25-09-2013 15
26-09-2013 14
27-09-2013 14
28-09-2013 14
29-09-2013 13
30-09-2013 13

Table 1: Data for crack length vs time for 7075 alloy

Time (h) 7075-T6 7075 7075 7075 7075 7075-T7

TF/Q = TF/Q = TF/Q = TF/Q =
455 oC 425 oC 405 oC 370 oC
0 17.75 18.13 15.88 18.00 16.48 16.00
30 54.50 52.25 42.75 35.00 16.93 16.50
78 71.50 68.00 54.00 42.00 17.08 16.75
126 112.75 95.75 64.75 50.50 17.13 16.80
174 115.00 115.05 75.78 57.00 18.25 16.83
198 115.45 115.10 85.00 60.00 19.25 16.83
222 115.50 115.15 95.38 64.25 21.00 16.85
257 116.00 115.23 98.40 69.55 22.50 16.85
302 116.35 116.15 105.68 84.75 24.50 17.40
353 116.40 116.25 115.23 90.75 26.00 17.75
526 116.45 116.33 115.75 98.15 28.75 18.00
746 116.50 116.50 116.13 114.00 32.00 21.50
842 114.38 32.75 22.15
986 114.75 34.50 22.50
1178 115.13 35.38 23.00
1346 115.50 37.25 23.50

Table 2: Data for crack length vs time for 7050 alloy

Time (h) 7050- 7050 7050 7050 7050 7050- 7050

T6 TF/Q = TF/Q = TF/Q = TF/Q = T7 T74
455 oC 425 oC 405 oC 370 oC
0 15.93 17.63 18.38 15.37 17.70 15.83 12.75
30 44.70 45.27 42.60 35.67 34.07 16.60 13.40
78 53.03 53.50 49.10 42.00 39.40 17.00 13.47
126 63.28 60.27 54.72 45.67 42.07 17.32 13.50
174 72.20 72.17 58.93 51.33 45.57 17.73 13.52
198 75.53 74.67 61.35 53.17 50.07 18.07 13.53
222 80.20 76.67 64.02 54.25 51.15 18.53 13.55
257 87.083 85.27 69.18 57.75 55.90 18.72 13.82
302 97.77 87.20 72.77 59.75 56.98 18.80 13.86
353 105.53 88.82 76.68 64.08 57.57 20.00 13.87
526 116.00 100.35 87.93 71.08 58.57 21.18 13.88
746 116.50 114.53 99.77 76.58 59.73 22.47 13.89
842 114.82 101.13 79.92 61.07 22.75 13.95
986 115.12 103.13 81.58 62.48 23.27 14.06
1178 115.38 107.33 86.33 63.40 23.67
1346 115.52 109.13 90.83 64.32 24.30

Table 3: 7075-T6 sample

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√ m) (MPa√ m)
0 17.50 18.00 17.75 9.00 0.35 24.18
30 53.50 55.50 54.50 1.230 4.04 14.11
78 71.00 72.00 71.50 0.350 2.49 3.27
126 113.00 112.50 112.75 0.850 1.08 1.79
174 115.00 115.00 115.00 0.047 1.04 1.06
198 115.50 115.40 115.45 0.019 1.03 1.04
222 115.50 115.50 115.50 0.002 1.03 1.03
257 116.00 116.00 116.00 0.014 1.02 1.03
302 116.20 116.50 116.35 0.008 1.02 1.02
353 116.30 116.50 116.40 0.001 1.02 1.02
526 116.40 116.50 116.45 0.0002 1.02 1.02
746 116.50 116.50 116.50 0.0002 1.01 1.01

Table 4: 7075-T7 sample

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√ m) (MPa√ m)
0 17.00 15.00 16.00 9.00 0.34 27.12
30 17.00 16.00 16.50 0.017 26.00 26.56
78 17.00 16.50 16.75 0.005 25.47 25.74
126 17.00 16.60 16.80 0.001 25.36 25.42
174 17.00 16.65 16.83 0.000 25.31 25.34
198 17.00 16.66 16.83 0.000 25.30 25.31
222 17.00 16.70 16.85 0.000 25.26 25.29
257 17.00 16.80 16.90 0.001 25.16 25.21
302 18.00 16.80 17.40 0.011 24.16 24.66
353 18.50 17.00 17.75 0.006 23.49 23.82
526 19.00 17.00 18.00 0.001 23.03 23.26
746 22.00 21.00 21.50 0.015 17.82 20.43
842 22.30 22.00 22.15 0.007 17.05 17.43
986 22.50 22.50 22.50 0.002 16.65 16.86
1178 23.00 23.00 23.00 0.003 16.11 16.38
1346 23.00 24.00 23.50 0.003 15.60 15.86

Table 5: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√ m) (MPa√ m)
0 20.00 20.50 20.25 9.00 0.4 22.89
30 53.50 53.50 53.50 1.108 4.77 13.83
78 68.00 69.00 68.50 0.313 3.08 3.93
126 113.50 115.50 114.50 0.958 1.20 2.14
174 116.00 116.00 116.00 0.031 1.17 1.19
198 116.00 116.10 116.05 0.002 1.17 1.17
222 116.00 116.20 116.1 0.002 1.17 1.17
257 116.00 116.30 116.15 0.001 1.17 1.17
302 116.10 116.5 116.3 0.003 1.16 1.16
353 116.20 116.5 116.35 0.001 1.16 1.16
526 116.30 116.5 116.4 0.000 1.16 1.16
746 116.50 116.5 116.5 0.000 1.16 1.16

Table 6: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√ m) (MPa√ m)
0 16.50 15.50 16.00 9.00 0.30 23.93
30 50.00 52.00 51.00 1.167 3.89 13.91
78 68.50 66.50 67.50 0.344 2.37 3.13
126 77.00 77.00 77.00 0.198 1.87 2.12
174 114.10 114.10 114.10 0.773 0.90 1.39
198 114.10 114.20 114.15 0.002 0.90 0.90
222 114.20 114.20 114.20 0.002 0.90 0.90
257 114.30 114.30 114.30 0.003 0.90 0.90
302 116.00 116.00 116.00 0.038 0.88 0.89
353 116.20 116.10 116.15 0.003 0.87 0.88
526 116.30 116.20 116.25 0.001 0.87 0.88
746 116.50 116.50 116.5 0.001 0.87 0.87

Table 7: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 15.50 16.50 16.00 9.00 0.30 23.93
30 49.00 49.00 49.00 1.100 4.17 14.05
78 61.00 61.00 61.00 0.250 2.84 3.50
126 73.50 72.50 73.00 0.250 2.06 2.45
174 86.80 87.00 86.90 0.290 1.50 1.78
198 103.00 103.00 103.00 0.671 1.09 1.30
222 115.50 116.00 115.75 0.531 0.88 0.99
257 115.60 116.00 115.80 0.001 0.88 0.88
302 115.70 116.00 115.85 0.001 0.88 0.88
353 116.00 115.90 115.95 0.002 0.88 0.88
526 116.00 116.00 116.00 0.000 0.88 0.88
746 116.00 116.50 116.25 0.001 0.87 0.87

Table 8: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 15.50 16.00 15.75 9.00 0.30 24.45
30 35.00 38.00 36.50 0.692 6.86 15.65
78 46.00 48.00 47.00 0.219 4.48 5.67
126 55.50 57.50 56.50 0.198 3.25 3.87
174 62.00 67.30 64.65 0.170 2.56 2.91
198 66.00 68.00 67.00 0.098 2.40 2.48
222 75.00 75.00 75.00 0.333 1.96 2.18
257 81.00 81.00 81.00 0.171 1.70 1.83
302 94.00 97.00 95.50 0.322 1.26 1.48
353 115.0 114.0 114.50 0.373 0.90 1.08
526 0
116.0 0
115.0 115.50 0.006 0.88 0.89
746 0
116.0 116.0 116.00 0.002 0.88 0.88
0 0

Table 9: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 18.50 19.00 18.75 9.00 0.38 24.29
30 37.00 38.00 37.50 0.625 6.18 15.24
78 39.00 40.00 39.50 0.042 5.73 5.96
126 45.50 46.50 46.00 0.135 4.56 5.15
174 52.80 51.50 52.15 0.128 3.76 4.16
198 55.00 55.00 55.00 0.119 3.46 3.61
222 59.00 59.00 59.00 0.167 3.09 3.28
257 59.10 59.10 59.10 0.003 3.09 3.09
302 78.00 81.00 79.50 0.453 1.90 2.49
353 83.50 83.50 83.50 0.078 1.74 1.82
526 83.50 83.60 83.55 0.000 1.74 1.74
746 113.00 113.00 113.00 0.134 1.03 1.39
842 113.50 113.50 113.50 0.005 1.03 1.03
986 114.00 114.00 114.00 0.003 1.02 1.02
1178 114.50 114.50 114.50 0.003 1.01 1.01
1346 115.00 115.00 115.00 0.003 1.00 1.01

Table 10: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC sample 2

Time (h) ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m (MPa√m
) )
0 17.50 17.00 17.25 9.00 0.34 24.45
30 33.00 32.00 32.50 0.508 9.39 16.92
78 46.00 43.00 44.50 0.250 5.57 7.48
126 55.00 55.00 55.00 0.219 3.86 4.72
174 63.2 60.50 61.85 0.143 3.14 3.50
198 64.00 66.00 65.00 0.131 2.87 3.01
222 70.00 69.00 69.50 0.188 2.55 2.71
257 80.00 80.00 80.00 0.300 1.98 2.26
302 90.00 90.00 90.00 0.222 1.59 1.78
353 98.00 98.00 98.00 0.157 1.36 1.48
526 113.0 112.5 112.7 0.085 1.05 1.20
746 0
115.0 0
115.0 5
115.0 0.010 1.01 1.03
842 0
115.0 0
115.5 0
115.2 0.003 1.01 1.01
986 0
115.5 0
115.5 5
115.5 0.002 1.00 1.00
1178 116.0 0
115.5 0
115.7 0.001 1.00 1.00
1346 0
116.0 0
116.0 5
116.0 0.001 0.99 1.00
0 0 0

Table 11: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 17.00 16.60 16.80 10.00 0.36 26.86
30 17.00 16.70 16.85 0.002 26.75 26.80
78 17.00 16.90 16.95 0.002 26.53 26.64
126 17.00 17.00 17.00 0.001 26.42 26.47
174 19.00 19.00 19.00 0.042 22.58 24.50
198 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.042 20.97 21.78
222 23.00 23.00 23.00 0.125 17.06 19.02
257 25.00 25.00 25.00 0.057 15.03 16.05
302 27.00 27.00 27.00 0.044 13.35 14.19
353 28.00 28.00 28.00 0.020 12.61 12.98
526 33.00 32.00 32.50 0.025 9.95 11.65
746 33.00 34.00 33.50 0.005 9.47 9.71
842 34.00 35.00 34.50 0.010 9.03 9.25
986 37.00 37.00 37.00 0.017 8.04 8.53
1178 38.00 38.00 38.00 0.005 7.70 7.87
1346 40.00 43.00 41.50 0.021 6.64 7.17
1446 44.50 45.00 44.75 0.033 5.84 6.24

Table 12: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 16.30 16.00 16.15 9.00 0.36 28.35
30 17.50 16.50 17.00 0.028 26.42 27.39
78 17.50 16.90 17.20 0.004 25.99 26.21
126 17.50 17.00 17.25 0.001 25.89 25.94
174 17.50 17.50 17.50 0.006 25.37 25.63
198 18.50 18.50 18.50 0.042 23.46 24.42
222 19.00 19.00 19.00 0.021 22.58 23.02
257 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.029 20.97 21.78
302 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.044 18.23 19.60
353 24.00 24.00 24.00 0.039 16.00 17.12
526 26.00 24.00 25.00 0.013 15.03 16.63
746 30.00 31.00 30.50 0.025 11.02 13.02
842 31.00 31.00 31.00 0.005 10.73 10.87
986 32.00 32.00 32.00 0.007 10.20 10.46
1178 32.50 33.00 32.75 0.004 9.82 10.01
1346 33.00 33.00 33.00 0.001 9.82 9.82
1446 40.00 41.00 40.50 0.075 6.92 8.37

Table 13: 7050-T6 sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 21.20 19.70 20.45 9.7 0.4 22.56
30 46.30 45.30 45.80 0.845 6.24 14.40
78 54.30 54.30 54.30 0.177 4.65 5.44
126 65.80 65.80 65.80 0.240 3.31 3.98
174 74.30 76.30 75.30 0.198 2.59 2.95
198 80.30 79.30 79.80 0.188 2.33 2.46
222 86.30 85.30 85.80 0.250 2.04 2.19
257 102.30 102.30 102.30 0.471 1.48 1.76
302 114.30 114.30 114.30 0.267 1.20 1.34
353 115.30 115.30 115.30 0.020 1.18 1.19
526 116.00 116.00 116.00 0.004 1.17 1.18
746 116.50 116.50 116.50 0.002 1.16 1.16

Table 14: 7050-T6 sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 14.70 13.00 13.85 9.50 0.25 24.18
30 44.50 45.50 45.00 1.038 4.02 14.10
78 52.50 54.50 53.50 0.177 2.98 3.50
126 62.00 63.50 62.75 0.193 2.25 2.62
174 72.00 70.50 71.25 0.177 1.79 2.02
198 75.00 74.50 74.75 0.146 1.64 1.72
222 77.5 77.50 77.50 0.115 1.54 1.59
257 82.50 80.50 81.50 0.114 1.40 1.47
302 94.50 95.00 94.75 0.294 1.06 1.23
353 113.00 113.00 113.00 0.358 0.77 0.92
526 116 116.00 116.00 0.017 0.73 0.75
746 116.50 116.50 116.50 0.002 0.72 0.73

Table 15: 7050-T6 sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 13.50 13.50 13.50 8.70 0.25 25.00
30 43.30 43.30 43.30 0.993 4.29 14.65
78 51.30 51.30 51.30 0.167 3.21 3.76
126 59.80 62.80 61.30 0.208 2.35 2.78
174 69.30 70.80 70.05 0.182 1.85 2.10
198 70.80 73.30 72.05 0.083 1.76 1.80
222 77.30 77.30 77.30 0.219 1.55 1.65
257 77.30 77.60 77.45 0.004 1.54 1.54
302 84.50 84.00 84.25 0.151 1.32 1.43
353 88.30 88.30 88.30 0.079 1.21 1.27
526 116.00 116.00 116.00 0.160 0.73 0.97
746 116.50 116.50 116.50 0.002 0.72 0.73

Table 16: 7050-T7 sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 13.00 12.00 12.50 10.00 0.25 27.59
30 14.00 13.00 13.50 0.033 25.00 26.29
78 14.00 13.50 13.75 0.005 24.41 24.71
126 14.00 14.00 14.00 0.005 23.84 24.134
174 14.00 14.20 14.10 0.002 23.62 23.73
198 14.00 14.30 14.15 0.002 23.51 23.57
222 14.00 14.40 14.20 0.002 23.40 23.46
257 14.00 14.50 14.25 0.001 23.30 23.35
302 14.20 14.50 14.35 0.002 23.08 23.19
526 18.00 16.00 17.00 0.011 18.35 20.71
746 17.30 17.30 17.30 0.001 17.91 18.13
842 17.50 17.50 17.50 0.002 17.62 17.76
986 18.00 18.00 18.00 0.003 16.94 17.28
1178 18.50 18.50 18.50 0.003 16.29 16.61
1346 19.30 19.30 19.30 0.005 15.33 15.81

Table 17: 7050-T7 sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 15.30 11.70 13.50 9.70 0.27 27.00
30 15.30 12.30 13.80 0.010 26.24 26.62
78 15.30 12.70 14.00 0.004 25.75 26.00
126 15.30 13.30 14.30 0.006 25.04 25.40
174 15.30 14.70 15.00 0.015 23.50 24.27
198 15.30 15.30 15.30 0.013 22.89 23.19
222 15.30 15.70 15.50 0.008 22.49 22.69
257 15.30 16.30 15.80 0.009 21.91 22.20
302 15.30 16.50 15.90 0.002 21.72 21.82
526 22.30 18.30 20.30 0.020 15.39 18.56
746 25.30 22.30 23.80 0.016 12.15 13.77
842 25.50 22.50 24.00 0.002 12.00 12.08
986 26.30 23.00 24.65 0.005 11.52 11.76
1178 27.00 23.00 25.00 0.001 11.28 11.40
1346 23.30 27.30 25.30 0.002 11.07 11.17

Table 18: 7050-T7 sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 24.00 19.00 21.50 9.70 0.5 26.20
30 25.00 20.00 22.50 0.033 24.49 25.35
78 25.50 21.00 23.25 0.016 23.31 23.90
126 26.00 21.30 23.65 0.008 22.72 23.02
174 26.20 22.00 24.10 0.009 22.08 22.40
198 26.50 23.00 24.75 0.027 21.20 21.64
222 26.80 25.00 25.90 0.048 19.77 20.49
257 27.00 25.20 26.10 0.006 19.54 19.66
302 27.10 25.20 26.15 0.001 19.48 19.51
526 27.20 25.30 26.25 0.000 19.37 19.43
746 27.30 25.30 26.30 0.000 19.31 19.34
842 27.50 26.00 26.75 0.005 18.81 19.06
986 28.00 26.30 27.15 0.003 18.38 18.60
1178 28.00 27.00 27.50 0.002 18.02 18.20
1346 28.30 28.30 28.30 0.005 17.22 17.62

Table 19: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 16.00 12.00 14.00 9.00 0.25 23.84
30 51.00 51.00 51.00 1.233 3.24 13.54
78 62.00 59.00 60.50 0.198 2.40 2.82
126 72.00 71.50 71.75 0.234 1.77 2.09
174 81.00 80.00 80.50 0.182 1.44 1.60
198 85.00 84.00 84.50 0.167 1.31 1.38
222 89.00 88.00 88.50 0.167 1.21 1.26
257 112.00 112.00 112.00 0.671 0.78 0.99
302 113.10 113.00 113.05 0.023 0.77 0.77
353 113.30 113.00 113.15 0.002 0.77 0.77
526 115.50 116.00 115.75 0.015 0.73 0.75
746 116.00 116.20 116.10 0.002 0.73 0.73
842 116.00 116.40 116.20 0.001 0.73 0.73
986 116.30 116.40 116.35 0.001 0.73 0.73
1178 116.40 116.4 116.40 0.000 0.73 0.73
1346 116.50 116.40 116.45 0.000 0.73 0.73

Table 20: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 23.00 23.00 23.00 9.00 0.50 23.70
30 46.00 47.00 46.50 0.783 7.60 15.65
78 54.00 53.00 53.50 0.146 5.96 6.78
126 57.00 54.50 55.75 0.047 5.55 5.76
174 73.00 70.00 71.50 0.328 3.56 4.55
198 73.00 73.00 73.00 0.063 3.43 3.50
222 74.00 74.00 74.00 0.042 3.35 3.39
257 75.00 74.00 74.50 0.014 3.31 3.33
302 76.00 74.00 75.00 0.011 3.27 3.29
353 79.00 79.00 79.00 0.078 2.97 3.12
526 96.00 96.00 96.00 0.098 2.08 2.53
746 114.00 113.00 113.50 0.080 1.52 1.80
842 114.00 113.50 113.75 0.003 1.52 1.52
986 114.50 114.00 114.25 0.003 1.50 1.51
1178 115.00 114.50 114.705 0.003 1.49 1.50
1346 115.00 115.00 115.00 0.001 1.48 1.49

Table 21: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 15.50 16.30 15.90 9.70 0.30 24.14
30 38.30 38.30 38.30 0.747 6.33 15.23
78 45.30 47.70 46.50 0.171 4.56 5.45
126 51.8 54.80 53.30 0.142 3.60 4.08
174 64.00 65.00 64.50 0.233 2.57 3.09
198 65.00 68.00 66.50 0.083 2.43 2.50
222 68.00 67.00 67.50 0.042 2.37 2.40
257 69.30 69.30 69.30 0.051 2.26 2.32
302 73.80 73.3 73.55 0.094 2.03 2.15
353 74.30 74.30 74.30 0.015 1.99 2.01
526 89.30 89.30 89.30 0.087 1.43 1.71
746 114.00 114.00 114.00 0.112 0.91 1.17
842 114.50 114.50 114.50 0.005 0.89 0.90
986 115.00 114.50 114.75 0.002 0.89 0.89
1178 115.00 115.00 115.00 0.001 0.89 0.89
1346 115.00 115.20 115.10 0.001 0.89 0.89

Table 22: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 16.00 15.50 15.75 9.00 0.30 24.45
30 43.00 43.00 43.00 0.908 5.21 14.83
78 50.00 51.00 50.50 0.156 3.96 4.58
126 57.50 57.70 57.60 0.148 3.14 3.55
174 63.00 61.00 62.00 0.092 2.76 2.95
198 65.00 64.00 64.50 0.104 2.57 2.67
222 66.00 66.50 66.25 0.073 2.45 2.51
257 74.00 74.00 74.00 0.221 2.01 2.23
302 75.00 75.00 75.00 0.022 1.96 1.98
353 79.00 79.00 79.00 0.078 1.78 1.87
526 83.00 83.00 83.00 0.023 1.63 1.71
746 112.00 112.00 112.00 0.132 0.94 1.28
842 112.00 112.50 112.25 0.003 0.93 0.93
986 113.00 113.00 113.00 0.005 0.92 0.93
1178 114.00 114.00 114.00 0.005 0.91 0.91
1346 114.50 114.50 114.50 0.003 0.90 0.90
1446 115.00 115.00 115.00 0.005 0.89 0.89

Table 23: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 21.00 22.00 21.50 10.00 0.48 25.15
30 44.00 45.00 44.50 0.767 7.87 16.51
78 49.00 49.00 49.00 0.094 6.67 7.27
126 53.00 54.50 53.75 0.099 5.68 6.17
174 57.00 58.00 57.50 0.078 5.04 5.36
198 58.50 61.00 59.75 0.094 4.71 4.88
222 61.00 65.00 63.00 0.135 4.29 4.5
257 68.5 67.00 67.75 0.136 3.77 4.03
302 75.00 74.00 74.50 0.15 3.17 3.47
353 81.00 79.50 80.25 0.113 2.77 2.97
526 86.00 88.00 87.00 0.039 2.39 2.58
746 91.00 92.00 91.50 0.020 2.18 2.29
842 95.00 94.00 94.50 0.031 2.05 2.12
986 99.00 99.00 99.00 0.031 1.88 1.97
1178 110.00 110.00 110.00 0.057 1.55 1.72
1346 115.00 114.00 114.50 0.027 1.44 1.49
1446 115.00 115.00 115.00 0.005 1.43 1.43

Table 24: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 18.20 17.60 17.90 9.00 0.35 23.90
30 39.80 40.80 40.30 0.747 6.78 15.34
78 47.80 47.80 47.80 0.156 5.07 5.93
126 52.30 53.30 52.80 0.104 4.27 4.67
174 57.30 57.30 57.30 0.094 3.70 3.99
198 59.80 59.80 59.80 0.104 3.43 3.57
222 62.80 62.80 62.80 0.125 3.15 3.29
257 65.80 65.80 65.80 0.086 2.89 3.02
302 68.80 68.80 68.80 0.067 2.67 2.78
353 70.80 70.80 70.80 0.039 2.54 2.61
526 93.80 93.80 93.80 0.133 1.52 2.03
746 95.80 95.8 95.80 0.009 1.46 1.49
842 96.50 96.80 96.65 0.009 1.44 1.45
986 97.00 97.80 97.40 0.005 1.42 1.43
1178 98.00 98.00 98.00 0.003 1.40 1.41
1346 98.00 98.80 98.40 0.002 1.46 1.43
1446 103.60 103.60 103.60 0.052 1.44 1.45

Table 25: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 14.00 14.50 14.25 9.00 0.25 23.30
30 38.00 39.00 38.50 0.808 5.23 14.26
78 44.00 45.00 44.50 0.125 4.10 4.66
126 47.50 48.50 48.00 0.073 3.60 3.85
174 54.50 54.50 54.50 0.135 2.89 3.24
198 57.00 57.00 57.00 0.104 2.67 2.78
222 58.00 58.00 58.00 0.042 2.59 2.63
257 62.00 62.00 62.00 0.114 2.30 2.44
302 63.00 63.00 63.00 0.022 2.23 2.27
353 68.00 68.00 68.00 0.098 1.95 2.09
526 80.00 77.00 78.50 0.061 1.50 1.73
746 84.00 81.00 82.50 0.018 1.37 1.44
842 89.00 87.00 88.00 0.057 1.22 1.30
986 90.00 89.00 89.50 0.010 1.183 1.20
1178 95.00 95.00 95.00 0.029 1.06 1.12
1346 101.0 101.00 101.0 0.03571 0.95 1.00
1446 0
104.0 104.00 0
104.0 4
0.03 0.90 0.92
0 0

Table 26: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 15.20 19.50 17.35 9.50 0.35 24.97
30 33.50 34.5 34.00 0.555 13.53 19.25
78 40.50 40.5 40.50 0.135 9.54 11.54
126 45.00 45.00 45.00 0.094 7.73 8.63
174 50.50 50.50 50.50 0.115 6.13 6.93
198 51.50 51.50 51.50 0.042 5.90 6.02
222 53.50 53.50 53.50 0.083 5.47 5.68
257 57.50 57.00 57.25 0.107 4.77 5.11
302 60.50 60.00 60.25 0.067 4.31 4.54
353 64.50 64.00 64.21 0.078 3.79 4.05
526 70.00 69.50 69.75 0.032 3.26 3.50
746 76.50 76.00 76.25 0.030 2.69 2.95
842 76.50 77.00 76.75 0.005 2.66 2.67
986 79.00 78.50 78.75 0.014 2.52 2.59
1178 85.00 85.00 85.00 0.033 2.17 2.34
1346 89.00 89.50 89.25 0.025 1.96 2.06
1446 93.40 93.40 93.40 0.042 1.79 1.88

Table 27: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 13.00 16.00 14.50 9.00 0.27 24.59
30 34.00 35.00 34.50 0.667 6.77 15.68
78 41.00 41.00 41.00 0.135 5.08 5.93
126 44.00 44.00 44.00 0.063 4.51 4.80
174 49.00 49.00 49.00 0.104 3.75 4.13
198 51.00 51.00 51.00 0.083 3.50 3.63
222 51.00 51.50 51.25 0.010 3.47 3.49
257 54.00 54.00 54.00 0.079 3.17 3.32
302 56.00 56.00 56.00 0.044 2.97 3.07
353 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.078 2.63 2.81
526 65.00 65.00 65.00 0.029 2.28 2.46
746 71.00 71.00 71.00 0.027 1.95 2.12
842 75.00 75.00 75.00 0.042 1.76 1.86
986 77.00 76.00 76.50 0.010 1.70 1.73
1178 79.00 79.00 79.00 0.013 1.61 1.65
1346 82.00 82.50 82.25 0.019 1.49 1.55
1446 90.00 90.00 90.00 0.078 1.26 1.37

Table 28: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC sample 1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 19.00 19.00 19.00 9.50 0.40 25.09
30 35.50 35.50 35.50 0.550 6.98 16.03
78 40.50 39.50 40.00 0.094 5.87 6.42
126 45.00 45.00 45.00 0.104 4.92 5.39
174 48.00 48.00 48.00 0.063 4.46 4.69
198 51.50 52.50 52.00 0.167 3.94 4.20
222 51.50 53.00 52.25 0.010 3.91 3.93
257 55.50 55.50 55.50 0.093 3.56 3.74
302 57.00 57.50 57.25 0.039 3.39 3.48
353 58.00 58.50 58.25 0.020 3.30 3.34
526 59.00 59.00 59.00 0.004 3.23 3.26
746 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.005 3.15 3.19
842 62.00 61.00 61.50 0.016 3.02 3.08
986 62.50 62.00 62.25 0.006 2.96 2.99
1178 63.00 63.00 63.00 0.004 2.91 2.94
1346 63.50 63.50 63.50 0.003 2.87 2.89
1446 68.80 68.80 68.80 0.053 2.52 2.70

Table 29: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC sample 2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 15.00 20.00 17.50 8.50 0.35 24.67
30 34.50 35.50 35.00 0.583 8.57 16.62
78 38.50 40.50 39.50 0.094 7.01 7.79
126 40.50 41.50 41.00 0.0313 6.59 6.80
174 44.50 43.50 44.00 0.063 5.85 6.22
198 49.50 49.50 49.50 0.229 4.78 5.31
222 51.00 51.00 51.00 0.063 4.54 4.66
257 57.50 57.50 57.50 0.186 3.68 4.11
302 58.50 58.50 58.50 0.022 3.57 3.62
353 59.00 58.50 58.75 0.005 3.54 3.55
526 59.00 59.00 59.00 0.001 3.51 3.53
746 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.005 3.41 3.46
842 61.00 61.00 61.00 0.010 3.31 3.36
986 62.00 62.00 62.00 0.007 3.22 3.27
1178 63.00 63.00 63.00 0.005 3.13 3.17
1346 63.50 63.00 63.25 0.001 3.11 3.12
1446 68.70 68.70 68.70 0.055 2.68 2.89

Table 30: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 16.00 17.20 16.60 9.80 0.33 25.03
30 31.20 32.20 31.70 0.503 9.49 17.26
78 38.20 39.20 38.70 0.146 6.84 8.17
126 40.20 40.20 40.20 0.031 6.42 6.63
174 45.20 44.20 44.70 0.094 5.37 5.89
198 48.20 49.20 48.70 0.167 4.63 5.00
222 50.20 50.20 50.20 0.063 4.40 4.52
257 54.20 55.20 54.70 0.129 3.79 4.09
302 54.20 56.20 55.20 0.011 3.73 3.76
353 55.20 56.20 55.70 0.010 3.67 3.70
526 57.20 58.20 57.70 0.012 3.45 3.56
746 59.20 59.20 59.20 0.007 3.29 3.37
842 60.20 61.20 60.70 0.016 3.15 3.22
986 63.20 63.20 63.20 0.017 2.93 3.04
1178 64.20 64.20 64.20 0.005 2.85 2.89
1346 66.20 66.20 66.20 0.012 2.70 2.78
1446 70.20 70.20 70.20 0.040 2.43 2.56

Table 31: 7050 T74-1

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 11.80 12.30 12.05 9.70 0.25 28.89
30 12.20 12.80 12.50 0.015 27.59 28.24
78 12.20 13.10 12.65 0.003 27.17 27.38
126 12.20 13.20 12.70 0.001 27.04 27.11
174 12.30 13.20 12.75 0.001 26.90 26.97
198 12.30 13.30 12.80 0.002 26.77 26.84
222 12.30 13.35 12.83 0.001 26.70 26.74
257 13.00 13.30 13.15 0.009 25.86 26.28
302 13.25 13.30 13.28 0.003 25.55 25.71
353 13.30 13.30 13.30 0.000 25.49 25.52
526 13.30 13.40 13.35 0.000 25.36 25.43
746 13.30 13.45 13.375 0.000 25.30 25.33
842 13.40 13.50 13.45 0.001 25.12 25.21
986 13.50 13.50 13.50 0.000 25.00 25.06

Table 32: 7050 T74-2

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 14.50 14.70 14.60 9.30 0.30 27.07
30 14.70 15.50 15.10 0.017 25.88 26.48
78 14.70 15.60 15.15 0.001 25.77 25.83
126 14.70 15.70 15.20 0.001 25.65 25.72
174 14.70 15.70 15.20 0 25.65 25.65
198 14.70 15.70 15.20 0 25.65 25.65
222 14.70 15.70 15.20 0 25.65 25.65
257 15.70 15.70 15.70 0.014 24.56 25.12
302 15.70 15.70 15.70 0 24.56 24.56
353 15.70 15.70 15.70 0 24.56 24.56
526 15.70 15.70 15.70 0 24.56 24.56
746 15.70 15.70 15.70 0 24.56 24.56
842 16.00 16.00 15.70 0 23.93 24.24
986 16.00 16.00 16.00 0.002 23.93 23.93

Table 33: 7050-T74 sample 3

Time ao ao Ave. da/dt Co Vo K Kave

(h) (mm) (mm) ao (mm) (mm/h) (mm) (mm) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 11.60 11.60 11.60 9.40 0.24 29.07
30 12.60 12.60 12.60 0.033 26.22 27.65
78 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
126 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
174 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
198 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
222 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
257 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
302 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
353 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
526 12.60 12.60 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
746 12.60 12.6 12.60 0 26.22 26.22
842 12.80 12.60 12.70 0.001 25.96 26.09
986 12.80 12.60 12.70 0 25.96 25.96

Table 1: 7075-T6

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 0 0 9.22
5 0 2.48 7.37
0 0 2.58 6.69
-5 9.99 4.17 0
-10 0 3.19 6.25
Point 2
10 0 0 7.05
5 0 3.46 6.48
0 0 0 6.65
-5 0 0 9.18
-10 5.45 0 8.43

Table 2: 7075-T7

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 1.31 0 5.3
5 0 0 5.54
0 2.45 0 7.38
-5 0 0 6.59
-10 1.44 0 5.49
Point 2
10 3.25 0 5.27
5 4.25 0 5.45
0 3.54 2.18 5.84
-5 4.54 1.99 6.48
-10 4.5 1.92 5.9

Table 3: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 0 0 7.64
5 0 0 5.42
0 0 0 7.24
-5 0 0 7.49
-10 3.45 0 6
Point 2
10 0 3.62 6.41
5 0 0 6.69
0 0 0 6.11
-5 0 0 6.52
-10 0 0 7.63

Table 4: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 6.97 0 5.72
5 4.73 0 4.81
0 5.46 3.3 6.31
-5 14.8 0 8.21
-10 14.75 3.93 6.36
Point 2
10 5.46 2.97 7.38
5 3.92 2.67 7.78
0 4.13 2.53 6.15
-5 5.89 2.65 5.77
-10 5.35 0 5.81

Table 5: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 3.83 3.17 5.75
5 6.23 3.05 5.76
0 12.72 2.86 5.27
-5 9.79 3.24 6.52
-10 6.17 0 3.85
Point 2
10 5.4 4.3 4.64
5 10.69 0 5.29
0 9.39 0 5.29
-5 7.11 0 5.87
-10 6.75 4.25 5.67

Table 6: 7075-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 3.71 2.29 3.47
5 3.8 2.66 3.79
0 3.08 3.31 3.24
-5 2.65 2.5 3.44
-10 2.15 2.82 3.35
Point 2
10 2.91 2.34 4.03
5 2.72 2.87 3.34
0 3.24 3.3 3.74
-5 8.22 3.4 3.93
-10 4.6 3.42 4.08

Table 7: 7050-T6

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 6.94 0 5.73
5 4.57 0 5.82
0 3.34 0 5.83
-5 0 0 7.26
-10 0 0 7.3
Point 2
10 8.56 0 5.14
5 6.74 0 7.25
0 0 0 0
-5 6.6 0 6.09
-10 0 0 7.89

Table 8: 7050-T7

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 1.94 2.22 3.3
5 1.32 2.82 3.94
0 0 2.03 2.61
-5 1.18 2.38 3.64
-10 0 2.49 3.69
Point 2
10 1.98 2.5 3.45
5 1.5 2 3.2
0 0.97 1.76 3.12
-5 1.19 1.58 3.33
-10 1.91 2.56 3.86

Table 9: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 455 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 6.62 0 5.82
5 0 3.68 6.87
0 0 0 7.33
-5 3.19 2.31 6.74
-10 0 0 7.47
Point 2
10 4.47 0 7.6
5 5.13 0 6.53
0 0 0 6.53
-5 5.97 0 7.02
-10 6.73 2.91 6.76

Table 10: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 425 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 2.14 4.71 4.19
5 1.29 3.8 5.34
0 10.04 0 5.74
-5 3.7 4.19 5.87
-10 5.85 3.47 5.7
Point 2
10 3.01 3.12 5.53
5 2.67 4.16 4.71
0 6.04 3.61 6.13
-5 3.62 0 6.82
-10 4.9 3.7 4.53

Table 11: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 405 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 9.53 0 4.03
5 7.33 0 3.77
0 9.58 0 3.41
-5 4.89 0 3.83
-10 4.54 2.67 3.73
Point 2
10 5.72 0 3.59
5 5.18 2.99 3.79
0 4.27 2.65 4.49
-5 5.43 0 3.71
-10 4.95 0 4.36

Table 12: 7050-HTPP at TF/Q = 370 oC

Distance from grain Zn Mg Cu

boundary (nm) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
Point 1
10 1.98 0 4.91
5 2.21 3.01 4.58
0 2.66 0 4.96
-5 1.7 0 5.03
-10 2.15 0 4.95
Point 2
10 1.41 2.02 3.99
5 1.82 0 3.43
0 2.43 0 3.61
-5 1.69 2.57 3.37
-10 2.1 0 3.47


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