IESCO - SAP - ERP - FI - TD Fiori - AP 01

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The document discusses the accounts payable process in SAP and outlines various steps like vendor master data maintenance, invoice posting, payment processing, aging analysis etc.

The main steps involved in the accounts payable process include vendor master data maintenance, invoice posting, payment processing, adjustment of payments, accrual/deferral of documents, and aging analysis.

Vendor master records can be maintained by creating, blocking, unblocking or deleting vendor accounts from the vendor master data maintenance application.


SAP Implementation at IESCO

Training Document – Fiori Apps
Accounts Payable

LAST SAVED - 8/12/2018 5:13:00 PM

1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Master Data............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Process Steps........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Vendor Master Data Maintenance................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Blocking/Unblocking or Deleting Vendor Account......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Posting Vendor Invoices................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Reversal/Cancellation of documents............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.5 Down Payment Request................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
3.6 Vendor Down Payment................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.7 Security Deposit received or given................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
3.8 Payment made to Vendors............................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
3.9 Adjusting Payments with Vendor Invoices..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.10 Accrual / Deferral of Documents................................................................................................................................................................................ 45
3.11 Aging Analysis - Accounts Payable........................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Accounts Payable

1 Purpose
With Accounts Payables, you can manage your open payables invoices that are automatically created from purchasing processes. You can manage and control open
items with various analytical tools to optimize accounts payable handling. You can process payments automatically, ensure approval of all payments before payment, and
monitor payment progress.

2 Master Data
Vendor master records are used by both the Accounting component and the Purchasing component.

1 Process Steps
1.1 Vendor Master Data Maintenance
In this activity, you create a Vendor master record.

1. Open “Maintain Business Partner” App. from FioriLaunch pad.
2. Drilldown the Business partner field and select

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Change BP role Enter the following values: The Display Organization:1000762 role
Display in BP role:Supplier (Fin.Accounting) Supplier (Fin.Accounting) screen displays.

Edit Supplier Choose the Switch between Display and The Business Partner Master Data can now
Change button to change the data to update. be edited.
Company Code data Choose the Company Code button at the top.
Choose the Vendor: Correspondence tab.
Save Choose Save. Changes are saved.
Payment Methods Choose the Vendor: Payment Transactions You are on the Vendor: Payment
tab. Transactions tab.
Save Choose Save. Changes are saved.
Navigation To change or display other master data Different setting are displayed and can be
settings, change the BP role and navigate thru edited according to the chosen BP role.
the available tabs as follows:
Display in BP role:Business Partner (Gen.)
or Supplier
Save Supplier Choose the Save button after completing your The changes to Business Partner Master
changes. Data are saved.

Screen shot for the Vendor Master Data Creation.

You have created vendor 1000762 in company code 1000.
2.1 Blocking/Unblocking or Deleting Vendor Account

In this activity you Block or Un-blockor Delete a Vendor.

1. Open “Block Vendor Centrally” App. from Fiori Launchpad.
2. Enter following information in Initial Screen then press enter.
Field name Description User action and values Comments
Select a Vendor In the left pane, select a vendor to manage. For The open items for the vendor are shown in
example: a list in the right side and items blocked for
Supplier Account: 1000762 payment are identified in the status column,
shows a red icon and the block reason.

Select an Item Select the checkbox for an open item. The screen displays additional options at
the bottom of the screen.
Block or unblock You can use the Block or Unblock invoices The selected invoices are blocked or
buttons at the bottom of the screen. unblocked based on your choice.

Screen shot for to block vendor

3. Choose Save
The Vendor has been blocked for posting.
2.2 Posting Vendor Invoices

You receive the invoice from the vendor and post it in the system. Vendor Invoices for material are posted in materials module, Refer document for this. You can also post
invoices in FI for other than materials like expenses for example as explained below.
Note: The most vendor invoices are posted with logistics. Such invoices will need to be posted for material with purchasing.

1. Open “Create Incoming Invoices” App. from Fiori Launchpad.
2. Enter following informationin Initial Screen then press enter.
Field name Description User action and values Comments
Dialog Box If the Data from Previous Invoice Entry Exist dialog box
displays, choose No.
General Data In the General Data section enter the following data:
Company Code:1000
Gross Invoice Amount:500
Currency: PKR
Invoice Date:21.09.2017
Posting Date:21.09.2017
Invoicing Party: 10000001

G/L Account Items In the G/L Account Items section, choose + to add a new
Make the following entries:
G/L Account:511100

Account Assignment Choose > next to the *Debit/Credit field.

Make the following entries:
Cost Center:100001
Post Choose the Post button. The Successful dialog box
displays, showing the invoice
number posted.
Exit Choose Ok and choose Back to exit.

Screen shot for the post general journal entry

3.Enter Post

You have posted vendor invoice

2.3 Reversal/Cancellation of documents

A new reversal document is created with the inverted posting keys of the original document.

1. Open “Reverse Journal Entries” App. from Fiori Launchpad.
2. Choose Create button and enter the following data:
Field name Description User action and values Comment
Header Make the following entries: Company Code 1000
Company Code:1000
Document date: 11.10.2017
Posting date: 11.10.2017
Journal Entry Type: DZ
Transaction Currency:PKR
Items Enter the following and press enter:
Amount: For example,100
Trg. Spec. G/L Ind: A (Default value, do not
change) Choose > to see more details and
enter the following data:
Baseline date11.10.2017

Post Choose Post. The Success screen is displayed showing the

journal entry number posted.
Other Select the desired action in the Success Specifies when the recurring entry document is to
screen: be posted for the last time.
Post Next
Go to Worklist
3. Choose Post

The document has beeen reversed

2.4 Down Payment Request

Down payment requests are noted items that do not affect the balance sheet. These noted items are required to enable the system to post the down payments to your
vendor automatically using the payment program.

1. Open “Create Supplier Down Payment Requests” App. from Fiori Launchpad.
2. Choose Create and enter following data.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Header Make the following entries:
Company Code: 1000
Document date: 20.10.2017
Posting date: 20.10.2017
Journal Entry Type: KZ
Transaction Currency: PKR
Items Enter the following and press Enter:
Supplier: 10000001
Amount: 5000
Trg. Spec. G/L Ind: A (Default value, do not
To view more details, choose >. Enter the following
Tax Code: A0
Baseline Date: 20.10.2017
Post Choose Post. The Success screen is displayed showing
the journal entry number posted.
Other Select the desired action in the Success screen:
Post Next
Go to Worklist

Screen shot for down payment

Vendor Downpayment Request is generated
2.5 Vendor Down Payment

This function is used to post vendor down payment or in other words advance payment.
A down payment request has been posted.
Choose a down payment request from the previous step.

1. Open “Post Supplier Down Payments” from Fiori Launchpad.
2. Make the following entriesin Initial Screen then press enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Enter Payment Data Make the following entries and choose Show Items. A list of open items is displayed in the
General Information section Open Items section.
Company Code: 1000
Posting Date: 22.09.2017
Document Date: 22.09.2017
Value Date: 22.09.2017
Journal Entry Type: KZ
Bank Data section
G/L Account: 511100
House Bank / Account: 300001
Amount / Currency: 500PKR
Fees: Optional
Assignment: Optional
Exchange Rate: Optional
Amount / CCode Currency:Optional
Open Item Selection Account
Supplier Account: 10000048
Select More To display only the special G/L transactions choose the Select Document with special G/L transactions
More button, deselect all entries in Line Item Type field and are displayed.
Line Item Type:Special G/L Transactions
Select/Deselect Select a downpayment to pay, and in the Clear column, The downpayment to pay is transferred to
choose Clear. the Items to be Cleared section.
Post Choose Post. The system displays Success and the
message Journal entry xxxxxxxxxx was
succesfully posted in company code ####.
Dismiss Message Choose OK to dismiss the message.

Screen shot for Post Outgoing Payments:

The down payment is made.
2.6 Security Deposit received or given

The requirement to post the vendor document using the special g/l indicator for tracking special transaction like security deposits which are posted to alternate
reconciliation account instead of main reconciliation account of vendor.

1. Open “Create Incoming Invoices” App. from Fiori Launchpad
2. Make the following entriesin Initial Screen then press enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Enter Payment Data Make the following entries and choose Show Items. A list of open items is displayed in the
General Information section Open Items section.
Company Code: 1000
Posting Date: 20.10.2017
Document Date: : 20.10.2017
Value Date: : 20.10.2017
Reference (optional): referenceJournal Entry Type: KZ
Bank Data section
G/L Account: 202410
House Bank / Account: 300003
Amount / Currency: PKR
Fees: Optional
Assignment: Optional
Exchange Rate: Optional
Amount / CCode Currency:Optional
Open Item Selection Account
Supplier Account: 10000001
Select/Deselect Select the invoice to pay, and in the Clear column, choose Clear. The invoice where the payment will
be applied is transferred to the Items
to be Cleared section.
Allocate In the Items to be Cleared section, enter the following and press Enter: The Balance at the top is zero.
Allocated Amount: invoice amount less the downpayment amount
Post Choose Post. The system displays the Success
screen with message Journal entry
xxxxxxxxxx succesfully posted.

Screen shot for security deposit

You have recieved the security deposit
2.7 Payment made to Vendors
This function allows you to post a vendor payment manually and clear the open item(s). Most of the outstanding invoices will be paid by payment program (F110), but it
may happen that for some rarely used bank accounts this program will not be configured. In such cases payment for vendor documents will be done manually and you’ll
need to post the bank documents using the transaction F-53.

1. Open “Post Outgoing PaymentsFor Suppliers” App. from Fiori Launchpad
2. Make the following entriesin Initial Screen then press enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Enter Payment Data Make the following entries and choose Show Items. A list of open items is displayed in the
General Information section Open Items section.
Company Code: 1000
Posting Date: 26.04.2018
Document Date: : 26.04.2018
Value Date: : 26.04.2018
Reference (optional): referenceJournal Entry Type: KZ
Bank Data section
G/L Account: 511100
House Bank / Account: 300001
Amount / Currency: PKR
Fees: Optional
Assignment: Optional
Exchange Rate: Optional
Amount / CCode Currency:Optional
Open Item Selection Account
Supplier Account: 10000001
Select/Deselect Select the invoice to pay, and in the Clear column, choose Clear. The invoice where the payment will
be applied is transferred to the Items
to be Cleared section.
Allocate In the Items to be Cleared section, enter the following and press Enter: The Balance at the top is zero.
Allocated Amount: invoice amount less the downpayment amount
Post Choose Post. The system displays the Success
screen with message Journal entry
xxxxxxxxxx succesfully posted.

Screen shot for posting outgoing payment is as below:

Choose Post.
You have made the payment to vendors
2.8 Adjusting Payments with Vendor Invoices

Use this procedure to clear open items not automatically cleared via payment process.

1. Open “Clear Vendor” App. from Fiori Launchpad
2. Make the following entriesin Initial Screen then press enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Enter Supplier Information Choose the Clear Open Items button. A list of open items to be cleared is
Make the following entries and press Enter: displayed.
Company Code: 1000
Supplier: 10000001
Select More To display open Items and special G/L transactions choose Normal open Items and special G/L
Select More and choose: transactions are displayed in Open
Line Item Type: Normal Open Items and Special G/L Items section.
Open Item Selection In the Open Items section, select the invoice where you applied When the invoice is chosen, the
the payment in the Post Outgoing. assigned payment is also selected. In
the Items to Be Cleared section, the
balance of the open item (invoice) is
Simulate (Optional) Before posting, there is the option of simulating the posting. A screen showing the posting to be
created when the document is posted
is displayed.
Post Choose the Post button. The system displays Success. Showing
the document number, company code,
and year created and option buttons to
Display or go to the Payment List are

Screen shot for adjusting vendor is as below:

Choose Post.

You have adjusted the payment with vendors
2.9 Accrual / Deferral of Documents
Use this procedure to enter an accrual or deferral document.

1. Open “Enter Accrual/Deferral Journal Entry” App. from Fiori Launchpad
2. Make the following entriesin Initial Screen then press enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Enter Data Make the following entries and press Enter. A document is processed.
The Document Header Information pane contains the individual data for the
document to be posted.
Document Header Information
Document Date: 26.04.2018
Currency: PKR
Posting Date: 26.04.2018
Document Type: SA
Company Code: 1000
Reversal Reason: <04>
Reversal Reason: 01
First line item
Posting Key: 40
Account: For example: 750000
Enter item 1 Amount: <amount of accrual entry>, for example, 900
Tax code: A0
Text: <relevant text>, for example, Test deferred expenses
Next line item
Posting Key: 50
Account: For example, 300001
Enter item 2 Cost Center: for example, 10001 After the second item entry you
Amount: 200000 can post the accrual.

Post Choose Post

Screen shot for entering accrual/defferal is as below:

Choose Post.

You have entered the accrual and defferal.
2.10 Aging Analysis - Accounts Payable

Use this procedure to run the due date analysis report for a specific vendor.


1. Open “Analyze Due DatesFor Suppliers” App. from Fiori Launchpad

2. Make the following entriesin Initial Screen then press enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comments

Navigation To change the view, choose the drill-down button or buttons in the first row of Different views can be
the report displayed

Screen shot for aging analysis is as below:

Choose Execute.
You have performedaging analysis process

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