Terminologies: Angelo Mosso
Terminologies: Angelo Mosso
Terminologies: Angelo Mosso
ANGELO MOSSO – 1895 Studied fear and its influence on the hearth and his observations
subsequently formed the basis for the technique. Developed the SPHYGMAMOMANOMETER
and the SCIENTIFIC CRADLE, which he used in studying fear on the heart.
Ascending limb – with the expansion of the chest during the inhalating, the air capacity in the
pneumograph tube is increased creating a vacuum within the system, which reduces the
internal surface pressure against the bellow. Thus moving the bellows backward causing a
lateral clockwise or upward stroke of the pen.
Automatic Nervous System- It is the one responsible for regulating mechanisms that correct
the slightest deviation from particular standard within very fine limits.
Analysis – Study the polygraph tracing but he must consider and weight the importance of
factors effecting the demeanor and physical condition.
Black liar- A person who always pretends.What he thinks of himself, what kind of person he is,
and what he is.
BENIGN LIE – Used to maintain the harmony, of friendship, harmony of the home or office.
Blood pressure- Increase of blood pressure and heartbeat frequency following relevant
questions and the suppression in breathing are the criteria for detecting deception.
CESAR LOMBROSO – 1895 Employed the first scientific instrument to detect deception. This
instrument known as HYDORSPHYGMOGRAPH, measured changes in pulse and blood
pressure when suspects were questioned about their involvement in or knowledge of a specific
Chart – Paper on which the physiological changes are recorded.
Cleve Backster – 1947 Develop the control question technique which introduces a lie in the
polygraph chart to establish a yard sticks so that one would know what the reaction really
CARDIOS PHYMOGRAPH - Records the changes in the blood pressure and pulse rate of the
Control questions Test – These are questions unrelated to the matter under investigation but
are of similar nature although less serious as compared to those relevant questions under
Chemical legal basis- chemical laws those laws of nature relevant to chemistry.
Diagnostic Opinion – Guilty or clear
Daniel Poe- wrote essay entitled “An effectual scheme for the preventing of street robberies
and suppressing all other Disorder of the night.
Depressants- These type of drugs have six common an categories, including alcohol and
DR. WILLIAM Moulton MARSTON – 1915 He conducted numerous tests for detecting
deception utilizing the changes in systolic blood pressure. He favored discontinuous method of
reading systolic blood pressure
D’Arsonval-French Scientist- Declared that electricity is generated by the body and named
External Friction as source of generation. He assorted those sweat glands which the body at
times store the electricity and at other times discharged them.
Darrow (1930)Devised a research photo polygraph which records several responses
Deception Response- Abnormalities as a result of telling a lie (more on psychological and such
also is accompanied by physical changes.
ETHNOLOGICAL LIAR- Is one who is taught not to be a squealer squealer to cry or to shrill
voice. Used by underworld gang in order for their member not to reveal any secret of their
Electrodermal Response- This is the most current popular name for the human body
phenomenon in which the body, mainly the skin, changes resistance electrically upon the
application of certain external stimuli.
Examiner on polygraphist – Conduct Exam.
Examination – Begins no later than when the person first enters the polygraph suite and ends
no earlier when he leaves.
Ear- which receives the threatening question or known as stimulus from the polygraph.
Fishing Expedition Test Question – Used to vagrants or loiters for routine interrogation. No
idea about what offense has been committed.
Fere – (1888)French Scientist Discovered that electro dermal response is caused by an
increase in the action of the heart and vital energy converted with human emotions.
Guilty – Lying
Galileo (1581)- Devised a gadget called “Pulsilogium Instrument used to measure heartbeat
frequency. He did not use this device for lie detection purposes.
GALVANOGRAPH - Records the changes in the skin resistance of the subject in a small a
mount of electricity, attached in the index and ring finger.
Graph paper- is lined and spaced in seconds. It is moving under pens at a uniform rate of six
inches per minute. Rate is kept uniform through medium of synchronized motor.
HAROLD BURTT – 1918Determined that respiratory changes were indicative of deception.
Found out that changes in systolic blood pressure were of greater value in determining
deception than changes in respiration.
HAND ELECTRODE – which is fastened to the hand by a stretched band. Function is to make
electrical contact with the subject.
Hypnosis- is the alternation of consciousness and concentration in which the subject manifests
a heightened of suggestibility while awareness is maintained.
Instrument – Scientific Instrument
Interrogate – Refuse to divulge information regarding the case
Inadmissible-The results of the polygraph test as evidence by suggestions..
JOHN LARSON – 1921 Developed the polygraph, an instrument capable of continuously
records blood pressure, pulse, and respiration.
John E. Reid – 1945 Devised an instrument for recording muscular activity. The recording
made simultaneously with blood pressure pulse respiration tracings, renders much more
accurate any diagnosis based upon these later phenomena.
KYMOGRAPH - Is a small motor that pull or dried the chart paper at the rate of 6 inches per
KEELER POLYGRAPH- In 1925, Keeler developed a compact portal instrument using a
modification of the Erlanger pressure reducer that permitted the blood pressure changes to be
recorded over a greater range. He later make further improvement by substituting metal bellows
or diaphragm capsules in place of the Erlanger type pressure reducer.
LEONARD KEELER – 1926 He devised metal recording bellows Rolled chart paper Incorporated
galvanograph with the measurement of blood pressure and respiration.
Intelligence Testing – provide a scientific method of testing the intelligence of a person.
Knowledge question – this question is designed or begun to probe whether the subject
possess information regarding the identity of the offender, the location of evidences or items of
secondary element of the case.
LEONARD KEELER – 1926 He devised the metal recording bellows. Devised the kymographs
assembly and the rolled chart paper.
Lie Detector- It is the popular but misleading name of the Polygraph. In Greek, Polygraph
means “many writings” and the instrument was so named because it make various ink
recordings of a person’s body functions.
LARSON POLYGRAPH- This is the first assemblage of apparatus and some of his co-workers
in the Berkeley Police Department. A strip of paper on which the tracings are recorded is
mounted on two drums, which are turned by a spring mechanism known as a kymograph.
LEE PSYCHOGRAPH- This instrument was designed by Captain Clarence D. Lee and known
as the Berkeley Psychograph. It consists essentially of four units:
LIE DETECTION- In every criminal investigation, the truth must be established to ensure proper
prosecution of offenders. Criminal investigators must exert all effort to determine lying not only
on the part of the suspect but as well as to everyone involved in the criminal act witnesses,
victims, etc.
LIE -Any untruthful statement; Falsehood; Anything that deceives or creates false impression.
Narcoanalysis or Narcosynthesis- This method of deception detection is practically the same
as that of administration of truth serum. The only difference is the drug used. Psychiatric
sodium amytal o sodium pentothal is administered to the subject. When the effects appear,
questioning starts. It is claimed that the drug causes depression of the inhibitory mechanism of
the brain and the subject talks freely.
Munsterburg (1908)- Proposed that lie test based on lie detector should be admissible as
evidence in court. The detection is based on using blood pressure variations for deception
Manual centering knob – used to place cardio in its proper place on the chart.
Mechanical cause – the fine coil springs attached to the pivot mountain pen cradle serve as
counter balance for pen movement either above or below the established base line and assists
in returning the pen cradle to or towards the original position.
Machine Fright Response
Interference abnormal response that originates in Step 2 (fright to the machine) of the reaction
chain or situational fright. It appears on the first question or so and no longer appears
throughout the test.
OCCUPATIONAL LIAR- Is someone laid for spare years. This person is a practical liar and lies
when it has a higher “pay off” than telling the truth.
ORDEAL- Is a term of varying meaning closely related in the Medieval Latin “Dei Indicum”
meaning “Miraculous decision. Ancient method of trial in which the accused was exposed to
physical danger which was supposed to be harmless if he was innocent.
Ordeal by balance- Practiced in the Institute of Vishnu, India.Scale of balanced is used.In one
end of the scale, the accused is placed in the other end, a counter balance. The person will step
out of the scale listened to a judge deliver an extortion is the balance and her back in. If he
were found to be lighter than before then he should be acquitted.
Ordeal by rice chewing- Practiced by Indians. It is formed with a kind of rice called sathee,
prepared with various incantations.
Ordeal of the red water- Used in a wide region of Eastern Africa.The ordeal of the “sassy bark”
or red water is used.The accused is made to fast for twelve hours.
Ordeal by heat and fire- The accused was compelled to walk bare footed through a fire; if he
remains unhurt then he is innocent.
Ordeal of Boiling Oil or Water- The accused was forced to dip his hands into the boiling water
or oil and ask to pick up stone in it. If he remains unhurt then he is innocent.Practiced in Asian
Ordeal of Red hot Needle Red hot needle was drawn through the lips of the accused, if innocent;
no blood will be seen flowing out. Practiced in Wanaka, East Africa.
Ordeal of the Tiger- Accuser and accused were placed together in the same and a tiger set
loose upon them. If both were spared, further elimination followed.With such means of redress,
there were probably not very many plaintiffs. Practical in Siam.
Ordeal by Combat- Accuser and accused report to a duel where the winner was adjudged
innocent. Those not proficient in weapons and those who could not afford to do so could hire
champions in the field to do the fighting for them.
Off and on power switch – on switch is to energize the galvanograph section.
Outside Interference Response- Interfering response originating in step 1 of the reaction chain
in the form of unwanted auditory or stimuli.
Polygraph- It is a scientific diagnostic instrument used to record physiological changes in the
blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance of an examinee under controlled
Polygraphy- It is the scientific method of detecting deception with the use of a polygraph
instrument. This is the new name of LIE DETECTION.
PANIC LIAR- It is one who lies in order to avoid the consequences of a confession. He/She is
afraid of embarrassment to love ones and it is a serious blow to his / her ego.
PSYCHOPATHIC LIAR- The most difficult type.This person has no conscience. He shows no
regret for dishonestly and no manifestation of guilt.
PATHOLOGICAL LIAR- A person who cannot distinguish right from wrong his mind is sick. Is an
insane person.
Polygram – Whole chart when finished
Paul Wilhelm - Michigan City, Indiana, USA, (Independent Lie Detector Specialists). Invented
an Electronic Psychometric using Electro dermal Response as a basis for lie detection.
PNEUMOGRAPH - Records the changes in the breathing of the subject
PANEL CONTROL – to allow the operator to control or adjust the operation of the
PEAK-OF-TENSION TEST -The subject may be given this test if he is not yet informed of the
details of the offense for which he is being interrogated by the investigation, or by other persons
or from other sources like the print media.
Periodic Testing- This is conducted for the purpose of determining the honesty of employees
assigned to sensitive position. It also acts as a constant deterrent to employee’s dishonesty.
Physical Movement Response- Interfering response caused by voluntary physical movement
by the subject during the lie test and is found between steps 4 and 5 of the reaction chain.
Pre-employment Screening – it provide a safe method in verifying statements of a job
applicant, prevent false evaluation and false judgment as reported by previous employer who
carry a personal grudge against him Done when the subject is applying for a job.
Periodic Screening – conducted to organic employees only, act as constant deterrent to
employee’s dishonesty and create a bond of mutual strength among employees. We call it as
personnel check.
RESONANCE CONTROL – It allows you to clear up or make a better pattern when you have
too much pulse pressure of the subject.
STICKER – 1897 First to suggest the use of the galvanograph for detecting deception based on
the work of several predecessors.
Subject of Person – Individual Examined
Sir James Mackenzle- Generally overlooked in that history of the lie detector technique is the
fact that so called polygraph was in existence at least as early as 1906. Its invention, however
as not for lie detection purposes, rather for the use in medical examination. Nevertheless, it did
contain the essential features of present day instrument and first construction was based upon
the same principle.
Strong Relevant Question – it is defined as verbal stimulus of primary important projected in
the form of a question which overcome a psychological excitement level and causes
pneumograph, cardiosphygmograph, and galvanograph tracings changes from the subject’s
physiological norms.
SILENT ANSWER TEST (SAT)- This test is conducted in the same manner as when relevant and
control questions are asked but the subject is instructed to answer the questions silently, to
himself, without making any verbal response causes distortion in the tracing such as sniff or
Semi-Voluntary Response- Include metabolism changes emotional expressions reaction time
in replies and eye-movements. The average subject has some control over these.
TOURNAMENT LIAR- Loves to lie and is excited by the challenge of not being detected. This
person views an interview as another contest and wants to win.
Trial by Torture- The accused was put into a severe physical test.
Trial of the Eucharist- This trial is reserved for the clergy, and administered with pomp and
ceremony. If the accused was guilty, the Angel Gabriel will descend from heaven and prevent
the accused from swallowing the food given to him.
Test – is that which transpires from the chart drives is turned on until it is turned off.
VITTORIO BENUSSI – 1914 Successfully detected deception with a pneumograph, an instrument
that graphically measures an examinee’s inhalation and exhalation. He demonstrated that
changes in breathing patterns accompany deception.
Validity – Refers to the extent to which an instrument measures what it is suppose to measure.
(Ex. I-Q, validated against scholastic achievements). People both think an continually use
accurate and dignified words then our own thoughts, speech and attitudes will be more
understandable, precise and scientific.
VERGUTH – 1926 He was the first who used the term psycho-galvanic reflex. He believed that
electrical phenomena are due to the activity of sweat glands.
WILLIAM MARSTON – 1915He dealt with the sphygmomanometer which was used to obtain
periodic discontinuous blood pressure readings during the course of an examination;
White or Benign Lie- It is a kind of lie to preserve the harmony of a relationship.