Effect of Moisture Content On The Moulding Properties of River Niger Sand Using Tudun-Wada Clay As A Binder
Effect of Moisture Content On The Moulding Properties of River Niger Sand Using Tudun-Wada Clay As A Binder
Effect of Moisture Content On The Moulding Properties of River Niger Sand Using Tudun-Wada Clay As A Binder
This work was conducted in order to investigate the moisture content of the
moulding properties of River Niger sand using Tudun-Wada clay as a binder. All the
result obtained show that the sand properties were affected by the quantity of moisture
content and other factor such as clay. The moisture content has the effect on the sand
properties at varying quantity of moisture, sand and fixed amount of clay. The higher
value of green strength show that the mould produced would have more resistance to
wear and eternal pressure. Increase in permeability number show that Tudun-Wada
clay moulds are better venting out evolved gas, therefore, when hot molten metal are
poured into the mould such defect as blow and holes would be eliminated. River Niger
sand is found to be suitable for use as foundry moulding sand. Tudun-Wada clay could
serve as a satisfactory alternative to bentonite for use as binding clay in foundry and
mould. The moulding mixture of Tudun-Wada clay and River Niger sand with
appropriate water content is suitable for ferrous and non-ferrous alloy casting of
component parts.
Keywords: Binder, casting, moisture, moulding, permeability number.
that they retain water when dry, and they rammer and then rammed with three drop of
become hard and lose their plasticity when the standard weight of 6.6kg. After ramming,
subjected to heat. the specimen was ejected from the specimen
tube. After ramming, the specimen was ejected
from the tube with the aid of specimen
Materials and Methods extractor. This procedure was repeated for the
preparation of the standard test specimens for
All the materials required for this the various compositions of the moulding
research work were sourced locally. The silica mixtures.
sand was sourced from River Niger at Lokoja
under Murtala Mohammed bridge. The binding Determination of Grain Size Distribution
clay was sourced from Tudun-Wada Dankadai
near Rafin Magami in Tudun-Wada Local The stocks of sieve were arranged
Government Council, Kano State. Each of the according to the sieve aperture with the largest
test specimens from the various mixture were aperture on top of the stock and then smallest
subjected to the relevant sand mould test such aperture at the bottom (on top of pan). Some
as Green Compression Strength, Green Shear quantity of sand were dried in the air and 100g
Strength, Dry Compression Strength, Dry of the sand sample was taken on to the top of
Shear Strength and permeability test and wee sieve stock and stocks were placed on a sieve
sieve analysis. All the tests were carried out shaker and then switched on, the time was set
with the sand testing equipment at the National to allow for vibration for a period of fifteen
Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos, (15) minutes and after vibrating for a period of
Plateau State of Nigeria. The test sample were 15minutes, the vibration stopped automatically.
prepared in accordance with the standard The sieves were removed one after the other
specification for the preparation of moulding beginning with one on top. The quantity of
sand test samples using Ridsolate standard sand sand remaining on each sieve was weighed.
rammer conforming to imperial (2”diameter x The weight was recorded accordingly on each
2” Height) or DIN (SCM diameter by 5cm sieve in the column corresponding to the sieve
height). Test sample specimens were prepared mesh number, i.e., British Standard Sieve
for laboratory experiment from various number (BSS). Each separate sieve weight was
moulding sand mixtures as shown in Table 1. multiplied by the preceding sieve mesh
number. The sum total of the product was
Sample Preparation divided by the total sample aligned and this
produced the fineness number of the sand.
The required quantity of the sand, clay Table 2 shows the results obtained.
and water for each of the samples A-F were
measured in accordance with the varying Table1. Percentage and weight composition of
proportion and put into the laboratory mixer moulding mixture.
and then mixed for about five minutes. When
thoroughly mixed, the mixture was discharged Water Clay Sand
% g % g % g
from the mixer through the discharge opening
A 1 6 12 72 87 522
at the bottom of the mixer. The quantity that
B 2 12 12 72 86 516
gives the required size of 5cm diameter x 5cm
C 4 24 12 72 84 504
height was weighed on the weigh-balance and D 6 36 12 72 82 492
then poured into the specimen tube. This E 8 48 12 72 80 480
weight differs for different mixtures of sand F 10 60 12 72 78 468
component. The tube with the sand sample
inside it was positioned in the specimen
was carried out on the standard sample dry shear strength of sample of moulding
specimen of 5cm diameter x 5cm height. The mixture was observed to increase with moisture
specimen, while still in the tube, was mounted content reaching a maximum at 10% water
on permeability meter. The permeability meter addition as shown in Table 3.
is an electrical perimeter and it employed the River Niger sand is sub-angular in shape
orifice method for rapid determination of sand and brownish in colour. It is very fine silica
permeability. Air at a constant pressure is sand, the free content of clay of the sand makes
applied to the standard sample specimen, it suitable for use as core sand in addition to its
immediately after producing the sample and the suitability for use as a moulding sand. Tudun-
drop in pressure was measured on the pressure Wada clay is very fine clay and has a high
gauge, which is calibrated directly in plastic in nature when mixed with water. This
permeability numbers. The result was recorded characteristic of the clay makes it suitable for
as shown in Table 3. foundry application as a binder. The grain
fineness number of River Niger sand is 41.412
AFS fineness number. This grade of fineness
Results and Discussion number is suitable for all types of alloys steel
as this belongs to the group of fineness number
The Green Compression Strength (GCS) that has a wide range of application. The other
of the moulding sand mixture decreased from grades of the sand are very much available
11.11psi (76.59KN/m2) to 4.2 psi within the shore of the river. The selection of
(28.98KN/m ) of 1% and 10% water addition the appropriate grade of grain size for a
respectively. This shows that Tudun-Wada clay specific application largely depends on
has good bonding characteristic at 1% water experience and the nature of the alloy
addition. Metals can be cast with 1% water production in a particular foundry industry.
addition to the moulding sand mixture, mould River Niger sand and Tudun-Wada clay
wall erosion could occurred during pouring of when mixed together with varying percentage
hot liquid metal as a result of friable nature of of water produce a plastic mass with varying
the mould. degree of strength. In the green state of the
The Green Shear Strength (GSS) of the mixtures; the strength decrease with increasing
moulding sand mixture was observed to be moisture content, reaching its ultimate strength
decreasing from 1.2psi (8.28KN/m2) to 0.2 psi at 1% water addition which is friable. The level
(1.38KN/m2) of 1% and 10% water addition of strength reach between 2% to 6% water
respectively. The Dry Compression Strength additions conforms to the standard
for 1% water content is 62psi (427.8KN/m2) specification for metal casting moulding sands.
and this value increases with further increase in Although the strength level of 8% and 10%
moisture content of the mixture reaching the water addition are relatively lower enough
maximum value of 467.5 psi (3225.75KN/m2). these levels of moisture content are
It was discovered that the strength of the dry considerably much higher for some alloys such
sample is greater than that of calibrated as ferrous alloys, under green application.
strength on the universal testing machine. The
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Oxford, UK, pp. 28-55.
Jain, P.L. 1986. Principles of foundry
technology. 2nd ed., Tala McGraw-Hill, New
Fig.3. Effect of moisture content (%) on dry Delhi, India.
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Postgraduate Diploma Thesis submitted to
the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Abubakar Tafa Balewa University, Bauchi,