Puerto de Barcelona: Case Studies

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Puerto de Barcelona



San Ciprian—Lugo


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Billy L. Edge* and Roger S. Schlueter


Environmental assessment, engineering studies and designs were completed for

a new 26.5 m3/s seawater intake system in the Persian Gulf. The original
intake facility consisted of a curved, 60m breakwater with one end attached to
the shoreline, a settling basin immediately adjacent to the shoreline and
dredged to a maximum depth of approximately 5m, and a pumphouse structure
located on shore such that the seaward wall formed one side of the settling
basin. The facility located on an island in the Gulf, which served multiple
seawater uses, had experienced both structural and operational problems, the
latter consisting principally of excessive ingestion of sediment and seaweed.
These factors plus the requirement for additional demands for seawater beyond
plant capacity caused the owner to initiate a study of alternative intake
systems, produce a design for the most effective solution and construct the
new intake system.


The intake system supplies cooling water primarily to a large LNG

processing facility. Cooling water enters from the Gulf on the north side of
the island through a small 5m deep sedimentation basin into the front bay of a
large pump station with seven pumps. The cooling water circulates through
the condensers and then back into the Gulf on the east side of the island.
The site location is shown on Figure 1. Through field studies and numerical
analysis it was shown that the heated discharge did reach the intake at some
stages of the tide causing poor cooling performance.

A second problem has occurred seasonally for several years. In parti-

cular, at certain times of the year Colpomenia cf. sinuosa (a macro algae)
appear in great quantity and clog the cooling water intake. In front of the
pump bays, a rotating screen operates behind a bar screen. On several
occasions the quantities of macro algae were so great as to totally clog the
system and to cause the plant to shut down for several days. The economic
consequences of this are obvious.

The third problem which required solution was the identification of the
source and elimination of the sediments being ingested into the plant. These
sediments were not only filling in the deposition basin but were also going
through the pumps causing excessive wear on the cooling system.

Lastly, there was a desire to increase the capacity of the intake plant by
50% to include increased cooling requirements as well as fire water and
desalinization needs.

Cubit Engineering, 4431 Embarcadero Drive, West Palm Beach, FL

*AMI Systems Inc., Santa Barbara, CA


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Figure 1. Location of project site in Persian Gulf.


A program was developed to analyze the problem, to identify appropriate

solutions and to carry those solutions through design to construction. The
study and analysis included:

o Field data collection and analysis covering site physical oceanography,

meteorology, coastal geomorphology, biofouling, and thermal dispersion;
o Engineering studies including thermal recirculation, bio-fouling control,
and development of design criteria;

o Formulation and evaluation of alternative conceptual layouts for a new

intake facility with particular attention directed to construction and
operational integration with the existing plant;

o Recommendations for any additional field studies and hydraulic modeling

prior to initiation of the final design process;

o Preparation of final design and tender documents and completion of




Winds are of primary concern in the design of virtually any coastal or

offshore structure because of the direct influence they have upon the wave
climate, current circulation, and storm surge phenomena. The dominant
extreme wind regime in the Persian Gulf is the winter "shamal", characterized
by strong northwesterly winds which generally persist for a period of several
days. A statistical analysis of wind velocity maxima was made on the basis of
continuous speed and direction measurements during the period 1958 to 1967
(IMCOS Marine, 1969). The analysis indicates that about 50 percent of the
time winds are from the northwest. Return probabilities of storm wind
occurrence at the site were estimated from this data and are shown below:

Table 1. Extreme wind statistical analysis

Return Period 6-hr Mean Velocity

(years) (m/sec)

100 23
25 21
10 19

In support of these figures it should be noted that ship observations in

the southern Persian Gulf tabulated by the U.S. Naval Weather Service
Command (USNWS, 1971) indicate that during the period 1963 to 1971 no winds
occurred that were in excess of 24 m/sec from any direction.

A recent study performed for ARAMCO (Ocean Weather, Inc., 1983)

reviewed the storm meteorology of the Persian Gulf since 1963. Historical
wind data were compiled, annotated, and reduced to 15 extreme events over
the study period. This data base was used to develop design wave and water
level criteria.


A statistical definition of storm-generated wave heights and periods was

required to determine (1) the degree of attenuation necessary to protect
shoreline pump bays and (2) the structural requirements necessary to ensure
the survival of intake structures and breakwaters during adverse weather
conditions. Design wave parameters have been previously prepared by A.H.
Glenn Associates (1982).

Long-term records of wave data directly relevant to the site are

virtually non-existent. Consequently, a description of the design wave
condition were made through hindcast techniques. In this analytical
technique, the more extensive wind data over the Gulf region is used to
reconstruct historical storms of record. Numerical and empirical models are
then employed to calculate or "hindcast" the corresponding wave characteristics
at the point of interest.

Table 2. Predicted wave heights

Return Water Sig. Sig. Max. Max.

Period Depth Wave Ht. Wave Per. Wave Ht. Wave Per.
(years) (m ISLW) (m) (sec) (m) (sec)

10 4.7 3.4 7.3 — —

13.5 4.2 7.4 7.9 8.2
25.0 4.4 7.4 8.2 8.2

100 6.0 4.4 8.6 4.6 9.6

13.5 5.4 8.7 10.0 9.7
25.0 5.7 8.7 10.7 9.7

Based upon 15 extreme wind events compiled in a recent study for

ARAMCO (Oceanweather, Inc., 1983), a storm considered to be the largest
event over the last 25 years was analyzed for wave incidence at the intake
site. This shamal occurred over the period January 19 to 21, 1964 and is
estimated to represent a 25- yr event. Hindcast analysis of this storm using
the discrete spectral model of Resio (Resio et al., 1981), which has been
calibrated for this region of the Persian Gulf, gave a peak significant wave
height of 4.5 m and a spectral peak period of 10 seconds.

Wave refraction analysis was performed to evaluate the transformation of

deeper water waves to the near shore region on the northern side of the
island. Wave behavior for waves with periods of 6, 8, 10 and 12 seconds
approaching the site from the northwest, north and northeast sectors was
analyzed. These conditions were chosen as representative of those generated
by the shamals.

Water Levels

Anticipated extreme water levels over the design life of the intake
system determine requirements for pump machinery protection. Furthermore,
they govern the maximum wave height which can propagate to the intake.
Conversely, the minimum water level to be expected at the site is an important

consideration in terms of insuring enough water depth to maintain the design

cooling water flow rate. Astronomical tidal information relative to the site is
summarized below:

Table 3. Astronomical tide summary

(elevations in meters relative to Chart Datum)

Level (m) Reference

Highest astronomical tide 1.7 A.H. Glenn, 1982

Mean Higher High Water 1.2 U.S. NOS, 1980
Mean Tide Level .8 A.H. Glenn, 1982
Mean Lower Low Water .5 U.S. NOS, 1980
Lowest Astronomical tide -.1 A.H. Glenn, 1982

Storm surge and seiche resulting from sustained winds blowing over the
Gulf can create an additional rise or fall of the water level. The
northwesterly shamal is capable of generating storm surges via wind stress
effects over the axis of the Gulf. IMCOS Marine (1969) predicted a still water
level of +3.05 m and it is assumed that this value represents a 100-yr event.

To confirm this value, one and two-dimensional numerical storm surge

models were run over the entire Persian Gulf using hindcast wind fields
obtained from Oceanweather, Inc. Surge was assumed to be coincident with a
Mean Higher High Water tide and results indicated that a maximum still water
level on the order of +2.76m and possibly lower may be a more likely
expectation over the project design life.

Southerly winds which persist for some duration are capable of lowering
the still water level at the southern end of the Persian Gulf. A simplified
one-dimensional drawdown calculation was made using bathystrophic storm tide
theory. Preliminary and uncalibrated results indicate that drawdown on the
order of 0.75 m may be expected over the project life of the intake structures.


Determination of predominant flow characteristics provides important

operational design information related to net flow rates of fouling organisms or
other material toward the intake as well as thermal plume recirculation. No
historical, site specific data were available on currents in the vicinity of the
site. Consequently, a brief field measurement study to record in situ current
speed and direction was undertaken.

Thermal Recirculation

The hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of the LNG intake and

discharge structures are reasonably complex due to the poorly defined
advection and mixing conditions and complex bathymetry. The discharge
volumes and velocities of the proposed new discharge channel are large as is
the temperature difference between the discharge and ambient waters. The

discharge is into shallow waters which are subject to complete current reversal
as the tide sweeps around the island.

The field study results of the vertical profiles of temperature and the
synoptic temperature plots indicate that the discharge plume remains attached
to the surface and shows relatively little vertical dispersion. Field studies also
indicate that during conditions of tidal cycle which carries the discharge plume
towards the intake, the observed temperature rise was primarily confined to
the upper water layer.

Because of the complexities stated above it was decided to divide the

analyses into two phases, the first analyzing the near-field plume and the
second the far-field effects. The near-field is defined as that region in which
the discharge plume characteristics are dominant. The far-field is defined as
the region in which the larger scale oceanic forces dominate.

Modeling of the far-field, where tidal and wind forces are dominant,
poses different problems from the near-field. Due to the location of the site,
a conventional hydrodynamic modeling effort is complicated by the difficulties
to determine appropriate boundary conditions. With the surface plume strati-
fication, use of a three-dimensional or stratified model would be desirable.
However, given the lack of information regarding vertical mixing and the far
greater amount of boundary information required by a three-dimensional model,
such an approach is not justifiable. Therefore, it was decided to use a depth
averaged model and apply various sets of assumptions which would bound the
extreme case conditions. Boundary conditions were determined by running a
two-dimensional model for the entire Gulf as schematized in Figure 1.


Required seawater quality in terms of undissolved solids for the new

intake system were defined as 1.5 ppm for calm conditions and 5 ppm for
storm conditions. In addition, it was stated that water for the new firewater
system should not contain solids which will block a 3.5-mm diameter spray
nozzle. These requirements essentially define the limitations on sediment
ingestion by the new seawater intake system.

Significant sedimentation within the existing pump forebay area was

reported but no quantitative information adequately delineated the problem.
Therefore, it was necessary to conduct an investigation to determine the origin
and magnitude of this sedimentation problem.

While the rate of intake of sediments rises during storms, it is reported

to be a minor problem. The sediments appearing just on the outside of the
breakwater are not in sufficient quantity to create an ongoing problem. In
addition, because of their coarseness, they are not readily mobilized and do
not appear to be moving toward the mouth of the intake at a rate to create a
problem. Moreover, these sediments do not appear to have been transported
into this area from a remote distance.

Field studies determined that the breakwater was responsible for the
majority of sediment build-up. Improperly graded filter stone was placed
beneath the 15-ton tetrapod armor units and significant leaching of the core
material occurred. Furthermore, poor stone materials, including breccia from

the island, were used and a breakdown toward fine material began via water
induced deterioration and wave generated abrasive stresses.

Geotechnical Factors

The site is one of a number of diapiric structures which occur in the

Persian Gulf and which are part of a major province of salt diapirism
centered in southern Iran. During the early Pleistocene epoch, tectonic
pressures within the crustal rocks at depth beneath the Gulf initiated a
redistribution of a major evaporite horizon within the Cambrian Hormuz
series. The low specific gravity and viscosity of this evaporite as compared
with the surrounding rock types resulted in the upward movement of the
evaporite mass through the overlying strata forming a salt plug.

The northern part of the island is the gypsum cap of the salt plug.
Severe disturbance of surrounding rocks occurred during the upward movement
of the evaporites. Large masses of rock have been detached and reoriented
and a wide variety of rock fragments were mixed into a gypsum matrix. The
subsequent dissolution of the salt plug by seawater has resulted in a chaotic
aggregation of evaporite, sedimentary and igneous rocks around numerous
domes of gypsum and gypsum breccia, and today, no orderly geological
sequence can be established within the rocks. However, it is estimated at this
time that the near shore region sub-bottom most likely consists of a layer of
coral rock underlying breccia or sandstone.

From an engineering standpoint, offshore excavation will be difficult and

require powerful dredging equipment as some of the coral and breccia can be
moderately strong (unconfined compressive strengths for coral and breccia
reaching values of up to 5 MN/m2 and 17 MN/m2, respectively). Breakwater
protection can most likely be placed directly on the sea bottom without any
risks for a base type failure. The rock will need to be imported to the island.


Several onshore and offshore alternative cooling water intake system

concepts were evaluated during the course of this study. Each concept was
formulated to satisfy the following basic design requirements:

1. Provide the necessary cooling water volume

2. Eliminate sediment ingestion
3. Eliminate entrainment of biological foulants
4. Not interfere with the existing intake during construction
5. Afford practical construction methodology
6. Minimize thermal recirculation of discharge water.

In developing alternative system configurations, the primary concern was

system reliability since the present facilities provide unacceptable levels of
downtime associated with fouling and unacceptable rates of wear and high
maintenance due to sediment ingestion.

Because of the large expense associated with shutdowns of the seawater

system, a more reliable system having a higher initial construction cost may

provide a more economical long-term solution when total costs are considered.
Consequently, hydraulic performance and antifouling characteristics were
heavily weighed evaluating the alternatives. Secondarily, construction logistics
were considered in terms of the ease of building the various schemes at this
site in the Persian Gulf.

Table 4. Cooling water intake alternatives

Onshore Concepts

1. Extension of West Breakwater to create a calming

zone and construction of new intake pump chamber
near existing structure.
2. Porous dike.

Offshore Concepts

3. Offshore pipeline and intake; pipeline laid on bottom surface.

4. Offshore pipeline and intake; pipeline buried below bottom
5. Offshore tunnel and intake.
6. Offshore pipeline trestle and suction riser.

Onshore Concepts

An onshore intake withdraws seawater from the entire nearshore water

column because of the relatively shallow entry depth compared to the large
pumping demand. Any onshore system will be exposed to the same loading
stresses which the existing pump station has experienced. Therefore, facility
improvements are required so that sand entrainment, biological fouling, and
pollution contamination can be handled with no loss of plant efficiency.

Two onshore concepts were reviewed. The first concept is shown in

Figure 2 and is essentially an extended modification of the existing intake
layout with the breakwater running parallel to the shoreline. The stilling
basin would be designed to provide sufficient wave protection and a
sufficiently low current that sediments would be induced to settle out in the
deepened basin. This would allow a longer accumulation time between
maintenance dredging.

Entrained Colpomenia and other biota would still require mechanical

screen removal. However, it is possible that some improvement over the
present design could be obtained through careful specification of filter
systems and screen wash management.

The second onshore alternative incorporates the use of a porous dike-a

rubblemound structure constructed of highly permeable material~to completely
enclose the onshore pump station. In this scheme, seawater filters through the
structure's voids en route to the pump station and undesired foulants and
sediments are virtually precluded from entry.

The principal drawback to porous dikes are their uncertain history

regarding long-term clogging. The structure must be designed to anticipate a
degradation of porosity. Calculations were made to determine the length of

EL. -4.0m

Figure 2. Onshore intake with parallel breakwater.

7.4 pi


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Figure 3. Offshore submerged intake riser.


dike needed to provide the design flow rate. Assuming a cross section
constructed with fine gravel, a dike length of at least 1,200 m would be
required. Furthermore, the ability of the system to prevent infiltration of
floating pollutants is unknown. For these reasons, the concept was rejected.

Offshore Concepts

An offshore intake is often employed to withdraw large quantities of

water when onshore intakes are not acceptable. Furthermore, an offshore
intake can be used to access ambient water with cooler temperature
characteristics. Consequently, this concept has important, attractive features
that allow it to meet the design specification for the cooling water system.

Offshore intakes have been successfully used in a variety of marine

cooling water applications. By submerging the point of water withdrawal
sufficiently below still water level, operation can continue uninterrupted even
during severe storm wave activity.

Based on available information, the offshore intake concept was

recommended for design. Because of its proven operating capabilities, it
offers the highest potential for alleviating the problems which are presently
being experienced at the existing onshore intake.

The cooling water intake for an offshore system consists of three


1. The pump station and forebay;

2. The seawater intake; and
3. The connecting corridor between the pump forebay and
seawater intake.

The following sections discuss desirable design features of each component in

formulating a complete offshore system.

Pump Station and Forebav

The pump station should be designed so that the area is sufficiently

protected from destructive waves, affords the opportunity to clarify the
intake water prior to pump suction, and prevents fouling from nearshore
waters. All three objectives can be met by completely enclosing the pump
station within a small stilling basin. Little difference is expected between the
design for the pump station with an offshore intake and that for an onshore

Of primary importance, incorporation of a stilling basin provides a

quiescent area for settling of any sand ingested at the offshore intake. This
settling basin limits the entrainment of particles to sizes and concentrations
required by design requirements. Construction of the settling basin can be
achieved by extending the west breakwater to the east or building an entirely
new breakwater for the new pump station. This will also preclude oil
pollution, wave action, sediments, and seaweed from directly entering the
basin. In short, the enclosed forebay greatly enhances pump station efficiency
and reduces maintenance activity.

Seawater Intake

The primary function of the intake is to eliminate ingestion of large

quantities of foulant which would overload pump station screens or harm
internal cooling water components. The intake should be located in areas which
exhibit reduced concentrations of Colpomenia populations and minimal

Offshore seawater intakes are simple structures which rest on the sea
bottom and are elevated sufficiently above the seabed to minimize entrainment
of sediment or bottom dwelling organisms. Figure 3. illustrates the chosen
concept. The intake consists of prefabricated annular sections, normally cf
reinforced concrete, which are pieced together onsite. The assembled structure
is then floated to the site and sunk into position. The horizontal velocity cap
atop the structure induces lateral inflow of seawater thereby minimizing vortex
generation and entrainment of bottom or surface floating material. The
entrance slot is sized so that the velocity through the intake is no greater
than .3 m/sec to minimize fish entrainment.

Intake Corridor

The most standard scheme is an offshore buried pipe. In this design,

shown schematically on Figure 5, a trench is excavated to accommodate a large
diameter conduit which is then covered for wave protection purposes. The
diameter of the pipe must be sufficient to maintain velocities and hydraulic
head losses within reasonable limits. A single conduit with a 4.27 m internal
diameter (ID) would be required to satisfactorily convey the required flow from
the offshore intake structure to the nearshore forebay.

Burial of a large diameter pipe involves extensive excavation of the

marine bottom. The trench must then be lined with a gravel bedding to
provide uniform foundation support for the heavy pipe segments. Select
backfill is then placed to the crown elevation of the pipe and the trench is
capped with suitable armor material.

An unburied pipe section would be fully exposed to the hydrodynamic

loadings of storm generated waves and currents. Estimated wave forces would
be of such magnitude that they could not be resisted by conventional pipeline
anchors. An exposed conduit is therefore not recommended for further

Because of the hard bottom material found at the site and a sensitivity to
the use of explosives to aid in excavating such strata, a tunneled conduit was
considered. A tunnel can be considerably less disruptive to the marine
environment and operation of the present intake. The total length requirement
of 200m for the tunnel proved too costly for implementation of this

The third alternative, an over-water pipe system, is one in which water is

drawn from an offshore location and pumped/siphoned via several smaller
conduits to the depressed forebay. The siphon would be elevated over water
by a conventional trestle-type structure as depicted on Figure 4. This concept
can make use of smaller, lightweight, and hydraulically smooth Fiberglas
reinforced pipe. Based on the flow requirements of the site, three 2.44-m ID
pipes would satisfactorily deliver tb" cooling water from the intake to the


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Figure 4. Pump/siphon water intake on trestle.


Figure 5. Buried concrete pipe design with backfill.


forebay. Additional advantages include ease of construction and an exposed

pipe which facilitates operational maintenance. The elevated trestle allows
waves to pass beneath it such that only the piling requires wave force design.


Based on the above criteria, an intake system comprised of an onshore

pumping facility and an offshore intake structure best met all relevant
criteria and provided a proven, workable system. Key characteristics of the
recommended system are given below.

Intake Design

1) Two partially buried, cylindrical offshore intake structures 5.88m in

diameter are located approximately 175m offshore at the 8m contour. Each
riser structure including velocity cap is approximately 9m high with the
intake gap protruding 3.5m above the seabed.

2) Each riser is connected to a shoreline stilling basin via a buried

concrete pipe 3.05m in diameter as shown in Figure 5.

3) The stilling basin is formed by a horseshoe shaped breakwater

designed around the new pump station. The entrance to the 30m long stilling
basin is a 20m long concrete diffusor structure which transitions the flow from
the concrete pipe(s) into quiescent flow in the stilling basin. The enclosed
stilling basin provides the desired water quality and protects all shoreline
structures from surge and waves.

4) The intake stilling basin is dredged to -5.0m and will require only
infrequent dredging for maintenance purposes.

5) Construction of the system can be achieved through positive

isolation of nearly all of the new facilities from the present operating
facility. Changeover from the old facility to the new is required to be
achieved in a smooth transition period without loss of cooling water service
to the island.

Hydraulic Model and Design Criteria

As part of the preliminary design, an extensive series of two and three

dimensional model tests were conducted at the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory.
Horizontal and vertical loadings on the intake risers were measured and the
required pipeline armor stone size was determined. The wave tests were also
used to confirm the design horseshoe breakwater. Separate model tests were
conducted for the stilling basin diffusor and pump bay.

The allowable damage for the breakwater was 3% for Tr = 50 years. The
allowable damage for the armor cover and the pipeline was 1% for Tr = 100
years. Damage was defined as movement of an armor unit more than 1.5 units
away. One of the interesting results of the model tests was that the break-
water responded best to the placement of a berm at the toe as shown in
Figure 6. This allowed the tetrapod layer to be reduced from 15 ton to 10.6
ton units and eliminate the observed Mach stem effect at wave breaking.


Figure 6. Breakwater cross-section showing berm and tetrapods.

o.a i
TIMS /seconds)

Figure 7. Surge analysis for pump shut-down conditions.


In addition to the above there were several additional specific criteria

which were used in the design and the model studies. In the two and three
dimensional wave tank tests a Jonswap spectrum was used having the following

V - 3.3
fta - 0.07
-*b = 0.09

Hydraulic performance of different components of the system were tested

at different design water levels. For example, the breakwater was tested at a
HWL of +2.67 representing a 50 year event whereas the pipeline armor was
tested at a HWL of +2.76 representing a 100 year event. The significant wave
height for the breakwater is Hsd = 5.23m for a return period of Tr = 50 years.

During the hydraulic performance tests three discharges were applied:

half normal flow: 13.25 m3/s through 1 pipe

normal flow: 26.5 m3/s through both pipes
maintenance flow: 25.4 m3/s through 1 pipe

Both numerical and physical tests were performed to ensure that the settling
basin would not be subject to surging problems due to external wave


No difficult or insurmountable final design, construction or operation

issues were revealed in the selected alternate for this replacement of the
cooling water intake. Nevertheless, there were a series of critical design
issues which required satisfaction in the final design.

Construction of this facility is currently proceeding to completion. The

offshore parts of the new intake system is expected to be completed in 1988.

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