4th Assessment Exam
4th Assessment Exam
4th Assessment Exam
General Directions: Read all the questions silently. For clarification, ask your teacher only and not your co - students.
Directions: Choose the best answer then write it on the space provided before the number.
_________1. The instructions that tell the computer what to do and how to do it.
A. Software B. Hardware C. Mouse D. Printer E. Monitor
_________2. The heart (and brains) of the computer is the...
A. RAM B. ROM C. Motherboard D. CPU E. Hard drive
_________3. When you save a file, it is permanently saved on the...
A. CPU B. Monitor C. Hard drive D. RAM E. Keyboard
_________4. Select three input devices your computer uses:
A. Mouse, keyboard, monitor B. Mouse, keyboard, scanner
C. Mouse, printer, CPU D. Mouse, scanner, printer
_________5. What type of devices allow you to save your file, and then take the file with you to access on a different computer?
A. Jump drive, floppy disk or memory card B. Hard drive or mp3 player
C. Floppy disk or hard drive D. Camera phone or hard drive
_________6. The Operating System is a:
A. System Software B. Application Software C. Utility Software D. Malware
_________7. Files are Organized in:
A. RAM B. Cache C. Directories D. None of the above
_________8. Computer Hardware is:
A. A medium for Data Communications B. A Physical Device that driven by data
C. A Physical Device Driven by software D. All of the Above
_________9. The Window’s Desktop is:
A. An area that is used for viewing documents B. An area that organizes your documents
C. An area that gives you quick access to files D. All of the Above
_________10. Backing up of computer data is the process of:
A. Reversing the files stored on the hard drive
B. Putting your computer in the back of the room
C. Storing an extra copy of data on the hard disk
D. Storing an extra copy on an external storage device
_________11. The process of carrying out a command is called:
A. Fetching B. Controlling C. Storing D. Executing
_________12. The term Icon refers to:
A. A Picture of symbol that represents a command
B. A Photograph
C. A Leader
D. A Symbol of Power
_________13. What does the “R” in RAM stands for?
A. Rewrite B. Read C. Readable D. Random
_________14. Which of the following is a multi-user, multi-tasking Operating System?
A. MSDOS B. Windows 95/98 C. UNIX D. Utility Software
_________15. The first electronic digital computer was built in the:
A. 1920’s B. 1940’s C. 1960's D. 1970's
_________16. GUI Stands for ____________________
A. Graphical User Interface B. Greater User Interface C. Graphical Utility Icon D. Graphical Utility
_________17. An example of an Input device is a:
A. Digital Camera B. Plotter C. Optical Disc D. Monitor
_________18. A byte is a:
A. Scar that is inflicted by an animal of some kind
B. Single unit of a megabyte
C. Representation of a single character
D. All of the Above
_________19. Convert 110010012 (binary) to decimal.
A. 201 B. 2001 C. 20 D. 210
_________20. Five resistors are connected in a series and there is a current of 3 A into the first resistor. The amount of current
into the second resistor is
A. 3A B. 4A C. 7A D. 2A
__________21. If a 6 V and a 9 V source are connected series aiding, the total voltage is
A. 9v B. 6v C. 3v D. 15v
_________22. If series resistors dissipate 16 mW, 107 mW, 146 mW, and 243 mW, what is the total power consumed by the
A. 1024 mW B. 128 mW C. 512 mW D. 269 mW
__________23. Which of these is similar to a byte?
A. 8 bits B. 1 Megabyte(MB) C. 1 Terabyte (TB) D. 1 Gigabyte(GB)
__________24. Giga is a prefix that stands for______.
A. Billion B. trillion C. million D. Thousands
__________25. A CPU comprises of CU and .
A. ALU B. processor C. input devices D. output devices
__________26. The interface or point of attachment, to the system unit is called a/an .
A. Port B. RAM slot C. connector D. expansion slot
__________27. Indicates that a particular step is connected to another page or part of the flowchart
A. Circle B. Box C. Diamond D. Triangle
__________28. It represents an individual step or activity in the process of the flowchart.
A. Diamond B. Box C. Oval D. Circle
__________29. It shows a decision point, such as yes/no or go/no – go and must be labeled with one of the possible answers.
A. Circle B. Box C. Diamond D. Triangle
__________30. It is represented by a small circle or a connector box and is labeled using letters.
A. Process B. Terminator C. Decision D. connector
II. Create a flowchart for COOKING AN EGG ( 3 Types of cooking : Scrambled, One Sided and Hardboiled) Use 3rd page of this
Test paper
You will be graded according to:
1. Clarity 5
2. Completeness 5
3. Accuracy 5
4. presentation 5
of your chart
Total 20
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Flowchart of Cooking an Egg