bank deposits for their investment. They don't look beyond that. But, if they can update
themselves then definitely can get a good return. One more thing is Indian investors
don't want to take risks. They are risk averters not lovers. But, they always try to find
best option.
There are so many investment options in the market.
Mutual Funds:
Mutual Fund is nice option to get quick return. But, it's a risky investment option.
Because, companies collect money from investors and invest in stock markets and
money markets. And whatever return is come out that is distributed between investors.
But, if you are ready to take risk then you can investment in stock market also. It's a
great option to get more returns. But, before investing in stock markets you should have
a good knowledge about its operation. Because, lots of uncertainties prevail in the
Apart from all these instruments some more options are in the market, like, bond and
debentures. It is a long-term debt instrument used by governments and large companies
to obtain funds.
But, investment should be done in prudent way according to their requirement and risk
taking capability.
Several financial instruments are available in the Indian money market. These are
government securities, or G-sec, preference shares, commercial papers, equity shares,
discussed below.
2.Preference Shares: These carry a fixed dividend rate and a special right to
dividends over the private equity holders. Currently, all the preference shares in the
Market are `redeemable’, that is, they have a fixed period of maturity. Therefore,
sometimes they are termed as `hybrid variety’ .
4.Equity Shares: It is a "high return risk" instrument. Equity shares don't have any
fixed return rate and thereby, no period of maturity.
5.Certificate of Deposits (CD): These are very similar to the Commercial papers.
But the cds are issued mainly by the commercial banks.
6.Call Money Market: The loans made in the call money market are mainly short
term in nature. Call money market mainly deals with the interbank markets. Those banks
that are suffering from a short-term cash deficit borrow cap from the call money market.
The interest rate varies with the market rate and depends upon the banking system.
7.Industrial Securities: Normally the big corporate bodies are used to issue this to
fulfill their long-term requirements regarding working capital. The
• debentures,
• equity